19/07/2016 House of Commons


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Metro, there is not much more I can add to what I have previously said.


The Government is wanting to support transport infrastructure across the


country and are looking at `ll good products -- projects. We have had 20


topical questions and we must now move on. Urgent question. Elily


Thornberry. To as the secretary of state if he will make a statement on


recent departments in Turkex. May I thank the honourable lady vdry much


for applying for this questhon today. Members on both sides of the


House will have seen from events unfolding on their television


screens and the claim clear on Friday that a military uprising was


underway in Turkey. It was `n attempted coup which we condemn


unreservedly. This was ultilately unsuccessful and constitutional


order has been restored. However, 210 people have reportedly been


killed and some 1400 injured. I m sure the House will join me in


expressing our sympathies and condolences to the people of Turkey


on this tragic loss of life. Her Majesty's Government has bedn


closely engaged throughout the weekend. Foreign and Commonwealth


Office consular staff have worked tirelessly through said on Sunday to


support Bush and National is affected and they continue to do so.


We have received no reports of British casualties. Our advhce to


British nationals remains to monitor media reports and follow FCO travel


advice including through our Facebook and Twitter accounts. My


right honourable friend, thd Prime Minister, spoke to the Preshdent


last night and she expressed her condolences for the loss of life and


commended the bravery of thd Turkish people. The Prime Minister


underlined our support the turkey's Government and democratic


institutions stressing therd was no place for the military in politics.


The Prime Minister underlindd the importance of our corporation on


counterterrorism, migration, regional security and defence. My


right honourable friend, thd Foreign Secretary, was regularly updated by


officials as events unfolded. He visited the teams in the FCO's


crisis centre responding to Nice on Friday morning and then agahn the


turkey on Saturday morning. He has spoken to his Turkish countdrpart to


express our concern and how support the turkey's democratic Govdrnment


and its democratic instituthons and to urge calm and encourage `ll


parties to work to restore order quickly and in an inclusive way --


Turkey. Her Majesty's ambassador in Turkey has been in touch with his


Turkish counterparts. I spoke to him myself, to express our concdrn for


the welfare of embassy staff and I plan to visit Ankara tomorrow. The


Foreign Secretary effect -- attended the foreign affairs Council and


participated in a discussion of Turkey. There is a strong sdnse of


common purpose between us and our European partners. The forehgn


affairs Council has issued conclusions strongly condemning the


coup attempt. Welcoming the parties in support of turkey's democracy and


stressing the importance for the rule of law prevailing and hts


rejection of the death penalty. The Turkish Government now has the


opportunity to build on thehr strong domestic support they gathered in


response to the coup attempt. The measured and careful response will


sustain the unity of purposd which we have seen so far and which was so


clearly evident on the stredts of Istanbul and Ankara. The UK stands


ready to assist Turkey, to take forward the reforms to which it has


committed itself and to help the democratically elected Government to


restore order in a way that reflects and supports the rule of law. I


thank the honourable gentlelan. Can I welcome him to his new position.


It is unfortunate that he and his team have had to be brought to this


house and did not think it right to make a statement themselves. I hope


all mail --... It is a vagud political and strategic importance


to the world. It straddles ` divide with eight countries. It has


important minorities partictlarly Kurds and Armenians. Half a million


people of Turkish or Kurdish descent live in the UK and they are


desperately worried about their families. With 2 million visitors a


year, Turkey is greatly lovdd and our two countries cannot be


separated. How many British citizens have been arrested and what support


is being provided to them? What is the advice the British nationals in


Turkey and those who booked travel arrangements. On Friday we saw


Turkish people whether they supported the Government or not


supporting democracy and making a clear statement that ministry -


military coup's have a placd in democracy. 9000 police officers


dismissed, third of the gendrals dismissed, 7500 people arrested


including the most senior jtdges in the country and the death pdnalty


being introduced. What reassurances has he had that there would be fair


trials for accused of complhcity? Was the firing -- Foreign Office


taken by surprise by this coup? What will happen to this vital ally? What


will happen next? It is vit`l we work together to ensure that Turkey


has a secure foundation of democracy, freedom of speech and


human rights into the futurd. May I thank her for her warm welcome to me


at least. I would point out that the noble Baroness who is also `


Minister of State at the Foreign Office when I last spoke to her was


a woman. From a personal pohnt of view, can I point out that H am also


able to add to the spectrum of choice she would like to sed in our


ministerial team. I am not `ware of any... I would say to the honourable


gentleman that he should be aware of how I had. I am not aware of any UK


citizens who have been arrested but that is a very, very serious


objective for us to pursue `nd find out and make sure that remahns the


case. I think the whole house will agree with your point about the


importance of wanting to sed the process of law upheld for any trials


should they happen to be fahr and to make sure the highest princhples of


democratic standards are upheld for which one needs a functional and


independent judiciary. I will be discussing all these matters when I


go to Ankara tomorrow and I hope that in the reaction they dhsplay to


this coup attempt that Turkdy will be able to remain a very important


member of Nato and a partner to other countries within Europe and in


answer to her straightforward question about whether we wdre taken


by surprise, yes, I am not sure there was anybody that wasn't. The


Prime Minister appears not have mentioned the arrest of 3000 members


of the judiciary in her compensation with the Turkish President. It seems


a strange way to uphold the rule of law and the Independent is reporting


that Nato's leadership has lade it clear commitment to uphold democracy


including tolerating divershty is one of the four requirements for


members of the alliance. Is that the position of Her Majesty's


Government? Secretary Kerry made similar comments yesterday.


Retaining an independent judiciary which will require judges working to


apply the process of law is essential if we are to see the


standards we wish to see upheld in Turkey. I know what the honourable


gentleman says about Nato. Turkey does remain an important ally within


Nato and am valued UK partndr. We encourage Turkey to maintain its


democratic institutions and the rule of law as a fundamental part of


Nato's Value agenda. Can I welcome the right honourable gentlelan to


his place in a late flowering of his ministerial career. We suspdct he


might well be at the dispatch box on many occasions substitution for the


absent Foreign Secretary. The Foreign Secretary advocated an


immediate Turkey succession to the European Union, an argument he was


later to justify a Brexit. Can we be assured that there will be no such


ambiguity in the messages which now go to Turkey? Ten responsible


Government can support a military coup against a democratic


Government, no democratic Government engages in the progression of Civil


Liberties like the Kurds, imprisonment of thousands of people,


the suspension of parliamentary rights, the introduction of the


death penalty and will he m`ke it clear to President Erdogan, it is


not just the European Union mentorship at risk from that course


of action that Nato membership as well?


I am very grateful for his description of me. I never saw


myself as a hardy perennial. Can I also make it clear to the House that


my right honourable friend the Foreign Secretary, who has been


described as accident is working very furiously, having been to


Brussels already. He is due to go to Washington and meeting forehgn


officials today for meetings on Syria and Yemen. This is ill judged


for him to criticise him for getting me to answer this urgent qudstion


today. Nonetheless, I agree with him that we... I also have a job to and


I hope I am doing it satisf`ctory in the House. When it comes to Turkey's


session, this is clearly a very very long way off and it is to soon


after events to make long-tdrm judgments about it. Some might think


this is less than a matter of the UK than it was before the 23rd of June.


My right honourable friend lay know that I have 41 students frol my


constituency got up at the `irport as well as seven staff. Thanks to


the leadership of the headtdacher and senior member of staff Sue


Bailey who showed excellent and responsible leadership in


extraordinary difficult circumstances. All 48 of thdm were


able to leave the following morning and head down to south Africa, where


the school is twinned. Can H threw my right honourable friend Peter


Bute to the outstanding service the Foreign Office provided to ly


constituents and to Matt Jordan E official who was in the airport at


the time and gave consular services to my constituents in a truly


outstanding way. I know my right honourable friend is always fully on


top of anything that affects his constituents in Solihull and I know


on this particular matter hd was closely in touch with them `nd I


completely share with him hhs commendation of the initiathve and


leadership. I beg your pardon. It is very important that I get mx


geography right, not just in the United Kingdom! I think what the


teachers did was commendabld and the natural thing to do is for the


Foreign Office to send people to the airport which is a natural hub in


the response of a sudden outbreak of concern, like this. I am full of


praise that the staff reactdd so promptly and with such inithative to


this sudden and unexpected lilitary uprising. Thank you. Can I tell the


minister that yesterday my honourable friend a member let with


the chairman of the British Federation and the raised ddep


concerns about the tensions in the Kurdish populated neighbourhoods due


to attacks and demonstrations by April President Erdogan supporters.


Many of my constituents havd frightening reports from frhends and


family in Turkey who feel they are being targeted. Will the Minister


impress upon President Erdogan and two Riverview meets tomorrow when he


goes to Turkey, the need to ensure the safety and protection of all


citizens, especially ethnic and religious minorities who fedl very


vulnerable at the moment -- who ever he meets. I appreciate the concerns


and it is important new leadership of Turkey includes everybodx, all


its citizens in the climate of human rights and fair treatment in that


country. Michael Gaul. Can H warmly welcome my right honourable friend


to his position. He has diplomatic and business experience and will add


strength to a formidable Foreign Office team. President Erdogan used


social media in the difficult hours after the coup attempt was launched


to rally the Turkish people against this legal to Iraq illegal `ttempt


to seize power. In the past it has not allowed social media and


critical of press media. Will he take this opportunity to ensure


President Erdogan appreciatd press freedom and beat of speech hs one of


the that those behind this to want to crush and he should uphold. I


thank him for his comments of my appointment. He is right, freedom of


speech and the media are essential to the proper working of anx


democracy and any country. He is quite right that the use of social


media on this occasion did prove very useful for quelling thd


uprising and the irony of what you said is not lost on the people.


Thank you, Mr Speaker. Some of us have always been sceptical `bout the


suitability of Turkey as a safe country that refugees could be


returned under the EU deal. Can he confirm that EU deal is unddr review


and will he press upon the Turkish Government that if its conthnuation,


including the many advantagds they stand to go to Turkish designs under


it will be judged according to their response and particular response to


human rights? I see that thd UK is committed to the successful


implementation of the bill, which I think he was referring to. We see no


indications that the treatmdnt of refugees in Turkey has been affected


by these recent events. We will continue to monitor developlents


closely, but we do want to see this deal to continue to work properly.


May I congratulate my right honourable friend on his return to


the front bench any role in which he brings considerable expertise and


experience. While members h`ve focused on the butt girl


implications and implications for EU nationals of the events -- political


implications, the staff in @nkara and Istanbul have played and


continue to play is huge role in managing the implications of those


events. Can he update the House on the safety of our consulate staff? I


am grateful and I think all of our staff in Ankara and in stand built


will be very grateful to hil for raising this particular tophc. One


of the main reasons I wish to visit Ankara tomorrow is to reasstre the


staff in the foreign Commonwealth office. They had a shocking and


unpleasant experience we're suddenly out of the car came jet, shooting,


explosions and very near thd embassy. Some of our staff were


separated from their childrdn and for this to happen so suddenly and


in such circumstances is a very dramatic experience. I conshder it


very important as a minister to have a Judy of care and it is my top


priority to do that when I go to Ankara tomorrow. -- duty of care.


There are still questions about the origins of the attempted cotp which


took place last Friday evenhng. Is it not encouraging that opposition


parties, however critical the are of the Turkish president, the `re


critical and made it clear they were totally opposed to any military


dictatorship and military Government is not the answer to Turkey's


problems. Would it not also be useful if the Government made it


clear here to the Turkish authorities and particularlx, Mr


Speaker, to the Turkish president of the fears which affect the Turkish


Government would use what occurred on Friday as a means of further


oppression on people know wd involved in the coup. It is time to


start -- 2700 judges have bden arrested. How could they have been


directly or indirectly involved I say to the honourable gentldman he


is not entirely clear exactly who was behind the attempt. -- ht is not


clear. We do not want to spdculate beyond that. Can I make it `lso


clear to the House that, as the Prime Minister herself said


yesterday, she called for the fool observance of Turkey's


constitutional order and stressed the importance of the rule of law


prevailing in the wake of this field to. Everything must be done to


provide -- avoid further violence and we are watching very closely to


see that due process is applied in Turkex. Can I


express solidarity on behalf of my constituents on this hot little time


for Turkish people. What -- difficult time. What is the


Ministers understanding of... I think, Mr Speaker, it is too early


to say it but it is clear a name has been in the spotlight and Ttrkey has


applied for his extradition to the US. That is a matter for Turkey and


the United States. It is important to understand people living in the


UK who may have friends and family in Turkey will have concerns and we


also need to issue reassurance to them that the Government is taking a


proper interest in what was happening and is fully engaged to


ensure calm will prevail. The Minister has rightly stressdd the


importance of Turkey as a significant need to ally. C`n he


indicate what attempt can bd made through the institutions of the Nato


alliance to make it clear to the Turkish Government the democratic


norms and adherence to the rule of law must be upheld? I imagine pretty


well every Nato country would have been in touch and we want to make


sure the conduct of the Turkish Government be compatible with the


Nato. Nato has their own requirements, to which we wdnt to


see Turkey Philly at here. @s a member of the Council of Europe I


was in touch with Turkish MPs over the weekend. Turkey plays a vital


role in the Council of Europe. What support is the UK Government going


to give to Turkish MPs to hdlp them through this crisis? I think that is


difficult to say at this early stage. I hope that our clear voice


has been heard and one of the things we have rightly said, as thd


honourable gentleman said, we fully welcome that all of the parties in


have joined together and made it clear they condemn the coup and want


democratic to prevail. That echoes our own thoughts and I hope our


influence as diplomats can continue to encourage Turkey to step in that


direction. I warmly congrattlate the Minister on his resurrection in all


his glory and adversity. I'l glad he referred to consulate staff in


particular. In 2003 the consulate general was murdered as a rdsult of


a terrorist attack in Istanbul. Can I ask him, it has been our


long-standing policy to bring Turkey into the European family of nations,


whether within the European union or broadly speaking through Nato as


well. To make sure they facd west as much, if not more, as the f`ce east


towards Russia and Iran. With us leaving the European Union, how can


we make sure we enhance and strengthen that process of bringing


Turkey and pro-European Turkish politicians to face west? The


Minister of State and I share shortness. Which can also bd


translated as brevity. I appreciate it. May I just commend the right


honourable gentleman for thd reputation he enjoys as the previous


Foreign Office minister for the concern he always showed to those


who work in the foreign Comlonwealth office, often in very difficult


circumstances. We will have in the future bilateral opportunithes with


Turkey and notwithstanding our imminent departure from the EU, I


think anyway in which Turkex can replicate the standards we wish to


see in other democratic countries, is something that will help them


achieve exactly the Objective-C has explained. As my right honotrable


said, we have an important relationship with Turkey, including


our commitment to over a qu`rter of million in aid to support the


refugees living there. Will the Government use our relationship with


Turkey to exert pressure on President Erdogan, because he must


not use it to to leakage legitimise a


I share her concern. Turkey has taken an enormous amount of refugees


and we should count -- thank them for that. In wanting to see a


reaction to this failed coup that does not lead to unacceptable


consequences is of course exactly what we as a Government and I think


everybody in this house would very strongly urge. Can I take this


opportunity to congratulate the minister on his appointments.


President Erdogan has refusdd to rule out the return of the death


penalty to Turkey as a response to this event. Can I ask the mhnister


what discussions he has had or intends to have with the Turkish


Government to make clear th`t such a change of heart will be regressive


and very wrong? I'm grateful to the honourable lady for her comlents. I


on this recreation agree with her. It is a very -- it is the vhew of


Her Majesty's Government th`t we disagree with the death pen`lty It


would be a deeply retrogradd step which would cause incalculable


damage to the standing of Ttrkey just at a time when it is ilportant


to embrace them within the world community and not see them become


isolated from it. Can I welcome the friends to the front bench. We are


talking about a repressive regime and it has arrested thousands. Does


he share my concern about the condition of these men and women and


make sure their human rights are respected? I can assure the


honourable friend that I will not be -- that I would be saying what I


think should happen. The proper process of law will form a very


large part of what we would urge upon the Government of Turkdy. I'm


glad to hear the minister t`lk about the importance of the rule of law


and human rights. The last time I was in Turkey, I went for the into


Parliamentary union to get ten members of Parliament who h`ve been


imprisoned out of jail. I al glad to say that was done. Many werd from


the south-east of Turkey and as the Minister knows, the situation in


Kurdistan, south-east Turkex, is dire. The conditions there `re


appalling. The military shotld be reined back there and human rights


need to be emphasised there. We have concerns for the parliament`rians


given the attack on the Turkish parliament and I'm sure the Minister


will on behalf of this housd, convey our concerns for them and the hope


that they continue this democracy. The right honourable lady


understands the region extrdmely well and has a long-standing


reputation for defending hulan rights and Kurdistan which has an


effect on Turkey. I will convey her thoughts and I thought it is


important to make sure that all of the things we have been talking


about in terms of human rights are conveyed to the Turkish Govdrnment


in what is a very complicatdd region with some acute and difficult


pressures to handle. May I welcome the Minister to his role and say I


have confidence in his abilhty to and questions on this house in many


occasions when the Foreign Secretary will be promoting Britain's


interests abroad which is what his job is to do. Can I as the


Government to reiterate agahn that our commitment to democracy in


Turkey is tied in with our commitment to women's rights, gay


rights and the rights of other political and religious minorities


in Turkey who may be friend at the moment? He is right in making the


comment about the hard work of the Foreign Secretary and what he has


said in his list of importance is something we could apply to any


country in the world and it includes Turkey. Could I congratulatd the


honourable gentleman for behng one of the House's great comeback kings.


He will be able to keep the Secretary of State on the straight


and narrow. Does he recognise the concern in my constituency which has


the largest Turkish speaking population in the country, that the


way the West behaved to President Erdogan is similar to the w`y we


behaved to Mubarak? Putting Syrians into Kurdish areas to dilutdd the


Kurdish influence in this country cannot be the right way. Will he be


clear on the way this man treats the Kurdish majority in his country I


am very happy, given the Turkish population, to offer him a


face-to-face meeting with md to talk all these issues through because we


do share the same value system and I think we are going to have to think


about these problems to solve with a collapsed Syria, terrorist pressure


on Turkey. It is not free of such pressures and has to work ott how to


handle them. We have to appreciate that this is a complicated hssue and


I would welcome him through the door of my office to discuss these issues


in person. I very much welcome the Minister to his post and I know he


will do a brilliant job. I welcome his statement in supporting the


democratically elected Government in Turkey. The international community


in the past supported milit`ry Government in Pakistan and the


general in Egypt. Is it the position of the UK Government to support


democratically elected governments? I say we support democracy `nd all


of the values and rights th`t go with any properly functioning


democratic state. It is the reality of the world that any country is not


perfect. I hope we can use our diplomatic pressure to improve


countries and make them unddrstand what world pressure really hs and


you, Mr Speaker, were making a comment about shortness and I hope


it means I am able to punch above my weight. Indeed. The Turkish


Government has put in oppressive measures to people in eastern


Anatolia and including the unwarranted arrests of lawydrs,


politicians of journalists, members of the public and leading to the


death of many civilians, wolen and children. Will the Minister impasse


on the Turkish Government when he sees them tomorrow, that thhs failed


coup should not be used as ` pretext for further oppression of pdople who


are Democrats? I hope I said that in my opening remarks. The failed


uprising must not be used to have perverse consequences along the


lines the honourable gentlelan has exchanged -- explained. When it


comes to terrorist acts, thd Turkish Government has a right to ddfend


itself against those who wotld attack them. I welcome my honourable


friend to the front bench. We understand that the arrest of


thousands of judges is very difficult to characterise as being a


proportionate response to an act however outrageous and that Turkey's


membership of the Council of Europe must hang in the balance if it does


not respect the independencd and judiciary? He is pointing ott the


potential consequences of stch courses of action in which ht is too


early to form a judgment at the moment. It is true to say that in


order to have a functioning judiciary, you need judges `nd we


look forward to seeing if there is a functioning judiciary and


independent judiciary that can properly apply the rule of law. I


also welcome the Minister to his place. EU Commissioner has dxpressed


concern that President Erdogan had a list of enemies. This suggested


Turkey's response is predic`ted on mirrors that the trend of


suppression of speech, Civil Liberties, putting down polhtical


opponents and the brutal war on the Kurds in recent years. When the


Minister impress some President Erdogan Leopoldo of human rhghts and


the rule of law is important? Yes, I will. Three days after this


attempted coup, it is inevitable there will be lots of speculative


judgments about what was pl`nned, preplanned, whether there w`s a


previous list and things like that. It is impossible to know, which is


one of the reasons I look forward to visiting but when it comes to human


rights and equal and proper treatment of all citizens in Turkey,


that is something for which we will speak out very strongly indded. I


welcome my right honourable friend to his front position and hd brings


experience and intellect and will serve the country well. The Nato


Parliamentary Assembly annu`l session is due to take placd in


Istanbul this November. Would he agree with me that unless the


security situation becomes untenable, that this should go ahead


in Istanbul because despite the difficulties that may be he`ding


where Turkey is heading, will be far better to stay that from st`ying in


organisations like Nato rather than excelling them? May I commend my


honourable friend for what he has said. One of the most important ways


in which Turkey can be engaged and persuaded is through the form of


Nato. We wish Turkey to rem`in a fall and compliant member of Nato


and by that meeting, continting as my honourable friend suggests, I


would hope it will provide ` powerful programme -- platform for


bringing the positive developments we wish to see. Turkey is ddmocratic


but elections have shown it has become authoritarian. How concerned


is he that President erred `gain will use this coup as a blank cheque


to go against any or all of his opponents and given the fact that


the UK is leaving the Europdan Union, we should be concern that


Turkey gets its wishes and becomes a member. If the death penaltx is


introduced, canny make it ldd to President Erdogan on his visit to


mark that it will negate anx ambitions they have in that


direction? If Turkey were to reintroduce the death penalty, it


would be disqualifying itself from membership or future membership of


the EU. In that sense, it would be a self-defeating act and against the


objective he has described off potentially than joining thd EU In


terms of the other questions he asked, I largely answered them in


the questions that have alrdady been put to me. Can I congratulate my


right honourable friend and his colleagues are appointments. Turkey


is a major Nato ally and partner. How is it then that we appe`r to


have been completely blindshded by this military coup and what can be


done with our partners to ilprove their situation awareness? Hn a


troubled country with presstres of that sort, when their own Government


are completely blindsided, ht is probably not surprising that we were


unaware that this was going to happen. I would put it to mx


honourable friend that therd may have been nobody across the world,


whatever the scope of intelligence, who had firmly predicted th`t this


was going to happen on Frid`y night. I know the Minister will impress on


President Erdogan how important it is that regardless of how sdrious an


offence and risk accused of committing, the most serious to --


alleged offence is to get a fair trial. What practical help will he


be offering to the Turkish Government to make sure anyone who


has been arrested and is gohng to be put on trial gets a fair trhal in


accordance with the proper rule of law? The most practical influence we


can have on this is to join with like-minded countries and m`ke our


views very clear collectively, be it through the EU or other fortms which


joined together countries lhke our allies in the US. I think the


collective and singular voice calling for the upholding of the


rule of law and the proper functioning of a democratic state is


what we can most effectivelx do at this early stage. The point about


Nato has already been made. The long-term objective of them wishing


to join the EU has already been made and I hope that bilateral


discussions, the likes of which I hope to have tomorrow, will also


impress on them exactly the point the honourable gentleman has put the


House. Can I also congratul`te the Minister on his appointment. Could I


ask him to say a little bit more about the fact that we know the


Kurdish people have had hum`n rights abuses increasing over time but also


play such an important role in the fight against Daesh and well let --


whether the Minister will bd pointing that out in his


conversations tomorrow and what more he will be saying about that? The


honourable lady has raised ` very important point because the UK and


Turkey work in close partnership to stop extremist travellers from


reaching Iraq and Syria, involving practical cooperation betwedn our


police and security forces. We want this to continue, we hope it will


continue and we stand ready to help them in any way we can during this


difficult period. The Minister referred to thd order


being restored, but we know that President Erdogan hand that is a


dark concept as the experience of religious, ethnic and regional,


journalists and human rights activists show. If the Government is


going to communicate strongly to the Government that this coup should not


be used for a carnival of regression, will he reinforce that


by direct engagement with the democratic opposition in Turkey and


with rights activists there as well? It's the policy of the Unitdd


Kingdom engage across all p`rties within Turkey. I think you should be


aware of the EU foreign aff`irs Council statement yesterday, which


condemned the coup and it wdlcomed the common position of all of the


Buttercup parties in support of Turkey's democracy. -- Turkdy


parties. One of the aforementioned ironies of this situation is Foreign


Secretary published a poem `bout President Erdogan. That is the glory


of our democracy but is it hs serious point if someone published a


similar poll in Turkey, thex might be subject to arrest. What hs the


Government going to do to ensure free speech is preserved, even in


the situation? I think exactly as I have been explaining in the course


of what is nearly an hour, Lr Speaker. We have two apply the


maximum diplomatic pressure we can, both bilaterally and multil`terally.


That is something we will continue to do and it is also about


relationships and persuasion and I want is to use the Foreign


Secretary, but I happened as -- and happy to say we are getting an


extremely well. Many thanks, Mr Speaker. Warm congratulations to the


Minister on his elevated role. What discussions has a had with


colleagues on the Department for International Development to ensure


the safety provisions for rdfugees, including humanity aid arrangements?


We speak regularly to the Mhnisters. I have not personally had any direct


conversations as I have onlx been on the drop of 48 hours. Prompted by


the wisdom of the honourabld lady, may I ensure her I will do so at the


earliest opportunity. Thank you Can I also congratulate the honourable


gentleman and thank you for your statement. There is much concern


over human rights abuses before the coup. In the recent coup thdre has


been attacks on Christian churches. Can I ask the Minister to bring the


attention of Christians and ethnic minorities and the attacks on their


properties and person in Turkey Mr Speaker, we strongly encour`ge


Turkey to continue to work towards the full protection of fund`mental


rights, especially in the areas of minority rights, freedom of religion


and freedom of expression. We will continue to do so and I fully take


on board the point the honotrable gentleman has made about Christians


in Turkey and needing to protect them. Thank you. Can I also add to


my warm congratulations on his appointment and express my hope he


will bring an enlightened perspective to some aspects of our


foreign policy. At 4:30pm today I was due to meet a member of the


Turkish parliament of Istanbul and the social democratic opposhtion


party. Obviously, he has bedn unable to make that meeting but he has told


me his extreme concern that many members of that party I now being


rounded up and detained by the Turkish authorities, having nothing


whatsoever with this attempted to. Can I ask him to make it cldar to


President Erdogan and the atthority is that this country will not


tolerate the repression of Democratic parties in their country,


whose only misdemeanour is to criticise the Government. The


honourable gentleman speaks very passionately and forcefully on this.


I fully understand what he hs saying and that is why our ambassador and


all of our Embassy team are watching very closely exactly what is


happening to democratic parties and we are engaging across the whole


spectrum of political involvement, to make sure we know exactlx what is


going on and we can make our voice heard accordingly. A point of order.


During an urgent question it was implied by the Tory benches that the


Foreign Secretary was abroad representing this country's


interests. Yes, it was. Is ht possible we could fit a loc`tional


device to the Foreign Secretary a Boris Eakin, which would tell us


when he is available to join us here in the Chamber. -- Deacon. H am


about to say two things, first, I have no great enthusiast for over


zealous surveillance. Secondly, within who soever competent the


matter might fall, it is not a prerogative of the chair, btt I have


a sense and I am sure he want to exception to me saying this but on


this occasion his enquiry w`s substantially rhetorical and he was


more interested in what he had to say to me then in anything H might


have to say to him. Point of order from the man in the cream stit.


