14/09/2011 BBC Points West


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Good evening and welcome to BBC Points West.


Our headlines tonight: A row over asbestos. Plans are


approved to bury poisonous rubbish just a mile from Bristol's biggest


water supply. Get off our roads, Bath councillors


meet tonight to consider a ban on some HGVs.


Also tonight, 20-year-old Somerset cider brandy. Toasting his success,


the Somerset cider producer victorious in the battle to call


his spirits brandy. And blowing his own trumpet, the


craftsman who ditched the brass in Hello. Residents living in what's


been voted Britain's best village are campaigning against council


plans to dump thousands of tonnes of asbestos on their doorstep just


over a mile away from a water reservoir. Bath and North East


Somerset has approved plans to dump the chemical in a disused quarry


near Chew Magna in Somerset. Locals fear their water supply will be


contaminated but experts claim the risk is negligible. Isabel Webster


Reports. A protest walk in Chew Valley this


afternoon. Over 100 people gathered, their message plain. They're


opposing a decision by Bath and North East Somerset Council to turn


nearby Stowey Quarry into an asbestos dumping ground. Permission


has been granted for 65,000 tonnes of the potentially deadly chemical


to be deposited here every year. It's 1,500 metres from Chew Valley


Lake, a major water source. But the council maintain the risk to public


health is negligible. I can understand people being concerned,


but I believe the storage will be done in a safe way, and will not be


harmful to the local environment. The environment agency have fully


considered the impact of burying asbestos and other hazardous waste


in this quarry and came back with no objections. But just at the


bottom of the hill is Chew Valley Lake and Bristol Water, who are


responsible for it, remain opposed to the plans. Every day 50 million


litres of water feed out of the lake and into homes in Bristol and


North Somerset. Bristol Water say the matter is now out of their


hands. But local residents fear drinking water could become


contaminated. There is a real danger a good seat into a lake.


is not just the asbestos, but the other things that might go in, so


there is a major risk of pollution which could have an effect on our


health. If asbestos is to be dumped here, the Environment Agency would


have to be grant a permit. One member of the public though has


already applied for a judicial review of the council's decision.


Meanwhile this group say they're fighting not only on behalf of the


wider community but also for future generations.


So is there a real risk to public health if permission is granted for


asbestos to be dumped in this disused quarry? Our Health


Correspondent Matthew Hill joins us now.


Matthew, what's your assessment? There is blue and brown, the most


dangerous which can cause terminal lung cancer in the long term. There


are safeguards for this application, they would douse it with water when


it was being dumped to reduce that. The other fear is about it getting


ingested through water. The Health Protection Agency says the evidence


about the harm there is unclear. We don't know. What do you make of


Bristol water's reaction to planning permission being granted?


They say they found it hard to believe you could guarantee 100%


this wouldn't reach through the membrane they would be lining this


quarry with over many years, and the future. They don't want history


to repeat itself. In the 1990s a water source in Barrow could no


longer be used because of reaching from a landfill site. Surely the


Environment Agency would have to take all these factors into


account? They do. They have employed their


own expert hydrologists to say the risks are negligible and if


anything were to happen they would have to go to them again to get


permission and they would be looking very carefully Aberdeen


measures in place to make sure any risk was minimised.


Now there's been much discussion today about our main story last


night. It centred on the case surrounding a man who posted vile


and offensive films and comments online about a dead girl from


Gloucester. Sean Duffy last night began 18 weeks in jail, after


targeting several grieving families, all strangers he had plucked out of


cyberspace. In a moment we'll be talking to one of the country's


leading experts in internet security but first John Maguire


reminds us of the story. Fleet Street was unanimous in it's


shock and revulsion today. It has been the subject of BBC radio


phone-ins too. People will have heard the phrase internet troll.


But many have been left baffled by the case. Struggling to comprehend


why 25-year-old Sean Duffy would create the material that he did


before targeting the grieving parents with his films and comments


about people he had never met. Lauren Drew's parents were in court


to see Duffy for the first time and to see him sent to prison for 18


weeks. This person was hiding behind a computer fault -- hiding


behind a computer. It is very hard to for a father, you try and


protect your kids, hopefully nothing will happen to them at what


happened to us and the rest of the family. One aspect of the case that


was especially upsetting for Lauren's parents was Duffy's


persistence. As soon as one page was taken down from YouTube or


Facebook another would appear in it's place. With global access to


websites it can be extremely difficult to track down offenders.


