Highlights Equestrian: Burghley Horse Trials


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Just weeks after the Olympics in Rio, the world of eventing moves to


Burleigh House in Lincolnshire, where the best will be competing for


one of the sport's most prestigious prizes, the Land Rover Burghley


Horse Trials. For many, this is the sport's greatest challenge. Some of


you watching may be new to eventing, so for any of you are unsure as to


how it works, let us explain. Eventing, not for the faint-hearted.


It is the triathlon of equestrian sport and one for the adrenaline


seekers. It is where two hearts and two minds come by and for one goal.


Phase one, the dressage, requires precision, harmony and above all,


control. It is the foundation work for tackling what lies ahead, the


cross-country. On a 4-star track, courage, conviction and bravery are


essential in conquering the huge obstacles and technical fence


combinations. If you made it to the final day, the show-jumping will


test the stamina, agility and nerves. It is where Leeds are lost


and champions made. We have some seasoned Burghley specialists


amongst our entries this year and a truly international field of event


riders from all over Europe and countries including the USA, New


Zealand and Brazil. But heading the cast list is Andrew Nicholson. He is


the only rider to win three Burghleys back-to-back. After a


serious fall which nearly left him paralysed in 2015, he returns to


retain his title and produce a fairy tale ending. Former Rolex Grand Slam


winner Pippa Funnell brings a wealth of experience to compete for the


second time. A real crowd pleaser, this will be her fifth Burleigh.


Proving that age is no barrier to this sport, 60-year-old Sir Mark


Todd comes back from Rio after an individual seventh place, here


riding on the 4-star track. With an Olympic bronze medal hanging up at


home, Australia's Christopher Burton is having a great year and could be


Andrew's biggest threat on Nobilis 18. The fastest event rider on the


planet and hotfoot from Rio, Jamal Price brings classic my way to the


Burghley party. She will be looking to improve on her fifth place last


year. And former winner Oliver Townend is in flying form after


back-to-back wins in the event rider Masters series. Oliver hopes to


carry his winning ways to become a double Burghley champion. As always


at Burleigh, there are first timers, and this year's debutants come from


both ends of the age spectrum. I am Imogen Bogan this is my first time


at Burleigh. I am 21. I will be 55 in October. I have always wanted to


ride at top level. I didn't know when I got home that he would be


that horse. I did a bit of eventing when I joined pony club at 14, and


from then on, I went to the two star levels in California, which was as


far as I thought I could go. I have had him six years. If I think it was


two weekends ago, four years ago that he won the Championships. I


have no raised four children. They have gone through college and now it


is my time. It is a lot of hard work, especially when I was at


school. Yeah, early mornings, late evenings. But it is all worth it.


When you get to an event like this, you forget about the early mornings


and things. It is so exciting to be here. He was a racehorse that did


terribly on the track and develop the event horse. He's 17 now, so he


is breaking age barriers. I didn't go to three star level until I hit


50, so as a team, we are the more worldly wise, I would say. We are


very worldly and proud of the fact that we are doing this when we are


more mature. And we hope to show that majority in the cross-country


and show-jumping. It is so special to have got him here through all the


preparations, keeping him happy and on the road. So excited to get here.


I really want to compete, especially on him, because he is so special.


The reason I am here is because I never knew what I was capable of. My


first three star was at 50, so it has been an amazing journey. Joining


me to talk about the dressage is Ian Stark, as always part of our


commentary team here at Burleigh, not riding although he is wearing


jodhpurs and boots. He has been dubbed in another show here. Let's


talk about the dressage first. As was shown at the Olympics, eventing


is a three phase competition, not a dressage competition. But if you


want to win, you have got to have a good test. You have to be good at


all disciplines now, and the dressage is important not because it


was a competition in itself, but because it is the training for the


cross-country and jumping. The better they are in the dressage, the


more rideable they are in the cross-country. The good thing in the


dressage is that it is not the final decision, it is all about the


cross-country. Here at Burleigh and again at the Olympics in Rio, tough


cross-country courses. Very influential, lots of room for riders


to make mistakes. Unfortunately for one rider, it was the final


decision. The Frenchman was eliminated during the dressage.


Yeah, the horse was not quite right. The judges unanimously agreed that


he was not quite level. It becomes a welfare issue. They don't know


whether the horse is in pain, so they stopped the horse and did


tests. It was the right decision, and sadly he is out of the


competition. As you say, welfare is paramount in any eventing


competition, but who impressed you most today? The inform man was


Christopher Burton. He was very impressive on the flat. His horses


are beautifully trained and light on their feet and support and elastic


in the way they are going. Then we have Bettina Hoy, who is in second


place. Since the 80s, she has been up there in the dressage. And she


has a point to prove because she was not picked for the German team in


Rio. She always has a point to prove, but she will be wanting to


say, you got the wrong team. But she will be more interested in winning


this competition. Then we have the great Andrew Nicholson in third


place. He performed really well. No Britons in the top three, but there


are some in the top ten. Let's have a look at the leaderboard.


So now we come to the meat of the competition, the cross-country. This


is fenced ten, the Rolex Grand Slam fault, or as some call it, the part


of Ichi, because it would not look out of place at the Grand National


entry. It is absolutely vast. The spread is nine feet. It is five foot


three hi, enormous, and marks the beginning of the most testing part


of the track here at Burleigh. As always, it has been designed by


Captain Mark Phillips. He has kept the same direction, but he has


changed the fences and the combinations, so no room for


complacency. This year's Burleigh is as much of a challenge as it ever


was. We have a very exciting cross-country course ahead. Mark


Phillips has given us some pretty exciting challenges. 11 minutes and


11 seconds to complete 6370 metre course. This is three fences on a


left turn. It gets you focused before you jump into the lake for


the second time. I think the 5c, there is a lot for them to look at.


You will land out into the water, which means the drop will not be so


bad. You can either go to the right, which they bounce up, or you can


skim past that and go to a long stride. It is one where you almost


prefer not to have the decision, but you do, and you have to commit to


what you do. Well, we have lots of alternatives for the riders. They


have to make their own decisions as to their capabilities, and then the


Long gallop up the winners' Avenue. It is all uphill and pretty


strenuous before they come to the biggest ditch you have ever seen.


Every year, this leap looks huge. It is a daunting fence. This year, we


go off to the right to unbending line to another brush, or if you


don't like the look of the ditch, you can take the option of jumping a


double brush to the right, going all the way round and then jumping


another brush and turning, but it is very tight. Than it is a gallop down


the hill to one of the most influential fences on this course.


Every year, Captain Phillips puts in a tricky combination. This year is


no exception. You have to be very accurate after going up a very steep


slope here to a corner, but you have the alternative of the gate if you


don't fancy it. We are playing catch up after our dressage, so I know in


my case, I want to be thinking straight. They have got to have lots


of power coming up this slope. We have a level bit of ground, so they


will get one stride to be accurate and plenty of power to jump over. We


don't want them biking this, because that will make the striding


difficult. And so important all the way through to stay committed and


stick on your nine. Stay slightly to the right. We don't want to be drawn


to the left because of what we have got behind. Two positive strides


here to quite a wide feeder. We have a really steep slope the other side,


where the horses will whizz down, a bit like roller coasters. So the


riders will have to be sitting back, start to get a bit of control, to


stay focused on our line still, in that balance. Not much time to do


anything but get on that line and keep between those flags. So easy to


run out here. And another corner. They will have to be really accurate


and you don't want to waste time by doing any alternatives. You have to


kick on. What do you think, old girl? I will give a go. After that


tricky combination, it's a very distance to the Rolex and more


choices for the riders. I am still trying to work out how my horse will


read that ditch. The important thing is to jumped the ditch, because you


can't trot through and you have to have a good gallop. There isn't an


alternative route which is very doable. I think you will lose a bit


of time, but it is very jump ball. Then there was a long gallop down


the hill, heading down towards the trout hatchery. Deep water here and


lots of choices. Andrew and I are going to try and talk our way


through the Land Rover Trail hatchery. We are here at fence 20


and 21, a nice brush fence at 20. But then it gets more tricky. I


think we want to stick on the edge of the slope, so we get a nice turn


into the log. I don't want to go up the hill and then come down the


steep part of the hill. I would rather keep a smooth, flowing line


around the jump, heading towards the tree, maybe the gap between the tree


and the corner. Is that what you think, Oliver? Very much so. It is a


big drop in here, so you need to be very committed to get them to jump


in well, and an extremely quick here to gather your contact up, get them


back in balance and jump the BC element, which is a big brush


corner. For me, I would walk it and think it is four forward strides.


