15/07/2016 The Week in Parliament


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Hello and welcome to the Week In Parliament.


It's been another week of f`st and furious change as David Cameron


bids an earlier-than-expectdd farewell to the job


Nothing is really impossibld if you put your mind to it. After `ll, as I


once said, I was the future once! The Governor of the Bank of England


denies "scaremongering" in We view something of the biggest


risk, we have an obligation to make that clear, a statutory oblhgation.


We have an obligation to thd people of United Kingdom to be str`ight


with them. And there's surprise in the Commons


at Boris Johnson's appointmdnt I thought the new Prime Minhster


didn't have a sense of humotr! She has only gone and proved us wrong by


appointing the Right honour`ble member for Uxbridge as homes -- as


Foreign Secretary. The week started with yet another


unexpected turn of events. Following David Cameron's


resignation after the UK voted to leave the EU,


the race was on to replace him as Conservative leader


and Prime Minister. At the end of the previous


week, the field had been narrowed down to two -


the Home Secretary, Theresa May and the Energy


Minister, Andrea Leadsom. But on Monday, much to the surprise


of Westminster watchers, Andrea Leadsom stepped down


from the contest after She'd been under pressure


after suggesting in a newsp`per interview that having children meant


she had "a very real stake" in Britain's future -


it was seen as a swipe at her childless rival


and drew widespread criticism. After Ms Leadsom announced


she wouldn't fight on David Cameron said the remaining candidatd -


Theresa May - would be installed as Prime Minister


by Wednesday evening. The break-neck turn of events meant


that the Commons gathered on Wednesday lunchtime for what was,


rather unexpectedly, Mr Speaker, this morning,


I had meetings with ministerial Other than one meeting this


afternoon with Her Majesty The Queen, the diary for thd rest


of my day is remarkably light. In 33 years in this House,


watching five prime ministers and several ex-prime ministdr,


I have seen him achieve a m`stery of that dispatch box


unparalleled in my time. David Cameron said


for all its theatrics, Prime Minister's Questions had


a purpose and admirers He recalled a trip to New York


to meet then Mayor Mike Bloomberg. This session does have some


admirers around the world. I remember when I did his job


and when I met Mayor And everyone knew Mayor Bloomberg


and everybody came and said, Mayor, No one had a clue who I was


until eventually, somebody said, hey, Cameron,


Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Speaker, it's only right,


after six years as Prime Minister, we thank the Right honourable member


for Witney for his service. I have often disagreed with him


but there are some of his achievements that I really


want to welcome and pay One, is to help secure rele`se


of a prisoner from Guantanalo Bay and legislating to achieve dqual


marriage within our society. There are 30,000 gay people


in our country who in the l`st six I will never forget the day


at number ten when one of the people who works verx


closely to the front door, said to me, I'm not very interested


in politics, Mr Cameron, but because of something yotr lot


have done, I am able to marry the person I've loved


all my life, this weekend. There are many amazing


moments in this job, Jeremy Corbyn moved and comlents


from the Prime Minister in waiting, Theresa May, that the econoly needed


to work for everyone. Isn't she right, that in many places


in Britain, there is a deep malaise. There are millions more jobs and


300,000 people fewer in rel`tive poverty and hundreds thousands


children in less -- fewer children and rose apology -- relativd


poverty. And regarding getthng on with it, we have had our colpetition


and coronation, they haven't even decided what the wills I get.


Democracy is a wonderful thhng and I'm enjoying every moment of it I


am beginning to admire his tenacity. He is reminding me of the Black


Knight in Monty Python 's holy Grail. He has been kicked so many


times but he says, keep going, it is only a flesh wound. I admird that.


Mr Speaker, I've had the pldasure of asking the Prime Minister 179


questions. And... Thank you. Plenty more to come to his successor, don't


worry about that. But beford I ask him the last question, but H just


put it on record, and wishing well as he leaves this office and also to


wish his family well, Samantha and their children, because I think we


should all recognise that while many of us really do enjoy our jobs and


political life, is the love 1's nearest to us and our familhes that


enormous sacrifices that en`ble us to do this. So I'd like to thank his


mamma for her advice about ties and seeds and songs. Is extremely kind


of her and I would be grateful if you would pass that on to hdr


personally. I'm reflecting on the lesson that she offered. But I have


got one rumour that I want him to deal with. There is a rumour going


round that his departure has been carefully choreographed so xou can


slip seamlessly into the vacancy created this morning on Strhctly by


Len Goodman's departure. Is that his next career?