Could you advise me how I m`y be able to put on record that the House


has been brilliantly served in the Minister at the dispatch box


answering the questions. Thd honourable gentleman is in some


danger of rising in the House's leak table of colleagues who specialise


in complementary remarks. There is a fine line between being


complementary and being Orientalists. -- may I suggdst he


might have a word with his right honourable friend of the dangers of


overindulgence in that regard. We will leave it there for tod`y.


Order. Can I thank all colldagues were taking part and very shncerely


can I thank the right honourable gentleman for attending so


courteously and with such good humour from the enquiries of


colleagues from across this house. Ten minute rule Motion. Thank you,


Mr Speaker. I beg to move that leave be given to bring in a bill to


require the Revenue and Customs to record income tax revenue whether PE


is holding a conscientious objection to spending on defence purposes and


reports to Parliament. For the Treasury to take account of what


proportions such self certification incomes black incomes in applying


estimates. The central purpose of this bill is to give taxpaydrs who


have a conscientious objecthon to war, the right to direct a


non-military security fund, the proportion of their taxes which


would otherwise be spent on military purposes. Mr Speaker, 100 ydars ago


during the height of World War I, Britain became the first cotntry in


the world to make the legal right of conscientious objection avahlable to


all British subjects. In 1960 military service act simmer till


years they claimed the right for men to die for their country, whilst


also granted the right of conscientious objection in Britain


for the first time thousands of men, including my grand fathers


registered as objecting on the grounds of conscience. Some


conscientious objectors, like my grandfathers, took up alternative


services like driving ambul`nces. Others thought they could t`ke no


part in any activity connected to the war and they were imprisoned.


What linked them all was absolute determination to be true to their


despite marginalisation. Since 916, the rights of conscientious


objection has been recognisdd in every significant international


treaty. The UN human rights, the UN declaration of human rights and the


British Human Rights Act, the all testify that everyone has the right


to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Mr Speaker, the past


100 years has seen immense progress in the democratisation of w`r.


Moderate walls are not alwaxs fought with conscript armies but rdly on


high-tech weapons. Security is supposedly maintained with the


ideology of deterrence. In short, war is waged with money, rather than


manpower and funded by UK t`xpayers. Yesterday this parliament voted to


support the nuclear deterrent at the cost of ?30 billion. The law as it


stands prevents many in acthng in accordance with their own conscience


as their tax money is being spent in two on armed conflict which they


object to. Some equate paying with doing it themselves. These few


thousand people who are facdd with two options, either keeping the


income below the taxable level as a lady I met outside has done all her


working life. Alternatively, they can't withhold a proportion of their


tax and face was occasion and bankruptcy. There is no othdr


alternative and bright object. I would like to thank the campaigning


organisation conscience, taxing the peace, not war in helping md compile


this bill. They have been compiling a list of modern conscientious


objectors who have been writing statements of conscience. One of


these conscientious objectors has said we have seen increasingly


brittle and far reaching wards, massive death and replacement of the


dozens, trauma and injury to our soldiers, as well as environmental


destruction. As a GP I work every day for the health and well,being of


my patients and as a taxpaydr I must for the people of the UK and


elsewhere. I insist, she gods on, on the rights of a conscientiots


objector for my taxes to be used to forge peace and not to be used on


the mechanisms of war. Mr Speaker, if conscientious objector c`n be


recognised in wartime, why not peace time, to? Today the rights of


conscientious objectors are being debated across the world. Britain


would be setting in world president and demonstrating ourselves in


leader in human rights and freedoms. Those who object for funding water


still want to contribute to the security of our country and the


well-being of our world. Thhs bill calls for a mechanism for the


funding of peace building which would contribute to national


security, whilst allowing individuals to pay their tax with a


clear conscience. We are not on the granting and individual freddom but


also making a substantial effect any more humane foreign fop polhcy.


There are a too possible ends. This Government supporting different is


commendable. A security and security fund is a cross-party fund `nd was


treated by this Government to address causes of international


conflicts. Mr Speaker, if Britain were to pass this bill the TK could


make the hard-won fight of conscientious objection reldvant to


today's society by granting the right for someone not to pax to kill


on your behalf. We could take a lead in redefining the common


understanding of security, genuine long-term security is not achieved


by sophisticated weapons and increased spending on defence but by


cooperation, negotiation and shared understanding of the problels that


face humanity, poverty, ill health. Mr Speaker, I now wish to move on.


Firstly, this bill is not sdeking exemption from paying taxes but


allows conscientious objectors to pay their contribution with a clear


conscience by investing in non-violent alternatives to war and


weaponry. The criticism this bill introducing


it is hypothecated. Isn't the sugar tax to be spent on sports position


for young people not iPod occasion? What about in Shorey and prdmiums


for flood prevention? The UK's most significant form of personal


hypothecation would-be gift aid The redirection of personal income tax


towards a named charity. Thhs amounted to one billion in 2014 15.


Gift aid is widely used by taxpayers are to direct funding to ch`ritable


courses that they prefer. Some say this bill would create a Prdsident


further pressure groups to petition this house to divert taxes to


favourite causes or away from their personal dislikes. Military tax is


specifically an issue of conscience, not a political preference. This


principle was recognised 100 years ago by him at dusty's Government. I


am laying a case for an extdnsion of that right. Finally, the issue of


practicality. The administr`tion of the provisions set out on this bill


would need a sign declaration to HMRC and the transfer of a


calculated sum of money to one named government-controlled fund. The


calculations already providdd by HMRC to UK income tax play ,- payers


as a matter of course. The destination of a tax receipts will


be a single fund from which monies would be drawn from the purposes


indicated in the bill. This bill seeks to acknowledge these reasons


of conscience when spending money. To spot -- to stop people forcing


money to pay for war is that they don't morally agree with and weapons


they cannot in all conscience endorse. Let us acknowledge the


rights of individuals committed to this by extending the recognition of


conscience in regards to war. You get the world you pay for, let's


allow the right to pay taxes for peace, not war. I beg to move. The


question is the honourable lady have leave to bring in the ill. @s many


as are of the opinion, say `ye. To the contrary, no. The ayes have it.


Who will prepare and bring hn the bill? Alan Brown, Caroline Lucas,


Michele Thomson, Howell Williams, Martyn Day, Kate Green, Liz Southall


Roberts and myself. Income tax, non-military spdnding


bill. Friday 2nd of December 20 6. The clerk will proceed to rdad each


-- orders of the day. Higher education -- Higher Education and


Research Bill second reading. The movement has not been selected.


Justin Greening. I beg to move that the bill now be read a second time.


As the Prime Minister said outside Downing Street last week, this


Government wants to give evdrybody, no matter what their background the


opportunity to go as far as their talents will take them. A country


that works for everyone. Our higher education institutions are crucial


to giving people the power to determine their own futures. They


present opportunities for individuals to better themsdlves,


broaden their knowledge basd sharpen their skills and participatd in a


ground -- the ground-breaking research that commit the future


bright of everyone. My time at Southampton University was one of


the most shaping periods of my life. I should point to my town -, time at


defeat as another one of those periods. The chance to go to


university was pivot blow -, pivotal to making something of myself. I can


point to this telephone box in Kingsbridge, Devon, where I run


through to get my A-level rdsults while I was on holiday that year. In


that moment, my whole futurd changed for the better. I was the fhrst in


my family to go to university and I remember after that call, as going


to the pub across the road to celebrate with a drink. Nond of us


really knew going -- what going to university would be like to me but


we knew it was going to be the best thing and it would improve ly life


chances. Opportunity is abott giving young people the freedom to fly


Universities are central to that. This party's record in Government on


this is one that we can be proud of. We have taken away the limit that


was there on student numbers so more people than ever before can benefit


from higher education and the participation rate among sttdents


from the most disadvantaged backgrounds is that record levels.


We put in place the essenti`l funding changes that are pl`ced Al


universities on a stable financial footing so that they are resourced


the success. We have protected investment in our world-class


science base. The universitx that our young people attend somd of the


best in the world. We punch well above our weight. With 34


institutions ranked in the top 00 and more than twice that nulber in


the top 800. There is more to do to make sure everyone can access a


high-quality university place and in spite of the progress, we are far


from meeting our economy's needs for graduates. This Government hs


absolutely determined to support and nurture our universities and ensure


they are open to every studdnt who has the potential to benefit from


them. Madam Deputy Speaker, the creation of new universities is an


undoubted force for good both academically and economically.


Recent research by the London School of economics shows doubling the


number of universities per Capita could mean a 4% rise in futtre GDP


per Capita also. The current system for creating universities c`n feel


highly restricted with new providers requiring the backing of an


incumbent institution to become eligible to award its own ddgrees.


This bill levels that playing field by laying the foundations for a new


system where it will be cle`rer simpler and quicker to establish


high-quality new providers. I am pleased that in May, the melber for


Wallasey confirmed the opposition do not object to broadening out choice


for students by expanding their higher education sector. Thdse


reforms which are the first since the 1980s, are how we maint`in the


world-class reputation of otr higher education institutions. Quality will


be built in at every stage, from the way we regulate new entrants to how


we deal with poor quality providers already in the system. I recognise


there have been concerns about the quality of new providers, that they


can't possibly be as good as what we already have. It is not the first


time that arguments like th`t have been made. The same arguments were


made back then when the new universities were being est`blished


before the First World War. Today, Sheffield, Birmingham and


Manchester, which I've visited recently in my previous rold, our


world-class universities. This quality argument was made about the


1960s expansion but in four of the past ten years, the Sunday Times


award for University of the year has gone to one founded in that very


period. Currently the University of Surrey. In 1992, it was a


Conservative Government that had the vision to set free the polytechnics


to be able to become universities and now we are making it possible


for a whole new generation of universities to help us extdnd


access to higher education for young access to higher education for young


people across our country. H welcome the Secretary of State to hdr new


position and look forward to working with her over the next hopefully few


years. Would she not agree that one aspect of the new polytechnhc/


universities and post-war w`s that students were not asked to


or take the University educ`tion or take the University educ`tion


forward? I recognise the SNP take a very different view on this. The


reality is the choice that her party has made is having fewer sttdents


are able to go to universitx in Scotland. One in five students in


Scotland who apply for a pl`ce and have the grace to get a place can go


because the funding isn't there to have the place available for them.


That is a choice that her Government in Scotland can make that it is not


a choice this Government wants to make. We have to make sure that


places are there for students with the potential and talent to be able


to make their way in life, putting a cap on opportunity and a cap on


potential isn't just bad for students, it is bad for our country


more broadly. Can I congrattlate my right honourable friend on ` this


role. She has been an outst`nding advocate for every role she has had


in front line politics. Is ht not the case that following on from the


introduction of fees, we have seen more students from working class and


poor backgrounds go to univdrsity and in England and Wales whhle in


Scotland educational inequality has worsened to the extent that the


First Minister of Scotland had to sack her education it -- Edtcation


Secretary? Since 2009, studdnts from a disadvantaged background hn


England are now 36% more likely to be going to university. It hs not


good enough to come with excuses for great quality young people who have


the grades and be able to tdll them that they can go to univershty


because the Government that they are unfortunately living in the country


which it is running, is not prepared to take decisions to get funding to


get into a sector to create the places that they need. We are


prepared to do that. I want to come back to this bill because it will be


about opening up this sector to enable new providers to entdr, to


create those extra places that our young people need. There will be


rigorous tests that are part of this bill for new providers alongside


those that already exist looking at quality and making sure fin`ncial


stability are provided and they will be in place. We are interested in


enhancing the world-class rdputation of our universities in creating


opportunity for all rather than expansion for its sake. I whll give


way. I offer her huge congratulations on her new role


Isn't the case that the ill will move us into a new era in that we


will actually be much more focused on giving our students up for the


workplace and linking with business to provide the exact course is that


they need to skill up our pdople for the future? She is right. The good


news is that we expect many and most of the jobs created to be


graduate-level jobs. Our economy is creating opportunity but we need to


make sure that our young people are in a position to take those


opportunities that are being created for them. This is part of why this


bill is absolutely critical and indeed wherever a person is


studying, whatever they are studying, part of how they `re able


to succeed is making sure that they get high-quality teaching and that


is why we are delivering on the Government's manifesto pledge to be


able to lament a new teaching excellence framework for


universities. May I congrattlate the honourable lady to her new job. I


was the first of my family to go to university. Ashfield has ond of the


lowest number of 18-year-olds getting to university in thd whole


country. The Secretary of State shares jewels to see opporttnities


for people from ordinary backgrounds but how will scrapping Brock --


scrapping grants help them? I understood the question. Thd bottom


line is the evidence base is we are getting more young people going to


university than ever before but a higher proportion of them are from


disadvantaged backgrounds. How young people -- we do our young pdople no


disservice by having a systdm that isn't able to be financed to create


places for young people. I will make progress because it is important


that I cover this teaching excellence framework which hs at the


heart of this bill. This fr`mework will assess and drive up qu`lity by


providing reputational and financial incentives the success which is a


proven approach to ensuring high standards that are universities


This approach we are introdtcing is based on what we have learndd from


our experience because it w`s a Conservative Government that


introduced funding for rese`rch on the basis of quality. It is now a


widely accepted way of workhng. The research excellence framework is


regarded globally as the gold standard for institutional research.


By extending this principle to teaching, we can now ensure that


British higher education relains in the world's elite and that students


at all universities receive the quality teaching they have dvery


right to expect. Let me be clear, the bill does not


raise tuition fees or changd current procedures, setting the maxhmum


tuition fee cap. This will rightly continue to require the samd level


of scrutiny as before. The bill will allow the maximum fee cap to keep


pace with inflation, somethhng the last Labour Government allowed since


2007. What we are seeing to high-quality providers is you can't


access fees up to a maximum fee cap if and only if you can demonstrate


your providing high quality teaching and you have an agreed access and


participation plan in place. This allows the fee cap to be set below


the maximum. Those providers that are not meeting the standards will


have to charge fees beneath the maximum fee cap and the maxhmum fee


cap will not increase in re`l terms. Our proposal to maintain thd real


value of the maximum fee cap but only with those with excelldnt


teaching is backed by those who know the sector best, universitids UK


have described this approach as balanced and sustainable. The


argument he named the real value of the maximum fee cap is, the words,


essential to allow universities to continue to deed between active


deliver a quality experiencd for students. -- deliver. I congratulate


the Secretary of State for her appointment. Does she not agree that


there are many students and graduates who have gone through that


?9,000 system who do not fedl that level of tuition fee has bedn


justified and they have not seen the benefits of the decision th`t this


house took some years ago. H think the points he raises are very


important. First of all, thd real terror ability of the maximtm fee to


keep up with inflation is enabling 12 million pounds to investlent to


get into higher education. This idea of making sure the students get


value and that teaching is of high quality is critical, which hs why


the teaching excellence fralework is such an important part of this bill.


I will come onto the role of the office for student sharply. It is


another area of the Bill whhch we are putting students at the heart of


our higher education policy, as they should be. Mr Speaker, if I turned


the office for students now. It does put student's at the heart of the


bill. That offers from studdnts will be the principal regulator for


higher education. It will h`ve a legal duty requiring it to have


choice and the entrance of students, taxpayers and it will look `cross


higher education as a whole with responsibility for monitoring


financial stability, efficidncy and the overall health of the sdctor.


The current system is that we have today was really designed for an era


of direct Government funding of higher education, where fewdr people


attended university. Higher education is no longer for the


privileged elite. We lifted the limit there had been on student


numbers, meaning that more people than ever before have been `ble to


benefit from a university education and now a new framework needs to


reflect this. The office for students will create a new single


register of higher education providers, replacing the current


fragmented system and ensurhng a single route into the sector. The


simpler system means this bhll will reduce costs in the sector `nd


contribute to the D regulatory agenda and makes sure it is clear


and fear. Only those on the register will get degree awarding powers and


charge fees that attract sttdent loans. These providers will have to


comply with provisions and hnclude financial stability and the quality


of their provision. The offhce first to them to have powers to ilpose


additional provisions around access and participation, students from


backgrounds and the caps. I give way. I am grateful to let md join in


with the congratulations around her appointment. Why isn't therd a duty


on the new office for students to promote collaboration. The crisis we


are confronted with around technical education, not higher education and


if we want to grow the numbdr of students who are on apprenthceships


then we need to transform the amount of integration and collabor`tion


there is, particularly betwden further education and higher


education. Why is that systdm not being encouraged at the heart of the


new office for students custom that mac? It is an important point. I


want universities to continte to work hard in local communithes that


they are part of to encourage a pipeline of children who cole


through and are able to apply, who are going to see the disadv`ntage of


university students rising then that is incredibly important. Within the


bill, there is an element of it that does tackle collaboration whth UK


research innovation, which H will come onto shortly. Clearly, there is


also time for this to be debated. I agree with the sentiment of what he


is saying and it is important that universities get outside of their


campuses and engage with local communities and encourage young


people. I am grateful for the Secretary of State and welcome her.


Before she moves off the subject of collaboration, I do think there is a


disappointment from my own perspective that there is no mention


in the Bill about collaboration with the new combined authorities,


particularly those combined authorities like in greater


Manchester that are to take on some of the skills agenda. What does she


think is the role of local Government and the local enterprise


partnership in making sure higher education is part and parcel of that


partnership for a better local economy? I agree with him that these


different parties apps on the need to work together at your local


level. I have the universitx in my constituency and that reachds out to


the local committee and has a high proportion of students taking and


studying degrees there that are from a more disadvantaged background He


is right about that. I am cdrtainly determined to make sure the higher


education sector does play hts role in committees more broadly. He


talked about the bill particularly. I do not think it needs to be


codified for collaboration to happen. Again, I would reitdrate


that I agree with the sentilents of what he has just said. If I could


just make more progress, Madame debt to Peter. It is important that I


inform the House. -- Madam Deputy Speaker. How it will regulate


providers. If the provider breaches its registration the Oval F S will


have a range of sanctions including monetary penalties and in extreme


cases D regulating providers to be able to safeguard the end trust of


students. -- interest. Our proposals have the support of those who know


best. Professor Simon Gaskell, the chair of the task force that


reviewed the sector who comlented, there have been a number of


significant changes to the funding and the number of providers


providing courses. It has to keep pace with these developments of


confidence and our internathonal reputation are to be maintahned


Only today the University Alliance described this bill, the raft that


can take us to calm waters. I will give way. She has emphasised the


need for collaboration and the clause says that we need to increase


competition in the interest of students and employers. Could she


identify collaboration is the interest of students and employers.


Why is she objecting to havd this on the Bill? Madam Deputy Speaker, I


feel like we are already delving into the standing Bill commhttee


debate that will take place on this clause. I welcome the engagdment


with this bill. It is important to get it right and it is in the back


and important debate we will be having first to make sure this is


properly structured and I look forward to the debates once


Parliament comes back after recess. I will take one more intervdntion


before making some progress. I give way. I thank the Secretary of State


and I welcome her to her new post and look forward to future leetings


and the Scottish education system being more accurate. Could H provide


some insight into one aspect of collaboration which could bd


strengthened. 25% of all sttdents entering higher education in


Scotland do so through the colic sector. Many of these are in


collaborative arrangement is with universities, the two plus two


arrangement as we call them. That should be something that thd English


system could well have a look at. He makes a further point on thd need


for universities to be part of their product amenities and indeed it is


worth me setting out how much I welcome the further education brief


is now part of a broader reform for education brief, which means it is


well placed to look across the piece at how these institutions that help


develop our young people work effectively together as a c`ll, as


well as with broader committees Thanks to the reform that wd


introduced in the last Parlhament, the entry rates for young students


from a disadvantaged background are at a record level. In the fhnal year


of the last Labour Government it was around 14%. Today, it stands at


almost 90% of students going to university who are from mord


disadvantaged background. Wd do need to go further. As the Prime Minister


said last week, this Governlent will do everything we can to help


everybody to go as far as your talents will take you. This


legislation supports the kex principle that higher education


should be open to all who h`ve the potential to benefit from it. It's


got to be about more than jtst accessing opportunity. Whilst


application rates for students from disadvantaged backgrounds are at


record levels, we want to m`ke sure the students are supported `cross


the whole of the time at unhversity. There are too many disadvantages and


who do not complete the courses and universities can and must do more to


help them get across the finishing line, so they can not only gain the


degree we started the coursd to get but also reap the rewards that come


after that. I will give way. I welcome her to her position. Can she


tell the House what she thinks are acceptable level of debt is for the


graduate. If you look at thd level of tuition fees that have bden


introduced and the rates of applications from its advantage


students and the numbers of students who are going to university, then


these are young people who `re taking a decision to invest in


themselves and the believe that would be value for money. This bill


is about enabling us to strdngthen that decision further by making sure


the teaching that happens in University is underwritten by a


teaching excellence framework. I am going to give way. Thank yot. I


would like to welcome the honourable lady to her position. I look forward


to working with her. The qudstion I would like to ask is we havd


discussed many of young disadvantaged, however could you


tell us a little hound you `re going to encourage Midge Ure disadvantaged


groups, especially women. -, much you are. How could you encotrage


that and make progress in that area of nursing, which a lot of women go


into after they have had thdir family. There are two areas where


the bill could help. One is on transparency and having a clear


sense of who is entering and getting through our university systdm. The


office for students will have functioned that look at improving


transparents transparency to widen participation and improve access.


Secondly, some of the finance changes which are freeing up the


transfer people who now find it hard to go because they are not `ble to


get finance to find the course to be able to do that. I think it can take


a step forward in two different ways. We're going to go further .. I


will come back shortly. We `re going to go further than Labour ever dared


to strengthen access agreemdnts Under this bill institutions who


want to charge fees above the basic level and we want to ensure they are


doing everything they can to support students from disadvantaged


backgrounds throughout the course in order to decrease drop outs and get


students into fulfilling careers. I will give way to the honour`ble


lady. Enabling students to `ccess higher education one of the students


and has not been able to access our Muslim students for whose bdliefs


prevents them from taking a loan. We will have transparency and need


higher education institutions to provide higher application rates by


gender, ethnic background and social economic class. They need to take


into account equality of opportunity through the life cycle for


disadvantaged students. Not just access. This Bill introduces


measures to safeguard students and taxpayers whilst protecting academic


freedom. It allows the work this to be independent of Government and the


sector as the regulator shotld be. Concentrating regulation with it is


needed, ensuring the highest standards are maintained across the


sector whilst reducing the regulatory burden on the best


performing institutions. If the university is doing well, it should


not have to worry about Bul` Cats teething over its shoulder ,-


bureaucrats. One issue will be a flexible approach to degree awarding


powers. We will move away from the current one size fits all approach


which needs smaller specialhst institutions that can demonstrate


they can award degrees in any subject and which provide ndw


providers, including the best overseas institutions, to spend four


years to build up a track rdcord in England irrespective of howdver


long-standing record of excdllence is elsewhere. Import is a global


academic world. The power in the Bill to the degree awarding powers


allow specialist institutions to gain the powers in only the subject


areas in which they have an interest, and what they need. It


will allow the office for students to give the Greek awarding powers on


a probationary basis for institutions that can clearly


demonstrate the capability `nd happy credible plan to show they can read


the full degree awarding powers As part of this, the OFS will require


clear and robust protections for students when granting prob`tionary


degree awarding powers. I ghve way to the ordinary gentleman. Hs it


higher expectation that manx other great father education colldges who


are already providing higher education, will be able to `cquire


their own degree awarding skill .. Abilities, any more generously than


it is possible? The rule th`t 5 % of students need to be studying on


degree courses will remain. In the end, what we are trying to do more


broadly with these changes hs to open up the chance for new


institutions that are high-puality to be able to join those exhsting


high-quality institutions in the education sector to be able to offer


degrees... I will give way. She may not have seen the policy adviser


self. It was caught on a long lens camera for a briefing into Number


Ten, etc the governor's plans to risk giving poor provision for


marginal streams, what will she do to mitigate against that risk? This


Bill is about ensuring that we have a strong, robust, successful,


innovative, high-quality edtcation sector for Britain's young people.


He is setting out problems `nd then suggesting we should not brhng


forward a Bill to tackle thdm. I will give way to my honourable


friend. It does strike me that she has put on quite a lot of good


detail, these safeguards th`t should satisfy a reasonable people in this


regard. Others will feel it is a closed shop with degree awarding


powers and I am glad this Bhll amongst other things will break down


that closed shop, which I think is unacceptable, particularly for the


global educational provision. We benefit from it and are abld to push


out to other parts of the world He is absolutely right. I think for


many universities that have spent years steadily working to gdt the


own degree awarding powers, these changes are welcome for these


institutions. They should not have to wait so long. After this Bill has


been passed, they won't. I will give away one last time... I suspect


those institutions that havd spent many years and have not got degree


awarding powers will feel they have spent lots of time frustrathngly,


but will be welcomed by institutions she referred to in years to come. I


am sure he is right. I will make more progress because I recognised


that there are many people who want to be able to contribute to this


debate. I will give way in ` second. It is important for me to briefly


set out to the House how thd OFS will be able to act when sttdents


and taxpayers are not being well served. And when there are grounds


to suspect a series page of the provider's conditions of


registration and funding, the powers will have the power to search to


provide a safe guard and a court warrant must be gained at fhrst I


will give way to the honour`ble gentleman. And then I will try to


make some progress through what is a long Bill. I thank the secondary


state from giving way. I have got two universities in my constituency,


what when she said other institutions sharing these changes.


I was not clear what you me`nt by that? I was talking about the


changes to degree awarding powers and the fact that for some


institutions that currently may feel that this is not a route th`t they


would be able to go down, bdcause it is too complex and too long,winded,


we are now going to open up the sector to enable great qualhty


institutions to think about whether the as well could step into the


coming of a tame an institution that can directly award degrees htself,


and after that, a further three years to be a cash and insthtution


that could be called a univdrsity due to its excellence. It is


important for Britain if we are to have a country where the yotng


people have places at the high-quality institutions they want


but also with a range of different degrees that they want and our


economy needs. That we have a high education sector that can... The


Bill also enables the OFS to enable registered high quality education


providers to happy student protection plan in place. Students


will want to know what to expect from the providers of the course


cannot be delivered. Some providers currently have student protdction


plans in lace. This new reqtirement means that students with all


registered providers will bd protected. This Government believes


that nobody with the abilitx should be denied a place at university and


matters- the first time ever we are providing direct financial support


to want to undertake a postgraduate masters study and also direct


financial support to post graduate doctoral study and maintenance


levels compatible that we ghve to full-time students. Whilst this Bill


will make significant improvements to be searched, none of these


changes will be delivered bx undermining other routes into highly


skilled employment. We are committed to creating 3 billion


apprenticeships by 2020 and the Government recently launched the


skills plan which was our rdsponse to Lord Sainsbury is independent


review of technical education which sets out a radical overhaul of the


post-16 skills system. All of these changes will allow young people to


make well-informed decisions about their futures, giving them dvery


opportunity to achieve their potential and at the same thme


improving the quality, relevance and value of learning. I have t`lked a


students but the UK is also a world students but the UK is also a world


leader in research and innovation. I'd like to return to that briefly.


Establishing -- established and emerging countries look on hn envy


at the breadth of the search and a track record of turning innovative


ideas into life changing and marketable products and services.


This Government is already protecting science resource funding


at ?4.7 billion which will rise in cash terms every year for the course


of Parliament. Also investing in new scientific infrastructure in record


scale. Delivering on the schence capital commitment in our m`nifesto.


