Part One House of Commons

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Order! Order! Before I look to the Leader of the House To move the


business of the House motion, that is to say, motion number ond, it


might be for the conveniencd of the House to know that no fewer than 157


colleagues are seeking to c`tch the eye of the chair today. The chair


will do his best to accommodate as many colleagues as possible. I would


ask that colleagues do not come to the chair to enquire whether you are


going to be called and when, or to enquire on the half of a colleague,


or to cause others to enquire on your behalf or that of others. I


understand the interest, we have done our best and will do otr best,


please be patient and hope for the best. Needless to say for the


benefit of new members, bear in mind if you wish to speak that it is


imperative you remain until all of the front bench speeches have been


completed. Thereafter, people must use their own judgment and come and


go if they wish, but try and remain in The Chamber for as much of the


debate as possible. The question is is on the order papers. We shall be


dealing today with the security of our country, the safety of the


people of Syria, and the lids of our Armed Forces, which is why we asked


two weeks ago for a two-day debate. I request my right honourable friend


repeated on Monday the. Members had a chance to make proper


contributions and an opporttnity to reflect on the argument. As you have


said, 157 members have put hn to speak, 87 from this side of the


House, 80 from the other side. Plus the front bench speeches whdre


members will want to press linisters on their argument and their case.


You will be announcing soon that there is a five-minute limit on


speeches and this will almost certainly be reduced to four minutes


and we minutes, and even so, not all members will be able to spe`k in the


debate today. I gently say to the Prime Minister, this is no way to


proceed if you really want to take the House and country with xou. It


is important that we on these benches put forward our profound


disappointment of a guillothne motion after rejecting the calls and


requests for a two-day debate. This could easily have been postponed. I


think the public expects us to clear the decks and get down to ddbating


the important issue of the day. It is likely that considering ` quarter


of the members of this Housd want to speak today, people will be


disappointed. Every member has the right to represent their


constituency on an issue of such importance, and our constittents


have the right to listen to their MP. This is no way to do business


and we remain disappointed that the government has not made mord time


for this debate. Since we h`ve 57 people waiting to speak, it would be


better if we got on with thd debate. I will not be making any


announcements soon about anx time limit, and I have given absolutely


no honourable or right honotrable member any reason to believd that I


shall. If I have something to say, I will say it's to the House. -- it.


Very briefly... I wish to r`ise an error on the order paper. Mx name is


erroneously been added. I al great great fault. -- I am grateftl. She


wishes to be withdrawn from that amendment and that is noted. Perhaps


if she would be kind enough, we can leave it there. The question is is


on the order paper in respect of motion number one. As many of that


opinion... On the contrary... I think the ayes habit. The axes


habit. -- have it. I have sdlected amendment the in the member of Mr


John Barron and others. The amendment will be debated together


with the main motion. At thd end of the debate, he will be invited to


move the amendment formally and the questions will then be put first on


the amendment and then on the main motion. We now come to motion number


two on Isil in Syria United Nations Security Council Resolution 224 . I


wish to call the Prime Minister Mr Speaker, I beg to move the lotion on


the order paper in my name `nd my right honourable friend. Thd


question before the House today is how we keep the richest people safe


on the threat posed by Isil. -- British. This is not about fighting


terrorism, it is about how best we do that. I respect that govdrnments


have had to fight terrorism and take the people with them as thex do so,


and I respect the balloon come to a different view from the govdrnment


and the 1 I set out today, `nd those who vote accordingly, and I hope


that provides some reassurance to members right across the Hotse. I'm


happy to give way. I thank the Prime Minister and he is right in his


opening statement to say how important it is due respect opinion


on all sides of this House, so will he apologised for his remarks last


night against his right honourable friend 's? I respect people who


disagree, I could not be cldarer. I respect that governments of all


colours have had to fight tdrrorism and I respect we are all discussing


here how to fight terrorism and not whether to fight terrorism. In


moving this motion... Mr Spdaker... Order! The Prime Minister is clearly


not at this stage giving wax. He has the floor. I will take dozens of


interventions in the time I have stopped and conscience -- conscious


of not taking too much time. Let me make progress at the start. In


moving this motion, I am not pretending that the answers are


simple. The situation in Syria is incredibly complex. I am not


overstating the contribution that are incredible service men `nd women


can make, neither am I ignoring the risks of military action, nor am I


pretending that military action is any more than one part of the


answer. I am clear that we lust pursue a comprehensive strategy that


also includes political, diplomatic and humanitarian action, and I know


the long-term solution in Sxria is in Iraq must ultimately be `


government that represents `ll of its people, and one that can work


with us to defeat the evil organisation of Isil for good.


Notwithstanding all of this, there is a simple question at the heart of


the debate today. We face a fundamental threat to our sdcurity.


Isil have brutally murdered British hostages, they have inspired the


worst terrorist attack against richest people in Tunisia, `nd they


plotted atrocity after atrocity on the streets at home. Since November


last year, the security services have foiled no fewer than sdven


plots against our people so this threat is very real and the question


is this. We work with our allies to degrade and destroy this threat and


do we go after these terrorhsts in their heartlands where they are


plotting to kill richest people or do we sit back and wait for them to


attack us? -- British. It whll be helpful if he could retract his


inappropriate comment from last night but will he be assured that no


one on this side of the House will make a decision based on anx such


remarks, nor will we be thrdatened from doing what we believe hs the


right thing, whether those threat come from online activist or indeed


from our own dispatch box? H completely agree with the honourable


gentleman. Everybody should make up their mind on the arguments in this


House, and there is honour hn voting for, and there is honour in voting


against, that is the way thhs macro house should operate and th`t is why


I want to be clear that this is about how we fight terrorisl, and


not whether we fight terrorhsm. I will make progress and then give


way. In answering this question we should remember that 15 months ago,


facing a threat from Isil in Iraq, this House voted to authorise air


strikes in Iraq. Since then, our brilliant RAF pilots have hdlped


local forces to hold the advance and recover 30% of the territorx that


Isil had captured. I spoke to the President Barack and he expressed


his gratitude for the vital work is forces are doing, and yet when our


planes reached the Syria border we can no longer act to defend either


his country or indeed our country. Even when we know that the


headquarters of Isil R.N. R`qqa and it is from here that many of the


plots against our country are born. The Prime Minister is facing an


amendment that was signed bx 11 members of this House from six


different political parties. I have examined this list very cardfully, I


cannot identify a single terrorist sympathiser among that list. Will he


now apologise for his deeplx insulting remarks? I have m`de very


clear, this is about how we fight terrorism and there is honotr in any


vote that honourable members make. Mr Speaker, we possess capabilities


to reduce this threat to our security and my argument today is


that we should not wait any longer before doing so. We should `nd so


the call from our allies. The action we propose is legal, it is necessary


and it is the right thing to do to keep our country save and mx strong


view is that this House shotld make clear that we will take up our


them off and put our own national them off and put our own national


security in the hands of others I give way. I have just returned from


Baghdad and Irbil, where Ishl is on the back foot, Saint John h`s been


liberated, the route between Muslim Raqqa has been liberated, btt


everyone on the ground tells me that unless we attack Isil on thd ground,


there is no point, they will come back and attack their country and


our country. It is set out very clearly in the UN Security Council


that the fact that this so-called caliphate exist in Syria as well as


Iraq is a direct threat to the Government of Iraq. He talks about


some of the better news frol Iraq, I would also add what has happened in


Tikrit, since that has been taken off Isil, 70% of the population


returning to the city. Later on I am sure we will talk about


humanitarian aid, reconstruction. That can only work if you t`lk about


-- if you have good Governmdnt in those towns and the absence of Isil


in those towns. Let me make a little more progress and I will take more


interventions. Since my statement last week, the House has had an


opportunity to ask questions of our security experts. I have -- arranged


a breathing for more privy counsellors. I have spoken to


President Obama, Chancellor Merkel, Francois Hollande and the Khng of


Jordan. The King of Jordan has written in the Daily Telegr`ph today


expressing his wish for Britain to stand with Jordan in elimin`ting


this global threat. I have `lso listened carefully to questhons from


members on all sides of this has and I hope honourable members c`n see


the influence this House has had on the motion before us. The stress on


post-conflict reconstruction and stabilisation, the importance


standing by our allies, are the importance standing by our `llies,


troops in combat operations, the importance of casualties, cdasefires


and a political settlement `nd regular updates to this House. I


have drawn these points frol across the House and put them in the


motion, because I want as m`ny people as possible to feel `ble to


support this action. I give way Can I say first of all that I whll be


supporting him today. I do think, however, that he needs to apologise


for the comments he made in relation to the Labour Party. Could H ask him


very specifically, in relathon to civilian casualties, what the UK


Government are going to do to minimise those? The honourable


gentleman raises a very important point. In Iraq, for a year `nd three


months, there have been no reports of civilian casualties related to


the strikes Britain has takdn. Our starting point is to avoid civilian


casualties altogether and I have argued and indeed will argud again


today that our precision we`pons and the skill of our pilots makds


civilian casualties less likely so Britain being involved in the


strikes in Iraq can both be effective in prosecuting thd


campaign against Isil, but `lso can help us to avoid civilian c`sualties


as well. Let me give way. I'm grateful to the Prime Minister. Is


he aware that we have press reports that over the recent past, 60,0 0


Syrian troops have been murdered by Isil and our allies have actually


waited to attack until after that murderous act has taken place.


Therefore, there is a key p`rt in the motion for many others which


talks about our action will be exclusively against Isil. If Isil


are involved in attacking Sxrian Government troops, will we be


bombing Isil in defence of those troops or will we wait idly by, as


our allies have done up unthl now, wait for Isil to kill those troops


and then for us to bomb thel? What I say to The Rt Hon gentleman, who I


have great respect for, the motion says exclusively Isil, becatse that


was a promise I made in this House in response to points made from both


sides of the House and as f`r as I am concerned, wherever Isil are


wherever they can be properly targeted, that is what we should do.


Let me make this point, bec`use I think it is important, when it comes


to the argument about ground troops. In my discussions with the King of


Jordan, he was making the point that in the south of Syria, therd already


is cooperation between the Jordanian Government and the French and the


Americans and the Free Syri`n Army, but also there is a growing


ceasefire between the regimd troops and the Free Syrian Army, so they


can turn their guns on Isil. That is what I have said, this is a Isil


first strategy, they are thd threat, they are the ones wd should


be targeting, this is about national security. Let me make more progress


and I will take more intervdntions. I want to address the most hmportant


point being raised and I will take as many interventions as I can. I


believe the key questions bding raised are these: first, good acting


in this way actually increase the risk to our security by makhng an


attack more likely? Does Brhtain really have the capability to make a


difference? Third, the question asked by a number of members, why


don't we just increase our level of air strikes in Iraq to free up


capacity amongst other membdrs of the coalition so they can c`rry out


more air strikes in Syria? Fourth, will they really be the need for


ground forces? Fit, what is the strategy for defeating Isil and


securing a lasting political settlement. And six, is there a post


conflict settlement plan for Syria? I will try and answer all of these


in turn. Let me give way. The Prime Minister will know how membdrs of my


party feel when it comes to fighting and dealing with terrorism `nd, for


that, there will always be support, no matter where terrorism r`ises its


head, but turning to the motion could I ask the Prime Minister if he


can guarantee to the House where he indicates that the Government will


not deploying UK troops in ground combat operations. If it becomes


necessary at a later date to do that, will he come back to this


House and seek approval to do that? It is not only something I don't


want to do, it is something I think if we did, it would be a mistake,


because the argument was made to us by the Iraqi Government that the


presence of Western ground troops, that can be a radicalising force,


that can be counter-producthve, and that is our view. But I would say to


him and colleagues behind md who are concerned about this issue, I accept


that this means that our strategy takes longer to be successftl,


because we rely on Iraqi ground troops in Iraq. We rely on the


patchwork of Free Syrian Arly troops there are in Syria. In time, we hope


for Syrian ground troops from a transitional regime. But all of that


takes longer and I think ond of the key messages that has to cole across


today is yes, we do have a strategy. It is a complex picture, it will


take time, but we are acting in the right way. Let me make one lore


point, before we get onto all of these things, I want to say


something about the terminology we used to describe this evil death


cult. Having carefully conshdered the strong representations lade to


me and having listened to m`ny members of Parliament, I thhnk it is


time to join our key ally France, the Arab league and other mdmbers of


the international community in using as frequently as possible the


terminology Daesh, rather than Isil. This evil death cult hs not a


true representation of Islal nor is it a state. I am interested to hear


what he thinks we should call Daesh, but if we are talking about


terminology, should he not take this opportunity to withdraw those


remarks he is calling those who will not be voting him back of the late


with him tonight, a bunch of terrorist sympathisers. Not as it


only offensive, it is dangerous and it is untrue. I have made mx views


clear about all of us fighthng terrorism and it is time to move on.


Let me turn to the important questions and I will take


interventions as I go through. First, could acting increasd the


risk to our security? This hs one of the most important questions we have


to answer. Privy councils across the House have had a briefing from the


chair of the independent Johnt Intelligence Committee. I c`n't


share all of the classified, but I can say this, Paris wasn't just


different because it was so close to us because it was so horrifhc in


scale, Paris was different because it showed the extent of terror


planning from Daesh in Syri` and the approach of sending people back from


Syria to Europe. This was, hf you like, the head of the snake in Raqqa


in action. So it is not surprising that the judgment of the ch`ir of


the Joint Intelligence Commhttee and of the director-general of the


Security service is that thd risk of a similar attack in the UK hs real,


and that the UK is already hn the top tier of countries on Ishl's


target list. I want to make this point, I will take more


interventions. If there is `n attack on the UK in the coming weeks or


months, there will be those who try to say it has happened becatse of


our air strikes. I do not bdlieve that will be the case. Daesh have


been trying to attack us for the last year, as we know from the seven


different plots our securitx services have oil. The thre`t level


to the UK was raised to sevdre last August in light of attempted attack


to buy Daesh, meaning it is highly likely. 800 people, including


children, have been radicalhsed and travelled to this so-called


caliphate. These terrorists are plotting to kill us and radhcalising


our children right now. Thex attack us because of who we are, not


because of what we do. Thank you, Mr Speaker. We all, on these bdnches,


share the Prime Minister's horror for Daesh and its death cult and we


bought terrorism. Will he t`ke this further opportunity to identify


which members of these benches he regards as terrorist sympathisers?


Everyone in this House can speak for themselves. What I am saying is when


it comes to the risk of milhtary action, the risks of inaction are


far greater than the risks of what I propose. Next, there are those who


ask whether Britain conducthng strikes in Syria will reallx make a


difference. This is a questhon. . Let me make my argument then I will


take his question, because this point has been raised in brdathing


after breaching. I believe we can make a real difference. I told the


House last week about dynamhc targeting, brimstone missilds, about


the wrapped POD on our torn`does and the intelligence gathering work of


the drones. I will not repe`t all of that but there is another w`y of


putting it that is equally powerful. There is in the coalition a lot of


strike capacity, but when it comes to precision strike capabilhty,


whether covering Iraq or Syria, last week the whole international


coalition had some 26 aircr`ft available. Eight of those wdre


British tornadoes, so typic`lly the UK actually represents betwden a


quarter and a third of the international coalition's precision


bombing capability and we also have about a quarter of the unmanned


strike capability flying in the region, so we have a signifhcant


proportion of high precision strike capability. That is why this


decision is so important. I will give way. He is right to sing the


praises of the RAF pilots and my constituents, one of his sons was


tragically killed training for the RAF in 2012 and he has asked


specifically this question. Will be air force in northern Iraq, or is


the in northern Iraq, and if we go into Syria, does it have co`lition


warning systems attached in this crowded airspace question are


absolutely essential for thd of our pilots. The honourable gentleman is


absolutely right and I pay tribute to his constituent's son. Wd will be


part of the deep conviction process that already exists between


coalition partners flying in Syria and in Russia. In terms of our own


aeroplanes, they have the most extensive air sweeps possible to


make sure they are kept safd. So the argument I was making is ond reason


members of the international coalition, including Obama, have


made the point me personallx, they British planes were make a real


difference in Syria, just as they are doing in


Either vote is an honourabld vote but I is just we get on with the


debate that the country wants to his. I've believe this is to answer


the next question that some members have asked about why we do not


simply increase our level of air strikes in Iraq to free up other


coalition capacity for strikes in Syria. We have the capabilities but


other members of the coalithon want to benefit from and it makes no


sense to stop using these capabilities at a border between


Iraq and Syria that IS does not recognise or respect. -- Dadsh does


not recognise. There was a recent incident in which Syrian opposition


forces needed urgent support in the fight against Daesh. British


Tornados were eight minutes away over the border in Iraq, no one else


was close but Britain could not help so the opposition forces had to wait


40 minutes in a perilous situation while other forces were scr`mbled.


That sort of De Laet endangdrs the lives of those fighting Daesh on the


ground and does nothing for our reputation -- that sort of delay. I


thank him for giving way. C`n he understand that, at a time when too


many aircraft are chasing too few targets, what concerns many of us is


a lack of com preventive strategy both military and non-milit`ry


including an exit strategy? One of the fundamental differences between


Iraq and Syria is you have nearly a million personnel on the government


payroll and still we are having trouble pushing Isil act. 70,00


moderates in Syria, quite frankly, we risk forgetting the lesson in


Libya. What is his reaction to the decision of the Foreign Aff`irs


Committee yesterday that actually the Prime Minister had not


adequately addressed our concerns? Let me answer both questions. The


second question is perhaps `nswered by something I am sure the whole


house want to join me in whhch is wishing the honourable membdr for


Ilford South well given his recent illness, who normally is always at


the foreign affairs select committee and voting on the basis of the


arguments he believes in. Where we disagree is I believe there is a


strategy of which military `ction is only one part. The key answdred his


question is that we want to seem a new Syrian transitional govdrnment


whose troops will then be otr allies in squeezing out destroying the


so-called caliphate altogether. My disagreement with my honour`ble


friend is that I believe we cannot wait for that to happen, thd threat


is now, Isil-Daesh are planning attacks now. We can act in Syria as


we did in Iraq and in doing so we can enhance the long-term sdcurity


and safety of our country. H first double thank the Prime Minister for


that change into another chdap and all members of Parliament bdcause


the house for their support. -- change in terminology. Would he join


me in urging the BBC to change their policy of not using the word Daesh


because it would breach imp`rtiality rules. We are at war with


terrorism, we have to be unhted will he join me in urging the BBC to


review their bizarre policy? I agree with my honourable friend and I have


corresponded with the BBC about their use of IS macro, Islalic


State, which I think is even worse than either saying so-called I S or


Isil but Daesh is clearly an improvement and it is important we


all try to use this languagd. Let me make some progress and I will give


way some more. There is a more fundamental answer as to whx we


should carry out as drugs in Syria ourselves will stop it is R`kip in


Syria that is the HQ of this threat -- carry out air strikes. As I have


said, it is in Syria were m`ny of the plots against our country are


formed so we must act in Syria to deal with these threats ourselves. I


thank him for giving way, I would have preferred an apology btt I want


to discuss the facts. We proposing to be targeting different things


than in northern Iraq and I would like to ask him what practical steps


will be used to reduce civilian casualties and what sort of target


will will be going against which will reduce the terrorist threat to


the UK in terms of operations against our citizens? In terms of


the sort of targets we can go after, clearly it is the leaders of this


death cult itself, the training camps, the communications htb is,


those that are plotting agahnst us. As I will argue, the limited action


we took against this dame, has already had an impact on Ishl-Daesh


and that is an important pohnt - against Husein. We have a policy of


wanting zero civilian casualties. One year and three months into these


Iraqi operations, we have not had any reports of civilian castalties.


I am not standing here saying that there are no casualties in war, of


course there are, this is a very difficult situation will stop it is


hugely complex and a diffictlt argument to get across. But at the


heart is a simple point, will we in the long-term be safer and better


off if we can get rid of thhs so-called caliphate which is


radicalising Muslims, turning people against us and plotting atrocities


on the streets of Britain? H'm grateful to my right honour`ble


friend for giving way. Would he agree with me that there ard already


hundreds if not thousands of civilian casualties, those who are


thrown off ill beans, burned, decapitated, crucified, who have had


to flee Syria -- throne of hll doings. -- throne of the holdings.


We want to prevent this death cult from carrying out these ghastly axe.


Let me to the question of whether there will be ground forces to make


this operation a success ard a ghastly acts. Those who say there


are not as mini ground troops as we like and not in the right places are


correct, we are not feeling with an ideal situation. We should be clear


what air strikes alone can `chieve. We don't need ground troops to


target the supply of oil whhch they used to fund terrorism or to target


their headquarters and infrastructure and supply routes and


training facilities. It is clear that air strikes can have an effect


with the issue of Khan and Hussein. Irrespective of ground forcds, the


RAF can do serious damage to the bloody right now to bring tdrror to


our streets and we should ghve them that support -- -- to their


capability. How would he was born to the point that since the offensive


on Baghdad was blunted by ahr power, it has changed its tactics `nd


disbursed it forces and particularly in Raqqa, has disbursed it


operations into small units which make it into this to attacks from


our Tornados? I think what he says is absolutely right, of course they


have changed tactics. But that is not an argument for doing nothing,


it is an argument for using air strikes where you can but h`ving a


longer term strategy to delhver the ground troops through the transition


you need. The argument is shmple, do we wait for perfection which is a


transitional government in Syria, or do we start the work now on the


grading and destroying this organisation at the request of our


allies and the Gulf states on the knowledge from our security experts


that it will make a difference? As I said, the full answer to thd


question of ground forces c`nnot be achieved until that is a new Syrian


government that represent all the people. It is this new government


that will be the natural partners for our forces in defeating Daesh


for good but there are some ground forces we can work with in the


meantime. Last week I told the house, let me give the expl`nation,


we believe there are around 70, 00 Syrian opposition fighters who do


not belong to extremist grotps and with whom we can coordinate attacks


on Daesh. The house will appreciate there are some limits on wh`t I can


say about them, not least that I cannot risk their safety, who are


being targeted daily by the resume or Daesh or both. This is an area of


great interest and concern so let me say a little more. The 70,000 is a


tent -- estimate from our independent joint intelligence


committee based on a detaildd analysis updated daily and drawing


on a wide range of open source and intelligence. Of these, the majority


are from the free Syrian arly. Alongside the 70,000 there `re some


20,000 Kurdish fighters with whom we can also work. I am not argting


this is crucial, that all of these 70,000 art somehow ideal partners.


Some left the Syrian army bdcause of the brutality of Assad and they can


play a role in the future of Syria. That is a view taken by the Russians


as well who are prepared to talk with these people. I thank him for


giving way and the helpful way he has helped colleagues from `cross


the house he spoke about a long term strategy and a new government in


Syria and there is wide agrdement on that but possibly more of a


challenge with Russia so can he update the house on, say should he


has had with President Putin as to the short and longer term prospects


for President Assad? I have had these conversations with Prdsident


Putin on many occasions, most recently in Antalya. Barack Obama


had a meeting with him at the climate change conference in Paris.


There was an enormous gap bdtween written, America and Saudi @rabia


and Russia on the other hand -- Britain. We wanted Assad to go


instantly, they wanted him to stay at that gap has narrowed and it will


narrow further as these vit`l talks in Vienna get underway. And a point


about these talks are some people worry it is a process withott an end


but the clear ambition of the talks is for a transitional government


within six months and a new constitution and fresh secthons


within 18 months so there is a real momentum behind these talks. That


require fresh elections. Was he confirmed the house that


alongside any military intervention in Syria that may be authorhsed to


night he remains completely committed to the huge F at which has


kept so many people alive bx this government in that region? ,- the


huge humanitarian effort. We will be keeping that othdr not


least with the vital conferdnce in London next year when we will bring


together the whole world to make sure we fill the gap in the funding


that has not been available. He is presenting his case well, if he had


come to the house and asked for a narrow licence to take out Hsil s


external planning capabilitx and think it would have commanddd


widespread consent but he is asking for a wider authority and I want to


draw him on the difference between Iraq and Syria. There are ground


forces in place in Iraq but not in Syria. Can he say more about what


ground forces he envisages joining us in the seizure of Raqqa? This


goes to the nub of the diffhculty of this case. I don't think yot can


separate taking out the comland and control of Isil's operations against


the UK or France or elsewhere from the task of degrading and ddstroying


the Daesh caliphate they have created. They are intricately linked


and as I argued last week, `s long as this so-called caliphate exists,


it is a threat to us, not ldast because it is radicalising Luslims


from across the world who are going to fight for that organisathon and


potentially returning to attack us. On his second question about ground


troops, as I explained, there are three parts to this. The thhngs we


can do without ground troops, don't underestimate them. The grotnd could


that are there, not ideal, not as men it is radicalising Muslhms from


across the world who are gohng to fight for that organisation and


potentially returning to attack us. On his second question about ground


troops, as I explained, there are three parts to this. The thhngs we


can do without ground troops, don't underestimate them. The grotnd could


that are there, not ideal, not as men as we and can work with. The


real plan is, as you get a transitional government in Syria


that can represent all the Syrian people, there will be more ground


troops for us to work with two defeat Daesh and the caliph`te which


will keep our country safe. I know that takes a long time and ht is


complex but that is the str`tegy that we need to start with the first


step which is going after these terrorists today. I'm grateful but I


think he has to acknowledge that the ground troops which we can work with


will be essential for his long-term strategy and at the moment he has


not shown to me that, as thd defeat Isil, we create a vacuum into which


Assad will move and we must fight and other enemy. And the final word,


can I give him some motherlx advice? If he just got up and said, whoever


does not walk with me through the division lobbies is not a tdrrorist


sympathiser, he would improve his standing in this house enorlously.


I'm very happy to repeat wh`t she said. People who vote in either


division lobby do so with honour, I couldn't have been more cle`r about


that. What I would say to hdr, is if she is saying there are not enough


ground troops she's right, hf she is saying they are not always hn the


right places she's right. Btt the question is, should we act now in


order to try and start to ttrn the tide? Let me make some progress I


will give way to the leader of the SNP in a moment. I want to be clear


about the 70,000. That figure doesn't include a further 24,00


extremist fighters in groups which reject political participathon and


reject coordination with non-Muslims. So, although they fight


plaice they cannot and will not be our partners. So, Mr Speaker, there


are ground forces that will take the fight to Daesh and in many cases we


can work with them and assist them. If we don't act now we should be


clear there will be even fewer ground forces over time as Daesh


will get even stronger. In ly view we simply cannot afford to wait we


have to act now. I give way to the leader of the SNP. I'm gratdful for


the leader for giving way. Would he clarified for every Member of the


House the advice he has been given and others have been given hn race


into the forces of 70,000? How many are classified as moderate `nd how


many are classified as on the mentalists we could never work with?


On the 70,000, the advice I have is that the majority are made tp of


Free Syrian Army. But of cotrse the Free Syrian Army has differdnt


leadership in different parts of the country. 70,000 excludes those


extremist groups like al-Nusra that we will not work with. But `s I said


very clearly I'm not arguing that the 70,000 are ideal partners. Some


of them do have views that we don't agree with. But the definithon of


the 70,000 is those people that we have been prepared to work with and


continue to be prepared to work with. Let me make this point again,


if we don't take action agahnst Daesh now, the number of ground


forces we can work with will get less and less. If we want to end up


with a situation where you have the butcher Assad on one side and a


stronger Isil on the other side not acting is one of the things that


will bring that about. I give way to my honourable honourable frhend


I know from my time in government how long, hard and I just bd the


Prime Minister thinks about these questions. But, will he enstre that


we complete the military aspect of this military campaign so that we


can get onto the really but perhaps most ethical aspect of the puestions


he has posed, the post-conflict stabilisation and reconstruction of


Syria? Without this early stage there will not be a Syria to


reconstruct? I think my Right Honourable honourable friend who


always thought about these things carefully is right. That is the end


goal. We shouldn't take our eyes off the prize, which is a reconstructed


Syria that can represent all the people, a Syria at peace so we don't


have the migration crisis, the terrorism crisis, that's thd goal.


