28/03/2014 South East Today


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Welcome to South East Today. Tonight's top stories.


A Kent Chaplin breaks ranks to say she would be willing to bless a gay


marriage in a church. Green MP Caroline Lucas defdnds


herself in court, saying her actions at the Balkan fracking protdst were


legitimate and appropriate. A major blow for plans to create a


satellite grammar school in West Kent as parent power stops `


potential sponsor school from expanding.


The loss of Rod at kid `` Rtdyard Kipling's Sun in World War H


influenced the words on war memorials nationwide. `` Rudyard


Kipling's Sun. Good evening. A Kent chaplahn says


she's willing to defy Church of England rules and risk dischplinary


action by offering a servicd blessing gay marriages. The Reverend


Kes Grant, who's chaplain at St Augustine's Academy in Maidstone,


says all married couples should be treated equally, whether thdy're gay


or straight. Britain's first same`sex marriages


will take place at one minute past midnight tonight. But the Church of


England says those unions should not be blessed in church, even though


it's "unreservedly committed" to the pastoral care of homosexuals.


Chrissie Reidy reports. At a minute past midnight Andrew and


Neil will be legally married. The Church of England does not welcome


gay marriage, so this reverdnd says she would defy her church's on rules


and bless same`sex couples `fter the ceremony. I want to bless the


couple. They are made in thd image and the love of God. If I c`n blow


bless `` if I can bless an hnanimate object, why can't I bless a loving


union between two people? It does not make sense to me. It is a view


welcomed by this couple, who will be one of the first to marry tomorrow.


It should be equal for any clergy or member of the church to havd their


own choice whether to do it or not, not have it as an overall, no, you


can't. The Archbishop of Canterbury has indicated the church will no


longer make resistance to g`y marriage but some people sax that


gay activists are trying to redefine the definition of marriage. The


loving thing to do to anybody, heterosexual or homosexual, is to


point them towards the loving beauty and wholeness of truth found in


Jesus Christ. The dioceses of Canterbury said that clergy should


not bless same`sex couples. If they do and there is a complaint, it


could lead to disciplinary sanctions up to and including suspenshon.


Heterosexual people are weakening the institution of marriage by


having affairs, by their behng domestic abuse within marri`ge. All


of that defies the covenant of a loving marriage. Why would gay


couples coming into that ardna weekend it in any way at all?


Reverend Kes Grant says it simply comes down to the love of two people


and the church should welcole same`sex `` same`sex couples who


want to marry without a fuss. Chrissie joins us live outshde


Canterbury Cathedral. The Archbishop of Canterbury is facing a vdry


difficult task to keep the Church of England unified over gay marriage,


isn't he? It is fair to say there are clearly still deep divisions


among the Church of England over this. Some clergy feel therd has


been accepted is, a shift tone. The bill comes due perfect tonight. ``


the bill comes into effect. But Reverend Kes Grant says it does not


go far enough and she once there to come but time when she can bless a


gay couple in a church. You've been commenting on the story.


Dianne Baxter on Facebook s`ys gay couples should be able to m`rry in


church. She says: "It's the 21st century and not worthy of ftrther


debate, the law is passed and AMEN to that!"


But Jill Watson disagrees, she emailed us to say "The Bibld says


that marriage is a union between man and woman. If gay couples w`nt to


'marry' for legal or financhal reasons, there is always a civil


partnership." So what do you think? Should gay


couples have the right to m`rry in church, so they're treated dxactly


the same as straight couples? Or do you think the line should have


been drawn at civil partnerships, and that gay marriage is a step too


far? Britain's only Green MP, Caroline


Lucas, has taken the stand hn court this afternoon to defend her


decision to take part in anti`fracking protests in the West


Sussex village of Balcombe. The Brighton Pavilion MP was


arrested outside the energy firm Cuadrilla's drilling site there in


August. But she denies two public order offences, maintaining her


actions were "legitimate and appropriate", as Piers Hopkhrk


reports. From the Commons to the courthouse,


Brighton Pavilion MP Caroline Lucas arriving to give evidence today in


her trial before Brighton Magistrates. I am arresting you for


obstructing the highway. Thhs is the moment she was arrested last August.


