Episode 17 Sunday Morning Live

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With the so-called Jungle in Calais set for destruction


by French authorities, more young migrants


We ask is it racist to want tougher checks on them?


The army wants to recruit more soldiers,


but a charity says they shouldn't be signing up 16-year-olds.


wouldn't say I am old enough to join the army because I am not that


responsible. It might be a good way to steer people into a job.


Newspaper criticism of a TV reporter wearing a hijab while covering


a terror incident is free speech, says a watchdog.


Is the press entitled to be offensive?


And former teenage heart-throb Donny Osmond tells Nikki Bedi how it


I didn't do anything but everybody rejected me after loving me for so


many years. It is just excruciatingly painful, emotionally,


because you walk around and you are thinking what are they saying about


me? Our panel is here,


and so is Tommy Sandhu, who'll be We love you to get involved with the


show. That is the people at home covered.


The panel is your responsibility. Thank you. I will take that with


great grace! Esther Rantzen is a


broadcaster and campaigner. James Delingpole is


a columnist and novelist. Myriam Francois-Cerrah


is a journalist Myriam Francois-Cerrah


and Neil Wallis is a former deputy Young migrants arrived


in Britain this week from the so-called Jungle camp


near Calais as part of a resettlement programme


for unaccompanied minors. They have been welcomed by some but


also welcomed with a storm of controversy.


How young are they was the main question being asked.


A Tory MP was branded a racist for asking for dental


checks to prove age, and sports presenter Gary Lineker


kicked off a social media frenzy by saying the reaction


to the new arrivals was hideously racist.


We'll hear what our guests think about this issue in a moment.


First let's hear what's happening at the camp in Calais today


from Simon Jones, who joins us live now.


Good morning. Good morning. These are the dying days of the Jungle.


Absolutely squalid conditions here. Rats, mud, and if you look over


there, you can see some of the building is just falling apart. It


is thought this is home to at unaccompanied children. Do Jackson


helps to support the migrants here. How worried are you with the


bulldozers about to come in? We are really worried, particularly about


the children. Everybody here is vulnerable and fleeing from


something. You wouldn't live in these conditions unless you had to.


The children in particular, a lot of them are still here and we are


desperately worried about getting them out over the next week. It is


proving controversial and taking a long time. Why is that? I think we


started too late. It was only the last week that we


saw children getting out. In particular under the Dublin


agreement, children with strong links to the UK, being allowed to


get out, that has been slow, ten or 20 a day, which is not enough to


handle the 1000 children hear properly. Yesterday we saw children


without links to the UK being started to be sent over but that was


just 50 and we just hope they all get out this week. What do you say


to people who say that these children with no links to the UK


should be looked after by France? I don't mind whether France or the UK


looks after them but what is important if they get looked after


because they are incredibly vulnerable. You have seen the


conditions here. This is no place for a child. Whether they are of 16,


17, 18, 19, it is no place for people of that age. They don't know


how to handle it and they don't know how to handle themselves. Thank you.


Charities will be giving out via today saying it is really time to


leave but there is a big question over where children will go in the


long term. Thank you. Some people have called


the reaction to the migrants It is certainly obvious that


dehumanising language has been used when it comes to migrants and


refugees. People coming from war-torn zones, very vulnerable


individuals, in this case children. We have heard of marauding hordes,


swarms, and a serious columnist at The Sun talking about cockroaches.


When you are looking at a situation of violence, you need a language of


dehumanisation to proceed at, which we are seeing. Combine that with the


fact the UK is only willing to take in 20,000 Syrian refugees over five


years, that is approximately 4000 people to a population of 65 million


in this country, so not exactly a country that seems very welcoming to


refugees. The case specifically of child refugees, David Davies, the MP


who talked about dental checks, he is not exactly a paediatrician who


knows the best means to ascertain the age of a child. I think it is


right that we should determine the age of children coming into the UK,


not least for their own welfare, because then we can determine if


they need foster care, what level of education that can be inserted into,


what support network they can be given when they arrive, but it is


not for an MP who has no idea how to determine this to call for it. And


we had the response of the royal college of Paediatricians, who said


dental checks are not the most effective way of doing this because


there are three to five years leeway either side. But when an MP is


talking about dental checks, that is very different to an expert saying


this is the best way to determine the age of children. Was it right to


talk about dental checks? We can talk about the rights and wrongs and


how many refugees and migrants Britain should take in every year


but this is a separate issue. You have got people pretending to be


children to bypass the immigration system, to cheat it in other words.


