Browse content similar to 15/02/2018. Check below for episodes and series from the same categories and more!
Line | From | To | |
A gunman is in police custody
in Florida after killing at least 17 | 0:00:06 | 0:00:09 | |
students and teachers
at his former school. | 0:00:09 | 0:00:14 | |
Panic as pupils tried
to flee to safety - | 0:00:14 | 0:00:17 | |
some in the building hid under
desks, and barricaded doors | 0:00:17 | 0:00:19 | |
as loud shots rang out. | 0:00:19 | 0:00:24 | |
Then all of a sudden we hear one
of our student Government teachers | 0:00:24 | 0:00:28 | |
say "Run as fast as you can",
and we hear a gunshot. | 0:00:28 | 0:00:30 | |
The gunman, 19-year-old
Nikolas Cruz, is charged with 17 | 0:00:30 | 0:00:33 | |
counts of premeditated murder. | 0:00:33 | 0:00:37 | |
You come to the conclusion that this
is absolutely pure evil. | 0:00:37 | 0:00:44 | |
We'll have all the latest -
and asking what it will take for any | 0:00:44 | 0:00:47 | |
change in America's gun laws. | 0:00:47 | 0:00:53 | |
Cyril Ramaphosa has been elected
President of South Africa - | 0:00:53 | 0:00:56 | |
he replaces Jacob Zuma,
who resigned last night. | 0:00:56 | 0:01:03 | |
A rip-off - MPs are scathing
about financial advisers mis-selling | 0:01:07 | 0:01:10 | |
new products to members
of British Steel's pension scheme. | 0:01:10 | 0:01:12 | |
It it may highlight the fact
for other pension schemes | 0:01:12 | 0:01:14 | |
in the future, and this may not
happen on this scale again, | 0:01:14 | 0:01:17 | |
hopefully it doesn't,
but that's little comfort to people | 0:01:17 | 0:01:19 | |
like myself, you know. | 0:01:19 | 0:01:25 | |
And a strong start for Dom Parsons
in the skeleton. | 0:01:25 | 0:01:28 | |
And a strong start for
Dom Parsons in the skeleton. | 0:01:28 | 0:01:31 | |
And coming up in the
sport on BBC News. | 0:01:31 | 0:01:33 | |
All the latest from Pyeongchang,
as Britian's curlers | 0:01:33 | 0:01:36 | |
continue their campaign on the ice
hoping for more | 0:01:36 | 0:01:37 | |
round robin victories. | 0:01:37 | 0:01:45 | |
Good afternoon and welcome
to the BBC News at One. | 0:02:00 | 0:02:03 | |
Police in Florida have charged a
19-year-old man with 17 counts | 0:02:03 | 0:02:05 | |
of premeditated murder,
after a mass shooting | 0:02:05 | 0:02:08 | |
at a high school. | 0:02:08 | 0:02:12 | |
The gunman, Nikolas Cruz,
was a former pupil at the school | 0:02:12 | 0:02:14 | |
who'd been expelled. | 0:02:14 | 0:02:15 | |
Witnesses said Cruz set off a fire
alarm, and shot at people | 0:02:15 | 0:02:18 | |
as they left the building. | 0:02:18 | 0:02:20 | |
It was the eighteenth
shooting incident in a US | 0:02:20 | 0:02:23 | |
school so far this year. | 0:02:23 | 0:02:24 | |
A warning - you may find some
of the images in Neda Tawfik's | 0:02:24 | 0:02:27 | |
report distressing. | 0:02:27 | 0:02:34 | |
Running for their lives these panics
students fled as fast as they could. | 0:02:34 | 0:02:38 | |
Others sheltered inside. These were
the terrifying sounds from one of | 0:02:38 | 0:02:45 | |
America's classroom, the gunman
struck moments at the end of the | 0:02:45 | 0:02:48 | |
school day. Police have identified
him as Nicholas Cruz, he arrived | 0:02:48 | 0:02:54 | |
heavily armed with a semi automatic
rifle and ammunition. | 0:02:54 | 0:03:00 | |
It is now understood that this was a
well planned plot to maximise the | 0:03:00 | 0:03:04 | |
loss of life. The shooter set off
the fire alarm to draw the children | 0:03:04 | 0:03:10 | |
out of their classrooms. As the
attack unfolded children hid in | 0:03:10 | 0:03:16 | |
cupboards and barricaded doors He
went up a down the hallway, he shot | 0:03:16 | 0:03:22 | |
through my door and broke the
window. As soon as the fire alarm | 0:03:22 | 0:03:28 | |
got pulled I heard five pops. We
hear one of our student Government | 0:03:28 | 0:03:33 | |
teachers say, run as fast as you
can, we hear a gunshot. | 0:03:33 | 0:03:38 | |
17 children and teachers were
killed. More than a dozen were | 0:03:38 | 0:03:41 | |
injured and are being treated in
local hospitals. | 0:03:41 | 0:03:47 | |
We are furious, how cold this happen
in this country, in this state? This | 0:03:47 | 0:03:51 | |
is a state that is focussed on
keeping our children safe, you come | 0:03:51 | 0:03:56 | |
to to conclusion this is just
absolutely pure evil. | 0:03:56 | 0:04:02 | |
This state is not tolerate violence,
we have law enforcement that will | 0:04:02 | 0:04:06 | |
show up to defend our safety.
Cruz tried to escape by blending in | 0:04:06 | 0:04:12 | |
with students fleeing the school.
But he was later arrested without | 0:04:12 | 0:04:16 | |
incident in a nearby town.