But come the day, we might do five. We are going to jump into the water,


land, look up, look at the corner and use our eyes and try and write


whatever distance is coming up. Once you have done the B and C element,


which is the big brush corner, it's not all over. You have then got


another right angled turn to a very narrow skinny, the D element in the


water, so it is going to happen very quick and fast. For me, I want to


try and keep out a little over the corner, so I have a stride more


before turning into jump the skinny in the water. When it comes to the


day, we could jump one and flow direct to the next, but we like to


think I can jump the corner, delay the turn, when I see a distance,


turn and wide. It all sounds well planned, but whether it goes to


plan, we shall see. After the trout hatchery, a couple


of straightforward fences, and then it is down the hill to discovery


Valley for the first visit. Towards the end of the course, this is where


the riders have to make a decision. Do they stay aggressive and continue


on over the skinny part at the end, or are they more conservative, take


a pool between the first chest and the middle and then add a stride to


the last? To remix it tricky because you are up and down a slope.


It looks good this year, they say it every year is a real rider


frightener. There are no two ways, you just have to get off the drop


and then it is a bit of a roller-coaster ride down to the


skinny, it comes and goes in a flash but hopefully if they jump off the


back well, they will be OK. Through the discovery Valley into the main


arena and the Long gallop home. It is very new, and they will be inside


the time today. That is this year 's cross-country challenge, let us get


straight to the action without commentary team of Ian Stark and


Mike Tucker. COMMENTATOR: This demanding and undulating country,


one of six winners. It is Oliver Townend, with the drop. The winner


in 2009. A good man, to see round the courts. There is plenty ahead of


him. He was on a dressage score 50.7.


And he has got three rides. It is a nice easy start, from now on, it


begins to get a bit more testing, huge crowd here. They have been


coming in ever since eight o'clock this morning, at Burley Park,


looking as brilliant as ever. Here comes the first water. This is where


Michael John had a form last year, quite small. Beautiful bridge. Back


on the grass. And quickly onto the anniversary splash. This is the real


problem early on. The fences come thick and fast here. Decent sized


brush first. And then this left-handed turn, to another


combination of brushes. A big drop in, only makes it look fairly


straightforward, there will be others that make it a bigger drop.


Across the water, and then this option. And off to a good start.


Now coming towards what is almost one of the most imposing fences on


the course. It is two metres wide, it is big and up to now, the


capabilities, one of the great features over the years, celebrating


300 years of capability Brown worked here in Burley Park. -- capability


Brown's work here in Burghley Park. He goes up the hill. Over these tree


carriages. And it is a good start, for Oliver Townend, and blue. The


yellow line is showing the direct route, the red is the long way, at


least 15 seconds longer. Urging from the dark, the trees of the winners


Avenue. -- emerging from the dark. He makes that look pretty easy. The


competitors watching this will be pretty happy so far. And the yellow


route showing the direct line, the red is the long way, but a long way


to go. Nine nations and a first prize of 60 3000. Some of the best


riders in the world, they will be looking many of them to go the


quickest way possible, will they go direct. This one fence has probably


caused more chatter and head scratching than any other on the


course. This 14-year-old is owned by Michael McGrath, just approaching


this did feature at the dairy farm. He gets in a little close. And he is


going the long route. Quick change of mind, he said long route just to


make sure that the judges knew what he was doing. There is quite a lot


of added time there, no doubt about that. A good 15 seconds longer and


that will put him behind the clock. We have a look at the quick route


for the Rolex combination, the tricky ditch, the long way is only a


couple of seconds longer, I think we will see lots of different choices


here. The wonderful Burghley house in the background, no better


backdrop to an event. As Oliver Townend comes to this Rolex complex.


Approaching halfway. He makes it look easy. There will be a lot of


others that don't make it look as easy as that, that is for certain.


Coming now to the five minute mark, in the dip, of this 11 minutes and


11 seconds to get inside the optimum time. The village green gives the


ride is a bit of choice again. I think the right-hand route will


probably be the favoured route. That date he's very vertical. -- that


the big event riders Masters competition up in Blair. He has been


in flying form. Will he go for the gate? May, T will go for the Oxo. He


gets the shot to the triple brush. This is a very positive ride that


you would expect from him, coming to the biggest of the fences. And a big


oxer again. Nicely pressing on. Well, the direct route, through the


splash, the quick left hand turn. For strides to that corner and then


another false strides to the skinny brush but at any point the riders


can change their mind and take the longer all turn the tips. Lots of


options here. The features of the two courses we have seen recently,


one at the Rio Olympics and now here right Burghley, both providing lots


of options for the riders, they have really got to think. At the moment,


only has taken the longer option, and he is safely through. He is


still clear and now two thirds of the way round this cross-country


course. Now we are on to the evergreen Andrew Hoyte, and


Rutherglen. A big raging horse, the huge strides, should not find this


tricky. That is quite a long to stride, and Rutherglen has two


choices. The favoured one seems to be the one stride through the


brushes, but there is also the left-hand route and it is what the


riders prefer. Here is Oliver Townend, coming down towards


discovery Valley. Body position is important to because the next fence


has got a very big drop, and they are going to get into the air. He


takes up the line and that is very well ridden indeed. Good body


position and he did not waste any time at all. The farm, for Andrew


Hoy. Interestingly enough, he has taken the gateway and rather than


the corner. He has the choice here, right or left, he is now joining the


quick route. And then down to the big corner, and he makes it look


rather easy and again does not waste much. Maybe a couple of seconds,


three at most. Back now to the cross rails. Not the quickest in the


world, keeping up a relentless stride, he does not waste any time,


in preparing or leaving, elbows going as he heads now, to the FBI


classic leap. A big crop down, for two metres. For the slightly


undulating ground. Still making as good a time as he can. As we


thought, it looks as if the optimum time of 1111 is not going to be


easy. Rutherglen at the Rolex complex, they are concerned that


this ditch, it is not really clearly defined. Interestingly enough,


showing all of his experience and he's taking the alternative to the


left, the bounce over the ditch, and then the shorthand to the


alternative corner. Wasting again a few seconds, it is safe and clean.


Now Oliver Townend, the first rider we are seeing. Coming back towards


the arena. Over the sun and the moon, and he is still galloping on.


