18/11/2015 Newsround


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Martin here with Wednesday's top stories.


I am talking to children here in Paris about the attacks.


First to Paris, France's capital city where people


there are trying get back to normal after an Islamist extremist group


called Islamic State carried out several attacks on Friday, during


I love Paris because of its energy and inspiration. There is always


something to do. It is a usable city. There is every nationality. It


is such a lively city. Five days ago everything they love about Paris was


threatened. After the Friday attacks many schools were closed. They are


open again now and I am at one school in the city centre to find


out how children here are dealing with what happened. I was in my


apartment when it happened. I heard noises, I turned on the news to


check what was happening. More than 100 people, I think, called all six


of us, because all six of us were at home to check things were fine. The


first thing I noticed, the streets of Paris were empty. I never see


Paris like that. There was militarily everywhere. What is life


like back at school? The first thing I said when I came back on Monday, I


am glad you say, I am good and happy to see you and it was more heartfelt


than I ever said it. I know some people but have lost important


people in their lives because of the situation. We tell them that


everything is going to be fine, it is going to be OK. The teachers told


us to move on and try and... Move on, try to keep going. Although the


students are still upset they told me they are positive about the


future of the city. I am sure that it is probably going to recover. But


it is going to need some time. When that big event happens, after a


while, everybody gets better. I think the right thing to do now is


keep going. Paris is really strong. No matter what is thrown at the city


it will come back and been in more vibrant and as lovely as ever.


Thousands of homes have been without power today in the wake of storm


Barney, trees were knocked down by 85 mph winds and there's been


There is more severe weather to come, warnings have been issued


for rain and wind in parts of Scotland, Northern Ireland


Barney is the second UK storm strong enough to be named.


Take a look at this anti-bullying video made by some school kids


I am Holly. I guess I am being bullied. I am being bullied.


The film was made by year 7's and 8's


They wanted to make people think about what they do


and say online and let people who are bullied know they're not alone.


You can see the full video on our website.


where you get to meet the US President's wife.


Well, that's what three lucky girls from London got to do this week.


They met Michelle Obama at the White House to learn all


about the First Lady's Let Girls Learn initiative, a plan to bring


education to 62 million girls in the world who don't go to school because


So, what they did they think of Mrs O?


She is absolutely down to earth. I did not feel like I was talking to


the first lady, it was just like a friend of mine. She was so lovely.


We saw a bit of ourselves in her so we could be like her. She was nice


in the way that she did not just wants to talk about herself. She


wanted to know about what we wanted to know. What we were doing. It was


lovely to have that. And we want your questions for Diary


Of A Wimpy Kid author, Jeff Kinney. He's joining us later this week,


so get to the website A three month old giant panda cub


has made her first public appearance at a conservation centre in


Kuala Lumpar, in Malaysia. Unfortunately,


the sleepy baby went for a little Visitors to the zoo are able to


see her for an hour each day. In keeping with Chinese tradition,


she won't have an official name Newsround's back right here tomorrow


morning with all the latest but get to the website right now


for our top stories.


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