Authorities are beginning to piece | 0:04:16 | 0:04:21 | |
together his possible motives. He
was expelled last year and students | 0:04:21 | 0:04:26 | |
described him as troubled.
He carried gun, he showed me them. I | 0:04:26 | 0:04:32 | |
saw what guns he has, he showed me
personally, the kids wouldn't pick | 0:04:32 | 0:04:39 | |
on him because they were scared.
This is one of the safest cities in | 0:04:39 | 0:04:43 | |
the country but that didn't stop it
from becoming the 18th school | 0:04:43 | 0:04:46 | |
shooting this year, the question
that seemingly everyone in the | 0:04:46 | 0:04:50 | |
nation is now asking, is whether
this is the new normal? In | 0:04:50 | 0:04:55 | |
Washington, there was them passioned
plea on the floor of the Senate from | 0:04:55 | 0:05:00 | |
a Senator whose state includes the
Sane hook elementary school where | 0:05:00 | 0:05:05 | |
childrens were shot and killed just
over five years ago. This happens | 0:05:05 | 0:05:10 | |
nowhere else, other than in the
United States. This epidemic of mass | 0:05:10 | 0:05:20 | |
slaughter, this scourge of school
shooting after school shooting. It | 0:05:20 | 0:05:26 | |
only happens here not because of
coincidence, not because of bad | 0:05:26 | 0:05:33 | |
luck, but as a consequence of our
inaction. We are responsible. | 0:05:33 | 0:05:41 | |
Tales of heroism are emerging from
the tragedy. Tragedy. A football | 0:05:41 | 0:05:45 | |
coach is said to have shielded
children as the gunman fired. | 0:05:45 | 0:05:49 | |
He did not survive his injuries.
With each new shooting there is the | 0:05:49 | 0:05:58 | |
inevitable debate on gun ownership
in America. Yet this country is more | 0:05:58 | 0:06:02 | |
divided than ever on how to stop
this problem. | 0:06:02 | 0:06:07 | |
this problem. | 0:06:07 | 0:06:09 | |
David Willis is in Washington. | 0:06:09 | 0:06:12 | |
Let us consider the weapon used by
this former pupil of the school, a | 0:06:12 | 0:06:18 | |
semi automatic gun. Absolutely, the
weapon in question, very much the | 0:06:18 | 0:06:24 | |
weapon of choice for mass shootings
here in the United States. And this | 0:06:24 | 0:06:31 | |
weapon, the AR15, easier to obtain
in Florida, a state with very | 0:06:31 | 0:06:35 | |
liberal gun control laws, than a
handgun, but, as much as the weapon | 0:06:35 | 0:06:41 | |
itself, it seems that the gunman's
knowledge of the lie of land as a | 0:06:41 | 0:06:45 | |
former pupil at this school, that
seems to have been crucial as well | 0:06:45 | 0:06:49 | |
here, not only did he know where to
find his victim, he knew how the | 0:06:49 | 0:06:55 | |
fire alarm system operated, and it
has been reported that he actually | 0:06:55 | 0:07:00 | |
activated it in order to lure pupils
out and into his path, and of course | 0:07:00 | 0:07:04 | |
he knew as well, how to blend into
the crowd, and make his escape. | 0:07:04 | 0:07:10 | |
And David, is there any sign that
this latest incident. The 18th | 0:07:10 | 0:07:14 | |
shooting in a school this year, is
this any sign that is going to | 0:07:14 | 0:07:18 | |
change the debate on gun laws? Well,
one indication of that perhaps lies | 0:07:18 | 0:07:25 | |
with President Trump's tweet in the
last hour, and he said so many signs | 0:07:25 | 0:07:30 | |
that the Florida shooter was
mentally disturbed, everyone | 0:07:30 | 0:07:34 | |
expelled from school for bad
behaviour, neighbours and classmates | 0:07:34 | 0:07:37 | |
knew he was a big problem, must
always report incidents to the | 0:07:37 | 0:07:43 | |
authorities again and again, no
mention of the need for tougher gun | 0:07:43 | 0:07:48 | |
control laws here, it is interesting
to note that President Trump | 0:07:48 | 0:07:52 | |
received the early endorsement in
his run for President from the | 0:07:52 | 0:07:55 | |
national rifle association, which is
of course one of the most powerful | 0:07:55 | 0:07:59 | |
lobby gruers here in the US. Last
night just after news of this | 0:07:59 | 0:08:07 | |
shooting started to emerge, one
Congressman said simply America is | 0:08:07 | 0:08:12 | |
in thrall to the NRA as he put it.
Don't expect any changes in this | 0:08:12 | 0:08:17 | |
country's gun control laws any time
soon. | 0:08:17 | 0:08:22 | |
David, many thanks. | 0:08:22 | 0:08:23 | |
David, many thanks. | 0:08:23 | 0:08:25 | |
Cyril Ramaphosa has been elected
President of South Africa. | 0:08:25 | 0:08:27 | |
This is the moment in the last hour
when the former anti-apartheid | 0:08:27 | 0:08:30 | |
activist was confirmed in the role. | 0:08:30 | 0:08:31 | |
Mr Ramaphosa replaces Jacob Zuma,
who resigned last night | 0:08:31 | 0:08:33 | |
following pressure from his party
over numerous | 0:08:33 | 0:08:35 | |
corruption allegations. | 0:08:35 | 0:08:43 | |
I declare Cyril Ramaphosa is dually
elected President of the republic of | 0:08:43 | 0:08:47 | |
South Africa. | 0:08:47 | 0:08:50 | |
Mr Ramaphosa replaces Jacob Zuma,
who resigned last night | 0:08:50 | 0:08:52 | |
following pressure from his party
over numerous | 0:08:52 | 0:08:54 | |
corruption allegations. | 0:08:54 | 0:08:55 | |
Our correspondent Pumza Filhani
is in Johannesburg. | 0:08:55 | 0:09:01 | |
Cyril Ramaphosa elected unopposed.
