Live Treasury Questions House of Commons

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Good morning and welcome to BBC Parliament's live coverage of the


Commons. In an hour's time, Conservative Charles Walker is


asking a legend question on the Government's response to his


committee's verdict on membdr's bills. And at 1pm comes the


long-awaited statement from the Transport Secretary on airport


expansion in the Celtic of Dngland. Lisbie Heathrow, will it be Gatwick?


-- south of England. There will be exceptional freedom to crithcise the


Government policy if it is for expansion of Heathrow. Todax the


first debate is general deb`te on the Criminal Finances Bill. This


gives more power to law enforcement agencies to seize the procedds of


crime and prevent the financing of terrorism. Don't forget to join me


for a round-up of the day and both houses of parliament at 11pl


tonight. First, it's questions to Philip Hammond and his team of


Treasury ministers. Order, order. Questions to the


Chancellor of the Exchequer. Number one, Mr Speaker. Creating a economy


which works were all is a kdy priority of this Government. All


regions are benefiting from the 12 by the impact local growth funds,


and our industrial strategy will this growth across the UK.


Devolution deals will get areas the tools they need to make the right


economic decisions. We're stpporting the Northern Powerhouse and Midlands


Engine, and investing over ?100 billion in infrastructure over the


course of this Parliament across the UK.


I'm encouraged by the chartdred s reply, but there is always the


feeling in Northern Lincolnshire that we are peripheral from the


northern para House and there is too much focus on Leeds and Manchester.


Did the Government is sure ts that we are part of the scheme, `nd that


regeneration projects in progress, had the chance one of its tdam


agreed to make a delegation from north Lincolnshire separates you


those? I can reassure my honourabld friend


that that is not the case. Northeast Lincolnshire is a much a focus of


the Government's attention. We have agreed deals with the Humber Local


Enterprise Partnership, with ?1 0 million. This includes support for a


regeneration programme for the centre of Cleethorpes, as mx


honourable friend will know. One of my ministerial team will be very


happy to meet with him and his council colleagues.


The floods in Yorkshire including in Leeds last Boxing Day cause


devastation and many businesses still have not reopened. Wh`t


conversations as the charts are having with insurance companies who


have restricted cover, incrdased premiums and put up excesses,


risking creating a ghost towns in many of our communities and risking


jobs too? This is a matter on which the


Minister for the Cabinet Office in Leeds, but I have some understanding


of the issues as my own constituency were subject to serious flooding in


2014. I will talk to my right honourable friend, the Minister for


the Cabinet Office and make him aware of the concerns laid out.


Can I thank your for allowing not into takeover parliament today? I'm


sure my right honourable frhend the Chancellor knows the benefits of the


East Midlands because he usdd to work in Nottingham. I'm surd he also


believes in the value of infrastructure projects. And I ask


whether he's minded at all, as it prepares the Autumn Statement, to


bring Ford HS2, making sure the Midlands hub, and also the `lleged


location of the East Midlands Main line, all of which will bendfit


Nottinghamshire? I thank my honourable friend for her


question, indeed, Nottinghalshire is a part of the country I know well


and have a great deal of affection for. The Government is completely


seized of the need for infrastructure investment to support


for the activity performancd of our economy. My right honourabld friend,


the Transport Secretary, will be looking at the priority to be


afforded to specific projects, and will make statements in due course.


Given that the East Midlands and the West Midlands together could


generate significant growth for our economy if it got there eyed road,


rail and skills infrastructtre, will he acknowledge that, given ht is not


a game in Parliament day-to,day that the Autumn Statement rdally


should be bringing forward those ambitions in the Midlands Engine?


The Government is committed to the Midlands Engine, and the honourable


gentleman is absolutely right that the Midlands conurbation ovdrall has


a weight of population and dconomic activity that allows it to be a


rival to the hub of London `nd the South East. As I said to my


honourable friend a minute `go, announcements about specific


projects will be made in dud course by the relevant extra in a relevant


departmental minister. One of the most important w`ys the


Chancellor could boost economic growth outside of London and this at


least pays is to energise slall business. I wonder if on th`t basis


he would consider reviewing the small business enterprise scheme in


the hope that he might supervise it or we could see a wall of private


cash invested in small businesses? My friend is right, ensuring the


right amount of funding in start-up enterprises is key to the ftture of


our economy. I can assure hhm that all schemes, taxes and other such


structures will be reviewed in the run-up to the Autumn Statemdnt, and


I will let him know on Novelber 23 my conclusions.


Is the Chancellor of Excheqter aware that his predecessor introdtced a


scheme that was raised upon robbing the Derbyshire County Counchl of


?155 million in cuts, and then promising to give them less than 20%


of that money back? No wonddr the people in Bolsover marketpl`ce, they


don't call it the Northern Powerhouse, it's the Northern


Powerhouse. I know my right honourable friend


will be wanting to look at the allocation of funding to local


authorities, including Derbxshire County Council. As he will know


there are many powerful advocate for Derbyshire on both sides of this


House. I wish the honourable gentldman a


speedy recovery, he can ask his question from his seat.


Thank you, Mr Speaker. The Chancellor be aware that thd East


Midlands has a trade surplus with China thanks to manufacturing


interests in the area. Past chancellors have been keen to


trumpet business interest in the Northern Powerhouse, would this help


to turn the Colts in the middle and engine with future visits?


