07/03/2014 BBC Channel Islands News


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away. That's all from the BBC News at Six. On BBC One, we now join the


Welcome to the programme. Coming up BBC's


Welcome to the programme. Coming up tonight.


The hidden killer. A widow's plea for action on asbestos, aftdr her


husband died of a rare cancdr. I would like people to be aware it


is a silent and hidden killdr. Also ahead: The price of a


university education, and why some islanders will now pay more.


And, from St Ouen to the World Championships. The teenager making


waves in the world of watersports. There are calls this evening for a


change in the law to ban thd importation of asbestos into Jersey.


The material was widely used in the building industry for decadds, but


was banned in many countries when it was linked to forms of cancdr. Some


countries, though, such as China, still use asbestos. And campaigners


say there's little to stop ht coming into the island again. It is illegal


to import the mineral into Guernsey. Louise Walter reports.


Keith Shaw died of peritone`l mesothelioma. It's a rare c`ncer,


commonly caused by exposure to asbestos. He'd worked at Highlands


College, where the buildings have been found to contain asbestos. At


Keith's inquest, the Deputy Viscount didn't directly link his de`th to


his working environment, but did note the correlation between the


cancer and the once common building material. Keith's widow says she


wants people to examine the dangers. I would like people to be aware that


it is a silent and hidden khller. The more where people are, the less


likely people will disturb ht which is a huge risk. And the mord


employers particularly and property owners will take it seriously.


The use of asbestos is now strictly regulated in Jersey, but thdre's no


ban on importing it. The falily s lawyer says that needs to change.


At the moment, Jersey seems to rely upon a ban of importation of


asbestos in the UK and France. It seems to me, given faces such as


China are still manufacturing Aspas DOS goods, we ought to have a law


that says we don't import it. But, with bans on asbestos hn Europe


and many other countries, Jdrsey's Health and Safety Inspector`te says


that would be unnecessary legislation.


There is no legal ban as such but, in effect, because the majority of


imports come from Europe and France where there is legislation, there is


effectively a ban. Environmental Health say such a law


change is not a priority. The department doesn't believe


importation is a problem. Education, Sport and Culture couldn't comment


on the historical concerns of asbestos in Highlands College, but


says asbestos in all states schools building is actively and carefully


managed. Meanwhile, Jersey won't be stepping


up checks on the radioactivd gas radon in local buildings, unless new


evidence from the UK or EU dmerges. Radon occurs naturally in granite,


and levels are considered hhgh in Jersey. This week, the Environment


Scrutiny Panel finished its study of whether the island is responding


properly to the health risks from being exposed to gas. A study found


17% of homes tested containdd high levels of radon.


Next tonight: A victory for Channel Islands students, and their parents.


UK universities have backed down on attempts to charge Islands students


overseas tuition fees. They'll now be charged the same as Brithsh


students. But, as Mike Wilkhns reports, some parents will see costs


rise. Higher education is becoming an


expensive business. It cost the States of Guernsey almost ?6 million


to help its students go onto university last year. For a while,


it looked like the costs were going to rise even further, as Brhtish


universities threatened to class Channel Islanders as overse`s


students. But the islands' dducation bosses have recently made a


breakthrough in their negothations. This is good news for the Channel


Islands. All UK universities have agreed to charge our students the


home tuition fee rate. The only exceptions are Imperial College


which has always been outside the agreement reached with Univdrsities


UK, and continues to charge its own tuition fees. And Cambridge which


insists it will charge our students overseas rates.


However, while lower`income families won't see any difference to States


assistance, it's a different story for students from middle and


higher`income families. The Education Department is increasing


the maximum contribution parents will pay in future, to almost


?9,000, effectively paying `ll the fees for many courses.


It is only the upper middle classes and the wealthy who will be affected


by this. But even they, therefore, if you became a doctor or bdt, they


will still get the extra feds paid by the state as a grant over and


above that ?9,000. So, while it's good news th`t, for


now, Channel Islanders won't be classed as overseas students, the


news isn't so positive for higher`earning families who will


still have to pay more to sdnd their children overseas to university


People in Jersey are paying more than other UK shoppers for products,


9% higher than in the UK. Elsewhere, islanders pay 20% more in housing,


health and education. Meanwhile, Guernsey's Blanchelande


College will start accepting boys for the first next year. Boxs can


currently attend the primarx school. But there's isn't a boys' sdcondary


school offering a Catholic dducation in the island, so the board of


governors has decided to make the college co`educational from


September 2015. The Bishop of Dover says he's


"working out" the right rel`tionship between the Church of England and


the Channel Islands. The Right Reverend Trevor Willmott has been


speaking for the first time since he took up his new role overseding the


Anglican Church in Jersey and Guernsey. The Bishop was asked by


the Archbishop of Canterburx to step in, after the Channel Islands split


from the Diocese of Winchester. Inevitably I shan't carried forward


some of the recommendations but it will be continuing to help the


church to flourish and have good relationships with the world wide


church of which we are part. After the lovely sunshine wd've had


this week many of us have bden looking to the beach.. And one young


islander who always makes the most of Jersey's coast, whatever the


weather, is 17`year`old Aaron Rowe. He's been selected to represent


Great Britain in the Stand`Tp Paddleboard World Championships in


Nicaragua. Jen Smith went along to meet him.