She was charged with breach of the Public order act and wilful


obstruction of the highway. Charges the UK's only Green MP has denied


throughout her trial. Giving evidence today she told the court, I


was exercising my right to peaceful protest in an area where I did not


believe we were causing any obstruction. Asked why she did not


move on when asked by policd, she said, I wanted the protest to end


web is all agreeing to stand up and to have done it on our own terms in


a peaceful and symbolic way. If we had been given another 15 mhnutes we


could have ended the protest and disbursed. Caroline Lucas is on


trial with four other defendants. Speaking on the court steps this


afternoon she thanked her supporters. The support has been


fantastic for all five of us, constituents writing to me `nd I


know they wanted me to be hdre to make the case. All five defdndants


deny the charges against thdm. The case continues.


What happens now that Carolhne Lucas has given her evidence? All that she


and her four co`dependence can do is sit back and wait because the trial


will go into a sixth day but not until April the 17th. We have one


more witness to hear from and in the afternoon the district judgd will


return to deliver his verdict. He will have to decide whether the


actions of these protesters constituted either a breach of the


public order act or obstructing the public highway. The protests at


Bochum last summer cost Sussex Police a lot of money but they say


they are getting some back now. It cost them ?4 million, but today the


Home Office has agreed to p`y ?900,000 of that back. That money


has been welcomed by the police and the crime to hear in Sussex but of


course it leaves a shortfall of some ?3 million.


Coming up, we will be looking ahead to a public meeting tonight in


Sussex where they are discussing the possible impact of future fracking


across the South East. Controversial plans to create the


first new grammar school pl`ces for 50 years have received a major


setback. Kent County Council's been backing campaigners in Sevenoaks who


say grammar school places are desperately needed there.


But when the Weald of Kent Grammar School in Tonbridge offered to


create a satellite site, thd Government said an all`girls school


could not run a mixed`sex annexe. And now parents at Weald of Kent


have voted against plans to make the entire school mixed`sex. Lucinda


Adam has the details. It is a mathematical equation that


nobody seems able to solve. How do you create more grammar school laces


so there are enough for everybody who passes the 11 plus, when the


government will not allow any new grammar schools to open. Thd wheel


book ends school thought it had found a solution, offering to open a


second site in Sevenoaks. Btt the council said the whole school would


have to become mixed. It wotld have been a coeducational annexe at


Sevenoaks. If we lose half of the girls' places here, once thd school


was up and running there wotld be no additional places for girls and that


was a concern for us as govdrnors as well as the parents. Last Jtne it


was found that the Weald of Kent Grammar `` and another school were


bidding to set up satellite sites but the government rejected both


compose all is, `` both proposals. It looked like there was hope when


the Weald of Kent Grammar plans to become coeducational. In Sevenoaks


today the demand for places was clear. All the kids are dre`ming of


going to grammar school. It is important. It is very important My


son goes to school in Sevenoaks and in a few years he will need to go to


secondary school and I would not want to travel to Tonbridge or


further. It depends on the teachers ultimately and the ethos of the


schools. Kent County Council says all is not lost. Can you find a way


to move along the lines of what was suggested but make sure that that


includes additional girls' places, not all of the new places are simply


boys' places. They have talked also about looking for a partnership with


a boys' school. The now it hs back to the drawing board and sole hard


sums for the councillors. Lucinda joins us live from County


Hall in Maidstone. These gr`mmar school annexe plans keep getting


blocked, Lucinda ` so is thd county council giving up? No, they are


certainly not weaving up, bdcause they simply can't afford to. This


year alone nearly 1000 pupils who passed the 11 plus in Kent will not


be going to grammar school because there are not enough places. The


government insistence that this needs to be a satellite mixdd sex


school is a challenge for councillors because in West Kent


where the needs are most actte all of the grammar schools are single


sex. They will need to eithdr change the plans or convince anothdr school


to go coeducational. A 24`year`old woman has been


arrested in Gillingham on stspicion of murder after a man was found dead


in North London. Father of three Mehmet Hassan was discovered with


neck and chest injuries, after the police forced entry to a property in


Islington on Monday. Four mdn have also been arrested in London.


The first phase of the ?25 lillion development of Lydd Airport is under


way, following the appointmdnt of specialists to manage its rtnway


extension. Capita will be m`naging the project at the airport on the


Romney Marsh in Kent. The expansion plans were opposed by wildlhfe and


environmental campaigners, who say it will damage the local arda.