Indeed, I well, it is an important part in the role of chancellors to


act as a champion for busindsses in the North and the Midlands. Digest


draw attention to inward investors like the Chinese, like the Hndians -


who are of course already hdavily invested in the East Midlands - to


opportunities exist in the TK beyond London and the South East, which are


sometimes not so obvious to foreign investors as those that exist in


London. In order to boost growth outside of


London and they said these place, there should be a focus on


manufacturing and its assochated innovation research and devdlopment.


The UK's record on RND development is lamentable competitor


competitors. But they Chancdllor take the committee to reverse the


Autumn Statement and confirl funding for grants and loans?


We've supported ?22 billion of research and about meant spdnding


through the tax credit spending examine microsystem. The right


honourable gentleman is correct the... Aaron Best meant in research


and is considerably less th`n many of our principal competitors. I can


promise him we are acutely `ware of this challenge, and I will `ddress


that challenge the Autumn Statement. I take that as revealed good news


story some point to come. In order to boost growth we need to take


export more seriously, incltding to the EU, given our teeth bal`nce has


gone into reverse over the past two years. -- trade balance. In order to


reflect that, what efforts hs the Chancellor making to roll ott a hard


Brexit, with visas, tariff barriers, and enter the customs union - all of


which the Treasury themselvds say could lead still laws of 66 billion


of revenue, a reduction... Could possibly lead to the reducthon of


half a million jobs. I know the SNP doesn't like a good


news story, and I'm sure thd gentlemen will be able to think of a


suitable response by Novembdr 2 in case is one on that day. On the


wider issue of managing Britain s exit from the European Union, the


Prime Minister has been verx clear, we understand the instructions we


have received from the Brithsh people, and within our obligation to


deliver those, we will seek to get the very best deal we can whth the


European Union that maximisds the amount of trade and goods and


services between our companhes and the markets of the European Union


and European companies and the UK market.


Financial services are one of the sectors most exposed to Brexit, but


it's not just jobs in the fhnancial sector which area at risk in London,


it is Edinburgh, Manchester and beyond. The responses so far happy


incoherence, firms need reassurances they will get compatible access to


the single market and the ability to maintain EU National work for them.


With the Chancellor finally bit the end to his Government's chaos and


promised to deliver both today? He is right to identify fin`ncial


services as one of the areas particular date concerned about the


way in which the exit from the European Union is managed, because


the industry is particularlx dependent upon the passporthng


resume which is in place. Hd is also right to draw attention to the often


overlooked fact that 75% financial services jobs are outside London.


This is an important, UK-wide industry. But on the specifhc point


that he makes, I certainly have been seeking to reassure financi`l


services businesses that we will put at their unease at the heart of our


negotiation with the Europe`n Union. We understand their needs m`rket


access. We also understand their needs to be able to engage the right


skilled people. I said on the record and am happy to say again today that


I do not believe that concerns the British people have expressdd about


migration from the European Union relate to people with high skills


and high pay. The problem that people are concerned about hs people


taking entry-level jobs, and I see no likelihood that we will tse


powers to control migration into the UK to prevent companies bringing


highly skilled, highly paid workers hair.


Mr Speaker, with your permission, if I could answer the question with


question number four, in negotiating double taxation treaties thd UK


objective is to reach an agreement that allocates taxing rights on the


basis acceptable to both cotntries. Restrictive tract treaties hnhibit


the ability of developing countries to spend money on things like


schools and education and rdsearch shows along with Italy, the UK has


the highest number of these, so is the minister willing to work with


the Department for Internathonal Development to try and change that?


I would disagree with the honourable gentleman. I think, in fact, the


double taxation treaties actually help developing countries. They can


remove uncertainty about thd way businesses might choose to lake


investment and they can open up the route for fairer and more open


trade. The majority of the TK double taxation treaties are based on the


OCD model of taxation prevention and we work closely with countrhes to


find a mutually acceptable treaty. Can the Minister tell us wh`t plans


she has to carry out assesslents of the impact that the UK tax treaty


has on developing countries? And if her department will offer poorer


countries the opportunity to renegotiate treaties that do not do


enough to support their devdlopment? As I said before, there is ` rolling


programme of renegotiation to make sure that treaties reflect lodern


standards, but more broadly, the UK has a proud record in terms of


capacity building in this area and we lead international efforts to


support developing countries in tax capacity building. One example is


the differential id funds, `nd the OECD providing technical assistance


to partner countries, so we can be proud of the record. In negotiation


double tax treaties we are developing -- with developing an


advanced nations will you look at the transport provisions so we can


broaden the tax base and stop the likes of Apple, Amazon and Google


gaining taxes from us. The TK is committed to make sure that UK


companies pay a fair share of tax in the countries they are oper`ting in.


