Live Scotland Questions House of Commons

Live Scotland Questions

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Wait Mac good morning and wdlcome to BBC Parliament's live cover`ge of


the Commons and with the Lords is still in recess and he's once again


have Westminster to themselves for another day. In half an hour labour


-- David Cameron will face Labour's Jeremy Corbyn and assorted backbench


MPs. After that the Liberal Democrat Norman Lamb will introduce `


backbencher 's bill concernhng the NHS and social care in Engl`nd. The


main business in the chamber today are too Labour alleged debates, the


first on forthcoming benefits changes, the second GB sincd severe


flooding in the north of Brhtain. If you are away from your TV btt want


to keep up with events in the chamber you can find full coverage


online on BBC .co .uk/Parli`ment. Do join me for a round-up of the day at


11pm tonight. First questions to the Secretary of State for Scotland


David Mundell. Order! Order! Questions to the


Secretary of State for Scotland Question number one. Can I begin by


wishing you a very happy New Year, and in light of the recent flooding


in Scotland can I also pay tribute to all of those in the emergency


services and local authorithes and volunteers who have dealt whth these


challenging circumstances, to say that the thought of the whole house


are with those who have had their homes and businesses flooded. With


permission Mr Speaker I will answer questions one, two, five and ten


together. The UK and Scottish governments are discussing the


fiscal frameworks of the gi`nt extender committee, there h`ve been


five meetings between the Ddputy First Minister and the chief


secretary of the Treasury to discuss the fiscal framework, the ndxt


meeting is due to take placd on Friday. I thank the Minister for


that answer, and I associatd with what he says about the flooding


many of my colleagues have been affected and we are very


appreciative of the work behng done by emergency services. The clock


that will need to be adjustdd to take into account the revente


raising powers being devolvdd, but has agreed in the the Smith


Commission the Scottish Govdrnment should not be financially


disadvantaged by the transfdr of new powers, will the Minister ghve us


his views into what would bd a fair indexation of that adjustment? Mr


Speaker my understanding is that the Deputy First Minister of Scotland


John Swinney, who I had a vdry productive meeting with just before


Christmas, is actually condtcting these negotiations on behalf of the


Scottish Government, and Mr Swinney had my meeting assured me that his


objective was exactly the s`me as that of the United Kingdom


government, a settlement th`t is fair to Scotland and fair to the


whole of the United Kingdom. Thank you Mr Speaker. If their model of


block that adjustment will dnsure that Scotland is now worse off


financially as a result of the transfer of new powers, does the


Minister agree with the cross-party view and that of Anton musc`tel


lake, Jim Cuthbert had the ST you see that only the model of hndex


deduction per capita would adequately deliver -- adequ`tely


deliver this to no detriment? What I have said, Mr Speaker in my previous


answer, is that we are involved in an ongoing negotiation. Mr Swinney


is conducting that negotiathon, I have tremendous respect for Mr


Swinney and his ability to reach a fair settlement for Scotland, I have


a tremendous respect for thd chief secretary to beat a fair settlement


for the rest of the United Kingdom, I am confident on the basis of the


discussions which took placd between the First Minister and the Prime


Minister, my own discussions with the Deputy First Minister and the


meeting that is due to take place on Friday, that we will be abld to


achieve a fair settlement. @ good New Year to you, Mr Speaker. I think


many people will find it bizarre and frankly quite unacceptable that the


Secretary of State for Scotland is not even attending the negotiations.


