Marlon James Talking Books

Marlon James

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Now, on BBC News, it is time for Talking Books. THEME SONG


Now, on BBC News, it is time for Talking Books. THEME SONG PLAYS.


Hello, and welcome to Hay Festival at the Wales. There are thinkers and


a young audience alongside authors and scientists. It is my great


pleasure to introduce Marlon James. APPLAUSE. It is my great pleasure to


introduce Marlon James, who I think is one of the most exciting,


adventurous writers in the world is today. He is the first Jamaican, as


I am sure you know, to have won the Man Booker Prize. For a book that is


breathtaking in its ambition, also, as many people have noted,


eye-watering in its violence and sex scenes... I think it would the real


mistake to think of Marlon James as a Tarantino of the literature world.


-- be a. He draws on a passion for Greek tragedy and many other


authors, as you will see. I wanted to begin with this amazing


international success you have enjoyed. Did you ever think you


would find yourself in the middle of the Welsh countryside talking about


Jamaican gangs? LAUGHTER. It is funny. I imagined


myself in a Welsh used bookstore. That I imagined. But, no, it was


enough for me that the book in my head came out on the page. It is not


that easy. Writers and the audience know what I and talking about. So


many things happen between your thoughts and what will sell. -- I am


talking. One thing that got me through so many passages was, not


just the sex and violence, but writing a 7-page sentence, with me


just thinking, you know what, I will just leave it and my editor will


take it out. The irony is that he didn't. I wrote 10,000 more words


and we still argue about it. LAUGHTER. I will release the uncut


version when I am 60. Why did you decide to have so many different


characters and voices in the book? It happened, I won't say by


accident, but that was the least plant being in the book. -- planned.


It is my all-time shortlist novel. It was supposed to be... --


shortest. The first page... It was supposed to be this quick crime


novella. I was reading Raymond Chandler and I wanted to write a


come in quake and kill a few people kind of book. Wham bam. Yeah. The


problem was I couldn't finish it. For some reason, I started the way


it I wrote my previous novel. I found a magical voice that could


carry me through the whole thing. I just kept failing at every turn. I


would hit page 50 and run into a dead-end. I was having dinner with


my friend Rachel and said, I don't know whose story this is. She said,


what makes you think this is one person's story? Ah. And she


prescribed me rereading As I Lay Dying by Faulkner. Oh... . The idea


was that one person could never tell this story. You couldn't just tell


this story about 1976 through one person. I think that if the


narrative voice, the narrator, has authority, and even humanity, then


it can take you through some things. And I take my readers through some


really horrendous stuff. You certainly do.


LAUGHTER. If there is a certain humanity there, then, the reader


will stick with you. I think that is right. I think you have to drown


yourself in the book to the point at which you are hearing the voices so


clearly in your own head. That is what takes you through it. Yeah, and


I think umm, I think sometimes we have this idea that the reader reads


books to escape pain and tragedy and the difficult. And I think that is


where we confront them. That is where we get to experience it


vicariously. That is where we... Because, there is more... Sometimes


we have this idea of if we enjoyed a book it means we had fun. Yeah,


yeah, yeah, I think so. I have read books I didn't enjoy three times.


That's good back to the context of this book. A very important year in


the history of Jamaica, 1976. -- Let's. -- go back. I don't think the


audience might realise how subversive a figure Bob Marley was


at that time. His assassination is the crux of this book. He was. It


was a big deal. Jamaica is, was, and still is, a pretty conservative


society. We are very much sold on the idea of this kind of colonial


education. This very British colonial education which has nothing


in common with Jamaican education. We are sold on this idea of a rasta


far in itself, something to disruptive and polarising. --


rastafarian. Rastafarians went through serious persecution in the


60s and 70s. For the most famous Jamaican, the one that could make


the voice of struggle to be this Rastafarian was just not cool. Umm,


he was... He was also not much of an example for the emerging black


rights movement because he was half white. People forget that


Rastafarianism is not a racial movement, even though it is back to


Africa, it is not a racial movement. He also... In my grandmother's house


there were pictures of the head of the political party. There were no


pictures of us. LAUGHTER. Right, OK. That is the


kind of cult of personality we have going on. For a singer to come along


and say, believe in yourself, to say, holds these people accountable,


it was subversive. He was polarising on so many levels. When you came to


write about it, you barely use his name, he is referred to throughout


the book as the Singer. Was that to give him an epic quality? It was.