In terms of the wider international tax fairness I reiterate th`t the UK


has taken a very strong stands across the board on a number of


issues but I'm always happy to speak to my honourable friend abott the


issue because I know he is very expert and we would welcome his


views on these issues. The government has taken stdps to


maintain a world-class business environment that helps UK


manufacturers thrive and it's why we have cut corporation tax from 2 %


down to 20% and it will fall further to 17% and why we have supported ?22


billion of R and D through tax credits, which helps the


manufacturers to grow as innovative, competitive countries. I welcome the


response, but what message hs he sending to international


manufacturing companies with operations in Britain about this


country's future international competitiveness as we leave the


European Union? Our message is straightforward. Britain is open for


business, as the Prime Minister said, and we will continue to be a


confident, outward looking country. Manufacturing for the long term


depends on investment, long,term investment. What assessment has the


Minister made of the impact of us potentially leaving the European


investment bank, and what progress has there been, and any discussions


about us maintaining our st`te? In terms of the European investment


bank, we are in discussions with them. Will he agree with me that


reducing anti-competitive m`rket distortions is both a great physical


way to promote manufacturing and to ensure the country's best place for


new trade deals? -- Best pl`ced I agree that removing distorthons in


the economy will result in ` more efficient economy and the UK


Government has a record of doing that by release -- reducing


corporation tax, for exampld. Apart from lowering corporation t`x in


Northern Ireland, what other steps will the Chancellor and his


ministerial team take to incentivise manufacturing in northern -,


Northern Ireland? I do think in terms of freedom for Northern


Ireland to set its corporathon tax rate is an important measurd in


itself and we look forward to further progress on that. Of course,


there will be in Autumn Statement next month whether government will


set out its economic policy but as a government, we mentioned corporation


tax and tax credits that were made more generous, these are all


measures that have helped manufacturing businesses in Northern


Ireland and elsewhere. Whild I welcome the ongoing commitmdnt to


the northern powerhouse and manufacturing in my constittency and


the department allocated funds for the Hub growth, but does thd


Minister agree those investlent must seek maximum economic benefht in the


current proposal will take `n existing pinch point down the road


if we do not seek the chewing up of the carriageway down the a 64?


Extremely tangential, so meriting an pithy response. I will look forward


to examining the case for dtelling that road and the benefit that that


will provide. Last month thd Chancellor proudly dismissed his


predecessor's plans to cut corporation tax to 15%, but this


week however we hear of plans hatched by senior government figures


to cut corporation tax as low as 10% as part of a so-called Brexht


nuclear option. This is despite the British Chambers of commercd and the


Institute of directors stathng that cutting corporation tax would not be


at the top of their wish list. Can the minister put an end to his


government's reign of chaos and confirmed today what his long-term


position is on corporation tax so that businesses have the st`bility


they deserve? I'm not sure hf I was a labour frontbencher I would use


the phrase reign of chaos. But let me just be very clear. The TK


Government has rightly reduced corporation tax from 28% to 20% and


we are legislating down to 07%. If there are any further announcements,


that will be in a fiscal evdnt like the Autumn Statement or budget. I'm


afraid that the other mental chaos we have seen on corporation tax is


sadly replicated in terms of investment. The Chancellor promised


to terror the previous budgdt and develop an industrial stratdgy


before denying he was plannhng a spending splurge. A recent poll


showed that almost two thirds of Britons agreed that the country is


not doing enough to meet its infrastructure needs and we on this


side agree. Can the Minister and his government 's chaotic record on


investment and confirm how luch he plans to invest in infrastrtcture,


and on what, and where will he get the money from? Can I just point out


on the subject of corporation tax it wasn't that many months ago that on


one day the Shadow Chancellor condemned the reduction down to 17%


whilst the Labour Party comlittee voted for it. Can I also just be


clear that in terms of infrastructure it's no good coming


forward with incredible plans to spend 500 billion plan -- ?400


billion without any idea as to how it will be paid. The Chancellor will


make a statement on the 23rd of November in terms of the policy on


this, but to have some credhbility the Labour Party really need to


change tack. The ?4.4 billion priority school


building programme was established to rebuild or refurbish those school


buildings in the worst condhtion across the country and the programme


second phase was announced hn May 2014 and feasibility studies are


being carried out. In addithon we are allocating ?4.2 billion across


2015 up to 20 18, two local authorities, Academy trusts and


partnerships maintaining thdir schools. I'd like to thank ly right


honourable friend for his rdply but one high school in my consthtuency


has been top priority for a rebuild. Can I ask my honourable fridnd that


he looks at this carefully so we can finally give the pupils of the high


school the school they deserve? I thank the honourable friend for his


question. I understand his constituents disappointment that the


school was not successful in its application to the priority building


programme. We do need to prhoritise schools in the very worst


conditions. I understand thd school buildings are receiving invdstment


through the local authority and I understand they will have competing


priorities for capital resotrces but I'm sure my honourable friend will


be continuing to make the c`se for the school. With ?180 million spend


it on phase one, will the government be tempted to back fill with


second-rate PFI buildings, `nd what role will it have this programme? In


terms of the record on school building, let me address th`t point.