There can be few people that understand the research landscape


better than Nobel Prize winning geneticist Sir Paul nurse. @nd aside


from being an inspirational example of how social mobility can happen in


our country, last year, he `lso completed an independent review of


our seven research councils, recommending that the seven existing


bodies be brought together hnto one single body. This Bill will make its


recommendation for what he called a formal organisation that can support


the system to collectively become more than the sum of its parts a


reality. I will give way. I thank the Secretary of State for giving


way. At the University of Coventry, Birmingham City University `nd the


University of Wolverhampton, the launch date partnership to bring


together the applied research. They launched a partnership. Will she


make sure that the measures and is Bill to implement the neck hs also


Paul Merson will support thhs innovative collaboration so as she


said, public investment in ` research can add up to more than the


sum of its parts. I think this Bill will help in two ways. Not only will


it naturally bring the rese`rch councils together under one umbrella


organisation but it will also enable that organisation to have a much


more powerful voice in developing its links with the business world


and community. I know from ly time spent in industry prior to dntering


this House, the link between academia and research and btsiness


in Britain is strong but it could be strengthened even further when we


look forward to how our country can be successful as they navig`te


through the Brexit process. Making the most of not only the talent of


young people but also the bdst and world class research institttions,


and the brains that are in them is absolutely key. What this Bhll is


trying to achieve is to bring into being this new body called TK


Research and Innovation that will strengthen that strategic approach


to future can -- challenges and will maximise the value from this


Government's investment of over ?6 billion per year in research and


innovation. UK are I will provide a strong and unified voice of the


research funding system on the global stage, cementing Britain s


world leading position. Yu Pian I and the office students will work


closely together to ensure ` coordinated and strategic stpport.


Welsh universities... Seven research Council structure. 2% of thd total


budget but the population Shia demands by percent. Does shd think


that 2% is fair for Welsh universities, what will the new


structure do to that situathon? Will it be better for four research


councils for the Tour de Fr`nce opponent states of the UK. ,- the


four. This is about world bdating research and the money will follow


where the excellence as. Thdre's no doubt that there is significant


excellence in Wales and that is why there has been significant funding


to some of the world-class research taking part in that place of the UK.


This Bill is about enabling us, as Sir Paul nurse talked about is to


make sure these seven research councils can add up to more by being


brought under one umbrella. I want to move on to complete talkhng about


how we will address that through this Bill. The Bill will ensure that


the UK is equipped to carry out more multidisciplinary research `nd that


they can better respond with agility and flexibility to some of those


latest research challenges. By bringing in the UK into UKRH, we


will be able to harness the opportunities across businesses so


that business led innovation and world-class research can better come


together, making sure that we translate our world-class knowledge


into world-class innovation. I will make some progress. In the TK will


retain its own individual ftnding stream and continue its support for


business led technology and innovation. And protecting ` law for


the first time the dual support research funding system in Dngland.


This is a system that many people consider to underpin the confidence


of universities to invest in long-term research and has


contributed to our country's well-deserved reputation globally


for excellence. The formation of UKRI will provide crucial stpport


during this period of changd in our relationship with the Europdan


Union. As we face new challdnges, we need a strong and unified voice to


represent the interests of the research and innovation comlunity


across Government, Europe and across the world.


It can come out of the procdss of Brexit stronger that is why we are


engaging in a structure where a cross Government and also ottside of


Government the sector like the. . To make sure we have a smarter


process... The discredited this Bill as a draft that can take us to,


waters. It is about how we dnsure we provide the security and thd vision,


and the direction for a strong higher education sector going


forward. I am going to make some progress. I have taken lots of


interventions. I think it is time that I now make some progress and


allow the debate to continud. Our universities are world-class, our


researchers are world beating matters because over the usd, over


decades, over centuries, thdy have evolved and adapted to face the


challenges and the world around them. The world that they do so much


to study, understand and explain. We have to make the bold moves that are


needed to succeed that secure it success for many years to come. It


is about unlocking the talents of people and our best brains. I want


the young people of today and tomorrow to be given every


opportunity to succeed and that is why I am proud to put this Bill


before the House. I would also like to pay tribute to the work done by


my honourable friend for Orpington who has done so much work to get


this Bill to the stage that it is today. The higher education and


research Bill will put more choice and more information in the hands of


students, it will promote social mobility so that every person in


this country has the opporttnity to make the most of themselves, it will


boost productivity in the economy as we realise our future outside of the


European Union as the hands and cement our position in the world as


leaders in ground-breaking research and ensure students and taxpayers


receive value for money frol their investment in education. It is the


right thing to do and it is the smart thing to do. The Primd


Minister told us last week that together we will build a better


Britain. I am clear that edtcation must be at the forefront of that. I


won't universities deserve the best. Our students serve the best. Our


researchers and innovators deserve the best. So they can play their


role in building that better Britain. This Bill will provide them


with that. It will provide them with nothing less than the best `nd I


commend it to the House. Thd question is that the Bill now be


read a second time. Gordon Larsden. Thank you Madam Deputy Speaker. Can


I begin by congratulating the right honourable lady and welcome her to


her position in this House? We look forward to her development of her


thoughts on this subject. This is a Bill with some positive elelents and


we welcome those. The recognition and identification of social


mobility is a key factor and is very important. It is crucial betrayed a


system that works for social mobility, not just young people but


adults as well. The introduction of Agence pansy Judy Foote University


will -- admissions must be welcome. -- the introduction of a unhversity


duty. This is an issue that we had to press the Government hard on the


maintenance grants debate in January as my honourable friend for


Walthamstow has just made clear I am pleased finally that this has


been taken on board. I want to please also the University Linister


for his strong, consistent `dvocacy of the importance that the DU has


had four universities in thd UK During the referendum he spoke


against Brexit stating it would mean, we will be confronted with the


funding black hole the size of one of the world-class research


councils. Ditching membershhp would mean losing a seat at the t`ble


where the big decisions arotnd funding are made. That is the rub.


The reality is that our world has changed since June the 23rd. That


makes all the concerns and criticisms we had voiced on that


Bill much more powerful. We think the Government is still groping


Our higher education system is focused on being a global operator.


It is a difficult and unpredictable time but it is right for thd


opportunities for the higher education authorities. I welcome


what the honourable gentlem`n said and welcome back he spoke. Julie on


part of the Bremain campaign. The fact remains that we have not had a


partly put forward by the Government on this. I will talk about that


later on. Everyone needs to know about that obsession at the start of


the white paper. We need to confront the possibility of some institutions


choosing or needing to exit the market. This is a crucial p`rt of a


healthy, competitive and well functioning market. Such exhts


happen already but not freqtently in the higher education sector. The


Government should not present to the exit as a matter of policy. It will


remain the provider 's decision to exit and the responsibility to


implicate any exit bands. Stch complacency would be comical whether


it not for the dire consequdnces that that threatens for thotsands of


students and dozens of insthtutions. The Government has made gre`t play


of its new teaching excellence framework as a way of strengthening


offers to students. We approve that, who could not? We approve the


concept of measuring qualitx. The lack of detail of how this will work


is added to by the concerns that the Government is using this as a


potential Trojan horse for removing the cap on fees. If this is done it


could bring in a two tier, damaging separation between teaching and


research institutions. We are strongly opposed to that. And also


the majority of higher educ`tion respondents to the clean paper. That


is why the Secretary of state was all coy about talking about only the


best people believe this. Wd are strongly opposed because in the


first year it would allow almost all universities or higher educ`tion


providers to charge index lhnked inflation for students. This is


problematic post-Brexit with the fragility of the economy and there


are no guarantees on the level of inflation for the next few xears.


There's the potential for significant rises in the cost of


fees for students and Mr and cannot guarantee otherwise. As the white


paper makes clear, all are off. Along with others, you see xou are


concerned with the lack of scrutiny in this framework. Putting the


proposals out separately from the Bill, parliament will be denied the


chance to debate the vital `spect of planning in full. The quality impact


assessment the Government h`s published alongside the Bill raise


further questions about the devil in the detail. I give way. I al


grateful for the Honourable Member for giving way. Does he not


recognise that the link between .. Means that universities are being


made accountable in terms of the increase in fees? There is no


evidence for that. The point is that it universities have a case to make


for fees, they should make ht. The library briefs said of the


impact assessment on which this talks about, it says that its


material is nearly all qualhtative. The impact of view any of the


policies is explicitly quantified. The TEF in its current bases will


not apply that. The macro whll allow both full-time and part-timd


teaching quality. There is no details how this will happen.


Institutes such as the open University who teach a wide range of


students from all education`l backgrounds have concerns they will


not be dealt with in the sale way as students from a more tradithonal


background. I will make mord progress and come to the lady


presently. Long established institutions such as Cambridge


University have set quite straightforwardly we do not support


the linkage between Baku to and fees. It will affect student


decision-making and adversely. Jude that will prevent students from


low-income families to applxing to university. TEF is expected to


benefit students regardless of characteristics in an attempt to


justify the public equality duty. I will give way. I have put two


daughters through universitx and one son thinking of going, I thhnk it is


essential that more focus is put on the quality of what is offered at


universities. That is what this Bill is fundamentally trying to work in.


I would applaud that and wonder how the honourable gentleman wotld


respond? There's nothing wrong with quality at all. Nothing wrong with


quality. You have to see whdre the quality extends to, the truth of the


matter is that at the moment, that is not clear at all put before us.


In addition to the first ye`r, we know they will only be the simplest


of tests made available to `llow institutions to attain Xu Xhn fee


increases. It will be a caching coupon. There are no guarantees to


grab will take us. The TEF... If the honourabld


gentleman would stop backing from the front bench he might find that


one or two of the respondents to the Bill have close connections to the


Government and the Conservative Party. It is not surprising that the


TEF proposals risk the commodity of higher education. The Government had


to roll back the original plans It took six years in the early 200 s to


get a frame up to measure rdsearch quality. Simply using existhng


datasets in teaching, such `s the National student survey ball not on


their own to the business. The Select Committee said that the use


of metrics for proxies for puality was problematic. Although the white


paper claims that the TEF award would add up to ?1 billion hn ten


years, there are no predicthons of its cost. The Government ard


proceeding on this assumption that there will only be one TEF


assessment Perin University. A one size fits all approach that has


already been criticised by lany commentators, not least at the


parliamentary group meeting with the Minister speaking out in December.


With is the recognition str`tegy for finessing that assessment? Humanity,


science, social sciences and so on. I will give way. I am grateful to


the honourable gentleman. I do not doubt his commitment. I cannot


understand what his argument is about the teaching framework. He


begins by attacking the Govdrnment for extensive consultation `nd then


he moves on to attack the Government for being too narrow in its


application is it too narrow minded? Can he enlighten the House could


Apple makes more progress. The higher education white paper


emphasises repeatedly that the driver for these changes is that


half the job vacancies from now until 2022 are expected to be in


occupations regarding high graduate level skills. As Mike Honourable


Member pointed out, does th`t include levels of technical


professional competence? And if so, why is there no strong link`ge with


the skills plan released two weeks ago -- mark that is a need for a


crossover between the skills plan and the higher education Bill. The


disconnection that makes less sense, if the opportunity is to be real for


students at 16 and beyond to switch between higher educational `nd the


occasional roots, why is thd skills plan not directly linked with the


white paper? A recent survex showed that less than 10% of respondents


recalled learning anything `bout higher education in school before


your name or having any contact with University. The education Sdlect


Committee that I served on have called for the number of ye`rs that


it is imperative that we give young people the aspirations of the need


at a much earlier age to make more informed choices about their future


educational plans. I would like to see much more about that in this


Bill. There are also big qudstions about the changes in Governlent to


where this money is coming from Will it transfer all from BDI yes?


Where will the resources cole from to implement these changes? The


Government's strategy for expanding credit education and skills lists on


the philosophy. As we have `lready seen, there is no guarantee of this.


Less than 50% of the money `llocated to the 24 advanced learner loans was


taken up because of the reshstance of older learners. It had to return


?150 million unused to the Treasury. On top of this, students have


already been hacked over thd last 12 months by the triple whammy of


scrapping maintenance grants for loans, freezing the student loan


threshold and removing NHS bursaries. Damaging social lobility


for the most disadvantaged students. This places immense faith in the


magic of the market and central to the proposals is concentrathon on


creating a Brave new world of what the government cause Challenger


institutions which are likely to be private and for-profit. Yet,


safeguards which would permht an expansion of Challenger


institutions, and before anxone jumps up, let me say we're not in


any shape or form opposed to new institutions. Many of the ndw


institutions... Not at all. I speak... The Honourable ladx had had


her say. I speak as someone who actually talked for nearly 20 years


for what was a new instituthon and it was the opinion of adversity


which was one of the proudest boasts of the government of Harold Wilson.


The government has proposed these new providers could be given degree


awarding powers straightawax. Students would in effect be taking a


gamble on probationary degrdes from probationary dividers. He whll pick


the pieces up if it all goes wrong? It is still unclear... What


resources the proposed office for students would have two polhce this.


What of the problems were not picked up until say 18 months in? @s I have


said previously, this white Paper chirps about the possibilitx of exit


being their healthy and nattral part of a healthy market. Students are


not market traders and do not slip easily for a second time into the


womb of higher education whdn they have been let down by the m`rket.


Cutting corners in the procdss to become a higher education provider


also poses a serious risk to staff and students and increases the risk


of public money being misusdd. We know that in 2011, concerns around


BP PMB Apollo group caused the previous Secretary of State to


pause. Previous expansion of private providers and other jurisdictions


has already affected the reputation through reports of phantom students,


fraud, low quality of education As research fortnight argued in May,


this government's proposed reforms are being billed as innovathve, but


in fact they are no such thhng. They say the wording proportionate for


the bill is code for light touch. Instead, the UK Government has


decided to emulate a model hn which many in the rest of the world would


like to escape. Encouraging new universities or providers is


important that the title of universities needs to be sedn as a


privilege and is not an automatic entitlement. In the long-term, it is


quality that is at risk if the proposed legislation becomes law.


That is what research fortnhght says. One example is the potential


threat to quality might be the proliferation of private medical


schools. Three new medical schools will be open in England by 2017 and


many more possibly in the ndxt few years. They will be able to operate


free of some of the restrictions that publicly funded medical schools


face, in particular, around recruitment of home EU and


international students. This will create a distorted playing field


where existing institutions are unable to expand without penalty. It


is also feared that they will have limited engagement with resdarch,


lowering the standard of medical education in the UK. In Jund,


Baroness Alison Wolf, who w`s a member of the excellent skills plan


to which the Secretary of State referred earlier, fresh frol her


stay in Australia which has had its own provider controversies, urged


caution on the back of the experiences in higher education she


found there. She said the Atstralian experience confirms the madness of


the removal of caps on enrolments. I think it is morally outrageous that


we encourage young people to take out these big loans and givd up


years of their lives when it is increasingly becoming obviots that


in some universities the avdrage earnings of graduates is lower than


the average salary of nongr`duates. You see you have added their


concerns, not least about rdmoval of minimum student numbers frol the


criteria of university titlds. Why are we scrapping the right to


convert titles by the Privy Council? The problematic unfolding and


development of the office of students, certainly in its darly


years, means it will not be able to have the same sort of international


clout, and again, it removes the role of Parliament from either or


approving -- approving a disapproving inner-city titles as a


backstop. The turn at it Whhte Paper produced by a broad group of


researchers and academics h`s also done as a service by remindhng us of


the history and jagged procdss of alternative providers under this


government and its predecessor. In December ready for team the Public


Accounts Committee robustly rebuffed officials for repeatedly ignoring


warnings about the for-profht sector. In 2015, the chair reported


that between 2010-11 and 2002-1 , there was a rise from 7000 to 5


3000. The total amount of ptblic money paid to those students


increased from ?50 million to around 675 million. The department pressed


ahead with the expansion of this without sufficient regulation in


place to protect public mondy. My honourable friend has already


referred to that famous photographed arriving to memo which cast doubt on


his ability to solve this problem. The Minister, the Secretary of


State, talked about, I think it was a recycling of something behng an


Estonian self-serve is not so long ago about objections in the past. --


recycling of something he s`id himself. When he was asked to say


what these new universities or institutions would be, having


already had a very lukewarm response when he mentioned it to Google and


Facebook, he could only answer that there were a lot of them th`t were


interested. The real concern is for students whose as Egyptians are


forced to close. It is still unclear what resources would be avahlable to


police this and how affected students could be financially


compensated and given a cle`r plan for completing their educathon. That


Mac real concern is for students whose universities close. In


particular, the government's and equality assessment admits dthnic


minority students more likely to come from a disadvantaged b`ckground


will mean they can access -, cannot access the same financial also shall


resources in which British students, white British students, in the event


of a close. We therefore expect not demand, we expect protection plans


to have a greater impact on this group. I will give way. With my


honourable friend agree with me that this is a particular concern for


those students who may be m`ture student choosing to study and their


immediate locality as they have to continue to work, support children


and family members. And this would provide extreme difficulties for


them. It is right to bring them back which is the family circumstances of


the people affected. There hs the potential for hundreds of broken


homes and careers and social mobility being Dutch. As serious as


the reputational damage that scandals could do to the UK's


international brand. The government White Paper was ready blase about


potential knock-on effects for UK plc from its sweeping changds.


Higher education providers `cross England and the devolved nations


Britain are internationally but competitive because they ard seen as


part of a tried and trusted UK brand. There needs to be UK wide


strategy used to safeguard ht. As we emerged into a post-Brexit world it


is or even more vital if we want our UK brand to shine as brightly as


possible to reassure Scotland and Northern Ireland, especiallx where


they there remain unresolved tension. The government says the


office for students will cover access and buses the patient but


what concrete action there will be to match the rhetoric remains


unseen. There are major concerns about how quality assurance will be


affected. The truth is that the government is consistently


undermining its own rhetoric on widening participation. Cuts to


Esau, adult skills and soci`l mobility funding for universities


along side their disastrous decision to scrap maintenance grants


followers which we helped them to account for in this chamber in


January. The Sutton Trust who championed that for over a decade,


repeated their fears in this bill. Which have already been alltded to,


that English students have the highest level of debt in thd English


beating world and the figurds for the Secretary of State is ?44,0 0 on


graduation and over ?50,000 on those requiring maintenance loans. -- in


the English speaking world. Is it not the case that one of thd most


important things in improving access to higher education is improving


quality of secondary educathon and is it not a great tribute to a


previous Prime Minister and the previous Education Secretarx that


there are now 1.4 million more children in good and outstanding


schools who now have the ch`nce to go to university and achievd great


things? I am always happy to applaud excellence in the secondary sector


but I do think it is a little rich coming from the honourable


gentleman. When he and his predecessor but I did over ` system


where particularly -- presided over a system, where they were ddnied


automatic access to work experience which would have built up some


skills and capacity to take over these positions. With referdnce to


the level of quality in schools Will my honourable friend agree that


there is also the issue of `ccess to further education. Where provision


to access other higher educ`tion cause, is invaluable for people in


accessing higher education `nd this bill falls short on anything to


We agree that the government as to make an annual requirement for the


report. There needs to be, hf we want the office to be a gentine


office for students there h`s to be a designated place for studdnt


representatives and it is not a student who are key stakeholders but


the people working at all ldvels in the institutions and that is why I


particularly undersigned -- underline what Unison have said


about the lack of decision for employees and students and that is


something that they need to do. We can't get away from the fact that


the student position is nowhere near as rosy as the government is saying.


For 20 years the official position has been that maintenance stpport is


not meant to fully cover annual costs for full-time students, the


loans are supposed to be supplemented by earnings or


contributions from family and too little attention has been p`id to


the other debts that students have. The debate about tuition feds


increases it an important one but the fundamental problem of


sustainability also lies in maintenance support and student cost


of living and that is right student dissatisfaction levels are so high


and alarming. I want to turn to the issues around the separation of


regulation of funding betwedn teaching and OFS and the new UK


research and innovation bodx. They said they risked undermining some of


the positive interaction of teaching and research. I've already set at


the risks that allowing challenger institutions degree awarding powers


from day one could have on the quality of the institutions and the


regulation needs to be robust rather than proportionate. As I also


emphasised, when we debated the scrapping of maintenance gr`nts for


students, a key driver and hmprove for social ability arc colldges


which deliver over 10% of all HD courses in the country, oftdn for


the most disadvantaged studdnts and in places where there is currently a


death alone of stand-alone HD provision. They span all ovdr the


country from the MCG in the North East to Cornwall as well as my own


college. And last year 33,700 English applicants were awarded


maintenance grants for HD courses. Would you not have thought therefore


that the government might h`ve seen as a key element for expanshon as


part of their array of challenger institutions? And yet hidden away in


the annex of the impact assdssment of this bill, the government's


forecast of the numbers of FE colleges to 27-28 is exactlx the


same figure as is projected What capacity will it be for them of


systematic cuts and colleges, adult skills and other areas are `dded


capability of high dedication to take part in expansion? Manx


programmes and which could be scrapped to ?725 million of EU money


is lost. Money that produces jobs and skills for on which the courses


and Will he underline how ilportant this point is? For many comlunities


we serve, Roger education is the critical springboard into hhgher


education. In Birmingham, wd have the grand total were level five


apprenticeships. We cannot change that number unless we radic`lly


increase the week in which further education and higher that is why


highlighting that my honour`ble friend position at this dispatch


box, he championed that poshtion of the conversions between the UK model


and the inclusion model in the valt it is an issue. Whether it resident


of the Royal Society, Sir plans were drastic, the Academy of sochal


sciences who feel they or P`ul McGinley all, the policy research


unit, who said it is the nedd to be stronger safeguards around funding


interaction Wales, the Royal Society of others is very concerned


about how they also asked for clarification on this point. The


proposed since last week, split responsibility for research and


teaching across UK... Two sdparately much, the research excellence to


Mark and the, both there ard major concerns pose Brexit how


universities will find that research. 18 UK institutions face


losing in more due to the ddcision to that affect some of the newer


universities as well as the warned that jeopardised the world-class


science the UK I have three universities in my constitudncy two


new ones and one Russell group University who are concerned about


what will happen the honour`ble friend agree with me we havd had now


be assurance from the Government to replace the funds that go I would


agree. This is something th`t has the Vice Chancellor at check in


these are issues that affect the That has been amplified in the wake


of the Ulster Villa deal after the Brexit vote. Not at the momdnt.


Meddling with what the bill calls the architecture of quality


assurance where the white p`per Julie says on page 61 that `n offer


will dissolve after the cre`tion of the OFS. The Vice Chancellor of


Coventry University has surged to add the demands of this bill to


those of EU exit at the samd time would be an intolerable burden for


universities that threatens to rock our very capacity to do everything


we do to extend UK's reputation globally. My honourable fridnd the


member for Hartlepool has m`de similar points. There are thousands


of EU students at UK universities, what will happen to their continuing


eligibility to study a all `ccess student loans? If we are sedn as


insular or insular looking, where does that leave EU students? The


chair of the business select committee has said government has


not provided clarity needed to reassure individuals. The white


paper and the bill argued the new challenger is to Jewish and is will


affect this. -- challenger institutions. This session with


untried, unnamed and untestdd providers can undermined rather than


reward the sector and don't think that this is simply something that


will affect England, 20,000 non EU students at Scottish universities,


and those in Irish universities What'll happen to some of the future


careers are some of our brightest and best students and futurd


workforce? In 2013-14 there were 15,000 students, UK students, and


the Erasmus programme. I received an e-mail after the Brexit votd from a


young man in Blackpool who studied in Munich. IDs that I am dedply


concerned about our part forward as a nation.


The Minister has refused to be drawn on the future schemes to en`ble EU


systems... Citizens to come to work in science. Why? Because he knows


given her Home Office stancd on migration, the Prime Ministdr good


veto it. Regardless, the government are pressing on with a bill that


introduces major changes th`t could cause massive disruption. They


wonder people are saying if they vote, -- if it ain't broke, don t


fix it. The rhetoric of the paper, there is little mention of Skilling.


There is a failure to plot `ny lifelong strategy to tackle our


skills gaps. We need to retrain and reskill older workers. Therd has


been talk about social mobility and improving this under the prdvious


government but little of thhs has touched on and benefited older


part-time students. The number of part-time students has plumleted by


38% and mature students havd dropped by hundred and 80000 by 20 ten.


Part-time higher education hs the catalyst for widening participation.


Part-time study helps students for disadvantaged backgrounds btt that


has not seen for mature students whose numbers have declined. The


latest survey of students bx the National education opportunhty


network save 40% may be choosing different causes an institution than


they would like because of costs restricting the range of


institutions they apply to buy living at home. This governlent has


talked the talk on widening participation but not walked the


walk and it is astonishing that in such a large bill they have not put


the importance on adult learning and part-time. Having cut my tedth as a


postgraduate with the WDA, H am proud to indoors, as the party is,


and express commitment to p`rt-time and adult education. I have said


previously that the worlds of further education, higher education


and online learning at morphing into each other far more quickly than


some policymakers realise. We are not ahead of the curve, the


consequences could be severd. I will briefly give way. He mentions in his


speech a number of criticisls of competition in the university


sector. Does he not agree whth Lord Mandelson who said in his rdsponse


to the government White Papdr and I quote, I welcome this focus on the


range of universities as thdy are essential for social mobility. Well,


Lord Mandelson, I am at one at that. I welcome a range of universities


but what I want to make surd and what I am sure most members of this


House want to make sure is that they do what they say on the tin and can


be dusted in the first placd. That is the whole point of what we are


saying. -- trusted. The honourable gentleman and, whips are tr`ined to


say things like that, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating The


government should... I will watch and see. The government shotld take


into consideration proposals to imported to be left to chance. They


should study the Fabian Sochety s new repose is to do away with loans.


The Open University, city and Guilds, and several others have


produced ideas to facilitatd both credit transfer and personal career


at Cowes. These build on thd magisterial 2009 learning through


life report which was co-authored by Tom Schuler and David Watson.


Knowledge is power, but tod`y we have an opportunity that also a duty


to spreads that power. Life launch learning should not be silo. It


helps people live longer, it helps bring back offenders into society.


It contributes to getting economically inactive peopld ready


for the world of work. I am labouring on this points because I


realise given the smaller btdgets the ministers opposite might have,


they may have to go around with a begging bowl if we are actu`lly


going to get progress in thhs area. We should be bold and bring forward


practical skills with knowlddge The Government has been content to make


welcome incremental changes whilst the capacity of adult learnhng is


unravelling further. There hs little reference as my colleague mdntioned


to have devolution max. The primary responsibility would be


to its owners, investors and its shareholders. Instead of looking at


urgent and constructive ways of reducing the financial burddn on


students and preparing mech`nisms which dodge Parliament 's ability to


regulate them, the Government has brought forward this Bill. Hnstead


of shoring up the universithes at its most critical time, thex risked


seriously undermining them by pursuing obsessively that m`rket


ideology. Instead of analyshs in the wake of Brexit to give assurances


and strategies to safeguard research excellence in traditional


universities and modern ones, and the involvement of a cheat `nd local


communities. We have continually ducked the


suggestions made them about pre-legislative scrutiny to try to


iron out some of these issuds. With the results of the Brexit rdferendum


and the collapse of the Camdron Government, we can see how wise it


would be for them to reflect and take time, instead they are going


hell for leather with a Bill... The small measures of progress that they


have made on social mobilitx could have been the opportunity to paint a


bold new picture of a systel that would encourage social cohesion


Instead, they have undermindd the own suggestions on social mobility.


We could have had a Bill th`t addressed these things and which


would have commended weight support across the House with institutions


that supply higher education and research. Instead, after thd


business has been turned upside down, we are pressing on as if


nothing had happened. When the facts change, I change my mind, what do


you do? That is not the build this Parliament needs. It is not the Bill


that universities and higher education needs. It is not the Bill


that the country needs. It hs a Bill that is not fit for purpose and


after Brexit, to provide direction and structured to tackle and said


the needs of a crucial part of our national... In the next gendration.


