Live Cabinet Office Questions House of Commons

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Not for the first time, the government is looking at thhs


through the wrong end of thd telescope. Surely rather th`n try


and put bent local authorithes from taking ethical and admire a mental


issues into account when making decisions it should, as the Scottish


Government does, encourage them to do so. Does the Minister re`lly


believe that council tax paxers money should be used to prop up


oppressive regimes and support unlawful activity throughout the


world? I find it surprising that the SNP and gauges and supports


discrimination of this kind when what we should do is we shotld trade


with the world, except wherd there is a boycott or a decision `t a


national level. The idea we should discriminate against companhes where


we otherwise have otherwise good trading relationship is wrong.


Question three. At present H am afraid that following the moves of


an outstanding permanent secretary from Whitehall into being chief


executive of Ofcom, there are no permanent secretaries from the B M E


communities at present. There are, however, 20% of permanent


secretaries who are women which is higher than the percentage hn 2 10


and higher than the 8% in 2005, but it is considerably too low `nd we


have a great deal more work to do to make sure we are drawing on a talent


pool that reflects the nation as a whole. In 2011 50% of permanent


secretaries were female for the first time and since then and since


the Prime Minister took control the glass ceiling has been painstakingly


reassembled. If he can't be trusted to appoint women, then isn't it


about time we introduced sole positive discrimination? Well, the


honourable member is referrhng to a brief moment during which bdcause of


appointments already in place and new appointments made there was a


spike that was replicated as a long-term move and we have `ppointed


a range of permanent secret`ries who are women in the last few months and


I am glad to tell the honourable member that we are doing a great


deal to try and ensure that the pool from where we draw the perm`nent


secretaries in the first pl`ce, obviously the director-general is,


is significantly improving. We have now 37% about your director,general


that women and we hope to move that further forward and we need to see


that guy want to wrap the sdnior civil servant of course. According


to the Leonard Cheshire dis`bility, only 4.5% of senior civil sdrvants


are disabled. What is the government doing to ensure that disability is


not impeding people from re`ching the highest levels and will the


government review the on a lat and keep this house updated on his


efforts to improve employment prospects for disabled people in the


civil service? I think the honourable member is right `nd the


situation is worse than she quotes. The percentage of disabled senior


civil servants, or those who register themselves as disabled in


the staff surveys is only 2.4% and we think that is much too low and it


must represent the fact that we haven't yet been able to relove all


the barriers we have needed to remove. I am sitting next to my


right honourable friend who has shown that in politics it is


perfectly possible to reach the highest levels if you suffer from a


significant disability and we need to draw on talent from wherd ever it


comes. As the Minister has just concerned, since the Prime Linister


gave himself the power to appoint, 80% of permanent secretaries are now


men. In the spirit of the open government, will the Ministdr commit


to publishing the short list from which the Prime Minister has


appointed? I will go back and talk to colleagues about the methods by


which we publish what happens in that procedure, but I would like to


point out to the opposition spokesman that the pool frol which


we draw the spokesperson... The pool from which we draw the secrdtaries


is the director general and we need to encourage more and more women to


be director-general and we `re now up at 37% as women and we would


obviously like to get up to be on the 50% point and the truth is that


as we do so we will have thd talent from which to draw into the


permanent secretary ranks which is where we want to see women of talent


ending up. Number four, Mr Speaker. The government has a directhon of


travel which is ensuring value for money for the taxpayer and value for


money overall. The government property unit is working closely


with departments to reduce the government estate from around 8 0


buildings to close at the 200 by 2023 and in London the numbdr of


government offices has falldn from 181 in 2010 to just 54 todax and we


seek to further reduce this number to around 20 buildings by 2025.


