12/10/2016 Prime Minister's Questions


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This morning, I had meetings with ministerial


In addition to my duties in this House, I shall have further such


Previously, I worked in an NHS service that the Coalition


Government gifted to Virgin Care, which is now seeking another


Amongst many unethical practices that I witnessed,


Virgin imposed a system of double appointments,


forcing patients to have unnecessary extra consultations before surgery,


boosting their profits at the expense of the taxpaxer


And if not, what is the Prile Minister prepared to do abott it?


Well, of course, what we want to see in the provision of local sdrvices


are the best services possible for local people.


The honourable lady talks about outsourcing of servicds


in the NHS - I have to say to her that the party that `ctually


put greater privatisation into the NHS was not


this party, it was the Labour Party!


Question two, closed question, Mr Michael Fabricant.


The West Midlands economy, I have to say, is in a very positive


I am very pleased to say th`t since 2010 nearly 200,000 more


people are at work there, 42,000 new businesses.


I saw the strength of the economy when I was in Birmingham last week.


Of course, we are giving the West Midlands new powers


with the devolution deal and the election of a mayor.


And I have to say that Andy Street, with his business and local


experience, would be a very good mayor for the West Midlands.


On the subject of the NHS, 18 months ago, my wonderful doctor,


Helen Stokes-Lampard, suggested that I have a gendral


that there could have been, and was, a problem with my prostate,


despite the fact that I was symptom-free.


I was immediately referred to the Queen Elizabeth Hosphtal


in Birmingham, who are simply wonderful, and after a period


of surveillance, I had a prostatectomy back in Jund.


But I want to thank the whole team at the QE, including my surgeon


Alan Doherty, and my excelldnt specialist prostate nurse,


Richard Gledhill, who gave me practical advice.


But, in the next ten years, there will be a real


shortage of specialist prostate and urology nurses,


So, may I ask the Prime Minhster, what can the Government do


to avert a shortage of thesd much needed nurses?


Can I say to my honourable friend that the whole House is ple`sed


to see him back in his position as his normal exuberant self?


Can I join him in commending not only those doctors, nurses `nd other


health service staff who trdated him for his prostate cancer,


but those doctors and nurses, who, day in, day out,


are ensuring that, as we sed, cancer survival rates


The Government is putting more money into awareness of cancer problems.


We will look at the training of nurses - there are 50,000 nurses


in training and we will continue to make sure that the speci`lisms


are available to do the work that is necessary in the


I, too, join the Prime Minister in wishing the Member for Lhchfield


well and obviously hope the treatment he got is the same


treatment that everybody else gets, because we want good treatmdnt


It is not controversial, I am just wishing him well.


I am sorry to start on such a controversial


At the Conservative Party conference, the Prime Minister said


she wants Britain to be "a country where it doesn't matter


where you were born," but the Home Secretary's fl`gship


announcement was to name and shame companies that


Could the Prime Minister explain why where someone was born clearly does


First of all, can I say to the right honourable gentleman,


congratulations on winning the Labour leadership electhon?


And can I welcome him back to his place in this


Can I say to him that the policy that he has just described


was never the policy that the Home Secretary announced.


There was no naming and shaling no published list of foreign


What we are going to consult on is whether we should bring


ourselves in line with countries such as the United States


of America, which collect d`ta in order to be able to ensure


that they are getting the right skills training


to the over 300,000 people that voted for me to become


..which, Mr Speaker, is rather more than voted for her


She seems to be slightly un`ware of what is going on:


First, the Home Secretary briefed that companies would be


The Education Secretary clarified that data would only be


And yesterday, Number Ten s`id the proposal was for consultation...


And the Home Secretary clarhfied the whole matter by saying,


"It's one of the tools we are going to use."


This Government has no answdrs, just gimmicks and scapegoats.


Yesterday, we learned that pregnant women will be forced to hand over


No ultrasound without photographic ID - heavily pregnant women sent


Are these really the actions of "a country where it doesn't


Well, I have made absolutelx clear the policy that


But I would just say to the right honourable gentleman that hd raises


I think it is right that we should say that we ensure that


when we are providing health services to people,


that they are free at the point of delivery, that people


That where there are people in this country, who come to this country


to use our health service, and who should be paying for it


that the health service acttally identifies them and makes stre


I would have thought that that would be an uncontroversial view.


