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needs to be done and can I can enter
constructive tone which is so much | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | |
more usable? Demand exceeds supply,
question to the Attorney General, | 0:00:00 | 0:00:04 | |
Sir Henry Bellingham. Number one.
The Attorney General. In the bribery | 0:00:04 | 0:00:10 | |
act of 2010 the UK introduced world
leading legislation on bribery | 0:00:10 | 0:00:14 | |
making it a criminal offence for a
company to fail to prevent a bribe | 0:00:14 | 0:00:18 | |
being paid. We are starting to see
the effectiveness of this offensive | 0:00:18 | 0:00:22 | |
holding large companies to account
through the first conviction of a | 0:00:22 | 0:00:25 | |
corporate entity and three deferred
prosecution agreement. Sir Henry | 0:00:25 | 0:00:30 | |
Allingham. Would he agree corruption
is embedded in the building culture | 0:00:30 | 0:00:36 | |
of many countries and it's always
the poor to supper, this is being | 0:00:36 | 0:00:40 | |
encouraged by a number of major
trading countries who have not | 0:00:40 | 0:00:43 | |
followed our lead. What is he doing
in the OECD to make sure other | 0:00:43 | 0:00:48 | |
countries, in line with the UK? I
agree with my honourable friend, | 0:00:48 | 0:00:52 | |
it's the poor is to suffer most when
corruption occurs, around the world. | 0:00:52 | 0:00:57 | |
It is important the UK plays a
leadership role and we do the not | 0:00:57 | 0:01:01 | |
least by setting an example and
we've done that by the bribery act | 0:01:01 | 0:01:04 | |
and what has flowed from that but I
would pay tribute to him in his role | 0:01:04 | 0:01:10 | |
as a very distinguished Foreign
Office Minister. He was also able to | 0:01:10 | 0:01:13 | |
do some of this work and the work
must continue. Jim Shannon. Mr | 0:01:13 | 0:01:20 | |
Speaker, can the Attorney General
further believe his department could | 0:01:20 | 0:01:25 | |
provide more clarification on
foreign public officials, | 0:01:25 | 0:01:31 | |
hospitality payments, self
reporting, sentencing and fines, | 0:01:31 | 0:01:33 | |
adequate besiegers and relevant
commercial organisations and how | 0:01:33 | 0:01:38 | |
does the Attorney General believe
this can be done? The honourable | 0:01:38 | 0:01:44 | |
gentleman is right clarity is
important and of course the bribery | 0:01:44 | 0:01:47 | |
act and prosecutions that flow from
it are not all that matters here. | 0:01:47 | 0:01:50 | |
What we need to do is change
corporate culture and that I think | 0:01:50 | 0:01:55 | |
is how then, it's important that
corporations understand their | 0:01:55 | 0:01:58 | |
responsibilities and he's right, if
they are to do that they need to be | 0:01:58 | 0:02:01 | |
clear about what they can and cannot
do so we will always seek to give | 0:02:01 | 0:02:05 | |
greater clarity but it depends on
the circumstances. | 0:02:05 | 0:02:13 | |
Do we have enough specialist
expertise to enforce the bribery act | 0:02:13 | 0:02:18 | |
properly? I believe we do and of
course for some of the most | 0:02:18 | 0:02:21 | |
substantial cases under the bribery
act, it is the Serious Fraud Office | 0:02:21 | 0:02:26 | |
but prosecutes and investigates and
there's a good deal of expertise | 0:02:26 | 0:02:29 | |
there and he will recognise that in
relation to not just convictions but | 0:02:29 | 0:02:34 | |
referred prosecution as well, we are
presenting good cases and winning | 0:02:34 | 0:02:38 | |
prosecutions. SGM is a crime, it is
abuse -- FGM is a crime, it is abuse | 0:02:38 | 0:02:56 | |
against children and women. There is
now a lead FGM prosecutor in each | 0:02:56 | 0:03:01 | |
area and training is being given to
prosecutors across the country. I | 0:03:01 | 0:03:05 | |
very much welcomed the announcement
this week of extra funding to tackle | 0:03:05 | 0:03:09 | |
FGM in Africa and beyond. Does my
honourable friend share my concern | 0:03:09 | 0:03:13 | |