Looking back at the Shade wary. -- looking perhaps a shade weary. And


doublet is coming to this anniversary splash. Quite an


intimidating setup, for her first Burghley. And a clever horse, who


banked that brush in the middle, he has got his ears pricked and he is


having a look, you could be a bit more attacking perhaps. But she is


through it and that is a good confidence booster for the rest of


the round. Oliver Townend, and blue coming back into the arena. He is


already going to go into the time penalties. A penalty for every


second over, in 11 11. You can see the horse they're just looking a


shade wary. So the turn actually, for Andrew Hoy. It would be quite


interesting, to see if the horses get any drag on their legs. Over the


last few years, the water has been quite shallow. He gets a bit of a


bending line, that is fine. That is beautifully executed. He made that


looked like an exercise at home. Here he comes, it is one from home,


he is nearly a minute over. And of course he is adding to his dressage


school all of the way. He is safe, clear, 75.9 is the target now set,


by Britain's Oliver Townend and, his horse. Doublet, imaging's pony club


championship horse. A 4-star burley horse just could have been a bit


more positive up that hill. Perhaps showing a little bit of a lack of


experience. She has got quite far around the course already. Hast to


put that stop behind her, get on the rest of the course. Now she has to


go the long route. Jumping this alternative from the final element,


it is impossible to turn left, there is no room to go through. Riders


have to do another circle around the trees. Wasting lots of precious


seconds and valuable energy. You can see here, getting up the hill, there


isn't really a stride here. Not enough impulsion. Here now, it is


Sarah Bullimore. Representing Great Britain a number of times in the new


Nations cup. Scrambles over that, that did not look very positive


Sarah. Quite successfully, but without really hitting the high


spots. Had a good dressage. She is in with a chance if she can make the


most of it. Now back to the anniversary splash.


A big drop here. Sarah pushing on. Back over. Just loses the body


position a bit. Will she go left or right? The right


route has been more popular. Needs to be more positive if she's going


to feature on this course. This is quite a tricky fence. But nothing


for them as they come to this leaflet drop, which doesn't look any


smaller as the years go by. And there is no fence at the top, so


there is not a lot of setting up. Having said that, it looks like that


skinny is very narrow. Oliver, you put the leap into Cotesmore Leap.


That was incredible. Yes, he didn't travel like I had hoped. But he kept


going for me because he was finding it hard work. Sarah Bullimore,


coming to the dairy farm big jump. Ooh, and the horse slips. Sarah does


a good job of getting it back online. Here is the double Burghley


winner, Andrew Hoy, home on the first of his two writes, Rutherglen.


He sets a new standard. It is a nice jump over the ditch for Reve Du


Rouet. Now into the box, Bettina Hoy. She won her European individual


title here in 1997. She has been a lady at the top of her sport. The


winter the Olympics in 1984 in Los Angeles, but this is a horse that is


taking her right back to the top. She was in the European


Championships last year. The rather tricky trout hatchery for Sarah. It


is deep in the middle, easy to lose balance. Takes the flag up, but that


doesn't matter. She was inside the flag. Well ridden. Bettina Hoy, the


rain pouring down now. The going started off good. I think a lot of


the ground will take this rain is Bettina comes to the first of the


water complexes. This is a very capable horse at


cross-country. As they had to the Anniversary Splash, they are in a


very good place after dressage. In second place, 34.2, so this is a


crucial round. Whoa, Bettina has it very tight. Very quick reaction.


Good recovery. How does this course rate for you?


There has been so much chat about whether it is hard or not as hard.


Without doubt, it starts at fence one and it doesn't finish until you


get the last fence. I slips between fence five A and five B, but


Rutherglen was very good, got his feet and jumped into the water


complex nicely. There is no fence on this course that you can


underestimate, or it will end in tears. A great dressage test from


Bettina. A great positive attitude. Bettina did a good job, rode


forward. The horse was like a pony. Now one of the best cross-country


combinations in the world. They finished fourth individually at the


Worlds. It is Jonelle Price. This could be the one to watch. Very


fast. Many will have been surprised that she didn't write this was for


New Zealand in the Olympics. New Zealand just missed out on a bronze


medal, team-wise. On dressage and 48.5. You can see


just how slick this horse is on his feet, Jonelle with a great guy. -- a


great guy. Mark Philip, the course designer, made quite a feature of


the village green over the years he has developed it. They have the


choice here of the gate. He leads his back legs on that. Just wasn't


quite punchy enough. Bettina has a look over her shoulder just to see


whether she has left that friends intact. If you break that pin, that


is 11 penalties. She was having a quick check to see if it was OK.


A jump through that combination. And already setting out very positively


and comfortably. Designer has shown us how good he is with his footwork.


Very supple. Quite a wide term. Ooh, six strides to that corner. I don't


think that was the intention. That extra sixth stride caused a bit of a


hiccup for Designer, but Bettina quickly recovers and wastes no time.


Sarah Bullimore, coming for home to the Land Rover finale fence, the


final fence. They have gone well. You can see the seconds ticking


away, but Reve Du Rouet is a horse has been owned by Christopher


Gillespie and that is one of her best performances across the big


international level we are seeing here, 71.1. At the moment, she


sneaks into the lead for Great Britain. That was interesting,


probably the best combination the world at the cross-country at the


moment, this pair. That was not the perfect spot, but Classic Moet is


showing all the scope in the world. And then galloping down the hill to


that dairy farm. Never looks in a hurry, but covers the ground so


quickly. And as you see in the timing, one of the fastest sofa. She


is five seconds up on the clock. Didn't quite make that turn, and


demolishes the decoration! Someone will rescue those potatoes, I'm


sure. She was five seconds up on the clock, but I would reckon she has


wasted at least ten seconds having to go the long route. The horse got


a little bit key in there. Jonelle never really got her I on that


direct route. I don't think that was planned, I think that was just


making the necessary adjustment when things don't go quite right. Now


back with Bettina Hoy. She's second after dressage. The time does look


very difficult. And with this pouring rain, one wonders whether


anyone is going to get inside. Coming around to the leaflet. -- the


leaf pit. One or two horses have already looked at that leaf pit. But


not Bettina. She is looking to set a standard and say, come on, catch me


if you can. She loves this course and she won that European title here


back in 1997. Just pops over the ditch. Dutiful jump over the corner.


-- beautiful jump. And they deserved pat for the horse. Quickly back in


her rhythm. This horse is still full of running. Now Bill Levett and


Improvise. Bill and his goggles, a bit like Biggles on a horse. But he


looking determined. Very quickly out of the water. Bettina Hoy. This is


going to be close to the lead, we think, because she is now only 38


seconds over the time. Andrew Hoy is in the lead, but I think this is


going to be the new leader. 53.7, 48 seconds over. That leading time is


getting better and better. That is interesting. Jonelle chose not to go


into that water splash. I did look at that when walking the course, and


I think it is a good move. It gives you a better line into the water.


Fantastic through there. Because she didn't go into that water splash,


she got a straighter approach to the drop. Perfectly in balance, riding


forward. Stupendous jump. I am so proud of my horse. I didn't


give him the easiest ride to start with. I felt a bit intimidated,


although I haven't heard much. But from what it looked like and from


what I heard from some people whispering, it rode quite badly. I


almost got unseated a couple of times, but he just keeps going. He


is the most amazing horse. Now Bill Levett and Improvise. The


Australians won the team bronze medal, just pipping New Zealand in


Rio. This man wants to make his mark. Improvise is an Irish bred


12-year-old owned by Elizabeth Murdoch, any Levett and Ali Butler.


We are getting towards the latter part of the course. She is one of


the quickest at this point. Beautifully balanced. It is so


important that the riders are in the correct position over that middle


element to make the final turn. Now a 50-year-old from the United States


of America. Had four children are decided eventing is what she wants


to do. She wants to get round here. Her task is to get round this


course. That is her dream. The rain is still pouring down.