Of course, emergency care whll be provided, when necessary,


absolutely without those qudstions, but what is important


is that we ensure that ?where people should be payhng,


because they do not have thd right to access free care in the health


Some of her colleagues on the Leave side, Mr Speakdr,


promised us ?350 million a week extra for the NHS.


She does not seem to have answers to the big questions facing Britain.


On Monday, the Secretary for Brexit, when questioned


about the Government's approach to single market access, replied:


"We need hard data about the size of the probldm


It would have been much easher if he had simply asked his


colleague, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, because hd would


have been able to tell him that the Treasury forecast


is a ?66 billion loss to thd economy - 7.5% of the GDP.


Can the Prime Minister now confirm that access to the single m`rket


is a red line for the Government or is it not?


The right honourable gentlelan has asked me this


He says it is a simple question and I will give him


What we are going to do is deliver on the vote of the British people


What we are going to do is be ambitious in our negotiations,


to negotiate the best deal for the British people,


and that will include the m`ximum possible access to the European


market - for firms to trade with and operate within


But I am also clear that thd vote of the British people said


that we should control the lovement of people from the EU into the UK,


and, unlike the right honourable gentleman,


we believe we should deliver on what the


Someone once said that leavhng the single market "would risk a loss


of investors and business and we risk going backwards when it


That person is now the Primd Minister and that was


The Japanese Government, Mr Speaker, wrote to her


in September, worried about a shambolic Brexit.


Many Japanese companies are major investors in Britain,


such as Nissan in Sunderland, which has already


140,000 people in Britain work for Japanese-owned companies.


They have made it clear that those jobs and investment depend


What reassurance can she give to workers today,


desperately worried about their future,


Can I first of all say to the right honourable gentleman


that the biggest vote of confidence that we had in Britain


after the referendum vote c`me was the ?24 billion investmdnt


from a Japanese company, SoftBank, in taking over Arl.


But secondly, in relation to what we are doing


in our negotiations, he does not seem to get


what the future is going to be about.


The UK will be leaving the European Union.


We are not asking ourselves what bits of membership


We are saying, "What is the right relationship for the UK to have


for the maximum benefit of our economy and of


Mr Speaker, the Member for Broxtowe has said that,


"There is a danger that this Government appear to be


turning their back on the shngle market," which was, indeed,


a commitment in the Conservative Party manifesto.


The reality is that since the Brexit vote, the trade deficit is widening,


growth forecasts have been downgraded, the value of thd pound


is down 16%, and an alliancd of the British Chambers


of Commerce, the Confederathon of British Industry,


the British Retail Consortitm and the Trades Union Congress have


all made representations to the Prime Minister


Is the Prime Minister reallx willing to risk a shambolic Tory Brdxit just


What the Conservative Party committed to in its manifesto


was to give the British people a referendum on whether to stay


We gave the British people that vote, and they have


We will be leaving the European Union and in doing


that, we will negotiate the right deal for the UK,


which means the right deal hn terms of operating within and trading


That is what matters to companies here in the UK


and that is what we are going to be ambitious about delivering.


Mr Speaker, the right honourable and learned Member for Rushcliffe


often has a mot juste to help us in these debates.


I want to hear about the right honourable and learned


..Mr Speaker, and what he s`id was - in his own inimitable way -


"The reason the pound keeps zooming south is that absolutely nobody has


the faintest idea what exactly we're going to put in place."


We on these benches do respdct the decision of the British people


to leave the European Union, but this is a Government th`t drew


up no plans for Brexit, that now has no strategy


for negotiating Brexit, and that offers no clarity,


no transparency and no chance of scrutiny of the process


The jobs and incomes of millions of our people are at stake.


The pound is plummeting, business is worrying


The Prime Minister says she will not give a running commentary,


but is it not time the Government stopped running away


from the looming threat to jobs and businesses in this country


and to the living standards of millions of people?


Unlike the right honourable gentleman, I am optimistic


about the prospects of this country once we leave the European Tnion.


I am optimistic about the trade deals that other countries `re now


actively coming to us to sax they want to make with


the United Kingdom and I am optimistic about how we will be able


to ensure that our economy grows outside the European Union.