Describe the atmosphere as South | 0:09:01 | 0:09:05 | |
Africa entering this new phase. I
think if will is one word for it it | 0:09:05 | 0:09:12 | |
would be expectancy, there is a
sense something good is about to | 0:09:12 | 0:09:16 | |
happen in South Africa again. Listen
to opposition parties congratulating | 0:09:16 | 0:09:20 | |
the President there on his election,
they congratulated him but also | 0:09:20 | 0:09:23 | |
reminded him on the side of that
that while he does have their | 0:09:23 | 0:09:27 | |
support, this isn't a blank cheque.
There is much work to be done, but a | 0:09:27 | 0:09:31 | |
big sense that the right man is in
the right seat, finally, and that he | 0:09:31 | 0:09:35 | |
is somebody that will be able to
drive growth here in South Africa, | 0:09:35 | 0:09:39 | |
that will be able to return jobs in
South Africa, that will also just be | 0:09:39 | 0:09:47 | |
able to put finally stomp out
corruption or create a culture where | 0:09:47 | 0:09:52 | |
it seems corruption will be dealt
with. OK. Thank you very much | 0:09:52 | 0:09:56 | |
indeed. | 0:09:56 | 0:10:01 | |
Thank you very much indeed. | 0:10:01 | 0:10:03 | |
The jury has returned more verdicts
in the trial of the former | 0:10:03 | 0:10:06 | |
football coach Barry Bennell
at Liverpool Crown Court. | 0:10:06 | 0:10:08 | |
Danny Savage is there. | 0:10:08 | 0:10:12 | |
Danny, tell us what has happened.
Yes, in the last few minutes many | 0:10:12 | 0:10:20 | |
case may sound familiar, the juries
have been going through the | 0:10:20 | 0:10:25 | |
deliberations in this trial, they
came back with 36 verdicts of guilty | 0:10:25 | 0:10:28 | |
a couple of days ago, they were sent
away by the judge to consider a | 0:10:28 | 0:10:31 | |
majority verdict on the rest of the
challenges, seven of them, and this | 0:10:31 | 0:10:36 | |
morning and this afternoon, within
the last few minutes they have come | 0:10:36 | 0:10:39 | |
back with the rest, saying that
Barry Bennell is guilty of those | 0:10:39 | 0:10:44 | |
crimes, this trial centred on 11 men
who were boys backs in the late 70s | 0:10:44 | 0:10:50 | |
and 80 when they were abused by
Barry Bennell and this case has | 0:10:50 | 0:10:55 | |
finished with the jury returning all
the verdicts. | 0:10:55 | 0:11:01 | |
A charismatic and talented coach who
held the keys to the footballing | 0:11:01 | 0:11:04 | |
world. | 0:11:04 | 0:11:08 | |
Barry Bennell surrounded himself
with young boys. He was allowed | 0:11:14 | 0:11:20 | |
unfettered access to a large number
of boys who we was coaching, they | 0:11:20 | 0:11:25 | |
were staying with him at weekends,
over school holiday, going abroad on | 0:11:25 | 0:11:31 | |
football coaching trips. These were
little boys who wanted to play | 0:11:31 | 0:11:36 | |
football and when you hear them
giving their evidence at court, they | 0:11:36 | 0:11:40 | |
are little boys again and they are
waiting for him to say sorry. | 0:11:40 | 0:11:46 | |
Burnell has been convicted of child
sex offences when in November 2016 | 0:11:46 | 0:11:50 | |
fresh allegations emerged.
In interviews on this programme two | 0:11:50 | 0:11:55 | |
more former footballer... This
programme eventually ended up as | 0:11:55 | 0:11:59 | |
evidence in court. By youth coach
Barry Bennell. | 0:11:59 | 0:12:04 | |
As more claims were made, Ben Nel
moved out of his home, was found | 0:12:04 | 0:12:10 | |
unconscious as a hotel and then
detailed and charged by police. He | 0:12:10 | 0:12:17 | |
was interviewed 30 time, on one
occasion described how the sickening | 0:12:17 | 0:12:21 | |
abuse would begin. | 0:12:21 | 0:12:28 | |
He has presented throughout the
interviews as somebody that is | 0:12:46 | 0:12:49 | |
completely different to the
suffering he has caused and not once | 0:12:49 | 0:12:52 | |
has he shown one bit of empathy or
remorse to these victims and to what | 0:12:52 | 0:12:56 | |
he has put them through. What sort
of man is he? Cruel. And selfish. | 0:12:56 | 0:13:02 | |
The only person that matters to
Barry Bennell is Barry Bennell. | 0:13:02 | 0:13:07 | |
With dreams of becoming a
professional footballer, and | 0:13:07 | 0:13:11 | |
promises of the newest and best kit,
Barry Bennell lured his victims to | 0:13:11 | 0:13:17 | |
his homes here in Derbyshire and
elsewhere. Described as an alland's | 0:13:17 | 0:13:24 | |
cave for young boys, they provided a
haven for the predatory and | 0:13:24 | 0:13:29 | |
devolution views Barry Bennell to
abuse. He never told his side of the | 0:13:29 | 0:13:32 | |
story in court. Neither did he face
his accusers, appearing by videolink | 0:13:32 | 0:13:37 | |
because of poor health. He watched
on, smirking according to one of the | 0:13:37 | 0:13:42 | |
victim, as they recounted their