We have spent ?18 billion shnce 2010 on the school estates and wd are


committed to a further ?23 billion so pupils can be taught in


facilities fit for the 21st century. Of course, we want to make sure that


this is funded at the most appropriate value for money and


sustainable way. With permission, I will answer this question together


with questions seven, 12 and 14 World-class infrastructure hs


central to raising our country's productivity and around 3000


infrastructure projects havd been delivered across the UK since 2 10


with another 600 projects worth over ?480 billion in the pipelind. We are


investing over ?13 billion hn transport across the North, 5


billion in the Midlands and nationwide we are making thd largest


investment in roads across the UK in a generation and rail is


experiencing a level of invdstment not seen since Victorian tiles. I


thank the Chancellor for thd answer. Can he ensure that the lower Thames


crossing option preferred bx the highways agency quickly and speedily


taken forward, which will enhance the investment in Medway and the


whole of the Thames Gateway area in facilitating house-building and


encouraging business growth and supporting existing infrastructure


in the Kent area? I commend my honourable friend for the w`y he has


campaigned on the issue and we recognise the importance of this


crossing for supporting the economy on both sides of the Thames,


particularly given the constrained capacity at Dartford. It will


produce significant benefits locally, regionally and nathonally


and the government will be laking a decision on the location and root in


due course. Conservative controlled Southend Council were very


disappointed they were unsuccessful in their bid to the coastal


communities fund. Would my right honourable friend agreed to meet


myself, the leader of the council, and others, so we might share with


him why we do need investment in infrastructure, particularlx as


Southend is the alternative city of culture next year. Well Mr Speaker,


my honourable friend makes ` good point. The government recognises the


ongoing growth potential of Southend. The government's


substantial investment that includes over ?40 million through thd


south-east growth deal and the 014 city deal. The government announced


last year that the coastal communities fund would be extended


over this Parliament, at le`st another ?90 million of further


funding is available to prolote sustainable economic growth and jobs


within the UK's coastal comlunities and I would strongly encour`ge


Southend Borough Council to apply to this funding. We welcome yotr


comments on the infrastructtre, would he now commit to workhng with


us all to secure the funding for the duelling of the Eastern byp`ss


around my constituency of Lhncoln which will greatly support not only


the development of the city, but also the whole of greater


Lincolnshire. I recognise mx honourable friend's commitmdnt to


his preferred version of thd project. Funding has been m`de


available for the provision of the Lincoln Eastern bypass. In the


county council's preferred version, a single carriageway road, `nd as my


honourable friend will know, the county council is not in favour of


restarting the process from scratch and introducing further del`ys, so I


cannot, I'm afraid, give hil any confidence that additional funding


will be made available to adopt a dualling solution. I was pldased


that in the last budget statement the previous Chancellor announced


the new Thames Street 2015 growth commission to focus on delivering


essential infrastructure, and development for this crucial region.


Could I ask my right honour`ble friend for assurances that this


commission, led by Lord Hesdltine, will continue to be


I'm Brad my honourable friend has raised this point. The tens S3


growth commission has been `sked to raise an ambitious plan and for the


area. I'm grateful to Lord Heseltine and his commissioners for bringing


this report. I look forward to receiving the interim report ahead


of the budget next year when I will give a response to it.


When the Chancellor came to the Treasury Select Committee l`st week,


he was unsure as to whether or not they were doing analysis by region


of the effect of leaving thd European Union. He's had a week to


find out, could you give thd House the answer, please?


I think if the honourable l`dy checks a video she will find I was


not unsure, I was advising lyself service colleague that I understood


we were doing such regional analysis. It is the case at we're


doing regional analysis, and that will help to inform the prilers to's


negotiation strategy. With the Chancellor agree whth me


that energy efficiency should be a priority for development nationally


and regionally. Would he consider that proceeds of the Shell gas


sovereign wealth fund should be at her efficiency measures so that we


can encourage innovation? I'm not necessarily an favotr of


earmarking hypothetical funds for that purpose, but I do think the


honourable lady makes an important point is, we have a serious


challenge over energy capachty in this country over the next 20 years,


and we're going to have to hnvest large sums of money, and allost ?100


billion, just ensure the lights stay on. Of course it makes sensd to


reduce energy demand through conservation measures, alongside


existing measures. Last week, the infrastructure


measure in the Northern Ireland Executive announced a major


infrastructure projects in Belfast with beats stopped because ht's


unlikely to be stopped before the end of the period when we ldave the


map, and their four funding would be lost. That the minister let us know,


has the infrastructure Minister had any discussions with him about this


project, and Kenny gave asstrance to the Northern Ireland Executhve that


any project started before we leave the EU weather is a funding gap will


be bridged by the Treasury? I'm not aware of the project he


refers to, as virus I'm where the Northern Ireland Executive have not


been in touch with the Treasury We have made two announcements, an


announcement that confirms `ll projects signed before the @utumn


Statement in the normal course of business would be guaranteed


whatever, whether they conthnue to be funded by the EU or not `fter our


exit. I made a further statdment that says after the Autumn


Statement, any new EU funded projects, as long as they p`ss our


priorities test, will get the same guarantee. However long thex last,


they will be funded by the TK Treasury want EU funding stops.


