24/09/2014 BBC Points West


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Friday to discuss joining the US air strikes against Islamic State in


Iraq. Welcome to BBC Points West with


Sabet Choudhury and Alex Lovell Protecting first year university


students from the dangers As a new programme is launched,


we hear from Prevention is the key. It is also


about knowing how to deal whth things when they happen. It is about


encouraging people to speak up. It is about changing the futurd for all


young people. But what effect will it havd on one


of Bristol's biggest employdrs? The users go up,


but the donations fall. And never too old for a spot


in the circus. The over 60s taking perform`nce


theatre to new heights. A pilot programme has been launched


by one of the West's universities following


figures which show that over three quarters of students suffer sexual


harrasment and nearly one in three Freshers at the University


of the West of England will learn about the hidden dangers


in a new project that could be The announcement comes as thousands


of teenagers across the West are Our home affairs corresponddnt,


Steve Brodie, has been talkhng to Ten years ago when I was raped it


turned my life upside down. It was incredibly traumatic. It was hard,


actually, to rebuild my lifd. Sam was raped at college


before she got to universitx, but the experience prompted her to


study law and carry out resdarch. Before I had this awful expdrience I


didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. Having this experidnce and


feeling there were so many things missing in terms of support, I


wanted to come to universitx and do law, particularly because this


university has a really good research unit on sexual violence. I


want to get involved in project like this.


Research carried out by the National Union of Students revealed that 7%


of women students have experienced a serious sexual assault.


77% of students have sufferdd sexual harrassment and nearly one hn three


The Intervention Bystander initiative, funded by Public Health


England, is being piloted bx the Bristol Law School with all first


What the cost thousands teaching students `` what they call stars is


teaching students to be abld to recognise what domestic violence is.


It is very positive. It works on the basis of apparent everybody to step


up and stand up against problematic behaviour that they see.


The Bystander project is the first in the country


and is being backed by MPs `nd Avon Somerset's crime commissioner


But the problem of abuse affects students


It is socially unacceptable that is the real key message. We ard aiming


to educate students, as a start to make sure they can to challdnge


when it's safe to do so, th`t they can have leadership skills `nd they


know how to intervene, becatse so often people walk by becausd they


are embarrassed. For me, thd important thing is about ch`nging


patterns in. Saying, the thhngs are not OK. Giving people the skills to


say, that is not appropriatd. This is how we go forward. This hs how we


changed culture. This is how we make positive changes, not just for me,


this university, but for all young people.


Once the UWE's Bystander project has been completed, it's planned to be


The Labour leader, Ed Milib`nd, says his proposed tax on tobacco profits


It will mean millions being taken from one of Bristol's biggest


David Garmston has been at the party conference in


Good evening from the party conference in Manchester. This is


Labour 's own General Electhon 015 battle ground map. As you c`n see,


some important seats that they needed to win if Mr Miliband is


actually going to get the kdys to number ten Downing St, next May All


the talk here is of his spedch yesterday. It was 66 minutes long


and all done from memory. The problem is he forgot certain key


sections on immigration and deficit reduction. Earlier today, I caught


up Mr Miliband and I asked him about his plans a tobacco tax which will


impact on cat Imperial Tobacco In Bristol. We Said We Would Rdach `


Can Raise ?150 Million Each Year. They Make Around ?1 Million In


Profit. That Is A Fair Thing To Do To Help Fund Our National Hdalth


Service. The Cost Of Smoking Imposed Huge Burdens, Not Just An Ordinary


People Who Get Cancer, But @lso On The Nhs. I Think It's Fair To Ask


These Companies To Pay A Bit More To Help Fund The Nhs, More Doctors


More Nurses And Care Workers. One Of The Main Causes Of Illness Hs


Obesity. Why Not Tax Cream Cakes? I Think Tobacco Is A Particul`r


Category. We Know It Causes Cancer And Heart Disease And Poses Huge


Costs To The Nhs. You Know That Sin Tax, As It Is Called, Impact This


Cautiously On The Poor. That Is Only Have Taxes On Specific Packdt. What


We Have Done Is Impose A Levy On The Companies. So Prices Would Go? That


Is A Decision For The Tobacco Companies. Have ?1 Billion They Make


In Profit. It Is Fair To Ask Them To Pay A Bit More To Pay The Nhs. Do


You Accept That The West Of England Loses Out To The Big Investlent That


Goes On In Scotland, Manchester And So On? Is It At All An Area Of


Concern For You? I Think All Areas Of England Are A Concern Of Mine.


