12/07/2014 The Papers


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Northern Ireland have taken part in the annual parades by the Orange


order, the most significant day of the Protestant marching calendar.


Hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the papers will be bringing


us tomorrow. With me are David Akinsanya, campaigner and


broadcaster and Vincent Moss, Political Editor of the Sunday


Mirror. Tomorrow's front pages, starting with... The Observer leads


with Archbishop Tutu's support for those seeking a change in assisted


dying laws. The Mail on Sunday carries heavy criticism of a new


Channel 4 drama due to air tomorrow night which fictionalises the real


life IRA killing of Tory MP Airey Neave in 1979. The Independent on


Sunday says Child Abuse victims are to sue the government over a lack of


victim support. And the Telegraph says Tony Blair may be called to


Parliament to explain what assurances were given to Sinn Fein


to reassure 'on the run' IRA members they weren't wanted by the Police.


Let's begin with the Independent. An exclusive article and a special


report saying that child abuse victims are set to sue the


government. Legal action over horrific impact of questioning by


police and a lack of counseling. Inside the paper, it mentions a


particular child abuse victim who has chosen not to be named who says


that the pain is so great and that it was such a horrific experience


having to relive it that he needs to try to move on. How can they sue the


government and under what law? He is saying under human rights law. The


government did not give them a safe place to live. That is where they're


going to go with it. The problem is that, I just think that we will hear


more about this. Even in this article, roughly five local


authorities are mentioned here over issues that have not been dealt


with. We all know about what was going on in Jersey. And these


victims have struggled throughout their adult lives and they


understand when you see this in the paper that it is brought back. They


may very well need counseling and support through this. His guy is


saying that he can do it because he doesn't have a family but imagine if


you are settled into your family life and this stuff comes back to


bite you. It really is awful. The very children that we are taking


away from parents to look after we'd been exposed to this kind of abuse.


While their lives may settle down, if the opportunity came for these


people to have some kind of red dress, you would be torn wouldn't


you? `` redress. I could have sued but what I wanted was an apology and


an acknowledgment of what happened because you can send yourself a bit


mad, thinking that no one would listen to you or believe you. I


think people should have the right to sue but the problem is that the


more people who do that, the money will come out of children's services


and so I am not sure if it would be a good thing. The point is that the


time is right for this because we are having investigations and


convictions. The conditions are such that victims will finally be


listened to. The culture has changed after 13 years of being told that


they were making it up or fantasizing, people are starting to


listen `` 30. This man is not from a home that has been featured in the


past he comes from a home in Richmond in Southwest London. It is


kind of symptomatic of what we're going to be seeing which is more


allegations involving more homes and schools and which go right into the


heart of the British establishment. There is coverage of this and many


of the Sunday papers and they involve senior members of the


government and the Thatcher era. These were people involved that were


so powerful at the time. We have a story tomorrow of people so powerful


that they were able to dismiss all the allegations and brush them aside


and nothing was ever done. Finally those victims are going to have


their story listen to and it is about time. All sorts of different


political parties, not just one was it? They close ranks and protected


each other. Definitely. Alleged rings of people within all parties


and the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the judiciary, and


this is what is going to make the inquiry said difficult because there


are already suggestions about whether or not the invigilator will


be able to do it because of her legs to the establishment. Who would be


most suitable? `` links. I would like to see someone involved in the


care system because they would have the knowledge regarding what goes on


in the inside. They can really understand what the modus operandi


was. And that was that it was OK for you to abuse children in care.


Moving on to the Observer. Desmond Tutu on the side of assisted death.