That is why we cannot support its second tonight. Neil Carmichael


Thank you very much. I would like to welcome the new Secretary of state.


It is a great pleasure to sde her sitting in her place. I think she


does a wonderful job. I was reminded when she spoke about her experience


going to university as the first member offer family, it was the same


for me. I remember heading from Northumberland to Nottinghal


thinking I was going fairly well so. Until I met students who were also


on the arrival but they werd coming north. I was quite intrigued by


that. I enjoyed my time at university as did she. I wotld echo


her point that it really dods matter about getting to university. For


those that do, it is a fabulous thing. Precisely the point `bout


this whole discussion is to make sure more can do that and c`n be


successful. That is the essdntial point. I am also very keen to


welcome the creation of a l`rge support Department for Educ`tion. It


always struck me it was verx strange that the previous Government but


one, Gordon Brown's, severed the Department for Education and created


the situation where we had ` wasteland. We never knew who was


doing what and how it was bding done, and he was standing at. Apart


from the fact that the link`ge between schools, colleges and


universities was effectivelx broken. Creating a new department lhke we


have, I think, is a fabulous step in a new direction. I remember


discussing this with the right honourable member for Surrex Heath.


I think he would concur with what I had just said. As a former Secretary


of State for education, he hs well placed to do that. We have copyright


kind of Department. I am pldased as the education Select Committee that


I have even more to do. The sector that we are talking about today is


very important. There's nothing more important, in fact, then making sure


that the HE sector for rides and prosperous. We will give yot several


reasons. That price. The obvious one is social mobility and justhce. The


brutal fact is that it is and in hop -- up her and waste to know that


there are people who could get into university but cannot. -- tdrrible


waste. It is completely unacceptable. What we have to have


in society is where we have people who can and should, and do want to


go somewhere can get there. That is our job. It is not acceptable to


have groups of people or individuals amongst groups of people, trapped.


Thank you for giving way. On that basis, how does he justify the


removal of NHS bursaries? I do think it is an important issue to attract


people to the NHS. What we need to be concentrating on to therd is the


Bill in point. It is an isste that we will look at in due course on the


education Select Committee. I want to go back to this point about


social justice and making stre that we actually extend out to all. It is


critical. One of the issues that is important is that we need to


recognise that it has to be extended across the country to regions and


localities that are surrounded by effectively a wall. A wall `gainst


hope. A wall against opporttnity. A war against achievement. -- Paul.


This Bill is also about productivity. That is a critical


point as well. To have a society where people can feel included, feel


able to express themselves, feel able to get the jobs and


opportunities they want, we need a society that is also based on an


economic productive model. The reality is productivity equ`ls more


opportunity. It equals people having more skills, having the ability to


get a better salary, having the ability to do things they could not


otherwise do. The productivhty argument is absolutely at the court


of why it is we need to improve our university sector as this Bhll seeks


to do. Would he acknowledged that productivity is also part of what we


would call the search and development, particularly rdsearch


and development budgets in Durope. There is a concern that the


withdrawal from Europe -- Etrope can have an impact on projects that have


been financed. Could the honourable gentleman look about whether they


have already looked at that consequence? I think it is dssential


we have research and development. If you look at the comparatives between


ourselves and other countrids they are competing with, you find some


areas where we could and should do better. You are absolutely right. I


want to make this point abott productivity, if you take the


Germany point of view, according to the OECD, 28% more productive than


us, that economy has businesses companies and professions, they


understand human forces, people are the things that really mattdr. I


will give you an example of how I know this. I went to a power factory


in East Germany, lower Saxony to be exact. It is basically being built


from the ashes of the collapse of the Communist regime. They `re


producing cars. I was talking about the supply chain. What does it look


like Hoylake I asked the manager what looked like. He said hd could


show me. What he showed me was a typical final but what was `lso part


of the supply chain were colleges and universities, not just the


normal value factors that stpply cars. -- manufacturers. If xou are


going to be productive and to drive through the growth that we need you


need human resources. Making sure that we do so is a huge step in the


rate direction. I am fine. The on board member giving way. Mickey just


comment on my alma mater, the University of West London which has


the legislator nurtured a relationship between the gr`duates


so that it feels its needs to the industries so there is a sylbiotic


relationship between the industries and the University. Is that a model


that we should be looking to expand across the entire higher edtcation


sector? It is a good point. We will put that in with devolution. My


honourable friend makes a powerful point. It is important that the


universities are connected to businesses, to professions. I make


two more points. The first hs that through devolution, through making


sure that universities becole dominant partners of cities and


other regions, then they will be able to make those links for


opportunities and contributd to the world of research and development


that is so important beyond the university itself. That is point


number one. Point number two, what we have to do is recognise that


businesses and professions have an interest to be invested in


universities and we should dncourage them to do so in a traditional way


by supplying capital, and in the most sensible way, supporting


students to go to universitx, to stay at university and develop


research opportunities. There are steps to make that happen in this


Bill. If you take, for example, the office for students, like the idea


that is going to have the ability to shape the new universities that we


need an access to degree subjects that we also need. That ties in with


the knowledge that everybodx has that we do have certain skilled


sectors which are woefully undersupplied. What we need to do is


develop the university sector to help put that right. That khnd of


relationship is a very important one for us. I also welcome the fact that


this Bill is selecting the lartial leave you. That is an important


contribution to the bait. -, nursery.


What I would say is that structure does need to be user-friendly in the


sense that it must engage whth the world of the search and the


interests of science. We have to remember that getting inforlation


technology in the right places important. There are sometiles


questions about who owns IP and who's going to benefit from IP. We


need to set up a system which looks good and is able to deliver that


kind of structure. Other issue is the question of


destinations. We don't about this destinations from schools that


matter rather than convocathon an assessment. That is why I al quite


pleased about the teaching framework. That will help us shape


the destination issue in it thing way. If we get it right... Will he


expects that these process could be with the regional colleges, they


have important part to play not only in their relationship with schools


and universities. Teaching can be upgraded. Of course I do. The truth


of the matter is colleges produce foundation degrees, a logic`l link


an extension to universities. The relationship between larger colleges


and universities should be `llowed to develop, and courage. Ex`ctly the


kind of the question of getting the skills of wanted the subject I think


also very critical. Shut up you think about the world of edtcation


in a linear wave is finished, that is why they please welcome the new


creation this apartment. I wrote about it a few years ago it would


happen, though it has reasons I hoped it would happen for other


which is that we need to sed universities and colleges thinking


of their relationship is with schools and academies. That is a key


issue. The travel of the other way, too. That will help us understand


more about what the labour larket skills might account for thd select


committee if you think it up. But most of their city I have


suggestions for what was shd there will, going at so sorry in ` civil


stuff is. But this is actions. It is action in the singer 's even so will


the academies during fools. Skills. This is the skin. Vince Wilfork


education system is they've more of me in the World Cup this th`t during


those stock is reaching out for desperate to be reached out they are


those that are described as an opt plague they should not deprhve


faith. That is put right on this journey we barking on this second


reading of the bill committde at their will look at the issuds raised


by the opposition. Taking note of one or to macro. I want my committee


right. It is an important one. -- two. Through the cracks not of


his these things for. With heritage should all aged up things that the


death you there shouldn't, fourth sheet that not


still to produce up because the certificate passed often gave UK to


the framework. I'm not participating Scotthsh


universe and this becomes to be attracting foreign students. I thank


the honourable lady for givhng way, I echo the sentiments will stop I


worked in an educational institution, that and agree with the


value of international studdnts The value is financial, but is luch more


than that, and all students lose out if that becomes a problem. H agree


with my honourable friend 100%. Diversity in the institutions, what


we can learn from students overseas. It really enriches the experience


for all students in higher education. For international


students, potentially viewing a move to a UK university, they cotld look


in English university with ` strong rate as offering a better qtality of


experience then a Scottish university with a rating. As this


will be grounds in quality `ssurance scores, and Scotland has a distinct


quality assurance system, the invitation of Scotland's in Hance


educational reviews, and thd benchmarking would allow


institutions in Scotland to continue to compete on a level playing field.


In a scratch of national sttdents. It is important that caution is


exercised around the use of metrics to judge the quality of teaching.


From metrics like graduate salary, student satisfaction, and drive


university behaviour in a ndgative way. Higher education institutes are


encouraged to sacrifice certain subjects, for areas producing more


satisfactory results areas leasured. Courses which are more challenging,


and possibly score lower sttdent satisfaction metrics may be hit


Vital seven courses. They could end up being dropped, they do not mesh


well -- measure well. If metrics are to be used, they should be carefully


done so so that skill has bden developed, and it meets the overall


needs of society. The drive towards marketisation of the student expects


is one with all you with cotrt in the power to award the festhve I did


the work is an there is a mdchanism in sure ideas have a crack hn the --


track record. This will be damaging as the UK competes internathonally


for students. show union of students at chin. So


the defence would share, it Private Eye is what should be worridd about.


-- Private Eye courses which are more than to left to Irish ddition


of disputes. These traditional institutions of will either bear


this financial burden, or worse still will abandon some of the


courses which ever earned the UK its worldwide patient for excellence in


the field. New institutions will be allowed to operate without providing


services, from libraries, to student unions. A key part of the student


experience in university. This bill this competition, not on thd terms


with existing universities that on substantially any assumption one can


make easily providers for students. There are of course City mob of the


government have, with a latd fee at 6000, universe that have le`ked the


quality, and at the other end of IS ?9,000, further rise in recdnt


teaching fight to, is recognised of Finland is with the same for all


courses in the Institute. Creating systems that quality of a whole is


not allowing them the front. I will finish my point. The fee if teaching


will there be across of months that the stick. Create work framd the


corpse of the fair that sets forth, charging for money quality degree. I


have huge admirer of educathon in Scotland, and found that late it is


meant universities is that whole living in one case he sat rdvealed


that Scotland at this foot hn any part of the kingdom is admitting


students from poorer backgrounds to piety is not back the gent for his


intervention. A useful one for myself. I did this stop looking at


the true from higher educathon. Scotland will have higher education


students taking alternative routes in. Tuition fees were trebldd in


2012, but there was no eviddnce to suggest there has been an


improvement in teaching quality for student satisfaction. The SNP


strongly opposes any further increase in fees. We continte to


support a system whereby entry to university is based on the `bility


to learn, never on the abilhty to pay. We have a strong and principled


record of opposing increases in tuition fees throughout the UK. We


will reject any bill which hncreases the financial burden on students.


I'm happy the Secretary of State recognises that allowing


marketisation of higher education will increase the possibility of


institutions exiting the market The NUS has raised concerns abott the


first responsibility of collapsing providers. Providers have


responsibilities to their shareholders about their sttdents?


There was no recognition, or Vosloo groups may get monetary recompense,


there is a recognition of the time wasted by students starting a course


with an institution, which subsequently fails. This tile is


indeed money for the students, whose careers and earning potenti`l could


be delayed while they seek `n alternative provider. They have been


asked to make a gamble with their fees and time, more importantly The


SNP has at its heart a commhtment to higher education of their profit of


education remains a look to us. The new emphasis on participation, as


well as access is a positivd measure. Plans to place a


transparency duty on universities to publish data for students b`sed on


gender, ethnicity and social backgrounds are a step in the right


direction, and I'm pleased to see there was scope to extend student


financing to students who do not accept interest carolling loans


creating a compliant manner of financing by students. If government


are going to meet their targets of doubling the potion of studdnts from


disadvantaged backgrounds going to university, and increasing the


number of black and minoritx ethnic students going to universitx,


transparency revolution must also ensure the and accountability.


Would she agree it is vital the Government will looks at thd


interaction between the higher education sectors in Scotland and


takes full account of the w`y that works to encourage particip`tion by


those groups that may be lilited currently? Absolutely. Another group


that has an advantage by thdse routes as single parents and


part-time students who are not able to access higher education hn the


same way that they have been able to in Scotland. Clear measures and


pathways to enable disadvantaged students to progress have bden


steadily eroded. Removal of the educational maintenance allowance


and maintenance grants for students from disadvantaged backgrounds


coupled with cuts to disabldd students and their allowancd does


not match the Government's `mbitions in this area. The picture in


Scotland continues to improve and positive steps are being taken to


ensure access continues to hncrease. Young people from a disadvantaged


background in Scotland are now more likely to participate in higher


education than they have evdr been in the past. We are now at 41% in


2014 of students from disadvantaged backgrounds who were able to access


higher education. Moving on to the search, the commitment to jdwel


support systems of research funding and that they have been principal


has been greatly welcomed bx the research community. Proposals to


reform the UK research Council in this Bill could have implic`tions


for higher education institttions in Scotland and we continue to have


concerns about the potential short and long-term consequences for


Scotland's the search base. The retention of seven disciplinary


research councils is welcomd. Merges or changes to this structurd at this


time could prove distracting to the research councils and could impact


negatively upon the UK's research capability. It has been stated that


it is strongly believed that the research council should continue to


hold its own budget and provide leadership for its own dischplines


and Anna Thomas fashion. Thd creation of UK research and


innovation within the context of science and research budget will


give greater coordination across the research councils and will hopefully


offer a stronger voice to the research community in its


interaction with Government. Currently, Scotland performs well in


attracting funding from resdarch councils for grants, studentships


and fellowships. The latest recorded figures showing Scotland attracted


13% of the UK total in 2012,13. Research Council spending on


infrastructure was only 5% of the UK spending. And only 7% of innovative


UK funding is spent in Scotland We are concerned that there cotld be a


lack of consideration amongst the research councils and Innov`te UK


decision-making bodies of priorities and research needs in Scotl`nd and


other devolved nations. Scotland's research interests and priorities


would be better served if the new UKRI board had an understanding of


policies across Scotland as well as the UK. We ask that representation


of the devolved administrathons is given on the board of UKRI. My


honourable friend who despite what was being said, is not the


Honourable Member for Angus. I visited the University of Glasgow


which is my constituency to meet with the space research dep`rtment.


They spoke at some length about the importance of research mech`nisms


and the ability for the resdarch councils to join funding all the way


up. It is important when we have opportunity with legislation like


this to make progress with these issues. One of the problems like


groups of Glasgow Universitx have found is that there is a bl`ck hole


between different areas of research. Let us hope that this leads to


greater collaboration. This collaboration between research


councils and Innovate UK is positive but the core mission of Innovate UK


is different and distinct from that of the search councils. It hs a


bridging role between busindss and research communities, it is to


stimulate business innovation and support it. That could be threatened


if Innovate UK does not intdract more collaboratively with the


academic research community. And the moment in Scotland, our bushness


base includes 90% of SMEss. We would hope that Innovate would continue to


work with them in its distinct role. Finally, if I could mention the


impact of the EU referendum. This has serious implications for the


university sector. The UK Government must work with the Scottish


Government to ensure that Scottish higher education institutes are not


adversely impacted, especially given that Scotland voted clearly to


remain in the EU. In 2014-14, there were over 13,000 EU students


studying for undergraduate degrees in Scottish universities. In the


science and technology Commhttee last week, I asked the Minister for


universities and signs about the positions of the students of the


next few years. He was not `ble to offer a guaranteed beyond 2017- 8. I


call again for an immediate guarantee from the UK Government


that all EU students studying in Scotland, and across the rest of the


UK, will be able to continud their studies without disruption. I thank


my friend forgetting the wax a second time. The University of


Glasgow and many other Scottish universities were quick aftdr the EU


referendum to state how welcomed the European Union students where in the


institutions and go as far `s they possibly could to provide the issue


of a continued welcome, thex won't be able -- they want them to be able


to complete their courses and remain part of the institution. Those


institutions were able to rdspond quickly and can be pressed the


Government for Fotherby asstrance? I agree 100%. Aberdeen University took


a bold step of saying they would be no change to the status of `ny EU


student, not just currently studying at Aberdeen but also future students


who are looking to come to @berdeen University, a point which the


honourable gentleman would like to note. Mr Deputy Speaker, thhs Bill


does not reflect the impact of Brexit. Scottish institutions have


not been offered any assurances that the 217 million euros funding that


is currently coming will be made up by the UK Government. With the


current instability in highdr education, this is the wrong time to


press ahead with this Bill. The SNP is not able to support this Bill


today in its current form. Thank you. Rather than put a time limit on


it, if we can do up to 12 mhnutes, we will get equal time and we should


all be happy. It is a pleastre as a London MP to be here with the


dynamic duo that have no taken over education, I can confirm having sat


here for the last two hours, he has ponder here than the honour`ble


lady. -- his here is more blonde. There is another London member, the


birthday boy from Tottenham. When I read the Guardian today it said he


was born in 1972 and I must -- I am sure it must've be a misprint


because it does not look older than 55. I should also make a brhef


declaration of interest. I have spent the last 11 years on the


advisory board of the London School of commerce which is a highdr


education provider. I am sure the House is delighted to hear that he


is a reader of the Guardian but could I say I am very glad we do not


have man GB selection in thd Conservative Party because such a


confession might not endeardd him to his constituents and I hope easier


for many years to come. I thank him for the observation. Maybe ht is


another Guardian misprint. Ly role on the London School of comlerce on


the advisory board has been very enthralling and interesting. I have


watched the development of ` private education provider that has dabbled


with the idea of having full university status and trying to get


the awarding powers. It has expanded overseas. This is not a deb`te to


talk a lot about the Governlent immigration policies but I do


recognise that has had an ilpact on the broader higher education sector.


A school that had 7500 is use only ten years ago, it is now down to a


third of that number. One of the interesting things is that ` college


that provides two year degrdes, a college that also charges wdll under


the ?9,000 limit. It is intdresting that there has been growth hn


domestic students over recent years. It is a vocational value added


degree. I have watched it ddvelop. Overseas colleges in places like


Kuala Lumpur and Dakar in Bangladesh. And the European centres


as well. It is regarded as ` alternative provider but fahled to


acknowledge the valuable ecosystem of higher education. I think it is


very important in the work ht is doing. Elements of this Bill could


have came into place five ydars ago had not been for some probldms


arising. It is fair to say that there is an apparent sense of rude


health in this sector. We all have to recognise it is a hugely


important business and revenue generator for the UK. Parti`lly


because of the use of the English language but also the fact we have


got a highly recognised and approved standards of quality, something be


perhaps take for granted with our own education providers. Solething


that is not necessarily the case in other parts of the world. 125


publicly funded HE students, a sector that employs 170 academic


staff. The research side is also of critical importance. Innovations is


at the heart of what is dond in many universities. There are somd


providers in this sphere th`t will not go down the reserve chute and


will be focusing largely on for occasional education. It is


important that it is not just in other countries from the Calbridge


universities of this world that do well but a huge number of countries


-- companies with pharmaceutical provisions that are successful. I


have been a member for the last 15 years and the heart of London we


have a tremendous array higher education providers. Kings College


London, Imperial College and justice take my constituency, University


College London. These are globally successful universities and the


dominance of the popular culture of Oxbridge is being threatened by the


raising standards of these four universities in London which are


global players and what thex do I also have one of the sites of the


London Metropolitan Univershty in my area. I work with a number of MPs


across the House to try to lake a case for its continued existence in


these troubled times. I havd heard some of the debates taking place


earlier on today, in relation to the idea of a loving and universities to


feel, I do think it is an ilportant part of any developing ecosxstem. I


do not deny for one minute that there are implications with students


that could not be ignored. H do believe it is a healthy state of


affairs that if universities are not doing the job and are not providing


the education they should bd, there isn't the quality or demand, they


should not be preserved just because they have existed as institttions


for a long time. Let me see how much I welcome the legislation. H will


focus my brief comments on part one book which is the creation of the


office for students. They make the Tory system h`s


advanced in a battling manndr. The Office for Fair Access. In like


three this mechanism we can get rid of the overlaps. I support


wholeheartedly ignition of students as consumers. They are far lore


consumerist dig them this thme in the 1980s some this is a positive


thing, one of the by-products are paying for their education leans


they want to get good value, much the poor repetitive teaching. They


will want to ensure that thd facilities academic and non`cademic


are a higher quality and st`ndard. When I see an Ali-macro


undergraduates, I'm struck by how focused they are in getting the


best. When most soldiers regret for a bygone decade. It is a he`lthy


state of affairs that students take that seriously. I think that there


will implicitly recognises ht. I also recognise, we do need full


scrutiny in committee and the other place at the bar plenty of X in this


field. Obviously there are concerns about the granting of provisional


degrees by the honourable gdntleman for Blackpool South. The proposals


to relax the criteria for v`lidating powers will need to be lookdd at and


scrutinised fully. I have some sympathy with the dad because the


title of the University is ` much respected title, should quite


clearly be protected and th`t, and we will need to do this as this bill


goes through. I hope and will providers in the locality, `nd try


to make sure if we have a sxstem that does not focus on markdt


figures, that we recognise how interests have to be protected. I


fundamentally groovy now universities unit as to fail or the


old established to fail. It strikes that there are range of regtlar Tory


relationships that will need to be clarified. -- regular


relationships. One thing th`t will be debated and committee will be


government and ministerial interference. We need to make sure


that the institutions maint`in academic freedom going forw`rd.


Tettey take this opportunitx to congratulate the Secretary of State


on the ambitious proposals set out. She has shown itself willing to put


excellence and elitism at the heart of the education system. I regard


the importance of competition, variety and consumer choice as being


critical. I'm delighted that there must the centre


of educational policy. -- that they are putting this at the centre. A


pleasure to follow the honotrable gentleman, whatever else we disagree


about, I respect the fact that he has pointed out the damage to the


high educational system of hll thought out commitments and


policies. I note the cushion in his speech about the regulation for new


providers. As my honourable friend said in his excellent speech, and


others have referred referrdd to. This comes at a time when


institutions are reeling from the Brexit vote. Drafting of thd bill


and the associated consultation took place in the context of an dxpected


Remain resolved. The uncert`inties about replacing EU research funding,


and the position of the loose students would be good enough reason


in themselves to put this legislation on hold, to givd both


this House and the government the opportunity of ensuring that the


framework for higher educathon and research is fit for purpose in a


post-Brexit world. There ard other concerns about this bill. Whilst I


don't have a problem in principle with facilitating new providers and


more choice in the sector, there are strong grounds for proceeding more


carefully than the government proposes. As I think the honourable


member who has just spoken `s hinted at. It is likely that limitdd


government finance will be further stretched, when funding per student


is already under enormous pressure. And because there is a risk that


failure by new providers will be bad for students, and damage thd


reputation of UK higher education more widely. Let's remember that UK


universities and research are presently a huge national asset An


area of competitive strateghc advantage, which will be evdn wore


important, both economicallx and culturally as we strive to lake a


success of life outside the EU. Further Pacific concerns have been


drawn to my attention by Oxford University. Clause 23, provhding for


the assessment of standards as well as quality, is an extension of


regulatory power, and infringes our autonomy. We need to hear from the


government about how this whll be used. The power of students to


revoke by order the acts of Parliament or real charters,


establishing their universities The ability to dismantle so much with so


little by way of Parliament`ry scrutiny cannot be right. Mtch


stronger scrutiny and protection is needed. I'm grateful to my


honourable friend, is it not incumbent on the Minister when he


winds up this debate to givd a categorical instruments to the


House, where the rights and entitlements prescribed in Royal


Charter are deleted, they whll be reinstated by the government? Yes,


indeed. There must be scruthny by this House. These are acts of


parliament being overturned by an order, extraordinary. Furthdr


worries in the bill, as far as the structural research funding are


concerned. It'd be Secretarx of State a long time to get on


research. While the governmdnt's stated intention is to keep the


jewel funding principle, all research funding is to be the


responsibility of the proposed UK research and innovation bodx. There


is no explicit provision for ring fenced funding for anything other


than specific pieces of work. It is not clear in practice how jdwel


funding is to be delivered. The call in the bill for a balanced funding


principle for which the Secretary of State has to have regard to is


vague. I put it to the government it is crucial for future UK research


capacity to strengthen the commitment to jewel support on the


face of the bill. -- dual. There is no mention of the higher edtcation


and innovation fund. The bill divides teaching and research


artificially, where several off the cue go together. Especially at


higher levels. Such is the work in museums, and the well founddd


laboratory principle. We re`lly do need to see proper recognithon of


this in the bill. Similarly, there is a huge omission in their not


being any requirement for UK research and innovation to provide


for postgraduate research education and training. That is cruci`l for


graduates moving on into thd high-tech sector. He was prdviously


regarded as of such importance, rightly regarded, that the research


councils had it written into their real charters. Why is it not in this


bill? It certainly should bd. It's also alarming, that in the


provisions for the bill, cl`use 84, research councils could be `bolished


or merged by order. That is surely something sufficiently serious,


potentially affecting whole areas of research, that Parliament should


have proper oversight. Mr Ddputy Speaker, there is much wrong with


this bill. It is spectacularly ill timed. The government should take it


away, consult and think agahn. Thank you Mr Deputy Speaker, gratdful to


contribute to this important debate. I welcome the bill, particularly


liking its focus on enabling students to make an informed choice


about their university options. I have had concerns for some time that


too many students regard an immediate traditional campus-based


undergraduate degree as thehr only option. In saying that in no way do


I want to diminish the importance of such degrees. For many, absolutely


the right option. They should not be restrictions on the numbers. If it


is right for the person, thdy should do it. It should be a posithve


choice, not regarded as a ddfault option. I wish students to be able


to look at all options open to them, choosing what works best for them.


Whether that is a tradition`l degree, or it should be a p`rt-time


degree, or even deferring it agreed to a later point in their c`reer. I


welcome the proposals to establish new high-quality providers, offering


different products, increashng the range of options for students. In


addition, we should not forget to place provisions for the bill in the


context of upscaling the workforce and lifelong working. I am proud to


have in my constituency the open University, the shadow minister was


a lecturer for some time. In 50 years of existence, I'm not saying


the Gyan was there at the ottset, it has given opportunities to tpscale


and rescale some 2 million people. I would like to quote, if I m`y, from


the excellent briefing note the University distributed, it


encapsulates the point. It hs essential that these far-re`ching


proposals are not developed so leave through the policy loans of an


18-year-old student entering higher education for the first timd.


Rescaling in upscaling the `dult workforce are essential for future


prosperity and success in the coming years, depending a lifelong learning


culture, which which rests on three equal pillars, flexible lifdtime


learning opportunities, refreshing and full-time studies. I welcome


this bill. The changing of the restriction


imposed in 2008, these will allow new students to apply for a Jewish


and fee loan for a second p`rt-time honours degree in engineering,


technology and computer scidnces. And for a wider range of part-time


honours degrees seven coursds in 2017 and 2018. These will bd


welcomed by the Open University Support for the part-time hhgher


education sector, I would lhke to make two suggestions to be


considered in committee. Thdre is a express commitment to part-time


higher education and adult dducation in the proposed general duthes of


the office for students. Confirmation that a broad r`nge of


different types of English higher education providers should be


recognised in the make up of the office forced youth and sport. -


office for students bored. H hope these suggestions will be considered


favourably in committee. Whhle I'm a topic of the Open Universitx, I


would like to make is a reqtest -- make a request for clarific`tion,


the Open University is the only university that has a footprint in


Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland. Clause 75 of the


bill talks about the English higher education provider, I would be


grateful of the Minister will clarify that this definition applies


to the Open University as wdll as other English -based universities.


The second is about the Open University's waiters as a rdsearch


body of excellence. They wish to note that it does not concentrate


research into fewer institutions angry geographical locations, and


re-searchers are offered rottes to support research and visions.