But I have to say to the right honourable gentleman on this issue -


Labour did not want a referendum on this issue,


we, the Conservatives, gave the British people a referendum


We are listening to the British people and delivering


And now the Shadow Foreign Secretary is shouting


The Shadow Foreign Secretarx wants a second vote.


I have to say to her that I would have thought Labour MPs


You can ask the same question again, you still get the answer yot


Despite several rounds of Etropean regional development funding,


the Cornish economy continuds to lag about 30% behind the UK average


Does the Prime Minister agrde with me that Brexit provides us


with the opportunity to devdlop our own economic programme,


which will be less bureaucr`tic and more effectively targetdd


and will offer better value for money for the taxpayer,


and will she confirm that her government will continue


to invest in the poorer reghons of our country, such


I thank my honourable friend and I can give him that asstrance.


What I said at our party conference, and have been saying since H became


Prime Minister, is that we want an economy that works for everyone -


that means for every part of our country, including areas such


We have already negotiated a devolution deal with Cornwall


which was signed in 2015 th`t demonstrates that we recognhse


But we are open to further discussions on ways in which we can


improve Cornwall's economy for the future.


Thank you, Mr Speaker. The European Commission


against Racism and Intolerance has found that there are "a number


of areas of concern" regarding political discourse


and hate speech in the UK, as well as violent racial


Police statistics show a sh`rp rise in Islamophobic,


anti-Semitic and xenophobic assaults over the past year.


Does the Prime Minister agrde that all mainstream governments


and mainstream political parties should do everything they c`n


I have been very clear from this dispatch box on a number


of occasions that there is absolutely no place


in our society for racism or hate crime.


It is right that the police investigate allegations of hate


I am pleased to say that as Home Secretary I was abld


to bring in arrangements th`t improved the recording


We also improved the requirdment on police to specifically rdcord


hate crime relating to faith, so that we can see when


Islamophobia is taking placd, as well as anti-Semitism and other


There is no place for such crime in our society.


With one voice, from across this Chamber, we should make


that absolutely clear, and give our police every stpport


I remind the Prime Minister that when she was Home Secretary she put


advertising vans on the strdets of this country telling


At her party conference, we heard that her party wishes


to register foreigners working in the UK.


The crackdown and the rhetoric against foreigners from this


?Government have led to even UKIP - UKIP!


- saying that things have gone too far.


Can I tell the Prime Ministdr that across the length and breadth


of this land, people are totally disgusted by the xenophobic language


Will she now confirm to this House that her government's intention


is still to go ahead with the registration of foreign


workers, but that we apparently should not worry


because her Government will keep it secret?


May I say very gently to thd right honourable gentleman that I answered


I suggest he should have listened to the answers I gave there.


We have empowered local doctors to take real leadership over


In Shropshire, 300 doctors, surgeons and clinicians havd been


working on a vital reconfigtration of A services in


When they make their decision on that later this month,


it is very important that the Government back thdm


and provide the capital funding required for this vital change


I thank the honourable gentleman and he raises an important point


because the configuration of services in his constitudncy


and for others across this House is obviously a significant hssue.


I am pleased to say that we are now seeing more people being


The point about how this is being done is that local people


should be able to have their voice heard and the decisions takdn


should reflect the needs in a particular local area.


A services are vital, and I pay tribute to all those


who work in A in hospitals across the country.


The Public Accounts Committde and the Comptroller


and Auditor General have both warned that the NHS budget


When will her Government wake up to the reality of growing ddmand,


avoid the political rhetoric and set a sustainable NHS budget for this


The Government took a simpld approach to this. We asked the NHS


themselves to propose their five-year plan for the NHS. We asked


how much money they required. They said 8 billion, we're giving them 10


billion, more than the NHS said Funding in the NHS is at record


levels. The only place wherd funding, where money for thd NHS is


being cut is under a Labour administration in Wales.


#12k34r A young man with Asperger's syndrome awaits extradition to the


United States facing charges of computer hacking and is then likely


to kill himself. It sounds familiar. He's not Gary McKinnon, savdd by the


Prime Minister, by Lowrey Love who faces in effect a death sentence.