that in this country with over 5000
cases being reported every year, we | 0:03:13 | 0:03:16 | |
are still to bring a successful
prosecution. My honourable friend is | 0:03:16 | 0:03:26 | |
quite right to raise the obstacles
which have faced prosecutors over | 0:03:26 | 0:03:28 | |
the years. There have been barriers
which have caused real issues as to | 0:03:28 | 0:03:34 | |
the investigation of these cases. I
am glad to say there is an ongoing | 0:03:34 | 0:03:37 | |
case currently before the courts
which I won't comment about but it's | 0:03:37 | 0:03:41 | |
also important to remind that
protection is vital and our FGM | 0:03:41 | 0:03:51 | |
orders are being used to good
effect. Bristol is recognised as | 0:03:51 | 0:03:54 | |
being at the forefront of some of
the community involvement in trying | 0:03:54 | 0:04:00 | |
to prevent FGM but I think this is a
sticking point, the fact we still | 0:04:00 | 0:04:04 | |
have not yet had a single
conviction. What more can he do to | 0:04:04 | 0:04:07 | |
liaise with the police, because a
prosecutor and services locally are | 0:04:07 | 0:04:11 | |
telling me it's the fact the police
are not bringing cases to them that | 0:04:11 | 0:04:15 | |
prevents them from taking things
further? The honourable lady is | 0:04:15 | 0:04:19 | |
right to press me on these issues.
I'm glad to say that with the | 0:04:19 | 0:04:24 | |
appointment of lead FGM prosecutors
in each CPS area and agreed | 0:04:24 | 0:04:27 | |
protocols were local police
authorities, they should be a | 0:04:27 | 0:04:34 | |
greater understanding for police
officers in particular as to the | 0:04:34 | 0:04:38 | |
tell-tale signs FGM abuse and what
to do about them, to get early | 0:04:38 | 0:04:43 | |
investigative advice from the CPS is
vital in these cases. The Solicitor | 0:04:43 | 0:04:48 | |
General is right to identify
specific issues that need to be | 0:04:48 | 0:04:51 | |
tackled on FGM. If we are to
increase prosecution rates right | 0:04:51 | 0:04:56 | |
across the range of offences, surely
we need a properly resourced and | 0:04:56 | 0:05:01 | |
robust disclosure system. The former
Conservative politician and | 0:05:01 | 0:05:05 | |
barrister Jerry Hayes said this, the
CPS are under terrible pressure, as | 0:05:05 | 0:05:10 | |
are the police. Both work hard but
are badly under resourced. He is | 0:05:10 | 0:05:14 | |
right, isn't he? Well, the
honourable gentleman will know that | 0:05:14 | 0:05:20 | |
for over 20 years I was directly
involved in the prosecution and | 0:05:20 | 0:05:25 | |
defending of serious criminal cases
and I am well familiar with the | 0:05:25 | 0:05:28 | |
challenge of disclosure that has
been of long standing. I am glad to | 0:05:28 | 0:05:32 | |
say that prior to recent
revelations, both the Attorney | 0:05:32 | 0:05:37 | |
General and I have instituted a
thorough review not just about | 0:05:37 | 0:05:41 | |
guidelines but of the entire
culture. Police, prosecutors, | 0:05:41 | 0:05:44 | |
everybody involved at all stages
must realise that disclosure must be | 0:05:44 | 0:05:48 | |
achieved early in an effective way,
not just to protect defendants but | 0:05:48 | 0:05:55 | |
also victims. I appreciate that
there is a review and that there are | 0:05:55 | 0:06:01 | |
long-standing issues, but there is
no doubt either that social media, | 0:06:01 | 0:06:06 | |
things like WhatsApp, examination of
mobile telephones prevent new | 0:06:06 | 0:06:11 | |
challenges -- present new challenges
which are time and resource | 0:06:11 | 0:06:15 | |
intensive and surely it's time we
had proper resources on those things | 0:06:15 | 0:06:18 | |
and then we wouldn't have the system
of disclosure we have. Can I remind | 0:06:18 | 0:06:26 | |
the honourable gentleman that one of
the main issues in this area has not | 0:06:26 | 0:06:29 | |
been that these items have not been
obtained, it's the timeliness with | 0:06:29 | 0:06:33 | |
which they are eventually exposed.