A West Sussex secondary school has been put into special measures,


following a damning Ofsted inspection. The watchdog saxs


students at Oakmeeds Communhty College in Burgess Hill are not


achieving their academic potential because of poor quality teaching and


inadequate leadership and management.


Supporters of fracking say ht's the best way to guarantee cheap and


plentiful energy for generations to come, but opponents of the


controversial process of sh`le gas and oil extraction say they believe


it has a devastating impact on the local environment.


Tonight a public meeting's taking place in Wadhurst, to discuss the


possibility that fracking could take place in future across huge areas of


the South East. The governmdnt's public consultation process for


onshore oil and gas licensing ended today, as Roz Upton reports.


Wadhurst sits in the high Wdald area of extra `` natural beauty. It falls


within the 14th licensing round for exploration of oil and gas hncluding


shale gas, which can be extracted by fracking. We can see 30`year


licenses handed out to fracking companies, we can see water affected


which we can't afford to lose in a drought year, lorries haring up and


down the roads. It will not even bring down fuel prices, all it will


do at best is used the profhts. Some parts of the South East including


bulk are already licensed. This draft plan covers the rest of the


region. It is an opportunitx for energy security, lower bills and a


lower carbon footprint. In Pennsylvania energy cup and have


been fracking since 2007. It would be good to have the same ratio of


Wales to area. `` wells. Here we do not have the water or the space


Communities do not want it here Most Wadhurst residents we spoke to


were unaware that energy can these might soon be bidding for lhcences.


I thought it was all West Stssex. I think it is a very good ide`. I


think we need it because we have free energy, basically, it hs all


there in the ground. People will be drilling in the passages, the


fields. I am concerned. `` drilling in the past year `` .


Residents from bulk, where Cuadrilla carried out exploratory drilling,


will be speaking at tonight's public meeting.


This is our top story tonight. A Kent Chaplin says she is willing to


defy Church of England rules and risked disciplinary action by


offering a service to bless gay marriages. She says all couples


should be treated equally, gay or straight.


The poster boys of Sussex btsiness. A portrait of the company changing


the landscape of the art world. After a rather chilly week we have


some warm and dry weather jtst in time for the weekend. Join le for


the forecast at the end of the programme.


He was one of the biggest celebrities of his day, the author


of The Jungle Book and Kim, with homes in Rottingdean and thdn


Burwash attracting day`trippers by the thousand. Rudyard Kipling's


books reached millions across the Empire. But during World War I he


suffered personal tragedy, `nd when words were needed for memorhals to


offer comfort to a grieving nation he was called upon to write them.


Sara Smith has tonight's Spdcial Report.


Deep in the Sussex countryshde, this was the house Rogic Kipling chose as


a century for his family. 100 years ago no family was protected from the


darkness enveloped in Europd. Anyway, Kipling believed in the war.


He used his celebrity to support the call for men to fight. It c`me as a


shock when John, his own son, could not join up. He was not fit, and it


crushed John. It upset Rudy`rd but also John. His father steps in? Yes,


he is able to pull a few favours and he gets John a commission.


His first experience of battle would be at the Battle of loose. Possibly


because of his poorer at `` eyesight, alongside many others he


died. Rudyard felt a lot of responsibility


for John's death but it was not entirely his fault. The statistics


say he probably would have perished regardless.


Roger and's grief was shared by so many others but as a writer he was


able to help the rest of thd nation, indeed the Empire, commemor`te those


who died. `` Road yard `` Rtdyard's grief.


They needed somebody to put words alongside the commemorative


structures being built and really Kipling was the best possible


candidate. It is 1917, who dlse do you want involved? He is very


famous, a wordsmith, a famots author. Words were found so that all


would be treated equally. Hd managed to come up with you to full phrases


to supply that need. He suggested that the phrase be used, thdn namely


of for evermore. `` their n`me live. The commission wanted to make


sure that that happened. For all of his high profile work, showhng King


George the places where men were buried, Kipling was equally


concerned for families who would never get to see their loved ones'


graves, so he helped villagd after village raise funds for thehr own


memorials. A large proportion of the British population were not able to


travel to France so they cotld pay homage to their sons, husbands and


fathers at home. For Kipling there was one Memorial he could not bear


to see, the one in his own village of Burwash, the one that bore the


name of his son. And you can find out more about the


centenary of the First World War and its enduring impact to this day on


our website, bbc.co.uk/ww1. Since the advent of the Intdrnet the


way we change `` by all kinds of things has changed. Now a Stssex


business is allowing people to do the same with art.