horrific story, of what he did to | 0:13:42 | 0:13:46 | |
them. Another said he knew of four
players coached by Barry Bennell who | 0:13:46 | 0:13:51 | |
had taken their own live, including
the former Wales manager Gary Speed. | 0:13:51 | 0:13:56 | |
Barry Bennell's lawyer questioned
the accusers' motives, suggesting | 0:13:56 | 0:14:01 | |
they were out for financial gain but
now more than 20 years after his | 0:14:01 | 0:14:06 | |
first conviction Barry Bennell has
been found guilty for a fourth time | 0:14:06 | 0:14:10 | |
of abusing young boys. A serial
child abuser who exploited a system, | 0:14:10 | 0:14:17 | |
his position, and young footballers'
dreams. | 0:14:17 | 0:14:25 | |
This trial heard that Barry Bennell
was a child molest the on an | 0:14:25 | 0:14:29 | |
industrial scale. The BBC
understands as well as the victims | 0:14:29 | 0:14:32 | |
in this trial, that this case
centred on a total of 98 people have | 0:14:32 | 0:14:37 | |
now come forward, to say they were
abused by Barry Bennell, his victims | 0:14:37 | 0:14:42 | |
were mainly young footballers in the
youth set up of Manchester City and | 0:14:42 | 0:14:46 | |
Crewe as this trial heard. What
about the wider implications for | 0:14:46 | 0:14:49 | |
football and sport? Sport? From
althose events years ago, our Sports | 0:14:49 | 0:14:54 | |
Editor has been looking at the
background to this. | 0:14:54 | 0:15:01 | |
Barry Bennell worked with some of
the top clubs in the north-west of | 0:15:05 | 0:15:10 | |
England, identifying and developing
the most promising young players. We | 0:15:10 | 0:15:14 | |
do a lot of talking to them, showing
them skills and explaining the game. | 0:15:14 | 0:15:18 | |
There is more to it than just coming
here for an hour a week. We give | 0:15:18 | 0:15:24 | |
them homework. But Barry Bennell was
also a serial paedophile. Gary Cliff | 0:15:24 | 0:15:30 | |
was one victim, abused by his former
coach when playing for junior teams | 0:15:30 | 0:15:35 | |
linked to Manchester city. Every
school holiday, Christmas time, and | 0:15:35 | 0:15:39 | |
this is over a four to five year
period. He ruined our lives, | 0:15:39 | 0:15:44 | |
numerous lives. I know because I was
there. Hundreds of boys lives. They | 0:15:44 | 0:15:49 | |
are mothers -- he should never see
the light of day again. Manchester | 0:15:49 | 0:15:56 | |
City say they are investigating but
Gary co clip insists some people at | 0:15:56 | 0:16:01 | |
the club would have known about the
behaviour. They knew who he was but | 0:16:01 | 0:16:05 | |
they allowed it to continue. Barry
Bennell's relationship with | 0:16:05 | 0:16:11 | |
Manchester City remains unclear but
we've obtained what is believed to | 0:16:11 | 0:16:15 | |
be a business card the coach handed
to young players and their parents, | 0:16:15 | 0:16:19 | |
describing himself as a club
representative. If this is what it | 0:16:19 | 0:16:23 | |
appears to be, it may show how
Manchester City -- Barry Bannan used | 0:16:23 | 0:16:27 | |
Manchester City's name. Simon
Cousins was a board director at | 0:16:27 | 0:16:33 | |
Manchester city at the time. Could
more have been done, do you think, | 0:16:33 | 0:16:37 | |
to pay more attention to the young
players and how they were being | 0:16:37 | 0:16:43 | |
treated? With hindsight, the answer
is yes, but... Did anybody read it | 0:16:43 | 0:16:50 | |
at the time? Or know about it? No.
Simon Cousins died last year before | 0:16:50 | 0:16:59 | |
Manchester City spoke to him as part
of their enquiry. Barry Bennell was | 0:16:59 | 0:17:02 | |
most closely linked with Corel
Alexander Hamilton Smith was the | 0:17:02 | 0:17:08 | |
managing director at the time and he
says that, after being made aware of | 0:17:08 | 0:17:13 | |
concerns and rumours about Barry
Bennell's behaviour, he raised the | 0:17:13 | 0:17:16 | |
issue in a board meeting but the
coach was allowed to stay for three | 0:17:16 | 0:17:19 | |
more years. I find it difficult to
believe that, with all of the banter | 0:17:19 | 0:17:25 | |
that was going on, all that was
happening, the special board meeting | 0:17:25 | 0:17:29 | |
we have, and they are still saying
they didn't know something was going | 0:17:29 | 0:17:33 | |
on. I went to the FA to talk to them
about my concerns and ended up | 0:17:33 | 0:17:39 | |
getting a dear John letter. Which
said, they'd investigated and found | 0:17:39 | 0:17:47 | |
nothing to be answered. Everybody
involved could have done, and should | 0:17:47 | 0:17:55 | |
have done a lot more. The then
manager, Dario Roddy, was one of | 0:17:55 | 0:18:02 | |
those who Smith says was aware of
general concerns about Barry | 0:18:02 | 0:18:06 | |
Bennell's behaviour. Now director of
football, he denies having had any | 0:18:06 | 0:18:10 | |