Let me return to the overall strategy. I set this out in the


House last week. Counterterrorism, counter extremism, political and


diplomatic processes and vital humanitarian work my Right


Honourable honourable friend referred to. Our counterterrorism


strategy gives Britain can Prince of plan to prevent and foil plots at


home and also prevent deep poisonous extremist ideology that is the root


cause of the threat we face. I can announce we will establish `


comprehensive review to root out any remaining funding of extremhsm


within the UK. This will ex`mine specifically the nature, sc`le and


origin of the funding of Islamist extremism activity in the UK,


including any overseas sources. It will report to myself and Rhght


Honourable honourable friend the Home Secretary next spring. I want


to make this point before ghving way. There are some who express


military action is in some way capable of undermining our counter


extremism strategy by radic`lising British Muslims. Let me tackle this


head on, British Muslims ard appalled by Daesh. These wolen rake


raping, murderous monsters `re hijacking the peaceful religion of


Islam for their ends. As thd King of Jordan says, these people are not


Muslims, they are outlaws from Islamabad must stand without Muslim


Friends of Labour and around the world as they reclaim their religion


from beast terrorists. Far from an attack on Islam, we are eng`ged in a


defence of Islam. And far from the risk of radicalising British Muslims


by acting, failing to act would be to betray British Muslims and the


wider religion of Islam in hts very hour of need. The Prime Minhster


said that they would fight `ll the time in this country. Why don't the


Iranians, the Saudis, the Ttrks why do they not fight these people? Why


has it always got to be us who fight them? The Turks are taking part in


this action and urging us to do the same. The Saudis are taking part in


this action and urging us to do the same. The Jordanians have t`ken part


in this action and urge us to do the same. I have here quote aftdr quote


from leader after leader in the Gulf world making and pleading whth


Britain to take part to takd the fight to this death cult th`t


threatens us all so much. The second part of the strategy is support for


the diplomatic and political process. Let me say a word `bout how


this process can lead to ce`sefires between the regime and opposition so


essential for the next stagds of this political transition. Ht begins


with identifying the right people to put around the table. We expect a


Syrian Bell a team of peopld to negotiate under the auspices of the


United Nations. Over the last 1 months political and armed


opposition have confirmed Eddie Macken the -- have converged and we


will arrange a meeting for opposition representatives hn Riyadh


and the United Nations will take forward discussions on steps towards


a ceasefire, including at the next meeting of the international Syrian


support group that we expect to take place before Christmas. The aim is


clear, a transitional government within six months, the new


constitution and free electhons within 18 months, so I would argue


that the key elements of a deal are emerging. Ceasefires, opposhtion


groups coming together, the regime looking at negotiation, the key


players, America, Russia, S`udi Arabia and Iran and Chirichds no


players -- key regional plaxers like Turkey. Negotiation helps this


process which is the eventu`l goal. Does the Prime Minister agrde with


me that the murders on the beach in Tunisia and the carnage in Paris on


the 13th of November changes everything. And British people would


find it rather odd that it would take something more than th`t for


Britain to stand shoulder to shoulder with a number of other


countries and take on Daesh? My honourable honourable friend speaks


for many of us, they attack us for who we are, not because of what we


do and they want to attack ts again and again. Do we answer the call of


our allies, some of our closest friends in the world, the French and


Americans, who want us to join with them and their Arab partners in this


work, or do we ignore the c`ll? And if we ignore the call, think what


that says about Britain as `n ally. Inc what it says to the countries in


the region who ask themselvds if Britain won't come to the ahd of


France, it's neighbour in these circumstances, just how relhable


neighbour, honourable friend and ally this country is. Let md talk


about humanitarian relief and longer term stabilisation. I said last week


the report for refugees in the region and the extra ?1 billion we


have committed to Syria's reconstruction and the broad


international alliance we would work with in the rebuilding phasd. But Mr


Speaker, let us be clear and my honourable honourable friend for


Dorset North made this clear, people will not return to Syria if part of


it is under the control of `n organisation that enslaves Xazidis,


throws gay people off buildhngs behead aid workers and forcds


children to marry before thdy are even ten years old. We cannot


separate the humanitarian work and the reconstruction work frol dealing


with Daesh itself. I'm gratdful for the Prime Minister for giving way


and welcome any comments th`t distance British Muslims and Muslims


in Scotland from Daesh and H welcome the use of that terminology. I ask


the question as a new Member of the House, looking to seasoned


Parliamentary members who h`ve been in the House for some time `s new


members do on such occasions. Given the language used would be seen as


unbecoming of a parliamentarian for the benefit of new members would the


Prime Minister withdraw his remarks in relation to terrorist


sympathisers? What I would say is I think everyone is focused on the


main issues in front of us `nd that is what we should be focusing on.


Let me turn to the plan for post-conflict reconstruction to


support a new Syrian governlent when it emerges. I've said we wotld be


prepared to commit ?1 billion to Syria's reconstruction. The initial


priorities would be protecthon, security, stabilisation and


confidence building measures, including meeting basic hum`nitarian


needs such as education, he`lth and shelter and helping refugees to


return. Over time the focus would shift, the longer term rebuhlding of


Syria's shattered infrastructure, harnessing the expertise of the


international financial institutions and the private sector. As H said


last week, we're not in the business of trying to dismantle the Syrian


state or its institutions. We would aim to allocate reconstructhon funds


against a plan agreed betwedn a new inclusive Syrian government and the


international community wants the conflict had ended. That is the


absolute key. I will take the honourable member here and there and


bring it to a close. Prime Linister, what matters to my constitudnts is


whether they will be safer `fter this process has taken placd. He's


making a strong case that wd are attacking the heart of this


terrorist organisation. Will he assure the House, as well as taking


action in Syria, you will also shore up services, security services and


policing, in the United Kingdom That is what our constituents want


to know. What are we doing to strengthen our borders, what are we


doing to exchange intelligence information across Europe? What are


we doing to strengthen intelligence and policing agencies which the


Chancellor spoke about last week. All of this we should see through


the prism of international security. When you have the knowledge you can


make a difference I believe we should act. Let me take an


intervention from the leader of the Liberal Democrats. He rightly makes


the point how important it hs we are seen to stand with our friends and


allies in Europe. However, the Prime Minister has not so fast and with


those European allies on thd matter of taking our fair share of refugees


from this crisis and others. Would he look again at the save the


children request that this country takes 3000 orphaned children,


refugees currently in Europd? I would say we have played a huge part


in Europe as the biggest bilateral donor. No other European cotntry has


given as much as Britain has and we will take 20,000 refugees whth 000


arriving by Christmas. I'm happy to look once again at the issud of


orphans. I think it is bettdr to take orphans from the region rather


than those who come over with sometimes extended family. H'm very


happy to look at that again, both in Europe and out of Europe, to see if


Britain can do more to fulfhl our moral responsibilities. Mr Speaker,


let me conclude, this is not 20 3. We must not use past mistakds as an


excuse for indifference or hn action. Let's be clear, Mr Speaker,


in action does not amount for a strategy for our security or the


Syrian people. But in action is a choice. I believe it's the wrong


choice. We face a clear thrdat and we have listened to our allhes. We


have taken legal advice. We have a unanimous United Nations resolution


and discussed action extenshvely at meetings of the Security Cotncil and


cabinet and I've responded personally to the report of the


Foreign Affairs Select Commhttee and we have a proper motion before the


House and we have a ten hour debate today. I look forward to thd rest of


the debate and listening to contributions of members on all


sides of this House. But at the end of it all I hope the House will come


together at in large numbers so that Britain will defeat these evil


extremists and take the acthon needed now to keep the country safe.


I pay tribute to the extraordinary bravery in service of our


inspirational Armed Forces who will once again put themselves in harms


way to protect our values and our way of life and I commend this


motion to the House. The question is motion numbdr two, I


call the leader of the opposition, Mr Jeremy Corbyn.


The whole House recognises that decisions to send British forces to


war are the most serious, solemn and morally challenging of any we have


to take as members of Parli`ment. The motion brought before the House


today by the Government authorising military action in Syria ag`inst


Isil faces us with exactly that decision. It is one with potentially


far reaching consequences for us all, here in Britain as well as the


people of Syria and the widdr Middle East. For all members take `


decision that will put Brithsh servicemen and women in harl 's way


and almost inevitably lead to the deaths of innocents. This is a heavy


responsibility. It must be treated with the utmost seriousness and


respect, given to those who make a different judgment about thd right


course of action to take. Which is why the Prime Minister's attempt to


brand of those who planned to vote against the Government as tdrrorist


sympathisers, both demeans the office of the Prime Minister and, I


believe, undermines the serhousness of deliberations we are havhng


today. If the Prime Minister now wants to apologise for thosd


remarks, I will be happy to give way for him to do so.


Since, Mr Speaker, the Primd Minister is unmoved, we will have to


move on with the debate. And I hope it will be stronger later to


recognise that yes, he did lake an unfortunate remark last night, and


apologising for it would be very helpful to improve the atmosphere of


this debate today. I thank my honourable friend


forgiving way. As he appropriately is pointing out, the Prime Linister


is not showing leadership bx not withdrawing his slur on me `nd


others, would he also agree with me that there is no place whatsoever in


the Labour Party for anybodx who has been abusing those members of the


Labour Party who choose to vote with the Government on this resolution?


Mr Speaker, at use has no p`rt in responsible democratic political


dialogue. -- abuse. That I believe very strongly and that is the way I


wish to conduct myself and H wish others to conduct themselves in that


way. Would he agree with me that if the Prime Minister came to that


dispatch box and made a cle`r apology, he would clear the air


immediately and we could move on in this debate with a simple sorry


Well, as he often does on these occasions, he appears to be taking


advice from the Chancellor of the Exchequer on this matter. If he


wants to apologise now, that is fine. If he doesn't, the whole world


can note is not apologising. Since the Prime Minister first made its


case for extending British bombing to Syria, the doubts and un`nswered


questions than expressed on both sides of the House have onlx


multiplied. That is why it hs a matter of such concern that the


Government has decided to ptsh this vote through Parliament tod`y. It


would have been far better to allow a full two Day debate that would


have given all members the chance to make a proper contribution. And you


yourself, Mr Speaker, inforled us that 157 have applied to spdak in


this debate. He and I have worked together on the Kurdish isste. He


knows how tough the Kurds are finding it fighting Isil in the back


and Syria. -- Iraq. The Shadow Foreign Secretary believes the four


conditions for taking action in Syria has -- have been met. Why does


he disagree with him on that? He may have to wait a few moments to hear


that but it will be in my speech. I am pleased that he has made the


intervention in respect of the Kurdish people. At some point over


the whole of the Middle East and this settlement, there has to be a


recognition of the rights of Kurdish people, whichever country in which


they live. He and I have sh`red that view for more than 30 years. And my


view has -- has not changed. I am glad he has mentioned the


Kurds. Could he be clear at this dispatch box that he or anybody on


this bench will no way want to remove the air protection which was


voted on with an overwhelming majority in the House 14 months ago?


I thank my friend for that intervention. It is not part of the


motion today, so we move on with this debate. It is impossible, I


think, to avoid the conclushon that the Prime Minister understands that


public opinion is moving increasingly against what I believe


to be an ill thought out rush to war. And he wants to hold this vote


before the opinion grows evdn further against him. Whether it is a


lack of strategy, the absence of credible ground troops, the missing


diplomatic plan for a Syrian settlement, the failure to `ddress


the impact of the terrorist threat or the refugee crisis and chvilian


casualties, it is becoming increasingly clear that the


proposals for military action simply do not stack up.


I am very grateful to the honourable gentleman. I agree with what he has


been saying, that the case has not been put for this. I wonder under


the circumstances and the slur that has been put on the opposithon


benches, whether he will reconsider that it is important that the Labour


Party in its entirety joins with those on these benches in opposing


the Government, to whip Labour MPs to make sure the Government is


defeated in this motion? Evdry MP has to make a decision todax. Every


MP has a vote today. Every LP has a constituency. And every MP should be


aware of what public opinion is and they will make up their own mind.


Obviously I am proposing th`t we do not support the Government lotion


tonight and I would encourage all colleagues on all sides to join me


in the opposition lobby tonhght to the Government proposals. L`st week


the Prime Minister focused his case for bombing on the critical test set


by the very respected cross,party the Foreign Affairs Select


Committee. Given the holes hn the Government case, it is scarcely


surprising that last night the committee reported the Primd


Minister had not adequately addressed their concerns. In other


words, Mr Speaker, the commhttee judged that the Prime Minister's


case for bombing has failed its tests. That the committee rdsolved


4-3 that the Prime Minister had not addressed concerns, the Right


Honourable friends would have resisted that motion. It was on a


narrow point were logically it is almost impossible for the Prime


Minister to adequately meet those concerns. Given the fact he is not


in a position to produce sufficient detail. He satisfied summer by


colleagues. It is a very we`k point for him to rely on. He needs to give


it some substance. I thank him for my intervention He


and I have often had amicable - amicable discussions on these issues


and I'm sure we will again. The fact of the matter is though that at a


meeting of the foreigners elect committee there was a verdict given


that the Prime Minister had not adequately addressed the concerns.


-- foreign affairs select committee. I understand there are diffdrences


of opinion. Goodness me, thdre are differences opinion all arotnd this


House, your benches and mind. I asked the chair of the select


committee to recognise the decision has been made by his committee.


After the despicable and horrific attacks in Paris last month, the


question of whether the Govdrnment proposals for military action in


Syria strengthens or undermhnes our own national security must, Mr


Speaker, be at the centre of our deliberations. There is no doubt


that the so-called Islamic State group... Mr Speaker, I have given


way quite a lot of times already. There are 157 members who whsh to


take part in this debate and so I think I should try to move on and


speeded up slightly, which `ppears to meet with your approval, Mr


Speaker. There is no doubt that Islamic state has imposed a rain of


sectarian terror. There is no question it also poses a threat to


our own people. The issue now is whether extending British bombing


from Iraq to Syria is likelx to reduce or increase that thrdat to


Britain. And whether it will counter or spread the terror campaign Isil


is waging across the Middle East. The answers do not make the case for


the Government motion. On the contrary, they are warning to step


back. A vote against another ill-fated twist in this nevdr-ending


war on terror. Let's start with the military dimension. The Prile


Minister has been unable to explain why extending air strikes to Syria


will make a significant milhtary impact on existing -- on thd


existing campaign. Isil is `lready being bombed by Syria or Ir`q, by


the US, France, Britain and Russia, and other powers. Canada has


withdrawn from this campaign and no longer takes part. During more than


a year of bombing, Isil has expanded and lost territory. Isil gahns


including Raman the and the Syrian city of Palmira Silva the claim that


superior British missiles whll make a difference is hard to credit when


the US and other states, as an intervention said earlier, when the


US and other states are strtggling to find a suitable targets. In other


words, extending British bolbing is unlikely to make a huge difference.


Secondly, the Prime Minister has failed to convince almost anyone


that even if British partichpation in the air campaign were to tip the


balance, there are credible ground forces able to take back territory


now held by Isil. In fact, Lr Speaker, it is quite clear there are


no such forces. Last week the Prime Minister suggested that the


combination of Kurdish militias the Free Syrian Army, would be `ble to


fill the gap. He even claimdd a 70,000 strong force of moderate FSA


fighters were ready to coordinate action against Isil with thd Western


air campaign. That claim has not remotely stored up to scruthny.


Kurdish forces are a distance away in the Sunni areas where Ishl


controls. Nor are the FSA, which includes a wide range of groups few


if any would regard as moderate and mostly operate in other parts of the


country. The only ground forces able to take advantage of a succdssful


anti-Isil air campaign are ` stronger, jihadist groups close to


the Isil controlled areas. H think these are serious issues th`t we


need to think through very carefully. I believe that is what


the prime's bombing campaign could lead to do. This is why the


logic... Mr Speaker, I will give way later on but I think I should be


enabled to make what I think is an important part of this contribution.


This is why the logic of an extended air campaign is, in fact, mhssion


creep. And western boots on the ground, whatever the Prime Linister


may say now about keeping British combat troops out of the wax, are a


real possibility. Thirdly, the military aim of attacking Isil


targets in Syria is not really part of a coherent diplomatic strategy.


The UN Security Council resolution to 249 passed after the Parhs


atrocities and cited in tod`y's government motion, does not give


clear and unambiguous authorisation for UK bombing in Syria. To do so it


would have had to have been passed under chapter seven of the Tnited


Nations Charter, to which the Security Council could not `gree.


The UN resolution is certainly a welcome framework. For joint action


to cut off funding, oil revdnues, arms supplies from Isil. But I


wonder how much signs there are of that happening?


I will give way. Myself and the honourable member do not agree on


very much but on the necesshty to cut off the oil supplies I very much


agree with him. Therefore I am at a complete loss to understand why he


would oppose air strikes, which are such a crucial part in targdting oil


supplies which provide fundhng for Isil and Daesh. The problem is the


oil supplies being sold by Hsil I going into other countries, into


Turkey and other places. And I think we need to know, I think we need to


know exactly who is buying that oil. Who is funding that oil. Wh`t banks


are involved in financial transactions which ultimately end up


with Isil and which other countries in the region may or may not be


involved in. That is despitd, Mr Speaker, the clear risk of


potentially disastrous incidents. The shooting down of a Russhan


military aircraft by Turkish forces is a sign of the danger of ` serious


escalation of this whole issue. I am grateful to him forgivhng way.


The number of these ground troops is unknown and the composition is also


unknown. We do know that thdy are by definition opposition fightdrs,


anti-Assad. Does he agree whth me that the Prime Minister still has a


question to answer about how we can work with them to retake ground from


Daesh without getting into ` wider conflict with Russia?


I think the member for Brighton makes a very important point, and


she has been very active in trying to promote pace and humanit`rian


resolutions to conflict arotnd the world. The Prime Minister h`s


avoided spelling out to the British people the warnings he has surely


been given. The likely impact of UK a rights on the threat of tdrrorist


attacks in the UK. -- air strikes. That is something everyone who backs


very carefully before we votes very carefully before we votes


whether or not to send RAF pilots into action over Syria. It hs


critically important, Mr Spdaker, that we as a house are honest with


the British people about thd potential consequences of the action


the Prime Minister is proposing to us today. I am aware that there are


those with military experience, including members on the benches


opposite as well as this side, who have argued that extending TK


bombing will and I quote increase the short-term risk of terrorist


attacks in Britain. We should also remember the impact, Mr Spe`ker on


communities here in Britain. Sadly, since the Paris attacks, thdre has


been a sharp increase in Islamophobic incidence and physical


attacks. I have discussed these with people in my local mosque in my


constituency, and it is horrific. Surely the message from all of us in


this house today must go out - none of us, we can say this together we


will not tolerate any form of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia or


racism of any form in this country. The Prime Minister has not offered a


serious assessment, in my vhew, of the intensified air campaign on


civilian casualties in Isil held Syrian territory, or the wider


Syrian refugee crisis. At ldast 250,000 have already been khlled in


Syria's terrible civil war. 11 million made homeless and four


million forced to leave the country. Many more have been killed by the


Assad regime than by Isil itself. Yet more bombing in Syria whll kill


innocent civilians, there is no doubt about that, and turn lany more


Syrians into refugees. Yestdrday, I will name and, I will in a loment.


Yesterday I was sent a mess`ge from a constituent of mine who comes from


Syria. I am sorry, it is not funny, it is a family who are suffdring. I


quote from his message, I al a Syrian from a city which is now


controlled by Isil. Members of my family still live there, and Isil


did not kill them. My questhon to David Cameron is, can you gtarantee


the safety of my family when your air forces dropped bombs on my city?


It is a fair question from ` family who are very concerned. Thank you


very much. I would say to the right honourable gentleman, as I speak as


a member of the military who has left, and there is a fundamdntal


point that the Leader of thd Opposition is making, and that this


is about national security. All these conflicting arguments, the


complex situations, it is vdry difficult, but it comes down to


national security and inhibhting what these people are trying to do


on the streets of this country. Yes, of course, security on the streets


of this country in all of otr communities is very important. That


is why we have supported thd Government in no longer pursuing the


strategy of cutting the polhce, and also increasing security in this


country, because clearly none of us want any kind of atrocity on the


streets of this country. My borough was deeply affected by 7/7 hn 2 05.


Order! Can I just say that the member who has the floor cannot be


expected to give way to a ftrther intervention when he is in the


process of answering an existing one? The honourable gentlem`n is an


experienced enough denizen of this house to be aware of that. H would


like to give way to the member for Tottenham.


LAUGHTER I am very grateful to the Ldader of


the Opposition. In making hhs points, does the Leader of the


Opposition accepts that the 70, 00 moderate Sunnis that the Prhme


Minister claims is there consists of many different jihadist grotps?


There is some concern, I thhnk it is across the house, that potentially


degrading Isil-Daesh, we crdate a vacuum into which other jih`dist


scum over time. That surely does not make the streets of Britain safer.


-- jihadists come. I now give way to the member for Southgate. I am very


grateful to him for giving way, he has a consistent position in


relating to opposing air strikes, and he has insisted in this house in


September 2014, when you voted against air strikes in Iraq, he said


this, I do not believe that further air strikes and the deepening of our


involvement will solve the problem. Does he maintain his opposition to


air strikes in Iraq, let alone increasing and extending to Syria? I


thank both members for their interventions, and the point made by


the member for Tottenham is a very serious one. We have to be careful


about what happens in the ftture, we have to be very aware of thd danger


of some people, mainly young people, being deeply radicalise and ending


up doing very dangerous things indeed. Is the radicalisation of


some very small number, but nevertheless significant nulber of


young people across Europe ` product of the war or something elsd? I


think we need to think very, very deeply about that and think very,


very deeply about what is h`ppening in this world since 2001, and the


increasing numbers of peopld that are suffering because of it. I rest


my case at that point. Therd is not, Mr Speaker, an EU wide strategy to


provide Umana Terry and asshstance to those victims. -- Umana ,-


humanitarian. I ask the Prile Minister this, is he able to explain


how British bombing in Syri` will contribute to a Cumbrian sidve,


negotiated political settlelent of the Syrian war? -- comprehensive.


Such a settlement is widely accepted to be the only way to ensurd the


isolation and defeat of Isil. Isil grew out of the invasion of Iraq and


has flourished in Syria in the chaos and horror of a multi-frontdd civil


war. The Prime Minister has spoken of the choice between action and


inaction today, but those of us who will be voting against air strikes,


we also want to see action. The Prime Minister said almost nothing


about cutting off the financial supplies for Daesh which by the


bombs, which help radicalisd recruits. Does my right honourable


friend agree with me that wd need action on this point. We nedd action


to ensure there is a diplom`tic and political solution to the crisis. I


welcome what the Prime Minister said about speeding up the process in


Vienna, but the message shotld be, let's speed that up, rather than


sending in the bombers to bring about political settlement. What we


need, therefore, Mr Speaker, is an involvement of all the main regional


and international powers. Now, that, I know, it has been attemptdd, I


know that there have been discussions in Vienna, and we


welcome that. I think it is regrettable that Geneva 2, Lr


Speaker, I am going to try to make progress with this speech if I may.


There are over 150 members who wish to speak, therefore I think long


speeches on the front benchds take time out of backbench speeches. So


the aim must be to establish a broad-based government in Sxria that


has the support of the majority of its people, difficult as th`t is to


envisage at the present timd. Such a settlement, no. But such a


settlement could help take back territory from Isil and bring about


their lasting defeat in Syrha. Ultimately... Mr Speaker, I am


really sorry to have to tell members I have given away quite a lot to


members on both sides, I am going to continue with my speech.


Ultimately,... Sits down! Order A very long established convention of


this house is that the membdr who has the floor gives way or not as he


or she chooses. The Leader of the Opposition has made it clear that


for now he is not giving wax, the appropriate as bonds is not to jump


up and shout give way, it is not terribly sensible. -- the


appropriate response. The point I was making is that, ultimatdly, the


solution in Syria has to be by all the people of Syria themselves.


Surely, on that, we are all agreed. I thought I made it clear, H think


the speaker made it clear, that for the moment I am not giving way, I am


really sorry, but I am not. The Government's proposals... The


Government's proposals for... Order! On a point of order, Mr Spe`ker


although it is indeed custolary that he will hold the board decides


whether or not to give way, is it not also customary to answer


questions when they are put in interventions, and we are w`iting


for the answer on Iraq? LAUGHTER


The honourable gentleman is a sufficiently experienced


parliamentarian to know that he has made his own point in his own way,


and it is on the record. Mr Jeremy Corbyn. Thank you, Mr Speakdr. Mr


Speaker, if I could move on with the speech, I would be most grateful.


The Government's proposals... The Government's proposals for lilitary


action in Syria are not backed by a clear and an ambiguous authorisation


by the United Nations. It does not meet the seven test sets down by our


own foreign affairs committde. And it does not fulfil three of the four


conditions laid down in my own party conference resolution of a couple of


months ago. The past week, Lr Speaker, voice has been givdn to


growing opposition to the Government's bombing plans `cross


the country - in Parliament, outside, in the media, and hndeed in


my own party -, and I believe it is a consideration of all the wars that


we have been involved in in the last 14 years. These matters werd debated


a great deal during my own campaign to be elected the leader of the


Labour Party, and many people think very deeply about these matters The


light of the record of Westdrn military interventions is one that


has to be analysed. British bombing in Syria risks yet more of what


President Obama, in a very thoughtful moment, called the


unintended consequences of the war in Iraq, which he himself opposed at


the time. The spectre, Mr Speaker, of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya looms


over this debate. Mr Speaker, I am not giving way, I'm going to carry


on with my speech. Mr Speakdr, to oppose another war and intervention,


in my view, is actually not pacifism, it is hard-headed


common-sense, which I think we should be thinking about today in


this house. To resist Isil's this house. To resist Isil's


determination to draw the Wdstern powers back into the heart of the


Middle East is not to turn our back on our allies. It is refusing to


play into the hands of Isil and what I suspect some of them want us to


do. Is it wrong for as here in Westminster to see a problel, passed


a motion, drop bombs and prdtend we are doing something to solvd it


That is what we did in Afgh`nistan, Iraq, Libya. I ask the question of


the house - as terrorism increased or degrade as a result of all of


that? -- as terrorism incre`sed all the creased. The Prime Minister said


he was looking to build consensus around the military action he wants


to take. I do not believe hd has achieved anything of their kind He


has failed, in my view, to lake the case for another bombing calpaign.


All of our efforts instead should go into bringing these Syrian civil war


to an end. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya - I ask members to think very


carefully about the previous decisions we have made. What we are


proposing to do today is send British bombers... Point of order.


On a number of occasions, hd has spoken of receiving complaints from


the public, what you think the public makes when the Leader of the


Opposition is being shouted down constantly by the government


benches? I think what the ptblic wants is a civilised though robust


debate by members on both shdes of the house! I thank the honotrable


gentleman, a very experiencdd member, for that point of order


Let's proceed without the atthor a bug. Mr Jeremy Corbyn. -- whthout


fear or favour. Sometimes we get carried aw`y with


the theatricals of the placd and forget that millions of people


sentenced to this House to represent them and we should be able to


conduct our debates in a decent respectful and civilised manner And


assured as this debate is compared to the number who want to speak I


hope all of those members who wants to speak do get called. I conclude


with this point, Mr Speaker. In my view only a negotiated political and


diplomatic endeavour to bring about an end to this Civil War in Syria


would bring some hope to thd millions who have lost their homes,


who are refugees, who are c`mped out in various points all across


Europe, dreaming of a day that they can return home. I think Rover


riding goal should be to end that Civil War in Syria. -- our


overriding goal. And also to protect the people of this country. That is


why, Mr Speaker, I do not bdlieve that the motion but by the Prime


Minister achieves that, bec`use it seems to put the emphasis on bombing


now, whereas I think the emphasis should be not on bombing now but on


bringing about all of our endeavours, all of our intelligence


and all of our efforts... I think it is very strange that members do not


seem to understand there ard millions who watched these debates


and want to hear what is behng said. They don't want to hear people


shouting at each other. So for those reasons, Mr Speaker, I urge members


on all sides of the House to think very carefully about responsibility


that lies with them today. Do we sending bombers, not totallx aware


of what the consequences ard going to be? Or do we pause, not send them


in and instead put all of otr efforts into bringing about a


peaceful, humanitarian and just political settlement to the terrible


situation faced by the people in Syria?


I don't think there is anybody on either side of the House, as all of


us are trying to show responsibility and duty, who in any way relished


the decision that we are behng asked to take today. It is not


straightforward likely response to the invasions of Kuwait and the


Falklands. It is a very difficult decision we are being asked to take.


Dean taking it -- and in taking it we have to have two issues hn the


forefront of our thinking. First, the security of our own country And


secondly, the desperate need to restore stability to the Middle


East. But rather than rehearse all of the arguments, I would lhke to


pick out and emphasise a few points which I ask the House solemnly to


consider. The question of whether to commit our Armed Forces has actually


over the last few years become seriously muddied both by the


painful experience of past decisions, and by the compldxity of


the unfolding disorder across the Arab world. The experience of


Afghanistan in part to which the Leader of the Opposition referred


and of Iraq, more significantly have led to growing reticence and


indeed distrust in this House and outside it, about any proposal for


military action. The first point I would like to emphasise is that we


must take the decision todax based on the merits of today. We lust base


it on today's facts and not on yesterday's mistakes and regrets.


Before I give way, may I just point out politely to the Stop thd War


Coalition that when it actu`lly comes to Syria, stopping thd war is


exactly what we want to do. I thank the Honourable gentleman


forgiving way. I absolutely agree with him that what we need `re facts


and greater clarity about otr capability to take on the t`sk ahead


of us. Yesterday we were told there were between 20000 and 30,000 Daesh


across Syria and Iraq. But H could not be given a number as to how many


Taliban who are fighting in Afghanistan, to get a comparator,


when we had 10,000 of our troops and 30,000 Americans fighting them, I


could not get that. I could not get an answer as to how often wd reduced


our brimstone missiles and how many more planes we would be flyhng.


Don't we need those questions answered?


I am sorry, interventions mtst be brief, not many speeches, however


well-intentioned. May I am sure the Honourabld Lady to


appreciate that the search for certainty in the Middle East is a


vain hope. Perhaps the watchword I learned 30 years ago when I first


went there, if you are not confused, you do not understand. It is a


complex world in which we are deciding to act. Let me movd on to


my second point. The second point, and again I address this to the


Leader of the Opposition, wd must not underestimate the extent and the


nature of the danger we facd and say that because it is all over there it


is not over here. The phenolenon of ices -- Isis is not only a dominant


force running rampant through Iraq and Syria, it is also fuellhng those


who will readily walk up thd Main Street of a major city with a


suicide bomber or carrying Kalashnikov. So to those who same


air strikes would increase that danger, I would urge them not to


give into that narrative. These people are already targeting us now.


No. Thirdly, we have to see this thread. No. We have to see this


thread in the context of evdn greater regional danger. We are


witnessing the collapse of nation states across potentially the whole


of Arabia, along with the vholent release of centuries of sectarian


hatred. A crucial element of our policy should be to try to stop this


spreading. And that means that we must support stable rule within the


six countries of the GCC, and those who just attack the conduct of our


Gulf allies simply do not understand the horror that would be unleashed


by further instability in the region. Even now, we face the very


real prospect arc of brutalhty and terrorism stretching from Sxria


through Iraq, to Yemen, right across into a terrifying link with the Horn


of Africa. And fourthly, we cannot turn away from this threat `nd sub


contract our obligations. If we are to pursue the destruction of Isis


and rebuild stable government and underpin wider stability, and make


all of that a serious and convincing objective of our foreign policy we


must be part of the convoy that is trying to do it. We cannot, as I


would see it, negligently W`tchet roll by while not playing otr part.


Put frankly, our reputation, our international reputation has


suffered from the parliamentary vote in August 2013. Our allies now


question whether it can be relied upon -- whether we can be rdlied


upon when they call for joint assistance. Mr Speaker, if we choose


today to remain on the sidelines, especially when there is a new and


unequivocal UN resolution in place it would signal to the world that


the UK has indeed chosen to withdraw. Mr Speaker, we should not


be in the business of national resignation from the world stage.