Lord Carey has already said that he would support this bill which would


give doctors the right to administer a lethal dose to someone who is


terminally ill and no longer wanted to live and now we have Desmond


Tutu, known around the world as an eminent religious leader, making a


similar sort of plea and referring to what he saw his friend, Nelson


Mandela go through. He says that it was disgraceful the way Nelson


Mandela was treated shortly before his death at the age of 95 and this


is something that I had heard about that people close to him were


actually charging or trying to get money out of visiting politicians


for the 10th of a photo opportunity with him. `` chance. If you were a


foreign leader, and let's face it, all foreign leaders did want a


picture of themselves next to Nelson Mandela, that his people were trying


to charge for access to Nelson Mandela. Desmond Tutu goes on to say


that he is for a dignity for living and four dignity in death. He says


that he reveres the sanctity of life but not at any cost so he has


started to come down and show a shift in thinking about the church


at least looking at the idea of assisted suicide. A huge step


forward for anything to take to cause all of their teachings are to


the contrary. It is not just the Christian church. Others have rules


as well. As someone who is not religious, we spend a lot of money


trying to save people when, if they were left to the hands of God, they


might have died. But I think the thing about human dignity is the


most important thing. If I was left in a vegetative state, I would not


want to live and I know that. But if you are not terminally ill and in a


vegetative state, is bill would not help you and that is where this bill


draws the line. And it is being debated in the House of Lords next


Friday. The Telegraph, Tony Blair and the IRA. He faces being summoned


before Parliament to explain the secret deals made with Sinn Fein to


assure suspects on the run that they were not wanted by the police. He


has been accused of dodging investigations of this affair. Very


shocking when this came out, romped it by a court case that could not go


ahead. I think many members of the public work shocked by this. I was


listening to the radio yesterday and I heard Gerry Adams singing and the


difference between what he was and what he has become, the distance he


has travelled to get here and the peace that has been in Northern


Ireland for the last few years, we have all appreciated that. It seems


a shame that all of this will be dragged up again but I do think that


he needs to explain to people what the deal was because it does seem


that it was backhanded and it wasn't transparent. He has given some


evidence to the inquiry about this but it looks as though some of that


will remain private. As with anything involving Tony Blair, it


seems as though large parts of what he says or did at the time may not


be public and there is increasing pressure on him to reveal what


happened and that is why he is wanted to explain these so`called


comfort letters to these IRA suspects. What exactly he did with


Gerry Adams, what was said and what they've read and private. I'm not


entirely sure that that would be beneficial `` agreed. But there is


pressure to reveal it. Get therapy or have state benefits. Hundreds of


thousands of people are perhaps suffering from anxiety or depression


which may be reducing their chances of getting a job and ministers are


suggesting that, if they aren't prepared to undergo counseling or


therapy, they will have their benefits reduced. You have to be


ready to have it if it is offered to you. You will not be able to turn it


down, it would seem. That is the key. Nearly half of people who are


on disability have issues with anxiety and depression and in order


to get over those issues, the counseling could be helpful but many


can't get it at the moment. Where the money would come from to do this


and whether they would be offered it rather than being threatened with it


remains to be seen. If the therapy was there, I guess that would be a


great thing. This says that it is based on government figures, the


state spends up to ?1.4 billion a year. All of the things the


government has done... They're tried to save this money from unemployment


but actually, this counseling will cost money and where is it going to


come from? That is the problem. It just feels punitive, something to


have a go at the unemployed again without actually backing it up


without some kind of system. It is a bit like a moot point. It is not


going to make it easy. Here it says, if you have people with treatable


conditions, surely you should treat them? I have friends who are off


work with depression and they still have to fill in the forms and go to


the job Centre and they go into job interviews... Wouldn't this give


them a way out? You have the health minister saying that it is not a


sensible idea. The idea that you cart someone off to therapy and


threaten them with a loss of benefits, it simply won't work. He


is the health minister. Staying with the Telegraph. The day of destiny


for Lionel Messi. He is one of the most popular football players in the


world, lining up against Germany tonight. Is it tonight? Note,


tomorrow. `` no. Has the World Cup held your attention this time? It


did in the early days with the hope that England might do OK but when


they got squashed out, not really. Marginally, I suppose I hope


Argentina does it because it would be fantastic for Lionel Messi that


the money seems to be on the Germans. Not interested? I will say


Germany just to say something. I liked it when Costa Rica within. I


like when there is an underdog to cheer for `` was in. A bit


disappointed now. That is all for this hour. Thank you to my guests.


Stay with us. At midnight, the missiles continue to fly. The latest


in the conflict between Israel and Hamas militants but coming up next,


World Cup Sportsday.


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