The Fact We Are So Centralised, That Power Lies In Westminster, We Need A


Lot More Devolution To Engl`nd. We Have Exciting Plans To Devolve Power


To Local Government Right Across England And Skills And Economic


Development, In Transport, Hn So Many Different Areas. We Ard Far Too


Centralised, There Is Not Ndarly Enough Power In Our Region. We Need


To Do More To Devolve The Power And We Need To Do It. The ?8 An Hour In


All `` Minimum Wage That Yot Are Suggesting, Will People Be Cracking


Open The Champagne? No, But I Think It Is A Significant Pay Increase


Over Five Years, ``, Five `` ?6 Per Week. We Can't Have... Are Xou Being


Bold Enough? I Think It Is Bold Saying The Warm Raise The Mhnimum


Wage To Its Higher Ever Levdl, And Double The Increase We Have Seen Of


The Last Five Years. We Will Properly Fund The Nhs, To A Half


Billion Pounds So That They Could Have 20,000 More Nurses, 8000 More


Doctors And 5000 More Care Workers. And A Tobacco Levy? We Would Have A


Mansion Tax On Homes, And Wd Will Crack Down On Tax Avoidance. I Think


That Is Fair, The Labour Party Saying We Will Make This Cotntry


Work For Everyday People Ag`in. Thank You Very Much. Mr Milhband


Talking To Me On The Morning After Their Speech Of The Day Before. That


Is It From Manchester. More On Sunday Politics As They Can. `` This


Weekend. You're watching BBC Points West


we're glad you can join us, There's much more still to come


on the programme, including back to Former pupils return to


their old Gloucestershire school to Increasing demand is putting


a strain on food banks Many say they've seen a risd


in the number At the same time,


they've seen a drop in donations. Looking at the figures for the three


months of April to June, in 201 the numbers of people fed bx all


the foodbanks in the West w`s 3 24. In 2013, that number more than


doubled to 9156, and for thhs Clinton Rogers has been to two


foodbanks in Somerset to sed what the reality is for those nedding


help to feed their families. A food bank in the county town


of Somerset. It's where you come


when you're desperate. And it seems desperation is


a booming business, It Is The Dynamics That Has Changed.


Families Are Bigger, There @re Larger numbers of children. We are


giving out food. They are currently packing tp


about 20 food parcels a week here. And they're struggling


to keep up with demand. One of the problems of this food


bank has been the school sulmer holidays. Families of children who


would normally get free school meals have come here putting extr`


pressure on supplies. If yot look here, you can see that the cupboard


is bare. They are supposed to have three month supply of food. They are


now down to about one month. Ten miles away in Bridgwater,


it's a similar story. Here they say that changes to


the welfare system, Because Susannah has just come


out of hospital, the benefit And there's been


a hiccup getting it. Without this place she says she


wouldn't have I would probably end up starving.


Starving myself. You don't have any money for food? No, none at all


At this food bank, they say there is no typical customer any lore


We had a lady in a couple of weeks ago who had lost all her bank


balance to a scam on the Internet. She was very embarrassing, poor


thing, she was left with nothing. Every story is different,


but the need never changes. And right now, food banks


are struggling to meet it. Police are searching


for a convicted murderer who's absconded from Leyhill Open Prison


in South Gloucestershire. 63`year`old Albert Edward Stanley


failed to return yesterday Officers say he could be dangerous


and should not be approached. They're asking for anyone who


sees him to call the police. A row has broken out over btskers


in Bath. The council has received colplaints


that some of them are too loud and the famous Abbey has evdn had


to stop its choral evensong on Sunday, when it was drowned out


by a street musician. But the buskers say they're part


of the city's culture Taking a tour of this historic city


centre, but Bath is almost dqually well`known for its long tradition


of street musicians. Buskers like Amelia,


one of a few dozen who use `n I can't really compete. For me, I'd


use it to really, so people can hear me. `` someone hit the big score.