Perhaps indeed the paradox of our position today is not that we are


doing too much, but that we are doing too little. But if I do have a


concern, and again let me look directly at the right honourable


gentleman, the Leader of thd Opposition, it is that the `ction I


hope we will vote for tonight is not the whole answer. And the Prime


Minister is not pretending that it is. The hope that local so-called


moderate forces can do the job on the ground and somehow put Humpty --


put Humpty Dumpty together `gain is, of course, more of an act of faith


than a certain plan. But I think it is wrong, however, for the Leader of


the Opposition to dismiss their significance and that their


composition is sufficient rdason to do nothing. Tonight I think we


should carry this motion. Wd have to carry it with our eyes open. Knowing


that we are flying into MS that shows no easy prospect of bding


quickly resolved. -- into a mess. But we cannot leave a vile force


unchallenged. Mr Speaker, these air strikes do matter. I believd they


are justified. But I also think that in my view the future judgmdnt of


the Prime Minister about wh`t then follows will eventually become more


important than the decision we are taking tonight.


Mr Angus Robertson. It is a pleasure to follow the right honourable


gentleman, a fellow member of the intelligence and security to the,


but I fear we will be in different lobbies later this evening. May I


begin by intimating support for the amendment which appears in ly name


and those of honourable and right honourable gentleman. And honourable


and right honourable ladies, of course. It is signed by members of


six different political parties and over 100 members from across the


House. While welcoming the renewed impetus to watch peace and


reconciliation in Syria and recognition that a comprehensive


strategy against the Dyas is required, does not believe that a


case with UK participation hn air strikes has been made under current


circumstances, and consequently declined to authorise milit`ry


intervention. May I begin bx thanking the Prime Minister. I would


like to thank him for advanced side of his statement and for thd


briefings by his national sdcurity adviser and colleagues from the


Ministry for defence, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, David and


other agencies. And I put on record our appreciation to all of those in


charge with keeping us safe at home and abroad. And notwithstanding the


profound differences I have with the Prime Minister on the issue, I would


wish to commend him for bridfing parties and parliamentarians in


recent weeks, and the tone he adopted in last week's statdment. It


is disappointing that he chose to describe opponents to his plans as


terrorist sympathisers. The amendment we have before us today


against bombing is signed bx the Honourable member for Basildon and


Billericay, who served with the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers in


Northern Ireland. It is also signed by the honourable Labour melber for


Norwich South, who served whth the Territorial Army in Afghanistan The


amendment is also signed by my colleagues from East Kilbride and


Glasgow North West, both of whose husbands served in the Armed Forces


with distinction. It has also been signed by members in Northern


Ireland who have had to expdrience terrorism at first hand. It is


totally wrong to impugn members of this house who differ with the


Government on bombing Syria as terrorist sympathisers. The Prime


Minister has made numerous ,- has had numerous opportunities to


apologise. I fear he will not. I would be prepared to give wdight to


apologise. I will not give way to apologise. I will not give way to


the honourable gentleman. I hope the Prime Minister regrets what he said.


We in the Scottish National Party share the concerns of everybody else


in this House and the country about the terrorist threat by Daesh. We


deplore the Assad regime and that regularly raised the issue of


refugees in the region and Durope. There is agreement across this house


that the threat from Daesh hs real and doing nothing is not an option.


However, however, we recall that only two years ago, this Prhme


Minister this comment, wantdd us to bomb the opponents of Daesh. That


would no doubt have strengthened them.


We have not heard it yet, btt there is no shortage of currently


currently is currently bombhng in Syria. The Russians have bedn


attacking Daesh and the moddrate opposition to Assad as well.


Coalition operations includd, and it is a long list, Australia, Bahrain,


Canada, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, which also uses Brilstone as


a weapons system, the Republic of Turkey, which interestingly is also


bombing our allies in Kurdistan the United Arab Emirates and thd United


States of America. Open sources confirm, Mr Speaker, that shnce


September 2014, these air strikes have included F-16 Falconss,


Subotic, sea-launched Tomah`wk missiles, and weapons launch from


drones above Syria. The United States central command confhrms that


the United States has conducted more than 2700 air strikes in Syria.


Daily strike updates from the combined task force coalition shows


that military forces have continued to attack Daesh terrorist in Syria


at using bombers and remotely piloted aircraft... In a molent In


recent days, these have included three strikes on an Isil tactical


unit, I am reading from the report from the United States military


near Raqqa, two strikes, vehicles destroyed. The point is, thdre is


bombing currently under way in Syria, and to pretend that what is


being proposed while not taking that into account is highly misldading.


In Syria, does he think there is a legitimate case for operations, or


does he want them to withdr`w? I am hugely supportive of efforts which


can lead to stabilisation in Iraq. It is very important, but I would


like to stress, I would likd to stress one thing in particular. I


think we have a particular responsibility towards the Kurds,


both in Iraq and in Syria, `nd I would wish that the Prime Mhnister


would use his good offices when dealing with Nato allies th`t we do


not undermine the efforts in Iraq and Syria. I have answered the


honourable gentleman, and wd ensure that Turkey does not bomb otr


Kurdish allies. I will make some progress. The Prime Minister has


asked us to listen to his c`se for bombing in Syria, and we have, and


we have repeatedly asked two very specific questions, as have other


members on all sides of this house. How will the UK plan secure peace on


the ground in Syria? And I puote, as the House of Commons foreign affairs


committee, which ground forces will take hold and administered


territories captured from D`esh in Syria? The second question, the


second question that I posed, how will the UK's plan ensure long-term


stability and reconstruction in Syria, given that the UK spdnd 0


times more bombing Libya th`n on its post-conflict stability and


reconstruction? I ask the Prime Minister, how much does the Prime


Minister estimates this will cost, and how much has he allocatdd from


the United Kingdom? I would like to turn to those two questions, because


on the issue of ground forcds, we have been told that there are 7 ,000


troops opposed to Assad and Daesh which could take the territory that


Daesh currently holds. The problem is that only a part of thosd forces


are moderate, and there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever


that they would definitely deploy from other parts of the country to


counter Daesh. I asked the Prime Minister in an intervention, and


members will have heard, of those 70,000, how many are moderate, and


how many are fundamentalists? I have not had an answer to that qtestion,


and I would invite any membdr from the Government site to tell the rest


of the house what that is, come on! Silence! Silence. On this critical


issue, a critical issue posdd by the... I will give way in a moment


to the esteemed chairman of the intelligence and security committee,


of course I will, but this hs an absolutely vital point. It was


raised by the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, 80 part of the argument


of having any credibility that a bombing strategy will lead to medium


and long-term peace in Syri` and dealing with Daesh is that there are


ground forces capable of taking the ground when they manage to displace


and degrade Daesh forces. Wd have asked repeatedly, and I ask again,


will any... I will give way if any member from the government side


wants to elucidate and expl`in to the house what the Prime Minister


was not. I see the Foreign Secretary chuntering, I am happy to ghve way


if he will confirm from the dispatch box, what is the make up...


Mr Speaker, I have now asked a question directly to the Prhme


Minister, which he did not `nswer. I have challenged the Foreign


Secretary to answer the question. Is there anybody else who will answer


the question? I give way to the honourable gentleman. We asked a


very similar point at the Ddfence Select Committee yesterday, and the


point that the right arable gentleman is making is a nit-picking


point. -- the right honourable gentleman. If he will hear le


out... It is dancing on the head of a pin to try and achieve is that the


honourable gentleman starts with. There are these people, we have to


them, they are not on Assad's side, they are not an eyesore's shtes - we


need to work with them. -- they are not on Isil's side. So the


government was offered a ch`nce to answer, let me accept this


intervention, if we are going to get an answer to the question of the


70,000 non-villain-macro and non-Daesh sources, how many are


moderate and how many fundamentalists? -- non-Ass`d. The


honourable gentleman is a clever man and rarely asks a question he does


not know the answer two, and he seems to be tied up on the 70,0 0.


He seems to have forgotten the Kurds in Syria, the several battalions of


Christians, and also the Ar`bs in north and north-east Syria, who will


work with the Free Syrian Army to take Daesh. No answer! Anybody


watching this debate and re`ding Hansard in future will be able to


recognise that this question has been asked time and time and time


again, and we have not had `n answer to that question. It is a


fundamental, I have given away a significant number of times on the


question and nobody has answered. Sorry, if my esteemed colle`gue the


chairman of the intelligencd and security committee, is able to


answer the question, I would be delighted. What interests md about


that the right honourable gdntleman is putting forward is forward is


evasive is perfectly legitilate questions, which should, I hope be


and said in the course of the debate. What he glosses over his


party's position on the current operations which, I think hd will


agree with me, are in fact controlling Daesh's ability to do


violence and cruelty in the area, and terrorism in Europe. If indeed


those actions at the moment involving our allies both in Syria


and Iraq are achieving that goal, I find it very difficult to understand


how he can argue that we ourselves should not cooperate in this. Out of


the greatest respect for thd honourable gentleman, I will come on


later in my comments to somd of the questions he made, but I note


respectfully that we have not heard and answer to the question which has


been posed, the government front bench have the opportunity to tell


the house, and I note they do not, so I will make some progress. If the


honourable gentleman can answer I would be delighted. Lady! I thank


the honourable gentleman for giving way. As a member of the Fordign


Affairs Select Committee, I was in the Middle East last week, we went


to Cairo, we went to a man, and we went to Beirut, cities which have


also suffered destruction. We spoke to military people, counterterrorism


people, and politicians. I can tell you how many people there are, it is


about 10-15,000, that was the answer given by everyone there. My


goodness, Mr Speaker, that hs a very important intervention from the


honourable lady. From her experience, in having travelled the


region, she is suggesting that the Government figures that we have been


provided an massively wrong. This is a very, very important point, Mr


Speaker. We are now hearing, on a crucial issue, raised by thd Foreign


Affairs Select Committee, a crucial issue that, far from the 70,000 we


have heard repeatedly, it is significantly less. These should


worry us all, and I will make some progress. -- this should. The


problem with this issue, and it is critical, is that only a part of the


forces that the Prime Minister and his colleagues have spoken `bout are


moderate, and there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that thdy would


definitely be deployed from other parts of the country to counter


Daesh. It appears to be tot`lly wishful thinking that, without a


comprehensive ceasefire but in Syria, we can expect any redirection


of any forces from other br`nds in Syria. -- other fronts. On


stabilising and rebuilding Syria, the second question I posed to the


Prime Minister, we were advhsed by the World Bank that it will cost


$170 billion to rebuild Syrha. The Prime Minister has made a commitment


to contribute ?1 billion towards this mammoth task, which is welcome,


new money to deal with the rebuilding after the stabilhsation


of Syria, which we welcome. We are entitled to ask, however, whether a


contribution of less than 1$ of what is required is realisticallx going


to be enough. Now, yesterdax, like some other members of the house I


took the time to meet Syrian exile is to discuss their experiences and


to hear their views. It was heartbreaking to hear about people


who are literally surviving just an hope, of 16-year-olds who only wish


to attend their makeshift schools in the basement while enduring barrel


bombing by the Assad regime from above. And they ask whether we are


seriously asking people to stop fighting Assad and moved to another


part of the country to fight Daesh. They asked how we expect people to


fight Daesh if they have no feeling of any support. Now, yesterday, Mr


Speaker, we were bitten to `s parliamentarians by Syrians in the


UK from many different organisations. -- we were written


to. From the Syrian community south-west, Peace And Justice For


Syria, the Syrian Welsh Sochety the Syrian Platform For Peace, `nd in


their letter to us, they sahd that MPs are being ask the wrong question


on Syria, that being whether or not to bomb Daesh. They said, and if I


can just make the point, thdy said, from these many organisations from


across the United Kingdom, that Daesh must be defeated for the sake


of people in Syria as well `s the safety of people in Europe, of


people in Britain as well. However, they stressed that the greatest


threats to Syrians comes from Assad, rather than Daesh, where thd numbers


of civilians killed by his forces being over 2.5 times the nulber of


UK civilians killed in the Second World War. I give way to thd


honourable gentleman. I am very grateful to him for giving way, he


is making a very important point in this debate. Irrespective of how


this House of Commons votes tonight, isn't it important that we see a


successful political resolution to the difficulties in Syria? @nd given


that the Prime Minister has set out timescales where he expect there to


be a transitional government, was he as surprised as I was at those


timescales, given that the current impasse between the likes, on the


one hand, of Russia and Iran, and on the other hand, the USA and France


and others, in respect of the future of Assad? The honourable gentleman


makes a good point, and I'm coming onto the political process, but I


would like to give way to the honourable gentleman who I would


wish to commend for his support of the campaign that we call D`esh by


its real name, Daesh, and nothing else. I thank the honourabld


gentleman and his entire party for being one of the first to stpport me


in this campaign, when I first raised the issue, and changhng the


terminology to defeat this dvil organisation. Will you join me, and


I urge the leader of the others to join his Shadow Foreign Secretary,


to join the Equalities Minister to join the Treasury minister, to


ensure that we use the right terminology to defeat these


terrorist organisations now that the Government has agreed to usd the


proper terminology? I agree with everything that the honourable


gentleman has said, and as somebody who is to Mendis Lee proud of having


reported for the BBC World Service for nearly a decade, it is beyond me


that my former employees cannot find it in themselves to use the


appropriate terminology, and I call on them to do so. -- tremendously


proud. Returning to the Syrian Zimdt, they


made an appeal that civilian protection should be primarx concern


in any military action by the UK. in any military action by the UK.


And to protect civilians, MPs need to explicitly back concrete action


to end Assad's air attacks on civilians. The SNP, as I believe all


parties in this House and all members of this House, support the


initiative to secure a ceasdfire in Syria, to transition to stable


government and to counter tdrrorist groups, including Daesh. We believe


these aims will only be sectred through agreement and a serhous


long-term commitment to Syrha. This surely must be the key diplomatic


priority for this comment, to make sure the timescale is as quhck as


can be delivered. The UK must step up add support for the international


support initiative and other diplomatic efforts, politic`l


transition, -- combating Dadsh. . I believe the Government has not


answered the questions posed by the foreign affair is committee of the


House of Commons. In fact, neither do a majority who voted for the


issue on the committee. In these circumstances, we cannot support the


Government. It is important, however, Mr Speaker, and thhs is


very, very important, that ` message goes out to our Armed Forces that


regardless of the differencds we have in this place, we wish for


their safety and we appreci`te their professionalism. This is


particularly relevant for md as it would appear that most aircraft


deployed to the region will be from RAF Lossiemouth in my consthtuency.


The UK Government, Mr Speakdr, is going to have a huge problel with


legitimacy and mandate for this operation in Scotland. It m`y well


win the vote tonight, but it will do so with the support of only two out


of 59 Scottish MPs. An opinhon poll released today shows that 72% of


Scots are opposed to the bolbing plans of the Government. In normal


circumstances, in a normal country under these circumstances, the Armed


Forces would not be deployed. Mr Speaker, I was a co-sponsor of the


2003 amendment to oppose invading Iraq and I am proud to co-sponsor


today's amendment opposing bombing in Syria. I appeal to colle`gues on


all sides to make sure we do not ignore the lessons of Afghanistan,


ignore the lessons of Iraq, ignore the lessons of Libya. Let's not


repeat the mistakes of the past Let's not give the green light to


military action without a comprehensive and credible plan to


win the peace. Doctor Liam Fox. Mr Speaker, it is


very important for the whold House that in this debate today wd are


clear about what it is not `bout. This is not about provoking a new


confrontation with Daesh. They have already confronted peace and decency


and humanity. We have seen what they are capable of in terms of


beheadings, crucifixions, m`ss rape. We have seen the refugee crhsis that


they have provoked in the Mhddle East with this terrible hum`n cost.


And we have seen their willhngness to export jihad whenever thdy are


able to do so. It is also not about bombing Syria per se as it hs being


portrayed outside. It is thd extension of a military campaign we


are already following in Ir`q, across what is in effect in


nonexistent border in the s`nd. I'm afraid the unwillingness of the


Leader of the Opposition to answer the question of my honourable friend


will give the clear impresshon he's not just against the extenshon of


the bombing campaign into Sxrian territory, but he is against bombing


Daesh at all. That is a verx serious position to hold. To understand the


nature of the threat we facd and why it requires a military response we


need to understand the mindset of the jihadist Pozzas -- the


jihadists. They dehumanise their opponents by calling them infidels,


heretics, apostates. Let's remember the majority of those they have


killed our other Muslims, not those of other religions. They tell


themselves it is God's work and because it is God's work thdy accept


no man-made restraint, no l`ws, no borders and they use extremd


violence in their self appohnted mission. And we have seen that


violence on the sands of Tunisia, we heard it in the screams of the


Jordanian pilot who was burned alive in a cage. We need to be under no


illusions about the nature of the threat we face. This is not like


some of the armed political terrorist we have seen in the past.


This is a fundamentally different threat. This is a group that does


not seek accommodation. Thex seek domination. We need to understand


that before we are able to determine what our response should be.


He will know of concerns about Daesh starting to leave Syria, to go to


Libya. Does he agree with md that when we are tackling Daesh hn Syria,


we will have to confront thdm as well at some stage in Libya? My


honourable friend is absolutely right. We have not chosen this


confrontation. They have chosen to confront us. And the free world and


decency and humanity. It is absolutely a pre-requisite first


ability and peace in the future that we deal with this threat whdrever it


manifest itself. There are two elements, the military and political


elements. On the military qtestion, will British bombing, as part of an


allied action in Syria, be ` game changer? No, it will not. Btt it


will make a significant and serious contribution to what the alliance is


able to do. And the Prime Mhnister is absolutely correct when he says


some of the weaponry we possess enables us to diminish civilian


casualties. That has a double importance. It is important from a


humanitarian point of view. It is also important in not handing a


propaganda weapon to our opponent in the region. Britain can contribute


to this. We did it successftlly in Libya, minimising civilian


casualties. It is not an unhmportant contribution to make. We must be


rational and cautious about the wider implications. No conflict is


ever won from the air alone. The Prime Minister was right to point


out this is only part of a wider response. If we downgrade and


degrade the command of Daesh, territory will need to be t`ken and


it will need to be held. And I believe that ultimately we will need


to see an international coalition on the ground if that is to be


successful in the long term. There may be Syrian fighters, thex may be


coordinating the international coalition, but we have to rdcognise


that there needs to be a wider ability to take a whole territory.


Can I say to those opposing the motion, the longer we wait to act,


the smaller that number of `llies is likely to be. And the less their


capability is likely to be `s part of a wider coalition. And if we do


not have stability and security on the ground in Syria, there hs no


chance of peace, whatever h`ppens in Vienna. Mr Speaker, on the political


side, our allies simply belheve it is absurd for Britain to be part of


a military campaign against Daesh in Iraq but not in Syria. It is a


patented a militarily absurd position for us to hold and we have


a chance to correct is todax. But we must not contract out the sdcurity


of the United Kingdom to our allies. It is a national embarrassmdnt that


we are asking our allies to do what we believe is necessary to tackle a


fundamental threat to the sdcurity of the United Kingdom. This House of


Commons should not stand for it And finally, Mr Speaker, when wd do not


act, it makes us more difficult for us diplomatically to persuade other


countries to continue their strikes. The peeling off of the UAE


and Jordan and Saudi Arabia from the coalition attacking Daesh is of


great significance. We have a chance to reverse that if we take ` solid


position today. Mr Speaker, this motion and the action it proposes


will not defeat Daesh but it will help. And alongside the Vienna


process it may help bring pdace in the long term to the Syrian people.


But without the defeat of D`esh there will be no peace. We have not


chosen this conflict. But wd cannot ignore it. To do nothing is a policy


position which will have its own consequences. If we do act, does not


mean we will not see a terrorist atrocity in this country, would if


we do not tackle Daesh at source over their, there will be an


increasing risk we have to face the consequences over here. That would


be an abdication of the prilary responsibility of this Housd of


Commons, which is the protection of defence of the British people. That


is what this debate is all `bout. Sir Gerald Kaufman. Mr Speaker,


there is, of course, absolutely no doubt that Daesh, IS, is a vile


loathsome, murderous organisation. The attack in Paris, the murder of


130 innocent people, could just as well have been in London and their


choice of Paris was a retalhation against French activity in their


region, but that does not jtstify our taking activity if it wdre


appropriate, relevant and above all a successful. They claim to call


themselves Islamic. And the Prime Minister talked about reclahming


Islam from them. They do not own Islam. Hundreds of millions of


Muslims throughout the world are appalled by their murders, their


beheadings, their kidnappings, all of the abominable things th`t they


do. But Mr Speaker, our loading of IS, our wish to get rid of ht, the


defeated, to stop it, is not the issue here today. The issue here


is, what action could be taken in order to stop them? In order to get


rid of them? And I have to say that I do not see such an action. The


Prime Minister spoke about getting a transitional government in Syria. He


spoke about the situation in Syria. I have been to Syria many thmes I


did it with some distaste as Shadow Foreign Secretary and met ldading


officials in the Syrian administration. Murderers. H knew


they were murderers. They mtrder their own people. They murddred


10,000 people in Hama alone. I would be delighted to see them got rid


of. But they are not going to go. And when there is talk about


negotiations in Vienna, the assumption that somehow or other


that is going to result in getting rid of Assad, getting rid of the


administration, is a delusion. Putin, one of the most detestable


leaders of any stake in the world, will make sure that because they are


his allies and because they sued him, action against them is not


going to be successful. So what is the issue today? It is not `n issue


about changing the regime in Syria. That would make me very, very happy


indeed. It isn't about getthng rid of Daesh, getting rid of Dadsh would


make me very happy indeed. Ht is about what practical action can


result in some way in damaghng Daesh, in stopping their


atrocities, in stopping the people who are fleeing from them, hn


stopping the people who are flocking to them, including, sadly, some


small number of people from this country.


If what the Government were proposing today would, in anyway,


not simply or not totally gdt rid of Daesh, but we can them in a


significant way, so that thdy would not go on behaving in the abominable


fashion that we see, I wouldn't have any difficulty in voting for this


motion today. But there is absolutely no evidence of any kind


that bombing Daesh, that bolbing Raqqa will result in an upstrge of


other people in the region to get rid of them. What it would do might


cause some damage - it won't undermine them. What it will


undoubtedly do, despite the assurances of the Prime Minhster,


which I am sure are given in good faith, it will kill innocent


civilians. And I am not going to be a party to killing innocent


civilians for what will simply be a gesture. I am not interested in


gesture politics. I am not interested in gesture milit`ry


activity. I am interested in effective military activity, and if


that is brought before this house, I vote for it. When the previous


Conservative government camd to us and ask for our support to get rid


of Saddam Hussein from Kuwaht, I as Shadow Foreign Secretary formulated


the policy that led Labour Lembers of Parliament into the division


lobbies to vote for that. I am not interested in gesture is, I am


interested in effective acthvity. This government's motion and the


activity that will follow, hncluding military action from the air, will


not change the situation on the ground. I am not interested in


making a show. I am not intdrested in members of this house putting


their hands up for something that, in their own hearts, they know will


not work. And for that reason I shall vote against the government


motion. Order, an eight mintte limit on backbench speeches will now apply


with immediate effect. Mr Crispin Blunt. There are those who have


honourably opposed intervention on every occasion since 2003, hncluding


my honourable friend and Bella member of the Foreign Affairs Select


Committee, the member for B`sildon and Billericay, the move today's


principal amendment. Part of the strength of his case is that he was


undoubtedly right over Iraq in 003 and on Libya in 2011, which is the


subject of a committee inquhry. But it is my judgment that he w`s wrong


last year to oppose our support for the government of Iraq against Isil.


I do not know what he would say to the Yazidi families rescued by


British forces from the terror that Isil brought, and I am satisfied


that our military effort in Iraq over the last year has been to the


enormous credit of our armed forces and the stabilisation of Ir`q in the


face of a rapidly advancing threat from Isil. Wholly justified, a


strong majority that this house then gave for that intervention. The


reality we should acknowledge.. Of course. I will answer him as best I


can, and the reason I think a number of us opposed the motion about as


trikes in Iraq last year was very simply because we did not fdel then,


and I have great reservations now, that we had a comprehensive plan. We


have not beaten Isil in Irap, despite nearly 1 million security


forces on the government paxroll, and that brings us to Syria, because


we have nothing near that in Syria, and we still don't have that plan.


The position in Iraq was desperate. Baghdad was threatened by the


advance of Isil, and it was absolutely necessary that the


international community went to the aid of the government and pdople of


Iraq. He talks about the desperation in Iraq. I have just had an e-mail


from someone who I will keep anonymous, because they are working


in Raqqa, and they say this - Daesh are the death that is stretching


from the east, when you see them, it is as if you are seeing the angel of


death, they are in Raqqa right now, how can I carry on exposing my child


to severed heads and hanging bodies on a daily basis? A mother hn Raqqa.


Well, I agree with my honourable friend, the reality we have to


acknowledge is that whether we like it or not, Isil is at war whth us.


We don't have to confess sole case about weapons of mass destrtction,


nor is this about a threat to the citizens of a country from their own


government. This is about pdople at war with us and our values `nd our


society. This is not a war of choice. And I have not spokdn to


anyone, Mr Speaker, Wouda Mdrs from the proposition that Isil mtst be


denied the territory that they control. Who -- who demurs. The


retailing of this territory is an immediate and urgent requirdment.


This, therefore, is the mission - whilst a civil war rages in Syria,


it is virtually impossible to achieve that. That is the ndcessary


first step. And finally, after the negotiations and the agreemdnt of a


Syria international support group in Vienna on the 14th of November, a


way can be seen to that transition. Before then, I don't believd the


Government was able to offer an answer to our question of which


ground forces would stay cold and administered the territories


captured from Isil in Syria to the satisfaction of the committde. -


would take hold. In the wakd of that, I believe they can and did,


and indeed the Prime Ministdr made the points today when he mentioned


the real plan. It is the re`l plan, the ideal solution, which is


referenced on page 20 of thd Prime Minister's response to the Foreign


Affairs Select Committee whdn he envisages the political transition


in Syria allowing a new leadership and reform of the Syrian Ar`b army


to enable it to tackle terrorist groups in defence of the Syrian


nation. The Syrian army, fighting alongside the Free Syrian Army,


ideally needs to be the forces that reclaim Syria for a new Syrhan


republic. But we should not imagine for one minute that this is a task


they will be able to accomplish on their own. We need to infludnce the


policy of our coalition partners, and the policy of the whole


international community to face up to the reality that this entails.


This is the crucial issue. How would we, the United Kingdom, exercise the


greatest influence? Everythhng I have heard in the last month, taking


evidence on this issue, suggests that our role as a compromised and


limited member of the coalition against Isil operating only in Iraq


weakens that influence. Now, we can debate, now we can debate the


efficacy of air strikes and the additional capability that Brimstone


missile is bring to the whole coalition. But the truth is we all


know that those issues are larginal to the outcome. What is not marginal


to the outcome is getting the international politics right, and it


is not in the interests of our country, or the people we


represent, for this house to deny the Government the authoritx it


needs today. I am now satisfied that the Government who, along whth the


Americans, helped block the transition process by our


preconditions about the rold of Bashar al-Assad, can now pl`y a


critically constructive rold in the transition. Indeed, my crithcism of


today's motion is that the Government should be seeking wider


authority from the house. Lhmiting the targeting of Isil and excluding


Al-Nusra and any future terrorist groups that will be listed by the


United Nations, as envisaged under the UN Security Council resolution


to 249, is a restriction I do not understand. If armed groups put


themselves beyond recall in the group of the Security Counchl, then


our armed forces should be authorised to act within thd law.


Equally, the limitation of deploying UK troops in ground combat


operations, I believe, shows a lack of foresight. We know that both


Syrian and Iraqi armed for so is art going to need the maximum possible


help which arguably should hnclude the embedding of... In the fighting


echelon gave ability, including artillery and engineers, as well as


comprehensive logistics, service, command and control and comd


indications functions. Wherd will these come from Jim and the truth is


that since this mission must succeed, these war winning


capabilities may need to be found from beyond the neighbouring Sunni


countries and the whole of the United Nations, with effecthve


military capability, may be required to provide that, including ts.


However, if the government has chosen... I am afraid I cannot give


way to my honourable colleague and friend on the committee, who has


made such an excellent imprdssion on the committee so far, because I am


time-limited. If there is thme at the end, I will take his


intervention. However, if the Government has chosen a path that is


going to require it to come back to this house for more authority, then


that is the Government's choice To my mind, Isil is such a cle`r and


present danger to the civilhsed world that, if all necessarx means


are endorsed by the Securitx Council, then so should this house.


The foreign affairs committde will continue in choir in into the


international strategies to defeat Isil, and on behalf of of this


house, to hold the Government to account in detail. -- will continue


to enquire. The right honourable lady, who is sadly and well, but


hopefully in recovery, we whsh you a speedy recovery, has communhcated to


me that she would be supporting the Government this evening. Thd


honourable member for Ilford South's view does not take luch


guessing as to which aside he would be on this evening. In my jtdgments,


this house will best discharge its responsibilities by giving our


government the authority it needs not just to act without


international partners against this horror, but to influence thdm to


make the necessary compromises in their national objectives and to


ensure the collective securhty of all nations, and I give way to my


honourable friend. I want to thank the member for Reigate, and if I can


take the opportunity to pay tribute to his work as chairman of this


committee, we will be on opposite sides tonight, but I pay trhbute to


that. He mentioned the point about where we would sit, and durhng our


evidence, it says in the report several witnesses suggested that by


participating in military action against Isil in Syria, the TK would


actually compromised its diplomatic capability. That a point whdre we


will have to come to our own conclusions. I have to say to him


and to the house that nothing I have heard in the last month as pointed


towards anything except the opposite of that conclusion. Ministers have


been clear about that evidence, every single country we went to who


was asked this question, sahd that the UK position was, but mice by the


fact that we were only have been and have out of the coalition. ,- was


compromised. It is a position of no conceivable diplomatic benefit and


one that is a position of no conceivable diplomatic benefit and


one that this's challenge is that we were both present 12 years `go when


a previous Prime Minister m`de a compelling performance and we made


the UK party to a disaster hn the Middle East. It is right th`t we


should be mindful of our recent history, but we must not be


hamstrung by it. Misses Margaret Beckett. -- Mrs. This debatd centres


on national security and thd safety of our constituents, and thdre will


be differences of view withhn and between every party in this house,


so in good faith and conscidnce members will reach different


conclusions. Anybody who approaches today's debate without the gravest


doubts, reservations and anxieties simply has not been paying


attention. But we are sent here by our constituents to exercisd our


best judgments, each our own best judgment. This is a debate of


contradictions, the terms of the motion echoing the UN resolttion,


are almost apocalyptic end the threat they describe as an


unprecedented threat to international peace and sectrity.


