02/08/2011 Newsnight Scotland


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that seems to be a lot of trouble. On tonight's programme, it is about


Bobby's, not boundaries. The Justice Secretary continues his


tour of the country tried to convince everybody it is... No


fears about fewer bobbies on the beach. And our reputation impaired


Bank's report considerable profit but continued to cut jobs. We will


discuss the matters with Scotland's leading financial institutions.


If it is too many, how many is enough? The Justice Secretary Kenny


MacAskill has been touring police forces to assess the future of


policing in Scotland. It was Strathclyde's turn to do, and Mr


MacAskill says the status quo is wasteful and speculation is


mounting that we may be about to have a single national police force.


First, Kenneth Macdonald has this There's been a murder or more than


one, but not more than there used to be. Crime has been falling for


That has not stopped the just a secretary from pounding a bit about


Scotland's police forces. The shape of Scottish police forces must


change. Local policing that we have to preserve and protect ensuring


that we have national resources that we are consulting about. I am


missing and learning but we recognise that the challenge in


Scotland is to maintain a visible police presence and in the face of


huge cuts from London, the only way to do that is to make sure it is


the boundaries that go, not the policeman on the beat. Scotland


currently has eight territorial police forces. It is eight sets of


back office functions like personnel and payroll. Those it


forces could be amalgamated into just one Scottish national force.


Some of the service are in favour of that. We believe that we have to


provide local policing services first and then look at the


management there after. With costs, that is where the cost savings can


be made. It is also about the distribution to make sure that


every community has the same support available and that there is


a level playing field. The theory is that collapsing eight forces


into three or even just one will save millions of overheads which


will be put back into frontline policing. Critics say it would cost


millions to reorganise and other crime figures suggest that where it


matters, the situation is not broken. Reports suggest that


Scotland is safer now than for almost 40 years. Adjusted --


unadjusted figures show that by this year, the figure was below


324,000. We currently have the most


effective policing that Scotland has seen in the time I have been in


the service and that has been by evolution, working with the


Department and partnership and doing exactly what people say we do


not do, collaborating and using resources carefully across


boundaries. I over the past six years, police officers have risen


markedly in numbers. It was a shade over 15,000 in 2005. There was well


over 70,000 this year, a rise of 8%. The thinking is that shrinking the


force... Might create the biggest saving of all. Creating too much


pressure for a person in charge is seen as a problem. When I took the


post, I made it clear that I would never willingly allow this story to


be about me, the leader as opposed to what the people who work for me


and what I'd do. I saw the destruction this can cause other


thing that is wrong. A lot can be read into Mr MacAskill's visit to


the Strathclyde force. It covers Scotland's biggest city and some of


the rural communities as well Scott and is a bear raids country


and that is why I am in a Strathclyde today -- Scotland is a


The Justice Secretary says he is still listening and only the status


quo has been ruled out. He will announce his plans next month, it


Joining me now from Edinburgh is the leader of the Scottish Liberal


Democrats, Willie Rennie and in Inverness is the best MP MSP, John


Finnie, also a member of the justice committee and is a former


policeman -- SNP MSP. We know that one of the Chief Constables thinks


that a single police force would be a bad idea for local communities,


the Northern Police Board agree, and the majority of rank-and-file


police officers agree. What is your opinion? My opinion is that we need


to consider all options and the status quo is not an option. As the


justice minister said, it is facing �1.3 billion of cuts and it is


inconceivable that the police service will not play their part in


these cuts. The reality is that what we need is police officers,


not boundaries. There is a very visible police presence and it is


important to maintain that. 1,000 officers will not be lost on the


streets, and I I don't think people will mind as much if back office


staff go. Do you think Scotland could support a single police


force? Having the issue, that is delivering service on the ground.


The Scottish Government does not invest in 1,000 additional offices


to see them drift away. We need to maintain that. A 40 year low crime


rate, and we need to maintain that. If he were to move to one Chief


Constable, you would see a saving of several million pounds. Your own


Chief Constable is one who disputes that he would need to make savings


anything like that. Before we move on from this, the lessons we have


learned from what is happening with the met Police, one single police


Chief Constable with a very powerful force can become a very


politicised animal. You could say that if you were to have a single


police constable, they would never be out of the Justice Secretary's


office. That would be something causing concern? To a think there


are legitimate concerns about accountability. The irony is that


we can improve accountability. In normal can start Billy --


Constabulary has four constituent parts. We can enhance the


accountability. The issue of separation between the political


and operation is hugely important. We have that in the Northern


Ireland police force. Arrangements there have a clear separation


between operational and political, that can be replicated. It happens


in other countries. Willie Rennie, is the brutal fact here not that


your government in Westminster is imposing massive public spending


cuts and savings have to be made in the police budget? And the way


forces are stricter at the moment, there is duplication? If you don't


agree with a single police force or reduced police forces, how will you


make savings? They have made significant improvements over the


years. You do not do these big bang game of fantasy boundaries to get


efficiencies. Top down changes like this will not deliver changes that


are necessary, it is evolution, working on the ground. I think it


would be a retrograde step to put the centre of the Justice Secretary.