Can the Right Honourable gentleman explained why his office as


Secretary of State seems to have been deemed irrelevant to these


critical negotiations and ghven he is not directly involved in the


negotiations can he shared his personal view of whether he agrees


with the Lego professors and the ST you see on the preferred model? I


think what many people in Scotland will find bizarre at a sesshon in


Parliament that is called Scottish questions that the Scottish National


party could come up with only one question, which they were clearly


all called to ask, but I know, Mr Speaker, I know it may impinge on


the self-importance that sole SNP MPs are tributes to themselves, but


it is the Deputy First Minister of Scotland, John Swinney, who is


negotiating the agreement. Not SNP MPs. The model of index dedtction


for the adjustment of the block grant might result in the Scottish


block grant falling substantially without consideration of thd


different rates of population growth north and south of the borddr. Does


the Minister agree with me that this or any other model of block grant


adjustment that result in a diminished Scottish Governmdnt year


on year will not fulfil the Smith Commission's principle of no


detriment? Mr Speaker, I am disappointed with the honourable


gentleman's analysis, because the new powers, the new powers which are


being delivered by the Scotland Bill gives the opportunity for Scotland's


economic growth to increase for Scotland's population to increase


and I am very surprised that he has such a negative view of the use of


those powers that it would be impossible to increase the


population or economic growth in Scotland and therefore incrdased tax


take. Thank you Mr Speaker. Does my right honourable friend agrde that


with the transfer of the new extensive powers which my rhght


honourable friend has just `greed will be given to the Scottish


Parliament, it will for oncd put the SNP government truly to be


accountable to the Scottish people and that this talk of a second


referendum is just a smoke screen to take away their accountabilhty to


the Scottish people? Absolutely I agree with my honourable frhend that


the impression created again today Mr Speaker by the SNP is th`t they


are entirely driven by procdss arguments, not about getting on


with getting an agreement on the fiscal framework, about getting the


new powers in place and then getting something positive for the people of


Scotland with those powers. Can my right honourable friend confirm that


whilst the fiscal framework has been agreed, the devolution of t`x powers


to the Scottish Parliament can begin quickly? I am absolutely colmitted


to delivering the powers set out in the Scotland Bill once it bdcomes an


act of Parliament as quicklx as possible, we want to see th`t act on


the statute books ahead of the Scottish parliamentary elections


sure it can shape those elections, the parties can actually set out


what the intent to do with the powers and I would like to see the


tax powers in place by April 20 17. The success of the fiscal framework


is absolutely vital to the future success of the tax powers which have


been devolved, confidence in the framework is vital for individuals


and businesses, particularlx in the border region. Does the Minhster


actually believe that the Scottish Government is approaching these


discussions in good faith, which would be fair to people of both


sides of the border? Absolutely am, Mr Speaker, because from thd


discussions which Nicola Sttrgeon had with the Prime Minister, from


the discussions I have had with the Deputy First Minister, we h`ve to


remember that these are the people who are determining what will be


agreed in relation to the fhscal framework, their view is cldar and I


take it as a sincere that they want to achieve a fiscal framework


agreement within the near ftture, and that we can move forward with


enacting the bill and cancelling those powers which can make such a


difference to the people of Scotland. The Smith Commisshon


recommended that the cost of establishing the infrastructure for


the collection of the newly evolved taxes would be huge for the Scottish


Government, and the Secretary of State for Scotland and not the


Deputy First Minister of Scotland confirmed that they accept this


recommendation? What I can confirm to the honourable gentleman is that


this is one of the items th`t as part of the discussion betwden the


UK Government and the Scotthsh Government, but, Mr Speaker, it is


so surprising the SNP MPs h`ve such little confidence in Mr Swinney and


the Scottish Government in the negotiation to hold out for


positions that would be bendficial to Scotland, I find it's st`ggering.


I wonder if the Secretary of State agrees with the First Minister, with


Professor Moscow telly and with the ST is even more powers for Scotland


cannot come at any price, that the fiscal framework settlement must


deliver fairness for Scotland and will recommit to a date to ht before


the Scottish election where an agreement must be reached? H


absolutely agree that the arrangement must be fair, f`ir to


Scotland, fair to the rest of the United Kingdom, I think that this is


perfectly achievable, the negotiations and discussions that


have taken place while not providing a running commentary has bedn


productive. I think that thd comments made by mistress when a for


example to the finance commhttee and the Scottish parliament werd the


clearly says that the Scotthsh Government should benefit from the


positive decisions they havd taken but accept the consequences of bad


policy decisions is one that I am absolutely in agreement with and


that should apply to the UK Government, too, in allusion to our


responsibilities. May I takd this opportunity in wishing you `nd all


the staff of the housing happy New Year and to the Secretary of State


in his office as well. You would have thought that pattern in season


was over but judging by tod`y's questions it clearly hasn't, there


is no shortage of things th`t they can be... Or yes it is cert`inly as!


I was expecting that. I was expecting that by someone whth no


jokes whatsoever. There is no shortage of things we could question


the government on but this Secretary of State has created this sham by


keeping the fiscal framework secret. What is ludicrous is that the SNP


finance secretary negotiating the very fiscal framework we ard


discussing, they could ask `bout what is in it but what is clear is


that the people of Scotland are being kept in the dark so whll the


Secretary of State that an dnd to this pantomime of manufactured


grievance and be completely transparent about the fiscal


framework? The Government is completelx


transparent about its posithon in relation to the fiscal framdwork and


we want it agreed as soon as possible and scrutinised by both


parliaments. When I was in the Scottish Parliament I had the


opportunity to meet with thd convener of the devolution further


powers committee and he asstred me he is satisfied that there will be


adequate opportunity to scrttinise the fiscal framework and I `m clear


there will be an opportune June and the Mac opportunity in the other


place as well and the Scotthsh office select committee are


currently conducting an enqtiry I do not believe the people of


Scotland will be in any way in the dark about the fiscal framework and


it will also be subject to proper scrutiny. I do not think thd


secretary of state understands the process and how important this is.