Easyart say they hope to do bubble their business within a couple of


years. But there are those who say that being able to buy art online is


another nail in the coffin of the high Street.


Within a click, art is creative Easyart wants to be the iTunes of


the art world. Technology is driving the business. You take an order from


somebody's laptop and communicated directly to our centre in Ndwhaven.


They printing individual im`ges not having to print 250. We print on


demand. There are almost 65,000 works on Easyart. It holds licences


from almost 9000 artists, including Picassos and Andy Warhol, and the


company has partnerships with 3 museums and galleries across Europe.


It started in a Brighton race meant 25 years ago. `` basement. The


company now employs about 70 staff. We have come long will `` come a


long way from Athena. The chain failed in the mid`90s but this chain


in Brighton is doing well. Despite having an online resonance ht


believes buying art in person is crucial. In the gallery we offer


more of a per spoke service. `` Bis spoke. Although Easyart has deals


with some of the biggest nales in the art work it does back elerging


artists. I have been able to get my work into John Lewis. For an


up`and`coming artist it is puite hard to get into. Newhaven light not


currently be seen as the ephcentre of the art world but this company


hopes to change the way manx people by a piece of art. It hopes to


double its turnover and its workforce within the next two years.


On to football, and three of our four league sides are in action


tomorrow. There's two games in the Championship on Saturday, whth


Brighton taking on Middlesbrough and Charlton travelling up to Ddrby In


League One, Crawley Town tr`velled to Deepdale to take on Preston North


End, but Gillingham are not in action this weekend. `` travel to


Deepdale. A skier from Sussex who took French


nationality to compete at the Winter Olympics last month has now become a


junior world champion. Ben Cavet, who is 20 and from Crowborotgh, has


won gold in the dual moguls event at the Junior World Championshhps in


Italy. He came eighth in thd men's Olympic final in Sochi in Fdbruary.


Now back to our top story tonight. A Kent Chaplin says she is willing to


defy Church of England rules and risk disciplinary action by offering


a service blessing gay marrhages for any couples who want her to.


Britain's first gay weddings will take place at one minute past


midnight tonight. And the Rdverend Kes Grant, who is chaplain `t St


Augustine's Academy in Maidstone, says all married couples should be


treated equally by the Church, whether they are gay or str`ight.


Earlier we asked what you think Thanks for all your comments.


John Cooper says he is in f`vour of blessing gay marriage, loving


relationship involves two pdople, that is all.


Others say Somma `` say, sorry, marriage is for a man and woman it


takes a man and woman to have children.


I think it should be allowed, the same`sex community have had to fight


for their rights. Molly Byford, who is 14 and a


Quaker, says, I believe gay marriage should be allowed. The main role in


Christianity is to do the most loving thing. The Bible says we are


all one in Jesus Christ. Another one says, the vicar is going


against gods commandments and if she does so should be excommunicated. ``


God's. Another one says, most people should


want to avoid going to church if they are gay, religion has been one


of the biggest impediments to gay liberation in history.


We are going to be staying dry and it is feeling warm, temperatures in


the mid`to top teams. `` tedns. One or two of us saw some fairlx hefty


showers today but for the most part staying dry. Top temperaturds of 12


or 13. The winds stay with ts over the weekend, with drier and milder


air. Tonight we will stay dry, the cloudy skies starting to cldar and


we could see some mist and fog patches developing. Lows of eight or


nine on the coast, five or six in land. We start the day mildly


tomorrow. By the afternoon we are going to see plenty of hazy


sunshine. It is a lovely dax to be out and about, plenty of sunshine,


feeling warm, and temperatures in the mid`teens, potentially tp to 18


or 19, but widely 14 or 15. The winds around ten to 15 mph, a mild


breeze. Tomorrow night, staxing dry with some mist and fog formhng but


it stays mild. A mild start on Sunday and more of the same, plenty


of sunshine by the Dunoon 's `` by the afternoon. It will stay mild


into the new week but the rhsk of showers is back, particularly by the


time we get to Tuesday. Over the weekend, lots of sunshine, lake the


most of it, and it is feeling warm as well.


Thank you for watching. We will be back next week. Claudia will be here


with the late news.


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