How do you make the savings? Through collaborations, and


trusting the police on the ground to make the savings as we have


already done. This is thanks to the good work of the police. To clarify,


you what police officers on the ground to vote for fewer police


officers? How would this but in practice was make it is about


making sure that to provide the right support. You have a community


initiative, working with local policeman, working for an area.


That is cutting the amount of crime in each community. If you do more


of that work, you can save and improve the efficiency. By cutting


crime and cost. Do you accept that this was a central message you are


trying to get out to the Lib Dems in the last election saying it is


important to everybody and local communities must be aware? And once


the forces go they never come back? The public could not have cared


less? Are a thing people do you care and we heard strongly -- I


think people do care. We heard that people were particularly concerned.


I it was not reflected in the boat to attracted in the election, given


that he made that a central boat issue. He you know it there was a


halt float of issues. Police did not dominate but that did not make


it a less important issue. What do you make of the right and file


officers and their real concern for example in the Highlands that the


issue would change fundamentally and were you to have a centralised


police cuttable in Glasgow, people would say that is not a priority


for me in the Highlands and Islands, that local communities would lose


The reality is garage any one concerns. The President for this is


in the mid- 1970s. Northern Constabulary is an amalgam of many


county forces, and has more than 300 officers more now than it had


in 1975. I think there is a lot of scaremongering here. And


disappointingly, a lack of realism -- realism on the financial reality.


Cuts from London will not be addressed by having community


initiatives, they will be addressed by radical change. Not change on


the front line, the public have made it very clear they are greatly


reassured by the presence of frontline police full staff we will


maintain these officers. We will not maintain the IT sections, the


chauffeur-driven chief constables. But the concern must be... The


concern must be that if you take officers out of the backroom, you


then have to transfer officers back on to the work that they have been


doing. What is required here is robust management. We had over


7,000 support staff, they are very valuable. The reality is that with


these numbers, you have people retiring and leaving. There is an


opportunity for robust management that maintains the front line.


your figures do not make any sense in the real world. They will not


come through with any significant savings. This will actually cost


more, it will cost about �230 million to make the change, injured


will only deliver a 2 % efficiency here. That is hardly a significant


change that will deal with the deficit. We need serious reforms,


not fantasy boundary changes. you think that relevant local


policing can only be delivered by a small forces, the logic of that


argument is actually that Strathclyde, which takes in half


the population of Scotland, should be broken up. Would you advocate


that? I am arguing we should be focusing on making sure there is


real innovation at a local level. Changing the boundaries will not


make any difference. Thank you both very much.


It is half-year reporting season for those great engines of the


British economy, the bank's. Expect opaque jargon and numbers swirling


around, including the staggering number of job losses they are


putting through their work forces. With two of the four sets of


results and the other two due at the end of the week, a pattern is


emerging. Put simply, do not hold your breath waiting for this lot to


begin stimulating the economy. Yesterday, HSBC, while announcing a


higher than expected profit of 11.5 billion, also took the town to


slash 30,000 jobs worldwide. Today, it was the turn of Barclays. Again,


they posted higher than predicted profits, although that is down one


third. Bob Diamond is next -- insisting that their position is


rock solid. Less rock solid are there for 200 jobs they have cut


this year, with another 3,000 on the way before Christmas -- 1,400


Next up on Thursday, Lloyd's. Owner of the Bank of Scotland amongst


other things, and the set is bent complete on Friday with RBS. There


are widespread -- set expectations for drops with both of these


companies. Lloyds' shares are down 30 % in the last six months. RBS


have taken a 70 % -- 17 % hit in the same period. Over the last two


years, both bands have -- banks have shared between them over


50,000 jobs. As a sector that took a series of seismic kids, there


seems little evidence that the aftershocks have stopped.