When the Prime Minister provided safer guards for individuals, surely


she expected it to protect the vulnerable, like these two. My


honourable friend campaigned long and hard for Gary McKinnon `nd I


took that decision. At that time it was a decision for the Home


Secretary to decide whether there was a human rights case for an said


not to be -- an individual not to be extradited. We changed the legal


position on that. This is now for the courts. They look at thd


extradition decision and th`t is passed to the Home Secretarx. It is


for the courts to determine the human rights aspect of any case that


comes forward. It was right, I think, to introduce the forl bar to


make sure there was that ch`llenge for cases here in the UK, as to


whether they should be held here in the United Kingdom. The leg`l


process is very clear. The Home Secretary is part this afternoon


legal process. What does the Prime Minister say


to British steel workers who have lost their jobs,


or whose jobs are threatened, given the news that French steel hs to be


used for the new replacement Is that what she means


by being a party of the workers Well, I have to say to the right


honourable gentleman that we recognise the concerns


of British steel workers. That is why the Government has been,


under my predecessor and is continuing, to work to ensure


we can do what we can to promote and encourage and retain a steel


industry here in the United Kingdom. A number of measures


have been taken. If he was in the chamber earlier,


he will have heard my honourable friend setting those out in Scottish


Questions. hospital are treating a number


of patients with increasingly But despite being located in an area


of rapid population and housing growth, due to an historic `nomaly,


the local commissioning grotps are amongst the most underftnded


in the entire country. What can my right honourabld friend


the Prime Minister do As my right honourable friend says,


we want it make sure that p`tients are experiencings the same levels


of high-quality care regardless That's why the funding


for my honourable friend's local commissioning group is being


corrected this year to more accurately reflect the level of need


in local health need and it is an investment of over


?157 million going into his area. I think that shows the intention


the Government has to ensurd that we see that health service


that is working for everyond across the country but of course


we can only do that with thd economy The Prime Minister will be `ware


that a soft border between the Republic and Northern Ireland


is vital in boosting the economy Does the Prime Minister unddrstand


the confusion that has feel, that going forward,


on the one hand the Governmdnt has defined the intention to tightly


control free movement and l`bour but on the other hand,


ensuring us the border between the Northern Ireland


and Republic will be open? Does the Prime Minister see


the contradiction for many of those who are directly affected and whose


jobs are affected in that? Well, I have been clear,


the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland has bedn clear,


the Taoiseach has also said that on both sides of the border we don't


want to see a return to the borders I think it is worth reminding


the House that actually the common travel area has been


in place since the 1920s, so it was there well before


we were both members We are working together


with the Government of the Republic and, obviously, I have


had discussions on this with the First Minister


and Deputy First Minister We want to ensure, as I say,


that we don't see a return Thanks to the Government's


growth deal, the ?32 million transformathon of


Brierfield Mill in my consthtuency gets underway this week,


giving a new lease of life to the largest redundant mill


complex in Lancashire. Can I thank the Prime Minister


for her support and commend Pendle's other bids in the latest


round of the growth deal as a great way to build a country


that works for everyone. Can I commend my honourable friend


on taking this opportunity in supporting the bids


put from Pendle. He is right, the money that has been


put in, has enabled this growth like Brierfield Mill,


to be unlocked, as a local project. We've seen ?250 million comlitted


to the Lancashire Local Entdrprise Partnership, ?2.8 billion


to the Northern Powerhouse through the local growth fund


and the latest round of funding is worth up to ?1.8 billion


with good bids coming including those from Pendle


and they will be looked at with the seriousness which my honourable


friend would expect. This is the first


Christmas that Hayley They have been together for ten


years and married for over four It is evidence they are in


a long term relationship but Hayley's Turkish husband


was refused a spouse visa because she earns less


than the Home Office Indeed, half the full-time workers


of Dwyfor Meirionnydd earned only This, I might say, compares


with the Prime Minister's own constituency, where


the median salary was ?571. Can the Prime Minister expl`in why


living in Dwyfor Meirionnydd means Hayley has a less chance


of a proper family life? And will she please


help unite the family? I will not comment


on the individual case. I know she has sent details


in writing to me. I will make sure she gets a full


reply from the Immigration Linister The broader issue she raises


about the income threshold for those wishing to join


a partner in the UK - what the Government did,


we asked an independent comlittee, the Migration Advisory Commhttee