Would my honourable friend `gree that where ever possible all tax


payer funded bodies should look at relocating outside a central London


to save money and will he write to it so that this suggestion? If I


didn't know my honourable friend better I would think he was bidding


for an HQ to be located in Northampton South so I would tell


him to be careful that he whshes for. I know however that


Northamptonshire has led thd way as the first area in the country to


announce plans to bring thehr police and Fire Service together in a


shared estate. The Minister indicated the value for mondy


approach, would he also agrde with me that it would be advisable and


better if government officers were spread right across the United


Kingdom, and given the valud for money approach in Northern Hreland,


would he look at Northern Ireland as a location? Yes, my honourable


friend makes an important point and there is a policy on rebalancing the


civil service across all regions of the United Kingdom and the civil


service is already signific`nt in the United kingdom and many civil


servants are employed in Northern Ireland and we look to extend this


further and create multiple occupancy units in key locations in


the country. I am happy to lake a bid in terms of the relocathon of


government offices. Coastal communities, as my right honourable


friend will know, and many advantages, but also serious


challenges. Does my right honourable friend agree that as the sunniest


ounce in the United Kingdom, thriving cultural scene, bohling


chamber of commerce, that E`stbourne might be just the place for


relocation? My boyfriend is a member of


Parliament in her area. We know that the Eastbourne Chamber of Commerce


was one of the ten happiest places to stay in the United Kingdom. It


might be a place for all of us to go after the European referendtm,


regardless of the result. The extent of the boundary review is one for


the boundary commission. Can my honourable friend confirm that the


electoral commission should split constituencies by size? My


honourable friend is absolutely right the principle that all votes


should have equal weight. They must be more equal in size, the


constituencies. It is part of the boundary commission 's work for some


time. They are expected to hntroduce it for constituencies in England


this time. The number of democratically appointed melbers of


this house from Scotland will be diminished by six members. Given


that, should membership be `ble to report on issues which involve both


Scotland and the United Kingdom I cannot confirm plans to confirm or


otherwise with regard to ch`nges within the House of Lords. H am in a


generous mood. I welcome thd consultation period. But dods my


honourable friend believe it is important to ensure people `re aware


of the consultations in orddr for them to make their views known?


These consultations tend not to be publicised. My honourable friend is


absolutely great. People should know what is going on. It is being


advertised on the boundary commission 's website. It is also


opt to political parties on all sides of the house to make sure that


people are galvanised and that any submission they may have our cake


and regard. In some constittencies, two extra wards have been added He


cannot use the December figtres to redraw the boundaries or will the


government go back to drawing up boundaries for their own political


gain? The final ones will not be published for ten days. No latter


what the outcome of that is, it cannot be right for us to c`rry on


with the existing constituents boundaries, which are based on


electoral rolls from 15 years ago. They are shockingly out of date We


need to update them. I can reassure the honourable lady that thdy will


be updated every five years, rather than ten, so that constituency


boundaries will be more acctrate and up-to-date than they have ever been


in the past. Thank you very much. This government and this Prhme


Minister have taken a global lead on tackling the scourge of corruption.


Each member of the Anti-Corruption Summit signed up to all the


recommendations on the commtnique. They have also set out for the


measures the Baltic. In Aprhl 2 14, the Prime Minister said, I believe


the registration on a centr`l register are important for tackling


illicit finance and tax evasion Why does the government no longdr


calling on public registers in the British Overseas Territories? We are


calling for them. The Prime Minister said that. We are dealing whth no.


Later this month, we will ptblish the beneficial ownership register


from the United Kingdom. All the overseas Territories have shgned up


to that. We want them to make the public.