I think there is huge potential for new entrants into the market. I very


much agree with the comments of the principle of Pearson Collegd will


stop she said it is clear that the dominance of one size fits `ll model


of university education is over Students are calling out for


pioneering institutions offdring alternative education models with an


increased focus on skills to prepare them for the careers of the future.


I would use Milton Keynes to illustrate this potential. Lembers


might not be aware but Milton Keynes in January turns 50. It has reached


its planned size in terms of population and also physical


footprint. I apologise to the gentleman for Oxford East to help


the -- help me make these comments in Westminster Hall last wedk. This


is for the wider audience. H am grateful for that endorsement.


Milton Keynes is actively ddbating what comes next having reached its


planned size. There is a very live debate about what our futurd size


and shape should be and what the Milton Keynes or 2050 should look


like. For ourselves and also the place in the Oxford, Milton Keynes,


Cambridge corridor. Which the former Chancellor announced in the budget,


the National infrastructure commission will be exploring for


growth potential. In Milton Keynes we have the open University. Nearby


we have excellent universithes like Cranfield and Buckingham. Wd also


have a healthy forge a educ`tion and higher education partnership in the


centre of Milton Keynes. It has long been an aspiration for Milton Keynes


to happy campers based univdrsity of its own to help generate economic


growth and four economic and social benefits that university towns and


cities enjoy. I do question if the answer is the traditional c`mpus.


Shouldn't we try to indicatd something new G2 the sophistication


of students? It brings the tradition of Milton Keynes. I was absolutely


delighted that the recent sdtup of the Milton Keynes future colmission


that was chaired by Sir Petdr Gregson, the vice Chancellor of


Cranfield, has proposed as one of the central recommendation hs a


Milton Keynes centre of technology. It would be like MIT. It wotld


provide solutions to the ch`llenges that a fast-growing city faces. It


would offer portfolio learnhng, reading lavatorial research and


partnerships with the wide range of global institutions and employers.


It could also be the institttion that fills the building skills gap


that we face in the new intdlligent mobility market. We urgentlx need to


train more people with skills in this sector. I also am proud to have


an Milton Keynes the transport systems catapult. Working whth


Government departments, thex have published research that shows it


will be a gap in the hundreds of thousands of people's work that


skill and a market that is going to be ?900 billion by 2025. If you want


to have our share of the global market we need to focus on skills in


this area. That is just one of the examples of the many opporttnities


that exist in that area. Thd Bill provides huge opportunities for


innovation. There is a crithcal link between the expansion of higher


education, the prospect of local economies and the late challenges of


people. I believe this Bill strengthens that link and look


forward to supporting it tonight. I actually just want to pick tp where


I honourable friend the Member for Oxford East liftoff. There hs much


in this Bill that is long overdue. Much of the legislation is


necessary. This Bill was wrhtten for a different time. It was wrhtten any


different here. The risk is what the Minister is presenting to the House


is a halfway House. He will leave us with the task of having to come back


to some big strategic questhons and finish the job. The Secretary of was


absolutely right to underline the necessity of this Bill. We need the


strength of our higher educ`tion institutions like never before. In


this post-referendum on Irap, we'll have to get better at making things


more efficiently. The productivity growth that blights our economy


today is actually worse than was at the end of the 1970s when wd used to


call it a British disease. The problem with this Bill is that it


does nothing to address the big strategic challenges that confront


students, confront the science base and the school system. I want to


talk about students. We know there's a big debate to be had about the


financial viability of the student loan system. The Zac Dunn is not the


afternoon or occasion to rehearse the fragility of the Ponzi scheme


that underpins the system. ,- this afternoon. ?70 billion or ?80


billion could be the debt write off. The student loans system as it is


currently setup is not fit for purpose and it is not fit the


future. There are a number of measures that the Mac -- Minister


has proposed in this Bill to ensure a degree of transparency, freezing


the thresholds for the studdnt loan payments. The truth is we nded an


entire overhaul of the transparency of this system because we nded this


system to work well and quit frankly, too often they are looking


through a class Archway try to figure out what is going on. I am


also disappointed bidders not enough in this Bill about lifelong


learning. There is nothing hn it learning. There is nothing hn it


about workplace learning. I would like to see a bold revolution in the


way that... So it is possible for to go from ABC to Ph.D. In the


workplace. In a world where you can get an online learning course to


your smartphone, that must be possible. We do not have thd


qualifications system to make that a reality or bodily health policy and


erect place. The second big challenge the science base. -- we do


not have that policy in the right place. There's nothing in this Bill


that actually confronts the big strategic challenge for scidnce in


this country. We are plummeting down the league tables when it comes to


science spending. If you ye`rs ago the Royal Society said, unldss we


grow smarter, we will go poor. If the global race is anything, it is a


science base and we are falling behind today. By 2019 China will


become the world's biggest science player and we already losing the


race for good-quality high-tech jobs of the future. We're not gohng to


fix a strategic challenge lhke that if we language at 23rd out of 3 the


OECD countries. Countries around the world, big competitors like Japan


and Korea, countries in Scandinavia, are now spending 3% of GDP on


science, each and every year. We spend something like 1.3% on GDP on


science. We would need to code in and add public spending of ?23


billion every route to bring science spending in this country up to the


level of our strongest compdtitors. It is not clear if we had a 10-year


framework for science funding any more. I do not see anything in this


Bill about strengthening thd position which I think is bdcoming


extremely serious. At a timd when so many universities are having huge


holes punched in the sciencd base and the science funding bec`use of


the decision come out of Europe We would lead an awful lot mord from


the Secretary of State this afternoon about how we were going to


tackle this looming crisis. The food challenge I want to touch on very


briefly is the challenge th`t worries me most. That is whx there


is nothing in this Bill to `djust the revolution we need in the tech


system in this country. We know how to design jewellery track education


systems because we did that for Germany after the Second World War.


We've got to do it for oursdlves. What Percy said to his Housd in


1944, the position of Great Britain as a leading industrial nathons ..


The failure to secure the application of science to industry


and that failure is due to deficiencies in education. The


problem is what was true in 194 is now true today. We do not h`ve a


strong general tax system. ,- strong track system. We have a risd in


unqualified science teachers in our classroom. We have the caredrs


service that the CBI said is on life support. We have a further dducation


system that was cut by 40% hn the last parliament. We have an


apprenticeship system that hs growing the number of level twos.


Just 100 apprentices on levdl five in my home city. In Birmingham. Just


2% of apprentices today go on to level five study. It has bedn a 14%


fall on the number of peopld on each end thes and foundation degrees


Those people seeking a technical path to higher education from the


age of 14 up until 21 go through a system that is overseen by Ofsted,


the AQAP, the EFA and the SFA. I know the office for students. It is


a dog 's breakfast. We need a holistic review to put in place a


single comprehensive system for technical education. That mdans


anyone from the age of 14 ldarning technical education and rebtilding


the courier service, high-qtality, Gold standard apprenticeships with


everyone studying English and maths will stop a new degree of


specialisation in our colleges and institutes of technical excdllence.


An apprenticeship system th`t gives at least half of young people the


chance of taking a technical apprenticeship up until levdl five.


We know how to do this becatse British companies like Jagu`r


Landrover and British aerospace are running these apprenticeship


schemes. They are harder to get into the net is to get into Oxford


University today. Crucially, we need a new partnership between ftrther


education and higher educathon. We should be emulating the best


practice of the United Statds. It is possible to do the first cotple


years of your degree at the further education college before moving on


to finish in a couple of ye`rs at a world-class higher education


institution. That is why thd duty to collaborate is so vital for this


Bill. That is why it is such a problem that is missing frol this


Bill. We have been burying our scientists with sovereigns since the


death of Sir Isaac Newton. There is no other country on the earth that


would get a BAFTA for the fhlm of how great sciences. One or one of


the world's great signs powdrs. That position is now in jeopardy. --


science power. We needed a Bill that would absolutely be placed higher


education as the powerhouse it needs to be for our country's futtre. Very


grateful to have the opporttnity to speak in this debate. I would like


to place on record that I rdally welcome the new Secretary of state


to her role. I am also pleased to see the Minister in his place.


Following this through the House, he has spent many months working on the


green paper and more recently, the white paper. I would also lhke to


say that I welcome the news that further education and higher


education will be pulled into the Department for Education. I noted


the comments made by my honourable friend, the Member for Strotd, about


the workload as a Select Colmittee increasing significantly. Mx


workload megajoules as the joint subcommittee for education `nd


skills and the economy might be short lived. -- my workload might


reduce. We have an expanding higher education system, world-class


universities and home to ball-mac out of the world's top ten


universities, second only to the USA. That is why I welcome to the


higher education and research Bill. The research axis trademark as an


established way of incentivhsing and accessing high quality rese`rch The


higher education sector has been too heavily geared to prioritisd


academic research. This Bill looks to achieve a much better balance.


Placing emphasis on those things that matters to students, p`rents,


and also employers. We need to ensure that students are getting


value for money. And at the end of the degree, they feel they have


gained from the university experience. And critically, can


progress on to graduate jobs or further study. We need to ensure


that we do not hear students saying things like wars university really


worth it? Just takes on backs, Mr Deputy Speaker, a survey showed that


a third of students said thdy would immediately different decishon if


they knew what the new now. Another survey showed that around 20% of


employed graduates are in nonprofessional rolls 3.5 ydars


after graduating. Students need better inform`tion


about the courses and universities they are looking at and support into


graduate roles. I welcome the support for the office for Students,


the main regulatory body for higher education. Promoting equality,


greater choice and opportunhties for tutors will stop specifically the


Office for Students will be promoting the excellence fr`mework.


We have heard a lot about this, it was a key Conservative manifesto


commitment. The teaching excellence framework will put into place


incentives designed to drivd up the standard of teaching in


universities, providing students with greater clarity as to where


teaching is best, and the bdnefits they can expect to gain frol their


course. This will, in turn, create more competition in the sector,


continuing to drive up the standard of teaching. Helping students


progress into employment or further study. The business, innovation and


skills select committee, whhch I am a member of, so if the membdr for


Sheffield Central. Conducted an enquiry looking at the new teaching


excellence framework. As a committee we welcome and endorsed the


government's focus on teachhng quality, agreeing that a stronger


incentive to focus on teachhng quality well help to ensure that


higher educational instituthons meet student expectations, and ilprove on


their leading international position. While the rationale for it


was accepted by the sector, questions and concerns were raised


as to the potential metrics used, and how it would affect thehr


institution, and how they would apply. Specifically concerns raised


as the link to the proposed metrics, employability, retention,


satisfaction with teaching puality. Any potential unintended


consequences which could arhse from institutions seeking to opthmise


their score on each of the letrics. Whilst learning James, that was


suggested as an alternative, one which other countries are exploring,


work still needs to be done to establish an effective way of


measuring this will stop thd Higher Education Funding Council for


England is carrying out a phlot study, looking at learning game


while added value metrics m`y work, that this could take two or three


years to develop. As a commhttee we called on all parties to establish


the speedy establishment of viable metrics related to learning game.


The technical conservation was there, an opportunity for the sector


to engage further with the development of the teaching


framework. And ways that gr`duate employment could be measured. The


development of additional mdtrics is key to ensuring they can be


incorporated by year three, as set out in the white paper, published in


May. The technical consultation closed in July, I will be interested


to know when the Minister comes to the wind-up Conor Coady upd`te the


House on the progress being made to develop new metrics, those


considered, and what pilots have been undertaken. The need to pilot


the teaching education framdwork, and the metrics, means it w`s


welcome news that the speed in which TEF would be brought in, and in


relation to fees. We need to make sure the sector is in this that --


sector is in a sound financhal footing. An increasing numbdr of


students are accessing the sector. With the student loan systel,


students don't need to meet the costs of University upfront. Labour


created a provision in law to maintain tuition fees in line with


inflation in the higher educational activity vows and four. Between


2007-10, Labour raised fees in line with inflation every year the Jewish


set in 2012, ?9,000, it is hn real terms only worth a thousand ?50 . It


is expected to arrive service, to ?1000 by the end of the parliament.


- like ?8,000. There has bedn no accountability when it comes with


the juice and raising this fees in line with inflation. With the real


value of tuition fees declining and concerns in the sector maintaining


levels of investment, we nedd to find ways for universities to


increase fees, in such a wax that they are fair and accountable. The


TEF has a role to play. All parties need to work together designing TEF,


and the metrics used in practice. I'm pleased that the white paper


confirmed that in 2017 and 08, it will be used as a trial year for


TEF, and I'm sure the higher education sector will welcole the


virginity to make more technical consultation. In relation to TEF and


fees, I was pleased to read an article by Steve Smith, the Vice


Chancellor of the Universitx of Exeter, is who despite concdrns the


details stated, he said in his view it is important we go forward with


the TEF. The quality of higher education is important to students


and universe by the UK univdrsities board endorsed the relationship


between TEF and fee rises. He went on to say, the government w`nts


something for something. For the economy and students. For the


economy the TEF offers a wax to support the improvement in the


context of higher education, through the creation of graduates whth the


skills needed by this and industry. For students, a funding mechanism


allowing institutions to invest in teaching and student experidnce


preserving and enhancing thd quality of education in universities stop


the Deputy speaker, I would like to turn to the idea of new universities


entering the market. Our economy needs more graduates. Over half of


the job vacancies between now and 2022 will need graduates. Lhfting


the cap on numbers means more places for universities will be made


available I am most grateful to my honourable friend, has she lade any


study of the outrageous dissemination currently suffered by


English students studying in Scottish universities, after we come


out of the European Union? H think my honourable friend makes ` very


interesting point. I'm sure there will be further discussions about


this going forwards. Terms of the numbers, excellent news that record


numbers of students are sectring a university place. The portion of


young people from disadvant`ged backgrounds going to higher


education is up, too. UCAS data shows young people from the most


disadvantaged backgrounds are replying to record rate for the


2016-17 year. This is excellent progress. With more skills needed in


the workplace, the sector c`nnot stand still. That is why I welcome


aspects of part one of the bill making it easier for new


universities to enter the m`rket. This means more places can be


created, students have more choice, and encouraging greater divdrsity


and innovation in the sector. Would she Devil welcomed the news that


Chinese investors propose to take over the Staffordshire Univdrsity


campus, vacated by Staffordshire University in Stafford, to provide


precisely that additional choice and excellence she refers to? I thank my


honourable friend, and constituency neighbour for his point. He is


absolutely right. He must bd reading over my shoulder, I was just going


to talk about Staffordshire University. I currently do not have


a university in Cannock Chase. We have businesses and organis`tions


who have close relationships with Staffordshire University, I have


constituency were tender. Pdrhaps one day I will have a new university


in my own constituency of C`nnock Chase. To conclude, we have a


world-class higher educational sector, we cannot be complacent How


are economy needs high-qualhty graduates, are graduates nedd skills


to contribute to our economx. I welcome the higher education and


research bill, demonstrating the government has a clear plan for


education, building on the progress already made. Mr Deputy Spe`ker the


bill currently before us Tudsday the second reading comes at a thme great


change. The most important of which is my birthday today. Not that long


ago I was sitting in the Minister's chair. In those days I lookdd more


like Denzel Washington. To day I looked like Forest Whitaker. Last


week's reshuffle saw the brhef for the Department for Education, a new


Education Secretary promoted, together with a new Business


Secretary. I have to say, sdrving as universities and skills Minhster in


the Department for innovation, universities and skills,


subsequently in the Departmdnt for business, innovation and skhlls


when universities switched from education to business, it bdcame


clear to me, this move gave higher education, and the sector as a whole


and much more prominent voice in government. This is because placing


universities under the umbrdlla of business and innovation meant there


was always a clear and implhcit comparison between innovation,


skills and prosperity, and laking sure we have the skills to power our


economy. The education they provide was seen by number ten, the


Treasury, and Cabinet ministers from across government as absolutely


central to what the governmdnt was trying to achieve. The impact of


reducing influence in Whitehall which is inevitable, with this move,


and there was much debate at the time, there will Vice Chancdllor 's


concern when it was created. The universal view was that it would


benefit. I'm very concerned at this change, not being commented on so


far. Clearly is the backdrop for this field. I asked the minhster,


what will happen if our universities are no longer seen as integral to


driving innovation and feasting prosperity. What will happen when


they spending review comes `round, and universities are fighting


schools for resources, and lose out? What will happen when there is


pressure to tighten visa rules for students to try and meet migration


targets? We worked hard to beat off the Home Office, I was one of those


ministers, the Minister will not admit it, but it is a regul`r part


of the job. My God, it will be harder placed in the Departlent for


Education and Skills doing ht. In each case, the voice of universities


will carry less weight as a consequence. Grateful to thd right


honourable member. He will have the intervention by my honourable friend


for Cannock Chase, citing Shr Steve Smith, the Vice Chancellor of Exeter


University. A huge amount of overseas students at Exeter


universities, one of the le`ding universities in the country, not


only the world. The Minister shares might do visas. This period of


uncertainty because of Brexht and these restrictions, many ard living


in a state of fear, not least European funding, and the fdar about


the Visa regime. That was the point I was making. Some of the tdnsions


in Whitehall, particularly dmanating from the Home Office, lies behind


the problem. Another problel has been mentioned by honourabld


members, not least Birmingh`m Hodge Hill, and my friend, the melber for


Oxford. The vote to leave the European Union has made the future


very uncertain indeed for hhgher education institutions. When looking


at the bill, the government surely acknowledge the need is timd to


provide greater certainty, not further instability. The higher


education sector will be particularly at first the affected


by the UK's decision to leave the European Union. Brexit will


significantly diminish rese`rch funding across universities unless


the government is proposing a large-scale programme for rdsearch


funding across all disciplines to fill the gap. Interesting to hear


from the Minister on that. The campaign from the leave group of


250 million per week was fictitious. I am sure the House will welcome a


similar promise today that `ny lost research funding will be replaced. I


have forward to hearing frol the ministers. Universities facd the


prospect of losing across the board. How will universities fail hn this


post Brexit world when the calls to curb immigration inevitably come?


Universities that have been warning for years that making student visas


harder to come by is having a hugely damaging effect as has just been


mentioned by the Honourable Member. The Vice Chancellor for the


University of Sheffield esthmates that 40% of his income from teaching


comes from international sttdents and non-UK students generatd ?1


billion for the wider UK economy. Almost 100,000 students had a visas


cut short between 2013-15 and between 2010-15, the number of


overseas students arriving hn the UK fell by 25%. This is not just about


money. What message does Brdxit send out? The world leading reputation of


higher education sector is contingent on the perception of the


UK as a global country. It hs this reputation that attracts investment,


drives partnerships across the globe and helps cement the place of our


universities at the top of the tree internationally. This reput`tion is


at risk. The Government must take a step back, take stock at how Brexit


will impact on our universities and then come back to the House with the


revised Bill when that impact becomes clearer. I see that in the


strongest sense. When the Mhnister was working so hard, and he is a


very hard-working Minister, we are all aware of that, but frankly, the


biggest culture running through this Bill is a Brexit. It would be great


to hear something from the Linister about that. I am also proud of the


work that the last game bird -- Labour Government debt in hhgher


education. An additional 15$ of university places went to students


from poor neighbourhoods, hhred education expanded with funding for


state schools and the introduction of the education maintenancd


allowance, more students from disadvantaged backgrounds wdre able


to go on to university than ever before in our history. In 2010, two


million people were studying in university, a record number and


400,000 were studying in 1987. It is a record achievement. They `re


officials sitting in the box that brought the statistics at the time.


In this time of flux, it is crucial that we do not take a step backwards


when it comes to improving `ccess to our universities. Earlier this year


the previous Prime Minister announced plans to force


universities to disclose applicant data so we could see how


universities are doing on access. The Government has a target in place


to double the proportion of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds


entering universities. Together with a 20% increase in the number of


students from black, Asian `nd minority backgrounds. In thhs time


of flux, the House will need assurances that this agenda will be


taken very seriously indeed. And that it will be driven from the


centre, especially as the social market foundation 's partichpation


report warned in March that both of these targets will be missed on


current trends. The director of the access to higher education has


warned that on current trends, both of these targets will be missed


given that only 21% of univdrsities have it or are on course to meet all


of the access targets. The figures are striking. Between 2005-05, the


proportion of the intake of the university is coming from poor


backgrounds has gone up. It has gone up from 19.5% to just 20.8%. That is


1% in one decade. It is not even close to being acceptable. Seven of


the 24th Russell group univdrsities has seen the percentage of deprived


students fall in the last ddcade according to the higher education


statistics agency. That includes Oxford, Cambridge and Durhal. Only


4% of students at the top tdn universities are from the most


disadvantaged areas. An increase of 0.6% since 2009. Just 3.6% of


Cambridge students and 2.4% of Oxford students are from thd 20 of


areas with the lowest highest education participation levdls. I


know that the new Prime Minhster is making her mark by ensuring the


front bench is not overreprdsented with independent schools but it is


important to put on record why this is important. Independent school


pupils are almost three timds more likely to be accepted into the 3


most selective universities compared to comprehensive school students.


Acceptance rates are 48.2% prepared to 18%. State pupils in Hamlersmith


and Fulham are ten times as likely to be accepted into a highlx


selective university and 50 times I accepted to Oxford computer pupils


in Hackney. Four schools and one College send more students to


Oxbridge than the bottom 2000 colleges and schools put together


every year. Thank you for ghving way. Will he accept that by the


removal of caps on university places, it was a dramatic


transformation in allowing those from disadvantaged areas of all


backgrounds to apply to universities and have a place. Places ard limited


then that minutes late chances from the very start. I do not accept


that, I am afraid. The cat does not help when it comes to fair `ccess.


All it does is help more chhnless wonders for more public schools to


get in. A hundred elite schools accounted for 3% of the tot`l of


31.9% of admissions to Oxbrhdge The same proportion as 2008. We have


seen absolutely no progress on opening up Oxbridge entry. St Paul's


girls and Westminster are ldading the way, almost half of all students


go to Oxbridge. Whilst more than 1300 schools do not have a single


Oxbridge entrants. And only 50 students on free school meals


weren't admitted to Oxbridgd in 2013. I acknowledge that progress


was made to widening access to the most then -- disadvantaged students.


More poor children are going to university but the crucial puestion,


the crucial question... The Secretary of state, she is new, but


she did not get to the heart of this. The crucial question hs which


university? Not just the widening of participation but fair access so


that you can get your extrelely good grades at A-level and Mike Weir from


Sunderland, Darlington, Tottenham, to these universities. -- and you


can make your way. He is making a valuable case but this habit is why


we need this Bill and some of the things in it. In particular, the


focus on transparency. So that we can look at social mobility in the


individual institutions and work out where they are going wrong `nd where


they need to do more. That hs precisely what it is for. What I


will say, you are on 40 minttes I did advise people around 12 minutes.


I am sure you are coming to the end. -- 14 minutes. It is to say that


spans in state will of course help but we know what works. --


transparency. Under the Labour Government, most of it was contained


within the aim higher progr`mme Which very sadly was abolished by


this Government. The question I want to ask, do we want our univdrsities


to be engines of social mobhlity or do we accept that the universities


will be in force the inequality of opportunity that pervade our


society? -- reinforce. That is the test in which this Bill shotld be


held. One welcomes some of the changes that will establish a new,


improved body for what is on offer. The point is that been made so far


in this debate about teaching our particularly well-made, to link


teaching to the Labour markdt when frankly, universities... It is not


just the Labour market that is worrying. It is funding alongside


that, teaching, that is suspect I want to hear the Minister s`y more


about that. I hope that are` receives more scrutiny in Committee.


The question is, is this Bill right now, given the Brexit challdnge is


it really going to make a change beyond transparency on fair access?


Hope the Minister will come back to that. And is it right that on the


teaching question alone, to put all the burdens on universities with


relation to the Labour markdt, but certainly to allow them to charge


more for teaching when that ought to be at the heart of what a university


does anyway. I am very pleased, first of all, to see my right


honourable friend back on the bench. I would like to place on thd record


that I welcome the Minister that we have from this morning and `lso to


say that I share her experidnce as being the first person in mx family


to go to university. Both mx parents left school at 16, I came from a


farming background, I can honestly say it is and was a ticket to the


world. So few women back in the day went to university. Things have


definitely improved, I can `ssure the right honourable member from the


opposite benches. I rise to support this higher education and rdsearch


Bill. With that as my background, but also, having two childrdn who


have already gone through university and one son who is making hhs


decision to go at all, in f`irness. I realise how important it hs, to


go, and also what subject you choose, and what job you might get


at the end of it. The subjects are important and I have discussed this


with many students in my local area. The college locally is very good, in


the top ten. To talk to young people about what is preventing thdm going


further, why they do not want to order with the rather stay `t home.


All of these things. I am hopeful these things will be addressed in


this Bill. Without a doubt, higher education is good for the


individual. Graduates on avdrage earn an excess of ?100,000 lore over


a lifetime and having gone to university. Having got this graduate


premium. It is not just good for the individual, it is good for the


economy. In this very rapidly changing world, it is absolttely


essential that here in the TK, especially in our post-Brexht era,


that we can move our workforce forward. And that is why thhs Bill


is going to be so important. We have already done a lot in this `rea


Around 20% of UK economic growth between 1982 and 2005 came `s a


result of the increased number of graduates that we had and the skills


that they brought to the table. On these grounds, I welcome thhs higher


education research Bill. With one of his key aims which is to encourage


and enable even more people to have these opportunities. I know we have


come under attack from the other benches but the record is already


much improved from the days of the Labour Party with the proportion of


young people from disadvant`ged backgrounds going into highdr


education up from around 13$ in 2009, to almost 19% now. It is


improving and young people from the most disadvantaged areas in England


are now 36% more likely to dnter higher education than anywhdre in


2009. It is a record of gradual improvement but more needs to be


non-and that is what this Bhll will address. I am going to focus on a


few things. I want to focus in particular on the legislation that


will be introduced to this new Bill to support the establishment of new


universities and the choice and competition, making it easidr for


high-quality new providers `nd institutions to enter the sdctor and


awarded degrees, giving students more choice and boosting colpetition


to improve teaching quality. Why is all this necessary? We have heard


lots of talk this afternoon but basically we have to improvd the


skills gap. We have to addrdss it. We have to ensure that we h`ve the


flow of young people and evdn mature people who go on to further


education, into business. Wd have to make sure we have the right courses


for them and I will have to talk about my constituency, Taunton


Deane, now. I have spoken to many businesses in the constituency and


have held meetings. It is qtite clear they are not getting the right


of people coming through to work in the businesses. One example is one


company called Condon Fabrications that the bridges and stairw`ys


4-wheel ways. They cannot fhnd the right people to go into the


business. They are very keen that we get some better courses going. Fox


Brothers, which has recentlx been taken over. A high-quality, high end


of weaving company that provides a son Laurent Labit fabrics. They


cannot find the right calibre of people with engineering a speed and


dexterity speed is to go into the company. This is where I thhnk this


Bill will help. If we can address the gaps we will


help productivity and Ian and the wider South West. That is the bit


about new universities, we `re in a cold spot, not to weather-whse! We


are in a cold spot, we don't have a university in the area. Much


research has been done to prove actually we could do one. The


planning stages are in progress In opportunity arises, my nearby


Bridgewater College has joined up with my Somerset college. This is


whereby we hope to have a university. My right honour`ble


friend for Milton Keynes, not in his seat, talks about the idea of


thinking outside the box, focusing new universities on specialhsms


strengths, the skills we nedd, or having the area. That is ex`ctly


what we're doing Taunton De`ne. The idea is to link with health and


nursing education. We have Somerset's major hospital, ly right


honourable friend from Bath is here, but the Somerset Hospital is in


Taunton Deane, they run courses and we need to do more, a university


would help. We have a speci`lism on energy skills, low carbon energy and


engineering. That links into Hinckley point, which we ard all


confident we will pull off. A plaque of other industries may be spawned.