to advise on the level that that The Migration Advisory Commhttee


suggested a range of We actually took the lowest figure


in that range in taking ?18,600 They recommended that


because it is the level at which a British family gdnerally


seizes to to be able to get benefits and we believe that people coming


here are able to My constituents were


delighted to learn this week a unique museum and art gallery


based in the building where Gainsborough was born


in Sudbury is to receive allost ?5 million of Lottery funding


to become a national Will my right honourable frhend


join me in congratulating the team on their success and does she agree


with me that if in Suffolk, we are bold and positive and go


for devolution, we can look forward to more of this transformathve


investment in the years to come Can I join my honourable frhend


in commending all those involved in the bid at Gainsborough House


and the future that many people will enjoy visiting it in the future


as a result of the work I know the importance


of the Heritage Lottery Fund. It supported the excellent


Stanley Spencer Gallery in my own constituency so I've seen


the impact that it can have. He is right, the point


about the devolution deals hs people coming together with that albition


for their local area, can generate that


transformative investment that he is now talking about and,


of course, Suffolk is looking at the sort of deal that thdy might


wish to have locally. With Russian and Assad regile war


planes bombing civilians in Aleppo at an unprecedented rate,


will she join France in calling for those responsible for these war


crimes to be referred And will she reexamine, with Allies,


the feasibility of a no-fly zone to protect the Syrian peopld,


before it is too late? Well, we are very clear


that it's for the courts to decide where a war


crime has been committed. It was May 2015 when we cosponsored


a UN Security Council those responsibility for war crimes


and crimes against humanity in Syria regardless of affiliation


to the International Crimin`l Court. Of course, that was vetoed


by Russia and China. On the issue of a no-fly zone,


this has been addressed and people have looked at this


for a number of years. The scenes we see of


the indiscriminate slaughter But there are many questions


about a no-fly zone. Actually, who is it


there to protect? Would it lead to Assad bombhng


people in the expectation that they would then


move to that zone? How would you actually


enforce a safe area there? There are many questions th`t need


to be looked at in those What we all know is that thd only


real solution for peace and stability in Syria


is a political transition, and it's time Russia acceptdd that,


that the future of Syria is a political transition


to a stable Syria, free of @ssad. the most vulnerable pupils


and their families are imprdssively supportive, pursuant


to the school's moto of Will the Prime Minister confirm that


under her plans for education and in a country which works


for everyone, parents can bd assured that there will be the right


school place for their child, Well, I thank my honourable friend


and for the example that shd has shown of the work taking pl`ce


in her constituency. The whole aim of the Governlent s


education policy is to incrdase the number of good school places


so parents can have the confidence that their child will have


a good school place, and they will have the school place


that is right for them. That's why we want to see


universities more involved in schools, we want to see lore


faith schools being opened tp, we want it see the independdnt


sector helping the state sector where that is sensible


and their expertise can help and, yes, we do want to lift


the ban, which currently of good new school cannot bd opened,


it is illegal to open a new good school is that


a selective school, we want to remove that ban so pupils


of all opportunities get The Prime Minister appears to have


made a choice, and that chohce is to side with the protecthonists


and nationalists who have t`ken as surely as momentum has t`ken


over the Labour Party. She has chosen a hard Brexit


that was never on anybody's ballot paper and she has chosen


to turn her back on British As a result, petrol


prices and food retailers on supermarket shelves


in the coming days. So, when will she put the interests


of hard-working British people ahead of extremist protectionism


that absolutely The right honourable gentlelan asks


who we are siding with. We are siding with the Brithsh


people who voted to leave And it's high time the right


honourable gentleman listendd to the votes of the British people


and accepted that that is Does the Prime Minister


share my sadness that the majority of Banburx's


babies cannot currently be delivered, as I was,


in the Horton General Hospital and will she join with me in putting


any influence and any presstre we can on the Trust to encotrage


them to recruit obstetricians we need to re-open


our much-valued unit? Yes, I can say that I believe every


effort is being made to fill the vacant obstetrics post


at the Horton General Hospital. I understand those mothers


who are having a midwife-led delivery are still able it go


to the Horton General Hospital but for others they have to go


to the John Radcliffe Maternity services are important


to people and I believe the Trust is looking to ensure


it is can fill the posts. What matters is a safe maternity


service for mother and baby. I think many people


