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Sarah Smith, BBC News. | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | |
Here on BBC One it's time
for the news where you are. | 0:00:00 | 0:00:12 | |
Good evening.
for the news where you are. | 0:00:12 | 0:00:13 | |
I'm Riz Lateef.
for the news where you are. | 0:00:13 | 0:00:15 | |
We start tonight with a BBC London
investigation exposing rogue | 0:00:15 | 0:00:18 | |
beauticians who carry out illegal
teeth whitening treatments. | 0:00:18 | 0:00:22 | |
Achieving a perfect smile is big
business in the capital - | 0:00:22 | 0:00:26 | |
and when it's carried out
by qualified professionals | 0:00:26 | 0:00:28 | |
in dental clinics it's a safe
and simple procedure. | 0:00:28 | 0:00:31 | |
But in the wrong hands it can lead
to crippling pain and burns - | 0:00:31 | 0:00:34 | |
and dentists have told us it can
even put patients' lives at risk. | 0:00:34 | 0:00:38 | |
Guy Lynn has this exclusive report. | 0:00:38 | 0:00:47 | |
Teeth whitening is one of the most
popular procedures in the UK. But as | 0:00:49 | 0:00:55 | |
it is a medical procedure only a
dentist or regulated dental | 0:00:55 | 0:01:02 | |
professional can legally do it on
customers. These pictures show why. | 0:01:02 | 0:01:07 | |
Used incorrectly the hydrogen
peroxide can cause burns and | 0:01:07 | 0:01:12 | |
blisters and gum damage. BBC London
went undercover to find rogue | 0:01:12 | 0:01:17 | |
beauticians offering treatments.
Such as Ashley Smith near Paddington | 0:01:17 | 0:01:22 | |
who charges £100. She implies that
she is qualified. Yes, I am trained | 0:01:22 | 0:01:31 | |
and qualified. Her only
qualification a one-day course with | 0:01:31 | 0:01:35 | |
the tooth whitening firm. Yet she
illegally performs dental | 0:01:35 | 0:01:38 | |
procedures. If you're seeing someone
on the high street that attended a | 0:01:38 | 0:01:44 | |
one-day course, dentists attend a
five-year training programme to | 0:01:44 | 0:01:49 | |
qualify so you are placing yourself
in harms way. The whitening kits and | 0:01:49 | 0:01:53 | |
toothpastes that you could buy on
the high street can only contain a | 0:01:53 | 0:02:00 | |
maximum of 0.1% of hydrogen peroxide
and anything stronger, up to 6%, | 0:02:00 | 0:02:05 | |
must be prescribed by dentists. Fran
from West Ham is no dentist but this | 0:02:05 | 0:02:14 | |
untrained beautician carries out
dental procedures in her bedroom. Do | 0:02:14 | 0:02:18 | |
not touch that because it could burn
your hands. And tell us what | 0:02:18 | 0:02:24 | |
strength hydrogen peroxide she will
use to whiten teeth. It contains | 0:02:24 | 0:02:29 | |
hydrogen peroxide 25%. Using
whitener warden four times the | 0:02:29 | 0:02:35 | |
strength allowed by a dentist is
breaking the law and she knows it. | 0:02:35 | 0:02:40 | |
In all honesty you're not supposed
to use this. That is why you paid | 0:02:40 | 0:02:46 | |
£300 as a dentist. So will she go
ahead? First of all she gives us a | 0:02:46 | 0:02:52 | |
gum shield and then applies hydrogen
peroxide. That is the peroxide. | 0:02:52 | 0:02:58 | |
Usually she would leave it on for
over an hour but we have taken | 0:02:58 | 0:03:02 | |
dental advice and we bought
straightaway. After filming our | 0:03:02 | 0:03:08 | |
researcher gets the peroxide removed
and has a full dental checkup and | 0:03:08 | 0:03:12 | |
gets the all clear. It is putting a
life at risk to do dental procedure | 0:03:12 | 0:03:17 | |
is not in a dental surgery. I see
where things have gone wrong and I | 0:03:17 | 0:03:21 | |
have to deal with that. And this is
astounding, it should not happen. | 0:03:21 | 0:03:27 | |
Ashley Smith said she used a safe
non-peroxide product but ignored all | 0:03:27 | 0:03:32 | |
requests for a response. Fran low
denied using peroxide gel is on | 0:03:32 | 0:03:40 | |
customers. She claims she said she
did in order to get the sale and Ben | 0:03:40 | 0:03:43 | |
Checchi was not aware that what she
was doing was illegal. She now says | 0:03:43 | 0:03:47 | |
that she has stopped doing teeth
whitening altogether. She also sold | 0:03:47 | 0:03:51 | |
as a syringe with 700 times the
strength peroxide that can be | 0:03:51 | 0:03:54 | |
purchased on the high street. We
will hamper to the authorities and | 0:03:54 | 0:03:59 | |
during our investigation we heard of
many other beauticians ignoring | 0:03:59 | 0:04:04 | |
warnings and playing roulette with
patient safety. | 0:04:04 | 0:04:08 | |
Thousands of cervical cancer smear