The world wide web celebrates it's 20th birthday this year, that's two


decades as a force for good, but for many two decades as a force for


evil. Earlier I spoke to an internet


security expert, John Carr, and I asked him if people can protect


themselves against this sort of abuse online. It is not easy to do


it from a technical point of view. The real answer is vigilance. Are


seen as you suspect anything of this nature talk to the provider,


in this case Facebook. Notify them straightaway. They have got some


great systems in place and if all goes well it should be down and of


the internet within hours, certainly within 24 hours.


The problem in this case was it came down but then he boasted more


vile stuff. Yes. They should be able to flap


that kind of thing. If he is very clever and very technically of


knowledge -- knowledgeable, he could be using their teddies and


addresses, it does make it very hard for them -- using fake ID. 300


million new pictures go up on Facebook each day. On Google,


YouTube, every minute of the day 48 hours of new video goes up. So the


scale of these things does present difficult challenges. Patrols think


they are anonymous. Obviously in this case the police caught up with


him. But how anomalous are they? It did this -- it is difficult to do


anything on the internet without leaving some sort of footprint.


They can be done but you need to know a great deal of wizardry and


trickery. But not the kind of knowledge most people don't have.


Most people think they have been smart by using a fake e-mail


address or by going to an internet cafe or something of that kind, but


if the police are sufficiently determined and if they think it is


a bad enough case, they have got the resources and they can track


down and locate more or less anybody who does bad stuff online.


You have put your finger on it. You say people who do really bad stuff.


In most cases it is low-level abuse, and present staff which the police


probably don't want to know about. There is a great deal of bullying


that takes place on the internet that the police never get involved


with. Even the most of it is probably technically criminal.


Because they don't regarded as sufficiently Severe they leave it


alone so it persists and that is a sad aspect of the way these things


happen. You're watching BBC Points West.


Yes stay with us, as there's much more still to bring you. Including:


Selling tea to China - we meet the company doing the unthinkable! And


find out what will a musician make of this? The brass instrument made


of wood. Councillors in Bath are meeting


tonight to discuss plans to ban some lorries going through part of


the city. The main A36 is used as a short cut between the M4 and the


south coast. But not everyone is happy about the proposals.


Neighbouring Wiltshire says it will merely push the problem its way.


Our Bath reporter Ali Vowles has been looking at the issue.


Beautiful Bath - World Heritage city, living up to the well worn


cliche a jewel in the West's crown. But living in such a historic place


does have its problems. Old buildings that need preserving from


the effects of heavy traffic. And pollution from the many lorries


that use Bath's London Road as a short cut to the south. It's


estimated just over a thousand lorries a day go over Cleveland


Bridge with half weighing over 18 tonnes. So the Lib Dem run Bath and


North East Somerset Council is suggesting restrictions at the


point where the vehicles head south to Warminster. Through traffic will


not be able to come and turn left just here. If you are delivering to


Bath that is fine. You can still comment for access but if you are


over 18 tons and expect to go through this part of Bath you will


not be able to. They will be illegal to do so. The council say a


ban will deter long distance lorry drivers and hopefully send them on


more appropriate routes off the M4 in Wiltshire onto bigger roads


which can take the traffic. Why do they want us to go 20 miles out of


their way -- hour wait? You have got to take a longer route so the


price will go up. Somebody has got to pay for the diesel and wages.


But with restrictions in Bath likely to happen, neighbouring


Wiltshire Council says its really concerned about the knock on effect


of lorries going through villages and towns in its county. Lorries


that would otherwise come three Bath and out on the Warminster Road


will be diverted in many cases into towns like Bradford. Also through


other villages and I know Trowbridge council is also concern.


The one thing everybody is concerned is doing nothing about


the traffic problem is not an option. Well the council certainly


hopes a partial ban here will prove a success and keep lorries that


shouldn't be in Bath out of the city. But with the police having


few resources to enforce it and the local authority having no legal


powers to impose any fines, will lorry drivers even bother to


listen? The Care Quality Commission has


been strongly criticised by MPs. The Health Select Committee says


the watchdog has been spending too much time on administration and not


enough on inspecting care homes. The CQC has been in the spotlight


since abuse was uncovered at Winterbourne View, a residential


home in South Gloucestershire. Chris Skidmore who's the MP for


Kingswood and a member of the select committee says what happened


there must not happen again. What we have found is its response to


Winterbourne View was woefully inadequate and we feel this could


be the tip of the iceberg in terms of what it has been doing in the


past year, they have had their priorities are wrong way round,


haven't focused enough on inspecting care homes and we need


that sordid as soon as possible. Well the Care Quality Commission


says it has faced major challenges including a 30% budget cut. It says


the number of inspections is now on the rise and it will be responding


formally to the report. 25 people have now been arrested


following a search of scrap metal yards in the West. On Monday, 300


officers from Avon and Somerset Police raided 40 dealers and seized


stolen property. It's believed more than 30 tonnes of metal were


recovered from copper cables to drain covers.