That is the issue and I think | 0:06:33 | 0:06:39 | |
bearing down on that fact that will
encourage and increase police | 0:06:39 | 0:06:44 | |
awareness and the priority that the
police need to place upon making | 0:06:44 | 0:06:48 | |
sure that all of this material is
gathered at the earliest | 0:06:48 | 0:06:51 | |
opportunity. Mr Speaker, with
permission, I will answer this | 0:06:51 | 0:06:57 | |
question along with question seven.
The European arrest warrant offers a | 0:06:57 | 0:07:01 | |
more effective means than none
European alternatives at ensuring | 0:07:01 | 0:07:08 | |
those who have fled the UK are
returned to face justice. The Green | 0:07:08 | 0:07:14 | |
continued extradition arrangements
will therefore be an important part | 0:07:14 | 0:07:18 | |
-- the Green continued extradition
arrangements will therefore be an | 0:07:18 | 0:07:20 | |
important part of negotiations and
of mutual interest. Thank you for | 0:07:20 | 0:07:27 | |
that response. Do you agree with the
Director of Public Prosecutions that | 0:07:27 | 0:07:34 | |
the European arrest warrant is
absolutely vital to ensuring quick | 0:07:34 | 0:07:39 | |
effective cross-border crime and
justice measures and will the | 0:07:39 | 0:07:42 | |
Government commit to remain in the
European arrest warrant? Well, I | 0:07:42 | 0:07:48 | |
certainly agree that it is the most
efficient means we have available to | 0:07:48 | 0:07:52 | |
both bring people back to the UK and
then foreign criminals and you'd | 0:07:52 | 0:07:56 | |
base does this. -- to face justice.
Precisely how we do that in future | 0:07:56 | 0:08:05 | |
will depend negotiations which he
knows are ongoing. Why those | 0:08:05 | 0:08:08 | |
arrangements have to do is go along
with the jurisdiction of the ECJ. I | 0:08:08 | 0:08:17 | |
suppose the question is what is more
important, the heavy line on the ECJ | 0:08:17 | 0:08:22 | |
or being able to effectively tackle
crime? Does he agree with the report | 0:08:22 | 0:08:25 | |
that states that the safety of the
people of the UK should be the | 0:08:25 | 0:08:29 | |
governor Boult overriding
consideration? I agree with the last | 0:08:29 | 0:08:35 | |
part of his question, but I don't
think... That's what we think to do | 0:08:35 | 0:08:50 | |
and we believe that is in the mutual
interest not just of the UK but of | 0:08:50 | 0:08:54 | |
the EU as well and that's why we are
confident we can negotiate. Does my | 0:08:54 | 0:08:59 | |
right honourable friend agree with
me that the European arrest warrant | 0:08:59 | 0:09:02 | |
is just as important to our European
friends and partners as it is to us. | 0:09:02 | 0:09:07 | |
I do agree with my honourable friend
and he might like to know that as | 0:09:07 | 0:09:10 | |
far as statistics go, since 2010,
under the European arrest warrant, | 0:09:10 | 0:09:17 | |
1079 people have been surrendered
back to the United Kingdom, but 8826 | 0:09:17 | 0:09:23 | |
surrendered from the UK to the rest
of the European Union, so this is an | 0:09:23 | 0:09:27 | |
advantageous arrangement for both
sides. Since 20 10,000 of criminals | 0:09:27 | 0:09:33 | |
have been removed from the United
Kingdom to face trial abroad thanks | 0:09:33 | 0:09:38 | |
to the European arrest warrant so
does the Minister agree that such | 0:09:38 | 0:09:42 | |
agreements are an integral part of
our justice system here in the | 0:09:42 | 0:09:45 | |
United Kingdom? I thank my noble
friend and it is important that we | 0:09:45 | 0:09:50 | |
negotiate a settlement that will
enable us to carry on sending people | 0:09:50 | 0:09:53 | |
back but also just as importantly to