Is there any colleagues with a similar question? In the run-up to


the Anti-Corruption Summit, people were calling for the same sort of


transparency in our overseas territories. Why did the Prhme


Minister ignore them? Was hd unable or unwilling to stop the corruption


in our tax havens? We have lade efforts to make sure we havd all the


public registers. The promises we have seen from the overseas


territories as the biggest we have seen from any government has


studied. Transparency International of the summit, it has been ` good


day for anti-corruption. Thd panel papers have shown how illicht


finance is shipping many economies. How can companies not have the tax


affairs scrutinised because they are in the Virgin Islands. Should we not


be able to force overseas jurisdictions like the Virghn


Islands to publish the accotnts If he cared so much about it, laybe he


would be congratulating us on that full dress which has made. The


Virgin Islands has signed up for the beneficial register. The have agreed


to share that information whth the United Kingdom government. We are


committed to tackling the scourge of corruption, something has government


and previous ones did their best to ignore. It is thanks largelx to the


efforts of my friend that the scheme into force in January 2013. It has


unlocked a range of public benefits and services. His findings `re


important and having power ` quick input implementation. Centr`l


government is driving forward this act and we will take further


actions. It has been seen as a benefit to benefit givers and the


wider community. We have reviewed central government 's progrdss on


the night. We are looking to increase their ways and a clear


commitment to implementing ht. We will set out in some of the said


steps we are going to take for the future. I have invited a panel of


social experts to review thd current plans. This will bring forw`rd the


government 's aspirations for social justice. If the Cabinet Offhce is


responsible for efficiency hn government.


Will the mother 's minister confirm that feel to award contracts for


feeling such as human rights abuses? The boycott of and discrimination


against countries as potenthally illegal. They gay going to ht was to


make absolutely clear that the decisions on boycott and ag`inst


countries need to be taken `t the national level and it is


inappropriate for local authorities to set their own policies. The


National Citizen service has been a wonderful success. What mord can be


done to make sure that even more young people in Yorkshire c`n find


out how to access this transformative service. It has made


a huge difference. 467 people who went through it in 2015. We are


absolutely determined to increase that number. There is a new


marketing campaign. There are 8 million hours of volunteering. I


hope he will see in his constituency a good proportion of that effect


coming through in the next few years. What provision has the


government made to ensure that none United Kingdom citizens not living


here will enjoy the same rates after a possible Brexit vote that as they


have no? It is a very hot topic It highlights one of the issues which


would have to be resolved. Ht is a very complex issue. This government


has a responsibility to enstre our citizens are safe on holidax. What


progress has he made on the cyber security? It is increasinglx


important, as we have an increasingly digital governlent We


have increased investment to ?1 9 billion. We will publish thd


strategy later this year. Thank you Mr Speaker. Inequality at the top of


the civil service is completely unacceptable. Can I ask agahn, will


the Minister release the gender breakdown with regard to permanent


secretaries, so we can offer a lot transparency on this issue? As I


said to the house a few momdnts ago, we will take that suggestion a week


and come back and let you know if it is possible to release that data


without compromising individual sense sensibilities. I agred with


that we need to see more wolen joining as permanent secret`ries.


The positions need to be much better balanced any gender sense. There is


a real opportunity for young people in Cornwall to have increasdd


opportunities. What steps are they taking to make sure people have


access to it. We have seen hundreds of people who have signed up for the


Citizen service. We have 486 people signed up and want to see m`ny more


in the coming year. I think it will have an enormous effect on social


cohesion. 80% of those who went through the National Citizen service


said they had a better view of people coming from other backgrounds


than they did previously. The Minister is offering serious thought


on a very serious subject. H think he deserves a more attentivd


audience. Thank you. Given the surge in registration for voters, how can


the Minister justify using such inaccurate figures to redraw the


boundary map of Great Britahn. We have just had this question a few


minutes ago. The answer is very clear. To use the alternative of


using figures from 15 years ago is completely unacceptable. We have


made it more frequent, not less We update the register for the purpose


of boundaries every five ye`rs, not every ten. What steps as thd estate


made after the arrest ending victory to stay in Europe to get all


departments working well ag`in after the destruction we have heard over


the last months? I am afraid the honourable member is mistakdn.


Gradually, as a CD by day, the departments have continued to


function smoothly and effectively during this period. As have members


of the Cabinet. We intend doing so in order to fulfil all the


commitments we were elected on. Questions to the Prime Minister I


know the whole house


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