We're used to seeing surfers out enjoying St Ouen's Bay on a sunny


day. But, now, stand`up paddleboarding is becoming one of


the island's fastest growing sports. And a Jerseyman is going to the


sport's World Championships. Aaron, firstly, briefly explain to us what


is paddleboarding, and why do you do it? It is standing on a large surf


board using a single bladed paddle. You can use it as a lever to turn.


What is it about the sport xou like? You can go up if it is windx, flat,


if are waves. You are competing in the surfing and racing in the world


Championships. How do you r`te your chances at the World Championships?


About 50`50. I will have two up my training schedule. How do you train?


It is pretty slack at the moment. If you want to do well, you have to


work on your cardio, your ldg muscles, call body strength. Good


luck. David will have the forecast for us in a moment.


But first, the sport. At the World Cricket League Five


tournament in Malaysia, Jersey have won their second match, while


Guernsey suffered their second defeat. Jersey's win came bx 10


runs against Tanzania. And Guernsey narrowly lost to Nigeria, as their


opponents chased down the t`rget of 192, with just five balls to go


Jersey singer Jamie Lovatt will try and make it through to the next


round of the BBC's The Voicd tomorrow night. Jamie, who went to


Hautlieu School, moved to London to pursue his music career. Two weeks


ago, he was voted into the second round of the competition. J`mie


chose Kaiser Chief frontman Ricky Wilson as his mentor.


I can't tell you who I am p`ired with, what I am singing. We aren't


really told these things until a few days before. We will be putting


their guitar down next time. If you have seen myself before without a


guitar, it could get a little bit dangerous. I am looking forward to


it. I want to obtain the best I can. The manager of the Alderney Wildlife


Trust plans to swim from Alderney to Burhou on Monday, to raise `wareness


of the plight of sea birds killed by the winter storms. Roland G`uvain


says it's been a terrible n`tural tragedy, and he's particularly


concerned about the effect on the Channel Island's puffins. Hd hopes


to see evidence that some are making their summer home on Burhou.


Time now for the weather. Please tell us we are in for a sunny


weekend? Those seed temperatures, 10 degrees,


it is a cold temperature to attempt that swim. We have a lot of mist and


low cloud around now. It will be gone by morning. It is a fe`ture for


overnight but it will move out of the way. By morning, after briefly


some cloud, it improves. Thhs area of low pressure travels all the way


northwards away from us in the next 24 hours. We will see warm


continental air from France drought across as, quite a big improvement.


An improving picture with more sunshine developing. Even though we


may start misty, we should see sunshine eventually. Overnight


temperatures will get down to five degrees. But we will see a fine


start to the day tomorrow, `cross parts of South West England as


well, sunny spells developing. Very quickly, temperatures will rise


Temperatures up to about 15 degrees. But we may see 16 somewhere on the


north coast of Guernsey. We continue fine weather as we move into


Sunday. Sunday, although thdre will be a fair of Cloud overnight,


briefly first thing in the lorning, another fine and warm day,


temperatures getting back up to even 17 degrees. We are looking `t some


fine, warm weather over the next few days. A bit more of a breezd is


developing from the south, ` breezy day tomorrow. On Sunday, thd breeze


will ease a little. The find weather continues into next week. Some


stubborn cloud around on Monday Cloudy and grey briefly in the


morning. A dry story all thd way through to Tuesday next week. It


will probably last all the way into Thursday.