Look how quickly Jonelle gets back into speed, motoring up. No wonder


they are the quickest in the world. Bill Levett, just before halfway on


the course. He has done well. The ditches jumped better than many


thought. He is down on the clock, but he is pushing on.


Coming into the cross rails, in the perfect spot. The for showing his


scope, jumping the 50 class, we know he has got the jump, but at 54 years


old, this is quite a thing for Bunny Sexton. She has already had a run


out at the Maltese brush, she has got to get over this. No, very sadly


that is a technical elimination for Bunny Sexton, such a lovely person


and a sad way to end the event. Classic Moet, I don't think he will


quite get there but he will be the quickest so far, only four seconds


left, that is the last, and Classic Moet has got another brilliant


display, with his Kiwi jockey. And is the new leader at the top of the


leaderboard. Well, brilliant, paper funnel and second supreme. She's


just back, she is a little bit frustrated that she got run out at


Rio. Here to prove things right, and get it sorted out, she is looking


very determined. This is the Pippa Funnel that we know and respect. She


gets her eye on the line and pushes on. She is certainly looking


determined. And a good gallop, this horse is not the best in the


dressage but very positive and gutsy in dressage, and that is enormous,


and because it is on rising ground, the horses are jumping it ever said


-- it effortlessly. Of course paper won the Rolex Grand Slam for the


first time ever in 2003 and she would love to get into the reckoning


again. Do you know we have all been saying, David take any notice. You


absolutely nailed it, well done. Yes I had an hunt planned thing on the


dairy mound, the weather is going to play a part, and then I knew I had


my work cut out from that moment on. She was magic and she was digging so


deep, such a gutsy mare. It was the nominal. Now, some great fun all


around the world. One of the top, picks up the knitting, and the rain,


what a difficult horse, and he really wants to get around. And


Pippa Funnel coming towards the dairy farm, we saw Ripper and Tina


discussing this fence. She is going straight. A good spot up there, gets


an extra short stride into the middle element and then stands off a


mile. She looks as though she is aghast being at the camera, letting


us know that she is all right. Still it rains, as it comes the trees, to


the wall, Bill Thompson designed the course right from the start many


years ago, including 1966 when the world's way here. Celebrating 50


years of the sport. Nearly a hick up. There you see just how far down


it is. Bill sensibly having just lost his position picks up and


chooses to go the long route which is a sensible position. Improvised.


He is behind the clock though, the Australian. Now we have the


incredible Sir Mark Todd. Coming to the first of the water complexes. We


have seen one or two horses hitting that. But a beautiful jumper. And


what is interesting to see here, Mark doesn't look as though he is


hurrying, he has got a great length of stride, keeping a good rhythm,


wasting not a second, and not fussing about the preparations.


Always thinking positively forward. Sir Mark Todd, five times winner of


this title, he would love another, though. Which way is he going to go?


Picking up the left-hand route, it really is just a question of which


way the rider prefers coming out. On his second horse, already well


placed in the leaderboard, and his very good horse Samuel Thomas II.


They have got a good record, they had been there that long, and


another positive ride. My word, that is as well as anyone and that shows


you how it should be done, not losing a hundreds of a second. And


Bill Levitt and improvise coming towards the end, wasting a bit of


time. He has been very punchy and positive, really kicking on, look at


the time, already 45 seconds over. Clear and still pushing to the end.


62.5, says he will come into the leaderboard. -- so he will. And it


is Kiwi Jonelle Price, and Classic Moet, just ahead. So, at the


hat-trick, through that splash, takes a good turn. Oh no! Get up,


sit up. How frustrating is that? She is still smiling, she is an


incredible lady. Is that my imagination? Does that water look


deeper, with the rain? You are right, we have had torrential rain,


you can see, paper -- Pippa Funnel in good balance and


control and does nothing wrong, gets a good jumping. Lands well, and


actually it is the stride after landing that tracks the horse down,


and is a margin -- and does a marvellous effort to


stay up but sadly Pippa Funnel exits stage left. Believe me, Pippa Funnel


is not the only want to have fallen foul, there has been plenty of


action. Just watch this. well the good news is that all


horses and riders came back. All got quite a tumble, but he was back last


night. Oliver had a brain fried on the first horse and he's giving this


second horse a peach of a ride -- had a brilliant first ride. And the


control of the balance justifies how difficult that is. The night, Sir


Mark Todd. The man who was voted the equestrian of the 20th century and


still had 16 shows how it should be done. He is at the dairy farm, key


is struggling, he is going to have two come around, the brakes are run.


-- heart on. He is a man who has won this title five times. Two Olympic


back-to-back gold medals. And still, still giving a great show. Sadly his


show-jumping in Rio, just meant that New Zealand mistake team bronze. Of


course he did get a team bronze and he is a man who retired after the


2000 Olympics in Sydney and then came back and showed us still what


he can do in 2008 and on. Over the Rolex, on he goes. And so now, for


France, good dressage at 46. Lying in 40th


14th position, lost a bit of impulsion. Settling down, getting


back into the rhythm. He was persuaded to come back, by his past


owners, back into the sport. He has shown just what he is capable of.


And, he is a great trainer, as he has shown exactly what the


trilateral is all about. Kristina Cook and star witness, as she said


earlier perhaps not the best in the dressage stage, but she has been


pretty consistent and reliable across the country. The horse,


three-year-old, proved to be, a worthy purchase. Not the best stride


up to that step, gets him back into the gear. Britain wants some good


news after Rio, they have got to look to their laurels, the rest of


the world. This man could be showing us the confidence needed. He is back


to form, this is ride number two of three. He is at the last, safely


over, it is a much quicker around. By Samuel Thomas II. That is going


to bring him up again. 63, he has got one right to come. This


attractive grey horse. With Cedric Lyard. He had a little bit of a


scratch or two, interestingly enough, you can see it is broken off


the bottom, seeing it flapping around but it does not affect the


horse, you can see that Cedric is looking at it and trying to pick it


up, but it does not affect the horse in any way. Good dressage, he has


gone the long wait, at the dairy farm and he is behind the clock but


he still pressing on. He now lives near Albright in Wiltshire, he was


of course the team manager for the Brazilian squad in Rio and he is a


highly respected trainer. There will be plenty of that for him, riding on


over the little triple bars. He would love to finish in the top ten,


he would love to win for sure. He loves to be the hind the clock in


2016. The rain is still pouring down, as they come down to the Land


Rover dairy farm. Talking about the fence, before you ride it. That


added pressure. They talked about what should be perfect, they don't


want to get it wrong. A little bit of a wobble, she holds her line.


Such a gutsy little horse. Keeps his ears pricked and wants to get on


with it. France, the Olympic gold medallist in Rio. He was in that


gold medal team. He was in that squad for the world Equestrian


games. And is well placed here, just seventh in this competition. On the


grey horse. Trying over that corner. Gets a long line, he is away. He's


good form. Coming into the main arena for the


Return from Rio grandstand, Mark Todd. A lovely stride. Again,


brilliant balance. Kicking on out of the arena. He knows time is tight,


he will probably get time faults but he is trying to get to the finish as


quickly as possible. Kristina Cook at a difficult


preparation, she spent three weeks in a Rio, not only as a reserve


rider but then doing a great job for BBC Radio 5 live. Would have had a


difficult build-up, but they looked to be working as one, looking to


make up for that 40th equal place after dressage. The time is looking


pretty quick. Still no one inside that optimum time. I doubt if


anybody will know. I should think it highly unlikely,


especially with all the rain we are getting now. Certainly Mark Todd is


pushing answer the finish, but he is already way over the line. Having to


take the long roots did not help him. He did say it is not the


fastest horse in the world. But the best rider in the world, certainly,


has shaved off the seconds. 42 seconds over, third position at the


moment. Beginning to look very good for New Zealand on this


cross-country day, which is having its effect. Jonelle Price is out in


fronts. Cedric is coming down to Discovery Valley. That Thompson 's


wall is a massive fence. -- that Thomson's Wall. In its own right it


is a very big fence. You want to get six strides and a good one close


into that second fence. He lent back and wasn't perfect balance to make


that tone. -- he was in perfect balance to make that turn. Kristina


Cook on Star Witness. Tina said sub. Very strong. Oh, my word! What a


recovery. She lost a shoe. She has picked up the rhythm. What a


brilliant piece of cross-country riding. That is why she is regarded


as one of the best ladies anywhere in the world at cross-country.