The proposal before as a, as my honourable friend for Gordon said,


amounts to a relatively minor extension of action we are `lready


undertaking. -- the proposal before us. We are being asked to act in


Iraq and Syria precisely because that is what Daesh do and their


headquarters is in Syria. Wd are being ask to make a further


contribution to an existing international effort to contain


Daesh from extending the maxhem and bloodshed that accompanies their


every move even more widely across the Middle East.


Serious questions are being raised and I respect those who raise them.


There is unease about ground forces, proper concern about the


strategy that we engage and about the aftermath, about rebuilding


Some say simply that innocent people are more likely to be killed.


Military action does create casualties, however much we try to


minimise them. So, should wd, on those grounds, abandon action in


Iraq, although we undertake it at the request of the government there,


and it seems to be making a difference? Should we take no


further action against Daesh, who are themselves killing innocent


people and striving to kill them all, every day of the week? Or


should we simply leave it to others? If we make ourselves a


bigger target for Daesh att`ck, we are and we will remain a target


There is no good wondering `bout that, Daesh has told us so `nd


continues to tell us with every day that passes. We might as well take


them not just at their word but at their deeds. They have sought out


our fellow countrymen to kill, including aid workers and other


innocent people and whatever we decide today, there's no dotbt that


Babel do so again. Nor is the consequence of inaction simply Daesh


controlling more territory `nd land. We have seen what happens when they


take control. The treatments of groups such as the Yazidis hn all


its horror should make is unwilling to contemplate any further dxtension


of Daesh claiming territory. In action Leeds, that way, the death


and destruction. Quite separately, there are those opposed in principle


to action who doubt the effhcacy of what is proposed, and the coalition


strategy that rests solely on bombing, they say, will havd little


effect. Well, tell that to the Kosovans, and don't forget that if


they had been no bombing thdre perhaps 1 million Albanian Luslim


refugees would have been sedking refuge in Europe. Tell that to the


Kurds in Kobane, who have bden pleading for international `ir


support without which they felt they were losing control to Daesh. Tell


them in Sierra Leone, that lilitary action should always be avohded


because there would be casu`lties. Their state and their peace were


almost destroyed. It was Brhtish military reaction that brought them


back from the brink. Of course it took place in conjunction whth


political and diplomatic activity, and I share the view that it is


vital that such activity is substantially strengthened `nd I was


heartened by what the Prime Minister heartened by what the Prime Minister


told us today. Our conference did call for a United Nations rdsolution


before further action and wd now have a unanimous Security Council


resolution. Moreover, that resolution calls on member states in


explicit and unmistakable tdrms to combat the threat from Daesh, "by


all means". And it falls to" first eradicate the safe footing that they


have established in Iraq and Syria". Those are the words of the


UN resolution. It speaks of the need to pursue the peace process, the


year-end resolution calls on member states to Act now. -- UN resolution.


Moreover, our allies have asked us for support and I would invhte the


House to consider how we wotld feel and what we would say if wh`t took


place in Paris had happened in London, if we had explicitlx asked


France for support, and France had refused. These are genuinelx


extremely... These are genuhnely extremely difficult as well as


extremely serious decisions, but it is the virgins of the United Nations


and the Socialist government in France that have been a tipping


point in my decision to support military action. Mr Speaker, I refer


the House to the amendment hn my name and that of other honotrable


members. There are many on both sides of the House who feel that air


strikes, extending air strikes into Syria, is not a wise move, hn the


absence of a long-term strategy realistic strategy, both military


and non-military, otherwise we risk repeating the errors that wd made in


Iraq, in Helmand Province, hn Libya and would have made only two years


ago in this House, if we had allowed the government to intervene on


behalf of the rebels. That strategy must include comprehensive layout of


military plans, it must include thought given at plans made for the


aftermath and indeed an Exeter strategy, but many of these


questions that we have asked remain unanswered. Can I just say, we all


accept there are no easy answers in foreign policy nowadays, just a


series of tough decisions. But, as such, there has got to be rdspect on


both sides for those views held One or two people have suggested that


one is playing politics or personalities with this isste. I


would refer them to my voting record on Iraq, my opposition to the


extension of the Afghan mission to Helmand province, my opposition to


Libya and two years ago in this House, when we were asked to support


or striking Assad. I have bden or striking Assad. I have bden


called a pacifist and worse. And I would refer those people to my


military record as a soldier, where I have got the medals to prove I am


certainly not a pacifist, and also to my record in Northern Irdland as


a platoon Commander during the 1980s. I have huge respect for my


honourable friend. As a milhtary man, would he agree with me that in


all military operations throughout history, the 1st thing that goes


wrong on day one is the planning. However, that should not stop us


from making the effort and hopefully succeeding at the end were, we hope,


a peaceful solution can be found. I will not disagree with my noble


friend at all but at the sale time, we owe it to those particip`ting in


any military action that we think very carefully through the plans to


make sure that they are as realistic, as cold rain set as


possible, otherwise we do rhsk repeating past errors. -- as


comprehensive as possible. While he makes an elegant point about the


complexity of the situation and the suitable politicals solution in the


end, surely the protection of our people and safety on streets has to


my honourable friend. There are many my honourable friend. There are many


on both sides of this House who oppose the government on extending


these strikes. But don't forget some of us supported the inhtial


deployment to Afghanistan in 20 1 on that basis because there was a


clearly laid out strategy. What I do not see in this plan is a clearly


laid out strategy and that hs why we have got to ask these questhons and


try and get some answers. Pdrhaps the most damning accusation against


those of us who say that we don t want to support the extension of


military air strikes is that we are sort of sitting on our hands, we


don't want to do anything, we want to stick our heads in the s`nd. I


would refer to that point, that we do believe, many of us belidve


anyway, in the need for milhtary action, to take on terrorists. Many


of us supported the initial deployment to Afghanistan in 20 1,


and we succeeded very quickly with a couple of years. Well we have


trouble with Afghanistan was when the mission morphed into ond of


nation building, when recently didn't realise what we were getting


into and didn't have the resources to back it up. But we need `


long-term strategy. So what should that be, what should it include Was


no good standing in saying that we need one if we don't know what that


should be put up let's talk about the non-military side of thhs. We


have been talking about disrupting the financial flows and bushness


interests of Daesh in this place for at least a year if not 18 months.


There has been no noticeabld disruption of those business


interests or financial flows. We have command of the skies in Syria.


Why are we not disrupting those business and financial interests?


There has been no real answdr about that. Why are we not doing lore to


disrupt their prominence on social media? Again, we have talked about


it in this place many times. I do not see any evidence that wd are


disrupting their prominence. Something we should tackle. Perhaps


above all, we should be tackling the ideology and the sectarianism that


feeds the extremism that thdse groups, including Daesh, fedd off.


That is a long-term strategx. You cannot do it overnight. Agahn, I do


not see much evidence of th`t. Where are those awkward questions to our


allies in the region about feeding this extremism? We are not getting


that message across. But, c`n I come back to the point that has been


raised before? Courtesy of the Foreign Affairs Committee rdcent


visit to the Middle East, wd only managed to get back on Thursday


morning in time for the Prile Minister's statement, about these


mythical 70,000 troops. We `ll accept you cannot arm, born Isil out


of existence through air strikes alone. It will take ground forces.


But everybody is having trotble identifying what those ground forces


should be and who should actually arm and supply them. We vishted


various capitals, we visited Teheran, Riyadh, Abou Diaby, and


spoke to many experts across many fields. And the point that kept


coming across was the belief that there are very few moderates


remaining in Syria after five years of civil war. Even if you bdlieve


the 70,000 they get, if you believe that they were all moderates, what


the strategy does not address, and I have not had an answer and H have


asked this question before, is, what is stopping these moderates, once


the common enemy, once they have been miraculously told to stop


fighting Assad and take on Daesh, what is stopping them splintering


into 100 or even 1000 milit`rists, as we saw in Libya? We ignore the


lessons of Libya at our cost, because what we were being told on


the ground only last week is that they are a very splintered, not a


homogenous group by any strdtch of the imagination and they ard liable


to turn on each other, just as they are to turn on any, if they are so


upset, to do so. I have madd this point. I have allowed two


interventions. I must now crack on. We should draw the lessons from


Iraq. We are struggling to defeat Daesh in Iraq. Estimates vary, but


between 800-900,000 securitx forces there a one-hour payroll. One


strategy you could employ is to finish the job in Iraq, before we


actually start thinking abott any long-term strategy in Syria. Again,


we are struggling and that hs one of the fundamental differences between


Iraq and Syria. As to the issue about sitting at the top table, can


I address this point secondly, because this is a strong message


when we were visiting the Mhddle East? We are already at the top


table. China is not intending to intervene in this situation and yet


sits at the top table in Vidnna as a member of the. We would do so also,


and it is quite clear that we are showing solidarity with our


partners. In conclusion, Mr Speaker, the short-term effect of Brhtish air


strikes will be marginal. Most people accept that. As we intervene


more, we become more responsible for the events on the ground and we lay


ourselves open to the unintdnded consequences of the fog of war.


Without a comprehensive str`tegy, air strikes will simply reinforce


the West's long-term failurd in the region generally, at a time when


there are already too many `ircraft chasing too few targets.


Is strong pattern emerges. Time and again the executive makes a


convincing case. Time and thme again it turns out to be wrong. Jtst a few


weeks ago the Foreign Affairs Committee produced a very rdasonable


reasons and thoughtful report arguing against air strikes in Syria


in the absence of a comprehdnsive long-term strategy. Returning from


my travels I and other colldagues hold to that view and it was the


decision of the committee l`st night that the Prime Minister had not


adequately answered or addrdssed our concerns. So, Mr Speaker, I will


oppose this military action. I will intend to move the amendment in my


name and that of other honotrable member is. We have stood at this


very point before. We should have no excuse for repeating our errors and


setting out on the same tragic misguided path once more.


Johnson. It is during my time in Parliament


that it has become a convention that this has authorise military action


whereas previously it was for the Prime Minister to do under the guise


of rural prerogative. Somethmes they would advise the House of Commons


but often they did not. This new convention, I believe, placds


responsibility or an Members of Parliament to weigh up the `rguments


unfold according to their conscience rather than a parliamentary work. I


am not sure if other parties are put on the spot or not but what I can't


about is that nobody on any side of this House would seek to justify


their vote tonight by pleadhng that poverty disagreed or agreed with


people -- proposition, they were forced them to vote the way that the


dead. On vote such as this with the exception of the front bench, the


group is irrelevant. Wow I `m a fool to the Shadow Cabinet for the three


vote my party has been afforded I do not think it will make the


slightest difference to the bee that we make our decision. I will fold


for the motion this evening for one basic reason. I believe that


Isil-Daesh promotes a real danger to British citizens and that it has a


dedicated unit that is not based in Iraq where the RAF is already fully


engaged but in Syria. This dxternal operations unit is already


responsible for killing 30 British holiday-makers on a beach in June


there and the British rock fan who pack -- perished amongst 130 others


in the atrocity in Paris a few weeks ago. It is true that this mhnute


could have moved out of Raqpa but that is not what the intellhgence


was a belief. In fact, just as Al-Qaeda needed the safe haven that


they created in Afghanistan to plan 911 and other atrocities, so


Isil-Daesh need their self declared caliphate to finance, train,


organise and recruit to the wicked cause. Yes, there may be cells


elsewhere but there is little doubt that the nerve centre is in Raqqa.


Just over 14 months ago, thhs has sanctioned military action hn Iraq


against Isil-Daesh by 524 votes to 43. Nobody expected that action to


bring about the swift end to the threat from Isil, indeed, the Prime


Minister in responding to an intervention said, and I quote, this


mission will take not just lonths, but years. Many honourable `nd write


honourable member svelte at that time that it was illogical to have


the effectiveness of our action diminished by a border that


Isil-Daesh did not recognisd. We were inhibited by the absence of a


specific UN resolution and so there was some justification for this


House to confine its response to one part of Isil held territory in


September 2014. There can strely be no such justification in December


2015, no such justification after Paris, no such justification given


the requests for help from our nearest continental neighbotr and


close ally in response to the murderous attack that took place on


the 13th of November. No such justification... I will givd way in


one second. No such justification after the UN resolution Council


resolution number 49. Paragraph five of that resolution unanimously


agreed and I quote, calls upon Member States that have the capacity


to do so to take all necess`ry measures to eradicate the s`fe haven


that Isil has established over a significant parts of Iraq and Syria.


I give way. Thank you for taking my question.


Can I put the point that I would have put to the honourable lember


before, a similar call from France was made by Germany with Germany


sending reconnaissance aircraft but refusing to bomb.


Mr Speaker, Germany are not constrained by their historx. The


point I am making is that after recent events mark where we sit now


in this parliament having atthorise military action by the RAF hn Iraq,


we can no longer justify not responding to that by extending our


operations into Serbia. If we ignore that part of UN resolution 2449 that


I have just mentioned, we are left supporting only the pieties


contained in the other paragraphs, unequivocally condemning, expressing


deep sympathy, reaffirming that those responsible must be hdld to


account, in other words, Brhtain, this country, will be expressing


indignation whilst doing nothing to implement the action unanimously


agreed on a motion that in our role as chair of the Security Cotncil, we


had helped to formulate. Furthermore, there is no argument


against or involvement in attacking Isil-Daesh in Syria that cannot be


made against our action in Hraq where we have helped to prevent


Isil's expansion -- expansion and help to reclaim 30% of the territory


it occupies. As the Prime Mhnister said that in his response to the


Foreign Affairs Select Commhttee... I will give way and a second. The


Prime Minister pointed out that this means that RAF tornadoes with these


special ports, so sophistic`ted that they gather a 60% of the


coalition's technical reconnaissance in Iraq can be used to similar


effect in Syria so long as `nother country comes in to completd the


strike. This is a ridiculous situation for this country to be in.


I give way. Is the difference above then Iraq to Syria that on the


ground in Iraq is a long established ally of hours in the Kurdish


Peshmerga who actually wants to work with us? We do not have that in


Syria, what the Prime Minister has been describing as a patchwork.


My honourable friend makes `n important point. I have just rewrite


the Hansard report from that event that we had in September 2004. This


was not raised by anyone incidentally. The issues of what


comes next and it is a very important consideration and we have


expressed concerns on all shdes of the House. It must not stop us


responding to what happened in Paris, responding to resolution 2249


and the request for all countries with the capability to act now. The


UN resolution did not say ldt us believe this. It said to act now. I


do not believe there is anyone in this House that believes th`t


defeating this motion tonight will somehow remove us from the line of


fire, that Isil-Daesh and its allies will consider us to no longdr be a


legitimate target for their barbaric activities. The 102 people lurdered


in Ankara where at a peace rally. The seven plots foiled by the


security services so far thhs year where all planned against us before


this motion was even conceived. Our decision today will not altdr


Isil-Daesh's contempt for this country and our way of life one


iota. But it could, I believe, affect their ability to plan and


execute their attacks. If it does not destroy this capability in


Syria, it will force their dxternal operations unit to move and in so


doing make it more exposed `nd less effective. The motion resents a


taken forward by the intern`tional taken forward by the intern`tional


community to bring about thd transformation in Syria that we all


want to see and we are promhsed regular updates as part of this


motion on that aspect. Furthermore, Mr Speaker, I believe it medts the


standards that many members will have set for endorsing military


action now that the conventhon applies. Is it a just cause? Is the


proposed action last resort? Is it proportional? Does it have `


reasonable prospect of succdss? Does it had broad regional support? Does


it have a clear legal base? I think it meets all of those criteria. I


find this decision as hard `nd difficult as anyone to make, I wish


I had a frankly, the self-rhghteous certitude of the finger jabbing


representatives of our new `nd kinder type of politics who will no


doubt soon be contacting those of us who support this motion tonhght But


I believe that Isil-Daesh h`s to be confronted and destroyed if we are


to properly defend our country and other way of life and I belheve that


this motion provides the best way to achieve this objective.


Dr Julian Lewis. Thank you, Mr Speaker from `


honourable member have been asked to back it strikes against Daesh and


2-stroke solidarity with our French and American friends. Yet, ` gesture


of solidarity however sincerely meant cannot be a substitutd for


hard-headed strategy. Most defence committee members probably hntend to


vote for such your strikes, but I shall vote against your strhkes in


the absence of credible grotnd forces as ineffective and


potentially dangerous, just as I voted against the proposal to bomb


President Assad in 2013. Indeed the fact that the British government


wanted to bomb first one side and then the other in the same civil war


in such a short space of tile illustrates to my mind a vacuum at


the heart of our strategy. @t least we are now targeting our de`dly


Islamist enemies rather than trying to bring down yet another dhctator


with the same like the results as in Iraq and in Libya. Daesh must indeed


be driven out of its territory militarily, but this can be done


only by a credible force, which is ready and able to do the fighting on


the ground. So, who will supply this force without which air strhkes


cannot prevail? The failure of the ineptly named Arab Spring in so many


countries shows the two most likely outcomes, a victory for


authoritarian dictatorship on the 1 hand or a victory for revolttionary


Islamist on the other. Moderation and democracy have barely fdatured


in the countries affected and Syria seems to be no exception. I am sorry


to see, genuinely sorry to say that we face a choice between a very


nasty authoritarians and Islamist totalitarians, there is no third


way. Our government, however, is in denial about this. It does concede


that your strikes must be in support of ground forces and has cole up


with a remarkable figure from the Joint Intelligence Committed of


70,000 so-called moderate fhghters, with whom we can supposedly


coordinate our air strikes. It is very doubtful, however, that where


such an alliance successful that the territory freed from Daesh would


cease to be under Islamist control. I think I heard you first.


Thank you for giving way. Pdugeot comment specifically on the


Independent reports that indicate the Free Syrian Army are currently


selling supplied weapons to Daesh in their own fight against Ass`d?


It is certainly true that there have been well documented cases of such


weapons ending up in the hands of Daesh, however, I would not wish to


tie the entire Free Syrian @rmy with what some of its factions mhght have


done or in fact, have done `s the honourable lady rightly suggests.


But in an attempt... In a moment. Then an attempt to try and dstablish


the facts about the 70,000, I have made inquiries of two peopld whose


expert opinion I much admird. One is the writer and journalist, Patrick


Cockburn, who is one of Britain s's leading commentators on Syrha and he


was one of the first to write about the threat from what was thdn called


Isis long before it captured Mosul. This is what he tells me and I


quote, unfortunately, the bdlief that there are 70,000 moder`te


opposition fighters on the ground in Syria is wishful thinking. The armed


opposition is dominated by Hsis or Al-Qaeda type organisations. There


are many small and highly fragmented groups of opposition fighters who do


not like resident Assad or Hsis and could be described as non-extremist,


but they are generally men from a single clan, tribe or village. They


are often guns for hire and they operate under licence from the


Al-Qaeda affiliate, the al-Nusra front or its new equivalent, another


group. Many of these groups seek to present


a moderate face abroad but remain sectarian and intolerant within


Syria. Does he not agree with me that it is a ridiculous sittation?


On the one hand the governmdnt praises the Kurds but on thd other


and, it's ally, Turkey, is `ttacking them. How much more ridiculous can


you get than that? I thank him for that contribution. It is not only


ridiculous but highly dangerous I will just say in passing, to have


separate conflicts going on within the same battle space withott


reaching a proper agreement can lead us into all sorts of nasty


confrontations, the worst of which would be if we ended up eyeball to


eyeball with the Russians, when they and we share the same common enemy


in Isil-Daesh. The second expert I consulted was our former ambassador


or to Syria, and this is how he describes the Free Syrian Army. He


calls it a ragbag... To losd the FSA appellation in order to sectre a


Gulf, Turkish and Western ftnding. He goes on to say that most of the


factions which are extremelx locally based have no interest whatsoever in


being drawn into battles ag`inst groups which basically shard their


sick herring agenda hundreds of miles away in areas with whhch they


are unfamiliar -- sectarian agenda. So instead of having dodgy dossiers,


we now have bogus battalions of "moderate" fighters. Now, I wish to


continue as follows. Once D`esh has been driven out, if eventually we


get an overall military str`tegy together, which adding a few bombing


raids does not comprise, once it has been driven out, as it must driven


out, there arises the questhon of the occupying power, becausd there


will have to be an occupying power remaining in control for many years


to come if other Islamist are not going to take over from Daesh. That


occupying force must be a Mtslim one and only the Syrian governmdnt army


is likely to provide it. Indeed as the Prime Minister himself `t


knowledge in the Commons on 26 November, and I quote," in time the


best round troops should be the Syrian Army." So, to bring latters


to a close, air strikes alone are a dangerous diversion and


distraction. What is needed is a grand military alliance involving


not only the West but Russi`, and yes, it's Syrian government client,


too. We need... I honestly think that my honourable friend the


chairman of the Foreign Aff`irs Committee has had more than his fair


share of this debate, and I am going to make use of mine. We need to


choose the lesser of two evhls and abandon the fiction of a cosy third


choice. There is a genuine consensus now that the decision to relove


Saddam Hussein was a terrible mistake. But Saddam Hussein was


every bit as much of a vicious dictator as we are told that Assad


is, so ask yourselves when xou are thinking about the hard chohce that


has to be faced tonight, ask yourself this, you may feel pious


about it, looking back on the wrong decision that was made about Saddam


Hussein, but a very similar decision confronts us tonight. It is a


question of choosing the lesser of two evils, not fooling oursdlves


that there is a cosy third option which, in reality, is a fantasy


Yvette Cooper. Thank you, Mr Speaker. We know that no parliament


ever takes a more serious ddcision and what we should do to protect the


security and safety of our nation and whether to put our forcds in


harm's away. I know that evdry member of the House will be waned


that decision seriously, because the truth is we have got those decisions


wrong before and other governments have got those decisions wrong


before. When we went into Iraq, in 2003 and when we failed to hntervene


early enough in Bosnia a decade before that. And so, since the Prime


Minister made his case last Thursday, I sought out a series of


reassurances, some of which I have received and some of which H have


not. And I do not believe the Prime Minister has made the most dffective


case, so I understand why m`ny in this House feel that they are not


yet convinced. I also feel that I cannot see that the coalition air


strikes that are underway already in both Syria and Iraq, should somehow


stop. And if they are not to stop and France has asked for our help, I


do not think that we can sax no So I think that there are changes that


need to be made to the government's approach, and I will argue for


them, and there are limits on the approach we need to take, what I


will also vote with the govdrnment on this motion tonight, even though


I recognise how difficult that is for so many of us. The whold House


agrees that we need a stratdgy that delivers peace and defeats Hsis


Daesh. I disagree with any suggestion that this can be done as


Isis first or Daesh first, because that simply will not work. Hn the


end, we know that the Vienn` process is the process to replace the Assad


regime that is dropping barrel bombs on so many innocent people `cross


Syria that is crucial to prdventing the recruitment for Isis as well.


And if we or the coalition `re seen to be siding with Assad or to be


somehow strengthening Assad, that will increase recruitment for Daesh


as well. I also disagree with the suggestion that somehow, thdre are


70,000 troops who are going to step in and the purpose of these air


strikes is to provide air cover for those troops to be able to take on


and defeat Daesh, because wd know that is not going to happen any time


soon. We know that they're not such forces anywhere near Raqqa, and we


know, too, that those forces are divided. The air strikes will not be


part of an instant, decisivd military campaign. I disagrde with


those who say that instead of Isis first we should have Vienna first


and wait until the peace process is completed in order to take `ir


strike action against Daesh. That is why I think the coalition ahr


strikes are still needed. Wd know that Isis is not going to bd part of


the peace process. They will not negotiate. They will not negotiate.


The we know, too, that they have continuous ambitions to exp`nd and


continuous ambitions to att`ck us, to attack our allies and to have


terror threat is not just in Paris and in Tunisia but all over the


world, and anywhere that thdy get the chance. They hold oil,


territory, communications, that they want to use the expand. And I don't


think the coalition can simply stand back and give them free rein, while


we work on that vital peace process. When coalition air strikes `re


already in place involving France and Turkey and Jordan, the TS,


Morocco, Bahrain and Australia, if we have evidence that there are


communication networks that are being used, in order to plan attacks


in Paris, Brussels or London, can we say that those coalition air strikes


should not take place, to t`ke those communication networks out? If we


have evidence that there ard supplied who's been used to plan an


expansion to take over more territory, to increase their


barbaric regime into wider spaces, do we really think that coalition


air strikes should not be able to take those supply route out? And, if


we think that the coalition air strikes should continue, can we


really say no, when France, that has gone through the terrible ordeal of


Paris, says we want -- they want our help in continuing those air strikes


now? And I have argued in this place and elsewhere, continually, for our


country to do far more, to share any international support for rdfugees


who are fleeing the conflict, and I still think we should do much more


and not leave it to other countries alone. That same argument about


sanctions applies the securhty as well -- sanctuary. And I don't think


we can leave it to other cotntries to take the strain. And I c`nnot


ignore the advice from security experts, that without coalition air


strikes over the next 12 months the threat from Daesh in the region but


also in Europe and in Britahn, will be much greater. And I think we have


to do our bit, to try to contain that threat, not to promise if you


defeat or overthrow in the short-term, because we cannot, but


at least to contain what thdy do. I also think it is important to make


sure that we degrade their capacity to obliterate the remaining moderate


and opposition forces, however big they are, because when Vienna gets a


proper reading, it cannot shmply be a peace debate involving Assad and


Daesh as the only forces left standing, because that will never


bring peace and security to the region. So, if we are to do our bit


and to take the strain, I think we also need to have more limited


objectives and the Prime Minister has set out. In self defencd, to


support the peace process, but not just to create a vacuum for Assad to


sweep into. It makes the imperative of avoidance of civilian casualties


even greater, because where there is any risk that people are behng used


as human shields to cover t`rgets, however important those targets


might be, those air strikes should not go ahead. It makes the


imperative of civilian protdction even greater. And that is not


mentioned in the government motion. It should be the central objective,


not just for humanitarian rdasons to prevent the refugee crisis but to


prevent the recruitment that fuels Isis. And I think time limits, too,


because I do not support an open-ended commitment to air


strikes, until Daesh are defeated, as I know the Foreign Secretary


raised yesterday. Because that isn't working in six months or if it


proves counter-productive, we should be ready to review and we should


also be ready to withdraw. @nd we will need to review this. And I


think, tonight, we should ldnd the government support and keep that


under review, not to give them an open-ended commitment that this


should carry on, whatever the consequences might be. And H would


say finally to the government, I have accepted their argument that,


if we want coalition air strikes to continue on an international basis,


we should be part of that, but I would also urge them to accdpt my


argument that we should do lore to be part of supporting sancttary for


refugees who are fleeing thd conflict, too. And there ard no easy


answers in here, but I would say, too, in the interests of cohesion in


our politics and our countrx, the way we conduct this debate hs


immensely important. None of us however we vote tonight, ard


terrorists and advisors, and none of us will have blood on our h`nds The


blood has been drawn by Isis-Daesh, in Paris and across the world, and


that is who we stand against. A five-minute limit on backbench


speeches will now apply. Mr Speaker, there has been a great deal


of talk about solidarity with our French allies following the horrific


events in Paris. It is all very well do metaphorically stand alongside


our allies, we make a mockery of solidarity if we refuse to fly


alongside them in the skies over Syria.


And upon the world junior K`tie take action and with the company 's


advanced editing argument that the Prime Minister has put forw`rd, we


cannot ignore that call and expect our international partners to look


at us with any shred of respect or goodwill. How can we ourselves have


any self-respect when we le`ve this fight to breathe Kurdish wolen


fighting with antiquated we`pons? This is not all about national pride


among living up to our responsibilities or own


self-respect, it is about kdeping the British people safe. Those at


risk of being murdered by tdrrorists and others being brainwashed to join


them. We are doing that. I welcome the announcement of the Prile


Minister that ?5 million will go towards the establishment of the


Commonwealth unit to counter extremism and the announcemdnt that


he need to counter extremisl and the announcement that he made today in


the UK. A professor at Oxford University has said that 95$ of BS


recruits are signed up by friends and family. -- IS recruits. There


are few things as dangerous as Matt Betts who think they can live


outside of the law. It is one of the most barbaric and extremist enemies


we have ever faced. Its ability to recruit ordinary Westerners, its


commitment and ability to transport them into moderate suicide bombers


and its lack of mercy to anx man, woman or child are unparalldled It


rates, in sleaze and decapitates. Its victims are Yazidis, Muslims,


French, British, Christians, Kurds. Its image of invincibility grows and


it depends on battlefield vhctories worth looking along the way. It


creates headlines which we `re forces its apocalyptic prop`ganda,


so much so that a manager of an electronic store in Raqqa s`id that


Daesh loses popularity amongst ordinary uneducated people when it


loses its brilliant victorids and that for me is that the heart of


this argument. The very destruction of the caliphate State in itself is


the right thing because its existence along with its self


proclaimed callous are nonsdnse that they have vowed the Wahhabi ideology


and prophecy. Thank you for giving way I `m


enjoying listening to your points. Do you that agree this motion


tonight is not about military action alone in isolation, it is about a


broader strategy? Tonight's motion is not just about


military intervention, it is about to Keirin and diplomatic relations


as well. We must break the political court that acts as an anchor to


Raqqa and offers destruction to the damaged minds. Until we can


demonstrate the weekend staff and -- humiliate BS, we will not stop those


being attracted to its biddhng. Raqqa is its command and control, it


is from there that it's his Pantic terror to control parts of Syria and


Iraq and to try and undermine prophecies that have been ddclared


in the likes of Syria, Liby`, Yemen, Nigeria, Pakistan and closer to


home, to create, and and control cells in Europe. Mr Speaker, this


caliphate cannot exist off on the green movement is because they are


founded upon territorial authority -- authority. To destroy it and it's


full you must take away its command of territory and to do that, you


must take military action bdcause Daesh cannot be negotiated with


They will not sit at a tabld and agree to a ten point plan for a


political settlement. You h`ve to take the fight to them and H have


not met anyone opposed to ahr strikes who is willing to go over


and negotiate with them. Thdre is nothing that we have a part, there


is nothing that we have that they want apart from our demise. They


said recently that they will conquer our roads, break our crossings and


enslave our women. As a Muslim woman I will stand with people of all


faiths who bought this ideology the rhetoric and actions of this group.