We need students and graduates to train up and go out into thd wider


country to use their knowledge. We have links with the MADD, providing


training, and Rolls-Royce in Filton. Lots of opportunities if we get this


off the ground, I'm confident we will, and I'm confident that this


bill will help, as it will hn other places, benefiting the wider


economy. Productivity in thd South West is below the national level of


productivity. This is a verx serious issue. This is because, one of the


reasons, we don't have enough of the right high-calibre skills and


reclaim our people, they go off somewhere else. Of course I will


give way to my honourable friend from Bury St Edmunds. On th`t point,


isn't it also right, that when young people in particular giveaw`y to


university, the tendency is they will stay particularly closd to


where they have been at university, Taunton Deane can't benefit from


their skills? I thank you for that point, such a good one. One fears


for 1's own children they m`y go up north to get the benefit of


university, they may stay there and not come home. To Leeds, ond went to


York, great opportunities, but I wanted them to come home. They have


gone via various other placds. In addition to that, all these things


tied together, not just abott upping the education Officer, we nded the


right infrastructure, we nedd to have the a358 Road, the


infrastructure, all the verx sources, and that is what this


comedy is doing and the new prime Minster understands that. All these


things are linked together. I'm going to talk about the part of the


bill which talks about establishing the Office for Students, with its


due to give dramatic compethtion. This is a cultural shift, in taking


account of students' interests, a statutory duty. Amazing we did not


do that before. Actually thdy are the ones all of this effects. I m


delighted to welcome that bhg shift. I have been in discussion whth the


National Union of Students, on the whole this is a popular movd. We


have heard a lot about the teaching excellence framework, which I


welcome, to ensure universities focus on graduate employability


which leaves exactly to what I'm saying about jobs in Taunton Deane,


and what I have been saying. A number of honourable members and


friends have mentioned the dmphasis on teaching quality, not just


quantity. You only have to talk to someone students about their


experiences at university, some have been severely lacking for the money,


in terms of hours of input, and what the input, various people not


laughing, what that means. Hn terms of employability later. I absolutely


welcome that part of the bill. Some of the other areas, the student


engagement plan. This was r`ised by a honourable member on the other


side, what will students do if their provider is unable to provide their


course? This will be dealt with through the bill. I am optilistic


that because of this new fr`mework students will be at the heart. I


mentioned transparency, transparency will be a key to enabling social


mobility that we all want to see. We all want everybody to have


opportunities, we don't want us and them, we want everybody to benefit.


That is what this is about. By looking at which colleges and


university are offering, who is successful, he will get a job? That


will put an onus on the establishment to be good, the best


they can, otherwise people won't want to go to them. I fully support


that part of the bill. And ultimately, Mr Deputy Speakdr, I


also really welcome research and innovation funding into a shngle


body. Research is such an ilportant part of this country. Absolttely


crucial to going forward in the economy, that we have a str`tegic


approach to the way we handle it, and the ?6 billion currentlx


invested in it. We should ndver underestimate the value of research


in this country. We are world leaders in many, many areas.


Especially environmental ardas. We must build on these areas, offering


opportunities within them. Hn conclusion, Mr Deputy Speakdr, I


truly believe this bill strhkes a very healthy balance between


protecting the quality of otr global reputation of this country's


universities, that encouragds more establishments to find new `nd


innovative opportunities for so many people of every single background,


and that is absolutely essential. Benefiting not only individtals but


the entire economy. Mr Deputy Speaker, a pleasure to follow the


member for Taunton Deane, although I would caution for not to let


watching Game Of Thrones influence her understanding of the wonders of


the North. Aristotle once argued that the roots of education is


better, but the fruit is swdet. Unfortunately this bill leaves a


very sour taste in the mouth. I want to explain why. Around thred


particular issues. In terms of access, my particular concerns


around the provisions around compliant loans. Costs, and the


notion of social mobility. @nd finally how this bill will dnsure


students are equal partners in shaping the courses that thdy pay


such a high cost to take. M`ny of my colleagues have set up our grave


concerns about the context hn which this legislation comes forw`rd. In


particular the challenges f`cing our higher education sector following


the decision of the country to vote Brexit. We know the higher dducation


sector has been battered by this governor. Now it will be buffeted by


Brexit. Whether you voted to remain or leave, all of us recognise the


responsibility to insure pl`nning for what comes next. It is not clear


what Brexit means for our hhgher education sector, how it will hit


funding. My colleague put up and put it well. How will EU students


respond? Will we see a rush for English students to Scottish


universities? Will EU students get loans? What will happen to science


funding? I attended the scidnce and technology committee, we went to


Manchester to look on in thd work being done by the Chiefs, the work


being done is paramount. Thd uncertainty facing these situations


at this time is a real concdrn for those of us on this side. Three


particular issues I want to speak about in my short time todax. In


particular, I want is talk `bout sharia compliant loans. Real


questions about whether we need specific legislation, or whdther we


can right the wrongs. It has raised real concerns in the Muslim


community, because of the ability to bear interest on student lo`ns, and


?9,000 fees, before then many communities were able to subsidise


their children to go to university without alone. ?9,000 put that


beyond the reach of many. This bill are supposed to aid social lobility,


it is interesting to look at what we mean by sharia. It is about interest


rate, a subject many in this House know I have the concerned about


interest rates and what thex do to people's behaviour. In sharha, it


means money has no intrinsic value, a means of exchange. Those people


abiding by sharia, believe they should be no profit. Sharia law of


respect this printable. Likd many parts of any religious code, it is


open to interpretation and challenge. There is something basic


ended about being able to rdspect those issues. Already today, talking


about this on Twitter it reflects the difficulty, I have been called


AJ Hadi by wanting sharia compliant rules imposed. That is someone who


doesn't understand religion and decency themselves. I have been


pushing the government on this for many years, I have seen the impact


in the community of not being able to make such a small change in the


way this product is deliverdd on many students. Students who have a


bright future, who could contribute great talents to our communhty and


country. Because we do not respect the religious wishes they are not


able to get one to education. Let me be clear, introducing shari`


compliant loans is no more `n endorsement of sharia itself. Just


as we can challenge the Bible's teaching on homophobia, we can


respect issues from the Chrhstian community without having to dismiss


the entirety of sharia principles. For me, as a Co-op MP, the puestions


of mutualism are very important Huybrechts


-- I recognise this could m`ke boards and contribution. Whx is it


taking so long? I have been petitioning the government since


2011 about this. While the government has accepted it hs right


to do, my concern is whether we need to wait for this legislation and


other problems it will bring higher education sector to introduce these


regulations. The government already has the power to introduce loans,


and change the terms of loans. Time the fate of the students to waiting


for this bill, refusing to publish a timetable as to when this product


can be available is holding too many students back. I believe thdre is a


question under the public sdctor equality GG as to why this hs taking


so long. We're not asking for preferential treatment for the


students, just equal treatmdnt. Equal access, and a reasonable


amendment, in the way this product is provided, to secure that. I would


like the gimmick to clarify any minister to clarify specifically why


they feel they cannot do th`t to date, so students studying now and


wishing to get university in 20 7 could have confidence they could do


that. I am relating the govdrnment is relying on the small print, and


revelations may change from time to time and this may affect thd terms


of the loan. To change other parts of the student loan system, but seem


resistant doing this to help Ms and students access the higher dducation


system. I asked the governor to set a timetable, and give our students


that chance. The concerns that many of us have


about this Bill opening up to higher costs in higher education. The


member who is also sat here, productivity, getting our young


people into further and higher education is crucial to addressing


the biggest challenge our country faces. I am sorry the member for


Tottenham is no longer here because the transparency exchange is


absolutely right. It means little without action. It is like telling


somebody they are tied to the train tracks what the train is coling If


we want to open up access to university across our society to be


truly committed to social mobility we have to go much further. The


question is whether this Bill takes us further or it could take us back.


We know that loans and more adept at a time of economic uncertainty is a


luxury that few in our socidty can afford. The biggest division in our


society today is who is abld to turn to the bank of mum and dad `nd who


was not. University education and the fees is simply a bigger part of


that of whether we may end tp crashing brothers than developing


talent if we do not act. Thdre is nothing in this Bill that whll


change that. There is nothing the Government is doing to change a


problem that the bank of mul and dad is what holds all 18-year-olds back


not just those who want to go to university but those who have


fantastic ideas or want to go to higher education. It truly socially


mobile country would sit thd work for 100% of 18-year-olds, not just


50% of them. Would recognisd that the debt they might occur whll


affect not only the univershty choices but their ability to get on


the housing ladder and put that families to look to the futtre at


all. I say this as somebody representing too many familhes who


have ten to ?15,000 worth of unsecured debt hanging over their


heads as it is. If this does not address that question, if some of


the changes are making it even more likely they will incur highdr debts,


we will lose that talent to the detriment of all of us. Indded, this


Bill has to be seen within that context of the Government is doing


to truly open up a JD. Why we must hold until camp for their f`ilure to


recognise the state they made the doctrine child trust funds went into


place opportunities. Tying university fees to the univdrsity


rather than the ability to pay is a retrograde step in a way th`t a tax


would not be. Some families disagree not have the savings to get on the


housing ladder, when you ard asking to take on more debt for thdir


children, it will hold too lany back. I think we need to be clear


about the social mobility fhgures because it is clear at the heart of


this debate, yes, there has been a 14% increase, but let's look at what


that is. We are going from 3105 students in 2011 to 4040 sttdents in


2014 from the most disadvantaged backgrounds. That is 40% of that


figure. In the context of otr higher education system overall th`t is


just 3% of disadvantaged chhldren in our country going to those Russell


group universities compared to 1% of children from the most advantaged


backgrounds. Let's have transparency in this debate if we are trtly


serious about social mobility. The final point think this Bill has to


address that has not been top but so far is student voice. This Bill does


not play up with the provishons in consumer rights act that were


extended to students. Where students now have consumer rights because


they pay tuition fees. A right to a reasonable service and a re`sonable


time in a reasonable place. I know many law students will have a field


day with those provisions of the work-out that they do apply to the


quality of the course that they are provided. This Bill does not take


account of those provisions or account of the value of student


voice, but the values of sttdents actually acting as active consumers


to drive up standards themsdlves. The National Union of Students has


called for student replicathon on the officer student board. H believe


this Bill must go much further. It must integrate those rights that to


have, we need to have a Bill of Rights for students who are being


asked to pay thousands of pounds on the provision that the courses are


given to get them into a high-paid job after the end of the cotrse


Those are simply claims that any Trading Standards board could no


indeed look at but certainlx we have no way of resolving within our


current system. So in concltsion Mr Deputy Speaker, we know that all


legislation coming forward to this House must pass that stress test now


of Brexit and what it means. The uncertainties and risks that we must


now all tackle whether we stpported the Leave or Remain campaign. We


know this Bill. That hurdle. We know it falls at the moment on those


three powerful metrics, accdss to further and higher education, the


cost of further and higher dducation and the voice within further and


higher education, so I urge the Government to think again, to press


the pause button and to work with the sector, with businesses and


finance sector to make sure that this is not a retrograde stdp it may


inadvertently become. Because numbers on the side are right that


there are many potentially good things about this, but that is too


much at this point out which could backwards. The challenge th`t lies


in all our community is neat and deserves nothing less. Indedd many


students are now graduating but they would look at this Bill and say


actually, it is time for a reset and that's what the Government lust


offer us today. Thank you. H would like to say what an honour ht is to


follow on from the honourable member from Walthamstow. I would also like


to welcome the Minister to his continued role in seeing thhs Higher


Education and Research Bill through. Whilst agreeing with many of the


points at the honourable melbers opposite made about at this moment


there being a huge challengd with our exit from Europe, there was not


one of the university vice chancellors who didn't support


staying in, and many of thel have actually articulated their worries


around funding going forward, as well as students and their safety


and stability as far as choosing a course in this country and their


life beyond 2017. Although things I would agree with. However I would


also say that this offers us opportunity as well as challenge. If


we are going to say that life must go on hold because of the ddcision


two weeks ago, we will not get anywhere. So, we are to look at this


as an opportunity and drive forward from that place. I welcome this Bill


because we truly lead the world as far as education, in the higher


education sector. Our papers are cited more widely than any other


country in most leading are`s of education. And yet we are to believe


we are a small country. But in the quality and quantity of what our


minds produce, we are truly one of the greatest countries. I h`d the


pleasure last week of seeing another of my daughter graduate and


something that the Vice Chancellor said was that he actually h`d


dealings with 183 other countries and the institutions therein. They


take on board there is 195 countries across the world, actually our


collaboration is broader th`n Europe, it is truly global.


Therefore we must seize that opportunity going forward. But, we


have heard the good things `round the office for students and the


teaching excellence framework and I won't go over the statistics and so


on. But I would like to say that the one thing I feel we need to do is


ensure quality, but of delivery but of reputation also, because it is


only by ensuring that our universities still have that quality


of reputation that we will truly be able to export and bank that we have


as far as what we can sell to other countries within this sector. We


also need to ensure that thd environment with them is kept


stable, and for that we need consistency. That is another reason


I don't want to see things put on hold, because planning is vhtal in


what are of course billion pound industries. If we look at the total


campaign June and of our universities, further education


upper tier schools and businesses. I would like to look not only at this


opportunity to export, but H would like to hear how the Ministdr would


help institutions who look to export and very much like nothing,


university campuses in Malaxsia how we can work on this and challenge


ourselves to think of new and innovative ideas. The honourable


member from the Philippines spoke about the covenant and calldd it


makes in the UK with Cranfidld actually leading on deliverhng on


different platforms. Such ideas need to be nurtured and helped to be


propelled under the spell. H would also like to -- build. I wotld like


to emphasise how great teaching must ensure value for money. It shouldn't


be the negative that the honourable member of Glasgow North West pointed


out, the teaching excellencd framework can ensure value for money


for students. We talk too mtch of a homogenous education system and it


is actually the fact that wd have a variety that gives us choicd. Within


institutions that means we can deliver expensive science driven


degrees alongside some of the less expensive humanity degrees. It is


the mix that is important. Some degrees are more expensive than


others to actually administdr. And some need a lot of skills which I


will come onto. I am partictlarly concerned if we give small


institutions, now we have t`ken a critical mass of 1000 away, the


right to deliver degrees, wd have to be careful around the quality of


their delivery to ensure th`t what they are actually articulathng, they


are delivering, it is actually truly what is on the piece of papdr. I


would like to see the metrics, as many have alluded to, be sure and


the idea that we piloted those in 17-18 and so on as the honotrable


member for Cannock Chase alluded to would be a very good idea indeed.


Research is exceedingly important. Last week at Lancaster, the Vice


Chancellor stated he would not only still be an european university but


he would be an international university. He spoke about how they


lead and research across thd world and we are in the top ten in this


country. There is a science race and I know I have spoken in Westminster


Hall and the Minister has rdsponded. We don't spend quick enough in that


area. We need to look to punch better than we are. We have very


near to my own constituency a huge catalyst of life sciences in


Cambridge and university. C`mbridge University draws in ?1.6 billion of


income, the largest in the country. We need to work on centres of


excellence such as that. I think the honourable lady forgiving w`y, but


would she agree that some of the funding for that excellent taking


place just know is coming from the European Union and we need to be


pressing the Government to replace that funding so that that rdsearch


can continue? I would agree that some of it is coming from the


European Union. I'm not surd whether the Government needs will bd able to


dip into its pocket and asstre that. I think again it must look `t


possibly more exciting ways of looming between business and


universities, of stimulating particular areas -- loaning --


particular areas and sector so that they can drive the skills b`se


forward. As my honourable friend from Taunton Deane alluded to, we


have many areas in this country nuclear and pharmaceutical, from


what I adapt and I have spoken to the Minister about our telecoms


industry, who are more than that about putting some of their own


money into ensuring skills come through. Whilst I would agrde there


needs to be some certainty, I wouldn't necessarily say it should


purely come from government. Looking at innovations in life sciences


pharmaceuticals, a strong university sector is key to both the hdalth and


wealth of our nation. I think that organisations have a large part to


play. Business wants skills, but it must do more at communicating with


our higher and further educ`tion sectors in order to build it up


They are playing an increashngly important part of businesses in our


university institutions. As I say, last year I had a daughter graduate


across the river. I had one graduate this week about Lancaster which I


consider through the Northern. I have another one at Newcastle and I


have another one waiting... I can go on for ages. From that point I have


a vast amount of experience going round university campuses,


particularly across the UK, not so much in Scotland. Particularly


across the UK. I'm constantly amazed by for example Heston Blumenthal's


interaction but the Univershty Reading.


This depends how important the relationship between business and


universities as but also thhs is already going on what this bill does


is build on that and it shotld build on the transparency the connectivity


between further education and higher education and business. We have


going forward, this focus on teaching and research, allowing us


to have opportunities specific businesses with particular needs can


build on that. Sir Paul nurse Asper coherency. I would like to see that


built into this bill. -- asked for Chris Hewden say. -- coherency. We


need to make sure it is monhtored and we do not have oversupply and


worst competition is good oversupply conveyed to other problems that we


have discussed in this Housd this afternoon. Too much freedom in a


market and deliver this will always pick the easy route so that must be


some degree of assurance th`t the low hanging fruit will not be taken


and we are already seeing and speaking to vice chancellors this


week and already seeing that where some European Union students are


falling away our own home universities are looking to lower


grading students in order to fill universities and need to be aware


that as happening so oversupply does not mean downgrading qualitx. I


would also like to turn to social mobility. My daughters will be in


the marketplace for 15 years and that is an often long time `nd there


will not be one person comes to this place who has had the same job for


15 years. -- 50 years. Therdfore we need to have a more flexibld


approach than we do and we have spoken too much about the young


important as they are. Mothdr of loads as I am. There also ndeds for


a mature and part-time studdnts and we need to be aware and honourable


member for Tottenham and alluded to the statistics around Oxford and


Cambridge at 40 Field to sed in the crux of his argument was th`t some


of the young people who I speak to in my constituency and lookdd after


children, care leave our chhldren, caters for members of the own family


and mothers who do not have the flexibility to just choose `


university which is why repttation and quality and availabilitx are so


important. This is not all `bout being able to go to the top,flight


universities, it is being enabled to rise through as many people. It is


very dangerous topping by top-flight universities. I represent


Huddersfield which some wonderful university with some of the best


apartments of design and innovation in engineering and it is very easy


to jump to what is top-flight and what is not and many of our


departments are better than Cambridge and I'm sitting ndxt to


the member from Cambridge. H used top-flight justice something off the


tip of my tongue and I would fully agree with you. My daughters have


enjoyed redbrick universitids. However I have friends and children


who have been to all manner cell providers plus good further


education colleges plus: through good apprentices schemes. Wd seem


less degree offences at the moment because that system is not filtered


through more than anything because you need the appropriate


qualifications. I would not like to go on about how we have the


statistics around waiting young men and always from African and minority


ethnic groups and they speak for themselves but I would like to look


at the changes with a littld bit more articulation and those mature


members of our suppliers tr`demark -- of our society who when they are


in the 30s and 40s want to change careers and parliamentarians who


want to become teachers. And all manner of people who might want to


take a different career chohce, that they are excluded from becatse they


cannot get the appropriate altercations so we need to look more


appropriately at that. I was lucky when I did my MSc as a mature


student and that the Nottingham but the honourable lady who I followed,


for Walthamstow, spoke very articulately about the need and made


a very good point about the 3% with then being such a small number


because it is. However I wotld say when I was a mature student under


the Labour government, I cotld not get support from my four sm`ll


children in order to have hdlp with our nursery fees and I could not


access support to help me whth my MSc. Things have not actually got


better and this bill will allow us to actually start to push things


forward so whilst being open for criticism I do think it was a little


unfair. My final point is that I would like to use East Anglha as an


exemplar of joined up thinkhng. Earlier in the day-to-day pdople


spoke about collaboration and the need for a mandate a big


collaboration for institutions. We sit next to Cambridge University


which has the most money for research. The University of East


Anglia as a leading univershty in Norfolk by the University of Suffolk


has its own ability note to award its own degrees and as a colmunity


University and that of its people the choice. That university which


has campus in my bed isn't Ddmonds constituency has a member of the


local authority on the board. . -- Bury St Edmunds. They fill the gaps


in IT and engineering to boost productivity and look at nuclear


power, farming help and card and it is that that I want this bill to


support. If I could echo thd words of the honourable member for Bury St


Edmunds welcoming the fact that the minister survived the ministerial


coal and are still in its place because I think he has brought,


defining my words at the molent I was going to see how good hd is


listening, can the front bench just take notice? The front bench are


having a conversation I enstre everyone's here what the melber for


Sheffield has to say. I shotld continue to be nice. I do rdcognise


the thought and effort that the minister has put into developing


this bill. I would commend him for the way that he has listened to


those across the sector and stakeholders in shifting thhnking is


discusses move forward. But I think that is a lot more listening to do


because there are still a ntmber of reservations. The bill does raise


some really important issues on teaching quality and widening


participation. Reopening thd debate on credit relation relation`l


transfer and a number of other areas. Sadly, though, as other


members of highlighted thesd are not necessarily the key challenges for


the sector right now. The Sdcretary of State was right in her opening


remarks in saying that our university system arches above our


weight and the importance of the universities is huge in the


transformation effected that they have those who study in thel and


building the skills base of our country and contributing ovdr ? 1


billion to our export earnings, hugely successful sector, and of


course contributing through research and innovation to the wider


development of our economy. We have one of the worlds best univdrsity


systems but they do face ch`llenges. And frankly a lot of those `re not


mentioned in the bill. Let le turn back to Brexit. The honourable


member for about recent Edmtnds said we should be looking at the


opportunities of Brexit. -- Bury St Edmunds. There are some real issues


to face there. She said we have in the top ten in terms of resdarch


among other reasons for that is the enormous amount of funding that we


have got through programmes from the European Union. EU spending is


something like 70 building on scientific research. -- ?70 billion.


It was allocating more to British led partnerships than any other


member state. The fact that research capacity is deeply affected with


huge economic consequences. The Minister recall I asked thel just


days after the boat on Brexht - vote, what action he was taking to


protect funding and he said we should not worry about anything for


the next couple of years because you'd still be in the Europdan Union


and still accessing Horizon 202 . That was not an unreasonabld answer


at that time and I would probably a governor myself but two days later


talking to chancellors of universities they said that locally


led research teams had been asked to pull out of transit European


projects bidding for Horizon 20 0 because actually being our TK


research team would be a dr`g and research funding given all the


insecurity associated with ht. And impact monitoring basis then


attempted to be established in research and this reported that the


370 responses back over one quarter of research teams are reporting


difficulties. Because everybody fears the risk of having non-EU


Britain as a partner. I hopd the Minnesota address this in hhs


wind-up and we do need to consider urgently what he intends to do to


offset that impact that we `re already seeing. -- I hope that the


minister addresses this. We are committed to underwriting all


Horizon 2020 funding to givd the issue is to research teams that they


can go forward confidently `nd not be letting their partners down. -- I


hope that he is committed. He also need to talk to those quite close to


him in terms of us making an early commitment to Horizon 2020 being top


of their gender in our negotiations with what post Brexit looks like.


The second issue is about rdcruiting and retaining talent. Betwedn our


two universities in Sheffield are performed and six EU nation`ls on a


salary of less than 35 K. That figure is important because it means


they would not meet the criteria for successful tear to Visa


applications. --Tier two. The other talent of the future and will be


driving the research and te`cher quality of universities in future


unless we can give them confidence that they and their successors from


European countries are future will be able to come and work and teach


and research in universities then we will be severely weakening the


talent base that we have. These issues are not addressed within the


bill but in the third area of concern in universities, thd bill


actually threatens to do more damage. I know this is an issue on


which the Minister my degred in terms of the many members opposite


to have made the same points. It is about international students. The


Home Office has made an enormous contribution as I think the white


honourable member for East Devon pointed out earlier in damaging an


ability to compete successftlly in the growing international


marketplace to recruit international students. But Brexit threatdns


greater damage, not just in relation to the hundred 85,000 EU sttdents


here and also the other 320,000 or so of non-EU students because the


major international student recruitment consultants reported


just a couple of weeks before the Brexit vote that something like a


third of non-EU nationals considering coming to the E you


would find button less attr`ctive place to study. This bill would make


that situation worse through undermining the strength of the UK


university brand. A one level test might not have that


consequence because it is going to be a straightforward exercise in


which subject to ticking boxes most universities will glide through but


his subsequent grading systdm does create real risk of brand d`mage,


because we would be unilaterally developing a grading system. Before


you doing it in parallel with every country in the world measurhng our


universities equitably, that might be different, but we are not. We are


stopping outside differentlx from our competitors and saying we are


going to Spotlight our univdrsities in a different way saying someone


deal OK, some outstanding and some excellent. We will be sending out a


message about those that don't reach the very top grade that may be


thinking twice about your n`tional national student. That is not, I


appreciate, the intention of the Government, but it's a real


potential consequence which they need to look closely at, because we


already have a quality assurance system through the July eight, which


is widely regarded and respdcted throughout the world, if thd


Government is going to go down the route of the 10th, let's get it


right. Thinking here is significantly underdeveloped to stop


I do welcome the way in which the Minister has during the discussion


around teaching quality movdd away from an overdependence on


quantitative metrics towards a more qualitative approach, involving


institutions in that assesslent process. But there is still a focus


on quantitative metrics which other members have highlighted ard deeply


flawed. Unemployment destin`tion as a key metric, we all know that is an


unsatisfactory way of measuring teaching quality. If you cole from


the right family, go to the red school, go to great univershty and


come up with a possible degree, you will get a good job, becausd he had


got the contacts, I didn't puite catch the Minister's observ`tion but


I have no doubt he will makd a point later. But it is not, it might be a


measure of the privilege th`t you were born into but it is not a


measure of teaching quality. And we know that privately educated


students are more likely to get a good degree than state educ`ted


students and we also know that graduate destination can be affected


by the regional economy, so it is a very unsatisfactory metric. On


retention, and I admired thd Government's focus in widenhng


participation, are not simply looking at entry to univershty but


success at university and indeed beyond, but retention as a letric is


potentially quite flawed, bdcause the easiest way, I am not promote


suggesting that anyone would do this, the easiest way of getting a


good pretension score is not to accept students who are likdly to


fail... I will indeed give way. I would agree with what he is saying,


because it is a problem with a lack of flexibility within the sxstem


that doesn't allow those who have more disconnected lives being able


to be iterative with a degrde and come back in and out and th`t is a


problem. If we are looking to improve social mobility across the


House we need to be more fldxible to allow those whose lives don't


conform to that three-year pattern to have access. Would he agree? I


would and I think the honourable member for her intervention, and I


think it reflects that therd is a cross-party concern about some of


the details within this build. Other members have referred to thd


research excellence framework as a model for the TEF, but the research


excellence framework took thme to develop. There was trial and error


and remodelling and rethinkhng and the research excellence fralework we


now have is not simply put together with the pace that this has been


without the trialling that this has been and without creating the risks


that this world. . That is why they Select Committee when we looked at


that said that the Government needs to do more to demonstrate that the


metrics actually related to teaching quality. Until they do, we can to be


confident that we are going to get this right. If I could just briefly


comment on the position in relation to new providers. The Secretary of


State when she was opening remarks said that there was a limitdd


thinking which suggested th`t someone on the side felt th`t new


providers couldn't possibly be as good as tradition universithes, I


don't accept that. But I hope that equally the Government will accept


that there are real risks. Hn the last parliament forgot her fingers


burnt in the area of new providers. And we have seen the sort of


landscape in higher education in the United States were some might fear


the model the Government ard looking to a real damage caused by `n


insufficiently regulated system in which commercial operators have come


in, milked the public funds are provided through the federal loan


system without regard to thd quality of education offered with the


consequences for those who go through it, let them with the debt


to big up and everybody has been misled at each stage. That hs why so


many private providers are facing federal and state prosecution in the


United States, so unless we get the regulatory framework right there are


real risks involved in this Bill. I know that the Minister is committed


to getting the regulatory framework right but the problem that we have


is that we don't know what ht is going to look like. I have `sked


Britain questions about this and we are still not able, as I understand


it, and you correctly if I `m wrong, but in response to a recent written


question, he indicated that we wouldn't know what the regulatory


portal and subsequent framework were going to look like in detail, until


this Bill passed through thd House. Frankly that is not good enough I'm


conscious of the time and other members's desire to contribtte,


there is a much more in this Bill, but I will leave remarks... It is a


pleasure to follow on from ly honourable friend who is thd


chairman of the APG for students and I am the vice-chair. It has been a


pleasure working with you on the issue of championing students across


the country. I agree with some of the points he has already m`de. I


want to lend like rapture lhstens to my honourable friend the Minister


for -- congratulations for his position and whatever he has been


doing over the last year. In jumping in this Bill as well as eng`ging


more than probably any other universities minister I havd ever


worked with with the sector, that is to his credit as well as to the


Secretary of State. A great thing to see her in her seat earlier on. From


the speech that the Prime Mhnister made outside Downing Street when she


made it quite clear that we have a responsibility as a party to put


together our country again, to focus on unity when black people struggle


to get on in life, when people from lower socioeconomic backgrotnds


struggle to get the limelight, all of those key components of that one


nation narrative can be applied quick weirdly to this Bill today. --


quite clearly. I have seen this from conversations with my honourable


friend and also from reading the Bill to ensure that those pdople who


haven't necessarily had the best Adam Lyth are able to get on, that


is a deep Conservative mess`ge of aspiration. My parents never went to


university. I was first on ly family to go to university. My father was a


breadwinner, my mother was disabled, it was an opportunity for hhm to say


we are aspiring to become a middle-class family and frol the


1980s to be saving enough money to get me and my brother through


university. I am here. And he is a doctor.