bring people back from other | 0:09:53 | 0:09:57 | |
European nations so they can face
justice here. As I say, I am | 0:09:57 | 0:10:00 | |
optimistic we can do that. | 0:10:00 | 0:10:11 | |
We are having problems enforcing EA
ee request even before we leave the | 0:10:13 | 0:10:18 | |
European Union. What responses there
for that? The case the honourable | 0:10:18 | 0:10:24 | |
gentleman refers to is it concluded
yet so I will say nothing about | 0:10:24 | 0:10:29 | |
specifically but the point he makes
is that we need to to ensure there | 0:10:29 | 0:10:34 | |
is continuity of these arrangements
when we depart the European Union. | 0:10:34 | 0:10:39 | |
That is exactly what we seek to
negotiate. This is something that | 0:10:39 | 0:10:43 | |
will benefit both us and the rest of
Europe, this is two-way traffic and | 0:10:43 | 0:10:47 | |
it's important to everyone that we
negotiate continuing arrangements. | 0:10:47 | 0:10:51 | |
With your permission I will answer
this question alongside question | 0:10:51 | 0:10:55 | |
eight. These types of crime are
often committed over county lines | 0:10:55 | 0:10:58 | |
and evolve the exploitation of
people by violent members of drug | 0:10:58 | 0:11:03 | |
networks and gangs in order to move
drugs and sell them across the | 0:11:03 | 0:11:06 | |
country. The CPS has recently
published guidance that sets out | 0:11:06 | 0:11:10 | |
there advice on this type of crime.
Many more people, particularly | 0:11:10 | 0:11:15 | |
although not exclusive vulnerable
young women, are trafficked for | 0:11:15 | 0:11:20 | |
prosecution. What steps are being
taken within the justice process to | 0:11:20 | 0:11:23 | |
give them support and help them
except this abusive trade? I am | 0:11:23 | 0:11:29 | |
grateful to my honourable friend. In
the new guidance, the CPS has | 0:11:29 | 0:11:33 | |
emphasised how important it is to
safeguard vulnerable people and we | 0:11:33 | 0:11:37 | |
have places like the UK human
trafficking Centre which is a | 0:11:37 | 0:11:41 | |
central point of contact for all
agencies that work with victims of | 0:11:41 | 0:11:44 | |
sex trafficking, or example where
rape victim is cooperating with an | 0:11:44 | 0:11:49 | |
investigation, making sure that if
you are -- they are a foreign | 0:11:49 | 0:11:55 | |
national in the UK, that their
status is preserved for the full | 0:11:55 | 0:11:59 | |
investigation. My honourable friend
is right about going across county | 0:11:59 | 0:12:04 | |
lines. Wales I think that many
vulnerable people, I still think | 0:12:04 | 0:12:07 | |
they may be prosecuted too much and
their vulnerability is not taken | 0:12:07 | 0:12:11 | |
into consideration enough when the
cases are being looked at. My | 0:12:11 | 0:12:16 | |
honourable friend will be aware that
in the modern state act, there are | 0:12:16 | 0:12:25 | |
provisions for those compelled into
criminality and choices have to be | 0:12:25 | 0:12:29 | |
made whether to treat them as
defendants or whether whereas | 0:12:29 | 0:12:37 | |
appropriate to encourage them to
cooperate because many of these | 0:12:37 | 0:12:39 | |
people are frankly victims. The LCA
just showed their invisible people | 0:12:39 | 0:12:46 | |
exhibition in Belfast and it shows
the harrowing portrayal of what | 0:12:46 | 0:12:49 | |
people go through exploited the
prostitution, drugs or forced | 0:12:49 | 0:12:53 | |
Labour. Are we winning the battle?
The honourable gentleman graphically | 0:12:53 | 0:13:00 | |
illustrates the fact that this
particular fact of life is in every | 0:13:00 | 0:13:03 | |
town and city across our country.