They lie about their age. They destroy their passports. Some people


coming in pretending to be children, we can't be sure because their body


has done the proper checks, but they are estimated to be as old as the


G8. They will dental -- as old as 38. The issue is seriously flawed.


The problem is that if people pretend to be children and social


services have got to accept them as children, then we have got men


children, grown-ups being imposed on local schools, having to be looked


after by foster parents, who should be looking after real children. And


also they have a corrupting effect on the real children that they share


a home with. If you are 25-year-old man, you will be more sexually


sophisticated, more into booze, and it is not good for the children who


have got to live with them. Interesting assumptions being made


there. I see recoiling at those comments. You are right. That is a


hypothesis that is monster rising people. What interests me most about


this, you know the dubs amendment? He is an interesting man. I did a


piece about a man called Sir Nicholas Winton, who was responsible


for getting the only Jewish children who survived the holocaust in Prague


out into British families, and one of those children was Lord Dubbs and


I am thrilled that Winton's humanity survives in our desire to look after


these children. I was talking to somebody who runs a charity in the


circle Jungle in Calais yesterday. She told me about her concerns about


them when they come to this country. They will be alone, some of the


children that came over from the holocaust were not necessarily very


well treated. We have got to keep a duty of care. I am not interested in


the mythology about people with stubbled cheeks having sexual


majority. I think that is my asthma in your brain, James. -- miasma.


There is a subtle difference between what happened in 1938 in Germany


went to was children who were certainly going to death camps were


rescued by Britain, which is to our eternal credit. It is different when


grown-ups are coming to Calais to cheat the immigration system. France


is not Nazi Germany, it is not a war zone. What about Syria? I have


accompanied miners in Calais and don't just take my word for it when


I tell you they are fleeing extreme conditions, not just children but


the adults in the area. But Unicef reports points to the real dangers


facing children in these camps. Trafficking, sexual assault,


violence of all varieties. This might just be me, but there is


possibly a risk of as letting in a few people over the age in question,


but to do that to protect an overarching number of children


vulnerable to trafficking and sexual trafficking, I would say that is


worth the risk. I want this to be a panel discussion. Neil, the point


being made there, letting in a few rotten eggs to help the greater


good? You know the real point here, don't you? A lovely long speech from


the liberal elite sitting in comfortable London. I have known


Esther Rantzen for many years, a lovely woman, liberal, expansive,


let's be worthy, etc. Part of the issue we have got here is that the


people watching at home do not connect with this. Do not connect


with what? The reality is that there is a huge disconnect between the


liberal life here in London and how people are outside. That is a


reality... People are reacting to this. They are, but with respect,


they are not only talking about this from this position. Let's have some


facts. The Home Office, who are wonderfully copping this up as


usual, have admitted that 60% of those who have applied to come here


as children have turned out to be phonies. They haven't. That is a


misreading of the statistics. It isn't true. Yesterday it turned out


that roughly 50% of those who have come here have turned out not to be


children. I have a very clear position on this. If these children


are entitled to be here, then of course they should be. If they are


real children, they should be here. But let's have some reality. You


talk about Syria and war zones, they are not actually. They have


travelled all the way across Europe and they are in a safe country


called France. Why are they not in children's homes in France? Why


don't we want them here? Those statistics are wrong. You say that.