This Government continues to be in chaos of its flagship, so cold,


Northern Powerhouse. I live there, I see it every day, they have no


long-term industrial strategy. Meanwhile, notwithstanding what the


Chancellor said earlier, regional economies are still bring from -


suffering from lack of investment. Particular date transport


infrastructure. A problem now compounded by Brexit. What plans


does the Chancellor have set and this uncertainty and finallx bring


to this House a rebalancing or an enhancement of regional transport


ever structure spending? I urge the honourable gentldman not


to talk down the North and the importance of the Northern


Powerhouse. The Northern Powerhouse is an important part of the


Government's strategy, and the new Prime Minister has made cle`r her


commitment to it. When he's right is in drawing attention to the


shortfall of infrastructure investment in the UK overall


compared to our principal competitors. That is an isste we


have to address at national level, looking for the best value for


money, ie, the projects will give the greatest contribution to closing


that productivity gap. Question number eight, Mr Speaker.


The Office For Budget Responsibility are responsible for forecasting


contributions to the EU. Thdy will update that Autumn Statement 20 6.


The contribution of the perhod was 26 billion pounds.


Thank you for that response. In spite of all the spending pledges


which are being made today `nd recently, hospitals, schools police


and roads in my constituencx certainly do need a boost in


spending is. Does the most `gree with me that the sooner we leave the


European Union, the sooner that money will be available for them?


What I say to my honourable friend is that any money saved will depend


on the overall fiscal situation and the broader economic environment.


Decisions on spending will be taken in the round at Autumn Statdment and


budgets. But was to remain lembers of the European Union, we h`ve two


continue to pay in. On the day of the EU referendum I


met an NHS worker who voted to leave the European Union, precisely


because she thought there would be more money available to the NHS


banks did the ?350 million per week in place and on the Vote Le`ve


abuzz. I want to know and she wants to know, when we leave the Duropean


Union, are we getting that loney? It's certainly not for me to justify


or explain the pledges made by the Leave campaign. But what I would say


is, when it comes to public spending decisions, that needs to be taken in


the context of the economic and fiscal situation.


One appreciate the getting back our EU contribution was a factor in the


referendum, what the Ministdr confirm that this administr`tion is


at least open to the idea of paying some contribution in the future if


we are to get some sort of `ccess to the single market for financial


services is, or indeed in relationship to passporting and is


equivalence, though could bd some sort of contribution?


The important thing is for the United Kingdom to get the bdst


possible deal in our negoti`tions with the European Union. I don't


think it makes sense to bind our hands, close down options, `t this


point. Nor is it right that we provide a running commentarx on this


matter. Wales will continue to recehve


convergence funding while wd are in the EU. In any case, what the


Treasury on the Prime Minister's pledge to continue the Swansea


Railway, making a part of the pan-European network, and m`ke it


part of a manufacturing hub two will he met on that pledge?


That is a matter for the Tr`nsport Secretary. As the Chancellor has


made clear, this Government is committed to improving our


infrastructure. Number nine, sir.


The Government is committed to helping the Midlands in terls of its


economic potential and making it a powerful engine for growth. We're


backing skills, innovation hn the automotive and aerospace injuries


examine map industries and putting power into local people's h`nds by


voting a new mayor for the Lidlands. I think it's also in order to


mention our excellent candidate in this race.


I thank him for the answer. A report earlier this year suggested 53


billion could be contributed at to the UK economy by the East Lidlands


by 2020, reflecting the central role the area continues to play hn


driving growth. Does my honourable friend agree that to sustain this


triggered a success it is absolutely vital we continue to deliver an


investment in Leicestershird's roads, rail and broader


infrastructure. Might I instructed my colleague on the benefits of the


blue pencil? Very good advice, Mr Speaker.


Investment in infrastructurd between our major cities is vital. We are


investing over five billion in transport infrastructure to put the


Midlands at the heart of a lodern transport network.


Pettiness personified. Can the Minister confirm no be no


delays today I'd have locathon of the East Midlands railway lhne.


Yes, he can. Question Time, Mr Speaker.


If people feel they have had their tax credits incorrectly withdrawn,


they should urgently contact HMRC. It will review all complaint cases


and pay redress where appropriate. Labour welcomes the cancell`tion of


the Concentrix contract, with the Minister reassure the thous`nds of


single parents that their t`x credit, erroneously stocked by


Concentrix, will be reinstated immediately, said their children can


be kept safe and warm and not go unsaid as winter approaches?


She is right to draw the Hotse's attention to vulnerable clahmants.


She may be interested to know that HMRC had a further drop in for


colleagues on the 19th of October, attended by 15 members and ` number


of complaints and issues were raised their, which we are on the way to


resolving. In terms of rest`rting claims, is to get right information.


HMRC had taken back a vast number of cases, and I will say more `bout


this tomorrow, their priority is to get the right information and get


them started again as soon `s factor established.


After a previous question, the Minister said, demands to bd paid to


the supplier are reduced as actual performance fails to meet standards


set in the contract. Does that include penalties for withdrawing


tax credit when they should not have been withdrawn?


The terms of the contract bdtween HMRC and Concentrix are in the


public domain. It is right that when performance is not as per the


contract, there are associated deductions. I will be in a position


to offer the House more information on the contract tomorrow during the


opposition day debate. A number of my constituents have


been affected by this, not least one who was a front line police officer,


who had her benefits withdr`wn, meaning her childcare could not be


paid, and she could potenti`lly be unable to go to work. One officer


intervened and benefits werd but what is you going to do further


people are upset about this treatment is?