Now a Gloucestershire company has achieved the unthinkable it seems -


Selling tea to China. Only Natural based in Quedgley has seen its


sales overseas triple in the last 12 months.


It's now exporting its blends to 45 countries worldwide including the


cultural home of tea itself, as Another art quite practised in


Britain is the art of making a good cup of tea. And quite right too,


some things never change. But if it wasn't for the Chinese Emperor Shen


Nung back in 2737 BC, who apparently discovered tea, things


might be different and since then it's China that's had the tea


market in the bag. We can't really claimed he is our own. Right


selling fridges to Eskimos, can the British sell TT China? Well it


seems this Gloucester company is doing just that. They produce 80


million bags of their herbal teas every year, most of which now go


around the world. And now it seems their tea has hit the right spot


with the health conscious Chinese market The company is selling its


tea to 45 different countries now with varieties such as Lax Plus,


Liver Detox and Throat Relief, it's tea with an extra kick and it's in


high demand. The way they see product is different to where we


sell to in Germany, France, and even the Middle-East and Australia


where English is the main speaking language. We are making sure we


have got the right translation and China is looking at the gift of


Health. They want to buy half the product and give them took -- by


healthy product and give them as a gift. But then it seems to make


sense the Brits know how to make a good cuppa, herbal or not, and the


tourists still lap it up when they get here. We had a lot of Spanish a


few weeks ago, had to educate them, show them how to do this guns, pour


the tea, they loved it. They said they don't get anything like it --


at this cons. Peace was 16, 17- year-old. -- these were 16. But


what of Emperor Shen Nung? Would he agree with us Brit's selling his


country herbal tea? Well, probably yes, he was reported to be a


renowned herbalist with his first discovery was the cleansing


properties of green tea. Lovely, I will pour. We are lucky the company


sent us a little bit of English breakfast. Not often you get to


enjoy a nice cup of tea during a news bulletin. We thought we would


have a tea break. Set the standard. Tell you what, shower naked to the


next when first? -- shall we make it to the next item?


Now, what's in a name? Well a lot if you happen to be a drinks


producer in Somerset. Julian Temperley produces cider brandy at


his farm at Kingsbury Episcopi. He's spent years battling other


brandy producers, mainly Spanish, for the right to the name his


tipple cider brandy. And finally he's won. Today he was toasting his


success, as Clinton Rogers found out. Julian and his wife were keen


to celebrate their success. Of course with cider brandy. They say


at the naming war in Europe are being lost the company may not have


survived. I think we would have been in serious trouble. We would


have managed to potter along for a few years are selling Somerset


spirits, God knows what we would call it. But we would have had no


future. Using apples from his Somerset orchards, Julian Temperley


has been making his cider brandy for the past 25 years. And almost


since day one he's had more trouble with the name than he's had with


the recipe. For years now the row has rattled round the corridors of


the European Union. It was the Spanish who were fighting hardest


arguing that brandy was a name that belonged to them. This Somerset


imitation made from apples had no right to the title. But the


European Commission has finally ruled against them and for Somerset.


A success with you in the Euro MP has compared to victory over at the


Spanish Armada. There was a whole armada of brandy producers trying


to stop things like cider brandy being on the market. On I learned


about this I to keep up on behalf of Somerset Cider Brandy and after


four years campaigning we have finally got what is called


Protected Geographic indication status which means Somerset Cider


Brandy can continue to be marketed under that name. How about you


consider exporting it to a Spanish? It is too good for them. He didn't


bring any back, we'd just got the tea. Now sport and Swindon Town


continued their good form with victory over promotion favourites


Crawley. And the win was probably extra sweet for Paolo Di Canio


because the two managers have been involved in a war of words in the


build up to the game. Alistair is here, what's this all about? There


were a few comments made by the two men in their press conferences.


Crawley's manager had referred to Swindon as the "Paolo Di Canio


circus", and there some words in response to that. I suppose there


is some truth to it, there has been a lot of media attention on Swindon


as a result of Di Canio's appointment, he is the star


attraction in League Two. What they needed was some substance in terms


of results to go with it, which they now have. Three wins in a row,


and a convincing victory over Crawley, the perfect response to


what had gone before. The centre of attention as always. Swindon's


ringmaster determined to focus on football rather than personalities.


