07/03/2014 BBC London News


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Good evening. The Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Bernard


Hogan`Howe, has tonight received the backing of London's mayor to


re`build the reputation of the force. Boris Johnson says the


commissioner is right to be ruthless in pursuing all suggestions of past


misconduct and corruption. Well, a case in which Scotland Yard has


faced those claims of corruption involves the death of Daniel Morgan


in south`east London in 1987. His brother has told BBC London he has


no faith in the forced to get to the truth of the investigation.


The lesson report reveals two police scandals, spying and corruption.


Both are linked to police investigations into the murder of


Stephen Lawrence. As a further inquiry was announced, the Home


Secretary also highlighted another case. The Ellison Review port also


refers to the possible links between an allegedly corrupt officer


involved in the Stephen Lawrence case and the investigation into the


murder of Daniel Morgan. What are the possible links between an


allegedly corrupt police officer and the investigation into the murder of


Daniel Morgan? That 37`year`old from Wales was a private investigator. In


1987, his family claim he was on the verge of exposing police corruption.


He was found with an axe in his head in this car park in south`east


London. His murder has never been solved. An independent judge let


panel of experts is examining claims lease corruption prevented a


conviction. The head of the panel 's findings, the Ellison Review port


highlights that officers under suspicions of corruption were


connected to the Daniel Morgan murder investigation. I believe


there was police involvement in the cover`up of my brother's murder. He


was very concerned about lease corruption. He was talking to people


about it. For nearly three decades, his family have campaigned for


whoever killed him to be brought to justice. He was murdered six years


before Stephen Lawrence, a murder that has exposed racism, spying and


corruption in the force. The Met Police have also admitted that they


failed to face up to the corruption in my brother's murder. If this had


been dealt with properly at the time, as it deserved to be, then


there might have been a completely different outcome in the earlier


Lawrence inquiry is. The Home Secretary says she believes the


inquiry into Daniel Morgan's murder may reveal more corruption. Time and


time again I have tried to place my confidence in the police. It is


always another detail you find out. You think, Jesus. If you ask if I


have any confidence in the police, I don't. The Met Police say they are


devastated by the findings of the Ellison Review port. Now they must


rebuild public trust, an overwhelming task as more


revelations are likely to emerge `` the Ellison Review. Yesterday, the


Home Secretary said there were links between his death and an allegedly


corrupt Metropolitan Police detective involved in the Lawrence


case. A worker has been killed at one of


the Crossrail construction sites in Central London. The man who was 43


sustained head injuries in a tunnel at Holborn early this morning when a


piece of concrete fell on him. It's the first fatality on the project


which is due to finish in four years' time.


In a world first, London's streets are to get what's called intelligent


pedestrian crossings. They can detect how many people are waiting


to cross a road and then change the lights accordingly. Here's our


transport correspondent, Tom Edwards.


They are usually busy and crowded, and sometimes cueing means it can be


a rush to get across the capital's roads safely. Do you feel rushed?


They did not give you enough time? It could be longer. I do not ever


access it until it says go across. You have got to get the timing


right? Yes. This is the latest idea. If there is a crowd, smart


traffic lights can lengthen the crossing time. As we understand more


about the pedestrians, we can balance it with the traffic. A more


even split between getting people across the road and moving the


traffic efficiently. Traffic lights have come a long way. In the 1930s,


this is what greeted pedestrians. Now they use cameras. This


technology originated in the supermarkets where it was used to


track the movements of customers. This is a world first. What happens


in London is often copied around the world. Eventually, the system will


be able to keep lights green for motorists if a pedestrian pushes the


button and walks away. Will it mean longer waits for drivers?


Potentially. But that would be in a scenario where it would be a fair


outcome. If you have 200 people waiting to cross the road, it would


not be fair for the two people in cars to hold them up. The trial


starts in the summer. It is all part of using technology to try and get


more capacity out of the capital's roads.


For years passengers have seen the former Eurostar platforms at


Waterloo standing empty. But from May, they'll be back in regular use.


Today, the first of a fleet of refurbished trains departed on a


demonstration run to Berkshire. More than 100 extra carriages will be


introduced over the next year, allowing thousands of extra


passengers to travel at peak times. Every platform at Waterloo requires


to be used at 100% in the morning and evening peak times. If anything


goes wrong, it has a big impact on passengers and trains. By having a


spare platform, by having a little bit more capacity, it allows us to


provide a bit more resilience. That's it from me for tonight. We'll


be back with the weekend news tomorrow afternoon. But now the


weather forecast from Sara. Another beautiful day in prospect


for tomorrow and right the way through the weekend. There is no


rain in the forecast for the next few days. We will have plenty of


sunshine. Quite a bit of cloud around first thing tomorrow morning.


It is short lived. By the middle part of the morning, it is pulling


off nicely. Nice sunshine for the rest of the afternoon. We will do it


all again on Sunday too. Plenty of sunshine. A bit of a chilly start


first thing. We will continue with the sunshine and it could be even


warmer as we go through. Something like 17, maybe 18 degrees. More on


that in just a few minutes with the National forecast. London's outlook,


plenty of sunshine. Hello. You have got to love the


British weather. For a time this afternoon, it felt like we had


skipped ahead a couple of months as temperatures reached 17 degrees


across parts of southern England. That is the average for the middle


of May. Across Scotland, stepping back into winter. Snow flurries in


Edinburgh. It is going to change back the other way as we going to


the weekend. This weather front is set to push north taking Miles right


across the UK. -- mild air. Some fog on the leading edge across southern


counties of England. That will lift as the wind freshens. The cold air


will give way across Scotland and bring snow. By 9am Saturday morning,


it is just rain. They wet start to the day. Some shelter around


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