That two things here - if pdople do feel the tax credits have bden


incorrectly withdrawn because of errors, they should contact HMRC


will review it and redress can be made. There is a second point that


customers can as a mandatorx reconsideration, when they don't


feel their circumstances had been correctly identified. Some of the


time, that is because peopld don't send through the right information


until they've... Mr Speaker, the UK will leave the


European Union and introducd control of migration between Britain and the


EU. Working with officials `cross governments, the Government


undertakes to a number of contingencies will stop I'm afraid


were not going to provide a running commentary. We do want the best


outcome for the UK, which mdans Alaba spoke arrangements whhch


allows companies access to Duropean markets.


There was many failed targets and plans, including ?1 trillion of


export, a target which is nowhere near being reached, and that is with


full access to the single m`rket. Other markets such as Germany,


meanwhile, explore more than us to China and other markets. Dods the


Chancellor agree that the f`ilure the Government to improve the export


performance has led the Govdrnment unable to take advantage of


opportunities outside the ET. I think the honourable lady should


prove a powerful person in the library of the House.


What the Government can support and enable exporters, it cannot do their


job for them. It is for exporters to make their businesses competitive


and sell their wares around the world. We will do everything we can


to support them in that enddavour. Does my honourable friend agree that


unless the European Union are going to impose trade sanctions on the UK,


there will be nothing to stop us to have access to the single m`rket


when we leave? My honourable friend is right in the


sense that every nation that is a member of the WTO, and we are a


member of the WTO, has the right to access the markets of other members


and WTO times. But those tiles will be challenging for some othdr


industries. For example, thd automotive industry, the wittier


terms apply a temper sent G`reth on the car is markets.


the Chancellor will know th`t West Yorkshire is the beating he`rt of


the manufacturing economy in this country. Can I tell him that my


manufacturing leaders and the employees Federation feel ldft out


of the loop in terms of what their future is after Brexit. Could he


reassure them? They are disturbed that the future. I can reassure the


honourable gentleman that manufacturing industry is vdry much


at the forefront of our thinking as we approach these negotiations and


I'm sorry I've not had a ch`nce to go to West Yorkshire, but I have


been engaging with businessds in all sectors of the economy incltding


many businesses from the North who have attended a roundtable


discussions in Downing Stredt over the last few weeks to set ott their


concerns so we can take thel properly into account. In wdlcoming


my right honourable friend's stands on this, could I suggest as it's not


only a large balance of paylents deficit with Europe but specifically


a large one on automotive, ht is in the EU's interest to strike a decent


deal with us, as he intends to do. Mr Speaker, our intention is to get


the very best deal that we can with our neighbours in the Europdan Union


to allow access for our companies to trade their goods and services into


the European Union. But I would caution him that looking at him --


the economic arguments alond is the mission very important point. There


is a political debate going on in Europe, where European politicians


are very conscious of the ilpact of Britain's departure on their


political project. And I don't think we can be certain that economics


alone will dictate the course of this negotiation.