knowledge of Barry Bennell's crimes,
but he was suspended by the FA in | 0:18:10 | 0:18:14 | |
2016. Crewe also say they were
unaware of Barry Bennell's behaviour | 0:18:14 | 0:18:21 | |
before his first conviction in 1994,
when he was jailed in Florida. It | 0:18:21 | 0:18:25 | |
may seem hard to believe now but, in
the 1990s when Barry Bennell was | 0:18:25 | 0:18:30 | |
convicted, the story seems to have
made little impression, either on | 0:18:30 | 0:18:34 | |
football or wider society, but in
late 2016 another former victim at | 0:18:34 | 0:18:40 | |
Crewe started arguably the biggest
crisis the British game has ever | 0:18:40 | 0:18:44 | |
seen. First, former Crewe player
Andy Woodward spoke out about the | 0:18:44 | 0:18:48 | |
abuse he suffered at the hands of
Barry Bennell, insisting he wasn't | 0:18:48 | 0:18:52 | |
alone. It's huge. The ripple effect
through football, I hope people are | 0:18:52 | 0:18:59 | |
listening. Former international Paul
Stewart revealed the extent of the | 0:18:59 | 0:19:03 | |
abuse he'd been subject to buy a
different paedophile horrific. How | 0:19:03 | 0:19:09 | |
long did it go on for? For years,
almost every day. The FA chairman | 0:19:09 | 0:19:17 | |
has launched a review. We believe we
are doing everything we can to step | 0:19:17 | 0:19:22 | |
up to the mark. Police forces
investigating, the trust was set up | 0:19:22 | 0:19:28 | |
for the victims, 285 potential
suspects have been identified and | 0:19:28 | 0:19:33 | |
331 clubs now involved. The
barrister who prosecuted Barry | 0:19:33 | 0:19:37 | |
Bennell in 1998 told me that
football must share the blame. Ryan | 0:19:37 | 0:19:40 | |
Sutton that at the time there was
institutional failure -- I am | 0:19:40 | 0:19:45 | |
certain that at the time there was
institutional failure and I am very | 0:19:45 | 0:19:49 | |
disappointed that it appears, as a
result of the validity of that case, | 0:19:49 | 0:19:53 | |
other boys had been abused because
this danger was not drawn to the | 0:19:53 | 0:19:58 | |
attention of the public. -- as a
result of wider publicity of that | 0:19:58 | 0:20:02 | |
case. The youth football system now
seems a lot safer than then, but | 0:20:02 | 0:20:08 | |
years on, the game's most notorious
paedophile continues to haunt the | 0:20:08 | 0:20:12 | |
sport. Now that this trial has
finished, it moves on to sentencing, | 0:20:12 | 0:20:19 | |
and we understand that Barry Bennell
will be sentenced here at Liverpool | 0:20:19 | 0:20:22 | |
Crown Court at midday on Monday.
He's appeared throughout this trial | 0:20:22 | 0:20:29 | |
on video link, but we also
understand he will be brought here | 0:20:29 | 0:20:32 | |
in person to hear his sentence. That
will be the next stage, after the | 0:20:32 | 0:20:35 | |
verdict returned today. We will no
doubt have more reaction throughout | 0:20:35 | 0:20:41 | |
the afternoon on BBC News. | 0:20:41 | 0:20:44 | |
Our top story this lunchtime: | 0:20:44 | 0:20:48 | |
A gunman is in police custody
in Florida after killing at least 17 | 0:20:48 | 0:20:51 | |
students and teachers
at his former school. | 0:20:51 | 0:20:56 | |
And still to come -
Arsenal fly to the Arctic to take | 0:20:56 | 0:20:59 | |
on the only English manager
in Europe's elite competitions. | 0:20:59 | 0:21:04 | |
Coming up in sport: | 0:21:04 | 0:21:05 | |
We'll bring you all the gold
medals won so far today | 0:21:05 | 0:21:08 | |
at the Winter Olympics,
including the oldest man to take | 0:21:08 | 0:21:10 | |
an alpine skiing title. | 0:21:10 | 0:21:13 | |
Members of British Steel's pension
scheme were the victims of a "major | 0:21:24 | 0:21:27 | |
mis-selling scandal",
according to MPs. | 0:21:27 | 0:21:30 | |
The Work and Pensions Committee say
the scheme's members were targeted | 0:21:30 | 0:21:32 | |
by "vulture" financial advisers,
who encouraged them to transfer | 0:21:32 | 0:21:35 | |
their savings to "unsuitable funds". | 0:21:35 | 0:21:38 | |
It happened when the pension fund
was hived off in order | 0:21:38 | 0:21:41 | |
to keep the UK company,
owned by the Indian | 0:21:41 | 0:21:44 | |
firm Tata, afloat. | 0:21:44 | 0:21:46 | |
Sian Lloyd reports. | 0:21:46 | 0:21:49 | |
Last year, members of
the old British Steel Pension Scheme | 0:21:49 | 0:21:52 | |
faced a big decision
about their retirement savings, | 0:21:52 | 0:21:53 | |
after Tata which had taken over
the liabilities said | 0:21:53 | 0:21:55 | |
it was no longer viable. | 0:21:55 | 0:21:57 | |
Workers could choose to transfer
their benefit out of the scheme. | 0:21:57 | 0:22:01 | |
A report by a committee
of MPs said some of those | 0:22:01 | 0:22:03 | |
who did were exploited,
shamelessly bamboozled | 0:22:03 | 0:22:07 | |