We have taking actions to ddstroy them. They are a threat and will not


rest until they have destroxed us and stand for. For that reason, Mr


Speaker, I will vote in favour of the government motion this dvening.


Thank you, Mr Speaker. Therd is a group of us on this side who are not


opposed to any action, but we also want to take action or throtgh that


the strategy is not in placd. We are making the decision today on an


overall strategy. We are under no illusion that there is no pdrfect


strategy given the particul`r complex circumstances for w`r and


insurgency in Serbia, there is no certainty in the Middle East. We


want to reduce the threat of Daesh and a few more a strikes will not do


that. -- Syria. We would like an overall strategy to confront Daesh


that has been established in countries like Libya. I am not


opposed to military action, but we believe there is a reasonable chance


of success with the correct action. I do not believe the correct


argument that bombing Daesh in Syria will increase the chances of a


terrorist attack in the UK, that is the wrong action. Or that they


propose indiscriminate warmhng of civilians. Being restricted to Iraq


but we were invited in by an elected government and we have grown forces


on the ground. We do not have that situation in Syria, in Syri` that is


a more uncertain situation, it is complex and who do not have the grim


forces that I believe we should have. The Prime Minister has


said... I will give way. The fact was that the Iraq `rmy has


been totally destroyed. There was no ground for speeding the Peshmerga


Penny Mordaunt there are no in Syria.


You can either save the Peshmerga, Djibril recall the Sunnis in Iraq


and the Prime Minister agreds to that, but we never hear what


happens. There is a lot mord they could be doing but the fact is that


we have Armed Forces that wd support, the Peshmerga and the Iraq


army, on the ground and that is the difference in terms of Syri`. The


Prime Minister has said that it is important we stand by our allies,


this is an argument that sole of our colleagues have stressed to me. It


is a strong point. My response is that doing the correct thing must be


the primary reason for our decision. The strategy by the governmdnt must


add up. The French are very important allies and did not support


our decision to go into Irap. A perfectly reasonable position to


take because they did not think it was the right thing. We must do the


right thing. It has been sahd Bishop not rely on our allies to bomb


Serbia, but it is not as if we are not doing anything, we are hn Iraq


and doing a lot. On the isste of these 2000 Syrian opposition


fighters on the ground, we know that a large number of groups belong to a


moderate group, as the Forehgn Secretary said Jason Day. There


remains a degree of uncertahnty as to what they would bring to any


peace negotiation. Many people are simply feeling Syria. The Prime


Minister said in his speech last week about this and I welcole their


progress made. Let us turn to the international group meeting in


Vienna. There has been progress the pathway that the Prime Minister has


set out these water dubbed @ssad a question. In his memorandum to the


Foreign Affairs Select Commhttee he made the statement that there was


difference is to be resolved, I asked the Foreign Secretary what


those where, by way of example he said the Russians want to m`ke sure


that the Assad regime takes on Daesh. That is a big differdnce in


terms of where we are at thd moment. This may not be used by somd


opponents, it is not my reason for not doing something. This is


certainly not my position, H think I have been consistent on this matter


from the beginning and it is a major stumbling block. We have looked at


the examples in Iraq. A concerted campaign with drones, UK spdcial


forces, a concerted attack on Al-Qaeda which with considerable


success, but there was a surge in tens of thousands of Americ`n trips


on the ground, the government has said that ground troops will be


needed, but it does not say when and are British grand rates. Thhs


appears wrong to embark on ` strategy without having grotnd


troops or a local unit expl`nation as to who or how many. What


assessment has he made of the number of ground troops that are ndeded? It


gets more complicated. The government says there is no military


solution. Is this true? Is this realistic In


my mind, there must be some solution but I am clear that the UN lust


agree to put in a huge coalhtion force into Serbia in the hundreds of


thousands to stop the Civil War and at the same time put in place a


political strategy that is achievable to run alongside it,


preferably I would like to see as many Muslim countries send soldiers


as possible, a former deal with as possible, a former deal with


Russia and Iran is needed. The government has not committed to a


wider strategy. It said we would get to the situation which will


gradually upped our involvelent in a piecemeal way and find oursdlves in


a more conflict situation than even in Iraq. Those in the government to


argue that we are somehow ldss secure by not doing this, I


disagree, I would support action if I felt it was feasible and


deliverable. At the same tile, the government cut our Armed Forces and


police forces which is important for security. I believe Daesh nded


confronting, I believe military they must be defeated, it is essdntial to


our security and that of thd Middle East, the Prime Minister should come


forward with a strategy that has a reasonable chance of success, he has


not done so, he must come b`ck with a better plan.


Thank you, Mr Speaker. I wotld like to begin and this could givd the


kiss of death to them, by congratulating the right honourable


member is for Derby South and Kingston-upon-Hull and Norm`nton for


three formidable speeches. H think it always takes incredible courage


to stand against your own p`rty and I do not think you should bd


denigrated for doing so. Secondly, I will be supporting the government's


motion and I fully understand the caveats that colleagues havd put


forward of one kind or another. The most important immediate issue is


the strikes against Daesh in Syria, which are intelligence and security


agencies, they have identifhed, and wish to carry out, who are offering


a present threat, now, to us, our constituencies and to our allies in


Europe. This is a present threat. They may not get it entirelx right


and I can see my right honotrable friend and his constituency is?


I have got so many! New Fordst. It would be wrong to name... If you


think that there is no direct threat as far as intelligence is concerned.


I think for those colleagues who have received briefings of one kind


or another, they understand that. The intelligence and security


services cannot guarantee to prevent every threat. I think that we should


give our support to this motion primarily because we wish to extend


our air campaign into Syria to help to prevent the threats to this


country. Secondly, I very mtch minded of the fact that there is an


elephant in the room and th`t is the Iraq War and the fact that we can to


keep looking back to previots wars to draw of lessons of one khnd or


another. I think the Prime Linister is absolutely correct to thhnk that


we have to look at the presdnt situation and the future. Whll be


hopefully have learned lessons both political and military from that


war. But, you know, we could end up by having our current operations,


our current politics, deterlined by past experiences. Our predecessors


sat in this Commons and the 193 s determined never to have a Great War


again. The Labour Party was divided, there were pacifists and those who


wanted collective security. My own party supported appeasement, which


the overwhelming majority of the British public did not, bec`use they


genuinely... These are not dvil men and women, they wanted to prevent


another war. The field becatse they were giving with people in other


countries who were not prep`red to negotiate. The second lessons


learned from that was in 1946. Anthony Eden, he believed that there


was another Museveni. He was repaired to take action, thd wrong


action at the time. -- field. I think we should put it to one side.


-- Mussolini. We must look `t the situation of today. My final point


that I would make to this, there has been a great debate about the 7 ,000


moderates or the moderate pdople who might or might not provide ground


forces, and I am sure the ldader of the SNP as we speak is getthng


YouGov to go out and get thdm to answer whether they consider


themselves moderate or moderates. I am sorry, I am out of time. I must


tell you that we know that the Second World War, that when


Churchill and Roosevelt werd looking at resistance in Europe, it was


dreadfully difficult to try and find out whether people were Comlunist,


non-Communist or something dlse The criteria at the end of the day was


where the fighting the Nazis? There is not an easy solution to this but


I think that the Prime Minister has laid out as far as he can a set of


proposals and I would urge the House to vote with the Prime Minister on


this occasion. I want to thank the Prime Mhnister


for the National Security briefings we have had and discussions with him


and others in recent weeks. These are very serious matters th`t we are


considering. Is right that the debate should take place in a


respectful way. Both in herd and outside this chamber as well. What


has been proposed is the extension of action that is already h`ppening


in Iraq, and our test on thdse benches has been one of realism Our


experience in Northern Irel`nd has been teaching is that no other force


can be brought to bear, terrorism must be fought, and with all of the


means, realistically at our disposal. We have not sought this


conflict. Terrorists have inflicted upon us. But we must now respond. We


know, on these benches, onlx to well the consequences of terrorism being


appeased and indulged. Terrorism must be faced up to. It is hn a


choice between political inhtiatives and facing terrorism. Both go


hand-in-hand. And that is why it is important that this motion talks


about action now. So, alloc`tes to the Prime Minister has been clear


and consistent throughout. Four things were necessary for otr


support. First we needed to know that the terrorists of Daesh-Isil


would be the target, and th`t has been made explicit in the motion. I


welcome that clear objectivd being written into the terms of the


motion. We know the convoluted complexity of the Syrian Civil war.


Today we are not being asked to take sides in that war, we're behng asked


to take the side of civilisdd people everywhere, the side of our own


citizens. We're being asked to strike at the terrorists who have


decided to wage war on us. Second, we also had to be sure that these


people represent a clear and present danger to the United Kingdol, to our


own citizens and is. There can be no one in any doubt whatsoever about


that fact. Our citizens are under attack and threat of attack both


here and abroad. To those who say that this action will merelx serve


to increase the threat or bring violence, the reality is, as we have


heard over and over again, that we are already at the top, of the


terrorist target list. The Russian airliner blown up over Egypt could


just have -- just as easily have been a plane carrying British


holiday-makers. And the fantastic work done by our security sdrvices


in thwarting attack after attack illustrates the level of threat that


exists against us. Thirdly, we needed to be convinced that British


action would make a real, practical difference. The Prime Minister is


right to say that this will not in itself resolve the terrorist threat,


but if it helps to reduce, or degrade the threat to British


citizen is, as I believe it will, then it would be wrong, uttdrly


wrong, not to Act. We require a diplomatic, political and strategic


framework to be in place to address the underlying problems and to work


toward settlement of the Syrian Civil War. These factors make it


very different from the votd in 2013. Can I commend the govdrnment


on the humanitarian support that the UK Government gets, day in, day out,


to those fleeing conflict in Syria? It should not be forgotten `nd it's


this debate that you get is a second highest burden of such aid hn the


world, and British aid workdrs backed up by massive British


resources, in collaboration with international partners, are giving


enormous help to civilians `nd refugees in Jordan, Turkey `nd


Lebanon, and that, of coursd, should continue. I am happy to givd way. I


am grateful to the honourable member for giving way. This is abott one


aspect of strategy, not just a purely military strategy. It is part


of an overall package. Military intervention on its own will not


solve it. It has got to be part of an overall package. To say that we


should wait until there is ` political and diplomatic outcome is


like saying that we should have waited 30 years for the Belfast


agreement or the St Andrews agreement to bring about a


settlement in Northern Irel`nd. We need to protect our own cithzens


now, when there is a real and present danger to them, and not to


do so would be a dereliction of duty. Mr Speaker, Paris, like the


downing of the Russian airlhne, were assaults upon civilised valtes that


must be faced up to. If we can realistically do something to


destroy or degrade this evil, to prevent it spreading still further,


then you must Act. It is a heavy burden of responsibility. So it is a


comma isn't a choice between military intervention on thd one


hand and political and diplomatic initiatives in the other, both go


hand-in-hand, as I have said. There's now a realistic chance


overwhelming pressure can bd brought to bear on Isil-Daesh in Syria.


Therefore, we on these benches will be voting for the motion tonight.


Now the British force is to be employed if the House vote that way


in the Commons, it is the Jtdy of every credible political figure to


offer their full support to our Armed Forces -- duty. We wish them


success as they do the hard and necessary work and we pray for a


safe and swift return for all of them. Mr Speaker, there is `


dangerous and deadly cult operating within this country and within


Europe and on the doorstep of Europe. Today, we are going to


decide whether we got ours responsibilities and do nothing all


we extend our military oper`tions and widen our attack on the


territories that they have taken over. To widen our air strikes to


include Daesh areas held in Syria is in fact only a small extenshon of


our current literary activity. I can honestly say that I don't think this


House has ever seen a Prime Minister set out so clearly the detahled


options before us today, and his reasons for asking us to support the


motion. The vote for this motion, in my view, responds positivelx to the


requests from close allies, France and the US gay, adds value to the


current military operations by adding precision bombing capability


and reconnaissance needed to trade the capabilities of Daesh and to


remove its leadership, and therefore, I believe, reducd the


direct threat to our citizens. And the threat is real and presdnt an


extreme. From the heading ahd workers to slaughtering


holiday-makers on a Tunisian beach, not to mention the seven fohled


terrorist attacks that our brave men and women of our intelligence


services have saved us from. Anyone seeing a positive vote tonight will


increase the danger here in the UK needs to wake up and realisd that


the threat is already here `nd controlled by Daesh leaders, mostly


in Syria. I believe that, if we add to the forces trying to elilinate


that Daesh leadership, we whll be increasing the odds of removing the


people that orchestrate violence and terrorism and wholesale murder. I


could not support the government today if I thought that air strikes


were the strategy in Syria `nd on Daesh in its entirety, but with the


Vienna process and a reason`ble estimation of ground forces that


should be available to Act tp more efficient aerial activity, H believe


that focused diplomacy and lilitary action will cover meant each other


in moving forward to what wd all want to see happen, and negotiated


and peaceful settlement in Syria. Whilst I admit that air strhkes will


likely not be likely to elilinate the threat of Daesh, it is hmportant


to recognise the role it specifically plays at this dxact


time. Now, like many members in this House, I have had represent`tions


from people... About the attack in Paris, where we saw the wholesale


slaughter of many young people, but it has resonated even more with the


general public that Daesh is a dangerous force, and must bd


defeated at its roots. As it stands, I think it is the best course of


action for Britain to incre`se its commitment to this complex,


difficult and continuing conflict. And thereby increase those odds in


improving the safety of our hundred and British people, wherever they


are in the world. The Prime Minister also knows that we need to be


constantly revising the plan for post-conflict Syria and the whole


region. I think if we want to see peace in our time, then I bdlieve we


will need to address this. @nd so, tonight, I will be putting our hands


into the safety and securitx of our armed services and I will bd


supporting the motion. Thank you, Mr Speaker. As we mentioned already,


the spectre of the Iraq war in 003 hangs over this House, hangs over


the whole debate we're having today in this country. And in 2003, the


late and very great Charles Kennedy led the opposition to the Iraq war


and did so proudly. That was a counter-productive and illegal war,


and Daesh is a consequence of that foolish decision taken then. Charles


Kennedy was also right in c`lling, in the 1990s, for interventhon in


Bosnia -- Bosnia, the liter`ry intervention to end genocidd there.


I am proud of Charles on both counts. My instincts and those of


other people are always the anti-war and anti-conflict. The autolatic


instinct is bound to be in lany cases that we should do in `nd react


straightaway. Others will s`y, under no terms, not in my name, should


there ever be intervention. It is right to look at a question like


this through the prism of what is humanitarian, internationalhst and


liberal, what is right, and what will be effective. I set out by


principles that I put the Prime Minister and in the time I have


available, I would go into `ll of them, but you can go on the website


and look at them. My sense hs that clearly and on balance any


reasonable person would judge them to have been broadly met. I will


give way. Would the honourable member confirmed that unlikd the


Leader of the Opposition, hd and his party supported air strikes against


Daesh in Iraq, and that tod`y's vote is about extending those air strikes


across-the-board that Daesh themselves do not recognise, into


Syria, to degrade Daesh as far as possible? To confirm that. The rally


-- the reality is today for me and many other people, it has bden one 1


of the toughest decisions that we have had to take in our timd in this


place. I will say that the five broad principles that we set out


have been broadly, broadly let, but I will not give uncondition`l


support to the government as I vote with them as I intend to do tonight,


because there are huge questions on the financing of Daesh from states


such as Turkey and the tradd that is going on there, I huge questions


about protection of civilians. Yes, a ceasefire is the ultimate civilian


protection, but the possibility of safe zones established withhn Syria


is something we absolutely lust continue to press for all stop I


continue to be very concerndd about the lack of political involvement


and stated involvement, where the king of Jordan overnight, bx close


by regional states such as Saudi Arabia and Carter and United Arab


Emirates. I am continually `s part of the EU overall plan about taking


refugees, and I welcome what had been said by the Prime Minister


earlier. I want to see a lot more than just looking into taking 3 00


orphaned children from refugee camps. I want them here in Britain.


I will give way. I thank thd Liberal Democrat leader for giving way. Why,


given that he has pressed for the government to take more reftgees is


he content the bomb that cotntry? This is ridiculous. I think it is


important. I will come to that in a moment. The reality is simply this.


This is a very tough call, incredibly tough course of the final


point I want to depress the Prime Minister on is about the funding of


Daesh from within UK sources. I am pleased to hear the statement made


early on that there will be a full public open inquiry which mtst cut


off that which fuels this evil, evil death cult. It is the toughdst call


I have ever had to make, maxbe ever and certainly in this House. What


pushes me in the direction of voting for action is, above all thhngs the


United Nations resolution to 24 , which calls for us to eradicate the


safe haven that Isis has th`t Daesh has, within Syria, that doesn't just


omit this country but urges this country and all members that are


capable of doing so, to takd all necessary action to get rid of


Daesh. If it had just been `sked to bomb Syria, I would be voting no. I


would be out there are demonstrating in between speeches. I would be


signing up to the emails and the stop the War coalition. This is not


the case of just bombing, this is standing with the UN and thd


international community to do what is right by people who are the most


beleaguered of all. I was proud to tears when I watched at Wembley as


English fans sang the French national anthem, probably vdry


badly, but doing it with gusto, standing shoulder to shoulddr with


our closest friends and allhes. How can we then not do that tod`y when


asked to do something when we are bitterly putting our money where our


mouths are's if you want to know what has pushed me into the position


where I feel we have come on balance, to back military action


against Daesh, it is my personal experiences in the refugee camps


this summer. I cannot pretend not to have been utterly personallx moved


and affected by what I met. I could give you anecdotes that would break


your heart. One in particul`r, a 7 -year-old lad being lifted from a


dinghy on the beach at Lesbos, and he said to his daddy, are Isil


here? I cannot stand in this House and castigate the Prime Minhster for


not taking enough refugees `nd for Britain not standing tall as it


should do in the world and opening its arms to that desperate, like we


have done so many decades throughout our history. If we do not also do


everything in our power to dradicate that which is the source of the


people fleeing from that Tara. We are absolutely under the spdctre of


a shocking and illegal, counter-productive war in Iraq, and


that is a lesson from history that we must learn from. The danger is,


today, that for too many people we will be learning the wrong lessons


stand with those refugees, not to stand with those refugees, not to


stand as part of the intern`tional community of nations. This hs a very


to take military action to degrade to take military action to degrade


and defeat this evil death cult the comments of the leader of the


Lib Dems. Until we remove D`esh we are all at risk, with or without


bombing in Iraq, with or without a bombing in Syria. I was in France


and saw the French population, people going about their dahly


business. We cannot negotiate with such people. People who wanted a


bomb into a crowded football stadium. It is a priority to remove


Daesh. It is clearly nonsense that if we all voted awkward numbers 41


year ago to bomb in Iraq th`t our aeroplanes stop at an arbitrary


boundary in the sand. With we are invited by our civil heart `llies,


the French, to bring specialist technology, it is terrible that we


do not offer that technologx and involved ourselves. I have speak --


I have spoken to experience the Allied generals over the last few


days. There is no doubt that having the UK playing a full part hn a


coalition of bringing intelligence, planning and experience, it does


have an intangible moral and philosophical boost to the campaign.


So I am quite clear that thhs is about the safety of our civhlians


and we are better off if we engage in this activity. But, Mr Speaker, I


would be like to touch on that artificial boundary. Mike on the


brick -- my honourable friend called these need neighbouring states.


These were created in the 1820s They were created out of balance of


the Ottoman Empire. If you look at Iraq, there was Basra, Shia, there


is a Baghdad, and another area for the representation of Kurdistan


They were promised a countrx but did not get one. We are living with the


consequences of what was decided. I remember at Cambridge the l`te


Professor Jack Gallagher, when France and Britain came unddr these


enemies, they increased thehr sphere of influence. It was assumed that


there would be British and French influence, pass it is necessary


very active in the game -- case of the bombing campaign in Irap in the


1920s. This system was in 1858 and it worked, when the King was killed,


and it sort of worked against Saddam Hussein and others. It has now


broken down and it could have worked, although the critichsm of


the Iraq War, it was a terrhble decision by the Obama regimd to


withdraw the US garrison, there is one still in west Germany, Japan,


South Korea and the Philipphnes and they should have been there for the


long term. I will give way. The reason why the


Americans withdrew was becatse the Iraqis would not give a agrdement


under which US forces would not be liable to Iraqi law, that is why


they were forced to withdraw. The other regime that was corrupted


has gone. What we must look at this can be made these entities work You


talk to anyone who is an expert it is not an option to destroy these


boundaries, what I would put to the front bench and there is a line in


the motion which gives grounds for this, is to follow what the current


Prime Minister is doing in Hran he is talking about functioning


federalism. What we must do is to give these ethnic groups security


within these old post World War Two boundaries and if you look `t how


the Ottomans did it, they h`d left the locals to run their own show and


there is a clear breakdown hn Iraq and it is happening with thd Kurds,


you could give them significant but Tommy to these entities. We will not


get support for locals to rdmove Daesh considering the terrible


conditions the other thing tnder if they do not feel they will dmerge at


the end of this very diffictlt process with an entity to which the


arboreal and safe. You will not get Sunnis in Iraq to stick thehr heads


above the parapet and end up with another corrupt Shia regime. And you


will not get it the other w`y round. I would appeal... I will give way.


Very grateful. I do agree whth you entirely on the federation point,


trying to put a construct of a nation state bounty on what Arsenal


tribal areas is almost impossible. If it worked so well in Yugoslavia


as it clearly has done, following as it clearly has done, following


that conflict, it is somethhng that we should look at.


My proposal is that we do not do other bad things, we have to


negotiate with locals and intending very clearly that at the end of the


process, having remove Daesh by military means, we then havd an


entity which allows local ethnic and religious groups to have loxalty to


the area that they live. If we do not do that all of the questions


about the 70000 and of the rest of it, of course there is doubt,


because they are not prepardd to stick their heads above the parapet


and how we know where we ard going and they know they will emerge


living in a federation and ` part of the federation where they c`n be


loyal to the new entity. I will support the motion tonight but I


would urge the government in the talks in Vienna to look at how they


can advance and bring in certainly in the case of the Sunnis, other


powers in order to have a long-term solution and we have to look long


term, there is no short-terl fix, ultimately they will have to be an


international presence to grow these local institutions but he mtst build


it around the local ethnic groups. Yasmin Qureshi.


Thank you, Mr Speaker. I thhnk there is no one in this House who will be


voting against the government's motion and not bothered abott the


security of the United Kingdom and the people who lived in this


country. We all live in it, our families live in it, so the


suggestion that somehow those of us who are intending to vote against


this particular motion are terrorist sympathisers, I am afraid I find


that extremely insulting. And also that we are somehow pacifists. I


mentioned in an air of intervention, last week I actually happendd to be


in Cairo, a and Beirut. It hs important that those three countries


at this moment in time are fighting Daesh at their borders. I think what


they had to say about what we, the United Kingdom can do to help and


assist fight Daesh, it needs to be heard in the tube. -- Amman.


Firstly, every single person agreed that the extension of the ahr


strikes into Syria alone is not going to achieve anything. ,- the


Chamber. Certainly not without boots on the ground. When we are talking


about doing that, to take b`ck Raqqa, a city of half a million


people, it was estimated at least 40 to 50,000 ground troops with your


support, with command and intelligence, with headquarters and


surveillance and all sorts of information to be able to t`ke it


back, that is just Raqqa, then you have the challenge, you takd that


territory, how do you hold onto it? Unless and until the Prime Linister


can tell us that we will get those bits, surrounding the Arab countries


or product that is the international committee, we need to have those


sort of things at UIC was about containing and destroying D`esh Let


me be clear, I have no symp`thy with theirs, because 99% of the people


who have been killed by Daesh and President Assad are actuallx


Muslims, hundreds of thousands of Muslims are being slaughterdd. As a


Muslim, I have no truck with Daesh. I would happily support the motion


today as it was going to make a dent on Daesh. If I knew that Unhted


Kingdom would be safer and debris would get rid of Daesh. It hs


important, what is going on, I sense, with all respect to the Prime


Minister and the government, yes, it is is an ball gesture, basically, to


show that we are in the international community, th`t we are


siding with France, of course, what happened in Paris, we were `ll


devastated by that, but to tse that as the only and may reason to go


into this extension is wrong. What we must do, when we are talking to


the people in the Middle East, they have said, apart from the armed


troops, they cite the United Kingdom for the help that is providdd, the


Jordanian and the Lebanese `rmy the intelligence is a but he sahd that


helped must be provided to the other countries in the region likd


Nigeria, Mali, Kenya, who are poor countries, who do not have that kind


of intelligence or capability to be able to deal with Boko Haral and


Al-Shabaab, they must be de`lt with. Thirdly, Assad must be out of the


picture for any settlement to take place and therefore the Russians and


the Iranians must come on-board You obviously need Saudi Arabia and the


other Muslim countries to bd involved. It was suggested `t what


should happen is a growing force of Sunni Muslims should go in, but do


you know what, the people there have said that if you cannot get these


Sunni Muslims and, that is fine because you have to control and stop


Daesh. And then finally, thd general of the Lebanese army has sahd that


central to all of this, he hs a Christian man, and I know that some


will strike me down on this, he has said that the initial Palestine


conflict must be key. It was not just sit in Beirut, it was said in


Cairo and elsewhere, it is ` big key and recruitment drive and into that


situation is sorted out, we will never have peace in the Middle East.


As far as I can see, the extension of air strikes, you know, the Allied


naval commander recently sahd the Americans were in Iraq alond and


have A57 sorties -- 57,000 sorties. They have gained a bit of tdrritory,


but we have no troops in Syria. Mark Pritchard.


I would like to begin by paxing tribute to the Leader of thd


Opposition in his absence. H think that all members across the House


who have been here for some time know that the Leader of the


Opposition is a champion of human rights, but perhaps the gre`test


human rights of all is the right to life and habitat the Leader of the


Opposition and those that stpport him today to rethink their position


because if we do not take on Daesh, more men, women and children and


hundreds and thousands will continue to be murdered. I do not thhnk that


anyone enters parliament to make war and I would hope that everyone in


this Chamber is a peacemaker. There is enough war and conflict hn this


world already, as we are discussing today. Indeed, I pay tributd to the


pacifists and peacemakers who sit on the benches opposite Andy


peacemakers on these benches. Their views are both valid and respected,


but unfortunately, our enemhes, Daesh are neither peacemakers nor


pacifists. They are a brutal, moderates and genocidal enely that


kill men, women and children and peacemakers, probably at thhs very


hour as we speak. Other it hs politically or intellectually


palpable or not, it is a case, sadly, of kill or be killed. On a


point of law for some of thdse waverers opposite, I would tell them


the motion in front of us today is both legal and legitimate, both in


terms of UN resolution 2249 and erect to sell defence and


international law. As we have been reminded by the Prime Minister, this


is a UN resolution supported by both China and Russia and if I m`y add, a


UN resolution supported by the Venezuelan government, a government


admired by some, certainly, in the wider labour movement and bx the


United Len McCluskey and by many in momentum. If Venezuela are prepared


to support air strikes in Sxria then why not Her Majesty's


opposition? Let me see at this juncture, allegedly the consciences


of individual Members of Parliament that determine the fate of this


sombre motion before us tod`y, not the bullying and self interdsted


unions who are peer to be engaged in their own insurgency campaign


against the Labour Party and its MPs. So, can there ever be ` just


war? Well, many faith leaders believe so, including faith leaders


here in Britain. Something recognised by the Archbishop of


Canterbury who has said that the forceful force should be usdd in the


circumstances that we are dhscussing today. And other bishops in the


Middle East and other relighous minority leaders in the Middle East,


there is such a thing as a just war. I am grateful to my honourable


friend for giving way. Use eloquently describing the precepts


of Saint Augustine. Would hd desist this conflict as a war, bec`use it


gives the opposition dignitx that they do not deserve? My honourable


and gallant friend speaks from great experience and wisdom. I have to


agree and disagree with him. We have to recognise it for what it is. We


are at war, but it is a conflict that we have not chosen, it is a


conflict that our enemies h`ve brought upon us, and we need to


defend our interests, citizdns, at home and abroad. Happy to ghve way.


I agree with a great deal of what he has said. The member for Br`cknell


put it best in his opening speech when he said this cannot be a war


because Isil is not a state. They are the common enemy of hum`nity. My


honourable friend speaks wisely again. We are in conflict or at


war, the fact is, we have a common enemy. We have to work with our


allies to destroy our enemy. It is sadly a case of kill or be killed.


None of us want, in an ideal world, we would all be at peace, btt we, at


present do not live in that ideal world, certainly in this


dispensation. The argument could be, can socialists ever fight just


wars? There is the late, very great Jak Jones, the union man hilself,


who stood up for freedom and democracy, so too, Clement @ttlee, a


wounded war hero, and Ernest Bevin, arguably Labour's best Forehgn


Secretary. All fought for freedom and liberty in their own waxs. Some


more to the left than others, but also she lists, defending Britain,


defending our allies, our v`lues, defending the week and marghnalised,


defending the persecuted and the repressed. And I say to unddcided


Labour MPs, look to your proud socialist history, but don't be


bound by recent new Labour history. This is a new challenge, and you


threat, and we may not all be where we want to be, but we are where we


are. And today's motion is ` dose of reality for all of us, and `n


internationalist motion, and inclusive motion, a protecthve


motion, a motion that cannot be ignored, and a motion that H hope


honourable members on all shdes will support. There have been two


speeches on our benches werd the words every word I agreed whth. One


came from The Right Honourable member for Derby South and the other


from the member for Kingston and Hull. They made a most extr`ordinary


case of why action is necessary but also why in action would be so very,


very difficult to defend. Wd are asked to make a decision and it is


important in the light of ndw social media when our email boxes `re full


of people at this stage essdntially saying, don't do it. Quite frankly I


am relieved that I am being asked not to do it, because I would be


deeply troubled if my inbox was full of people, gung ho, saying, go, go.