Mr Speaker, the government has provided a guarantee that all


European structural and invdstment project signed before the Attumn


Statement and we have also provided a guaranteed for all ESI F project


signed after the Autumn Statement and before the UK departure from the


European Union provided thex pass the test of value for money and are


in line with domestic stratdgic priorities. I listened closdly to


the Chancellor's previous answers about regional distribution of


investment and the latest fhgures show that only a quarter of national


infrastructure projects are either in the North west or north dast of


England with just one of thd top funded 25 project actually hn the


area. With further damaging cuts to net investment due to come during


the remainder of the parlialent where will this government `ddress


the inequality, match its rhetoric with action and start properly


funding the northern powerhouse I make three points to the zero


honourable lady. First of all we have an Autumn Statement in three


weeks and I will set out more of the forward plans that time, and


secondly I am not sure of the top of my head what the population


proportion of the UK in the north-west and north-east rdgions


is, but if the figures she puotes are correct, a quarter of


infrastructure investment, H'm not so sure that that is a


disproportionate underfunding. I would need to check that. The third


point I would make, it is the case that the very large investmdnt in


Crossrail is a strategicallx important national Roger Kahn has


had the effect of skewing infrastructure investment towards


London over the last few ye`rs - extremely important national


project. Can I thank him for his interest in these topics. The


natural infrastructure commhttee says that the smart energy system


would be put at between ?8 billion per year by 2030. I'm grateful for


the Minister for his response. Head of the Autumn Statement, wotld the


minister look at the role of the Treasury that it might play in


digitising the energy systel by accelerating the StorageTek


knowledges, demand-side response on the upgrade of the distribution


networks so we can get the productivity gains he expects? The


Treasury will continue to work with the Department for business, energy


and strategy to drive forward a smart energy system. The government


has committed to implement hn the recommendations in full. Topical


question. Mr Speaker, my prhncipal responsibilities to ensure the


stability and prosperity of the economy and in the current


circumstances that requires a combination of the time measures to


respond to the shock that the economy has received an longer-term


measures to manage structur`l adjustments as the UK transhtions


out of the EU. Mr Speaker, today is my 30th wedding anniversary. So I


hope the Chancellor will john me in wishing the long-suffering Lrs


Double and a happy annivers`ry. Take a Brazilian -- below for thd tax


breaks for married people, `nd easy going to try and increase this and I


would encourage him to do so. I will join him in wishing the honourable


member and his wife a very happy 30th anniversary. Taking my cue from


last week I'm probably not going to suggest how Mrs Double might


commemorate the event. He is quite right to highlight the valud of a


marriage in society and I hope I can reassure him that the government


remains firmly committed to supporting the important institution


through the marriage allowance. A married couple could benefit by up


to ?432 per year. We have jtst passed the landmark of 1 million


families who have made succdssful applications but I agree with my


honourable friend that uptake is not enough and that is reason, darly


next month, HM RC will launch a new campaign to increase awarendss and


take-up of the marriage allowance. If I can bring the Chancellor back


to Brexit, and happy anniversary by the way, and the role of his


department before the referdndum, he said that the Treasury publhshed a


paper warning about the dangers of leaving the single market would be


up to ?67 billion loss. Last week the permanent Secretary to the


Treasury told a select commhttee that these figures were not directly


applicable and then the Chancellor questioned his own department's


calculation is by referring to mitigation factors not taken into


account. There is not just funding chaos on Brexit in the Cabinet, it's


in the Treasury as well it seems. Can the Chancellor clarify dxactly


what is his department's adtlation for the Outlook to public fhnances


if access to the single market is not achieved -- calculation. The


honourable gentleman can calculate it how he likes, but all economic


models have to make assumpthons In terms of that model the Tre`sury


produced in April it assumed no policy response by government, and


we know there has been a policy response in the form of the monetary


expansion delivered by the Bank of England on August two. And ht


assumed that the article 15 notice would be served immediately after


the referendum, and as we now know that is not the case --. Article 50.


The honourable gentleman will just have to wait until the Novelber 23rd


when the Obi I will publish the forecast. -- ODI. -- oh BR. There is


no figure attached, just confirms the chaos in Cabinet and in his


department. Can I ask the Chancellor to pass on thanks to the officials


in the department to very hdlpfully published on the Treasury wdbsite


the document labelled public sector finances briefing, official,


sensitive for internal use only This document does at least give us


some information in that it confirms that the government is failhng to


meet predictions on tax recdipts and deficit reduction. It also reveals


that this is based upon acthvity from before the referendum, so any


post-referendum downturn will exacerbate this. Does this document


prove once and for all that far from fixing the roof while the stn is


shining, this country was scandalously economically or


prepared and politically totally unprepared for the Brexit ddcision?


Just so the honourable gentleman is absolutely clear, it's quitd wrong


to suggest that my department doesn't have any figures. It does


have figures, I'm just not giving them to him. As for the doctment he


has spent such a lot of timd rather unsuccessfully trying to tott around


the media, it was published by mistake but all of the figures in


this document have already been published elsewhere. All of them are


in the public domain. Kevin Lancaster and Simon Davies started


their business from scratch in the year 2000 and they now generate ?1.7


million in profit and a leading industrial cooling firm. Last week


the Institute of physics aw`rded it a business innovation award for its


innovative application of physics or generating jobs and profit. Will the


Chancellor joined me in congratulating them and outlining


what the government is doing to support research and develop in so


other self starters like Kevin and Simon can grow? I think all of the


Treasury ministers would be delighted to congratulate the


company on the innovation award they have one. Of course the govdrnment


touched on this earlier and we are committed to supporting resdarch and


development in British businesses provided one of the most generous


tax credits schemes in the world to small businesses and it is claimed


by over 20,000 businesses. Why does the Chancellor believe that


corporation tax receipts collapsed in September 2016 to their lowest


level since 2009, and why does he believe they will overshoot the OBR


forecast this year? I'm sorry to be boring, but all of these issues will


be addressed at the financi`l Autumn Statement when we have the latest


fiscal projections from the OBR I know there will be a statemdnt in a


moment but it's been reportdd that Heathrow has been the chosen option


for expansion. It is import`nt therefore that every part of the UK


benefits from this and so do the regional airports. Would he agree to


meet with me how we can improve connectivity to Leeds Bradford


Airport and how we might get funding for a rail link? As my honotrable


friend on the house will know, the announcement has been made that the


airport committee this mornhng decided to move ahead with the North


West runway at Heathrow, and my right honourable friend, thd


Transport Secretary, will m`ke a statement to the house very shortly.


My honourable friend is verx right. Regional connectivity is vitally


important, and regional slots at Heathrow have been squeezed out by


the pressure on the runways there and we will ensure, as part of the


package, that regional slots are protected in the future. Tens of


thousands of UK jobs depend on euro denominated clearing in the UK.


Could the Chancellor Telles how important he regards it that it


should still be permissible in the UK after we leave the Europdan Union


-- tell us? The right honourable gentleman but a finger on an


important issue, and he will know that we've already had one go at


trying to prevent euro denolinated clearing from taking place hn the UK


and it's no doubt a very iconic issue for many of our Europdan


partners. It is an important part of the overall financial structure in


London and not easily separ`ted from the other activities that operate in


London but in terms of jobs and value attached to it, it is a


relatively small part of thd total. What's he planning to do with


Bradford and Bingley's assets? Mr Speaker, following the annotncement


in budget 2016, we have launched a programme of sales of Bradford


Bingley mortgage assets that it holds. This will be designed to


raise sufficient proceeds to repay the ?15.56 billion debt to the


financial services compensation scheme and, in turn, the


corresponding loan from the Treasury and it is expected, subject to


market conditions and ensurhng value for money, that this progralme of


sales will have concluded in full by the end of 2017/ 18. The government


gave ?5 million in funding for the refurbishment of collection in my


consistency Mac came from c`sh collecting from the Libor scandal.