But it's not music to everyone's ears.


On Sunday, Bath Abbey had to stop its service when the btskers


It could be different kind of rock music, whatever the music is, do you


want it to be accompanied bx music outside. I think the music surely is


Believe it or not, busking is unregulated.


They don't need a license and, outside London, are mostly policed


means the council is finding it hard to stop the use of amplifiers which


At the moment the council doesn t have the power to dictate what


buskers do when they are out here playing. Next month, the anti`social


crime and disorder act will come out and give the council be powdr to use


amplifiers in public places. Self policing, the guide has not worked.


It has come to this, we are having to say in this particular area we


have had too many complaints, you cannot use your amps.


For tourists, though, the street musicians seem to be


I think it's good to chill out. When I first walked to the squard, I


thought the singer was great. It enhancing the ambience. MUSHC PLAYS


Soon though, anyone caught causing a D in could see their date's takings


taking up by a hefty fine. If you want to have a debatd, please


go to our Facebook page. Some of you may remember earlier


this year we met this man, Michael Wright, who at 67 is still


a practising trapeze artist. He is really good, too. He lakes it


look so easy. Well, now he's teamed up with some


fellow pensioners and is putting Fiona Lamdin is with them


for their dress rehearsal in In just 24 hours, this auditorium


will be full and these thred performers will be waiting hn


the wings, waiting to go on stage. Let me introduce you to


the three main and only plaxers Over here we have Alexander who


describes herself She hasn't danced professionally


for 25 years. Over here, is Caroline the


contemporary dancer and up there is Michael. You might think, w`tching


at home, that all this looks normal and standard. Until I remind you


that all these reforms are pensioners, about to hit 70 years


old. I have spent the day whth this extraordinary bunch in rehe`rsal.


These three artists have a combined age of 199. Rather aptly, their


performance is all about thd passing of time. My name is Alexanddr and I


am 66 years old. She spent luch of her youth dancing with the Paddy


gaze English national ballet. If someone said I would be performing


at 66 when I was 40, I would have thought they were mad but I would


have grabbed the opportunitx with both hands. My name is Mich`el and I


am 67 years old. This year he performed at Glastonbury and still


run to own circus school. You can compensate the diminishing


physicality with knowledge `nd experience. I am amazed that people


still want to come and see le work. It is absolutely come out whth so


many young, they want to sed an old wrinkly! I am Caroline Lamb and I am


66 years old. She is honest enough to admit that getting back on stage


is taking its toll. Quite noticeable, aching knees, stiff


lower back. Your memory is not as sharp as it used to be. Do H know


there's lines? I think so, H am not sure. You get in front of an


audience and there is a whole extra level of terror that creeps in.


Inside, terror may be creephng in, but for those of us on the outside,


we are just full of art admhration. `` after... Coming over to the


director. Why did you choosd to work with more mature performers? The


show is about ageing and tile passing. I thought that was an


important subject. I wanted to show the beauty of all the dancers and


their experience and to look at the subject of ageing in a


non`stereotypical, nonconventional way. You talked about their beauty.


What else do they bring to the stage? Experience, openness, and


actually they are experts in the subject. I don't know much `bout


that age and they have brought back into the show, I hope. I have spent


the day with these people who are double my age, I am 38. I h`ve been


amazed by what they can do. It has inspired me and excites me `bout


what is ahead for all of us. This show, once upon a time, starts


tomorrow and it is on the three nights in Bristol. Fiona, thank you


so much. It is all in the mhnd. And maybe in the bones! Onto sole sport.


Plymouth Argyle They are gohng to after beating Newport Countx last


night. Peter opened the scoring with his fifth goal in four games. Since


joining the club earlier thhs month. Fellow striker, Andy Willials added


the second before Newport ptlled one back to make for a nervy end to the


game. I shall we played verx well. We were playing pretty well at the


moment and we were pretty comfortable. Except the last five


minutes where we should havd scored more goals. Another pleasing night


and another win. We have got another story with both age spectrul areas


covered. Pupils at Gloucestdrshire primary school have been getting a


flavour of life in our own classrooms from 70 years ago. That


is what I meant to stop a group of former pupils Horsley from who are


now aged 78, have been back to school to see how life has changed.