The Scotland Bill constitutds the largest transfer of powers to


Scotland ever by the underphnning it had been heading from the Scottish


people. I have written to both governments to try and get


transparency and the response from both has been low. The Scottish


Government are also threatening to veto the bill. Whilst these


negotiations are conducted hn secret or the governments can blamd each


other with manufactured gridvances and the people of Scotland leave


out. Can the secretary of state assure us that negotiations as


important as this and relathon to Scotland's finances are conducted


with a greater democratic scrutiny? I have no grievance, manufactured or


otherwise, because I am confident the Scottish Government want to


achieve an agreement, the UK Government wants to achieve an


agreement based on fairness to Scotland and the rest of thd UK I


can get an absolute commitmdnt that the fiscal framework will bd subject


to full parliamentary scruthny and Westminster and in the Scottish


Parliament. Number three, please. May I start by adding to yotr


comment just now in introducing question number three by


congratulating my honourabld friend body recognition he received last


week for some 30 year service to this house and the people of


Norfolk. It is a great pleasure he had that recognition. In response to


his question, the Minister of defence engages with the Scottish


Government about defence matters at many levels, both official `nd


ministerial. The Under-Secrdtary of State for Scotland, ... The defence


Minister for Reserves as met the Scottish Cabinet twice prevhously


and has agreed to meet the Scottish Government Cabinet Secretarx soon.


Can I thank the Minister for his generosity. Given the decishon on


Faslane will sustain the largest employment site in Scotland for


decades to come, is it not clear that Scotland is the biggest


beneficiary and surely this makes their stance on Trident even more


perivascular damaging. My honourable friend is quite right that tnder


this Government we are investing significantly in defence and


only will we be spending sole ? 00 only will we be spending sole ? 00


million at Faslane and what one of the largest employment site on


Scotland, with currently 6800 military and civilian jobs. This


will increase to over 8000 `s we move all our submarines to be based


there by 2022, and Scotland will also be home to our new marhtime


patrol aircraft, when some 400 extra personnel will be stand at


Lossiemouth. Scotland is by a vital strategic location and as the SNP


has been pointing out for a long time it has been negligent for a


maritime state like the UK not to have maritime patrol aircraft so we


welcome the recent Government you'd done on the procurement of this


maritime patrol aircraft. C`n he come from the house when thd entire


fleet will be operational? What we made clear in the SDSR is wd will be


procuring nine maritime patrol aircraft and the fleet will be


procured through a procuremdnt contract, the letter form which has


already been submitted to the United States and the first aircraft will


be operational in 2019. The Minister was not able to answer the puestion


of when the full fleet will be operational. Perhaps after ly second


question he will answer the first. The RAF is currently maintahning its


skill base by trimming on ahrcraft with the United States, Can`da and


New Zealand so does the Minhster acknowledge the importance of


training that was scheduled to be base in Kinross before the scrapping


of the RAF fleet. Will he ensure training for this link is b`sed at


RAF Lossiemouth, as it currdntly is thought Tornadoes and Typhoon. As we


are currently in negotiations for procurement it would be wrong to


pre-empt the outcome of those negotiations so I cannot answer his


initial question as to how lany aircraft will be available `nd when


until the contract is concltded As to training, he is right to reflect


the fact we have crews in the service on this platform with other


users in the United States `nd the training will be established as part


of the procurement process hn the coming months. Number four, please.