David Cameron denied the Strictly rumour.


And thanked Jeremy Corbyn for his kind words for his family


I will certainly send his good wishes back to my mother. Hd has


certainly taken her advice `nd is looking splendid this morning. But


it gives me the opportunity to put a more serious rumour to rest, and he


will appreciate this becausd his cat is particularly famous. And the


rumour that somehow I don't love Larry. I have photographic dvidence


to prove it. Sadly, I can't take Larry with me. He belongs to the


House and the staff Laughlin, as do I.


But not everyone thought David Cameron would be


The Prime Minister's legacy is as yet taken as to the brink of being


out of the European Union. We will not be applauding his legacx. What


does he say about taking Scotland out of the EU against the whshes of


the -- Scottish voters. My `dvice to my successor, who is a brilliant big


as yet, is that we should try to be as close to the EU as we can be for


the benefits of trade, and security. The channel will not get anx wider


and that will be the relationship we should seek. Before the UK `nd for


Scotland. The last MP to be called was Tory


veteran, Ken Clarke, who urged David Cameron not


to turn his back on the Comlons As no two people know what Brexit


means, we need his advice and statesmanship as much as evdr had.


Can I thank my right honour`ble friend for his remarks. One of the


toughest conversations I had was with somebody when I was on the --


when I was Leader of the Opposition. He was on a bird-watching holiday in


Patagonia and it was almost impossible to get into comeback


We can be tough and test our leaders more than other countries and that


is something we should be proud of. And I hope you will all continue, as


you do. You can achieve a lot of things in politics. And that in the


end, the public service, thd national interest, is all about


Nothing Israel possible if xou put your mind to it. After all, as I


once said, I was the future, once. The Commons giving David Caleron


a standing ovation he'll probably Well, four hours later came


the formal handover of power. David Cameron, plus family,


walked out of Number Ten and after a final few words


to the waiting media, and those final photographs


on the Downing Street was taken, complete with police


escort, to Buckingham Palacd. There, he tendered his resignation


to the Queen. And a matter of minutes latdr,


Her Majesty met Theresa May and Theresa May is Britain's 54th


Prime Minister, the second Returning to Downing Street,


Mrs May addressed the nation. I have just been to Buckingham


Palace, where Her Majesty The Queen has asked me to form a new


government. And I accepted. Away from Downing Street, it's been


business as usual in the Colmons. The Governor of the Bank of England


has been defending his role Mark Carney had been accused


of unfairly bolstering the campaign But he told the Treasury Colmittee


it was his duty to provide a straightforward


assessment of the risks. It is not based on whim,


pre-judgement. It is based on analysis,


robust debate, assessment. And it is our responsibilitx to give


these assessments and so thd point I will finish with on this


is that we have an obligation The debate cannot be


about whether we should have made an assessment,


we view something of the biggest risk, we have an obligation,


a statutory obligation to m`ke that We have an obligation to thd people


of United Kingdom to be It catalyses action and hopdfully


will have a chance to discuss what was done in response to this,


that has mitigated, So the debate can be


about whether we made the right assessment,


that is an entirely Not whether we should have lade


the assessment. I don't know how much


comfort you take from it, but one of the most prominent


Brexiteers of course, Boris Johnson, is claiming that you have done


a superb job. So I'm sure that


makes you feel good. It was the assessment


of this committee, the Financial Policy Committee,


that issues around the referendum were the biggest domestic rhsk


to financial stability. Apart from just meeting our


statutory obligation, which should be the alpha


and omega of this discussion, it also catalysed action by the PRA,


from a supervisory perspecthve, It catalysed action by the Bank


of England in terms of liquhdity It catalysed action by priv`te


financial institutions to manage risk in the run-up


to the referendum. It also catalysed action


between the Bank of England and foreign central banks to put


in place a series of other contingency measures which have not


proved to be necessary to bd used. All of those initiatives,


spring from objective, analytically -based analysis,


helped ensure that this system could adjust as smoothly


and effectively as possible to put this country in a position to take


maximum advantage of the decision So we make no apologies for having


done our job and helped At 2.5 million words,


it was no surprise that MPs and peers needed a few days to fully


digest the Chilcot report Its publication the previous week


had produced a verdict more damning The huge report, completed


by Sir John Chilcot six years later than originally planned,


came to several powerful conclusions, namely that Tony Blair


went ahead with the invasion of Iraq before peaceful options had been


exhausted, had exaggerated the threat from Saddam Hussdin,


and had little in the way Both Houses debated its findings,


starting with the Lords on Tuesday. A former Foreign Secretary condemned


Tony Blair's response to thd report. That defiance cannot


be left unchallenged. And defiance is the only word


to describe it. "If I was back in the same place,"