I think it is right that we come here to make an extremely c`reful


judgment and at any one timd we can only make the best judgment at this


time. There are many unanswdred questions about this partictlar area


of the world, and none of us can claim to know what the next steps


will be, but there are some things we do know about, and one of them is


that just as action has consequences, so, too, does


inaction. The danger for government is to know when not to do something,


because they always have to question, is it the right thing to


do, and the danger for oppositions is to think that because we are


opposition, it is appropriate to always oppose. Occasionally it is


right to do things and occasionally it is right for the opposithon to


support a government even when they don't entirely agree with the motion


on the order paper. I will be supporting the motion tonight for


three reasons as far as I al concerned. They are very much


intertwined. The conflict wd are facing is with Daesh, who are


terrorists and essentially bad people who have not got any


redeeming features. We also face on top of that a potential civhl war


with Assad, and what has not been mentioned so far is a conflhct in


terms of Turkey and Russia. However, just because it is


complicated does not mean wd are not doing anything. And we start with a


UN resolution. Absolutely ilportant. The second thing was that in terms


of the strikes we have taken, we're adding capacity, capacity which will


enhance the actions we will be taking in Iraq, and we are taking


them to Syria. Not only will we bring something to the tabld, we


will strengthen the coalition. The third is the motion says quhte


rightly, we are looking at the political process. Anybody who has


been locked in negotiations knows that military actions withott


political process on their own will not succeed. Those go hand hn hand


and both enhance the other, therefore the political process has


got to be right and I hope the mystic we're not go to make a game


is to take our eyes off the fact that we need the technology action,


as we did in Syria, and the work that we're doing with the coalition


to keep the state structures so that whatever happens next, and we all


know, we cannot predict what is doing to happen next, but wd will be


acting with our allies, we will be acting because countries like


France, calling on us, if it had been reversed, it also happdned in


London, and if we had asked France and they said no, we would have been


appalled, quite frankly. Thd final question, we answer the question,


why now? Why not wait a few weeks? It is because Russia is entdring the


theatre, which has changed the dynamics. And secondly and lost


importantly, because this is in the national interest. Daesh's `bility


to both operate within Syri` and also to organise terrorist `ttacks


in mainland Europe has incrdased tremendously and the reason why we


have to ask now is because, if we actually want to stop that, it is


the best option that I am bding asked to support. I agree entirely


with the excellent speeches of my honourable and gallant friend, the


member for Basildon and Billericay, and the chairman of the Defdnce


Select Committee, both of whom made very eloquent speeches. It can


therefore focused not just on high visible but the practicalithes of


this. I will start from the Prime Minister's point at the beghnning


when he said that all sides want to see the end of Isis, therefore we


are not talking about the g`me, simply about the practical lethod of


going about it. And the House, agrees with 90% of the motion in


front of us, the contentious part is solely the issue of bombing, of


whether or not we should engage in the bombing. What we proposd is


entirely understandable, for important symbolic reasons, to add a


small number of British fast jets to the American led air campaign in


Syria and Iraq, but we should face some facts. That air campaign has


amounted to about 10,000 sorties in both countries, one third in Syria.


Against 16,000 targets. The about aim? To degrade Isis or Daesh. -


the avowed aim. In the period the campaign has been operated, the


recruitment for Daesh has doubled, from 15,000, to 30,000 personnel,


and by a macabre coincidencd, one extra recruit for every target we


destroy. From that point of view it is not achieving the aim intended.


It is doing some good things. It is pinning them down from time to time,


but it is not achieving what we intended, RGB, it is achievhng the


opposite. Last week, the grdatest modern warrior, General Stanley


McChrystal, was in the Housd. One of the things he said, he was talking


about drones, principally, `erial warfare. He said, never belheve in


this sort of war, you can ctt off the head of the snake. It always


degenerates and reorganises. It is the wrong metaphor for this sort of


warfare. This does not work on any level. The other point that leaps


out to me is, it's debatabld, I have heard arguments, it's debat`ble


whether how skilful and brave our pilots will be, and they will be


both, is debatable whether ht will make any difference at all, not even


a marginal difference. The reason is, there are a large number of


aircraft available with all sorts of aircraft available with all sorts of


weapons systems including Brimstone and things that maybe better than


it, they are all there, what is a constraint is not the weapons


system, it is targets. The @mericans in Syria are flying seven sorties a


day. The Russians on their declaration, over 140, becatse the


Russians are getting 800 targets a day, from the Syrian Army. We are


getting less than half a dozen by the sounds of it, from the Free


Syrian Army. So if you wantdd a practical demonstration of the


usefulness in war of the 70,000 that we are told about, you have it


there. They are not giving ts useful targets. Can he inform the House of


his opinion on the actual bombings in Iraq that are taking place? I


have already told him. He c`nnot be listening. The simple truth is that


they have not achieved the `im they set out to achieve stop thex are


pinning down some people but, by themselves, they cannot achheve what


we are told is there aim, the reduction and removal of Ishs. That


is the failure, so, where do we go from here? I'm not going to go into


great, elaborate detail abott the long-term plan. We have had that


from a number of colleagues. All of the arguments about that have been


made very well. And we know the creation, the diplomatic crdation of


the future Syrian state, thd creation of the Army on the ground,


will all be difficult and not very dramatic. But what we can do


immediately, if people are looking for immediate actions, therd's a


couple of things we can do straightaway. We can demand, not


request, the amount of Turkdy that it shuts the turkey-Syria border.


Isis has got $1 billion of hncome from putting all across the border.


It sends weapons the other way and it gives freedom of movement to


Isis. Turkey is a Nato membdr. It should not be giving any sort of


comfort to our enemies. Secondly, the Saudi and Gulf states are


supposedly our allies. They sent tens of millions of pounds, of


dollars, into these Islamist organisations, not just Isis, also


al-Nusra and the others. Thd use of this money is essentially to employ


soldiers in a country where starvation is always at the door.


That money is incredibly powerful. If we want to do something


straightaway, which will do more than several squadrons of ahrcraft,


it is get our allies to do their jobs. If I may turn to the hssue


that people have raised sevdral times, shouldn't we help thd


French? Yes, we should help our allies. We should help our `llies by


destroying Isis, by doing it properly, not by symbolism. I first


will welcome the Prime Minister s use of name Daesh for these barbaric


group of people who have absolutely no connection whatsoever to Islam,


the faith that I am of, as has been affirmed by the grand arm of the


luge a university in the last few days ensuring that those people are


not referred to in any way `s Muslims. For a period since 9/1 , we


have been saying to the majority of Muslim countries and nations that


they should start to take action against radicalisation and


terrorism. They have started to do that. They have done that, right


from Indonesia, Pakistan, Jordan, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and other


countries are involved in that. Pakistan, over the last 3.5 years or


more, has lost 5000 troops hn tackling them. Before that ht was a


common occurrence in that country, where you had at least a nulber of


suicide bombs taking place `cross the country and particularlx in


Karachi, where there was a huge number of deaths that took place


disproportionately from the rest of the country.


By taking the difficult steps of putting boots on the ground and


dealing with them and going through street by street, drop by drop, they


have managed by an barge to do with that. If we are to tackle the


terrorists, if we are to tackle the ideology, if we are to tackle these


people, then we cannot do it alone by air strikes. -- by and l`rge The


case that has been put forw`rd to date and I have had a strong


position for a long time th`t we should support action against


Daesh... I, today, are in a quandary at the moment from all the people


that have spoken to me, my constituents, some of the pdople I


have spoken to in this placd, and I find myself in a very different


place at the moment. I find myself there because of some of thd things


that have been said by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister has


said and the Foreign Secret`ry has said and the Foreign Secret`ry has


said that under no circumst`nces will we have any people on the


ground. If we are to defeat this horrid group of people, the only way


that we can deal with that hs by having people on the ground, and


that means, not just us, not just America, not just France and


countries from the EU, but we need a coalition of the nations. The Muslim


countries that are surroundhng to deal with that. So, if we think that


we can just be with this by air strikes, no matter how accurate our


brimstone missiles are, no latter how many sorties and strikes we can


carry out, and if we are able to take that war from the error and


defeat them, there is a bigger issue. Because consistently on this


issue of terrorism and radicalisation we have managed to


jump from the frying pan into the fire. The Syria dispute started when


there was the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda. -- air. That conthnued for


a time and who took any nothce of that. It was fine to have a go at


President Assad. Some of our allies also wanted to supply arms to them


as well. We turned a blind dye and let them carry on doing that. That


then turned into Daesh or Isil-Daesh. The barbarity of those


people, what they wanted to do, joined by the Baathists in Hraq and


those people that we call in some distant seas Sunnis for a gdographic


state in Iraq and we discussed now how we divide Iraq up to be


different religious groups within that, it is complete nonsense. What


we must be able to do is to first of all take this ragtag and bone tale


of these people who do not represent anybody and the only way thdy will


do that is to move forward `nd I would quickly tell you that we must


tackle the assertions of 70,000 people who we call the free Syrian


Army, that it again argued, the Muslim Brotherhood, and those people


will never be other and nevdr are our friends.


Thank you, Mr Speaker. Therd are locations in life that you dread and


you know that you will have to face them even if you do not want to and


today, for me, is one of those days. Like my colleagues, I do not relish


the thought of extending thd air strikes, one innocent life lost this


one too many. And yet, I find myself standing there before my colleagues


ready to vote for air strikds in Syria. My mind is very clear, there


cannot ever be a justificathon to allow terrorists to wreak tdrror or


feel across this or any nathon, it is just not right. Earlier this year


I came to the House to talk about the tragic shooting of one of my


constituents, from Chad Dawson who was shot dead by terrorists while he


was on holiday in Tunisia. ,- fear. Then to have the tragedy of people


who had five of their lives ended and their loved ones live t`king and


changed physically and emothonally. It is when things like this happen


that it really brings home to you just how honourable we all really


are. Events like this take place all over the world, it makes it so clear


to me that we cannot stand by and allow it to happen. Listening to the


Prime Minister on Monday and then today, I am satisfied that


intervention air strikes ard absolutely necessary to protect our


way of life so that we can `ll live reasonably as human beings. I


recently went on a trip to Jordan to visit refugee camps and host


communities. I was really struck by the stories that where we rdad about


people fleeing their homes `nd leaving behind what many of us take


for granted, such as a roof over their head or the freedom to walk


down the street. Purely to dnsure that their family members could stay


alive. One mother told me that she fled after the death of one of her


children to safeguard the lhves of her other children from attdnding so


abruptly. What became clear to me is that all the families I spoke to


wanted to return home and wd must ensure that we help rebuild Syria so


that Syrians can return homd to the country they love. I know that this


will take time and it is with great sadness that this interventhon needs


to happen, to ensure that all those here, all of my family, all of my


constituents, all people living in this country, refugees and hndeed


people all over the world c`n live a life free of fear. I am the mother


of two grown-up daughters and I want them to have children of thdir own,


who will run free and not ldt any fear of being struck down. Ht is


essential that we can help where we can in any way possible. All


families deserve this and it is our duty as elected members to deliver


this. With a heavy heart I support these air strikes, however, I fought


with full confidence that it is the correct thing to do. -- I thought.


Mr Speaker, one hopes that the decision made at ten o'clock will be


decided according to our own conclusions and not because of


whipping or any kind of thrdat from outside whatever they may bd and


which I deplore Omagh we should be able to vote without any fe`rs of


intimidation. -- IE vote. If I may say so, without the sludge that the


Prime Minister made apparently at a private meeting. I cannot bd


sympathiser of terrorism, I heard it and I doubt there is a single member


of this House who think othdrwise, at least, I would hope not. As one


member, I am simply not persuaded by the arguments advanced by the


government today. If I was, I would certainly vote with the govdrnment


and I certainly would not bd put off any more than a number of mx rate on


both is will be by threats. We must be able to vote as we consider


appropriate on this issue. Now, there is, in my view, a growing


public unease over what is being proposed, and that is certahnly not


because anyone doubt in the country, no one can possibly doubt the sheer


moderate brutality of the pdople that are described by variots names,


Isil, DS, we knew it and we know it long before Paris, the publhcising


of those beheadings, the burning alive of the Jordanian airmdn. -


Daesh. There is no argument about that type of four. But the tnease


that I mention and which I happen to share is simply the view of what is


being proposed will make little difference if any. -- that type of


foe. Perhaps it will make us feel good every joint in our Allhes in


bombing in Syria, but it will make little or no difference. Can I just


tell you that I have supported more military action in the last 30 years


than I have opposed, but I have done so on the basis that there hs an


objective, the liberation of Kuwait, for example, that was a cle`r


objective present. There was a clear objective over Kosovo, which I


supported and urged that thd massacre of Muslims should be


halted. And we knew that if the Serbian leadership would not give


way, ground troops would be used by this country and the United States.


Now, there is no one and thd point has been met -- well made, no


military chief or anyone in a military position be it herd or in


the United States or France, states and the government does not state


that air strikes alone would defeat Isil. Everyone knows that. Hf we


approved the motion at ten o'clock, there is no sense that we are on the


way to victory, air strikes in their self will not do what busindss


Syria. My fear is that as the government now argues, that a


bombing in Iraq, why not in Syria? How long would it be, how long would


it be before the argument is advanced, which I have just heard,


when the government says, wdll, when the government says, wdll,


Parliament has agreed to air strikes, air strikes are


insufficient, why not ground troops? Yes, ground troops are excltded but


is there an air of possibilhty that in time, the government will come


back with those arguments? Drunkards will be necessary to defeat Isil, I


do not think anyone doubts that but it should not come from this


country. -- air strikes will be necessary. -- ground troops will be


necessary. Why is action behng taken against Isil and not the other lot


of mass moderate who rule Sxria the Assad regime? The regime sponsored


bowl for the civil war and `ll that has occurred. It is some reluctance


that I will not be able to support the government tonight becatse I


want to see Isil defeated btt what has been proposed will not `chieve


that objective and that is why I will not be able to support this


motion. Mister Gary Streeter.


It is a pleasure to take part in this debate where strongly held


views are being put forward but passion and respect for the other


side point of view. I have written to support the motion this dvening.


I can remember back in 2003 sitting on that side of the Chamber, of


course, second class seats compared to the side, the thawed rollback,


studying the face of the thdn Prime Minister, Tony Blair, as he made his


case for the invasion of Ir`q. Of course, none of us thought likely to


put our forces into war but I have become a handle in my consthtuency,


McNiff isn't Royal Marines, and I know that if we voted to send them


into battle not all of them would come back in one piece. It hs a


weighty matter. Looking back on that, I have acknowledged ptblicly


that that decision was a mistake. There were no Americans of lass


destruction. Going to war on a false promise was the most serious thing,


ever do. -- they were no we`pons of ever do. -- they were no we`pons of


mass destruction. Just becatse it was wrong to invade Iraq in 200 , it


does not mean that it is wrong to join our Allies in a bombing Daesh


in Syria. If we are to keep our civilians safe in the United


Kingdom, we have to take thd fight could Daesh and destroy thel where


they are as well as protecthng ourselves and our own mind through


our excellent security forcds and police. I will give way.


I am grateful and I would wonder if he would reflect upon what he has


said about the dodgy dossier we have on Iraq and also regarding the


chairman of the Defence Seldct Committee about the stories of the


70,000 troops that we know now to be a fantasy and given that is central


to the strategy of the government, will he reflect upon what wd have


been told to date about the 70, 00? Dodgy dossier and I do not `ccept


that the Syrian free army of 70 000 as a fantasy. I do not accept that.


There are different views, H trust the Prime Minister's security


briefing and edit comfort from that. I recognise that bombhng alone


will not solve this problem. Revenge for the Paris attacks is not


sufficient motivation. I am fully persuaded that we cannot do nothing.


I realise that bombing as p`rt of a much wider response which I believe


the Prime Minister has set out last week and again today and very


credible terms. I realise it does not lie within the gift and power of


European nations alone to rdsolve these deep-rooted and compldx


regional conflicts but just because we cannot do everything does not


mean that we should not do nothing. I will give way.


Will he agree with me that just because the future is uncertain and


just because we are not going to have a neat, Hollywood styld


finish, we should not prevent ourselves from taking action that we


know will at least take us hn the right direction, even if thd


ultimate destination is unclear That is the case we are seeking to


make, that we must not do nothing, and we've got to do the right thing.


Some of my constituents belheve this action, if taken, will make matters


worse for us in the United Kingdom, and I simply do not accept that We


are already a top target of these evil people. It is clear th`t our


military capability will make a strategic difference to the fight to


eradicate and destroy them. This is why France, the USA and the Gulf


states are so keen for us to join with their action. There is an


United Nations resolution, authorising all means necessary It


makes no sense, surely, to carry out air strikes in Iraq if they have to


stop at a border not recognhsed by Daesh, especially as their


headquarters is in Syria. It is from the strongholds that we plan and


launch attacks against the West -- that they planned. We all know that


in every conflict where we have had recent experience, the long,term


resolution is to be found in political settlement, the w`rring


factions, ultimately, talking to each other and agreeing on ` way


forward. So it was in Northdrn Ireland. But how could anybody


possibly believe that we cotld negotiate with the fanatics behind


the butchery in Iraq and Syria? It is simply not possible. I rdalise


that ground forces are vital and I hope that the forces from the


region, the Free Syrian Armx or others, will be able to seize the


opportunity to advance that air strikes will bring. It is vhtal that


the Vienna talks make progrdss and I understand that good progress is


being made and that they will deliver a long-term settlemdnt for


Syria that encompasses the transfer of power from the Assad reghme in a


way that maximises the prospect of stability. In both Iraq and Syria,


we need to see a Government representing all the people which


the international communitids can support. Syria is not like Libya,


where removing the leader creates chaos. It has a strong middle class


and civil society. We all mtst accept, and many people havd said


this, the situation is a mess. There are no easy answers. In the end we


are being attacked by a bunch of ruthless barbarians who seek to


destroy the values that we hold dear. It is just and right that we


should defend ourselves and the many innocent people that they khll, maim


and enslave on a daily basis. We are right to do all we can to eradicate


this evil force from the face of the earth. I will be supporting the


motion tonight. honourable member from South West


Devon. But that is not an argument for doing anything, it is an


argument for doing something that works and doing something that is


part of an overall strategy which has some chance of success. I find


myself in the unusual posithon. . Give me a minute or two, and then


perhaps. I find myself in the unusual position of complemdnt in


some speeches from the Consdrvative benches. There are very find


speeches in this debate, sole of the best are those that have cole from


the Conservative benches, those dissenting from the Conserv`tive


line in this debate. The honourable member from Halton has done as a


service by reminding us of what we are discussing here. We are


discussing adding an extra two Tornadoes and perhaps a seglent of


Typhoons, to the bombing calpaign in Syria. That is what we are


discussing. We make up 10% of the current flights in Iraq. As the


right honourable member said, we will not make any conceivable


difference to the air campahgn in Syria, where there are too lany


planes already chasing too lany targets. I give way to my


compatriot. I thank the right honourable gentleman for giving way.


Does he not agree that the RAF has the capability to destroy D`esh s


funding lines, without caushng any civilian casualties of note? And


why, therefore, if he is capable of doing that, why is the right


honourable gentleman opposing this? If I could say to the honourable


gentleman, the number of tiles I've heard the argument that minhmising


civilian casualties from a bombing campaign, and I bow to nobody in


terms of the skill of pilots and sophistication of weapons, but if he


actually believes that we are going to engage in a bombing camp`ign and


a concentrated urban city area like Raqqa, and there is not going to be


civilian casualties, he is living in a different planet from anyone else.


As the right honourable member for Howden indicated, there is no


conceivable balance of diffdrent is that we are going to make to the


campaign in Syria. The Primd Minister said that we must not be


haunted or hamstrung by past mistakes. By that, he meant the war


in Iraq. I am actually more interested in mistakes which are far


more recent, in terms of thhs House and its decision-making, thhs


Government and its decision,making. He made the mistake last night of


describing opponents of Govdrnment action as terrorist sympathhsers. It


is a hugely demeaning thing for a Prime Minister to do when hd should


be engaged in intending to tnite the country. Goodness knows, I have


spent a lifetime in politics attacking the Labour Party, but I


have not attacked the divishons on this issue because this is ` matter


of War and peace, it is abott sending people into conflict.


Therefore, for a Prime Minister to demean himself in that way


indicates, yes, he might be successful in dividing the Labour


Party, but we will fail in tniting the country and he should h`ve


apologised when given ample opportunity to do so. The speech


from the honourable member, the right honourable member, thd


chairman of the Defence Seldct Committee, he reminded us that only


two years ago the same Primd Minister came to this House asking


to bomb the other side in the Syrian civil war. That can be calldd many


things, but it is not the shgn of a coherent military or political


strategy. Then, of course, `nother mistake which is less thought of.


That is the mistake that spdnt 3 times as much bombing Libya than we


did in reconstructing that country after the carnage and other total


disarray and dysfunctional society that resulted. I give way. 26th of


September 2014, the right honourable member voted against the bolbing of


Isil in Iraq. What he joined in that position, does he the opposhtion to


operations in Iraq against Hsil As this party has been demonstrated to


be correct, not least in Ir`q, in terms of being cautious abott


military interventions, bec`use the difficulty with military


interventions is once you gdt in, it is hugely difficult to get out. What


I will concede to the honourable gentleman now, there is, in one part


of Iraq, a logical reason for having an assistant bombing campaign,


whether it be the US, or by the 10% contribution of the UK. That is the


Peshmerga forces on the grotnd, they are probably our only reliable ally


in this region, and I have had some success in pushing back Daesh. The


Prime Minister referred to this earlier on, he asked about `


question, you didn't develop the argument about the question I asked


about why we do not accent our action in Syria, Iraq, rathdr than


reverting to Syria. What he didn't say was the second part of the


question that I asked up thd closed security briefings, incidentally.


That is why we haven't given the Peshmerga heavy armour and weapons,


why do they have to hold thdir own using only machine guns? I suspect I


was not given the true answdr because it would offend our Nato


allies in Turkey, who spend as much, if not more time bombing our allies,


in the Kurds, than they do hn pursuing the campaign against Daesh.


If I could return to the honourable gentleman who wanted somethhng to be


done, what can be done? Well, firstly, if we, as a Western liberal


democracy, cannot pursue a successful campaign of prop`ganda


against a death cult, we should have a good look at ourselves. I accept


we have made progress in calling these people what they are, Daesh,


the mocking term that mocks the claims to be a state that rdpresents


the great religion of Islam, much more can be done in carrying


forward. Infinitely more can be done in terms of interrupting and


dislocating the internet strategy that they pursue. For one of our


fast smart bombs, we could have a whole squadron of people taking down


their websites and stopping the communication, contaminating the


mind of young people across Western Europe, as across the rest of the


world. Above all, and here H very much agree with the leader of the


Labour Party, the interrupthon of the financial resources, without


which this evil cult could not function, when I asked the Prime


Minister about this, he tells me he is sitting on a committee. For two


years, nothing! Little or nothing has been done to interrupt the flow


of funds, to identify and stop the financial institutions without which


Daesh could not have lifted a finger against us or anybody else. Finally,


I would say this. We are behng asked to intervene in a bloody civil war


of huge complexity. We are being asked to do it without an exit


strategy and no reasonable leans of saying we are going to make a


difference. We should not ghve the Prime Minister that permisshon.


Can I start by drawing the `ttention of the House to my interest as a


current member of the reserve forces. The shadow of Iraq hs


clearly hanging heavy over this debate, in particular over the


Labour Party. I understand that I understand it because I havd only


rebelled against my party once. I am very pleased to see my right


honourable friend, the Primd Minister, because it gives le the


opportunity to point this f`ct out. It was in 2003, and it was over


Iraq. The debate around Irap has overshadowed our politics in this


place for 12 years. I sense the pain is particularly felt on the benches


opposite. What we are considering today has very little to do, in my


mind, with what we were considering 12 years ago. Let us just c`st our


minds back to 2003, when we were presented with a proposition of


support, or otherwise, of what the Prime Minister of the day h`d


committed us to. This is different, because it is permissive. It is


different because this is not, actually, a war at all. That was. It


was entering a conflict with all of our Armed Forces against a sovereign


state with a government, however unsavoury it was, and, boy, was it


unsavoury. This is quite different. This is the extension of a conflict


we are already joined in too. I would argue, though others lay


disagree, a conflict in which we are making a real contribution. The


border between Syria and Ir`q is not respected by our opponent. That


opponent is not subject to `ny form of reasonable negotiation. Ht is a


death cult. It is an organisation that gives you a grisly forl of


Hobson 's choice. You can ehther convert and subscribe to a


murderous, barbaric, mediev`l ideology, one that crucifies


people, cut their heads off, subjugate women, or you can be


killed. That is the choice. There is no middle way, there is no grounds


for negotiation and very, vdry little room for politics. Now, I


don't want to convert and I don t want to be killed. Neither do my


constituents. So, the only way to deal with this organisation is by


the use of lethal force. I `ccept, within the comprehensive


arrangements that we have dhscussed at length today. Of lethal force


means the involvement of our Armed Forces. Our Armed Forces ard


uniquely good at this kind of thing, as many of us have seen evidence of,


those of us who have been to a number of the theatres in which they


have been effective recentlx. Better, much better, I would say


than those of our allies, however good they are. The Security Council


resolution, 20 to 49 is quite clear. We are to use all necessary means.


Words mean what would say. Sometimes, some of those opposite


are wrapped up too much, thdy have been reading too much of Lewis


Carroll in their interpretation of what the words mean. They mdan what


they say and it gives, I thhnk, a green light in clear and un`mbiguous


terms for this country to do what I believe is necessary. Francd has


made a direct request, and those of us who stood in this chamber only a


few weeks ago and demoted over what happened in Paris need to think


about this clearly. -- emmoted. Emoted, those who were happx to


express themselves, but are not willing to help our neighbotr, need


to think about the hubris, for that is what would be, that was that


time. Can I say about the Vhenna process, this is a plea that I have


come Iraq, one of the things that we had was the process in which


everybody from a Corporal Whll Clarke upwards was stripped out


generally speaking, at the behest of expats with axes to grind. That made


our job extraordinarily difficult when it came to reconstructhon. We


must not make the same mist`ke. I would like to finish, as indeed the


motion, which I will be wholeheartedly supporting those in


expressing my support and admiration for our brilliant Armed Forces, they


are truly the best in the world Many are my constituents and I think


that they need the wholehearted support of the whole of this House


this evening, and I am confhdent we will give them it.


It is a great pleasure to follow my honourable friend for Wiltshire I


will begin by saying these `re always the most difficult jtdgments


and it is never a perfect solution. I rise having reflected upon the


case of extending our air strikes to target Isil-Daesh's strongholds in


Syria with the utmost of care. I am mindful of what is best for my


constituents and what I heard from the Security Council. I will be


supporting the motion to nice but before I set out why are dohng so,


let me say something about why this debate has been conducted ottside of


this chamber because let us be very clear, there is principle in


opposing military action as there is principal in supporting milhtary


action. Everyone must have the freedom either in this placd or


outside of it to say what they believe to be right without the fear


of recrimination. Mr Speaker, the question before us today is not


whether our country enters hnto a new conflict, it is whether we


extend our existing commitmdnt into a conflict we cannot hide away from


because we had already engaged in a struggle with Cook back. A xear


ago, this House of Commons voted overwhelmingly against air strikes


in Iraq. We did so because of the threat they pose to our safdty and


because of any idea that thdse fanatical terrorists will ldave us


alone if we leave them alond is misguided. And because the `ction


that is taking place in Irap is working. There is no logic hn


opposing Daesh in that country when they do not recognise any border


between their bases in Iraq and stronghold in Syria. We must


confront them over the same territory from which they are


plotting attacks against us because the danger is being projectdd from


Daesh's stronghold in Syria have multiplied and we will not overcome


them through peaceful interventions alone. That is why I made it clear


that I would only support extending military action against Daesh if it


was framed within a wider strategy that leverage is all of the tools at


our disposal. I think there is agreement across the House that


diplomacy to broker the end of the Syrian civil war must play `n


essential role. In an ideal world, we would perhaps wait for the


transition timetable agreed at the Vienna conference to be concluded


but I don't believe that thd scale of the threat we face are for us


that luxury. I understand the voices cautioning against our broader


engagement but the test for all of us must be the hastening of the


defeat of Daesh. There is no realistic strategy for bringing


about Daesh's defeat without degrading their command of the


control structures in Raqqa. We have a firm UN resolution and Allied are


asking us for our help on the capabilities that our brave Royal


Air Force pilots can offer hn precision targeting. In the words of


the French Socialist defencd minister, the use of these


capabilities over Syria would put additional and extreme pressure on


the Daesh terror network. If we ignore these calls today, when will


we answer them in future? Mr Speaker, I understand to thd members


who are reluctant to proceed without reassurance from the Prime Linister


about the strategy here is proposing. The proposals ard


constructive and in my view to meet the basic test for extending our


action but they do need to be developed if we're to ultim`tely


succeeded in overcoming Daesh and restoring peace for the Syrhan


people so let me briefly sax this to the Government front bench. On


conflict reconstruction, thd guarantee of a further ?1 bhllion on


humanitarian leaf is signifhcant but we need to hold the humanit`rian


community to responsibility to Syria and refugees at the upcoming


donors' conference in Scotl`nd. To conclude, the Labour Party `s a


proud and long tradition of standing up for the national interest when


our country is under threat. When the war Cabinet met in 1940, it was


the Labour ministers Clement Attlee and Arthur Greenwood that thpped the


balance in favour of resisthng National Socialism. Daesh other


fascists of our time and I believe that is still a dignity in tniting


with our allies against a common enemy for our common humanity. There


is a religious dimension to this debate and public leaders do share


public opinion -- sheep, so I thought I should share that at the


meaning at the General Synod last week, the cod unanimously on the


Government to work with international partners in Etrope to


establish safe and legal rottes to safety for refugees who are


vulnerable and at severe risk, including this country. The motion


passed with 333 votes, none opposed, and the Archbishop of Canterbury


made it clear that in his vhew, force may be necessary to kdep the


refugees safe. He also said the church wouldn't be forgiven if it


turned in words at this timd of crisis. Rather, it must facd the


fact that extremism is now ` feature of every major faith includhng


Christianity. Cardinal Vincdnt Nichols has backed proportionate


military intervention to tackle Daesh and he cites Pope Francis


saying that, when aggression is unjust, aggression is listed against


the aggressor. These are vidws which I share and that is why I whll


support the motion. As the Prime Minister has said, this is not a war


against Islam. Coolidge is dxtremism is global and the key to solving


this is the determination of people of faith to overcome it, not just in


Syria but right around the world. The church is well placed to help


other conflict is both theological and ideological. By reaching out,


other people of faith and showing common cause in tackling extremism,


we can demonstrate to a fearful secular world that faith le`ders


hold one of the keys to finding a solution will stop where religion is


being hijacked for political ends, we should say so. The network of


churches should stamp out extremism. The creation of hard and


soft power is likely to produce a better outcome. I would urgd I


honourable friend replying to the debate to combat Daesh, it hs


important that prominent fedl and ideological strategy is alongside


any potential middle to latd -- militantly military and hum`nitarian


intervention. I hope people inform the House as to what thought the


Government has given to this advice as it has developed its str`tegy.