And this was just what he wanted beating a highly fancied Crawley


side who lost at home for the first time in 11 months. After Alan


Connell had claimed the first, the gloss on the win came from Algerian


striker Medhi Kerrouche who scored two late goals. Perhaps a little


harsh on Crawley who'd had plenty of the game. And despite their


comments in the press this week, the two managers embraced as good


friends on the final whistle. In League One, Yeovil's second win of


the season came courtesy of a fantastic strike from Ed Upson, a


shame there was just over three thousand there to see it. The


club's lowest ever league crowd. was a real professional performance.


It won -- it was one we can take great pride from. I think the goal


was fit to win any game. Back in League Two, Bristol Rovers ended a


five match wait for a League win. Chris Zebroski pounced to score the


only goal in the first half. And Cheltenham should have completed a


quartet of wins for our sides. The led twice first through Josh Low.


And then Kaid Mohammed restored their lead just before half-time.


But this long range effort from Kevin Nicholson meant it finished


as a draw, but Cheltenham are still 5th.


The Bath City footballer Alex Russell has been discharged from


hospital, 24 hours after collapsing unconscious before the club's game


with York. Russell, who suffers from migraines, was on the team


coach heading north when he fell ill. He was kept in hospital


overnight, but the club says he is now with his parents in Merseyside.


In cricket, Gloucestershire have missed out on promotion in the


County Championship, losing their final match of the season. They


were bowled out for just 185 in their second innings, meaning


Northants needed to score just 26 runs for victory. In the end the


result didn't matter, Surrey gained the second promotion spot after


winning their match. And some good news for Somerset, Marcus


Trescothick's chances of being available for Saturday's cup final


at Lords seem to be improving. He's been back in the practice nets


trying to prove he's recovered from that ankle injury.


We save you a cupboard tea. Now it's very special instrument,


but the big question is, does it belong in the brass or woodwind


section of an orchestra? Yes, where would you put a handcrafted wooden


trumpet? It's been made by a man in South Gloucestershire. Jules Hyam


may have the answer for us. Strings, percussion, easy? Saxophone, a


woodwind instrument. This of course is a trumpet and they are brass.


Except that this one is made out of wood. In fact it's made of 120


pieces of wood, all from the same tree, some rather small, some


rather delicate, barring the springs and a three internal


plastic seals - it is all wood and it makes the perfect addition for


any brass section. Its creator, well he's a hobbyist, George King


has only been turning wood for four years. I always jumping the depend.


It is a copy of real trumpet, basically. I wanted it to look like


wood and not look like a bass trumpet. It is just tactile, lovely


to work with. As EC, I always liked to do something unusual, different,


although I still do the normal things, I like to experiment and


push myself as far as I can. It is extremely intricate and rather


beautiful but the real test is in how it sounds. A bit better than


the previous attempt. It is a lot lighter in actual weight. It is


quite hard to play, compared to a brass trumpet. That is just the


nature of the material. It is -- it doesn't resonate like a brass


instrument would. But it does play, and it does sound like a trumpet. I


think I will stick to picking up a couple -- putting up a couple of


shelves. And now the weather, we were


looking for pictures to illustrate People outside the B B T here have


certainly got a few today. -- outside the BBC building. They are


going to have to close the junction of Whiteladies Road with a branch


that has come down. This photograph was taken by Hayley who is running


the ball to keep this evening. Certainly showing the effects of


the wind at Portishead. We are not expecting much in the way of wind


tomorrow. Anything but, distinctly light wind and a settled and Friday


to come with variable amounts of sunshine. Compare and contrast how


the temperatures were almost at 20 at dawn at the start of the week


and how by tomorrow they will be getting pretty cold. Certainly cold


enough for ground frost. All courtesy of high pressure. This


week occlusion will bring more cloud for a while. Tomorrow under


the influence of that high pressure cell which means it will be a


settled day. A good deal of clear sky across central district. A lot


of the crowd will disperse as the night wears on. You will find it is


a recipe for a cold night and a foggy one as well. Temperatures


getting cold. Even in urban areas be heating might be getting


switched on. Tomorrow, once we cleared the fog, there will be a


good deal of blue sky. He would generally be fairly well broken.


Present conditions in the light wind. It will feel that way if


you're out and have backed -- out and about. It is an unsettled theme


as we run three Friday into the weekend. Turning quite blustery. As


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