Even... Finally enough, that is my experience of Miley. -- funnily.


Totally symbolic. -- Bob Marley. I have never seen him in person. To


me, he was a series of news reports. Everything from his Vibration album


making number eight in the charts to the very tragic story of his


cancer... Bob Marley in cancer, Bob Marley off to Germany, they expect


good things, Bob Marley returning home. That is my experience, his


music, the few times he came on TV, news reports. He was already kind of


symbolic. Most of these characters, quite a few of these characters, are


based on people. Not based on one. Most Jamaicans think that Jim Brown


was an influence, and there are many parallels, but he did not have the


same view of homosexuals as in the book. But, no, the thing about him


is that he is a super violent man who has killed many people. I would


so get coffee with you. You have this book written about a difficult


time in Jamaica's past, written in patois, a lot of violence and sex,


how was it received? To get culture to be the language of art, we still


have an inferiority complex. In my second novel, my friend confronted


me saying, aren't you any less teacher, why are you writing in this


voice? -- an English. I had a friend that wanted me to write a book in


Jane Austin English, we aren't friends any more. The idea that I


speak proper and the whole notion of proper English, what that is, that


is something that I think hovers over Jamaican speech quite a bit. I


mean, our proper English is a very dead form of English. You know? When


I listen to it I still hear Rime of the Ancient Mariner and so on.


Because language can include changes. It can fool you. From the


way I speak, most Jamaicans think I Emmrich. Your skin is black but you


are mostly uptown. -- I am rich. No, it is because I watched so much


Sesame Street. LAUGHTER. But, yeah, umm, using


language can include and exclude, the above and below, and people are


obsessed with how people speak. We grew up in a country with a weird


silence were we talk in great detail about what is going on in Jamaica,


that is, if it is in the living room, or on the veranda, but we


don't talk anywhere where that voice will carry. So, the idea that this


book was having a discussion everybody has had, there is nothing


new in this book to any Jamaican, that that discussion was put right


and centre, it was very inspiring to them. And, I think, also, it was a


most 40 years ago. -- almost. Maybe that is the wrong thing to say. They


are far better at confronting it than before. The response has been


inspiring and great. Jamaicans love winners, you know. It doesn't matter


if they don't want a Man Booker Prize is, it is a prized.


LAUGHTER. What did your parents think about it? I remember you said


don't read Chapter four. It is a running joke I have with my mother.


Each acknowledge and is an ability for her to read the book. --


acknowledgement. Don't think she can read explicit gay sex. I think she


has read it. But she always says, you young people do what you want.


Does ... Did you get that love of language from your father? I have a


love of books that he has. He loves Wordsworth and Coleridge. Now I do.


Eventually I got cold done Shakespeare because of that. Does


that contrast your school? -- got hooked. You talk about a world that


doesn't even exist any more. I can never figure out if I will be the


last of the old or the first of the new. My generation... We are still,


you know, given British history, alongside Jamaican. Or the Jamaican


history is in the context of slavery. Colonialism. But, again,


that is where I developed my sensibility and where I first read


Tom Jones. It is where I read Dickens, Great Expectation, twice.


Huckleberry Finns. That kind of literary education is irreplaceable.


The homophobia that you experience then, did you feel that continued


into your adult life? My adult life was different. I think to be sort of


persecuted for being gay, I would have to have been gay back then and


back then I was sort of... I did that thing that all Jamaican men do,


we just become really devout Christians. People say, I notice you


haven't found a wife. I am all in fire for Jesus. That is the word.


And also, that religious sense does seem to inform your writing. When


you came to your first novel, it is very much a book about good and evil


and you are never quite sure who is good and who is evil in John Crow's


Devil. Yes, there are lines in that book that only someone who comes out


of church would know. It is like, when people say things like, when


someone looks at me, I am going through problems but no weapon


formed against me shall prosper. So a lot of it is... John Crow's Devil


was definitely, I mean, I wrote it when I was still in church. But that


still shaped a lot of the worldview of that novel, and that shaped a lot


of my worldview at the time, because when I was in church I wasn't faking


it. I actually genuinely believed that in church I wasn't faking it. I


actually genuinely believed. My best friend as a preacher in Texas, so


you can tell the fund discussions we have. And you know, I don't demonise


that time, poor choice of words. You know, I don't knock that time at


all. I'm glad I'm no longer in it. Not for the book I really was


interested in the demagoguery of old-time church in Jamaica. The


hypocrisy, the idea that the pastor is the religious authority which is


still the case in quite a few Jamaican villagers. Still the case?