LAUGHTER It was a great testament to my


parents to be able to see the work he has been able to give ovdr the


years. I want to be able to enable others in my own constituency to be


able to deliver their own dreams as well. That is why I wholehe`rtedly


rising to date in support of the spill. The changes to be higher


education system brought in in 011 was supposed ultimately improve the


student experience and the teaching they received. On the whole the


changes have improved the hhgher education system encouraging more


students to go to universitx and have improved social mobility to.


However it has become clear that the regulatory system did not m`tch the


students wanted. There is a need to create a body to check that the


universities are using the hncreased funds for improved teaching and


resources. The opportunity to gain a degree in a subject you enjoy or


something which you will help to get the career of your dreams is


important for so many in thd United Kingdom. This experiences g`ined in


one of our higher education institutions whether you ard 18


years old or a mature student is invaluable or often changes people's


lives. I am pleased that thdy are a records are a student is gohng to


university as a result of the campaign lifted and take thd


opportunity to advance their minds as well as themselves. Thesd


students must be the focus of the University. This long-awaitdd Higher


Education and Research Bill will put students at the height of the


regulatory system with the others were students able to monitor and


improve institutions. It is said to be full of experts in the fheld who


can naturally judge what qu`lity of teaching is to be given by


universities. Madam Deputy Speaker, I am proud to represent a chty which


has two world leading universities, but by coming university and


University of Bath, being r`nked one of the best are students


satisfaction year-on-year. That is an accolade I don't want other MPs


to be able to stand up in this House and take away from but good luck. I


am concerned about my young constituents who covered elsewhere


and do not necessarily get ` teaching experience comparable to


that the fees they end up p`ying. Going to a university is a big


financial investment. Students need to be saved in the knowledgd that


there is a body ensuring th`t they will receive excellent teaching


quality which will set them up for a superb graduate life. This new


framework and the office were students will be able to monitor


teaching quality and providd broad ideas about how best qualitx


teaching can be achieved without telling an institution how they


should teach, assess or content of. This crucial independence for


universities mean they cont`in their individual flair which attr`cts


students are providing excellent teaching. This new scrutiny will not


only provide assurances to students but also to employers and the


graduate that are hiring and have received excellent teaching and


therefore have the skills they are looking for. In the West of England,


the GeForce double you group of universities working closelx


together in ensure that both businesses and universities work


together to deliver skills hn the interests of our regional economy


and that example will be improved and enhanced across the rest of the


UK as a result of the framework that has been put together in thhs higher


education Bill and I hope other areas around the rest of thd country


but their devolved settlements will be able to deliver just that. I want


to turn to the teaching excdllence framework the measure of whhch the


teaching quality of univershties will be assessing against e`ch other


and this new framework will finally bring together teaching in line with


the funding for research is teaching funding will be linked to qtality


and not just quantity. This is important as it prevents


universities from focusing too much on Mass often subpar educathon, to


ensuring those that do invite to study with them or their prhority, I


had to admit when I am speaking to students up and down the cotntry,


and this has been the case since 2011, many student bodies, student


union organisations will sax time and time again fees have increased


but the quality of that education and teaching hasn't necessarily come


along with that as well. Th`t has been a great frustration to students


along the way. It is import`nt that the Government meets at in `dvance


what makes a good cause valte for money, the universities can tweak


their current practices along with the guidance provided, it is going


to be difficult to measure with such different styles even across the


leading universities, but they do worse government to come up with a


coherent, easy to understand set of qualities and priorities th`t


universities can install so they can be confident they will recehve the


highest quality rating. And in future committees I do hope they


will be able to focus on thd quantitative not just the positive


side, which obviously has -, positive side, it has come tp in a


number of occasions and the Minister will no doubt we talking about it in


his summing up later today. The quality rating would universities


will receive is going to be an invaluable tool for percepthve two


distinct Enda Kenny 100s of education institutions across the


country. Alex Neil from which an organisation which exists to


promotes consumer choice and information said, I quote, our


research has shown that beasts - students travel to an opinion


commission needed to make choices, we welcome just to give students


more insight into the student experience, teaching standards and


five money. These proposals could not only drive up standards but


could also empower students ahead of one of the biggest financial status


of their lives. Taking the decision to go to


universities for some able dasy not for everyone. It is a big ddcision


because choosing a course of institution can make a break your


future. There are many disctssions of teaching style and support


available but it is currently difficult to compare teaching


quality when universities are raving about how good they are. Thhs new


bill will provide shins with invaluable prickly comp ramble date.


-- directly comparable. Gator. - a car. Would he agree with me that


this does not just offer sttdents a chance to gamble but also bd


knowledgeable in the decision about getting the best opportunithes in


life and real value for mondy? I welcome her intervention. Shnce 2011


students have said many timds that they want more information `vailable


to them and in this digital age it should be too difficult to go online


and find what is available `nd one certain Place in terms of the


choices want to make. Hopeftlly an enterprise company will strdamline


Kadir advice but this bill puts at the heart of things the student I


can groove my honourable frhend As I said earlier, when fees rose in


2011 teaching quality were supposed to increase with that and this new


regime will be supported by a cap on the fees are university can charge a


fee and not hitting the highest teaching quality. This provhdes a


good spec. I know the university sector has championed this for a


long time. The are key stakdholders in the event is set to who was the


keen to offer universities the best five for money and excellent


teaching their worried thesd changes will come at the expense of the


postgraduate sector and mass research which is so crucial in many


ways to our economic development. It is an main component of what the


University of Bath specialise in. -- mathematics. The Minister h`s


provided me with reassurancds purple beginners sure this entire House of


the postgraduate Centre can still bloom was teaching at undergraduate


degrees improved. I've spokdn of some of the measures which will


improve the student experience but I would like to turn briefly to the


section of the bill which whll mean we are able to see more dat` about


the universities and an inclusion in them. It will be a condition that


the institution must publish admission stats of gender and


ethnicity and social economhc background. Given the disconnect in


our society at the moment I don t think that it's time to waste in


order to deliver this which are part of the bill. This data will include


the number of applications from these routes and how many crucially,


are accepted. This should encourage institutions in becoming


increasingly inclusive and `lso provide good tools to identhfy


trends and what policies might be needed to address any shortcomings.


For too long students have been asking for good quality, better


quality teaching and want to get a degree but do not want to know what


they're doing in order to rdceive the best quality education to equip


them for the careers. I am pleased this Stormont estate in acthon


unless finishing what they started with the changes to the higher


education Bill in 2011 and since there can be confident that the


education of receivers being scrutinised. I hope this will put


this minds of students at rdst. And that they care about the experience


as much as they can about the research side of the institttion.


Sadly this is not all was bden the case and I am concerned at the lack


of focus has left some people leaving universities feeling quite


deflated. This might not always been the case. The former Business


Secretary at the Queen 's speech debate failed to mention ex`ctly


what students wanted and at the heart of this, this governmdnt


should listen to what students actually want, better quality of


teaching and better quality future outcomes, this into the students,


listen to what they are askhng for because ultimately this bill


delivers that the look forw`rd to voting with the government later on


today in the lobbies in support of this bill. It is a pleasure to


follow the honourable member for Bath, another universe of the city.


-- another beautiful university city. Cambridge where I livd is a


city of universities and most people know about Cambridge University and


also the Ruskin University which has expanded in the last decade. But in


Cambridge we also have enjoxed the open University and the University


of the third age so the somdthing for everyone and the preciots


ecosystem that we do not want to risk being disrupted. We also have a


number of other educational establishments which feed off the


Cambridge branded one of my concerns is if we rush to encourage new


providers that we must make sure that the quality of the Cambridge


branded others is not tarnished I'm told that when a similar exdrcise


with undertaken in New Zeal`nd a few years ago in a couple of new


entrants had not stay the course, the knock-on effect of that led to a


drastic fall in foreign students whilst they might in establhshed


institutions over the next two years -- few years. I would like to follow


on from what I thought it w`s the excellent points made by at the


honourable friend for Sheffheld Central. Facing the challenges of


Brexit, it is absolutely cldar that the sector is suffering frol


instability. I echo that thhs may not be the time for making lore


major reforms. Our research institutions in the univershties are


facing a real chance at the moment to maintain a global reputation


Don't make it any more diffhcult for them. I'm not saying that the


existing regulatory frameworks for a universities and research are


perfect, of course they're not. They can be simplified and improved but I


do say no is the time to safeguard support for higher education


providers and not for furthdr disruption. Let's not rock the boat


when we are already faced rdsearch such unsteady waters. The wdnt


people making this point. The University college union has asked


the government to stop, to wait They have sensibly called for an


immediate nonpartisan enquiry and we can ensure that the colleges and


universities remain open to staff and students from around thd world


and I rather agree with thel. Even putting aside the minor fin`nce


certain place in Europe at the moment and has to say what price the


great aspirations of the Bologna process. Put that aside, thd real


problems here. The assessment for this bill outlines a single market


regulator, the office for students will be established and that this


will provide competition and choice with student interest at its heart


and I think that raises a ftrther problem in that competition dispute


first and the interests of the student is blue glass. It would see


new entrants into the higher education market and give


institutions and media powers to award Water End albeit on a


provisional basis. It does seem to me that a real risk of adverse and


accrued dilate the trusted TK brand risking our countries reput`tion on


the international stage for academic excellence. The Ross concerns that


the standard some private providers have already lacking and Borders


said the comment filling protect students and taxpayers. There is


also been encouragement for the government of period of valtation


and I agree that checking the quality of an institution bdfore


awarding further powers of paramount. In some cases thdre can


be market exit with closure of institutions whether occasionally


orientated or traditional would have a significant impact on loc`l


communities and students and a survey undertaken by the department


of business innovation skills says that is important providers have a


student protection plan a place in case that this market exit. Who


picks up the tab and what is the effect another institutions? I think


we need to know the answers are some of these things. The Nation`l union


of tunes as close at those @sian apparent education -- the n`tional


usual of -- the National Unhon of Students has criticised this moment


in education. Turning to thd TEF this will allow some situathons the


charge fees in relation to inflation. But removing the cap is


not very welcome. Another area in relation to the TEF is the Royal


Society rightly pointing out that today's Ph.D. Content is tolorrow's


course content and the Univdrsity of Kent was tell me that the close and


mutually beneficial licensure between teaching and research, that


independency, is an essenti`l tenet of UK education. I appreciate that


the review into the research excellence framework is currently


under way and I'm sure we await the conclusions regarding how the


assessment for teaching and research quality will be streamlined and


interlinked. But I think thdre has to be a strong requirement for


cooperation between the offhce of students and UK are alive. ,- RI. I


think that is an omission in the bill reading in the lack of


provision for postgraduate students to provision and I think thdre's


more to be said about. It provokes the Royal charters of the ctrrent


research councils and brings them under the umbrella of the ndw UK


search innovation project which will be merged with innovation and UK.


Lord Rees is a very wise advice from Cambridge in our society and said


while the administrative structure of research councils is sedtctive it


may not prove either necess`ry or sufficient and may be


counter-productive. It is positive that the bill at least hencd it


could find long-standing conventions and the principle of dual ftnding


but I think many will observe that the wording on the bill is vague and


possibly less clear than in the White Paper and a reasonabld balance


that is about you is insuffhcient and I do hope that the Minister can


consist us a stronger commitment today because dual funding hs key


and quality related funding research is essential. The integration of


innovate UK into UK research innovation also raises questions.


While we are assured that innovate UK will run ten its own bushness


facing outlook. -- retained. I'm sure it will be examined closely by


committee. In conclusion, I would like to return to my opening


observations that our research bridges or the underground pressure


despite divisions other govdrnment that the European referendul result


has no immediate effect on those participating in Horizon 2020. As an


actress of paint of EU fundhng science research in particular will


be hard hit by Brexit. As other members of observed we are `t the


front line of recession country and healing that they have been forced


to the back of the queue in terms of forming collaborative links with EU


partners necessary to apply for research grants. It is ins


intertwined with free movemdnt and UK investment and we may be years


away from knowing what sort of settlement may emerge. Some say


before we do this we must bd absolutely sure of our placd in


Europe and in the wider world. The government says it is busindss as


usual but I see these sectors are too important for the econoly and


society in this country first to take further risks in such tncertain


times. Mr Michael Gove. As ` new backbencher I feel fortunatd to have


a chance to contribute to this debate. It is conducted in the


generous spirit one would expect of any education debate.


We have learnt that the Right Honourable Member for the Chties of


London and Westminster is that rare thing on these benches, a Gtardian


reader. Have also learnt, from his skilled powers of observation, that


the new Secretary of State for Education is slightly less blonde


than the Minister of State responsible for universities and


science. The probably think that his observation has been forced in my


mind is that blonde this is clearly a quality that brings profotnd, and


of this new government, and I know where I went wrong.


LAUGHTER Can I also thank the member for


Blackpool South for his contribution from the front bench with the Labour


Party? He was eight distingtished editor of history today and an


outstanding open University lecturer but I fear in his speech today he


did not do himself justice. His speech was 45 minutes long, which


was some 12 minutes and Moz`rt's lobbyists Symphony, and durhng those


45 minutes, -- longest Symphony There was a great deal of criticism


of our proposals in the Govdrnment. There was precious little that was


fresh, original word new in terms of policy vision. As an educathon


reformer, he is not yet ready to join the ranks of Rab Butler, Lord


Robins HEL Fisher, and it w`s a pity that instead of what used to have


from Labour, it complements of education, education, education we


had provocation, and mystifhcation. It is sadly reflective of the Labour


Party now, a party that was once committed to the improvement of


education, the extension of opportunity to all and radical


reform in order to bring th`t about, now has so little to say. That is


not a criticism of the honotrable gentleman or indeed of thosd who


spoke from the backbenches today, just an observation of the fact that


where there was once intelldctual fertility, there is no sadlx


aridity. I wish my colleaguds on the Labour backbenches well as they try


to ensure that there party discovers it's radicalism and policy vitality.


Can I contrast the lack of hdeas, fears and energy on the Labour front


bench the qualities displaydd by the Secretary of State, our new


Secretary of State and her remarks opening the debate? I had the


opportunity to remark earlidr that or new Secretary of State h`s made


extending social mobility the hallmark of all the roles that she


has taken in government. Shd spoke eloquently and from the heart about


her own personal journey and her commitment as a graduate of


Southampton University and hs a copper of schoolgirl who was the


first of her family to June to university to extend the others the


opportunity that she herself has enjoyed. I think it is a voliting


sign that she now leads a reinvigorated Department for


Education that covers the stpport of children from the moment of birth


rate up to the point that they go on to university. I think it w`s a


mistake of Gordon Brown to separate universities to make them orphans,


first all in the Department of innovation, universities and skills


and then hand them into the Department of business, bec`use I


feel and unnecessarily narrow and utilitarian approach was taken


towards higher and technical education, the restoration of the


Department that sees educathon taking a holistic approach towards


human development is all to do good and the Secretary of State hs


absolutely the right person to the did and also the number of Orpington


who has already proved himsdlf a distinguished minister is the right


person to take this Bill forward in Committee. It is appropriatd,


because this Bill is a sequdl in a way to the changes that we


introduced under the coalithon. It was the Brown report into hhgher


education finance and the ddcisions taken by the member Whitney and


Vince Cable when he was Secretary of State that ensured we were `ble to


place the financing of highdr education on a sustainable footing


for the future. Almost uniqte among European nations, our higher


education system is solvent as a result of the courageous decisions


that they took until he will not be fermenting it, the member for


Sheffield Hallam, the former leader of the Liberal Democrats, dhsplayed


with courage and principle hn rejecting the election promhse he


had made and embracing the right policy outcome. While he pahd a


political price for that decision, I think all of us should record the


fact that it was right, not just to the solvency of our higher dducation


institutions but also for access. Because as has already been noted,


as a result of those changes we have seen more children from poorer


backgrounds, working class homes in December this is going to university


now than ever before in our lifetimes and that is a dirdct


result of the courage but also the coherence of the reforms th`t were


made to funding. Reforms having been made to funding, we now need to


complete that story. We need to ensure that there are reforls to the


structure of higher education and also to the quality of highdr


education so we can ensure that we maintain our position of global


leadership. Let's be in no doubt. I would universities across the United


Kingdom are global leaders. We have in the top 20 some of the fhnest


institutions. That just est`blished institutions like Oxford and


Cambridge, but also London's universities which are outstanding


both in research and teaching and also capacity to improve


productivity. We are fortun`te indeed that the changes herd will


ensure that the position of global leadership that we currentlx enjoy


will only be enhanced. In particular, I welcome the f`ct that


this Bill will lead to the development of new higher education


institutions, challenger institutions. And as the Secretary


of State made admirably cle`r, every point in our history, whenever it


has been suggested that we dxpand the number of higher educathon


institutions, there have always been small sea Conservative voicds but


said more will mean worse, tsed to be the case that the Anglic`n clergy


insisted there would be a monopoly on higher education learning through


the stranglehold they held on Oxford and Cambridge, but it was a brave


utilitarian radical who helped set up University College London and


helped to break up monopoly and extend higher education, so it was


throughout the 20th century with the establishment of the polytechnics


into universities. Every single one of those steps was an exerchse in


the democratisation of knowledge. It is a pity that in recent ye`rs, even


though the University of Buckingham has taken its place amongst


universities as effortless `s the juice, they have not had thd same


level of innovation. This Bhll mix-up possible. If you havd new


institutions, there is an absolute requirement that they meet ` quality


threshold that ensures that ensures money is being well directed. That


is why I welcome the principle of the teaching excellence fralework


that is being applied, and H noted that the opposition front


simultaneously criticised the Minister of State for being a


listening minister and wishhng to consult and also at the samd time


suggested that he was somehow closed minded and rigid. In his desire to


ensure that we could compard like with like. Well, that we cole to the


Mr's defence, he doesn't nedd me to defend him, logic will suffhce. The


first point is, the teaching excellence framework has bedn


subject to extensive consultation, it closed just over a week `go on


your two of the TEF. In that 60 page document, many detailed questions


asked all of which followed on from intense engagement with those


working in higher education. It was a model of how a government


department should consult and I have to say the Minister of Statd has


himself to be a listening, pragmatic and empirical steward of his


responsibilities. The TEF h`s evolved and will evolve as ht should


in the best traditions of the Department that he serves. But more


than that, I find the idea that we should somehow object of thd idea


that the TEF allows us to compare different types of instituthons to


be a fundamental misunderst`nding. The gentler than the front bench


said it was a one size fit `ll approach, specifically not. It makes


that clear. What it is is an opportunity to allow us and


individual institutions to be compared in a way that allows


meaningful lessons to be dr`wn for undergraduates and indeed for


government and I am happy to give away. I am grateful. That wd a


clear. We were not saying that the TEF was a one size fits all, we were


saying that the basis on whhch she was going to be operated in the


first year was a one size fhts all. In fact of the honourable gdntleman


would remember, what I said further, I talked about the need for the TEF


to be more disaggregated so that we could actually look at it whthin


universities and that may bd a process that comes forward. I am


grateful for that clarification and IMing deconstructive script in that


most of this debate has been held. I welcome what he says and entirely


accept that as a move towards greater consensus. In talking about


quality, one of the concerns people sometimes have about an emphasis on


quality is that it is somehow running counter to the very


important principle of access. That somehow has to be a tension between


containing rigorous teaching and research quality in any educational


destitution and also broadening and widening access. I don't thhnk there


is any necessary tension between the two and neither do those who read


our universities. It has bedn conspicuous over not just the last


six years but beyond that how energetic vice


chancellors and others have been in ensuring that they can broaden


access to higher education. The one thing that would say is that while


universities have worked hard, collaborated with the Department of


its education to try to influence the curriculum and examinathon is in


such a way as to maximise access to the benefits that higher edtcation


can bring, I still think more can be done. I don't accuse any institution


or individual of bad faith but I think there is an additional


potential there for higher dducation institutions to get her hands dirty


in the business of improving secondary education. It has already


been the case that Kings College London has helped set up a new maps


free school which will ensure that gifted students from across the


state sector have an opporttnity to graduate to the mathematical and


scientific degree courses that our country needs. I think it would be a


good thing if more universities were to follow the examples of those


universities that have been in the lead in sponsoring academies and in


saying that I am doing is shmply underlining and reiterating the case


that has already been made so brilliantly by my friend in the


other place, Lord Adonis. I also wanted to stress that as well as


making sure that we improve access, this Bill also makes it cle`r that


academic freedom must be defended. I want to say two things about that.


The National Union of Students, a distinguished former presiddnt of


whom sits on the opposite bdnches, has often been an effective steward


and safeguard of undergradu`tes interests. But at the moment of


voices and individuals withhn the NUS who have not the best traditions


of academic freedom and who have created in some respects it's


chilling environment and a called home for students, particul`rly


those who are Jewish. I think it is vitally important and I applaud the


work that has already been done by the Minister of State in making sure


that academic freedom is not simply an abstract question of academics


being allowed to publish debate and discuss, it is also about m`king


sure that our universities `re places where individuals, whatever


their background, can feel confident, that they are a respected


and their own intellectual journey will be allowed to proceed hn


safety. That takes you to mx final point. A number of speakers in this


debate have talked about Brhtain's departure from the European Union as


though it were a cataclysm the like of which this country had ndver


enjoyed before. A sort of Noah's flood which was bringing devastation


to institutions. I respect the fact that passions were engaged during


the referendum debate and I respect the fact that those who argted that


we should remain are sincerd in their belief that leaving the


European Union can bring problems and challenges for our highdr


education institutions. But all I would say is, if we look at


continental Europe, I mean the criticism of those countries, there


are no world-class universities in the Eurozone that can take their


place alongside universities in this country is or indeed the Unhted


States of America or south Dast Asia. The spirit of intellectual


enquiry, and indeed international collaboration that marks out all of


our best universities globally, does not depend upon membership of any


political union or subscription to any bureaucratic system. But it


depends on is a belief in honest enquiry, a desire to go with the


truth takes you. And a commhtment always to have an open mind to new


facts, new experiences and new people. I am confident that those


who read our universities whll take the opportunities that this Bill


gives them to ensure the superb work that they do remains open to


students from across this world so that our higher education sdctor,


which is done so much to strengthen our economy and to make this country


such a very special place, can proceed into the future with


confidence. Thank you. Thank you. It is a pleasure to follow the Right


Honourable Member for Surrex Heath on his relatively new debut to the


backbench, return to the backbenches. Whatever disagreements


we may have on this side of the House, with his various polhcies


over the years, I think it hs encouraging to see that the


Government have lost his vohce but this has certainly hasn't bden seen


that in recent days. I am also sorry to have the associate myself with


remarks he made about the N`tional Union of Students and in particular


its lack of care towards Jewish students and Jewish representation.


It is a sad day when I find myself agreeing with the Right Honourable


Member on that particular point Uk Higher Education Is A Global


Success Story That The Succdss Has Been Wasted In Jeopardy By The


Decision To Leave Either Bedn Union. There Are 125,000 Students @nd


43,000 Staff In Our Institutions Come From Other European Unhon


Member States. Census Creathon Around 200,000 Students Havd


Benefited From Opportunities To Study Abroad And Membership Of The


Eu Has Added 50% Of The Income Not The Least Through ?679 From Research


Income From Which The Uk Benefits Disproportionately. Against That


Backdrop, Leaving The Europdan Union Provides Significant Challenges For


The Sector. And Against That Bad Job This Bests Backdrop -- Backdrop This


Bill Has To Have A Degree Of Modesty In This House About The Degree Like


Of Scientific Expertise Across These Benches And Wisdom From Expdrtise


The House Of Lords. The Dual Support System For Funding Research Has Been


Vital To Our Success Has A Higher Education Sector. --. We Should


Believe Could Lead To Lord Rees -- Could Heed.


--Full Heed. Lower Case. It Is A Distraction And One We Can No Longer


Safely Afford. I Think The Linister With A To Tell Us What Benefits This


Huge Disruption Would Bring Because At Does Seem Any Potential Benefits


Are Far Outweighed By The Costs Of The Disruption. The Bill Continues


Apace Up Processor Marketis`tion Of Our Education System That H`s Been


Go Nowhere Has This Been More Dvident


Than The Proposals Provide New Powers From Day One. What Would Stop


The Donald Trump University From Opening In The Uk And Then @ Few


Years Down The Line Launches Would Not Stand Up To Much In The Way Of


Inspection, Let's Assume Th`t The Trust Of Sticks And Reinvest


Somewhere Else. What Protections Are Safeguards Would Be For Students?


The White Paper And The Bill Talks About Protections And The


Possibility Of The Office For Students Which I Will Turn To


Shortly, Awarding Degrees. H Have To Say About Degree Delete The Mag --


Proud Of The Degree. We're Very Much In Trouble If The Investor Goes Bust


But The Idea That People Who Work Hard At The Chosen University For


The Degree Award Suddenly Fhnd The Certificate Reading Office For


Students Rather Than University Is Not Something I Think Is Re`ssuring.


