17/11/2011 Newsnight Scotland


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financial crisis. The banks are kidding themselves if they think


we're fooled. Thank you very much Tonight: Lord Callaway's


prescription to update Scots law. The Lord tells me corruption in


criminal cases is no longer needed and abolishing it would lead to a


fairer system, but is he right? We'll discuss it with some lawyers


who aren't convinced. Good evening. Scots Law was


enshrined in the Act of Union, and for 300 years it all seemed to be


going along fine. Then a Supreme Court was established in London two


years ago and allowed the appeal of a Scottish teenager, Peter Cadder,


against his conviction for assault on the grounds that he was denied


access to a lawyer. The court ruled his human rights, as defined by the


European Convention, had been breached. A kind of courtly panic


ensued and one consequence was a review by a High Court judge


commissioned by the Justice Secretary into the operation of the


whole justice system. Today Lord Carloway reported and suggests


sweeping away some bulwarks of Scots Law. We'll debate those


changes shortly. First here's Derek Bateman


Earlier I spoke to Lord Carloway and asked him if he was surprised


it took more than a decade for the Scottish Parliament to realise that


denying people access to a lawyer after they're arrested might be a


problem under Euopean Human Rights laws.


It's a justice system that's held on to its independence and ideosink


rosys, note the not proven verdicts and has often been resistant to


change. Today it was given a rub- down by one of its changers, Lord


Carloway. The result, if the proposals were adopted, it will


change forever what happens in court by redefining the rules


governing everyone from detention to appeal. The task which faced the


review was to identify how criminal law and practising should be recast


to meet the challenges and expectations of modern society and


legal thinking. This time it had to grasp the full implications of the


European Convention and the incorporation of that convention


into Scots Law. This is the mock-up court for


students at Glasgow University. But today's proposals from Carloway are


really enough, and they go way beyond what anyone anticipated when


the Supreme Court allowed the Cadder appeal.


He suggests : a simplified system of arrest. That will trigger access


to a lawyer and a letter of rights, making the law clear, an arrested


person can be detained without charge for 12 hours. Suspects will


be brought to court within 36 hours of arrest. Anything incriminating


said without a lawyer will be inadmissible, and the general


requirement for corroboration will be dropped.


There are two fundamental elements here which overturn long-standing


conventions. The first is the right to legal representation before


being interviewed, the point at the heart of the Cadder case. It's


going down the right track. It's essential that that's established


now after the European cases. I think he's got the balance right.


The solicitor of choice - it has to be a solicitor - but access has to


be to a solicitor at the right time at the earliest possible stage, and


a solicitor has to have information that allows him to give proper


advice to the individual in custody. It is the right approach. Prior to


the recent case from the Supreme Court, there was an entitlement on


a suspect to have information of his or her detention sent to a


solicitor, but that was a theoretical right in that there was


no real practical assistance. The law has now moved on and is


recognised by Lord Carloway where a person who is being interviewed by


the police has an entitlement to have a solicitor be present to give


advice, and indeed Lord Carloway is recommending that in the caution


given to a suspected person they're told of that right of access to a


lawyer. The second fundamental change is an end to the need for


corroboration, which Scotland has steadfastly retained, while other


jurisdictions have abandoned it. Well, I am not sure that is the


right way to go. My preliminary view is we have to analyse this in


some detail. I think there should be more consultation on it. Indeed,


I would have thought there should be possibly a Royal Commission in


corroboration because this is a fundamental principle of Scots Law.