Oh yes. There was a case about a year after my book came out where


this deke and raped this girl and the police found out about it


because he filmed it, and the preacher was horrified. Not because


of the crime, she was horrified because people dead challenge his


authority, because he had already been punished and spoken to the Lord


and how dare you challenge my authority? And that is still there.


In Jamaica we talk about creatures sitting on a whole heap of things.


All the secrets of the neighbourhood he knows. He is the person you


confessed to. I don't necessarily look at it as a bad thing, because


for a lot of these neighbourhoods church is the only good they have,


it is the only thing holding them together, it is the only place they


are getting social services, it is the only place they are getting


counselling. So at its best church can be a wonderful thing in these


neighbourhoods. But they are also can be this really sort of what kind


of authority. -- they can also be. That is what I really wanted to


attack in that book. And a very interesting structure in the first


book as well. I think this is where, you mention Greek tragedy earlier


but you draw on the idea of a chorus, don't you? Yes, I am very


much inspired by great tragedy. By this Greek and Roman, Greek tragedy


and Roman tragedy and so on. The idea of the chorus, the idea of...


And I think I had a chorus in the first novel. But also the idea of


the offstage event, or, you know, writing people who have really,


really horrendous flaws but you have to recognise their humanity in a way


which I think the ancient Greeks got better than anybody. But yes, for


the first novel, the idea of this chorus, that even sometimes


contradict the author, is something that I find really, really


interesting. I reread Greek plays before I right every book. I am


rereading one right now. Because again, I just think the ancient


Greeks understood, are the only people to fully get human nature.


And in your second book, The Book of Night Women, which is about slavery,


a wonderful book, but in the book, you spell out in horrible, sickening


detail the kind of brutality that was involved in the slave 's State.


The funny thing about the book is that I pulled back, I actually held


back. People don't realise how horrendous livery was. I actually


held back with that look. Because I think, even if the extreme violence


is totally true, I think sometimes we fall into this sort of


pornography of violence, and the end result is that people get numb. And


I didn't want... And I have said this before, I think violence should


be violent, but I think a violent act in a novel shouldn't pretty much


have the same impact as violence in real life. Even though, the funny


thing about the stories I write, they get... They get a lot of


attention for violence, and actually not that violent. It's just that I


would rather have four scenes that really resonate then say 40 that


makes you go numb. It is not necessarily that I load it with


violence, it is that the violent scenes really leave a mark. And then


they always say, you know, reading about the life of the slave is


probably a little bit better than being a slave. Yes, just... It is


probably a little bit better than being one. So I think we can read a


little bit. Yes, no, certainly. And people have made comparisons between


your books and films and... Is there filmic influence at all? There is a


huge filmic influence. I was inspired -- I'm as inspired by film


as I am by books, with Brief History, certainly Robert Altmann


and Cuaron are hugely important to me. As I said before. Even with


Cuaron, a lot of the imagery comes from cinema. There were some


important things I got from cinema. One was to recognise the sort of


depth and poise in an actual scene. I think is a writer sometimes you


are quick to go the metaphor or simile or Aleutian. And I say this


to my students, a sunset does not need your help -- allusion. It's


pretty spectacular on its own, just tell us the dam sunset. But


recognising that there is power in the actual scene around you, as


opposed to trying to lay it, was very important -- damn. Particularly


for the two looks which were told by people who were not writers.


Nobody... I mean, I think I have tried to cheat a little bit and have


one or two characters who were literary, but by and large these are


not people who will compare anything to a summer's day. So I had to find


resonance somewhere else. And that is one of the things I think cinema


does really, really well. Marlon James, many thanks indeed for


speaking with us. Thanks for having me.


Some reasonably decent weekend weather for most parts


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