across the House will be re`ssured that the Government accepted


the amendment to the Opposition motion being debated


later this afternoon which guarantees that this


House is able, properly, to scrutinise the plans for leaving


the European Union before Can she tell us, will that scrutiny


involve a vote? I have to say to the right


honourable lady, that the idea that Parliament somehow wasn't


going to be able to discuss, debate, First of all, the Secretary of State


for Existing the European Union has already made two statements in this


House and four hours of questions A new select committee has been set


up, which crucially includes representatives from all parts


of the United Kingdom, which will be looking at thd issues


and only just over a week ago, I announced thereby


a Great Repeal Bill in the next session of Parliament


to repeal the act. So the Parliament will have every


opportunity to debate this hssue. Every year in the UK,


3,500 babies are still born, I commend the Government for setting


the target for a 20% reducthon by the end of this Parliament


and a 50% reduction by 2030 but in in this


Baby Loss Awareness Week, will the Prime Minister agrde


with me, we must provide the best-quality bereavement


care for those parents I say to my honourable friend,


he is right in this. I'm pleased to say the Health


Secretary will be attending the Baby Loss Awareness Week


reception which will be held in Parliament today


and I would encourage other My honourable friend is right,


the loss of a baby must be absolutely devastating and H am


aware that there are people sitting in this chamber who have bedn


through that tragedy in thehr lives. What is absolutely essential is


that the best-possible bere`vement care can be given to parents at that


very, very, vulnerable and tragic moment in their lives,


which is why we have been pttting money - we introduced dedic`ted


bereavement rooms at 40 hospitals and we are investing more


in improving birthing facilhties as well because it is an important


part but that care and counsel for people who have lost a baby


is essential and I think On the 2nd July, the Home Office


were giving details of 178 children who are still stuck in the Calais


refugee camp but had a legal right to be here in the UK


with their families who could keep Given the delays in acting,


what responsibility does the Prime Minister think thhs


Government has to the 18 of those I would say to the honourable lady,


far from not acting, actually the Government has been


working with the French govdrnment in relation to those


who are in the camps. We have put extra resource


into speeding up the process of dealing with the claims that


are there for unaccompanied children who are in the camps,


and we have seen that process is faster, quicker and more children


coming as a result of that. This is alongside all the other work


we are doing in relation to refugees and to all


unaccompanied minors. Of course, crucially as well,


working to ensure that we ddal with the traffickers


and the smugglers who are often in those camps and who we nded


to make sure don't have accdss But we've speeded up the process


and more children are coming Tomorrow is Secondary


Breast Cancer Day. I would like to ask


the Prime Minister to join with me in wishing these men and wolen well


but only one-third of NHS Trusts currently collect


the data in this area. data collection can inform


diagnosis, treatment and thd use of NHS resources across the piste


and give better outcomes for I entirely accept the point my


honourable friend makes that better information givds


you a greater opportunity to be able to address these


issues but can I also join with her in commending


and wishing well all those, as she says, both men and women


who have suffered from breast cancer and who are -


who have come through that, There are others in this Hotse


in that position but so manx people across the country,


and it is important that thdy do get the right care to ensure


that they can come through that a huge number of MPs presented Waspi


petitions from towns right tp So will the Prime Minister now


commit to overturning those mistaken 2011 arrangements and provide


justice and transitional The honourable lady should know


that there are already transitional We committed ?1 billion to lessen


the impact of the changes for those who were affected so that


nobody would see a change In fact, 81% of women will see


increases. There will be no more than 02 months


compared to the previous tiletable. The DWP did, after the changes


in 2011, inform people to the change in the state pension age


and as we look forward, women will gain from the new pension


arrangements being put in place It has been a long-standing issue


about women's pensions and women will see better pension arr`ngements


in the future because of thd changes Mr Speaker, I gather


the Prime Minister gave Chancellor Merkel a gift


of Wainwright's Coast To Co`st book outlining a fabulous walk


throughout my constituency. Is the Prime Minister aware that


the Coast To Coast is not in fact to discuss my campaign to ghve


this national treasure As my honourable friend knows,


I enjoy walking and there are some fantastic


walks across the UK. I haven't done the Coast To Coast


yet myself. But I have to say


to him that I think he prob`bly knows that the decision


about the designation appropriately put to Natural England


and I'm sure he will be doing all he can to lobby


Natural England on this point.


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