Seaside towns around the Sotth West are to get cash injections from the


Big Lottery's Coastal Communities Fund in order to create new projects


and safeguard jobs. St Ives in Cornwall will get ?500,000 for a


water sports centre, Minehe`d in Somerset ?300, 000 for a tr`ining


and skills hotel and Weymouth in Dorset will be given ?650,000 for


two nature reserves. EXETER Projects in Devon have been awarded


the largest share, with just over ?2 million for two schemes ` a ?1. m


arts and enterprise centre hn Teignmouth and ?300,000 for a


Jurassic Coast visitor centre in Seaton. Spotlight's Hamish Larshall


reports. No wonder they were celebrating in


Teignmouth today. After years of campaigning, local arts will have a


new home. The Carlton Theatre will be knocked down and replaced with a


new multi`purpose centre. If you take a look at the outside ht is


deteriorating. People think it is closed, so a brand`new building on


the seafront is bound to attract people. The ?1.75 million from the


coastal communities fund colpletes the funding needed for the new


facility. It'll provide a 200`seated auditorium, a work hub of ehght


separate rooms and exhibition space. This building will bring a of new


businesses into the area. Epually, the businesses need the colour of


the arts. If you look at all the major events in the UK, the arts


have always been prominent. A few miles east, as the crows flhes, and


you have the Jurassic coast. It attracts hundreds of thousands of


visitors, and Seaton with its shops, restaurant, pubs and bed and


breakfasts, is hoping to cash in on that. Soon this site of a former


holiday camp will start turning into Seaton Jurassic, the biggest visitor


centre on the World Heritagd site. Those behind the scheme say it'll


create 12 full time jobs and indirectly create another 100.


Whilst the core benefit will be generated here, the area around


here, be at the local self`catering cottages and hotels, we havd a plan


where we can deliver one hotel in the area. That'll be underphnned by


an extra visitors we get in. Todays grant was for ?300,000. It's hoped


the centre, run by the Devon Wildlife Trust, will attract up to


70,000 visitors a year for ` hands on experience. It is import`nt.


There is a lot more interaction these days. There is more touch and


feel. That is where we have to be when we develop the centre. Building


work, both here and Teignmotth, should start later this year.


In a huge weekend for the Exeter Chiefs, not only do they have two


England players in action ` Tom Johnson and Jack Nowell ` they also


have an Anglo`Welsh Cup semhfinal against Bath. This year has seen the


club's academy produce a nulber of first team players. Andy Birkett has


been along to meet a few of the new stars.


They have only been waiting in the wings a short time, but now they are


taking centre stage. Sam Hill and others are on up. The systel is


working. We identified guys from 13 years onwards. We get them from


schools and centres in Cornwall The guys have potential and where card


and they will come through. And the Jack Nowell he has made the step


from junior to senior level in six months. I had a massive year and it


is good to see someone I pl`yed with going on to do such good thhngs We


said when we joined it would be special for the one day when we are


playing together. We are getting there now. I was hoping to get some


time but I didn't expect to play as much as I have. It is unbelhevable.


It gives you a buzz. Nominated for the award, his ambition is to join


Jack Nowell on the stage. It has been my ambition to favour Dngland.


I was a bit disappointed I didn t. I have to work on my set piecd stuff


and get that solid and then hopefully impress and go through.


These guys are now played England. There are the players we wotld like


in a year or five years timd to push on the whole ethos of the club. We


have some strong players coling through. If we can keep devdloping


them and improving them, thdre is a good future for sure.


On to football, and some sax this is the business end of the season. Here


in the South West, it promises to be an interesting few weeks ahdad.


Spotlight's Dave Gibbins reports. The pot is starting to simmdring


nicely. There is a time Yeovil Town could remain a championship club


after going four games without defeat, including a draw at Reading


last week. If they keep that run going by beating Sheffield Wednesday


they could climb out of the relegation zone. The job Gary has


done is unbelievable. We have that fighting spirit. It remains to be


seen whether we can do... Fhnish the job off, which I believe we can


Plymouth Argyle have come from nowhere to get two points whthin the


play`offs. That is because of a three match winning run. Thd last


games have produced nine go`ls. That included this 5`0 hammering. Since I


have come back from injury H've been playing well. The whole teal is


playing well and scoring go`ls. I'm just trying to do my best for the


team and hopefully get the three points. Exeter will have to sharpen


up in front of goal. They whll have to claim their first win at home


since October, but they will look below them in the league. It is


looking grim for Torquay Unhted They are seven points away from


safety. They haven't won in five league games, and tomorrow they face


one of the play`off contenddrs, Fleetwood Town.


You can follow your team on BBC Radio Devon and BBC Somerset along


with updates on the BBC Sport website.


Now to a story which has already got a lot of people talking across the


South West today. We need your help to solve a mystery. Following our


series last week about the hmpact of the First World War on the region,


we were contacted by a viewdr who'd found two diaries written bx a South


West soldier. I have been t`king a look at the diaries to see hf we can


track down the family of thd man who wrote them.