tests are being reviewed | 0:04:08 | 0:04:10 | |
after an issue identified
at a laboratory in Essex. | 0:04:10 | 0:04:12 | |
It's after some women in the county
were wrongly given the all-clear. | 0:04:12 | 0:04:16 | |
Let's get more details
from Marc Ashdown. | 0:04:16 | 0:04:23 | |
What do we know? All women aged
between 25 and 64 are offered the | 0:04:23 | 0:04:28 | |
cervical smear test to test for
cervical cancer. His tests in | 0:04:28 | 0:04:33 | |
question are from a laboratory which
carries out testing for Southend | 0:04:33 | 0:04:38 | |
Hospital trust and Basildon Hospital
trust. And 17 women were given the | 0:04:38 | 0:04:41 | |
all clear by mistake. They should
not been told that at all. They have | 0:04:41 | 0:04:48 | |
now been contacted and some of them
in fact need further testing. | 0:04:48 | 0:04:53 | |
Because of August 2000 500 smear
tests are now being retested. We | 0:04:53 | 0:04:57 | |
understand about 900 of those have
already taken place and depending | 0:04:57 | 0:05:00 | |
what happens with those, if for
example they detect significant | 0:05:00 | 0:05:05 | |
variations then worst-case scenario
they may have to take all 55,000 | 0:05:05 | 0:05:08 | |
women who were tested over the past
few years in the area and bring them | 0:05:08 | 0:05:12 | |
back in for retesting. The local
says this is all troubling and | 0:05:12 | 0:05:18 | |
raises serious issues. One of the
big questions I do not understand, | 0:05:18 | 0:05:21 | |
if the fault was found last June why
has it taken so long to come to | 0:05:21 | 0:05:25 | |
light. And I do not understand why
the government 's procedures were | 0:05:25 | 0:05:31 | |
not in place so this must bring more
rigorous. But at the moment is to | 0:05:31 | 0:05:36 | |
seems to be simply speculation as to
exactly what went on. | 0:05:36 | 0:05:41 | |
Add water but the hospital trusts,
whatever they said? Basildon told us | 0:05:41 | 0:05:45 | |
we understand this is a worrying
time for the women involved and they | 0:05:45 | 0:05:51 | |
would like to reassure everyone that
this is an isolated incident. We | 0:05:51 | 0:05:55 | |
understand an independent screening
service has been brought in to carry | 0:05:55 | 0:05:59 | |
out three tests which should take a
couple of weeks. Women who have a | 0:05:59 | 0:06:03 | |
Tesco back negative will not be
contacted Sobey advises you think | 0:06:03 | 0:06:08 | |
you are affected do not contact your
GP. If there is an issue the | 0:06:08 | 0:06:11 | |
hospital will get in touch with and
Public Health England said cervical | 0:06:11 | 0:06:15 | |
cancer is one of the most deadly but
also one of the so they do not want | 0:06:15 | 0:06:22 | |
people to be put off being tested
because of this. | 0:06:22 | 0:06:27 | |
The father of an eleven month
old baby boy is to challenge | 0:06:27 | 0:06:29 | |
a high court judgment,
allowing doctors to withdraw | 0:06:29 | 0:06:31 | |
life support treatment. | 0:06:31 | 0:06:32 | |
Specialists at King's College
hospital had argued that giving | 0:06:32 | 0:06:34 | |
further intensive care treatment
to Isaiah Haastrup was 'futile' not | 0:06:34 | 0:06:36 | |
in his best interests. | 0:06:36 | 0:06:41 | |
One of the ringleaders convicted
of the Hatton Garden heist - | 0:06:41 | 0:06:43 | |
has died in prison. | 0:06:43 | 0:06:44 | |
He was 69. | 0:06:44 | 0:06:45 | |
Terry Perkins was jailed for seven
years after stealing over | 0:06:45 | 0:06:48 | |
£13 million of valuables
in the 2015 raid. | 0:06:48 | 0:06:50 | |
He's believed to have
been ill for some time. | 0:06:50 | 0:06:52 | |
An independent investigation
into his death will now take place. | 0:06:52 | 0:07:00 | |
It's estimated that 10,000
new construction jobs will be | 0:07:00 | 0:07:02 | |
created in the capital over the next
five years, but with a shortage | 0:07:02 | 0:07:06 | |
of skilled workers in London -
it raises the question | 0:07:06 | 0:07:08 | |
who will fill them? | 0:07:08 | 0:07:17 | |
And with Brexit talks underway
in Downing street today - | 0:07:17 | 0:07:20 | |
some are worried that Britain
leaving the EU will exacerbate | 0:07:20 | 0:07:22 | |
the existing skills gap here. | 0:07:22 | 0:07:24 | |
Our Political Correspondent
Karl Mercer reports. | 0:07:24 | 0:07:25 | |
They're building a new school
and new homes here in Paddington. | 0:07:25 | 0:07:27 | |
And London's going to need
a whole lot more of them. | 0:07:27 | 0:07:30 | |
Which means it will need a whole lot
more workers like these. | 0:07:30 | 0:07:33 | |
According to the industry
