01/04/2012 Sunday Politics North West


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In the north-west, failed by the system, the long awaited report


Apology for the loss of subtitles for 2167 seconds


into last summer's right explains Good afternoon. In the next 20


minutes, failed by the system, the long awaited report into the riots,


we bring you the findings. Now let me introduce you to the guests, we


had MPs from Labour, Liberal Democrats and Conservatives. It is


eight months said Manchester -- since Manchester, Salford and


Liverpool erupted in the worst riots regeneration. More than 450


people were arrested. There are panel has produced a report into


the causes. Our political editor has been looking at it. It was a


smash and grab raid on a city-wide scale. First, Liverpool, then


Salford and Manchester faced concentrated violence and looting.


We know what happened, but why? was just youngsters not bothering


about anybody else, seeing what they could get out of it. Lots of


young ones round here do not seem to get a lot of help. There is not


enough incentive to work. People I know have not been caught red but


I'll not say who. -- not been arrested for it. To avoid people


doing it again, an independent panel was set up to investigate. It


says there are almost 500,000 families without a stake in society


bumping along the bottom. shocked when we are presented with


the starkness of some people's views about their lives. They have


no hopes our dreams. Among the Children should be better protected


from big brand marketing, school should be fined if the failed to


properly teach any pupils to read or write. One shopkeeper targeted


in the rights says there is almost -- one shopkeeper targeted in bit


riot says it is a simple problem. Some of them that commit crimes


every day. That is their job. Dining is in the studio is a member


of the foundation that has been compiling a report. Did you find


what you found match what the panel found? We sports writers across the


country, and we were looking for a more local perspective. -- we spoke


to people involved in that riot across the country. There was a lot


of crossover. Social problems, complex causes, complex solutions,


there was a lot of crossover. did local people say? People were


keen to look at the implications of social policy. In Salford, young


people reported this was the best day of their lives. The feeling was


that this was a question of what we need to do what society to make


this not the best day of their lives. People were positive about


the community work being done in Salford. Many people came out and


clear up the city. People were genuinely shocked about it. At the


beginning there was a lot of rhetoric saying it was pure


criminality, David Cameron was really just saying it was pure


criminality. I think we can see there are so huge number of causes


and a huge number of solutions. When you look at the people


involved, those who were convicted on average had 11 previous


convictions. We really need to look at the criminal system, the


effectiveness of short sentences, which do not seem to be getting


people back onto the right track. When it criticises schools, saying


schools should be fined, is that they are? It is difficult to prove


whether people are being top properly. We need to look at wider


rights happened. We should not be drawn into making excuses. It was


very easy for politicians to become armchair police commanders,


criticise what was happening, in actual fact, our job was to back up


the police, support them, make it clear that the criminal elements


could not be allowed to get away with it. I would like to say that


not everyone who lives in a deprived community took part in


these rights. The overwhelming majority of people were appalled by


it. You can see that by the reaction.


The community stepped in and said it was enough, they are not having


this, and they stopped it from happening. That is very encouraging.


We need to look at the role of government because we have three


members of parliament today. What is government's role in learning


the lessons to make sure it does not happen again? Cutting the


police by 16,000 is not a step in the right direction. When we have


an economy flat lining, that will not help. We need the Government to


take note of what is happening. you look at the police numbers, the


report does not actually talk about that, and if you look at long-term


numbers, they are up in the past four years. It is a red herring.


do not think 16,000 police getting their jobs cut is a red herring.


Losing 16,000 frontline police, both of which you oppose before the


election, will not help. The key is to stop it happening again and cuts


in police numbers is not going to help. It is a bit wider than police


numbers. The government has published a strategy about


integrating people into the workplace, but as there are no jobs


around, more needs to be done to address that. There has been a lot


of talk about troubled families. You were saying it was not all


communities. There are something like 200,000 troubled families in


Lancashire but there was no riots there. Can we blame parenting?