by dubious financial advisers. | 0:22:07 | 0:22:10 | |
There have been people who probably
have been fleeced of the most | 0:22:10 | 0:22:14 | |
valuable asset they will have ever
had, which has been built up as part | 0:22:14 | 0:22:19 | |
of their pension scheme,
for which the financial vultures | 0:22:19 | 0:22:27 | |
have been after and,
in too many cases, been successful | 0:22:31 | 0:22:36 | |
in getting their claws on. | 0:22:36 | 0:22:37 | |
We uncovered the case
of Richard Bevan, who had | 0:22:37 | 0:22:39 | |
transferred his savings
into a private scheme. | 0:22:39 | 0:22:41 | |
He believes the financial advice
he was given was unsuitable, | 0:22:41 | 0:22:43 | |
which resulted in him losing
out on £200,000. | 0:22:43 | 0:22:45 | |
We passed evidence of his complaint
to the Financial Conduct Authority, | 0:22:45 | 0:22:49 | |
which regulates the industry. | 0:22:49 | 0:22:51 | |
It is criticised in the report
for not acting quickly enough. | 0:22:51 | 0:22:55 | |
Richard welcomes the scrutiny
by MPs, but says it | 0:22:55 | 0:22:58 | |
is too late for him. | 0:22:58 | 0:23:03 | |
The parliamentary report is spot on,
but where that leaves people | 0:23:03 | 0:23:06 | |
like myself, I need to know. | 0:23:06 | 0:23:12 | |
-- I really don't know. | 0:23:13 | 0:23:14 | |
It may highlight the fact for other
pension schemes in the future, | 0:23:14 | 0:23:17 | |
and this may not happen
on this scale again. | 0:23:17 | 0:23:19 | |
Hopefully, it doesn't. | 0:23:19 | 0:23:20 | |
But, that is little comfort
to people like myself, you know. | 0:23:20 | 0:23:23 | |
What happened to still
workers has been described | 0:23:23 | 0:23:25 | |
as a mis-selling scandal. | 0:23:25 | 0:23:26 | |
The report makes recommendations
to show that similar | 0:23:26 | 0:23:28 | |
mistakes are not repeated. | 0:23:28 | 0:23:32 | |
Including a ban on contingent fees,
where financial advisers only | 0:23:32 | 0:23:34 | |
get paid if the client
transfers their pension. | 0:23:34 | 0:23:36 | |
The Financial Conduct Authority
is saying it is reviewing its rules | 0:23:36 | 0:23:40 | |
on pension transfers,
as experts say the case should | 0:23:40 | 0:23:44 | |
be taken as a wake-up
call to the industry. | 0:23:44 | 0:23:47 | |
This is not uncommon,
and we have seen BHS, | 0:23:47 | 0:23:51 | |
and Carillion are similar examples
of this, so the individual details | 0:23:51 | 0:23:53 | |
will vary, but these
situations will arise again, | 0:23:53 | 0:23:56 | |
so it is important that lessons
are learned from this case. | 0:23:56 | 0:24:00 | |
Pension freedom reforms have led
to a boom in similar | 0:24:00 | 0:24:03 | |
transfers over recent years. | 0:24:03 | 0:24:05 | |
This report highlights that workers
like Richard need more protection. | 0:24:05 | 0:24:12 | |
Team GB could be set
to win its first medal of the 2018 | 0:24:15 | 0:24:18 | |
Winter Olympics after Dom Parsons
put himself in contention | 0:24:18 | 0:24:21 | |
in the men's skeleton competition. | 0:24:21 | 0:24:22 | |
The 30-year-old is in fourth place
at the halfway stage - | 0:24:22 | 0:24:24 | |
ahead of the final runs tomorrow. | 0:24:24 | 0:24:26 | |
In the curling, Britain's men
earned their second win with a tense | 0:24:26 | 0:24:30 | |
victory over Japan -
while the women's team | 0:24:30 | 0:24:32 | |
lost their second match. | 0:24:32 | 0:24:39 | |
Look closely while everyone else is
at the second skin on the skeleton. | 0:24:40 | 0:24:45 | |
The British speed suits are under
scrutiny and, whether they give an | 0:24:45 | 0:24:49 | |
advantage or not, it's a good fit on
Dom Parsons. At the halfway mark he | 0:24:49 | 0:24:54 | |
is within touching distance of a
podium after two impressive | 0:24:54 | 0:24:59 | |
performances in Pyeongchang. I hope
I can sleep tonight! The last four | 0:24:59 | 0:25:03 | |
years has been aiming for this one
most and -- moment, so I've got to | 0:25:03 | 0:25:09 | |
make the worst of it. He'd do well
to catch this South Korean, his | 0:25:09 | 0:25:15 | |
effort seeing him lead on a track
which looks tailor-made for the | 0:25:15 | 0:25:19 | |
Koreans. The show 's piece on the
slopes, the men's downhill, the | 0:25:19 | 0:25:23 | |
winter equivalent of the 100 metres
final, although nothing. Aksel Lund | 0:25:23 | 0:25:28 | |
Svindal had nothing to show from
Sochi, but he takes a gold medal. | 0:25:28 | 0:25:33 | |
Magnificent, the Vikings are
celebrating. Mikaela Shiffrin will | 0:25:33 | 0:25:40 | |
not be satisfied just yet. She
delivered in the giant slalom, a | 0:25:40 | 0:25:44 | |
second Olympic gold at just 22.
Favourite for the win missed her | 0:25:44 | 0:25:49 | |
slot, and Britain's Alex Tilley let
her Olympic debut slip by. Crashes | 0:25:49 | 0:25:57 | |
are common in the snowboard cross.