The idea that slavery ended many | 0:13:03 | 0:13:08 | |
centuries ago is a fallacy and once
we face up to that, and I think the | 0:13:08 | 0:13:14 | |
police and the prosecution are
facing up to it, then we are halfway | 0:13:14 | 0:13:17 | |
to dealing with this scourge. But
more needs to be done. | 0:13:17 | 0:13:28 | |
Although many older people do not
consider themselves to be | 0:13:28 | 0:13:31 | |
vulnerable, they can often be
perceived as an easy target for | 0:13:31 | 0:13:35 | |
criminals and to address this the
CPS has committed to updating its | 0:13:35 | 0:13:42 | |
statement on crimes is an older
people within the next year. We all | 0:13:42 | 0:13:46 | |
have a elderly relatives or friends
who are the victims of telephone | 0:13:46 | 0:13:53 | |
scams, a particularly horrible crime
where people pretend to be banks and | 0:13:53 | 0:13:57 | |
causes incredible distress. Can we
have real action on this and real | 0:13:57 | 0:14:01 | |
resources committed? My honourable
friend is absolutely right to raise | 0:14:01 | 0:14:06 | |
this issue and I would commend
financial institutions like | 0:14:06 | 0:14:10 | |
nationwide that are already creating
specialist much more secure phone | 0:14:10 | 0:14:18 | |
lines for older people, particularly
carers for people who are unwell, to | 0:14:18 | 0:14:22 | |
conduct their financial
transactions. It's an excellent | 0:14:22 | 0:14:25 | |
example of how the financial
services sector can actually dried | 0:14:25 | 0:14:29 | |
out and design out this type of
fraud. Mr Speaker, later this month, | 0:14:29 | 0:14:37 | |
the Crown Prosecution Service will
host an international summit will | 0:14:37 | 0:14:39 | |
prosecutors from 21 countries around
the world. It's unambitious summit | 0:14:39 | 0:14:43 | |
which aims to identify ways to
better support witnesses in | 0:14:43 | 0:14:47 | |
establishing a strong active
international network to tackle more | 0:14:47 | 0:14:53 | |
actively the crime of modern
slavery. Does he agree with me that | 0:14:53 | 0:14:58 | |
modern slavery and human trafficking
are indeed international problems | 0:14:58 | 0:15:00 | |
that require the collaboration of
the Crown Prosecution Service to | 0:15:00 | 0:15:05 | |
similar judicially systems from many
countries in order to address them. | 0:15:05 | 0:15:09 | |
I thank my honourable friend and
it's important that we work with | 0:15:09 | 0:15:12 | |
partners around the world. The CPS
have 30 prosecutors located in other | 0:15:12 | 0:15:16 | |
countries and of course we agreed
last year at the United Nations to | 0:15:16 | 0:15:20 | |
double hour spent overseas in
combating modern slavery. Would he | 0:15:20 | 0:15:26 | |
welcomed the work of the UK branch
of the Commonwealth Parliamentary | 0:15:26 | 0:15:29 | |
Association and support to the Home
Office in dealing with this issue in | 0:15:29 | 0:15:34 | |
particular and witty give support to
the eight particular countries being | 0:15:34 | 0:15:41 | |
dealt with from his office? I do
welcome mat and there is a lot we | 0:15:41 | 0:15:47 | |
could do in this institution to back
up the fight against modern slavery | 0:15:47 | 0:15:50 | |
and of course to focus on where the
majority of those who are trafficked | 0:15:50 | 0:15:54 | |
tend to come from. Of course it
isn't just those eight countries as | 0:15:54 | 0:15:58 | |
he will recognise. Those identified
as victims of modern slavery are | 0:15:58 | 0:16:02 | |
raving in this country came last
year from some 108 different | 0:16:02 | 0:16:06 | |
countries but he is right, there are
particular countries to focus on. | 0:16:06 | 0:16:12 | |
How much money has the UK Government
committed to tackling slavery around | 0:16:12 | 0:16:17 | |
the world? Last year at the UN
General Assembly the UK Government | 0:16:17 | 0:16:22 | |
agreed it would spend £150 million
overseas in combating modern | 0:16:22 | 0:16:27 | |
slavery, that is in addition to
substantial sums already committed | 0:16:27 | 0:16:31 | |
within our domestic budget to do
with the problem. I have to notify | 0:16:31 | 0:16:37 | |
the house in accordance with the
Royal assent act. Telecommunications | 0:16:37 | 0:16:45 | |
infrastructure relief from
nondomestic | 0:16:45 | 0:16:50 |