It is a far cry from Russians and corporal punishment. Our reporter


joined them. `` rush `` rathons Registration was a little dhfficult


`` are different today. As the class of the 1940s came back to school.


Life is different back then, no computers, no uniform and


uncomfortable wooden desks. But great memories. It was quitd nice.


It depended on who was teaching us. We had one teacher who was `


pleasure to work with. He rdally looked after us at the youngsters.


Mr Marvel is now 101 is old but could not make it today. His


pupils, now aged 78, were jtst getting used to being back `t


school. The boy's playgrounds over the road. I sat there. That is him.


George? It was the differences that the class of 2014 want to know


about. They were pleased th`t some things had changed the bettdr. There


was one bottle of milk left over in the crate and no one would own up to


had not had them not that d`y. So, all the people who had not had


became that day because no one would own up. I thought the caning with, I


found it really interesting, but I can't believe they did that. It must


have really hurt. Here, all we do is lose five minutes a golden time


just like losing playgrounds time. I like the idea of the wooden desks


and chairs. They didn't havd to wear school uniform, probably a bit of an


advantage! It was a time to catch up with old friends reminisce, to


remember that despite being in the wartime generation of school, they


have a lot to be thankful for. It was wartime, lots of things were


going on but we were too yotng to suffer the indignities of bding


children drinking water. We have been lucky, `` during the w`r. A day


of this Dowager as the class of the 1940s went back to school `` a day


of nostalgia. I would love to go back to my school! I am surd they


would love to have you back My name is written in three places. OK,


those people at your school will try to find them! You can see more about


that visit on our Facebook page It includes a secret family connection


to the film crew that we sent there. It's really worth taking a look


Let's take a look at what the weather is doing.


It has been a day of two halves a damp and cloudy start followed by a


fine afternoon with some sunshine. This was the rain through the


morning, moving south and e`st. A few heavy bursts, but not everyone


seeing it. In the afternoon, when the cloud has broken, it re`lly was


well broken, allowing some very pleasant spells of sunshine, 18 2


Celsius the high this afternoon in your result. `` Yeovil. This


evening, there will be some patchy cloud, which means another cool


night, temperatures in towns around eight or nine Celsius. In the


countryside, where there is sheltered from the breeze, these


values could be closer to two or three Celsius. After the mild night


just gone, there is another chilly night. On Thursday, we are tnder the


influence of high pressure hs a squeeze on the isobars. It will


often be cloudy, as well. Some sunshine coming through. It will


feel pleasantly warm. First thing tomorrow morning, a nip in the air


and some pleasant spells sunshine. The cloud will bubble up and might


spread out a bit. Some warm spells in the afternoon. A slight chance of


catching a shower of further north, but a dry day for many. Still a


noticeable west or north westerly breeze, but 18 or 19 Celsius is the


norm `` hi. There will be a little bit of rain through the morning


mainly. As you can see, it hs really quite patchy in nature, comhng and


going and it's sad will bre`k to give spells sunshine. Allow for some


outbreaks of rain. It will become brighter in the North West. On


Friday, when the sunshine c`lms it is still warm from the end of


September, around 19 Celsius to end the week. Mainly dry, some rain for


a time drink Friday. At the weekend, it is looking fine and


settled. There will be some good spells of sunshine. I will be back


at half past ten. Goodbye. Thank you for all the weathdr photos


that you have sent in. All our social media details will bd on the


screen. We are back at 10:30pm. Have a good evening, goodbye.


I go round the country and talk to people and so many


people say life's an incredible struggle at the moment and even


if it's not a struggle now, they feel uncertain about the future


What kind of future is my family going to have?


People have lost that confidence that there is going to be


a future that is better than the past, that their kids are going


I think that now there's sense of we have been through the pain,


we have made the sacrifices, where is the vision for the country?


It's time we had a plan and that's what my plan


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