training body | 0:07:33 | 0:07:34 | |
the capital will need 10,000 more
construction workers over | 0:07:34 | 0:07:36 | |
the next five years. | 0:07:36 | 0:07:38 | |
It will be a challenge. | 0:07:38 | 0:07:43 | |
We need to retain and retrain the
people already in the workforce. And | 0:07:43 | 0:07:49 | |
then we need to recruit people into
doing that. | 0:07:49 | 0:07:52 | |
It's not just these hands on jobs
that will be needed though. | 0:07:52 | 0:07:54 | |
The industry is about more than
working on chilly sites in February. | 0:07:54 | 0:08:00 | |
I think there's
working on chilly sites in February. | 0:08:00 | 0:08:00 | |
I think there's a
working on chilly sites in February. | 0:08:00 | 0:08:00 | |
I think there's a chance
working on chilly sites in February. | 0:08:00 | 0:08:00 | |
I think there's a chance that
working on chilly sites in February. | 0:08:00 | 0:08:00 | |
I think there's a chance that people
working on chilly sites in February. | 0:08:00 | 0:08:00 | |
I think there's a chance that people
just see us from the practical | 0:08:00 | 0:08:05 | |
trades perspective which are vital
in delivering projects but sometimes | 0:08:05 | 0:08:09 | |
we tend to overlook the other skills
needed in the industry as a whole. | 0:08:09 | 0:08:15 | |
From professional architectural
skills sets, sustainability and | 0:08:15 | 0:08:18 | |
environmental skills. | 0:08:18 | 0:08:25 | |
That might explain this latest video
from the institution | 0:08:25 | 0:08:28 | |
of civil engineers, | 0:08:28 | 0:08:28 | |
aimed at schoolchildren
to get them interested | 0:08:28 | 0:08:30 | |
in a career in construction. | 0:08:30 | 0:08:33 | |
Part of the efforts of the industry
to sell itself better at a time | 0:08:33 | 0:08:36 | |
when jobs are being created but some
skills can be in short supply. | 0:08:36 | 0:08:44 | |
We are aware of the existing skills
gap and Brexit is exacerbating that. | 0:08:44 | 0:08:49 | |
So we need to make sure we get the
skilled people we need in the places | 0:08:49 | 0:08:53 | |
we need them to complete the
infrastructure here in London. That | 0:08:53 | 0:08:57 | |
is a huge challenge for the
industry. It is a worry because | 0:08:57 | 0:09:01 | |
London is this amazing and vibrant
city but our global status is at | 0:09:01 | 0:09:06 | |
risk if we do not do things like
almost trebled the number of homes | 0:09:06 | 0:09:10 | |
being built in the capital, improve
the infrastructure. | 0:09:10 | 0:09:14 | |
They are
challenges that will | 0:09:14 | 0:09:15 | |
need workers, thousands of them. | 0:09:16 | 0:09:17 | |
The challenge will be to find
those workers in time. | 0:09:17 | 0:09:19 | |
Time for me to say goodnight
and let's get the latest | 0:09:19 | 0:09:22 | |
on the weather with Stav. | 0:09:22 | 0:09:23 | |
And bitterly cold out there? | 0:09:23 | 0:09:25 | |
And bitterly cold out there? | 0:09:25 | 0:09:29 | |
It is, it stays cold as well,
typical early February weather | 0:09:29 | 0:09:34 | |
throughout this week. Although
plenty of crisp winter sunshine | 0:09:34 | 0:09:37 | |
early in the week. It looks like
telling perhaps a little less cold | 0:09:37 | 0:09:42 | |
towards the end of the week. It will
be cold tonight, a widespread frost | 0:09:42 | 0:09:49 | |
and temperatures down to minus five
Celsius. Close to -1 in the city | 0:09:49 | 0:09:54 | |
centre. So you will have to scrape
your car if you're heading out early | 0:09:54 | 0:10:00 | |
first thing. But at least cold and
bright with some sunshine around. | 0:10:00 | 0:10:08 | |
Behind it is a band of cloud
containing some sleet and snow. | 0:10:08 | 0:10:13 | |
Primarily affecting east Anglia, and
as the skies clear very cold on | 0:10:13 | 0:10:19 | |
Tuesday night with a widespread
frost to start Wednesday. But again | 0:10:19 | 0:10:24 | |
not a bad day, bright with some
sunshine. Things turning a little | 0:10:24 | 0:10:30 | |
less cold as we reached Thursday but
with that thick cloud and outbreaks | 0:10:30 | 0:10:36 | |
of rain. And windy for a time as
well. That system moves away | 0:10:36 | 0:10:41 | |
gradually to the near continent as
we head into Friday. The | 0:10:41 | 0:10:45 | |
high-pressure moving in to settle
things down. So Friday starting off | 0:10:45 | 0:10:49 | |
wet and not as cold. But the
sunshine should come out. | 0:10:49 | 0:10:55 | |
Temperatures at around 7 degrees.
Heading towards the weekend, said to | 0:10:55 | 0:10:59 | |
stay cold with a spell of rain and
he'll snow Saturday | 0:10:59 | 0:11:03 |