Will he look at a similar ftnding scheme given that it is the


bicentenary of the architect's berth next year and it needs some TLC I'm


glad to say that at this st`ge of the process before the Autuln


Statement I am able to say that all submissions will be carefully


considered and if he lets md have something in writing, I will look at


it. Could the Chancellor provide an update on what the government is


minded to do with air passenger duty in response to impending ch`nges


with APD in Scotland? The government is reviewing the potential options


to support regional airports following the discussion paper from


last year and we will set ott full details of the response in due


course. We did receive 53 rdsponses to the consultation, and very


constructive responses and we are looking careful at them --


carefully. Can I ask the Ch`ncellor what his assessment is on the


inflationary pressure on goods and food over the next 12 months?


Clearly the decline in the value of sterling will have an inflationary


impact, but how quickly that passes through into the UK economy is a


subject of modelling by all economists who carry out thdse types


of analysis. The Bank of England will shortly be publishing hts next


inflation report, and that should give an indication as to thd forward


directory. Under what circumstances wotld my


right honourable friend introduce another round of quantitative easing


is requested by the Governor of the Bank of England?


That is an important question. He knows the operation of monetary


policy in the UK is independent of Government. Monetary policy,


including quantitative easing, have been highly effective in supporting


the economy. Because of the fiscal implications of an indemnitx for the


bank, packages had to be formally agreed by the Chancellor. Although I


cannot prejudge any hypothetical request, no request for quantitative


easing has ever been refused, and I see no reason why circumstances


would be different in the ftture. The latest reports for it the RBS


bubble restrictor in show even more misconduct in this bank. Dods the


Chancellor not believe he h`s an obligation to the people dods


country to conduct a robust investigation into these allegations


of misconduct? The SCA are looking at this


important issue, and we awaht their view.


Michael Fabricant is not here, that's unprecedented in the history


of me being in this chair. For two, Mr Philip Davies is here.


How much UK taxpayers' monex used to bailout other countries in the EU


has been paid out to the UK and is still outstanding? And what is the


Chancellor doing to make sure we get all this money back when we leave


the European Union? No UK taxpayers' money is bding used


in the EU's leading to other member states. Only in the event of default


with the UK be asked to pay its share.


What has the Chancellor madd of its predecessor's austerity economic


sign the nation's prosperitx, and would he like to apologise for that


divisive and discredited iddology? Irish she what assessment h`ve I


made? Since 2010 we have brought this country back from the very


brink. We have got borrowing down from other 10% of GDP, to around


4%of GDP, with more to deliver. We've created 2.7 million ndw jobs


in this economy, making this economy the fastest-growing in the G-7 for


the last three years. And the fastest job creator in the developed


world. Adding that's erected to be proud of.


To what level must the astronomical costs of the HS2 rise beford the


Chancellor advice is his colleagues extra exam it matter that this


project is no longer good v`lue for money for the taxpayer?


What I would say is that we do believe HS2 is part of modernising


our transport system and ensuring we've got infrastructure for the


21st-century. In the light of the upcoming RBS


quote and given that pass sxstems for redress for small busindsses


have been ad hoc, will the Chancellor meet with us to lake sure


we can form an effective system of redress?


He makes a fair point, but H think we shall wait until we recehve the


report before we proceed. Mr Speaker, you have seen the latest


survey that says that new as the happiest place in mainland Britain.


However, what is testing thd people of newer is the appalling state of


the local roads. What the Chancellor do a favour for the people of Newark


and bring forward the new Ndwark bypass?


As a former resident of this constituency, I'm delighted


technology it's the happiest place in Britain. That may, some on my


happiest times are in living there. As I said, we are currently in the


process of receiving submissions from honourable members across the


House, and I would be very happy to receive a written submission from my


honourable friend. The Chancellor is considering


investment in roads in his @utumn Statement is, well helix


sympathetically at they need to support the vital Carrington


development on the M60 and L62 network, in order to support


journeys in and out of the `rea I don't know the project thd


honourable lady's talking about I assume it is a housing development.


We're certainly very interested in the way infrastructure investments


cannot only deliver in its own right, but also enable much,needed


housing development. If she gives me a written submission, I will look


into it. The last topical question.


Does the Chancellor is a poor German's cyber innovation Cdntre,


and as he grew of me that investing in our defence assets will project


civilian jobs tomorrow? I was very privileged as Foreign


Secretary for two years to have oversight of GCHQ for two ydars It


is a world-class facility. Ht ensures not only security, but also


a cutting edge business sector which is a sensible thing to do and I work


in this excess of the Cheltdnham cyber innovation centre.


What the Leader of the Housd of Commons make a statement in response


to the second session on Prhvate members bills, and will he provide


time for that to be debated? Mr Speaker, the Procedure Committee


rubbishes reports last Tuesday. In my evidence to the committed


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