I Do Think That For Too Long Students Have Been Not Involved In


The Debate Around The Higher Education Sector. With The Office


For Students The Name Is Thd Door But That Is No Seat Of The Table I


Think It Is Entirely Justifhed To Have Something Called Officd Of


Students Is No Guaranteed Place For Students Of The Table. The New


Secretary Of State Use The Dxact Terminology In Opening Remarks Of


Students Barely Get A Mention When It Comes To The Accountabilhty Of


The Sector. . I Think Is A Bare Minimum We Should Ensure Th`t As A


Representation On The Board For The Office For Students. It May Be That


Place Is Not Reserved For The National Union Of Students


Specifically But The Plenty Of Able Sintra Presented Us In Highdr


Student -- Education Places Across The Country. I Bow To No Ond In My


Love And Passion For The Uk Higher Education Sector. I Think It Is A


National Success Story And @n International Success Story. Forgive


Me, Mainly Involve The Debates Around Higher Education For Some


Time, If I Have Some Impatidnce That We're Still Talking About M`ny Of


The Proms Of Existed For Sole Years. Many Of Our Academically Elhte


Universities Remain Sociallx Elite Get Frustrated When I Hear So-called


Widening Participation Succdss Stories From Institutions Which Have


Appalling Retention Data. It Is Was Being The Case That The Bendfit And


Purpose Of Higher Education Extends Beyond Simple Utilitarianisl,


Whether That Be About Gradu`tes Getting Jobs Are Companies That Has


A Bigger Mission About Their Exploration Of Humanity And


Expanding Our Horizons And Having A Deep Understanding Of Ourselves And


Our Culture And Our Society And Pushing The Boundaries Of Scientific


Exploration. But We Should Never Forget That For Many Students,


Particularly From Backgrounds Like Mine, Of Course It Is Lovelx To Go


To University And Make New Friends And Engage Deeper Knowledge Of 's


Subject, But It Is Also Absolutely Essential That Higher Education


Experience Delivers The Transformational Impact That Is So


Often Promised When Students Apply To Cancel Often Be Found Lacking


Afterwards. I'm Afraid To S`y That There Are Too Many Instituthons That


Are Too Prepared To Pat Thelselves On The Back, Taking Students From


Some Of The Most Deprived Committees Whether They Be Working Class


Amenities Or Bme Communities Or Disabled Groups. -- Communities


Take Their Money And Process Through The University Conveyor Belt And


Then Cast Off Into The World With No Real Benefit To Their Earnings And


No Real Sense Of Direction Purpose In Their Lives. I Do Think That For


Too Many Students In Too Many Courses That Is The Direction That


Has Taken And It Is Simply Not Acceptable Justifiable And Do Think


The Government Will Be In The Size Of The Accountability Regimd For


Education Which Needs To Be More Robust In Challenging That


Educational Failure. I Also Disappointed This Many Of The


Concessions The Student Leaders Fought For The Success Of B`ttles


With The Introduction Of Tuhtion Fees In 1998 At The Junction Of


Top-up Fees In 2004, The Co`lition Forms. So Many Of The Concessions


That We Won With A Beaver Reintroduction Of Grants For Poor


Students Are Increasing The Payment Threshold So It Was More Generous Or


Even The Independent Office, So Many Of Those Concessions Have Bden Too


Readily And Rapidly Undone. I Think That Is The Trail -- And Betrayal.


If I Were In This User Minister Today I Will Be Dropping Thhs Bill


And Starting Again. The Thrde Areas In Particular Where The Govdrnment


Needs To Do Some Serious Rethinking. Funding Of Finance And Transparency


And Accountability And The Global Role Of Higher Education. On Funding


And Finance Reward Is In Thd Difficulties That Present To


Departmental Budgets And Thd Mansour Churchill And Even Simple


Miscalculations Alone The Ldvel Of Repayment Can Cause Of Things Are


Done Incorrectly. But We Have To Be Honest About The Fight That In The


Absence Of Any Compelling Evidence To The Contrary It Was The View


Before The Referendum, Without Personalising The Debate, Alongst


The Overall Majority Of Coltmnists In This World That The Uk H`s Put


Itself In A Different Direction Which Will And Is Laying My View


Beaver Country Less Well Off Than It Might Otherwise Have Been. Hn That


Context And With The Pressures Of Paul Inevitably Follow With Jobs And


Investments And The Labour Larket, That Poses A Particular Risk On The


Higher Education Budget Bec`use Of Graduates Are Not Earning As Much As


They Might Otherwise Have Bden That Is Less Money In That A Paylent


System Going Back Into The Treasury But Pressure On Departmental


Budgets. I Do Think, And I Have Long Believed As An Opponent Of The


Tuition Fee System, Which I Suffered In Part, The Top-up Fee System And


The Coalitions For The Reforms, I Think It Is A Terrible, Terrible


Mistake That We Have Ended Tp Here Rather Than With Some Form Of Proper


Graduate Taxation. And Totally Comfortable With The Idea Of Being


More As A Graduate And Beneficiary Of Higher Education The Citx Think


There Are Particular Problels With Both The Visible Of Having To Put


Money Up Front But Also Somd Of The Risk Of This Benefit System For The


Government. I'm Encouraged Others Are Engaged In This Debate Was


Interesting Seeing The Fabi`n Society With Proposals For National


Insurance Education Occurs @nd I Think As Well As Looking At The


Payment Mechanisms We Also Need To Look At The Issue Of Student


Maintenance. It Is Undoubtedly The Case That There Are Too Manx


Students With The Higher Edtcation System, Particularly Those From More


Poor, Not Necessarily The Most Pure, Who Struggled To Make Ends Leet And


They Find Stacking Shelves @re Resided Looking At, It --Colet


Defined My Higher Education Course That Is Not Just The Time T`ken A


But That Is An Opportunity Cost Because Of Your Stacking Shdlves Are


Pulling Pints You're Not Necessarily In The Lecture Theatre Or A Sports


Club Student Societies In All Of Those Enriching Opportunitids That


Lead To Personal Enrichment And Also Success Later On In The Workplace


And It Should Be A Serious Cause For Concern That Too Many Students Don't


Struggle To Make Ends Meet. I Also Think We Could Be Far More Creative


About This System Is Currently Airs Stop I Particularly Commend To The


Minister And The New Secret`ry Of State Of Proposals Put Forw`rd By


Lord Adonis And Josh Mcallister The Chief Executive Of Front Line That


Where We Have Particular Shortages And Key Public Sector Professions We


Should Look At What We Can Do In Terms Of Remission And The Payment


Of Tuition Fees So Every Of A Shortage Of Social Workers @nd


Greater Manchester, For Exalple And We Offer Graduates Willing To Go And


Then Stick At It The Governlent Should Cover The Cost Of Attrition


Fee Repayments Were Think There Was Plenty Scope To Think About How To


Get The Best And Brightest Graduates Into Some Of The Most Challdnging


Professions. I Also Think On Funding And Finance And We Have This Debate


In Westminster Hall Yesterd`y, Mr Speaker, But I Do Think It Would Be


Unforgivable For The Governlent To Go Ahead And Accepting The Principle


That Is Ok For Ministers To Change The Terms Of Conditions Of Student


Finance Retrospectively. Th`t Only As A Think There Is Fundamental


Unfairness And Genius And The Conditions For Existing Students And


Graduates Is Also A Huge Risk Because Students, Particularly Those


From The Poorest Backgrounds, The Parents Have To Have The Absolute


Centre Of What They Are Signing Up For The Fifth Of The Governlent Will


Change The Terms Of Debate Glittered On The Significant Risk Fat. --


Later On. -- Significant Risk That Will Come With That. I Think It Is


Important That The Director Of The Offers For Fair Access Conthnues To


Report Not Just To The Report To The Board Of The Office For Students But


Also Reported Has Given The Level Of Interest Across This House Notes


Finger Should Challenge Somd Of The Bodies When Higher Education Around


Their Commitment To Transparency. Hauser Possibly Justify That When An


Organisation Is Proud To Serve On The Board Of, Ucas, When Asked For


Data Sets For University Entrance From Deprived Backgrounds Continue


To Supply Data And Difficult Formats And They Should Provide Xl


Spreadsheets. --Excel. I Also Think As Well As The Office For Students


We Have Guaranteed Student Representation As A Statutory


Footing On The Designated Qtality Body And On The Governing Bodies Of


Hiring Education Institutions. - Higher Education. I Rather Like The


Idea That Forward By The Melber For Walthamstow For The Student Bill Of


Rights. In Higher Education. -- For The Member For Walthamstow For The


Student Bill Of Rights. One Thing In Putting Students Back Into The


Department For Education Is This An Opportunity For The Ministers


Covering Schools And Collegds And Education And Universities To Look


Together Social Mobility And Education And Access To


Universities. I Am Slightly Tired Of Hearing Handling Of Univershty-based


Chancellors Saying That The Reason That They Cannot Get Poor Jhmmy And


Jane From The Local State School -- Vice Chancellors Into The House


University Is This Is All The Schools Fault. If That's Thd Case I


Have A Really Good Idea Which Is Applicable That Participation


Funding From Either Dictation And Put It Into Schools And Early Years


Because That Is A Case For Transferring Funding Away. That Is


Not To Denigrate The Excelldnt Work That Staff Working In Student


Recruitment And Institutions Do There Are Some Of The Most


Passionate And Dedicated St`ff When It Comes To Changing The Profile Of


The Student Body But Do Think The Scope To Make Different And Better


Spending Decisions As Universities Ought To Be Justifying How They Are


Spending The Money And What The Impact Reveres. -- What The Impact


Reveres. -- Really Is. I cannot believe these pay hncreases


are justifiable. I think thd Bill should go as far to require


universities such as to publish vice chancellors pate which is a great


public service provider, but also to publish pay ratios between the pay


of the University Vice Chancellor and the lowest paid staff and


finally on accountability and think we need more clarity around market


exit. What happened to thesd brave new providers do go bust or if they


simply shut up shop? That h`d the better requirements on thosd


institutions to protect thehr existing students and their


graduates. Finally come on global higher education, we can be


enormously proud of the rold that our institutions play on thd


international stage and it has been beyond serving to read of academics


after being told that their funding is at risk and there are conferences


that there are no longer taking place in this country because they


feel that by leaving the EU we are closing the door to the outside


world, there are a number of things the Minister could do to address


this, but none would be mord powerful than removing international


students from the net migration cap. There is overwhelming consensus for


it, support on both sides of the House. The previous Home Secretary


was an obstacle to this. I'l sure now she has walked through the door


of number ten she is far more amenable to the idea as Prile


Minister, but in all seriousness I said there could be no bettdr signal


to bend to the rest of the world, to say that bright students across


world are welcome to study here and will be embraced. There are


countless time Mr Speaker. H am anxious to hear from the front


benches and the Minister 's assurance in particular, th`t he


will move on this issue of retrospective payments and changes


to the student finance systdm. I am grateful for the opportunitx to say


a few words on this debate `nd to follow my honourable friend. He has


just made an excellent speech which has covered most of the points I was


going to raise in my speech and I have been asked to finish bx 6: 5pm


and I will make sure that I do that. Interesting but he said that we


don't have many sciences on this bench and I am one of the fdw


sciences in Parliament, it would be nice to have more of us. I want to


talk about this dude and is and as he referred to, -- students. About


detrimental strangers to sttdent loan repayments, I do feel that


students in our society havd been treated since 2010 in such `n


unscrupulous and unfair way. They have rarely been consulted. There


are voices seem to have been ignored throughout policy discussions. This


Bill doesn't seem to have bden any different. The Government claimed it


set out to make student chohce and interests essential part of its


agenda in reforming higher education. But unfortunatelx it


seems to have fallen short on this promise. As my honourable friend has


referred to, there is very little reference to students or thdir


voices throughout this Bill. The Bill introduces an office for


students but doesn't mention student representation as part of it. It is


vital that student voices should be heard. The other issue I wish to


focus on is about the results of the referendum. The parliamentary cycle


will now be dominated by Brdxit discussions and until we know what


breaks it actually means and the relationship that we wish to have


with the EU, they feel this Bill cannot make any progress. There are


more than 125,000 EU students at UK universities and non-UK EU nationals


make up 11.6% of all students at Masters level. International


students alone contribute ?3.7 billion to the economy. What should


happen to not only current students but prospective students on these


come and placement requiremdnts at the 20 16th-17th academic ydar?


There is no clear and concise policy? Many of the brightest minds


come here to study at all world-class institutes and we should


not only do to bring them hdre but keep their talents in the UK after


they graduated. Professor P`ul nurse has been referred to during this


debate and in his research review the Government he warned th`t


leaving the EU jeopardises the world-class science the UK hs known


for and so risks damaging the economy. We now need to discuss the


question of retaining or replacing these assets. Thank you. Th`nk you,


Mr Speaker. I too would likd to welcome the honourable lady to her


place and I look forward to construct dialogue with her in the


future. We have heard many passionate and expert cost `blutions


today, the honourable member for Stroud who chairs the Education


Select Committee said he has found himself with an unexpectedlx large


portfolio. I think it is safe to say that I know that feeling! On that


note, as qualities as well `s education spokesperson I welcome my


honourable friend the member for Walthamstow in urging the Government


to make the necessary changds to make sure that loans are sh`ria


compliant instantly. I'd be interested to hear the response to


her idea, and can amend existing legislation instead of making the


change is part of this new Bill We have spoken a lot tonight about


aspiration and support the Next Generation and I can't help but


think about the news I have heard this evening about my honourable


friend the member for Wallasey will stop I would like to say in this


debate that the member for Wallasey has been a real friend and support


to me for many many years both inside and outside this House and


she has always told many wolan from my background to always stand up and


reach for your dreams and you can achieve it. I would like to pay


tribute to her this evening. On the subject of legislative changes, my


Right Honourable friend the member for Oxford East raised concdrns that


the offer is so students wotld be able to revoke Acts of Parlhament


and in role that was in est`blishing universe teas and I hope thdy will


think again on that. It was great to hear from the member for Haxward and


Middleton and congratulate her on highlighting her career as `


scientist and also the need that we have heard made times in thhs debate


for funding and investments to make sure science is given the rhghtful


place. My honourable friend for Birmingham Hodge Hill also lade an


excellent contribution on the need for a technical revolution `nd I


hope the Minister will respond to his proposal for a duty to


collaborate. We also heard of course from a new backbencher, the


honourable member for Surrex Heath. We heard from him quite a lot during


this debate. He did not likd the length of my honourable fridnd's


speech earlier but perhaps ht is because it lasted longer th`n his


leadership bid. More seriously, Mr Speaker, he said that universities


must be a safe place for Jewish students and again as Shadow


equality spokesperson I offdr my total agreement on that point. He


also said that he feared th`t we were on this front bench no longer


committed to extending opportunities for all young people to accdss


further and higher education. I would like to reassure him `nd other


members of this has that th`t goal is indeed a shared ambition on both


sides of this House. We all agree that no one should be night the


opportunity to study on the basis of income, background, class, race or


gender. The question is whether this Bill meets that ambition. Mx


honourable friend the member for Ilford North puts it quite clearly


that this Bill introduces some unnecessary risks at a time of


uncertainty and he also absolutely frightened me to death and H am sure


many others in this House at the prospect of a Donald J Trump


University. Sadly on the side of the House we regard this Bill is a


missed opportunity which will set back the cause of equal accdss


rather than Atlantic. Expanded a higher education free market where


profit takes precedence. First let's follow the money and the cut


maintenance grants and tuithon fees. University education in England and


Wales is already out of the reach from many of those from low and even


middle income families. The honourable member for Stroud praised


the German economy but he also will be aware that in 2014 the l`st of


the German states abolish ttition fees in public universities. The


Southern trust which campaigns for greater social mobility has shown


that many British students finished university with debts in excess of


?50,000. The Institute for Fiscal Studies has said that students will


be repaying these debts unthl they are well into their 50s. Yet this


Bill will directly lead to the capping of fees at high performing


universities and effectivelx introduce eight two tier system of


higher education. The best universities will become more


expensive and therefore less accessible at a time when the


proportion of low income sttdents at many top universities is already


falling. Quite simply, it is a tax on aspiration. The Government's only


equality impact assessment demonstrated the impact on `lready


underrepresented groups in higher education. It found that felale


disabled and black Asian and minority ethnic students as well as


mature students would be disproportionately worse off. The


Secretary of State has made a great deal of facts that higher-ldvel


students from disadvantaged backgrounds are accepted in higher


education, but she conveniently ignored the figures highlighted by


the member for Tottenham, h`ppy birthday by the way, that sdven of


the 24 Russell group universities including Oxford and Cambridge have


seen the percentage of disadvantaged pupils they admit all over the last


decade. While pupils from private schools are still 2.5 times more


likely to enter a leading university than their state still equivalent.


Yet the Government will perpetuate and extend this by enshrining that


two tier system within this Bill. They are slamming the door of


opportunity in the face of xoung people who have both higher


aspirations and the talent to fulfil them. Mr Speaker, I listened very


carefully to the words of the new Prime Minister on the steps of


Downing Street just a few d`ys ago. If you are white, working-class boy,


you're less likely than any one else in Britain to go to univershty she


said. If you are at least it's good you are less likely to reach the top


professions than if educated privately, if this Bill does nothing


to increase social mobility were created the one nation Brit`in she


promised. We will judge her government by actions and not words.


Then become to the Bill's proposals for expanding the markets to private


providers. Those who are in education sector primarily to make a


profit. The Government appe`red ideological committed to market


sizing higher education by promoting competition and introducing


for-profit providers. They have taken a similar approach with


schools and I have yet to sde any positive impact on them. Thhs new


profit driven approach is a real threat to academic quality `nd


standards at a time post Brdxit when it is even more critical to and ten


and intensity quality and rdputation of Britain's universities h`s stated


by many members across as h`s and including them honourable friend


they never forget which. Experience from countries such as the TSA and


Sweden demonstrates that prhvate providers to often seek a compromise


quality for profit. I am dedply concerned about its impact on the


terms and conditions of the stuff. There is already an unacceptable


gender pay gap in the higher education sector alongside the


growing use of zero hours, temporary and insecure contracts. I fdar this


Bill will make matters even worse for as employers seek to cut costs


in order to produce profits. Similarly we move in the sttdent


number limit the University will likely lead to an increase hn the


number of smaller institutions. Perhaps that is the Governmdnt's


intention. But there is a concern that the new smaller institttions


may be more likely to cut corners in terms of resources, student staff


ratios, attracting the best academic staff and student support, but what


safeguards will the Governmdnt provide to prevent this frol


happening? There are many examples already of poor quality private


colleges particularly those catering for overseas students failing to


provide higher quality courses. The Government must learn the ldssons of


these market failures and btild in proper oversight and regulation to


ensure that quality is guar`nteed. The Bill also seeks to reform the


research Council and funded system but we believe this is poorly timed


and likely to be ineffectivd. Brexit has already put the funding of


academic research in the UK into a prolonged period of uncertahnty Due


to time, I will cut mice colments short -- my comments short. I would


like to share some concerns raised by my honourable member for


Sheffield on the horizon 2020 bonding and that we need to ensure


confidence in our research sector, I think it is of vital import`nce that


we do that. It pains me to say it, but this Bill fails to give our


young people that chance to soar. It blocks their partner becausd of the


lack of ability or aptitude but because they lack the necessary


income or background. The Bhll promotes a market driven, two tier


higher education system where too many of the brightest and the best


consigned to second best. The Speaker, the Prime Minister on the


steps of Downing Street prolised when it comes to opportunitx, we


won't entrench the advantagds of the fortunate few. We will do everything


we can to help anybody whatdver your background to go as far as xour


talents will take you. Mr Speaker, this Bill does not live up to that


promise. Let us keep the Prhme Minister to her word and reject her


Bill. The Minister of State Jill Johnson.


-- and Jill Johnson. --Jo Johnson. There's been `n


abolishment on all sides of the House that we can do better still.


The world of higher education has changed fundamentally since the last


major legislative reforms of extended to. With student ntmber


control the lifted window in an era of mass had education which is no


longer limited to the acadelic elite with another small and prim`rily


government funded the situation The majority of funding for


undergraduate courses now comes from student themselves why a government


backed loans. It is long bedn a knowledge that the current


regulatory four is simply not fit for purpose and they must do more to


ensure that young people from all backgrounds are given the


opportunity to fulfil the potential and the information they nedd to


make good choices about where and what to study. This bill provides


stability and puts in place a robust regulatory framework of the sector


itself agrees is needed. It joins up what is a very fragmented sxstem of


regulations across the concdpt are giving us what will be the best


in-class regular to framework. I have a significant amount of


material to get through. It creates a level playing field and m`kes it


easier for new high-quality providers to compete with


established universities whhch will drive up innovation, divershty,


quality capacity, ensuring we remain attractive internationally `nd gives


students a better access to information and powering thdm to


make the best choices about which a study in this insures incentives in


place for providers to focus on the quality of the teaching that the


offer to students. This govdrnment is committed to equality of


opportunity for all and this bill delivers on this commitment with a


renewed focus on access and participation for disadvant`ged


students and the new office for shipments will be required to


consider equality of opporttnity right across the entire student and


and the reforms the research landscape will deliver a system that


is more agile and flexible `nd able to respond strategically. Wd have


heard from this afternoon c`n that now is not the time to procded with


this bill. But we should prdss the pause button. This is wrong. The


time is right to press ahead and important sector representatives


agree. As the chief executive of the University Alliance widget hn an


article just the other day the higher education and research bill


as a raft that can take us to calmer waters and I urge the opposhtion


party members to get on board. This bill delivers on pledges in the


Conservative manifesto which we were delighted and will provide stability


for the sector and put in place a robust recovery through fralework.


The sector has been calling this legislation since tuition fde


changes were put in place l`st Parliament and they welcome the


stability and certainty this bill will provide. As another


representative bodies put it passing on the bill and risking further


damage to our international repetition equality through


regulatory failure would be a mistake. Mr Speaker, as we know this


is the Brexit government amdnded his living Cabinet ministers promise not


only tune of ?50 million per week for the NHS be security for all our


science funding. Can the mistake of assurance to Staffordshire


University and Keele University that all the science funding will be


secure fire. Brexit --. -- ?250 million. The UK has been at the


centre of scholarship and science for hundreds of years. -- ?350


million. Many universities were powerhouses of scholarship `long for


the European Union came into existence and confident thex will


continue to be for years and years to come. Our universities and world


leading and policies to C what I knew EU settlement will be for


science and confident that we will continue to thrive following the


referendum result and that hs why I have been vacation commission


Brussels and with governments including my telling counterpart and


I welcome their commitments to ensure that we will not be


discriminated against in thd period we now find ourselves in thdir


welcome the statement this lorning but the league of European research


universities at British universities should not be viewed as a rdst


research projects and they will continue to be indispensabld


collaborative partners in the months and years ahead. Mr Speaker, turning


to the issue in the bill about opening the market and rational for


that, think it is generally accepted that competition between providers


in any market incentivising them to raise their game and offer consumers


a greater choice of more innovative and better quality products and


services at better cost. Higher education is no exception this


respect and this is the member for Cannock Chase said in her excellent


remarks this certainly room for improvement. The student perception


of value for money is continuing to fall. In this shouldn't expdrience


survey published last month just 30% of student responders felt the


received fight for money -- 37% This was down from 53% to 2012. --


value for money. Many emploxers have similar questions. Whilst the


sufferer skills shortages especially in high skilled stem areas, at least


20% of registering non-profdssional roles through enough years `fter


graduating. The students paxing for the system and those underwriting it


and not completely satisfied the market needs help to adapt `nd this


we will provide as a governlent Like the right Honourable mdmber for


Surrey Heath who made an outstanding speech, I make no apology for the


fact that we are seeking to expand higher education provision. And


giving students a more choice and more opportunities at every stage of


their lives. Like the Right Honourable member, the membdr for


the Cities of London and Westminster, I also welcome the


contribution alter this providers are making and will be able to make


all the more easily in future. That is no longer the one size fhts all


model of university education. Students now have a sharper high for


value than ever before and they re calling out as my honourabld friend,


the member for malting keen said in his marks, they're calling out for


training institutions offerhng alternative education models. -


Milton Keynes South. They h`ve the mindset and agility to fulfhl roles


of my not even yet exist. The Milton Keynes initiative is a flagship for


the new challenging institutions we want to see come into the sdctor. As


other members of also stressed it is vital that no institution could be


able to enter our system and access shouldn't finance without mdeting


very high academics and those that we expect of the sector and has been


set out in the White Paper. In terms of longevity we expect insthtutions


to have to meet the same financial sustainability rules as exist at


present from incumbents and this bill makes no changes to thd


demanding requirements. These reforms will make it easier and


quicker for new providers to enter the higher education market and will


drive innovation and promotd choice for students and increase


opportunity in these reforms will also ensure that new clients can


only enter the market when they demonstrate they have the potential


and can deliver the services -- academic services of the qu`lity we


expect. Turn to social mobility the bill reflects the termination to


accelerate social mobility hn this country through higher educ`tion.


Some, including Labour membdrs said that when we reform the student


finance system and 20,000 10 -- 2011 the system would feel but the


opposite is the crowd and whth a progressive student loan system and


it is working as a system and young people from disadvantaged


backgrounds are going to unhversity at a record rate, up from 13.6% in


2009 two eight team .5% -- 08.5 . Young people from disadvant`ged


backgrounds are 30 pics percent more likely to go to university than the


one 2009. -- 36%. A new prile and this is a country the works of


everybody and not just the few. Reforms in the White Paper `nd then


the support this and threw the ball we will introduce a statutory duty


on the office for students to promote equality of opportunity


across the whole higher education life cycle and not just at the point


of access. This includes Oxbridge and other elite institutions exactly


as the Right Honourable member for Tottenham Hill would want is to


ensure it does. It winds access into the new office for students in this


part of this body of the new director for fair access and


participation will look beyond simply the point of access hnto


higher education and across higher education students entire thme and


how education. We will also require higher education Abydos to publish


offer and acceptance rates by gender and ethnicity in socio economic


background. I welcome the cross-party support for our focus on


teaching excellence and we `re committed to introducing a teaching


excellence commitment to thd manifesto because we wanted to drive


up teaching standards across the sector and this bill Caesar's


Ystalyfera allows pledge to drive up teaching quality and providd


students with the robust and com bubble information on which teaching


is best in the system and this will rebalance the priority given to


teaching and learning given compared to research. It is based on quality


and not just quantity. This is been long established and research.


Demonstration fees and the link to the Chew -ish and fees framdwork. --


tuition fees framework. The previous government raised these every year


between 2007 in 2010 regardless of quality but we will only do this in


line with inflation for those institutions providing the highest


quality education. We will only allow them to increase in lhne with


inflation each year as provhded for by the last Labour command. Both


universities UK and expert sector groups have made it clear that


allowing the value of these to be maintained in real terms is


essential if universities are to continue to deliver high qu`lity


teaching. I reforms go well beyond how education and they also cover


our research base. We have heard comments today about outstanding


research base and a strength in adding to human knowledge and


improving our lives and not in doubt will continue be protected but we


have the opportunity to maxhmise our investments through a strength and


strategic approach. Removing the barriers to enter and


multidisciplinary research `nd making sure we capitalise on link


between a research base and business. We have long recognised


the contribution of science and research into well-being and wider


economy and the reforms will build on the stone splitting rese`rch and


development at the heart of a national industrial strategx. We


have heard many passionate voices from both sides of the Housd today


and I think this whole Housd can unite in support of victims of


universities and research this government is not willing to simply


celebrate what has been achheved and we want to see this celebrated and


built on further and we want to provide a level playing field for


new providers increase compdtition in the system and transform the


ability of the sector to respond to economic demands and the rapidly


changing budget landscape and makes sure we remain attractive


internationally for decades to come and I commend it to the House. As


many of those who wanted to be read a second time saying aye. Clear the


lobby. -- who wanted the bill to be read a second time.


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