The Executive editor of the Scotsman, Bill Jamieson, is with me


now. Thank you for coming in. On the evidence we have so far, what


you make of the health of our banks? Not good I would say, if you


were trying to measure the pulse of our banks. That pulse is still very


faint, and we seem to be more than ever further away from the recovery


that everybody has been very keenly awaiting. It is like a mirage, it


disappears over the horizon every six Mac months was -- six months.


And there are huge worries about what is happening in the euro-zone,


huge worries about the US economy. And that critical thing is really


business confidence. And I suspected it is this lack of


business confidence that is hitting the investment banking results and


profits, and causing further staff shedding by the banks. Why is there


business confidence solo? Is it anything related to their not


getting proper rates at about? is a combination of things. First


of all, there is a stream of any negative news about the economy


both here and in America. Me that all the surveys that were coming


out, they do point to a slowing pace of recovery. That is the main


thing. The second point I would make is that there are some sectors


such as untroubled, like retail for example, here in the UK, but I


suspect many troubles are deeply troubled in the retail sector and


just do not have the confidence to go to their banks and ask for more


money or an extension of their loan, for fear of being told to know.


That is interesting in terms of what our causing the problems now.


How much of this is about what is happening in the economy right now,


and looking to the future, and how much of it is the residual effect


of what the banks when three in the crashed? There is no doubt that the


amount they have to lend is still very constrained. And that was a


big story up until a few months ago. But my suspicion it is the


confidence -- is that it is a confidence thing, and many


companies preferring to sit on cash. It is not as if our largest


companies are a short of cash. They are not, they have the money,


they're just making the decision not to invest, not to expand, not


to take on more staff until they see a clearer way through what is


happening in the euro-zone, what is happening in the UK economy and


what is happening in America have. If we let them at Lloyd's and RBS


in this bigger picture, we are seeing this rush to shed jobs. What


is the implication for Scotland? The impression I get is that there


is not all that dramatic labour shedding here in Scotland, either


for Lloyds or RBS. Yes, there may be some technical changes, as bred


to internet banking means that we do not have quite so many branch


staff and she needed a couple of years ago. But I do not think that


is a significant factor here. It is just this dearth of gross in the


economy, that is the worry. So we have seen in the results from


Barclays, and in HSBC, a slowing down in their domestic profits.


people who do not understand how this industry works, they Macie, we


are seeing the banks making profits, why do they need to leave staff?


Why cannot they just keep their staffing levels? I think in the


case of HSBC, they have a big worry about their costs, their cost ratio


is much higher than the field -- they feel it should be. And I think


also they are looking at the world and they find that, actually, they


are to over-exposed in those areas which are going to show very little


growth, and it was very interesting that a lot of there job cuts over


the next few years are going to come in America and Europe, and at


the same time they are expanding 10,000 new jobs in Asia and the


Pacific, and emerging economies. That tells you volumes about what


is happening with the shift of economic power. Do you think all of


this feeds into the prospect of future regulations here in the UK,


with the beggars committee reports coming out? This is very


interesting, we are waiting to hear from the Independent Banking


Commission at the end of September as to whether they will go the


whole hog and insist on a split between retail and investment


banking. My gut instinct is that they will not do that, they will go


for a halfway house. But the impression we get from, for example


HSBC is that, if they go for a halfway house, they will retain


more jobs in the UK than would otherwise be the case. They are not


happy about the idea of a total split. Thank you very much for


coming in. A quick look at some of the papers.


The Herald is leading with the story, legalised the sale of human


kidneys. The Scotsman is also going with this, debt hits student is


their take on it. A furious Scottish academic calling for an


organ straight to be made legal. The Scottish Daily Mail is going


with a health warning. And in the sun, a threat to tycoon's goal,


this is the reward from Duncan Bannatyne. That is it from tonight


-- for tonight. We are back A muggy night, a few thunderstorms


in eastern England. But Wednesday will be fairly dry. Temperatures


rising through the day, and quite a humid day in store. Some


thunderstorms in eastern parts. North West England and the messed


Midlands should be largely dry. A little fresher along the coast,


only a bit though. Mostly dry, sunshine hazy through the afternoon.


Temperatures into the low twenties, but still quite humid especially in


the sun. One or two eyes alighted light showers. -- isolated. Across


Scotland, and drier and brighter day compared to what we saw today,


especially in the east. Accordingly, it will feel a bit warmer. But it


is the changeover from Wednesday to Thursday. Temperatures staying


about the same in the north, but heavy rain developing. But


temperatures take a big drop in the side. And torrential rain will work


its way across parts of the Midlands, southern England and


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