You could see a shoe flying past as she jumped the corner. There it is.


Tina did a brilliant job to hold that was together and jump that


corner and not come off on the slip of the term.


Here's Cedric Lyard, flying for home. He was well in it after


dressage. He is now 25 seconds over. This wonderful house has seen some


magic. We are seeing it once again as he stopped the clock. 34 seconds


over, going forth for France with 59.6.


The words are commentators used were classy, showing all this experience,


how did it feel for you? I had a really, really good ride. I was


always a bit worried, because he is not the fastest thing, I did not


know how he would cope, but he kept trying and I had a really good ride.


COMMENTATOR: Tina Cook coming into the final quarter. Not much more


than 500 metres from home. Star Witness is fixed. Very much matching


their great performance last year, looking to have plenty of running.


Sam Griffiths and Happy Times. Have a look at that, he has not got his


foot in the stirrups because Mr Obama is broken, the footrest has


completely gone. -- because it is broken. Can he sit tight for the


entire course? Will he keep going? I will be seriously impressed if he


wants to keep going. It has been raining, his saddle is slippery, he


only has one stirrup on. That is one for the children at home to watch.


Look at the balance and control. Here comes Tina, would Star Witness,


driving to the finish. -- with Star Witness. She has had some wonderful


owners over the years, they have had great fun, and now she is coming


into direct lead with show-jumping to come to. Seventh place, 64.9,


that could be one of the best British competitors at Burghley.


Sam is still going, he has his foot into the leather. Perhaps not the


safest thing, but at least he is in balance. Still not happy, his foot


is getting tied up. Now he has lost the other stirrup. I can't believe


he can continue. I think you are right. He very definitely led


Australia to that team bronze in Rio, he almost won an individual


medal as well. His performances, I think, probably his best ever in


Rio. Credit to him. Frustrating for Sam Griffiths, now


we have the rare row. Probably his best ever. -- now we have Nereo.


Great to see him back to his best after that fractured neck. Although


it was considerably more serious than that. Andrew said he would not


come back if he could not be competitive, he has certainly proved


he is back in the groove. Nereo one of the faster horses across the


country. If anybody will get the time, it will be Andrew. This horse


has got a massive stride. It is one jumping effort less, but


the horse gets its eye on the step up on the right-hand side as it


approaches. We have seen one or two get a little bit confused. But


Andrew holds his line perfectly and makes nothing of that huge slate


wagon up the hill. Capabilities cutting, considered one


of the softer combinations we have had over the last few years, but it


has taken a few scalps already. And Andrew has a brilliant jumping,


sailing through it. This horse does not always tried our


hardest. It is flat work, it does not always want to try that hard.


Bertie is magic, he even makes me look fast. Talkers through the


moment at the Trout Hatchery? He jumped in well. When he tripped over


is going to go up the step and go down, but when he tripped I was


aiming to the corner. So I thought, well, I will have to jump the


corner. When he was slipping, you had to be slightly cautious. He lost


a shoe, did you notice? I thought he probably had, I felt the odd slip


further around the corner, you do not want to slip and get eliminated.


Andrew Nicholson five-time willing here. Three of them off the mark,


2012, 13 and 14. He will be trying to make it a six, and Joy William


Fox-Pitt, the biggest number of wins, William has six overall.


Classic Nicholson with his horse that has taken him to a bronze medal


in London for New Zealand. From one Kiwi to another, Caroline


Powell. Caroline did not have the best start to the year. She had a


pretty seriously badly broken leg, but she is back on form. Onwards And


Upwards has had his problems, but is back on good form.


This man has really measured his recovery since that dramatic fall


when he virtually broke his neck a year ago. When he won again, the big


class at the Barbary International, it showed that he was back at his


best. Check on the watch, he knows that he is right in touch.


The Anniversary Splash from Caroline. And the ground here is in


perfect condition. Even with the rain, the guys here at Burghley have


done an amazing job with a footing. Caroline looks as if she is heading


for the left route as well. Wasting not a second, giving a quick patter


to Onwards And Upwards. Andrew Nicholson with his young family,


watching dad at the track. A keen fence, body position is very


important. Lovely, strong as an ox. Pixel for zorb, get the line. Oh,


lovely riding. Wasting not a centimetre.


The Cottesmore Leap the Caroline. They should be bread and butter,


this fence, this combination. Interestingly, there are quite a few


horses put five strides in between these fences. Full Onwards And


Upwards it was assured four. Over the Thomson's Wall and into


Discovery Valley read for Andrew Nicholson and Nereo. He third


overnight. -- he was third overnight. Andrew was not as quick


Classic Moet and Jonelle Price. But he looks to have gotten odd seconds


back, maybe. The Dairy Farm, an umbrella blowing


inside out. It could be enough to distract the horse, but not this


partnership. Good striking, gets well to the


right-hand side. A brilliant jump back. Phenomenal. They have not had


the best of years in the past, but they look back to their best.


Coming to the Rolex Combination. This tricky ditch.


No problem at all. It is so important to keep the horse plus my


confidence and rewarded. They know when they have done a good job.


Andrew Nicholson for New Zealand, onto the little treble rails. Has


Nereo still got plenty left? Andrew Hoy, The Blue Frontier. He


had a brilliant rider on Rutherglen earlier. -- a brilliant ride on. A


lovely expression on the horse. Ears pricked, bright eyed. Back in


the ring. Counting down the clock. He will not get inside. Nobody


inside 11.11. Can he get close enough? Show-jumping course four can


be pretty dramatic. That was as good as anyone. Not in a


hurry, balanced, organised. Perfect. The clock ticking away,


already in the red, 0.4 for every second that you seek ticking away.


Andrew Nicholson will be right up there. He can't at the moment take


the lead at the end of cross-country. Will he be close


enough, the question is. Stops the club, 30 seconds over, 47.2, the new


leader at the moment but, of course, the overnight leader is still to


come, Christopher Burton. Well, Dairy Farm full Blue Frontier.


Rather keen and enthusiastic about life. Interestingly enough, Andrew


goes the same route as he did on Rutherglen, jumps as opposed about


big corner, but then he goes in the direct route. Exactly like


Rutherglen. Poetry in motion. Angie, such a smile on your face.


You are into the lead. -- Andrew, such as nylon your face. I am not as


strong with my hands or legs as I used to be, a couple of times I felt


that I did not have been of contact to do the tens, but he does it


himself. -- that I did not have enough contact.


This horse has had time off and looks back to its best. Caroline


broke her leg earlier this year, she has had quite a time on the


sidelines but they look a good partnership around this testing Mark


Phillips course. Good body position, but she does not take the route I


would have expected and a second is wasted. Taking a quick check on the


watch. She is going for the clear. Not really trying to get as close to


the optimum time she could. For New Zealand again, Tim Price and


Ringwood Sky Boy. A good dressage test, 38.9.


