05/03/2014 BBC Channel Islands News


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A Nick Le Cornu in St Helier need it.


A Nick Le Cornu in St Helier district one and Sam Mezec hn


district two both stood unddr the Reform Jersey campaign group's


banner. Jen Smith is live in the sttdio now.


A low turnout tonight. What have the winning candidates had to s`y about


their triumphs tonight? Nine candidates stood for the seats


made vacant by former deputhes Trevor and Shona Pitman, who you


will recall lost their seats in January, after being declardd


bankrupt. Turnout in both elections today was


low, with 15.3% in St Helier district one and 14% in St Helier


district two. Results in both elections came in within 30 minutes


of polls closing tonight. Ttrning to district one first, it is l`wyer


Nick Le Cornu that will now represent the parish for th`t


district. He got 248 of 761 votes cast. He told us his work now


begins. Procedure in Wellington said at the Battle of Waterloo, ht was a


close run thing. I want to thank my supporters and the voters to promote


and vote for me. I will prove to them that the vote was worth it


The other successful candid`te tonight was Sam Mezec, who was also


standing on a platform of electoral reform. He polled 277 votes out of


528. He says his success fedls incredible, not just to win, but by


such a big margin. I am overwhelmed. It is absolutely


incredible, especially by that large margin. I was worried by thd low


turnout. And I thought it m`y not give it legitimacy, but I think that


has been done. And of course, all States sdats will


be up for grabs again in October, as all of Jersey goes to the polls for


a general election. And there will be more reaction on


tonight's result live from 6.00am on BBC Radio Jersey.


Listed buildings along Jersdy's Esplanade will be demolished to make


room for a multistorey office block. The island's planning minister has


granted permission for thousands of square metres of office space by


local developers Dandara. Their managing director says the project


will create hundreds of construction jobs, as well as Grade A offices,


but campaigners are dismayed at the loss of the island's heritage.


This is the area Dandara have their eyes on ` old, worn, empty buildings


` well, apart from some pigdons ` along Jersey's Esplanade.


They wanted to replace it whth this, but it was refused by the Planning


Minister. They have since m`de some modifications and have come up with


this, a slightly smaller six`storey office block. And that has been


given the thumbs up from thd minister. The first science have


been modified successfully `nd I think they pass the objections put


forward. We have taken thesd into account and come up with solething


much more suitable. But not everyone is happy about it.


One campaigner says it does not meet the design guidance set by the


department. One important dhrective is to detect heritage structures.


This project involves demolhshing a listed building. They also dmphasise


the importance of maintaining the character of the area. The building


should be sympathetic to thd urban context. In my view, it is simply


impossible that this building satisfies those objectives. It will


stick out like a sewer from. The planning department says it is


still following the general guidelines for the area and some


listed aspects of the buildhngs will be preserved. But the overall


transformation from old and shabby to chic and shiny is now indvitable


and work could start as early as next month.


Meanwhile in Guernsey, Deputy Lyndon Trott has ruled himself out of next


week's Chief Minister electhons In a statement this morning, hd says he


wants to avoid conflict and believes a sitting minister would be the best


way to achieve this. That ldaves deputies Allister Langlois `nd


Jonathan Le Tocq as the two runners, with nominations closing tolorrow at


5.00pm. Alderney's top civil servant is


resigning. Roy Burke has bedn the States' Chief Executive since April


2010. He previously worked for the UK government's Department of


Transport. He will leave Alderney in June. In a statement, Mr Burke said


the decision to leave had bden difficult and he wished his


successor well. In sport, Guernsey and Jersdy's


cricket teams are in Malaysha this week for the World Cricket League


Division Five tournament. Gternsey face the Cayman Islands and Jersey


kick off their campaign agahnst Nigeria tomorrow morning. The top


two teams at the end of this week's tournament will be promoted to


Division Four. In other sporting feats in warmer


climes than our own, Jersey runner James Manners is training for the


gruelling Marathon Des Sablds. It is a six` day, 156`mile ultra`larathon


across the Sahara Desert. J`mes is taking part to raise money for an


African charity and for what he calls "the ultimate running


challenge". I have done a couple of marathons and a couple of h`lf


marathons. I do like my running This one is the pinnacle of running.


You cannot get any better than this. And good luck to him.


A reminder of tonight's top story again Nick Le Cornu has been voted


in as Deputy of St Helier ntmber one and Sam Mezec as Deputy of St Helier


number two in Jersey's by`elections. Both candidates were standing on a


mandate of electoral reform. The election was called after Ddputies


Trevor and Shona Pitman lost their seats after being declared bankrupt.


Much more of course on that on BBC radio Jersey from six o'clock in the


morning tomorrow. I will leave you with the wdather,


with David Braine. Good night. Good evening. I think we looking


forward to some pretty good weather over the next few days. Two things


happening, a high pressure hs coming our way and two, the temper`tures


are generally on the rise. @ fine start tomorrow, but is a few spots


of drizzle during the afternoon The band of cloud and patchy rahn will


push off tomorrow night. It will leave is fine and dry overnhght The


wind from the south or Southwest. Tomorrow, a good start to the day,


with the best of the sunshine in Jersey. I temperatures of 12


Celsius. Here is the forecast going into the weekend. Still rather


cloudy on Friday, but warm `nd dry come the weekend.


exceed 15 Celsius. The unsettled weather will continue. With more on


that, here is the National forecast. Good evening. I would like to start


by showing you simply haven't seen the quite some


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