Wacky races on snow. Defending | 0:25:57 | 0:26:04 | |
champion Pierre Vaultier avoided the
ghastly antics behind him, so nobody | 0:26:04 | 0:26:07 | |
could catch him. -- Dass Diddley. No
less tensely curling, which has been | 0:26:07 | 0:26:16 | |
attracting the most unlikely fans,
including American actor Mr T, who | 0:26:16 | 0:26:21 | |
has been providing his own
commentary on social media. He might | 0:26:21 | 0:26:25 | |
have enjoyed the performance from
the British men as their campaign | 0:26:25 | 0:26:29 | |
continued with a narrow win over
Japan. The women suffered their | 0:26:29 | 0:26:33 | |
first defeat in Pyeongchang, edged
out by the USA, and the round robin | 0:26:33 | 0:26:37 | |
stages are not getting easier, as
they go in search of victory over | 0:26:37 | 0:26:40 | |
China. | 0:26:40 | 0:26:42 | |
The consumption of what's
being called ultra-processed foods | 0:26:42 | 0:26:44 | |
could be linked to an increased risk
of cancer, according | 0:26:44 | 0:26:46 | |
to new research. | 0:26:46 | 0:26:54 | |
Avoiding highly processed foods is a
tough task for most families, | 0:26:55 | 0:27:01 | |
including the Saxtons from
Doncaster. I think it's very | 0:27:01 | 0:27:05 | |
difficult for a busy family on a
typical week not to eat anything | 0:27:05 | 0:27:10 | |
that's in front of us. The serial,
definitely, sort of thing, and I | 0:27:10 | 0:27:15 | |
understand bread is made, but you
wouldn't understand its | 0:27:15 | 0:27:18 | |
ultra-processed. They were the two
surprising things for me. Most of us | 0:27:18 | 0:27:25 | |
know that highly processed foods
like chocolate, cakes and pizza need | 0:27:25 | 0:27:29 | |
to be eaten in moderation. And now a
new study has revealed just how | 0:27:29 | 0:27:33 | |
risky they can be. It followed
105,000 French people over five | 0:27:33 | 0:27:37 | |
years. And it found that, by
increasing the amount of | 0:27:37 | 0:27:44 | |
ultra-processed food by 10% in their
diet, there was a 12% rise in the | 0:27:44 | 0:27:49 | |
risk of cancer. What we eat is
already known to affect our chances | 0:27:49 | 0:27:54 | |
of getting cancer, but researchers
say more work is needed to find out | 0:27:54 | 0:27:58 | |
why there is a greater risk with
highly processed foods. If we get | 0:27:58 | 0:28:03 | |
too many ultra-processed foods, we
pile on the pounds, and although the | 0:28:03 | 0:28:10 | |
study didn't look closely at weight,
we know are links to cancer, so it's | 0:28:10 | 0:28:15 | |
a warning sign to have a healthy
diet and be aware of the links | 0:28:15 | 0:28:18 | |
between diet and cancer. The family
are split about how easy it will be | 0:28:18 | 0:28:24 | |
to change their eating patterns. I
still think we will end up eating | 0:28:24 | 0:28:28 | |
breakfast cereal and bread, because
in terms of everyday for breakfast, | 0:28:28 | 0:28:33 | |
we have smoothies and fruit, but
every single day, I think we'd | 0:28:33 | 0:28:38 | |
struggle to completely wipe out the
breakfast cereal and bread. If I'm | 0:28:38 | 0:28:45 | |
having a snack I might have
something healthier, like an apple | 0:28:45 | 0:28:48 | |
or something, instead of having a
chocolate roll. There are many | 0:28:48 | 0:28:55 | |
different ultra-processed foods, but
it's clear that snacks like these, | 0:28:55 | 0:28:58 | |
tempting as they may be, too many of
them can be bad for us. But the new | 0:28:58 | 0:29:04 | |
study doesn't mean that all highly
processed foods are linked to | 0:29:04 | 0:29:08 | |
cancer. It simply offers insights
rather than concrete proof. | 0:29:08 | 0:29:15 | |
You may never have heard
of the Swedish team Ostersund, | 0:29:15 | 0:29:18 | |
but tonight is their moment
in the spotlight, as they take | 0:29:18 | 0:29:20 | |
on Arsenal in the Europa League. | 0:29:20 | 0:29:22 | |
The team, whose home town
is in the Arctic Circle, | 0:29:22 | 0:29:25 | |
has to contend with training under
ten feet of snow. | 0:29:25 | 0:29:27 | |
It's led by an English manager -
Graham Potter - whose only previous | 0:29:27 | 0:29:31 | |
experience was coaching
a university side. | 0:29:31 | 0:29:32 | |
Patrick Gearey has been to meet him. | 0:29:32 | 0:29:34 | |
Ostersund calls itself
Vinterstaden, the winter city. | 0:29:34 | 0:29:36 | |
It's at home in ice -
ideal for some sports, | 0:29:36 | 0:29:39 | |
just not particularly football. | 0:29:39 | 0:29:40 | |
It makes the sudden growth
of Ostersunds FK from wintry | 0:29:40 | 0:29:43 | |
obscurity to playing Arsenal
in Europe all the more remarkable, | 0:29:43 | 0:29:45 | |
and stranger still they've been led
there by an English manager | 0:29:45 | 0:29:48 | |
who mixes coaching with a degree
in emotional intelligence. | 0:29:48 | 0:29:51 | |
It's not just about how you control
or pass a ball or shoot. | 0:29:51 | 0:29:54 | |
It's about how we interact
with each other. | 0:29:54 | 0:29:56 | |
If you are a footballer for two
hours a day and then you have | 0:29:56 | 0:30:00 | |