The diaries cover the period from September 1915 to July 1918. Herbert


Cecil Elgar was heading with the first Devon Royal Yeomanry to


Gallipoli. They sailed from Liverpool, and on 25th of Sdptember


he writes, all aboard, we'rd in high spirits and we were escorted by


three destroyers. Soon saw the last of dear old England. Valerid Harper


came across thr diaries aftdr they were found in the roof of hdr


previous home in Plymouth. Ht is just so incredibly well written and


a lot of it is by pen and ink, so how they managed to do that under


the conditions. It is so gr`phic and beautiful really. By Novembdr 1 15,


Herbert and his comrades were under heavy shelling from the Turkish On


the ninth he wrote, my birthday Reached my coming of age. Btt two


days later it seems the shelling intensified. He writes, our best


officer Captain Teddy Hain, from St Ives in Cornwall, was killed. His


death cast gloom over the whole regiment. The cold weather soon


played havoc with Herbert's health. November 28, 1915. Still frdezing,


especially my poor feet. I can't feel them at all. Oh for a little


warmth. By Christmas Day, hd was in Alexandria, in Egypt. This hs entry


for the 25th. Thought a lot about home. Feed decidedly better, never


do I want frostbite again. Had dinner of boiled beef. I'm hn tears


reading them. The hardships they went through. It is just awful. And


I kind of fell in love with this guy. I thought he was so am`zing


how, with all this awful sttff going on, they still managed to fhnd


things of interest and other things. Indeed there were lighter moments.


He describes taking it bet with a friend over whether there wdre more


acres of land in Yorkshire than words in the Bible. He appe`rs to


have spent most of 1917 in Palestine, where the death toll


continued to rise. On April 21 he wrote, Mitchell died of wounds, very


sorry. He came from Bodmin. By 918 he is in France, and in the middle


of the year receives some good news. The entry for June 30th records


going on leave today. Bit excited. By two July he is back in the


south`west, then writes, delighted to meet Father and the girls at the


station. `` July the 2nd. On six July he describes a day out in


Plymouth. Lunch at Colliers. Tea at Goodbody's. On the 14th he wrote,


packing to go back to Francd. And that is the last thing he wrote in


the diary. I would like to know what happened to the chap, because it


suddenly comes to an abrupt end So for my own interest, I would like to


know what happened to the chap, and I would love them to go back to


their family. Do you know the family? Valdrie has


let me look after the diarids and I've taken them home this wdek. They


are fascinating read. If yot can help us, get in touch by e`lailing


or even drop me a line. Thanks to everyone who has got in touch. He


did survive the war. We would like to please the rest of his story We


will let you know how we get on Time for the weather. David, talk of


sunshine. It can't be true? I've waited four months to tell xou on


Friday we have a dry weekend. We have some fine weather to look


forward to. We may get 17 ddgrees on the north coast. Some mist `nd low


cloud but that will go away. It is much warmer temperatures up to


figures. Most weekends we h`ve been looking at wet and with the that


Ratko windy weather, but warmer is coming in from Spain. It's lore of a


breeze tomorrow, but that whll help lift those temperatures and after a


misty start it should improve. By the time you get a Sunday there s


not much change. One week sxstem is bringing us more cloud, espdcially


on Sunday. There will be just a cue light showers. Find this evdning,


and we have had some gloriots sunshine today `` fine this


evening. We did have some bdautiful weather at this beach. BC is a bit


chilly `` the sea. It has bden studied by those big waves, so some


pretty chilly conditions. On the north coast it will be pleasantly


warm. It will be like spring. Later on tonight, all the cloud that has


been sitting in the English Channel will gradually drift back across


us, so many others waken up to a disappointing start. It is listy and


great and there may be some spit of drizzle. Don't be too downhdarted,


because it will improve in the morning. Overnight haemorrh`ges of


four degrees. After a great start `` overnight temperatures. We could


easily see temperatures of 04 to 15 degrees, possibly a 16 or 17


degrees. That is the forecast for the Isles of Scilly. A cloudy start


and fine and dry. Don't expdct it to be sunny all day. Perhaps more black


cloud appearing later in thd day. These are the times of high water.


The waves on huge but some clean, usable safe. Bigger waves on Sunday,


especially along the north coast. That is a dry forecast for fought


days. We haven't seen that for several months. Enjoyed that


sunshine. That is all from ts tonight. That is the last spotlight


from the studio for the timd being. This has been our home for lany


years. It is home to many dhfferent programmes. These set the Stnday


Politics show is still in a studio at the moment, with a progr`mme


this Sunday. We are moving to Tenby Studios for the next few months


while this one is refurbishdd `` temporary studios. A refurbhshment


is long overdue. We will be in a new studio on Monday. Hopefully you


won't see too many changes. Have a good night.


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