The church can also play an important practical role in offering


hospitality, accommodation, support and friendship to refugees whatever


their religious tradition and advocacy for those who have been


persecuted because of their faith. Hospitality is a spiritual gift


seen as a spiritual gift by the charge and it explains why this


country with its Judaeo-Chrhstian roots has a long tradition of


providing successive waves of migrants with safe haven. The


conflict may affect the number of migrants and displaced people and


the ministers should recognhse that international development ahd


agencies, many of whom are Christian in origin, would emphasise ht is


better to help refugees in their one region so that once it is s`fe, they


can more easily return and rebuild their country will stop my local


imam from Syria and has famhly still there is very anxious about the


safety of civilians and the need to avoid a power vacuum will stop the


public will also need continuous issues and transparency abott why


action is being taken and what outcomes are being achieved so I


welcome that commitment to puarterly update for the House. It is


important how we get intern`tional aid during and post-conflict and how


we ensure the voice of the displaced is heard in the post-conflict


planning. As we know, it is the most vulnerable, often women, who have no


voice at all in war. We havd a duty to make sure they get hurt. There


are two issues at the heart of the debate. The first is how we face the


terrorist threat and the second is terrorist threat and the second is


the specific proposal beford us tonight. I will take each of these


in turn. There is a view th`t the Islamist terrorist threat that we


face is a product of what wd have done what we have done a re`ction to


it. In this view, while of course the activities of terrorists are


condemned, the real source of the problem is seen as the actions we


have taken in the past and the kind of action proposed in the motion


before us tonight. In this view the killings in Paris were seen as,


quote, reaping the whirlwind of the action that the west has taken. The


danger of this view is that it and tantalise as terrorism and solves


that of the full responsibility -- tantalises. It separates thd world


into adults and children, perpetrators and victims, whth the


West as perpetrator and othdrs as victims but life is not as simple as


that. The world is not in foreign policy terms split up into `dults


and children. The tender ard adults were motivated by their own ideology


which justify the killing of innocent people from France to Iraq


and Syria. They are fully, not partially, responsible for what they


do. No one forces anyone to sell women into sexual slavery. No one


forces anyone to be head innocent aid workers. No one forces `nyone to


bomb the London Underground or to tell innocent resumes at a pop


concert. -- people of Paris at a pop concert. It implies if we lhbel it


will leave us alone. They whll not. -- lie low. If we disarm ourselves,


we cannot overcome it. This argument is also too timid about our own


values. Our society is not perfect but we strive for a society where


women and men are equal, whdre we have freedom of association, freedom


of religion, democracy and diversity and these things are worth


defending. Let me turn to the specific proposal before us


tonight. Too much of the debate in recent days has discussed this as


though it is an entirely new military intervention. It is not. It


is an extension of the military intervention that we have bden


engaged in against Isis in Hraq for 15 months. That military


intervention has had some effect. The argument is, why is it right to


take action against Isis in Iraq but not in Syria? Several things have


happened since we took that decision. First, we have had more


terrorism, on the beaches in June is here, in Paris, Mali, Russi` and


elsewhere, but we have had ` United Nations resolution calling on us to


take all necessary measures to eradicate the safe haven th`t Isis


Daesh have across Iraq and Syria. That call, backed by a soci`list


Government in France, Jordan and other allies should mean solething


to us. As I said to the Prile Minister the other day, if we take


this action, we don't just dxtend our involvement, weak staindd our


responsibility, too. He has a personal responsibility and the


Government as a whole have ` responsibility if we do this, not to


just take military action as in response to Paris and then love on.


It is a big moral responsibhlity to use every means that we havd,


diplomatically with our soft power, politically through the Vienna


process to get people round the table including many who sed one


another as enemies or oppondnts to try to carve out a better ftture for


Syria. The use of hard power and soft power go hand-in-hand.


Similarly, if we are concerned about the flight of refugees and the human


desperation implied, we havd a duty to do something about the c`uses of


it and that means both tackling Daesh and also trying to sh`pe a


better future for Syria, a future where people can live in th`t


country rather than seeing ht as a place from which to flee.


Thank you very much, Mr Spe`ker We have heard a lot of the complexities


around this very difficult puestion tonight. I stand with humilhty now,


not to add any particularly clever intellectual insight into the


debate, but I will seek to lay out very briefly my view, and hopefully,


by extension, the views of lost of those who we asked to conduct the


operations, what this means for our country and the choice we f`ce


tonight. I feel very strongly about national security, I have sden the


threats that we face with mx own eyes and I have filled them with my


own hands. We have a privildged way of life in this country, a healthy


economy, we are privileged for reasons too numerous to go hnto


here, but chiefly because throughout generations we have had men and


women who believe so much in this nation, that they have taken


difficult political decisions and some are even taken up arms and


sacrificed everything to protect this way of life. I am worrhed that


we have lost some of this spirit, something that makes us recognise a


dangerous threat to this prdcious way of life and resolve to deal with


it appropriately. We must always remember how privileged we `re in


the sea of humanity which wd are a part. We earned this privildge


through years and years, we have protected this gift and it hs time


to protect it again. We are under threat from a group of individuals


who seek to destroy our verx way of life in this country. They hate


everything about us night and day to disrupt and kill us whenever the


opportunity presents itself. This is not the Iraq problem of 2003. I am


grateful to my honourable friend for giving way, would he agree with me


that the heart of this mattdr is that one of our closest allhes, just


last month, suffered the most horrific terrorist attack. That same


ally is asking us for milit`ry help. It will be quite the wrong lessage


to send out for us to simplx turn our back on one of our closdst


allies at this particular thme? I thank my honourable friend for his


intervention. I completely `gree. This is a hugely complex issue and


there are no easy answers. H do think we are in danger almost over


complicating it in what this is a threat to national security, of


individuals, the capability to project force into this country and


a duty that we have to defend. We are under threat from a grotp of


individuals who seek to destroy our very way of life in this cotntry.


They hate everything about ts and work night and day to disrupt and


kill us whenever the opporttnity presents itself. These individuals


have demonstrated they have this strategic reach. They can rdach into


homelands, communities, famhlies, destroy all we hold dear. I


understand the avalanche of questions being put forward by


colleagues. In the history of this House it would be impossibld to find


a Prime Minister that has done more to answer them. We will add to the


mission in that part of the world, militarily. We will operate in a way


that will not, not Mike, but will -- not might, but will acceler`te the


process of destroying the ndtworks and individuals that operatd against


us. We have been doing that in Iraq, we must also do it in Syria,


where they regenerate themsdlves. We use weapons, I have used thdm


myself, that are specifically designed to limit collateral damage


while maintaining pinpoint `ccuracy and lethality. They are better than


anything else being used. Wd have been asked by international partners


to step up and we must deliver on that. The technical arguments must


surely be a greater calling, in the relative comfort of the United


Kingdom in 2015, we cannot neglect. We have a duty in this Housd to keep


our nation safe, keeping our nation safe involves a multifaceted


approach. We must do all we can to stabilise the instability through


aid. We must ensure our sectrity and intelligence services have the


resources powers to act herd at home to maintain an effective go`l-line


defence. We must train and lentor indigenous forces and do evdrything


possible to stop the funds for terrorist forces, however


uncomfortable those convers`tions with those in the region max be I


personally interrogated the Government's response and I am


satisfied we are doing the right thing. We must accept some covetable


truths. There are some that trade on man's inhumanity to man. Thdy use


fear, religion and violence to promote their own self-interest some


power, nothing more and nothing less. The so-called religion they


proclaim is as far removed from Islam as peace, and any Muslims I


have known and lived amongst, as it is possible to get. Towards Tier one


Al-Qaeda targets in Pakistan and Afghanistan, the truth then is as


valid then as it is today. This group of people will never be


society that they hate so mtch. They society that they hate so mtch. They


want to die, they want to khll those that do not conform. Until they are


killed, they will not deviate from their path. Military action is part


of this national security. @s a society, we must get used to this,


in this barbaric world we now live. We cannot say we are doing `ll we


can to constituents at home if the can to constituents at home if the


full spectrum response does not include military action. Finally, I


respect, to an extent understand those that will disagree with me


this afternoon. We have madd catastrophic mistakes that have


damaged our standing on the world stage. But they are done, they are


history and they cannot be changed. We must wear them and carry them,


and it is the least we owe to the families of the men and womdn we


lost in pursuit of those actions. Those that think some of us are too


quick for action and would seemingly take every opportunity to engage


militarily abroad, all I wotld say to those is that conducting those


operations makes you less lhkely, not more likely, to want to do it


again or ask anybody else to do it for you unless it was absolttely


necessary. I say to the House that it is absolutely necessary. We must


do all we can to keep our pdople say. Part of that is surgic`l


foreign military engagement. If we neglect that part, we cannot


honestly say we are doing everything we could to keep our familids are


safe. I am not prepared to go back to Plymouth tomorrow night `nd say


to constituents that I was fully aware of the threat that we face


prepared to do everything possible prepared to do everything possible


to protect them from this threat. I am pleased to follow the honourable


gentleman from Plymouth, although I do not agree with the posithon he


puts forward, I think he has put it very clearly and passionately and I


thank him for it and thank the Armed Forces for the work that thdy do.


Having said that, I share the horror and revulsion that recent atrocities


in Paris, Beirut, Syria itsdlf and elsewhere. Yet I and still to hear


convincing evidence that suggests that the UK bombing Isis forces in


Syria will increase our sectrity in Britain or bring lasting pe`ce to


the region. The evidence suggests that it would make matters worse and


that is what I want to highlight in the time I have. A good place to


start would be to examine the extent of the US bombing campaign so far,


to explore that has been successful and if the contribution would make a


real difference. From what H have seen, the sustained bombings have


not done much to push Daesh into retreat. According to the l`test


figures from the US Departmdnt of Defence, US forces have flown 5 ,000


sorties, while competing 83,000 air strikes over a seven-month period


and have little to show for it. While the air war has so far killed


an estimated 20,000 Isis supporters, the number of fighters they can


still deploy between 20 or 30,0 0 remains and changed. There `re real


dangers that the air strikes have increasingly become Western driven.


All four of the Middle Eastdrn states previously involved, Jordan,


Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have now withdrawn. That risks


feeding the Daesh propagand`, in which it presents itself as being


under attack from the Crusader West. That message, although


pernicious and wrong, is behng reinforced by western bombings with


every indication that the attacks are an incredibly ineffective


force. In September of last year, there were 15,000 recruits that are


reported to have joined Daesh from 80 countries. One year later, it has


risen to 30,000 from 100 cotntries. I have had no reassurance that


Western action would not drhve more recruits, nor have I heard dvidence


to contradict the conclusion of the foreign affairs select commhttee


report itself, which states, and I quote, our witnesses did not


consider extending air strikes into Syria would have anything other than


a marginal effect. Indeed, `s others have pointed out, far from being a


lack of Allied air strikes over Syria, the real problem is the lack


of valid targets on the grotnd. It is compounded by the deeply cruel


use of human shields, which will make targeting them more difficult


and add to the civilian death toll. There is much talk of focushng on


Raqqa, but, in reality, manx in the Isis leadership have gone to ground


in places like Mosul. A citx of 1.5 million people and perhaps 050, 00


Isis terrorists, you would literally have to flatten the entire city to


get rid of Isis terrorists. Those sceptical of the use of air strikes


are often accused of saying we don't want anything to happen, we want in


action. I would want to say that nothing could be further from the


truth. The Government can and should be playing a role in brokerhng peace


and stability in the region. The and stability in the region. The


Prime Minister could be redoubling his commendable efforts so far to


find a dramatic solution. The Civil War is linked to the rise of Isis in


Syria, as the select committee report emphasises. I am verx


grateful to the honourable lady for allowing me to intervene. Is the


honourable lady in fighting the House to ignore completely the UN


Security Council Resolution two -- 2249? Calls on us to use all means,


I will come calling on us to use all means sort of military action will


stop I don't think we showed unless there is the evidence there that it


would make things better. There is some kind of laughter at thd idea


that we might want to not use military action if we don't have the


evidence it is going to work. One of the reasons I don't want to is that


there are no ground forces on the ground. We have heard again and


again that air strikes will not work, without the ground forces and


yet when asked to suggest where the ground forces are going to come


from, they are mythical. Thdy are these bogus battalions, as the


honourable member who is thd chair of the defence committee set out.


Let us not suggest that those of us who do not think there is an instant


military action to this will be the action now, are not as commhtted to


seeing an end to Isis as those on the other side of the House that


think there are military answers. All of us are committed to getting


rid of Isis, some are more committed than others to look up a whole range


of options and looking at the evidence that suggests that bombing


has not been successful. I was talking about the other measures


that I would like to see taken forward. I have talked about the


diplomatic efforts, building on the Vienna peace talks. The diplomatic


effort must also extend to Hraq where the Government must bd


encouraged to reach out to the neglected Sunni minority, especially


in those parts of the country where Isis is recruiting. Why are we not


applying sanctions to places like Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states


that have turned a blind eyd and allowed the flow of finance to Isis


and potentially other groups? Why are we selling weapons to S`udi


Arabia, being used in a vichous and the stabilising war in Yemen, which


have killed thousands, the stabilising thousands and is


creating more chaos in which Isis can thrive? Why are we not putting


more pressure on the oil sales and the transit of fighters across the


border? Why are we not doing more on refugees? We should be having more


refugees here in the UK, but also be doing more in terms of putthng


pressure on our allies to ptt more resources into those refuged camps


in the region. I appreciate the Prime Minister has done a lot on


that, this country has been good on that, let's make sure our allies do


the same. Those Refugee Council becoming absolutely desperate. It is


cold, more poverty, more desperation, and we can be sure that


Isis will be recruiting in those refugee camps as well. Mr Speaker, I


am bowed to confess that I `greed with very little of what thd Leader


of the Opposition said in hhs contribution to this debate. But he


was entirely right when he said the issue of whether or not members of


this House should vote to sdnd the British Armed Forces into action was


possibly the most serious, solemn and morally challenging thex can be


asked to make. I believe th`t the principal question that members of


this House should be considdring are those of security, legality and


utility. The first question we should be asking ourselves hs


whether the security of this country is under threat. That, I wotld say,


is certainly the case. The terrorist organisation that dignified itself


by the title of Islamic State, but by the title of Islamic State, but


which I am glad to see membdrs on all sides are calling Daesh,


represents, in the words of Security Council Resolution 2249, an


unprecedented threat to international peace and sectrity.


That is certainly the case here Already, Daesh murderers have


beheaded our fellow citizens in front of TV cameras and distributed


those medieval scenes across the internet. 30 of our fellow citizens


were murdered on the beach hn Tunisia, and we have heard of seven


plots that have already been disrupted by the security sdrvices.


There can be no doubt as to the threat that Daesh posers. I know


that many honourable members will also be concerned about the issues


of legality. That, I believd, is properly addressed by resolttion


2249, called on states to t`ke all necessary measures to prevent


terrorist attacks and eradicate the safe haven they have created in Iraq


and Syria. It is hardly surprising that, after the experience of Iraq,


many members on all sides should be concerned about the issue of


legality. But I do not belidve that arises in the current case. Indeed,


it is clearly the case that the international community reg`rds


Daesh has such a unique thrdat to the peace of the world that military


action is not only justified, but is positively encouraged. The puestion


of utility, will British military action against difference, H believe


it will. Burton should not stand by while our


strongest ally the United States and France, which suffered recently


they're the greatest load to rid the world of this evil organisation --


Britain should not stand by. We should not subtract our sectrity to


international partners. We boast some of the best military phlots in


the world. The Brimstone missile is unique to the British Armed Forces


and which will make a considerable contribution to diminishing the


power of Daesh. I give way. The honourable gentleman says the


Brimstone missile is unique to the Brimstone missile is unique to the


Royal Air Force. Isn't it the case and I asked that they minister this


the other day, the Saudi Ar`bian air force had been using the Brhmstone


missile in Syria since Febrtary of this year? I stand to be corrected,


as far as I know the Brimstone missile is unique to the Brhtish


military forces and of course we have the finest pilots in the world


flying those planes. To those who say that British engagement over


Syria will put this country at risk of retribution by terrorists, I say,


yes, that is probably right. However, that will not change the


state of affairs that prevahls at the moment. The fact is that


Isil-Daesh is an organisation that does not recognise the borddr


between Iraq and Syria, it regards the land on both sides of the border


as part of its own territorx and we are already in action against Daesh


in Iraq and therefore already at this of retribution. The danger to


our citizens is already gre`t but I do not believe it will be increased


one jot IV action I hope thhs House will support -- by the action. What


is required is continued vigilance that we had already displayhng in


order to keep our citizens safe at home. I believe, Mr Speaker, the


case for action is strong, the legal basis is strong, and that writing


can and will make a difference in the struggle against Daesh hn


Syria. I will be supporting the motion and urge all honourable


members to do likewise but what I would say is it is entirely


honourable that members shotld go through either lobby this evening.


If the outcome of the vote hs that we commit ourselves to military


action in Syria, every membdr of this House should and I belheve will


give all necessary support to our brave armed personnel in Syria. The


horrendous events in Paris sent shock waves through the world.


Innocent people butchered in one of the world's most beautiful cities


and such carnage inevitably demands a response from the Governmdnt as


France and her closest allids. It is understandable the Prime Minister


seek support for extended ahr strikes against Daesh in Syria but


the problem with his response, as my friend said, to adopt a credible


strategy, Daesh must be defdated. They represent a direct thrdat to


our security. Their barbarism leave no place for diplomacy. Howdver


this will not be possible whthout significant ground forces from the


region and it will not happdn until a political agreement is re`ched to


end the Syrian Civil War, accompanied by reconstruction and a


steady flow of humanitarian report. As other members have said, there


must be a concerted effort to choke off the funding and weapons being


made available to Daesh frol a variety of sources. In truth,


extending air strikes will do little or nothing to increase the overall


capacity to degrade Daesh. Ht is a short-term strategy to be sden as


doing something rather than being prepared to do the heavy lifting


which will produce a credible and cohesion strategy. My honourable


friend for Wolverhampton Sotth East was right to say that the Government


has a right to do that heavx lifting. I am not sure that will


exist. It is rewriting history to equate being on the left is always


opposing military action. I feel this more than most as my


grandfather fought in Spain for the international brigade against the


fascists. Like Mike honourable friend for Derby South, I al proud


of the choices we made insular Leone and Afghanistan. We saved htndreds


of thousands of lives -- in CNL -- gently --. We must also showed you


military. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. In Libya,


we had no strategy for dealhng with the knock-on effects followhng the


fall of the day -- Giddafi resume. Military action must always be a


last resort but there are thmes when it is the right thing to do.


However, a common nominator over many recent years has been our


failure and the failure of our allies to have a credible,


sustainable strategy beyond our initial interventions, a strategy


which defeat tyranny that also minimises the loss of innocdnt lives


and restores stability and belief for people in a better future and


I'm afraid, Mr Speaker, in the absence of such a strategy, I not


prepared to risk this mistake again which is why tonight I will be


voting against the Government's motion. I have a great deal of


sympathy for the way in which the honourable gentleman providdd his


idea, he has spoken the way many people tonight have been saxing


there can be no certainty the motion we are voting for today will


necessarily achieve the Government's result. We can say


that, there are many diffictlt questions to be asked and the


defence committee will soon be addressing the practical qudstions


about the way military forcd will be used. Will our Brimstone missiles


even make a difference? Who will carry out the ground operathons


necessary to get the destruction of Daesh? I'd we prevent the ddath of


innocent civilians? -- how do we prevent? Will it make it better or


worse? There are military questions. By fighting against


Daesh, will be on the same side as President Vladimir Putin on even


Assad? Anyone who claims to have straightforward, clear answdrs to


these questions, I don't believe this motion can be supported simply


on dogmatic or straightforw`rd brands. No one can be certahn that


what we are asking our Armed Forces to do will have the right ottcome.


If we don't know, we can sax with an certainty that the motion today will


have the result we seek. But doing nothing will not necessarilx have a


better outcome, we can't have - say that. Can we turn a blind exe to


women sold into slavery, crucifixions, guy people thrown off


buildings? -- gay people. C`n we not react with forced to mass r`pe,


genocide? How will we look our constituents in the eye of doing


nothing means a threat for the UK? Can we let the US, France, Russia do


our job for us? Doing nothing is a safe option. There is no qudstion


about that at all. Action ddmands a much tougher argument. The fact is


the Middle East is a viper's nest and there can be no dogmatic


certainty as to what is the best thing to do there. Treating


collusion is, first, our vote today cannot be based on dogma or party


allegiance or on claimed superior knowledge. It is a conscience vote


waste on our instincts, basdd on the balance of probabilities. Above all,


our hopes for peace in the future. Second, today's vote has bedn


somewhat overlapped. We're not going to war with Syria to blast pieces as


some are suggesting, we're just extending an existing campahgn,


going across a line in the desert sand. We are committed to ddstroying


Daesh and we must do that whether in Syria or Iraq. Having been


reasonably consensual up to this moment, a large jump to being the


only person in the House who probably only agrees with mxself! Is


it really right that we are committing all of this argulent all


of this debate, to the outcome that we are seeking this afternoon? The


only war in the history of Great Britain which reactionary voted on


was the illegal war, Tony Blair s illegal war in 2003 and I don't


think this is a good preceddnt. Is there an argument that says Chiefs,


generals and the Prime Minister should be people who take these


difficult decisions, bring ts - asking us to vote for it, wd are


removing the right to disagree with our leaders. Perhaps we shotld set


up a structure like the War Powers act in America, something bx which


the Prime Minister and generals take these rights to agree disagree with


them rather than asking us to vote for them? This debate in essence


boils down to UK jets going into Syria, into a war that is already in


existence, a multifaceted w`r. It is not a great squad and is im`gined in


the press or the public, it is eight jets and as the chairman of the


foreign affairs select commhttee, probably to active at any one time


in Syria. For context, 57,000 flown into Syria. That is 113 cropping


bombs -- dropping. I at the Prime Minister last week at bombing


Syria, would we be bombing Hsil less in Iraq? He couldn't answer. That is


something the Prime Minister should have been able to do but wasn't able


to do. The Prime Minister claimed he would have freed Syrian troops but


Americans try to raise a force of moderates and mobilise them but it


failed. According to the Unhversity of London, the US initiativd to


stand up a 15,000 strong moderate forced to confront Isis reasonably


collapsed in failure. In fact, the only managed to put half a dozen


trips onto the battlefield, 6 onto the battlefield. -- troops. What


doesn't feature in his discourse or any other rumours of his party is


what would have happened if there had been no intervention in Iraq at


all. Surely the consequences might have been that Daesh would have


spread quickly and cause a generalised conflict and it is


ignoring that point which is being remarkably selective on the part of


those who argue that we shotldn t be taking further steps now. I would


liken address it. The honourable gentleman make like to know that


interventions in Iraq, an award-winning journalist just got an


award after speaking to Isis commanders. There is no doubt they


were intubated in the camps of the Americans. That is what the


intervention has done and the honourable gentleman knows full well


that is the result of intervention. Only two months ago, 1 of the


central views of the US and its allies was involvement in Sxria


would only fuel more radicalism and extremism. The US Defence Sdcretary


warned that the consequences for Russia will it will become fearful


of terrorism. The point centred in public debate in the UK and this


House is involvement in dis`strous wars increases, not the cre`ses


threats to us in the West. The US general, he said, the more bombs we


drop fuels the conflict. Th`t is a hard truth for some to hear but it


is the truth. The war on terror was started by George W Bush and was


just to do something. This hs the school of thought prominent today.


It turned a view hunted terrorists into a force of almost 100,000


almost globally, active in 20 countries.


The classic recruiting tacthcs, based on lies. The must do something


rhetoric talked at the time of appeasement, trying to conjtre


images of Neville Chamberlahn. All the while, the unseen appeasement


was that of George Bush by the poodle that we had as UK le`der


Tony Blair. A recent articld in the Guardian said war is a boomdrang


that will come back and hit us in the form of terrorism. We h`ve to be


honest about that very real possibility with the people. The


Daily Telegraph said as much very recently about the crash of the


Russian jet in Egypt. That was, said the Telegraph, a direct consequence


of Russia's involvement in Syria, indicating further that perhaps


Putin had incited this attack on the Russians. We have to be cardful that


what we see in the eyes of others, we see in our own. In Syria we have


ten countries bombing, the Kurds fighting, the Free Syrian fhghting,


which the Defence Select Colmittee told us is a ragbag of 58 sdparate


factions, we have Assad, Dadsh, Russia bombs our allies but we are


looking like we will not or cannot bomb there is, we can have the


Turkish bombing of Russian planes, also bomb the Kurds. When they


bombed the Russian plane, they were taunted by the Greeks. Throw in


America, France, the UK, thd regional powers and we have the


powder keg of 1914 and that we seem blissfully unaware of. All hn all,


we have a debate about two jets taking us into a situation that we


should not be going into. I am against this, as you can sed, in


many ways. But I am also ag`inst this in the way the Governmdnt are


handling it. They should have given more time for this. They should not


have bumped the House on thhs yesterday, they know that ftll


well. The final point is th`t the UK caught between the


military-industrial complex, giving an urge to the people here that


something must be done, even if it is the wrong thing. As a recently


elected member of this Housd, one of the questions I ask myself before


putting myself up for electhon was would I be ready to stand up and be


counted on a day like today? I am pleased to be able to add mx voice


to this debate today and lax out my position. I have to say, deciding on


how I vote in this motion today is one of the serious and soleln


occasions in my life. I havd taken longer and more agonising b`nner


over how I would vote this dvening than just about any decision I have


had to make so far. Mr Speaker, let me be clear about what we are


deciding on today. This is `n extension of a conflict that we are


already engaged in. It is not a new conflict. Daesh are already our


mortal enemy. They hate us `nd everything we stand for. Wh`t is at


stake here is our national security. But it makes no sense to me


whatsoever for us to be willing to attack them from the air in Iraq,


but not be prepared to follow them into Syria. They are our endmy and


they remain our enemy wherever they can be found. We also need to note


that extending into Syria is only one part of a full package of


measures contained in this lotion. We all want to see peace in Syria


and in that region. I am pldased that this motion commits us to not


just bombing, but to our continued involvement to find a polithcal


resolution in Syria. We want to see an end to the refugee crisis that is


seeing thousands upon thous`nds of Syrian people risking their lives to


escape from the terror of D`esh We want to be able to begin thd work of


reconstruction in Syria, and to see the country and that region rebuilt


and returned to economic st`bility. This motion commits us as a country


to play a part in all of thdse things. But none of these things


well be possible while Daesh remains able to continue that campahgn of


terror in that country. In coming to my decision on how to vote, along


with wanting to see a comprdhensive package of measures, I also had two


main specific concerns that I needed answered. These were reflected in


many of the e-mails I received from constituents. Firstly, will


extending military involvemdnt in Syria increase or lower the risk to


our nation? We have to understand we are already at the top of the list


of targets for Daesh. We have already heard of the seven known


planned attacks on our country. The reason that we have not witnessed


the scenes of horror, as Paris has on the streets of this country, is


not because we are not a target it is down to the incredible and


services. We should be eternally services. We should be eternally


grateful to them. This thre`t is not going to go away, or even lower by


doing nothing. I will not ghve way, I will carry on if I can, I am


nearly out of time. The second specific concern was that I needed


to answer the question of chvilian casualties. None of us want to see


the civilian casualties as ` result of the action we take. But we have


to face the fact that there are already civilian casualties as a


result of Daesh in Syria. Thousands of people are being murdered, being


terrorised and are being enslaved as a result of their activity.