It impacts not only in evidence, but it also impacts on the juries


and the verdicts involved. In Scotland, you have to have a


majority of eight to seven for a guilty, whereas in England and


Wales, where there is no corroboration, you have to have a


unanimous jury verdict or at least under direction ten out of 12


finding for guilty. How do you balance that by taking one away and


substituting the other? Do you change the majority in juries in


Scotland? These are very important issues. I can see the strength of


what he says. In particular, Lord Carloway identifies the test of the


requirement of a conviction beyond reasonable doubt being proved as


being the real strength, and what he indicates in his report is the


present system is skewed in that instead of looking at the quality


of evidence that one looks at the quantity of evidence, and the


approach to do away with corroboration - we'd allow a jury


who are satisfied that a witness is credible and reliable and who are


satisfied that - said to be beyond reasonable doubt - to convict on


that. To many, this will appear a modernisation, to bring Scotland


into line with the rest of Europe, although legal die-hards may


quibble. The judge and jury in Carloway will be the Justice


Secretary, who has welcomed the proposals, but so far given no


commitment to implement them. Earlier I spoke to Lord Carloway,


and I asked him if he was surprised it took more than a decade for the


Scottish Parliament to realise that denying people access to a lawyer


after they'd been arrested might be a prop under European human rights


laws. The problem is slightly more complicated than that. The person


who was arrested - and I'm using that term deliberately - a person


who was arrested always - or at least since the beginning of the


last century, had the right of having intimation of a lawyer to


his arrest made, and he had the right to consult with the lawyer


before his appearance in court the next day. That was always a


fundamental principle of Scots Law of arrest. The problem stemmed from


what was introduced after the Thompson Committee in the 1980s,


which was a new system, not of arrest, but this new concept called


detention, which meant that Scots Law had a dual-track method of


putting people in custody - arrest and detention. It still seems,


despite the details you have explained, to me quite amazing


neither the justice system neither the Scottish Parliament or


government seemed to realise something was obviously in


contradiction with the European Convention. The decisions which the


Scottish courts made on this matter - in particular the more - the


recent seven-judge case in McLean, which was a year or so before


Cadder, decided that the system was convention compliant. That was the


decision of seven judges at that time, and they reasoned that


because of the other safeguards in the Scottish system. Corroboration,


that's in a way along with the right to a lawyer, is the big thing


you're proposing to change. You are quite strong about this. You say


it's an archaic rule that has no place in a modern justice system.


Why do you say that? I say that, having conducted the research into


its origins and its utility. What we did, first of all, was we looked


to see, well, does this rule - does this requirement of two witnesses -


does that reduce the risk of someone being wrongly convicted?


And one could look at past cases where it has been - where a


wrongful conviction has been deemed to have occurred, and having looked


at the various cases, we concluded that corroboration doesn't actually


reduce the risk of a wrongful conviction. So that was that one


dealt with, and we then went on to look to see whether corroboration


had the opposite effect, that it was actually creating injustices


within the system in the sense that people who ought to be prosecuted


and found guilty were not being prosecuted, and we did certain


empirical research on that matter, which is detailed in the report,


and the conclusion which was drawn from that research was that there


are many cases which are abandoned or not proceeded with because of a


failure in the technical requirement for corroboration,


which, if they were prosecuted in any other system without the


requirement, would be taken to a final conclusion. The obvious area


where I could see this applying is rape cases where, for example, it


would presumably mean DNA evidence could be conclusive on its own.


evidence can be conclusive on its own anyway. It can be, even now?


Yes, this is the problem with understanding corroboration and the


way that one of its difficulties we have raised in the report is people


genuinely do not understand what corroboration is. Supposing


someone's DNA is found on you, and you can draw an inference that you


are the attacker because of the existence of that DNA, right, the


way that corroboration operates is not that you need some other


evidence as well as the DNA evidence. All corroboration says is


you need two witnesses to speak to the DNA. That's the way


corroboration operates. I'm not sure this is entirely clear.


isn't to people. Exactly. So let's try to make it clear to people. So


the difference would be in a rape case, just to take this example -


if DNA was found on the alleged perpetrator, at the moment, you're


saying, they could still be done for that, but there would have to


be two expert witnesses, as it were, to corroborate this was their DNA?


To corroborate each other. Whereas now there is one expert witness who


had done the DNA analysis would be sufficient. That's the difference.


It's not that there would have to be DNA evidence of a rape and a


witness to the rape. That's right. In Scotland at the moment if there


is no other evidence apart from the DNA evidence, you need two experts


to speak to finding the DNA on, say, the victim. You then need two


experts to speak to the sample taken from the accused person, and


you need two experts to speak to the comparison. Now, they might be


the same experts, but you still need two. As you probably noticed


this stuff you have been involved in has not been uncontroversial.


There's been all sorts of accusations, particularly by the


Scottish Government, that the Supreme Court, as a result of which,


after all, you have been carrying out this inquiry, should not have


the right to interfere in the Scottish justice system in the way


that they see it has done. Do you think they have a point? I am not a


politician. I'm a judge. Therefore, my function is different. It's not


part of my role, nor was it part of the review. Incidentally, your


proposals in speeding things up would mean Saturday courts,


wouldn't they? What we have discovered in our researches is


there is a difference between how long somebody is going to remain in


custody if he's arrested on a Monday and when he's detained on a


Thursday. Now, your human rights and your rights to liberty ought


not to be so dependent on the day of your detention, although some of


my colleagues may not wish to operate... I'm trying to think of


the reaction you would get from the average judge if you said, "Listen,


mate. You're working next Saturday." The important thing to


notice is the recommendations in this area are not suggesting that


there should be more work done. What they they are suggesting is


there should be a closer look at when the existing work is done -


takes place. That's what we're saying. I'm sure they will be


entirely ameliorated by that thought. Lord Carloway, we have to


leave it there. Thank you very much. Thank you.