Second-place coming into the cross-country.


Had an unfortunate slip on the turn in Rio and fell on the flat. So it


was quite gutsy to bring the horse here, but he said the horse was in


great form and the return journey took nothing out of him. Certainly


looked good in the dressage and looks positive here.


Just left a bit of a right front leg. Caught a need on the way up.


But recovered quickly. Looking good for the Kiwis, can the Australians


forced their way back? Andrew Hoy, the last one here in 2004. And oh my


word! The horse landed, the undercarriage didn't lock and down


they went. This horse, that originally came from Sandra Alford,


the world champion, and sadly, looking so good and then out they


go. Drama. Yes that was a bit of a surprise, they did a good jump in, I


think the water is getting deeper but was never really landed


properly. Then, the drag on the water made it impossible to recover.


Caroline Powell, another Kiwi in the top ten, 41 seconds over. Almost


inside on the last. Onwards and upwards, it is a combination, at


their best, right up there. Caroline who has been part of the New Zealand


success in the last ten years. Fifth place, 59.4, four Caroline Powell of


New Zealand. After that long gallop up, the Avenue, he made that looked


like nothing. Terribly high. He just rattles the top of one or two of the


fences, his attitude is brilliant, this horse. He wastes not a second.


He is keeping up a really good read the message goes across the country.


Once they get to that, Cottesmore leaping, it is down. So, they get a


second wind and back into a good gallop. It is now impossible to make


up any lost time -- it is now possible. Now is the time to do it.


Well that was very impressive, he made that happen, it wasn't the


perfect stride for that horse. Tim made it look more comfortable than I


am sure it felt. And look at the time, he is only 11 seconds over


soap it is possible, on a fast Wolves to make that up. He doesn't


get a great stride, but the horse reads it well. And he looks


absolutely straight as an arrow. At the start, the man who led after the


dressage for Australia, Christopher Burton, with Nobilis 18. And this


man, on the nine-year-old tatty no, could nearly have won an individual


medal at the Rio Olympics. And this man will mean business. He was


disappointed that he missed out on an individual medal, and he is on


his way. Sky boy, with Tim, another one, to select the big oxer, rather


than the other one, the oxer is actually easier to attack and


friendlier. Just a little rattle at the top. Never scary, never worrying


but has the odd rattle of his fences. Germany. The horse.


And potential Badminton winners but they took a tumble there. This man a


little bit like Jonelle Price, so fluid across the country. Really


wastes no time, in presenting the horse to a fence or indeed getting


away. Just watch it. Just kept a forward seat. And remaining


positive. Is off to a good start and he would certainly be as fast as


anyone at this point I feel. That was a high fence but he jumped it


well, that is the wonderful to rain. It is why the judgment of offences


are so important. It is what Burghley has been about since it


started in 1967, he goes inside, I have not seen many do that at


capability's cutting. And he jumps it beautifully. What can Tim do


here? We have seen all sorts go wrong for a lot of good riders and


good horses. Excellent. Really light on his feet, you can see to make a


big effort to turn the horse, and the horse brilliant. Australia,


Christopher Burton, very good dressage score. 13.2 is the leading


score. Oliver Townend must be getting tired, this is his third


round of the day. This is a horse that was ridden previously by Mary


King. Very, very talented. Not always the easiest ride. Sky boy was


the second here with Tim Price, out in front. Tim's talented wife,


Jonelle Price, they would love to make 1-2. To this big events. In


early position. So steady. That is great cross-country riding.


Christopher Burton. Another one with some brilliant riding. The turn off


that big oxer. Turning so quickly and so easily. Now he is lining up


the gate, not very many that jumped the gate. Beautifully, carefully


jumped. We have had one or two on the floor there. Christopher Burton,


look at him, attitude, positive, concentration. Lovely jumper.


Now, it is Oliver Townend, trying to keep the union Jack flying in 2016,


it is a strong one. The Kiwis and the Australians are setting the


pace. It is pretty quick, not too far down. Such a good supporter of


the sport and another not presenting, from Oliver Townend. The


clock kept ticking by. Oliver Townend on this course has got


plenty of blood, but it is not easy shaking his head. It is strong, that


makes it all the more difficult for him to ride this horse. Putting in a


new partnership. We are coming to the climax of this brilliant day of


cross-country. And we have got three of the best riders in the world. On


the course at the moment. And Tim Price makes nothing of it, kicks on


and gallops away. How is his time? The man that will be in his shadow


is this man, the Australian Christopher Burton. And Nobilis 18.


This is one of the key moments. Beautiful landing. Absolutely


steady, it is ten out of 11. It is absolutely brilliant. Away they go.


Ticking on to the final fence, Tim Price, sky boy, it looks as though


he is finishing a race coming to the last. And look at the clock, he is


already over the time but only just. One of the fastest times of the day.


Has he done it, has he gone into the lead? He has indeed. Rather a soft


smile. Yes, the first will be out there, his wife, Jonelle Price.


Andrew Nicholson between her and Tim Price. And Christopher Burton, who


first wrote the Olympics in 2012 in London and ever since then he has


looked like a world number one. He is in discovery Valley, another key


fence ahead of him. Beautiful position, rock position, get the


line, wastes not a second. And now, coming to the track. Oliver visiting


this for the third time today. He must be incredibly fit to be able to


ride around here three times. Some of the riders have looked rather


fatigued after one ride. And he is shouting again, he is telling the


judges that he is going the long route. Not presenting, he is


screening them, he has got a new nickname I think, "Not presenting".


So he has now got the long route. It'll be interesting to see whether


the judges accept "Not presenting those quite. Or whether they give


him that 24 having a look. He is an amazing horse, he is not redesigned


for this job but he has learned the job because he has an amazing mind


so he's honest and genuine. I'm just thrilled because I had a bit of


rough luck this year and this guy deserves better at Rio, and from the


flight around he was just chipping around so nicely, and it was


actually quite good fun. Four hours of brilliant sport and it will go to


the wire because of this man. Christopher Nobilis 18, of


Australia. The horse looks full of running. He is the overnight leader,


with this lovely was. Could he be the overnight leader after the


cross-country? A bit of a bang and clattered therefore him. He can get


a bit keen and Inc is yes to get times, but he's looking very


impressive. It jumped. Don't just click on! Oh no! Unbelievable. He


has jumped that face quite beautifully, and just did not look


as though it was ever going to happen. And sadly Oliver pulls up.


Well, frustrating for him but he has had a bullet state onto horses and


this horse hasn't done much wrong. He was a little bit on the outside


of the curve and could not quite make that time, maybe Oliver on the


first ride today might have made that effort, maybe even Oliver


Townend might get fatigued. This is a real star of a horse, and one that


we will see a lot more Robin the future. Here is Christopher Burton


with Nobilis 18, he won something not long ago and then had a fall at


Badminton. Could you put it all right had Burghley this afternoon?