to live in Ostersund,
you have to be somebody's husband, | 0:30:00 | 0:30:03 | |
somebody's friend, somebody's
brother, so I think it's important | 0:30:03 | 0:30:05 | |
we have a responsibility to help
develop the person as well. | 0:30:05 | 0:30:09 | |
It's brought amazing results. | 0:30:09 | 0:30:11 | |
Ostersund have gone from the fourth
tier of Swedish football to beating | 0:30:11 | 0:30:14 | |
much bigger European clubs. | 0:30:14 | 0:30:17 | |
They are based in the remote centre
of Sweden, nearly 300 | 0:30:17 | 0:30:20 | |
miles from Stockholm. | 0:30:20 | 0:30:21 | |
The current club was founded around
a month after Arsene Wenger | 0:30:21 | 0:30:24 | |
took charge of Arsenal. | 0:30:24 | 0:30:26 | |
The whole population of the town
could fit inside the Gunners' | 0:30:26 | 0:30:29 | |
Emirates Stadium with loads
of room to spare. | 0:30:29 | 0:30:33 | |
So they've found another way,
using not just tactics | 0:30:33 | 0:30:35 | |
but amateur dramatics. | 0:30:35 | 0:30:38 | |
This is them performing
for the locals. | 0:30:38 | 0:30:40 | |
It builds character,
says the chairman, a former officer | 0:30:40 | 0:30:43 | |
in the Swedish army. | 0:30:43 | 0:30:45 | |
For us, competing in
Sweden and in Europe, | 0:30:45 | 0:30:47 | |
it's about beating the system. | 0:30:47 | 0:30:50 | |
Beating the system for us is to
develop very different methods. | 0:30:50 | 0:30:53 | |
The players become stars,
not stars that have a lot of gold | 0:30:53 | 0:30:59 | |
around their neck and fancy cars,
but stars who are warm, | 0:30:59 | 0:31:04 | |
loving, caring. | 0:31:04 | 0:31:07 | |
The football season is just
starting in Sweden. | 0:31:07 | 0:31:09 | |
Ostersunds have only played
one cup match so far, | 0:31:09 | 0:31:11 | |
but you learn to warm up
quickly around here. | 0:31:11 | 0:31:14 | |
So Arsenal will be next
into the chiller, and they will, | 0:31:14 | 0:31:17 | |
of course, be big favourites,
but they wouldn't be the first side | 0:31:17 | 0:31:20 | |
to come to this remote little town
and find that they suddenly freeze. | 0:31:20 | 0:31:24 | |
Patrick Gearey, BBC News, Ostersund. | 0:31:24 | 0:31:31 | |
Time for a look at the weather. | 0:31:31 | 0:31:33 | |
Here's Stav Danaos. | 0:31:33 | 0:31:36 | |
I'll start with the rain and snow
radar, because I want to draw your | 0:31:39 | 0:31:45 | |
attention to where the snow is
falling, north and west Scotland, | 0:31:45 | 0:31:48 | |
very heavy in places. The blue
showing where the rain is. Slightly | 0:31:48 | 0:31:51 | |
milder air moving in, but it is a
north-south divide. Cold across the | 0:31:51 | 0:31:58 | |
northern half of the country, and we
have that snow. Pretty heavy in | 0:31:58 | 0:32:04 | |
north and west Scotland, with
accumulations of snow even down to | 0:32:04 | 0:32:06 | |
lower levels 15 centimetres plus
over the higher ground was with a | 0:32:06 | 0:32:14 | |
strong west, south-westerly wind,
gale forced, they could be drifting, | 0:32:14 | 0:32:19 | |
conditions. Driving conditions
across parts of Scotland and | 0:32:19 | 0:32:20 | |
Northern Ireland as well as further
south, much milder than of late, ten | 0:32:20 | 0:32:27 | |
or 11 degrees, but cold furthermore.
This evening and overnight, showers | 0:32:27 | 0:32:32 | |
continuing across Scotland, Northern
Ireland and the far north of | 0:32:32 | 0:32:34 | |
England. Most of the country will be
dry, clear and very cold. A | 0:32:34 | 0:32:39 | |
widespread frost, and watch out for
ice over the northern half of the | 0:32:39 | 0:32:42 | |
UK. Into Friday, the best of the
weather further south closer to an | 0:32:42 | 0:32:50 | |
area of high pressure near the near
continent. Lots of sunshine. Western | 0:32:50 | 0:32:56 | |
parts of Scotland, particularly the
north-west, further wintry showers. | 0:32:56 | 0:33:00 | |
Breezy in Northern Ireland. Cold in
the north, not quite as cold as | 0:33:00 | 0:33:04 | |
recently. For the weekend, things
look pretty good. High pressure | 0:33:04 | 0:33:10 | |
across the south, so plenty of sunny
spells. More cloud in the north and | 0:33:10 | 0:33:14 | |
west, with a fuel showers, and you
can see temperatures range from | 0:33:14 | 0:33:19 | |
between eight to 11 degrees, so a
bit milder across the board. This | 0:33:19 | 0:33:21 | |
feature will spoil our weather
heading into Sunday. It will bring | 0:33:21 | 0:33:27 | |
cloud, outbreaks of light rain and
drizzle, mainly to western areas. | 0:33:27 | 0:33:33 | |
The best of the sunshine in central,
southern and eastern areas. Quite | 0:33:33 | 0:33:37 | |
mild across the board. A
disappointing day in northern and | 0:33:37 | 0:33:41 | |
western areas, because of the cloud
and drizzle. | 0:33:41 | 0:33:43 | |
A reminder of our main
story this lunchtime: | 0:33:43 | 0:33:49 | |
The former football coach Barry
Bennell has been convicted of a | 0:33:50 | 0:33:53 | |
total of 43 counts of child sex
abuse against 11 victims. | 0:33:53 | 0:33:57 |