parenting and responsibility. Why do two children from the same weary


at get involved a different levels? Some want to get educated and


others do not. When it comes to troubled families, the government


announcement this week has been fantastic, they have chosen the


areas in the north-west. The panel criticised its saying it was not


targeting the right places. They looked at the 10 largest local


authorities with this problem, moving those forward. �450 million


scheme over three years. I'm not against putting money into troubled


families. We should absolutely be supporting these families. But the


reality is when the Government came when it cut the grants that were


going to local government. Local government in the Metropolitan the


areas have suffered the bigger scale of cuts in the country. It is


struggling, the struggle between local police and government, the


health service, the fire service. We have seen Cup's early on, the


agencies are not in that position to work together. I think taking


the resources away, which is what has happened, we need to look at


that. Let Mark come back in. People understand whichever party was in


government, the cutting would have been similar. If you look at


individual local authorities, you see very different approaches been


taken. Briefly, there are you encouraged that the riots could not


happen again? I am not sure. The report spoke about building on


people's capabilities. That was better than speaking about broken


Britain, more talk about positive aspirations. That is why we need


the emphasis to be on jobs for young people. Thank you. Everyone


has heard of the drug prescribed to expect in mothers which caused


birth defects in babies, but few will recognise this, a drug given


to pregnant women in the 1960s. Some claim it led to children being


born with malformations. The company behind the drugs as it was


safe and it has never been proved. Long-term antibiotics. This woman


takes 60 pills per day. A medical problems might not be obvious but


she has spent most of her life in and out of hospital after being


born with multiple abnormalities to her internal organs. There are lots


of problems. I was in and out of hospital, a lot of tests and


studies. It was only last year on a routine cancer check that he told


they had said and spleens. She is convinced this was because. -- I


had seven spleens. It is because of this drug. It was


launched in 1958, and in 1967 there was claims of a possible link to


malformation. There was also a high rate of miscarriages. The company


stopped promoting it as a pregnancy test in 1970. In 1975, an official


A group launched a legal challenge against the makers of the drug, in


1982. The case was dropped after lawyers advised then there was not


enough evidence against the company. No link has ever been proved. Now


the association has initial funding from the legal-aid panel to mount a


new challenge against the company which has since been taken over. It


says it has new evidence in the form of a letter written by the


medical director in 1967 in which he says the apparent correlation


between the drug and malformation looks rather alarming. We need an


apology, compensation, and also we're not sure of what is going to


happen. I am one of the oldest victims and we do not know what


will happen later on in life. will happen later on in life.


The local MP wants a debate in Parliament about the drug. It is


calling for an early day motion. This is a forgotten drug. I am


appalled by the state of this. So little has been done by the


authorities. Nicholas Ayres tests have shown her problems are not due


to faulty genes, but proving what it calls them is much more


difficult. -- proving what caused them. I have been put back together


so many time, and now it has come back. It is so sad. Because of what


my mum went through and what I have been through, this generation is


suffering because of this. Joining me is a lawyer who is a specialist


in serious injury lot. There is no link between the drug and


disabilities that has been proven, as far as aware. He it has not been


proven, so this will be get the cult -- this will be difficult. A


key element is establishing the relationship between the drug or


the substance and the Ellis. On a different matter, -- and the


illness. Encouraging news for people is closed -- people exposed


to asbestos. There has been a case running for six years, the Supreme


Court ruled on Wednesday that people refuse compensation payments


by employer liability insurers would be entitled to payments. What


happened is the insurers have argued on the wording of certain


policies, that they were not required to pay compensation to


people who were exposed to asbestos. They said the exposure occurred


when they were the insurer, but they were not liable to pay. The


Supreme Court has ruled that if the insurance company was on cover,


they are liable to pay the compensation. This is difficult


because asbestos can take years to develop. This will be another long-


term campaign. How much should government have to get involved in


the sort of campaign? Victim support groups have welcomed this


this week. It is now going to be possible. Some in the insurance


company it have been dragging their It is important to not suffer undue


influence from the vested interests in the insurance industry.,


have campaigned on this issue. is a landmark judgment. It is a


disease that can take many years to manifest itself, but when the cases


were first coming to public attention, it surprised me how many


more people emerged who were saying, we have had these problems, we are


suffering. That is why the judgment this week is so important. This is


one of those issues that transcends party politics and this is a good


decision. It is difficult because it has cost these people lot of


money. The government is proposing changes to legal aid. Is that going


to have an impact? Allies of large is going to vote that asbestos


victims are exempt from that situation. As it stands, that will


not happen. It will be going back to the House of Commons. We will


have a vote on it. Our government has had a habit of overturning


House of Lords amendments. I hope Night time for a look at some of


His appointment this week, Vauxhall car workers were hoping to hear


more about the future of their plant. A meeting failed to come to


any conclusions. The parent company has already said cutting will have


to be done. The new interim chief executive of


the NHS Trust Foundation in Morecambe has been speaking since


starting his new role. He was appointed after problems with the


quality of service that trust, including poor patient safety.


I have no doubt we will have an excellent trust. The services we


will deliver across the hospital will be as good as you get in the


country. Manchester has been told that risks at competitive


disadvantage if it decides not to have a directly elected mayor. The


Government claimed the city could miss out. The leader of the council


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