03/10/2011 World Business Report


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year and next. We now have World Business Report. This is World


Business Report. Greece admits it will not hit its deficit targets as


EU finance ministers meet to discuss the crisis. US lawmakers


say Chinese imports threaten American jobs. We go to Singapore.


He cannot hear us. It is an admission that is bound to cause


strife between Greece and its international Vendors. The Greece


government has announced it will make its deficits targets. --


Wilmot -- will not meet. If Greece default or is forced out of the


euro, will it be Ireland, Portugal or Spain next? That is the worry


for Europe as ministers review Athens progress today. The lethal


cocktail of austerity measures and the state's inability to collect


taxes forces it to cut jobs to get a grip on the deficit. The


difficulty for the eurozone partners is that they cannot


extract deeper promises from the government to make greater cuts.


There is the credibility problem. The markets do not believe that the


savings will be fully delivered. Greece may not have delivered on


the financial conditions, wider worries have set in about what may


ha hae eurozone if the -- if it turns off all the taps. We are


part of a system. If Greece default visual haemorrhaged to the whole of


the eurozone. -- is well haemorrhage. We know the


consequences of such an action. We are doing superhuman efforts in the


last 16 months... We need to have a common talk, a common programme, a


common agreement with Europe. This academic believes it is time for


Euro leaders to come out of denial and open up their coffers before it


is too late. They have been following this austerity policy for


1.5 years. That policy is running out of time. Everyone can see that


the main cause of this trouble is the banking system of Europe which


is bankrupt. bankrupt.ocus on tiny bit significant problematic Greece,


it is a mere tactic for not facing up to the fact that the French and


German banks are insolvent. Until we find a solution to that, they


will always be threatened by financial collapse. Finance


ministers meet today and tomorrow, they are not promising any big


announcements until later in the month. There is a lot riding on


that meeting. It is a deadline to save the euro. The build-up is


already underway. Finance ministers are meeting in Luxembourg to


increase the firepower of the bail- out fund. In October, finance


ministers will meet in Paris, a decision will be made on whether


Greece gets the next piece of its 8. At the beginning of November, all


the G20 leaders are meeting where th th is on to come up with


a solution that will reassure the markets once and for all. There is


a lot at stake, as we are all aware, the markets are being taken hostage


at the moment... What we want to see, not only the Greek loan being


extended, but an expansion of the European financial stability. This


is the package that has been put together to bail-out other


countries, for example Portugal and Ireland. That is planned for today.


What was not factored in was that news from Greece, that it will miss


its deficit targets this year and the year after that. We thought


this might happen, didn't we? It is not good news at all. It is worth


bearing in mind that the IMF, European Central Bank have been in


Athens over the past week. They will be aware that Greece is going


to have to miss the original budget target because the recession has


been deeper than expected. They are aware of the situation. They would


not make this announcement so close to such a crucial meeting if they


did not have approval from the troika. The Greece finance minister


is presenting his budget for this year and the are beyond, there are


a lot of new measures that are going to be incredibly difficult to


implement in Greece. Great people feel that a superhuman effort is


being made within Greece to make the changes. Yet is taking a long


time to see a drop in the deficit. Yes, they will have to make the St


CBEs human effort next year. This is the issue of communication in


Greece. -- superhuman. This will not be solved overnight. It will


that is being unveiled today. you for your perspective on this.


We will keep you across all the details on the BBC. US senators


will debate a bill that would make it easier to impose tariffs on


Chinese imports into the US. It is hoped the move will save jobs in


the US at a time of high unemployment. It will punish China


for what they call currency manipulation. The manufacturer


operates here in New Jersey. Sometimes, the owner outsource has


worked to China. He is still somewhat wary of China's impact on


America. We have situations where the economy here relies greatly on


US business opportunities. When those opportunities are taken by


foreign manufacturers, it is less work for the US people. American


politicians are proposing a new bill to the tale China's exports to


America at a time of high unemployment at home. Measures


against Chinese imports into the US trade coming up here. That is


because lawmakers believed China's currency is unfairly undervalued.


That is hurting US manufacturing at a critical time. It is damaging


businesses like this one. Some economists agree the way China


operates is flawed. China have been manipulating their currency and


engaging in wide ranging unfair trade practices for at least a


decade. This has hurt workers in the US and all over the world.


Obama Administration has remained silent, there is mounting pressure


from Republicans who see China as an economic threat. Manufacturers


are unlikely to see things change soon. This bill will be used as a


bargaining chip with China in an often testy relationship. Sentiment


among Japan's largest manufacturers has rebounded. It is still at its


lowest level since the earthquake and tsunami. What is going on with


this? This new data is giving a ray of hope for the Japanese economy


which has contracted over the past three-quarters. Some positive news


finally. A positive reading illustrates that optimists


outweighed pessimists. The big firms are still quite her shares


going forward. -- quite cautious. This quarter and going forward,


there are many challenges remaining, including the very strong yen


against the dollar. The eurozone debt crisis and a slowdown in the


world economy. Analysts say this data will give the Central Bank


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