Four hours of quite brilliant sport, it is down to this picture that we


are watching now. Look at that time, he still inside, could he be the


only one that was inside. It is going to be very, very close, I


suspect that he can't but as long as he jumps this, he will go into the


lead with show-jumping to come. How many seconds will it be? Eight of


them. He is on 33.4, he has got to fences in hand, with the one phase


to come. Australia rule after cross-country. Well he really has


given us an exhibition here. Yes this was an amazing bit of riding


and not just an amazing bit of riding but a phenomenal horse. Just


the turn, the balance, the flow, it really was rather perfect. He has


given an exhibition right today, fantastic. Unbelievable, so grateful


to the owners, they have been very supportive. And a big thanks to


Dirk, hey mate, find us another one, that was great. You made it look


easy? Well that is nice, I was so far down in the first few minutes


and I thought, B will see what he does, he is a good horse. And he was


amazing. Well the leaderboard, good news, for Christopher Burton who


maintains his It is all to play for, with


show-jumping to come. STUDIO: Out of the cross-country, it


is time for the nerves to be racked in the show-jumping. It is the final


phase, the ground is still a bit slippy, it is drying out but it is


sticky. A course designer has been brilliant, he has softened some of


the fences and and the distances, so if horses are getting stuck they are


not having to open up and flap at the fences. The course is very


twisty, which helps keep the horses' interest. I think this will be quite


influential earlier in the course. For me, the toughest line, where we


are here, the triple bar at the top of the hill, it is quite sloping, it


looks flat, but it is not. Triple bar, eight strides down the hill,


heading straight for the crowds at the end.


You never know quite how horses will see things? It looks a bit like one


fence as you approach, but then the horses will be backing off the


crowds. He has shortened the distance, which is perfect. We only


have around half the field at this stage, it is great that he has


slightly softened it because we want to see horses jumping nicely. We


lost a few horses yesterday, that is part and parcel of an event like


this. For me, probably, the hardest part is right at the end of the


course when people are getting excited, up the hill, quite a short


five strides to a very vertical gaits that takes very little


knocking to slide it. -- a very vertical gate. Then the crux of the


course is the final fence, eight strides up the hill, this is where


people get a rush of blood to the brain, suddenly get excited. They


think they have a clear run, rush out, take a clear stride and, bang,


the competition is gone. They jump in reverse order, Christopher


Burton, the leader, will be going last. Mike Tucker can tell is how


some of the earlier riders got on. COMMENTATOR: It was not easy for


some, including double Olympic champion Andrew Hoy. He dropped six


places from his overnight position. Sarah Bullimore, a good ride at


cross-country, disappointment on the final day. Seven fences down. She


dropped seven places down the final ranking.


Treason and Sarah Cohen, a good round. Nice to see them back on


form, they stayed in 12. Britain's best riding here last


year, Tina Cook, a good run for just four penalties added. She finished


hands-on Star Witness to again be one of the best British riders that


Burghley -- she finished tenth on Star Witness.


Blyth Tait the New Zealand, Bear Necessity V had one fence down, he


finished in 11th place. The man who started with three but had two to


ride in the show-jumping, Oliver Townend with Samuel Tom is common he


jumped one of the only three clear rounds in this final afternoon


session. -- Oliver Townend with Samuel Thomas II, he jumped one of


the only three clear rounds in this fine afternoon session. He finished


in seventh place on 59.6. Just before we see the top eight,


Luco I have found, none other than Nick Skelton. How does it feel to be


Britain's first-ever individual show-jumping champion? Amazing,


great feeling, especially as it has taken me so long. Truly amazing. How


much has this true than you through your career? You have won pretty


much everything, how much has that Olympic individual title been on the


back of your mind? -- how much has this driven you through your career?


For any sports person, the Olympic Games is the ultimate. To win that


is what you dream of, what you set out to do. To achieve it has been


tremendous, amazing. There has been lots of talk about your previous


injuries, you broke your next 16 years ago, you have had a hip


replacement, try to explain how much pain you a couple of years ago you


said to me that your specialist said the only way you cannot be in pain


as if you stop writing. I go to a guy in London who injects me twice a


year, that gives the pain-free, I am great at the moment. I am fine now.


Doing an amazing job. It is one of the person who has helped me get


where I am today, with lots of other people, so I am very grateful. I


know you said you could have just retired after winning the individual


title? I should, because in my career, that put the tin hat on it,


really. But I think it is not fair to big star, he is in really good


form. Let's quickly see your medal. It is there. Very nice. Thank you.


Let's get straight to the action, the top aides are going in reverse


order, Mike and Ian are in the commentary box. COMMENTATOR: The


last eight in reverse order of merit, it is all pretty close. It is


Cedric Lyard for friends with Cadeau Du Roi. There have only been two


clear rounds in the jumping this afternoon. The ground is a little


bit soft. The horses are looking as if they did a day's work yesterday.


News overnight that Bill Levett, who was in ninth place, withdrew before


the horse inspection this morning. Oliver Townend jumped one of those


two clear rounds, on 63 at the moment, just outside the top eight.


Cedric Lyard on a score of 59.6 after the cross-country yesterday.


The ground is a little bit sticky here, as you said, Mike. Richard


Jefferies, the course designer, has done a really good job with this


drug. Lots of twists and turns to keep the horses balanced and


occupied. -- did a really good job with this track. He has modified


some of the fences. He has made them a little bit softer and more


ascending. He has shortened some of the distances because of the sticky


ground. Some of these horses would have been much better with slightly


more room and distance. A good, clear round when it


mattered. 59.6 will be his completion score for France. He


might have missed out on a medal in Rio, but he was 70 last year. I have


been lots of problems here this year. That was a brilliant, clear


round. -- but he was seventh here last year. His supporters are


ecstatic. Brilliance aboard. He looks very happy. 2016 has been the


year of the French, they have been very successful, got better and


better. Caroline Powell comes into the ring.


She broke her leg earlier this year and spent a lot of time out. The


horse has had some time off in the last couple of years, but they


looked in cracking form yesterday. 59.4 is the score coming into the


final phase. Fourth after dressage, 37.8. Then 29.6 time penalties, did


not look as hungry as some over the last mile. Good to see them back. At


their best, they are another very good card for the New Zealanders to


have up their sleeve. Currently in seventh place.


He was brilliant yesterday as, indeed, with Caroline. Wow, is he


jumping this morning? The horse's owner is in the Scottish Borders. A


big contingent down here to watch. Just a little casual in front. He is


almost over jumping, he has been so good. Quite a long stride between


those two verticals, just reached a little bit for it, flattened in


front. Although the arena looks very level


and flat from that triple bar down to this trouble it is a little bit


downhill, they are jumping straight towards the crowds. Onwards and


upwards, paying no attention, totally focused on what he is doing.


He has been an exceptional jumper over the years. Coming towards the


end, four within offence. -- within a fence.


And she stays clear. Just one fence down, 63.4.


The New Zealanders have five in the top ten after cross-country last


night. As he jumps that final fence you can see that Caroline is not


very happy at having that one down. She knows he is very capable of


jumping a clear round. But they have both been off the road for a while,


so it is great for her. Cedric realises he has moved up a slot. Won


another ?1500. No wonder he is smiling!


Now a man who has won five times. You look back over the years, the


first one was as long ago as 1987, with Wilton Fair. Then he won with


Face The Music, a whole host of great horses. His Last Win Was In


1999. Mark Todd, The Great Mark Todd, Nzb Campino. Jump Clear, And


He Will Stay In Sixth Place, Drop A Rail And He Will Be just ahead of


Oliver Townend. Fortunately time is not proving to


be too difficulty. Sometimes if the designer measures the course very


tightly and they have to keep cutting corners and hurrying the


horses, it encourages careless jumping. But Richard Jefferies has


done a good job here. This is a man with back-to-back gold


medals on the great Charisma back in 84 /80 eight. Then, sadly,


disappointment for him in Rio. Sadly, quite a big score for him.