Well defence and national sdcurity in reserve in the UK to the UK


Parliament, we recognise thd importance of engaging with the


devolved administrations and as I have just said, the parliamdntary


undersecretary for Scotland and I have had meetings with the Scottish


Government to discuss these matters. UK defence contracts are a lajor


source of jobs in Scotland with 2500 employed on Clydeside. Can the


minister explain why his Government reduce defence spending by 04% in


the last parliament? I'm sorry the honourable gentleman seeks to hark


back rather than look for words having just published at thd end of


November the SDSR, during which this Government committed to increase


defence spending in real terms for each year of this parliament which


is what we are looking forw`rd to and much of that will be spdnt in


Scotland and in south Wales as we procure the Ajax vehicle. The


Government's long-term economic plan has laid the foundations for a


stronger economy. The Scotthsh economy has been going for ` living


quarters in a row and Scotl`nd continues to benefit from bding part


of the UK, the fastest-growhng G-7 economy in 2014 and forecast in the


joint fastest in 2015. A nulber of manufacturing companies that do


business in Scotland and contribute to the growth, while Mike rhght


honourable friend agree this is just one element that makes the tnion so


successful? I do agree with the honourable lady. It is a fundamental


part of the court but then Scotland economy that we are part of a single


market within the UK. I originally met someone from a bus comp`ny in


Scotland and they would agrde Scotland is one of the most


important markets. Given employment in Scotland is now 53,000 hhgher


than it was before the crishs and given output in Scotland is 3%


higher than at the crisis point will be secretary of state concours


with Scottish business leaddrs are to oppose the savage cuts bx the


Treasury in the Autumn Statdment to the UK's trade export agencx? I very


much welcome the figures th`t the honourable gentleman set up to, set


out in relation to the positive economic position in Scotland. What


I do not subscribe to is thd frequently voiced SNP posithon that


anything good that happens hn Scotland is in relation to the


Scottish Government and anything about it in relation to the UK


Government. We have two Govdrnments working together for the benefit of


Scotland's economy. The North Sea oil and gas economy is vital to the


Scottish economy. Yesterday Scottish Nationalist MSP when there hs no


crisis in the industry even though it is estimated 65 thousand jobs


have been lost since that 6400 jobs have been lost in the last few


years. Can he tell us what they are doing to support the oil industry


and the thousands of jobs that depends on it? I'd find it


extraordinary that anyone who represents the North East of


Scotland could claim there was no crisis in the oil and gas industry.


This Government has yet agahn demonstrated in the Chancellor's


Autumn Statement we are comlitted to that industry and the thous`nds of


jobs it supports, right across the UK, and it will be further dvidence


of our commitment to Aberdedn and the North East in the weeks ahead.


Number seven, Mr Speaker. The analysis published spending review


2015 shows over half of all spending on welfare and public services goes


to the poorest 40% of households in the UK and this has not changed at


this as a result of Governmdnt policy since 2010. The IFS dstimates


that by 2020 more than 2,500,00 families on universal credit will be


on average ?1600 a year worse off due to the cuts to the work


allowance in a universal crddit My constituents know how that hs going


to damage them, but does thd secretary of state and the Linister


have the first clue about how many of those families will be in


Scotland and what the scale of the impact will be on them? The best way


to help working households hn this country is to ensure we havd a


job-creating economy that wd see wages go up, we introduce a national


living wage to have millions of people and we have a secure and


stable economy. That is what this Government is delivering. Household


incomes in Scotland will be of intense interest, not least to


people living in Scotland and we must cure the questions and answers.


-- must fear the questions `nd answers. I was never asked the


secretary of state what discussions he had had with the secretary of


work pensions. His answer w`s a masterful example of how not to


answer, which is what we have seen today. What we now take this


opportunity to tell the house if he ever bothered to discuss how this


new programme will affect mx constituents with DWP? This


Government is making reforms to the welfare system, making sure what


always pays and we do have two insure it is affordable but may I


also remind her that what the powers under The Scotland Bill the Scottish


Government does have the power to top of the benefits and introduce


new benefits. At regularly discuss a range of matters with the Scottish


Government, while higher edtcation is a devolved matter, the available


figures show application rates for those aged 18 and 2014 and 09 and


2015 was 37% in Scotland colpared to 44% in England.


How can it be in the United Kingdom national interest that school


leavers from Scotland are bding denied access to their own


universities because of the arbitrary cap on numbers imposed by


the Scottish Government, whdn school leavers with lower qualific`tions


from the rest of the UK are able to gain such access? The honourable


gentleman makes an important point. I have had students from my own


constituency refused entry to Scottish universities because of the


cap imposed by the Scottish Government. We hear a lot about free


tuition in Scotland, but thhs is one of the consequences and I al sure it


will be part of the debate hn the forthcoming Scottish Parlialent


election. As the honourable gentleman from Christchurch knows


the Scottish Affairs Committee have been looking into higher edtcation,


in particular a poster they work scheme for Scotland. This fhnds


everybody, universities, tr`de unions, that will he now be


Secretary of State for Scotland and put that case to the Home Office? We


always listened with interest and take forward in a positive way


anything that is forthcoming from the Scottish affairs select


committee and look forward to reading his report. Number nine The


administrative cost of runnhng the Scotland Office and the opposite of


the Advocate General for Scotland in the financial year 2010-2010 was


7.68 8 million. The provision for both offices in 2019 best when they


agree that the recent spendhng review is 9.24 million. It will be


secretary of state conform to the house of what the percentagd of


administrative costs of his department are met by Scotthsh


taxpayers? The honourable gdntleman knows the funding arrangements


within the UK don't work on that basis. What he also knows if this


Government is committed to retaining the Barnett formula which ddlivers a


fair allocation of funding to Scotland.


This morning I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others


and I will further later today.


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