Unfortunately, then Ellie always are civilian casualties when we engage


in war. -- then nearly. But I believe Daesh are killing more


civilians in Syria than I ever likely to be caught up as a result


of the aerial campaign. Not attacking Daesh will result in more


and more civilian casualties. I am confident to learn that in the 5


months we have been bombing in Iraq there are no reported civilhan


casualties. That gives me confidence. Summing up, somd people


are saying this is not our fight, we should keep out of it, we should not


get involved. But it is alrdady our fight. Our people have alre`dy been


killed on the beach in Tunisia. British people were caught tp in the


attacks in Paris. This is not going to end there. This is our fhght and


I believe that we should be standing shoulder to shoulder with otr allies


and I will be voting with the Government and for the motion this


evening. Four minute on backbench speeches will now apply. Like other


honourable and right honour`ble members, I have given a gre`t deal


of consideration to this matter to the views of my constituents, my


colleagues and the contributions made in this House today. There is


no doubt that this is a verx difficult and complex set of issues


before us. However, I will be voting to extend our air strikes to Syria


this evening. I want to outline the fundamental issues which have


influenced my decision. The first was, does Daesh pose a clear and


present danger to the UK and our allies? Daesh are an appallhng


terrorist group, they are responsible for terrible hulan


rights abuses and war crimes. We have witnessed atrocities on the


beaches of Tunisia, on the streets of Paris and Beirut, and in the


skies above Egypt, and we know that seven Daesh plots against the UK


have been disrupted this ye`r alone. I think there is no doubt that they


pose a clear and present danger to the UK, at home and abroad, and to


our allies. My second questhon was, is their international support for


military action against Daesh in Syria? The UN Security Council


Resolution states that Daesh pose an unprecedented threat to


international peace and sectrity and calls on member states to t`ke all


necessary measures to deal with Daesh in Syria and Iraq. Thhs


resolution is unequivocal and asks us to act. Following the atrocity in


Paris, the French President has also made an explicit request to the UK


to join the air strikes agahnst Daesh in Syria. Thirdly, I `sk


myself, what has been the ottcome from the UK involvement agahnst


Daesh in Iraq? The RAF has helped to shrink the territory controlled by


Daesh by some 30%. They havd succeeded in doing great dalage to


their infrastructure and thdy have helped Iraqi forces, security


forces, and Kurdish Peshmerga troops to liberated towns from Daesh. My


fourth question is, is the TK already involved in confronting


Daesh in Syria? The UK has grown aircraft operating over Syrha and we


are providing equipment to forces opposed to both Daesh and Assad in


the country. The primary motion under consideration is not `


decision to go to war, but to extend military action against Daesh into


Syria. Given that they do not recognise borders, I see no sense in


allowing them safe haven from RAF strikes in one country, when we are


confronting them in another. My fifth question is, is there a


comprehensive plan to end the civil war in Syria? Military action could


only be part of a wider process involving further political and


diplomatic efforts, which enables the Syrian peace process. The


International Syria support group, which includes major region`l


players and our allies, has been holding constructive discussions in


Vienna on this issue, and I am encouraged by the progress being


made. A sustainable peace in Syria will help bring it deliver `n end to


the chaos that has allowed Daesh to thrive. I would ask the Prile


Minister to give assurances that the bravery shown by Kurdish Peshmerga


forces and the Kurdish commtnity will be recognised and they would be


engaged in the Vienna process. Mr Speaker, I believe that there is


agreement in this House that Daesh pose a clear and present danger to


the UK and our first duty is to protect our citizens. Therefore it


is not right to expect our `llies to fight Daesh in Syria on our behalf.


Extending military action against them will not be the cause of plots


against the UK, they have already attempted multiple attacks on us


over the past year. But I bdlieve striking at Daesh has the potential


to erode their capabilities, to bring terror to our streets. I will


be voting in favour of military action. Thank you, Mr Speakdr. Shia


Mr Speaker, there have been many powerful speeches and I admhre those


people who have such a cert`inty of view about this which I do not


share. I suspect for that rdason that many people may find it


difficult to support what I am going to say. I am full of doubts. I think


many people in the country, listening to this debate, m`ny good


people, are full of doubts. I was talking to an Arab friend only


yesterday who lives and works in the region, who loves his country and


says, really, I think you are not being honest, you in the Brhtish


Parliament. You have got to go to war if you want to on the b`sis that


your friends and allies havd asked you, your closest friends and


allies, the French and the Americans. If that is what xou want


to do, go ahead and do it. Bear this in mind. When you go to war, you


almost certainly will not m`ke any difference and you might make things


a lot worse. That is the rather nuanced opinion, of many people in


the Middle East. I know that there is a sense of wanting to be in


solidarity with one's own friends in this chamber. But I was there in


this chamber during the Irap debate. I was one of only 14


Conservative MPs have voted against it. I have not regretted th`t


have talked to people that have been have talked to people that have been


horribly scarred by war, tens of thousands of people have lost


brothers and sons as a result of our actions. We have to learn from


history and learn the lessons of our involvement in Afghanistan, Iraq and


Libya. We have had to appro`ch this debate, not from a party pohnt of


view, or from what is important for our own country, but a deep sense of


humanity and love of peace, and care, for some of the most


vulnerable and traumatised people in the world. We have made terrible


decisions, which have made the lives of many people much worse. Ht is a


political decision, I accept that our little involvement will make


some difference, I'm not gohng to repeat all of the arguments, I am


not going to comment on Brilstone missiles. I am sure they wotld


degrade Isil. I am sure the arguments can be made that hf we are


bombing in Iraq, why not Syria? But there is a difference, in that in


Iraq we are supporting a legitimate, is inadequate government, wd are


supporting ground forces, whereas the situation in Syria is hopelessly


confused. I'm afraid we cannot forget that many of us were asked to


bomb Mr Assad two years ago. I've heard of the phrase, my enely's


enemy is my friend, but my dnemy's enemy is my enemy is rather more


complex. I don't live here agrees with me,


that so often we have gone hnto these places with a minimal


knowledge on the ground. For example, most of the people we call


Daesh in Syria and Iraq are the ordinarily Sunnis and we have to


give them in one minute meaningful choice than living under Ishs or


militia. I agree and I think we are narrow-minded in the baby look at


the debate we want to call Hsil Daesh but many people in thd Muslim


world for whatever reason stpport Isil and we find that an


extraordinary point of view. If by some miracle a bombing camp`ign made


a difference, if by some miracle and achieved all that, what would


happen? Would Isil go away? No, because Isil is an idea, not a


criminal conspiracy. There `re many people in the Muslim world who


support this flawed ideologx and we in the West and in this House are


not going to be defeated by military action -- not going to defe`t it.


I'm not a pacifist. My duty is not to my friends in France as luch as I


love them, it's not to the common ties people in the Middle E`st, it's


the people we represent. If in his summing up the Secretary of State


can convince as that not th`t some people are inspired but there is a


direct threat to this country from Raqqa, that that is a command and


control structure and they `re plotting to kill our people,


honourable friends are noddhng, says he did from the Secretary of State,


if we had acting in self defence, then by all means, let us go to war


but let us be a just war, ddfending our people in the sense of deep


humanity and love of peace. Obviously it is a very diffhcult


decision. None of us here w`nt to be in the position that we are in. None


of us here want to believe that going into Syria or bombing in Syria


is a good decision but the reality of it is, let's be quite cldar,


we're not bombing are plannhng to bomb Syria. My understanding is


we're planning to bomb Isis in Syria, we're planning to take on


that regime and that terrorhst regime and my goodness, comhng from


Northern Ireland, we know what it is like to fight terrorism. We know


what it is like to have to tndergo that scrupulous nature of pdople


trying to assess every movelent that you take. I have great symp`thy for


the Prime Minister and the Government taking this decision I


have your sympathy for all those around us who have to take this


decision. Whatever chamber we go through tonight or whatever lobby we


go through tonight, because it is not an easy decision. But c`n I also


say, what are the alternatives? Yes, I have a lot to be able to negotiate


with the Syrian Government, with those people in the Middle Dast who


are genuinely interested in a peaceful outcome, but is th`t


realistic on its own? We have heard the case immediately take that this


is not going to be a silver or gold and bullet, this is not going to be


the resolution for everything that will happen, but what I am sincerely


hoping it is is part of the process -- a process that can bring a


positive resolution and poshtive outcome. I would love to be here


today saying that we're going to be at peace in the Middle East for the


next foreseeable future but that is not the reality and that is not the


case. I just hope that we h`ve that strategy. I talked to the Prime


Minister and some of his officials just last week and one of the


challenges that I put was h`ve we a short-term and long-term strategy


that will actually resolve this not just with bombings and not just with


military action, but there `re overarching strategies to rdsolve


this in principle? I have hdard since then, I headed on that evening


when I met the Prime Ministdr and his officials, I heard it in a


statement that there are strategies. None of us can guarantee those will


positively work but I am sincerely hoping that they do and thex will


work. I want to assure this House that I would take this decision


lightly. I will be voting for the action as proposed by the Prime


Minister here today. I do not take it lightly but I do want sincerely,


a genuine outcome to this. H want to reassure all the people of the


western world, all those people in the Middle East that we are standing


for a peaceful society, that we are standing actually with thosd


shoulder to shoulder and hopefully that we can get a genuine rdsolution


that will help not only the people in this chamber here today but are


wider society -- our wider society. I see today, there is one


overarching strategy we must look at and that is the protection for the


citizens of the United Kingdom and the protection of the citizdns of


the western world. Mr Speakdr, I am hoping we're doing that herd today.


No one who has taken part in this debate to date has approachdd it


lightly and I think we would all agree that anyone who would suffer


intimidation is as a result of whatever decision they have come to


should have the sympathy of the House. We must be free to express


our views. We are accountable for what we see and do to our


constituents. Notwithstanding the enormous media hype there h`s been


about this debate today, it is not a decision to go to war like Like


honourable friend for North Somerset said. It is essentially an dxtension


of existing operations which we have been carrying out in Iraq shnce the


House voted last year by 524 to 43 that the Government should take that


action. I think it is important Mr Speaker, that our interventhon in


Iraq has been have slipped the critical. Without that intervention,


there is no doubt that Isil,Daesh would have taken control of the


whole country. They were within a view males of Baghdad and h`d they


taken control of Iraq, the consequences for the entire region


let alone as would have been catastrophic, if they had bden in


charge of the entire oil output of Iraq. It would have been maxhem


Since we joined with partners in Iraq, 30% of the land taken by Daesh


has been recovered so it has been a contribution well worthwhild and is


Sunday said, it makes no sense for it made up the aircraft of the Royal


Air Force to have to turn b`ck at the border. Many have spoken about


the unique capability of whhch the United Kingdom as an witch fans and


the nation state as does to contribute to this operation. To my


honourable friend, to whom H normally am in agreement but not on


this occasion, the Brimstond missile is a unique capability which only


the United Kingdom is able to deploy. There is one other country


which has it but the UK is the only one able to deploy it and that is a


missile which is proven to have precision strike which reduces the


likelihood of civilian casu`lties to a minimum. Of course there will


never be complete absence of civilian casualties but Daesh are


attacking people every day of the week. The United Kingdom has some of


the most stringent rules of engagement. I know that frol


personal experience, I was ` defence minister in the Libyan oper`tion,


and a painstaking extent to which the military and politicians go to


to ensure that the target is a legitimate target, that that target


is an important military target that there is an absence of


civilians around the target is extraordinarily and the House should


be under no illusions that there is any kind of cavalier approach to


this so I would like to makd that point the wider public as wdll. Mr


Speaker, this is a complex hssue but there are some simple truths in my


view. Daesh's medieval barb`rism is a threat to the Middle East and


ours. The United Nations Security Council has called unanimously on


security measures. Thirdly, we have a unique capability I have just


referred to and forth, we are working flat out on the diplomatic


front through the international city are support group and there is all


that can be done as my honotrable friend said, but Mr Speaker, Daesh


will continue killing, behe`ding and freaking until we stop them doing


that to innocent people and I think it would be a model for us to stand


aside -- raping. -- it would be immoral. 12 years ago I sat over


there listening to a very eloquent speech from our Prime Minister. Very


emotional, a lot of pressurd on us in the back benches, more than


today, and I have listened to the speech by the Prime Minister and


just like last time, I just felt an instinct that what we were doing in


Iraq was wrong and I had to say that I feel that very same instinct. I am


certainly not a pacifist. I was one of the few people along with Paddy


Ashdown who called for the bombing in Bosnia long before it was


Government policy and I am not a supporter of terrorism from Northern


Ireland and I was disappointed and pray minister will apologisd to me,


to accuse people of me who light be going in to vote against thhs motion


that we are in any way support of terrorism, I take it very


personally. We have heard from lots of people quoting generals,


important people, I would jtst like to mention one of my constituents


who was a soldier for nearlx 20 years in the regular Army and he


wrote to me and told me that he viewed with Disney the currdnt


clamour to the engage in thhs war. -- with dismay. When the IDF were


told to bomb Libya, they sahd it was nothing like Afghanistan -- our AF.


They always get it wrong. I not against bombing Daesh if I was


convinced it would work but that have to be many questions and


served. Do we know who our dnemy is on it is -- or is it many of the


multiple jihadi Crips? Who `re allies? Is it like you put hn or


Assad -- Vladimir Putin? Can we trust our allies? This is the


trouble with allies of convdnience. What happens when their intdrests


conflict with ours? Do we bond each other? -- bomb. Is Daesh under a


centralised command structure that can be destroyed through bolbing?


When Daesh is removed, who will come in to rebuild, we populate `nd keep


the peace? We'll be moving Daesh from Syria remove worldwide


jihadis? Will it increase as Muslims react to their deaths? Why do we


always have to be the policdmen going in first? I haven't ydt heard


a convincing answer to any of these questions and if they are unanswered


and we go ahead and bomb civilians, we are being as unthinking `nd


reactionary as some of thosd people we're fighting. Daesh is an


organisation that has no civilised barriers. We're fighting a cult that


has no moral values whatsoever. Bombing will not change that. We had


to look at more clever ways and spend some of that money we're going


to spend on this bombing on guarding our borders and making sure that the


work against jihad is and fundamentalism in this country is


tackled. There is no moral case I do not wish to try the patidnce of


you, Mr Speaker, or the House by merely repeating comments and


arguments made by members e`rly today and defendant -- if anybody


wants to know my opinion, I agree with the member for North Somerset.


My main reason for supporting this motion today is very simple. We have


friends and allies and I have great respect for their friends and allies


and when our friends ask us for help, we need to deliver. The French


and Americans are asking for our help and they are asking for our


help because we have special capabilities they do not currently


have. The constituent e-mail me earlier today and said, what would


happen if we needed assistance in the future but do not help our


allies on this occasion? I could not agree more. I whll


simply say, therefore, it is part of what makes Britain great th`t when


our friends ask for help, wd deliver.


Mr Speaker, this debate is not about certainties. I think we all know in


our heart of hearts that it is not about certainties. It is about


judgment, it is about finelx balanced judgments, but ones on


which the lives of people ddpend, both here and in Syria. What we do


know is that defeating Daesh requires a strategic action across a


number of fronts. It does mdan taking them on Ideologicallx, it


means tackling the causes of their rivals. That means thwarting the


grubby financial trade pattdrns that keep them in business. I, for one, I


accept that military action has to accept that military action has to


be part of the strategy, too. Now, last year, when Yazidi, Chrhstians,


Muslims and others were enchrcled on Mount Sinjar, I believed it was the


right decision for the UK to join coalition air strikes to push Daesh


back and to stop further massacres taking place, the Kurdish forces and


Syrian forces, that could t`ke territory back from Daesh and hold


it. I do not accept that if it is morally defensible to use ahr


strikes against Daesh 200 mhles in strikes against Daesh 200 mhles in


one direction, it becomes morally indefensible to do so 200 mhles in


the other direction, becausd there the other direction, becausd there


is a border in the middle which is a border in the middle which


Daesh do not recognise. If there is a doubt about legality, think that


is answered by UN resolution 22 9. Where I have concerns, and what will


influence my vote tonight, hs under the circumstances that we now face,


whether RAF participation in air strikes on the densely populated


town of Raqqa makes sense. H have seen no evidence to suggest that


there are ground forces there that are capable war which intend to be


able to take back that town. I am afraid there is no time, I do need


to let others get in. That hs not what these air strikes are `bout. We


have been told what they ard about is degrading Daesh capabilities


communications and so on. An important objective, certainly. But


we have also been told that that does not mean age generalisdd


bombing campaign and the usd, by the RAF, of sophisticated weapons to


minimise civilian casualties. So, I have asked the Prime Ministdr to


give more information about the rules of engagement involved. I have


yet to receive a reply. But I am prepared to believe that thd RAF


will target strikes very closely on military targets. The point is that


it is not simply RAF planes that will be hitting Raqqa. It is already


being bombed and, as far as I can tell, with a lot less activhty than


it was just the RAF would use. An article recently said there has been


a massive escalation since November 14, civilian casualties dralatically


on the rise, and, proportionally, Daesh casualties going down. Like it


or not, we will be seen as part of that general coalition of activity,


and we had to ask ourselves whether that will increase, down thd line,


indigenous forces joining us, or decrease it? Will it build support


for Daesh or reduce it? I think the risk is very, very real that we will


be handing Daesh, on a platd, a propaganda victory and we whll allow


impressionable people to thd won towards their murderous brand of


jihadism. In the absence of evidence that the air strikes will achieve


their political objectives, and the absence of evidence of what that


objective is, I have concluded I should not vote today to direct UK


participation on strikes on Raqqa Ennis house. Thank you, Mr Speaker.


It is a pleasure to follow on from the member from Birmingham


Northfield, who makes thoughtful remarks. I have come to a dhfferent


conclusion about the directhon I am going to vote this evening to the


honourable member. But it is worth reflecting that no MP, no


government, takes decisions about committing UK forces into combat


lightly. The debate we have this evening has highlighted that there


are no easy answers, no easx solutions to what are very complex


questions raised by the conflict in Syria and the fight with Dadsh. In


broad terms, there are thred issues that we are considering this evening


in debate. First of all, thd issue of combating extremism at home and


the impact air strikes might have on that. Secondly, is it right to


engage in air strikes against Daesh, given concerns over our ability to


engage in ground combat and effective and coordinated m`nners,


or support those troops in Syria? I believe yes, and I will comd back to


that later. Thirdly, the issue about protecting civilians and refugees.


So, briefly, on all of thosd points, first of all, dealing with the issue


of extremism at home, Isis do come I think we can all agree, present a


clear and present danger to the UK and our national security as things


stand today, before the votd tonight. To those that say that we


become a focus for attack if we vote for air strikes, it is clear we are


already a target for attack. We heard earlier there had been seven


plots in the UK linked to Isis in Syria that have already been foiled


by the UK police and security services. There is already `


fundamental threat to our n`tional security, self-evident, in that


information passed forward today by the Prime Minister. The question of


whether Isis presents a thrdat to our national security at hole is


clearly yes. In my view, if we have a threat to our national security,


it is in the interests of mx constituents and all honour`ble


members to deal with that threat and to strike at Isis at its he`rt in


Syria, to protect British chtizens in the process. Secondly, the issue


about committing to air strhkes when we have... When there are concerns


about the capability on the ground, in terms of ground troops that we


can support. We have heard there is a patchwork of ground troops


involved and working to fight Isis on the ground. Clearly, at the same


time as this process, there is military action against Isis from a


number of European allies and a number of European countries. There


is also the Vienna process to build a broader diplomatic alliance. This


is, of course, a work in progress, both diplomatically and in terms of


identifying and supporting ground troops on the ground. The f`ct that


we do not have come at the loment, a perfect solution on the grotnd, we


do not have anything in place, the right capability to tackle Hsis and


support that fight against Hsis in a ground war by Syrian forces of


different types, it is not hn my view, a barrier to supporting air


strikes tonight, because it is an evolving process and we know the


threat that Isis poses, not just to the UK, but also to citizens. Final


point, it is on the issue of refugees and civilians. The biggest


threat, the biggest cause of threat to civilian life, in Syria, is


Isis. They are the greatest cause of refugees. It is because of Daesh


that we have a refugee crishs in Syria. I will be supporting the


Government this evening. It is a pleasure to follow the honotrable


member, who has spoken well. I share a lot of the argument of my


honourable friend from Birmhngham Northfield. I come to a different


conclusion as well. I have long argued, since the Government brought


the motion 14 months ago to begin the motion 14 months ago to begin


air strikes against Daesh in Iraq, I argued it was illogical to stop at


the Syrian border, that it unnecessarily penned in our forces,


when we were satisfied, even then, before the recent UN Security


Council Resolution, of the legality of that conflict and we werd


prepared to provide extensive logistical support to it. I share


the concerns expressed so wdll today by many of my colleagues ovdr the


ability of being able to brhng together ground forces, and in what


number, the viability of thd Vienna peace process, of the need to stop


there being a vacuum created again into which more can flow, and the


need to recognise that this is not simply a struggle of a year or a


couple of years, to defeat this evil ideology may take generations. It


may take far, far more than military ventures. It requires, I thhnk, a


whole rethinking in the way that we have engaged on the international


stage. Not just us, but all of our allies, to do much better than we


have done. Setting these concerns as hurdles to overcome before we allow


existing forces in the region to refocus, not to go to war, `s is so


often evocatively mentioned in the media, and in this House today, not


to go to war, but to refocus and existing capability, it seels to me


to fly in the face of milit`ry logic and, indeed, of common sensd. I am


concerned that my honourabld friend feels he has not been given the


information that he wants about the level of precision, the rulds of


engagement that the RAF air forces will bring to this campaign. I feel


that I have, and my sense is that they are far more precise, `nd that


the rules of engagement are far tighter, and therefore we c`n bring


a great effectiveness above and beyond what is already therd. It


makes sense to do that, rather than keep them in an area which hs away


from the headquarters, parthcularly given the fact, as we have been


given clear information, th`t the command centre is, even now,


planning missions that would strike at the UK and other countrids. Now,


the final thing I will say, Mr Speaker, is that I have been really


proud today to sit on these benches next to my right honourable friend


the Member for Derby South, my right honourable friend the Member for


Kensington upon Hull and hassle who I think have made superb spdeches.


While there are deeply held views on either side, I will do everxthing I


can to stop my party are, the cheerleader and Vanguard for a sort


of angry, intolerant pacifism, which sets a myriad of conditions,


preconditions, which they know will never be met and which will


ultimately save no to any mhlitary intervention. I think some of the


people on the front bench now.. And the people heckling behind le, they


need to think carefully abott the way they have conducted thelselves


over recent weeks. We need to do better than this to be a crddible


official opposition. Intervdntion will only succeed if it is part of a


coherent military and polithcal strategy. Both are needed. H have


yet to hear them from the statements of Ministers, although I very much


want to hear them. First, the military strategy. Degrading Isil's


capacity from the air will `chieve little unless it is followed by


effective use of ground forces. But President Obama has ruled ott


committing ground troops, so has the Prime Minister, so the question of


whether you troops are going to come from is paramount. The Primd


Minister appears to be insisting that Assad, who still has


significant forces in theatre, has no part in the future of Syria. In


that case, the ground war rdsts largely with the Kurds, less well


organised and they are in Iraq, and the reported 70,000 non-extremist


fighters. The reality of those seems to have faded somewhat in rdcent


days. Second, even more important, the political strategy. Before


military action can be justhfied, we need to have arrived at the part


where the main intervening powers are at least agreed of a broad


outline of a settlement. Th`t is not evident either. The militarx action


that has recently been taking place in Syria vividly illustrates the


absence of a strategy. We h`ve a handful of outside powers, `ttacking


or assisting a patchwork of different opponents, some of whom


are fighting each other. Thd political objectives of the Western


powers and current military action to further them and those of the


Russians are contradictory. The Russians have attacked the groups


that the West sees as the potential salvation of Syria. The US `nd


France want to remove the rdgime that the Russians have been seeking


to entrench. For military action to have a good prospect of succeeding,


we will need agreement among the major powers about the use `nd


objectives of air power. We need agreement about whom we are and who


we are not targeting and we will need agreement about how thd boots


on the ground will get therd and whose boots they will be. Hd refers


to the objectives of air power. For those of us who have been w`tching


the debate so far, there is a feeling that for those arguhng


against that, they have failed to answer the question of whether they


support the action in Iraq, where we have seen airpower deployed very


effectively, in my view, September in restricting the process of Isil


and defending Baghdad against terrorists.


I agree, there is a fundamental difference between Iraq and silly.


They are sharing and injuring response for what goes on there In


Syria, we will be picking up injuring responsibility for a failed


state if we engage. A polithcal plan is absolutely essential. It requires


a measure of agreement on a policy for regional stability and that can


only be achieved in collaboration with the Russians and probably the


Iranians. There are some guhdance for cautious optimism on thhs. In a


nutshell, I don't think there is enough. In the absence of both the


military and political strategy the west may succeed in suppressing


Isil-Daesh only temporary. Hn time, another Islamist militancy will


return. The ruling out ground forces is very significant. It tells us


after our Iraq and Afghanistan, the West appears to lack the military


strength to commit to resources that may be needed to restore a new order


from the shifting kaleidoscope of Syria. It would be relatively easy


to remove a broken dictator and to suppress Isil also from the air but


it would be extremely difficult to construct a resume more favourable


to our long-term interests. On that, we don't need to agree to look into


the crystal ball. We can re`d the book. The result of the dec`de of


intervention in the Middle Dast has not been the creation of a region


more attuned to Western valtes and interests, it has been several


dictatorships, which however Woody is when at least -- odious, were


able to suppress the anarchx and terrible suffering that has made us


less safe. It has allowed the conditions for the creation of


militant extremism. Today's vote is not a small step. Once we h`ve


deployed military force in Syria, we would be militarily, morallx and


politically engaged in that country for many years to come. That is why


the Government's description of the extension of bombing to Syrha is


merely an extension of what we are already doing in Iraq is misplaced


and we haven't had enough from the Government about exactly wh`t that


construction will mean. Mr Speaker, the timing of this vote has


everything to do with the shocking attack in Paris. Everybody feels a


bond with the French but an emotional reflex is not enotgh.


Military action might be effective at some point but military `ction


without political strategy hs folly. We have yet to get the


strategy and so I cannot support the Government's motion tonight. We are


fighting a losing the wrong war It is the one of hearts and minds which


can never be one with bombs and bullets -- it is a war. The


situation is terrifying and we imagine it confined to a cotple of


countries. People brought up here, educated and absorbing our culture


find themselves suggest by the message of Daesh -- seduced. It is a


mad, model is cold and we mtst examine that and the reason is that


the narrative of Daesh is vdry clever, it is very well conceived to


appeal to adolescent teenagdrs. It offers danger and martyrdom and


deepens the sense of victimhood that is there by turning up all the


stories of the middle ages `bout the wicked Christian crusaders, whole


slaughtered without mercy the Muslims and it is that hate that we


must challenge and we must have a different narrative. It is ` good


narrative for us to take because we have had great success in they're


for almost 200 years in places like Cardiff and Newport building up


mixed communities of races `nd the legends but we mustn't imaghne that


anything will be over in Syria or Iraq. This is spread throughout the


world, throughout Asia, throughout South America. It is hardly a


country in the world when D`esh doesn't want to spread its hatred.


They have a worldwide plan to divide the world into Muslim communities


and Christian communities. There is great suffering within the


communities that have been persecuted. Without falling into the


trap, they designed charm -, Egypt, Paris to get us going, to incite the


West and have a world war, this is what they want. They have s`id so.


They want a world war and wd must not fall into the trap. I bdlieve


what we have heard today, the combination of two dangerous views,


something must be done and give more a challenge -- give War a chance. We


went to war in Iraq and werd told by the same people who are telling us


now there are 770,000 troops there, they told us then there werd


definitely weapons of mass to structure. There were not. Hn 2 06,


we were told we could go into Helmand with no chance of a shot


being fired. We lost 454 soldiers. Little has been achieved because of


decisions taken in this House in the last 20 years, we have lost their


lives of 633 of our soldiers. I believe if we go in now, nothing


much will happen. There will be no improvement. We will strengthen the


antagonism. We will deepen the sense of victimhood by Muslims worldwide.


They will have another excuse. We mustn't fall into that trap. I


believe we need to have a counter dialogue, get it onto the mddia get


it onto the World Wide Web to say that there is a great story to be


told of harmony in our country and that is one that we must put forward


as a genuine alternative. I shall have to endeavour to explain to them


why I think my honourable friends are both mistaken in their


conclusions. All of us in this House have acknowledged the legithmate


subject that the condition of the Middle East is pretty close to being


catastrophic. There are powdrful forces at work building civhl


society apart, there is sectarian conflict, there are grievances of


the whole Brighty of canes that have been exploited by various dhctators


throughout the ages and had been repeated regularly and all the signs


are that in many places, thd structure is extremely fraghle and


we are very fortunate that hn one or two early it is subsisting. I also


agree that it is not amenable to any easy solution or we would h`ve found


that solution in a long timd ago but none of that explains to me


logically why some Honourable members in this House consider that


our action in extending our military actions against Daesh in Syria is


wrong. If it is wrong, intervention in Iraq the first place was wrong,


12 months ago, when as I have to say all the analysis IC suggests to me


it is the one thing that has prevented the situation whole


spinning out of control -- `nd analysis I see. It is good for


democracy to look at our shortcoming and not the many benefits of what we


may have achieved. It seems to me if we had not intervened, the serious


risk is that a generalised one would have broken out in the Middle East


with any union invention in the Middle East to prop up the Hraqi


regime and Saudi Arabia as well We watched to look on the bright side


of what has been achieved and then consider whether the limited steps


that are being proposed are in fact reasonable. It seems to me that they


are. They're not disillusioned to the problem and that extent the


challenge is a real one but it doesn't seem they are going to make


matters worse. What they show is equality of interest with otr allies


to whom we are committed to try to do something to address this problem


and to keep it under control until better solutions can be found. That


seems to me to be a legitim`te and proportionate response to the


problem that we face. It suggests in some way it will run away whth


itself. The law is vigilant. The legal basis for intervention is


limited and every action after this will need to be proportionate to


achieve the legitimate aim. I have every confidence my great Honourable


friends will be able to deal with that and every confidence in my


colleagues observing the lilits I was staggered to hear from the


member that we ought to emulate the trainees in this matter rather than


the French. I think that an extraordinary notion becausd I have


two say... As a member of that same committee, it can maintain hnfluence


without military action that will have a marginal effect. The question


that should be asked is a dhfferent one. Does our involvement dhminish


our diplomatic influence? What he fills to take into account hs that


by withdrawing as he would clearly advocate from the military process


entirely, we diminish our chance to influence our allies who sh`re our


values and that is why I find it astonishing that we should dmulate


China. Finally, there is thd list China. Finally, there is thd list


you I think is of great importance and touched on by the noble member


for Newport West of Islamophobia and structures of our own society. He


has my sympathy and knows mx interest in this matter over many


years will stop I have absolutely no doubt that Islamophobia is on the


rise in this country and th`t indeed our civil society threatens to be


undermined by a backwash th`t comes out of the Middle East. It hs a very


real challenge and one that everybody in this House ought to be


addressing will stop my tre`tises and I think I will in that regard --


are well known. I don't think what we're doing in Syria undermhnes


that. On the contrary, a saxs are powerless in the face of thd model


is cruelty of Daesh is a fudl for Islamophobia. Since the election in


May, all the MPs have faced a range of new experiences and challenges.


Today's vote will mark one of the most significant challenges we have


taken in our careers and we do not take lightly. I'd respect the


minister's case that expressed disappointment at the words he chose


to use


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