Drops New Zealand out of the team bronze medal situation,


disappointment. Coming into that final with one down at the moment. I


can't help feeling that he paid the penalty of attacking that triple


bar. Though, that is very expensive. 67, the final score, dropping him to


ninth. Up come Caroline Powell, surgically art of France and Oliver


Townend for Great Britain. -- Cedric Lyard of France.


Eight straight up from that gates to the final fence. It is very tempting


just to open up and get a little bit flat.


Bettina Hoy had one of her greatest moments here. She actually finished


in runner-up place behind, funnily enough, Mark Todd in a European Open


Championship here in 1997, which meant she became European champion,


being the first European rider in that classification. She has been at


the top level ever since she first rode in the Olympics in 1984 in Los


Angeles. Tremendous performance yesterday. Did some very good


dressage. She was in second place, added 19.2 to be in fifth place


overnight on 53.7. This horse is a good jumper but he was rather spooky


at fence two. Looked at it and jumped sideways. Just got a bit


close but got away with that. We have seen this horse at the


cross-country, he can put in tiny little strides and he has the scope


to get away with it. You don't want to do that too often in the


show-jumping phase. Again, for me, he was just a little


bit too deep, stalls, did not quite make the spread of that triple bar.


Really tries, though, this horse. That one knocked out at the moment.


Does not drop it out of place. Apparently in this. -- in fifth. She


will get ?17,000 if she stays on 58.7, 57.7, indeed. But she won't.


Then she goes. -- down she goes. But jumped the last. 61.7, two fences


down. She drops below Cedric Lyard. Cedric Lyard has come from eight up


to fifth. Just does a big jump over that


triple bar, it is just down a little bit too quickly, and his back heat


take it out. Here is the lady who really impressed us yesterday,


brilliant round. A horse that was broken up in Yorkshire. -- bread.


Classic Moet, has become a Britos particularly in her hands. She can


have one down and still stay fourth. New Zealand have got three out of


four. She was quite risky at that first fence, she is fairly flying.


It is all about what happens on the day. She is a bit flat at times. A


lot of rattling going on. So far we are OK. Certainly the cross-country


yesterday, Mark Phillips's cross-country course was very


demanding, he took a lot out of the horses. Some of them today were


looking a bit fatigued. Classic Moet, looks as though, could go


cross-country again. Full of running. They can actually afford to


have one more, and still stay ahead of said Ricciardo. -- Cedric Lyard.


Some good jumping. URL watching one of the best combinations in the


sport at the moment. Just to finish in fourth place in the team in Rio


for New Zealand, 54.1, the final score for Jonelle Price, Classic


Moet at the 2016 Burghley three-day events.


The shots, just as the next comes in, Eric, with blind Tate. He must


be a very happy man with the leaderboard. Will he remain that


way. Andrew Nicholson, -- with Blyth Tait. So he has done three burly


meetings on that what, 2012, 2013, 2014. He was riding a horse that has


retired this season, and now, he is riding Nereo. He was how a bronze


medallist team wise in the London Olympics. He is currently lying


third, on 47 points. He has got a huge time penalties yesterday,


beautiful clear jumping wise. But 12 time penalties that left him in


third place, after a dressage school, one of his best I think, the


finished also third overnight. A brilliant cross-country horse,


massive stride, he is galloping, sometimes those big strides are his


undoing in the jumping phase. He has got a great jump and a great


attitude to work. And actually that was really well-written, this horse,


the combination tends to open up. He kept him short and the horses really


responding. The triple bar is a frustrating fence to have down. Let


us remind you, this man exactly one year ago, was lying extremely ill in


bed with virtually a broken neck. He has made an amazing recovery. Coming


down to the last to guarantee himself third place, and he jumps


it, he will definitely finished third. 53.2. Nereo and Andrew


Nicholson. Well, so hi, just literally catches it with his back


toes and he takes that triple bar out. How annoying to have that one


down, one of the best rounds. Andrew Nicholson is certainly right back to


the top of his game. What a good picture of his wife riding


everything with him. So, the time. He still stays in that third place,


two to jump. One for New Zealand and one for Australia. And that one for


New Zealand, Jonelle Price's husband Tim. Riding the horse he was second


on here last year, ring road. -- Ringwood Sky Boy. And again, husband


and wife partnership, the best marriage partnership there is in the


sport. And this man produced a superb round, that remember after he


had fallen on the flat in Rio, but the horse has come back looking


better than ever, the trip to Rio has done the horse no harm. That


stage. 44.9. He can afford to have two fences down and still stay in


second. He has already had a couple of rods and we saw in the


cross-country that he's capable of rattling the tops of his fences. And


a little bit of wagging going on. Yes. He was trying to add the


stride, keep him short. He was just not organised the take-off. -- the


take-off. He had one. He can have another. Still to finish second.


As Tim said yesterday, he has not had the best of seasons, with a top


horse going lame, he cannot afford to have another. He jumps this, and


he has. 56.9, so he goes down, and he goes


down in oral two places. Yes just occasionally twisting. It wasn't


much. And, his wife Jonelle Price, she goes up as he goes down. And,


Ringwood Sky Boy, and Tim are now below Jonelle Price. And the man who


stands aloft at the moment, with quite a brick lead, Christopher


Burton of Australia, the horse that has come out of Germany, has


promised quite a lot all year. Did have a fall that badminton


cross-country but was going very well at the time. But yesterday, it


looked a real class performance. The overnight leader after dressage,


just added 3.2 time penalties. And currently on that score of 33.4. At


the moment in second place is Andrew Nicholson, on that score of 53.2.


Well he was the class act of yesterday on the cross-country


course. Both horse and rider for that matter. Great partnership. It


looked very controlled and impressive. There is no real moment


of panic. Just a little bit braver I thought going into that double. He


doesn't want to have too many of those. That could be very expensive


and another rub. Just to remind you that he was in for a potential


Olympic gold individually as part of the team bronze for Australia in


Rio. He was potentially on for 18 goals, there is Santino. Is the same


thing going to happen again -- for what a team gold. Is technique is


good, this horse but he gets a little bit quick here, low in front


at times. Andrew Nicholson on 53.2. He could have these last two down


and still win. He has got one down. And the last goes. My gosh, he


nearly gave it away. 49.4, is the winning score in the end. He


couldn't have afforded another. He nearly lost it again. He did, we


have always said, this is not a dressage competition but actually he


has won this competition on his stress out almost because he was so


far in front and then he extended that lead on the cross-country, it


is a little bit tiresome in the way. Dare I say. There is Jonelle Price


and Andrew Nicholson. That is Rebecca Burton. Christopher has


recently married his wife. And I think that Christopher is feeling


quite fortunate to win a major, with those fences down. 49.4 is the


winning score. So, the 2016 title goes to the Australian Christopher


Burton, riding, Sue Lawson and Caroline Townsend's Nobilis 18.


Christopher you gave everyone a bit of a worry and you used up a fence


in hand and another one? Unbelievable, I had my nine lives,


it was a bit of an interesting day, very flat but I guess that is


Burghley. Still very happy. You didn't do badly having jumped that


massive course. That is right, exactly. You led from start to


finish, what is the secret, you are the man of the moment? That is very


kind, I'm lucky, I have lovely horses like nebulous 18 and it was


great to do well at Burghley. And this was a horse, that Michael Jung,


had, and he rejected it. He has phoned you, and said that he wants


it back? Perhaps that is why he wants it back ache, but nevertheless


it is still a nice day. Well congratulations. STUDIO: Well a


lovely Burghley cause trial, and Christopher Burton, leading from


start to finish and he is the first New Zealander to win four a decade


and it has not been a great year for the British riders. But we have had


a wonderful time, Burghley has lived up to its reputation


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