I'm joined now from Edinburgh by the Solicitor-Advocate John Scott


and by Lily Greenan, who speaks for Scottish Women's Aid. Lily Greenan,


all the focus seems to be on this business about abolishing the need


for corroboration. What's your view of that? We certainly welcome the


move towards a focus on quality of the evidence available rather than


on the quantity of it and think that that is definitely the path we


should be going down. We I would say cautiously welcome it. There


are some concerns about if you move to single evidence that, first of


all, there could be an increase in the number of cases that the Crown


office is having to respond to. Secondly, we have a slight concern


that what'll happen is they're only sure when, if you like, cases will


go forward to trial. Just explain the first bit - what you're


positive about. What do you mean by a focus on the quality of evidence?


In the average case, what would that mean? In domestic abuse cases,


one of the difficulties we have is that those cases often happen


behind closed doors. There often are other witnesses. You're talking


about a woman who has experienced abuse by a partner. By the time the


police get there, he's calmed down. She's still distressed. It can be


difficult to know how to go forward with that. What we would welcome


about this is the opportunity for a more robust examination of all of


the circumstances surrounding her testimony and perhaps... So your


interpretation would be that it would be more likely that if - that


her uncorroborated testimony under this new system would actually be


sufficient to secure a conviction? If she's able to put forward


credible and reliable testimony, then yes. John Scott, I know you


have your doubts about abolishing this need for corroboration, but


it's a fairly nuanced issue, isn't it? It's not a straight-forward for


or against. It isn't. There are a lot of really good recommendations


in the report relating to how we treat suspects in police stations,


and there I think there will, if the report is implemented, be a


significant increase in fairness, but I have concerns that at the


trial stage, we'll be taking away from that, and trials will be less


fair. When the seven judges in Scotland looked at the question of


solicitor access, they said there are 15 safeguards in place, which


mean that we don't need slirst. This was -- solicitors. This was


before the Supreme Court said that was wrong. One of the prime


safeguards was corroboration. It may be old, but I don't think it's


archaic. I think it serves a useful purpose. Actually, I think it


serves a purpose in terms of assuring the quality of the


evidence which goes to the jury. If you don't have corroboration, there


is no suggestion in this report as far as I can see for any other


quality control, so anything goes to the jury. Right. But Lily


Greenan, what are the implications -- one of the implications of this


is Lord Carloway quite explicitly says himself that if you take away


the need for corroboration, you'll have to build in other things which


add to the quality of evidence, and he says, "Well, I am not going to


do that." He says, "The Lord Advocate may have to do that." The


Lord Advocate may decide, for example, convicting somebody on the


basis of a single witness testimony should never be allowed. There is


going to have to be a debate. certainly not suggesting we should


move straight to this. I think that the suggestion in the film earlier


on that we should have some - a robust inquiry into theins and outs


of the removal of the requirement for corroboration would be


something we would support. There is no doubt whatsoever that you


can't simply remove the requirement for corroboration in Scots Law


without looking at the rest of it because it's all interlinked. I


tend to agree with John Scott's position on that we would want to


see the robust inquiry and look in- depth at what the implications


would be of removing corroboration. There are implications for victims


as well as accused persons. As I understand your position on this as


well as reading some of the document that was produced is, OK,


if you get rid of this you have to have almost a whole body of law put


in place in order to - not directly substitute for it, but isn't one of


your points that other jurisdictions who don't have this


have got other wives dealing with the same issue, and now we're left


with nothing? In fact, overall corroboration is a formal


evidentiary requirement only in Scotland and not elsewhere. In fact,


corroboration comes into other systems. In England where


corroboration is not a formal requirement, the police and the


Crown will still try and find it. If they've got it, they'll make a


great play of that with the jury. If it's not there, then the defence


will make great play of it, and the conviction rate in rape cases in


England is not significantly different than it is in Scotland.


Can I finally, Lily Greenan, ask you one question. I know that some


people are worried that, particularly in rape cases, this


stress on the quality of evidence could actually be a bad thing for


rape victims because it could encourage a return to the situation


where defence lawyers' only avenue is basically to impugn the


character of the alleged victim. the risk of sounding cynical I


would have to say that wouldn't be a change from the situation we


currently have, regardless of the fact that at the moment there is a


requirement for corroboration in that the evidence that's supposed


to be tested in court is the full range of evidence. The reality is


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