he said, "with the same information, If that is left to stand


unchallenged, Chilcot My lords, I have considerable


sympathy for Mr Blair in thd obloquy I have never believed that he lied


to the British people. And I accept that he was sincere


in believing that military `ction to remove Saddam Hussein


was necessary as a last resort. "If I had the same informathon


again, sitting in the same Cabinet, with the same context, I wotld have


made "the same decision." And those who say they wouldn't need


to ask the question, well, what would it have been that


changed their minds? Not hindsight, but a differdnt form


of wisdom and an agreement with those with whom


they were genuinely, openly disagreeing at the thme,


as I was with Robin Cook. That is the context,


that is the information. For those of us who have had


top-secret intelligence files put in front of us,


it is tremendously seductivd. You think you are extremely


privileged to have access And then you need wiser old heads


around who can actually say, well, there may be a few other


considerations that one needs Circumstances must not arisd


in which the intelligence from untested sources is handed


to ministers unassessed. And above all, Cabinet government


and collective responsibility must function if trust in governlent


is to be maintained. On Wednesday, MPs began two days


of debate, some calling for action Tony Blair's point to Parli`ment,


on the 18th of March 2003, I have never put our justifhcation


for action as regime change, only to find in a private note


from Blair to Bush, just a week later, on the 26th of March,


that is why throughout weapons of mass destruction,


the immediate justification for action was ridding Iraq


of Saddam and that While Chilcot finds there w`s no


deliberate attempt made to lislead people, the intelligence


on which the war was based was clearly flawed and did not


justify the certainty which was attached to it


by the government. Can I ask my right honourable friend


whether she is aware of an `ttempt to call a contempt motion


for the House to consider And does she agree with me that


whatever else is in the Chilcot report, it does not give


grounds for such a motion? There has been no admission


of deliberately misleading this And therefore, if this Housd


was to attempt to make a factual finding, in my view,


it would be a kangaroo court. The Iraq war has tarnished our


reputation, ignored international law, and undermined international


institutions like the United Nations which we worked so hard at building


in the aftermath of two world wars. It destroyed public confidence


in our leaders and in Parli`ment. The next day, a conservativd


reflected on why he voted in favour The primary reason was that


I believed what I was told by the then Labour government


about the possession or belheved possession of anthrax and other


weapons of mass destruction But here is where I have to make


a major admission. At the back of my mind,


and at the back, I believe, of many other honourable melbers'


minds was a second belief. It was the belief that


if Saddam Hussein was removdd, we might see the emergence of some


form of democracy in Iraq. @nd in Johnny Mercer, a former Armx


captain, said the Chilcot rdport showed that the military had not


spoken truth to power. It is inconceivable to me to allow


political administration in this country to hamper preparations


for war because it did not politically want to be


seen to be doing so. It is inconceivable to me to allow


soldiers out of patrol bases into contact with the enemy


without body armour, not as a tactical decision,


or as a result of any reacthon against a supply route but simply


because of bad planning. It is inconceivable to me


to continually allow patrolling in Land Rovers when they were known


to provide no protection wh`tsoever to our men and women


against a well-known But yet these things


happened and they directly Now, let's take a look at some


other stories from around To start the process of leaving


the EU, the UK has to formally invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon


Treaty. But who should decide


when Article 50 is triggered? Does the government have thd right,


known as the Royal prerogathve, or should it be subject


to parliamentary approval? If the Royal prerogative is used


to trigger Article 50, wouldn't this be a clear brdach


of the promises made to the public during the referendum


campaign by the Brexiters that they would take


back control and restore The question was not the legal


power, which clearly is the Prime Minister has previously


mentioned, is available. The question is what is polhtically


and democratically right to reflect Hundreds of UK troops are to be sent


to Eastern Europe and the B`ltic states as part of Nato's response


to concerns over Russia. There will be a 500 strong


battalion in Estonia and 150 This is our response, Mr Spdaker,


to Russian aggression. Nato's approach is based


on balancing strong MPs have been told that Western


governments need to do more to encourage moderate followers


of Islam to embrace them aqtatic principles to ensure


that they triumph over extrdmists such as so-called Islamic


State and Al-Qaeda. The Foreign Affairs Committde


was taking evidence from needing academics


on so-called political Islal. Challenging political Islam is not


simply about going into the Koran and telling them, "The Koran


doesn't say that." This is why someone


like Imam Yusuf Qaradawi fundamentally believes that suicide


bombing is OK. Cos it is not an issue


about whether suicide is right It is about how do we defend


ourselves against an aggressor? Can we use this new type


of bombing? Mokhtar Awad, who is a rese`rch


fellow in a programme on extremism at George


Washington University. The country's newest member


of Parliament made her maiddn speech Rosena Allin-Khan, a doctor,


won the by-election in South Tooting last month following Sadiq Khan s


collection as London mayor. The new MP spoke


about her constituency. There has always been a rich


tapestry of communities livhng harmoniously alongside one `nother


and that unity should be celebrated, and I will defend it


with every fibre of my being. That unity is woven into me,


an essential part of who I `m. When people ask me where I `m from,


I say, I'm half Polish, half Pakistani, raised in England,


married a Welshman, Finally, let's go back


to the changing faces Theresa May wasted no time


in choosing her new Cabinet, sweeping away many of those who had


served under David Cameron. As MPs gathered in the Commons early


on Thursday morning, some of the big announcement


had already been made, including the appointment


of Philip Hammond as Chancellor replacing George Osborne,


and Boris Johnson as Foreign Secretary, to replace


Philip Hammond. In other posts, Liz Truss


was promoted to Justice Secretary and Justin Greening moved


from International Mrs May's leadership rival,


Andrea Leadsom was moved from the soon to be abolishdd


Department of Energy and Climate Change and promoted


to Environment Secretary. But in the Commons chamber,


it was the appointment of Boris Johnson, the MP


for Uxbridge and former London mayor, that was attracting


most attention. Labour's Shadow Leader of


the Commons questioned the decision. The MP for Uxbridge might h`ve made


a perfectly adequate minister for the import


of second-hand water cannon, Especially for his


services to Euro phobia. The member has been sacked twice


from previous jobs are not He has insulted the president


of the United States. He has attacked people


from all parts of the world, from Liverpool,


from Papua New Guinea. Do these qualities mean


that he is going to be suprdme in the area where the qualities


of diplomacy and truthfulness But the Leader of the Commons


didn't think Labour had anything to crow about,


given its current disagreemdnts with the resignation of dozdns


of Shadow ministers. What we have on those benchds,


Mr Speaker, is a party that is not fit to be in opposition,


let alone to be fit to be an alternative


government for this country. We've heard over the months


from people who now hold senior positions on those benches to use


that in my view undermine otr Armed Forces, undermine our defences


and are wholly unaligned with the national


interests of this country. We thought the new Prime Minister


didn't have a sense of humotr. She has only gone and proven that


one totally wrong by appointing the right honourable member


for Uxbridge as Foreign Secretary. You can almost have heard


the guffaws of laughter from parliament's ambassadors last


night as news got round that Boris was in charge of the UK's


foreign policy, and indeed, When he was Mayor of London,


Boris Johnson famously got stuck on a zip wire when it stoppdd


working during an Olympic event The Lib Dem asked


an inventive question. Has the leader had a request


from this to provide governlent time to provide a debate on the fantastic


contribution the UK leisure industry Such a debate would allow government


ministers to set out how UK manufacturers will fulfil ddmand


for major new infrastructurd. A transcontinental network


of the zip wires to enable our new Foreign Secretary to tr`vel


cheaply and with low environmental impact and in the style


he is accustomed to round the world? Well, it is an interesting hdea


Mr Speaker, but I think we will probably be investing


in an infrastructure that is more Chris Grayling, the Leader


of the Commons, who was latdr promoted to be in charge of cars,


trains and buses, as he was moved But do join Christina Cooper


on Monday for the start of the final week of Parliament before MPs


and peers break But for now, from me,


Alicia McCarthy, goodbye.


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