I do. Let me finish. They are based on those about whom there is some


dispute. When there are told about whom there is some dispute about


their age, 60% of them, as you say, but that is a tiny minority of the


children who are currently... It is not 60% of all the children, it is


60% of a tiny minority. Most of the children are obviously children and


are being looked after and fostered here. The Home Office ought to be


more open about it. We could look after more. They are children and


their privacy has got to be protected. If this was your child in


a vulnerable situation, you might not want to seek... Let's be


finished. I wouldn't want to see my child's face. They are not the same


as those coming through the other day. You are guessing and there are


clearly children, which you will accept, and so on that basis,


certainly their identity should be protected, as with any children. If


we make the assumption they are children until they go through the


appropriate checks... And you say there is no transparency but


actually The Home Office is very transparent. I don't know if you


have bothered to read it but I have. There is clear outlining of how


people assess the age of the children in question. There is the


Merton test when there is a dispute of the age. These people are experts


in determining the age of children and they do know how. If you think


there are lots of tests, I would love to see them working for a


change. It is estimated in the last ten years that 5000 grown-ups


pretending to be children got through our system. Although there


are deportation systems in place, they are never actually used. I


think 40,000 refugees, well, immigrants, last year were lined up


for deportation but they don't get deported because the system is


broken. We are not here this morning to talk about how many refugees we


should take in. We are talking very specifically about these migrants


pretending to be children in order to abuse the Dublin agreement. That


is what you are talking about. I am talking about the fact that in this


country we are demonising children. A lot of them are. Judge How do you


think this issue has got to this point where we are asking if this is


racist? That's a really important question. I will tell you how it


happens. It is because here in London these lovely comfy people


demonise what ordinary viewers, ordinary readers of newspapers,


ordinary people have concerns about. The fact that people have concerns


does not make them racist. It does not make them xenophobic. Just a


minor thing, again, it was mentioned about dental checks. There's a


reality here. There are 28 states in the EU. 24 of those states use some


kind of medical test to verify the age of potential immigrants. So we


are in a minority. I think Malta is one of the other ones. Most


countries out there actually use these medical tests. And so should


we, because the voice of ordinary people deserveses to be heard.


You've been sending us your texts and tweets on this.


Let's hear some of your reactions from Tommy.


By far the majority of people are saying that identity checks should


be in place, and how that doesn't make us racist.


Ester, I don't think Miriam and I are against identifying the age of


children. For all the reasons she said, it is in the children's


interests. That's what Miriam and I are trying to protect. Don't


demonise us as liberal. I don't know what your politics are, Miriam, and


you don't know what mine ar. I was an independent candidate in Louthton


South, very up successful. Nobody knew which side of the fence I was.


I am pro child. If you have an unaccompanied child, whether or not


they have links in this country, as the children who came over from the


Holocaust did not have, I say welcome them. And they will repay


us. How do I know? Because I'm a member of a Jewish community where


so many of the outstanding and distinguished people owe everything


to this country and have never forgotten it. Like Nikki Winterton


himself. Let's remember James' valid point. We took those children in.


They faced death in death camps. This is not the same. We didn't know


that at the time. In Si, 815,000 people? Except France and Calais


isn't Syria. There's a simple answer to this. Again, James touched on it.


If you want to come here and you have a genuine case, how many of


those children who've come all the way from the war zones, who have


travelled through all of those countries in Europe, who've made


that journey, somehow they've made it alone. That's another subject. If


you ask a genuine candidate to come here, if we, if you would agree to a


simple test to verify your age, would you agree? Any genuine


immigrant is going to, who is entitled to come here, who has a


genuine case, will say, me first. If they were deemed to be effective,


yes of course. Those countries think it is effective. We are the


minority. Along with Malta. Let her make her point. Two points. The


reason many of them are in Calais, and I have done many reports from


Calais and spoken to the children in question, they have family members


in this country and want to be reunited with the people they know.


If you have fled war thousands of miles away, you probably want to try


and resettle somewhere where you have a connection. But the second


point was about the Home Office checks. There are multiple checks,


physiological, psychological, documentary, and the Merton test,


experienced social workers looking at the child's educational


background, their level of development. Children from war zones


do not look your your children, because they've been through war.


They don't look like children? No, because they've been through a lot.


Your level of maturity and how you look is different. The debate in


this country over refugees only shifted when a white child's body


washed up on the shore. That's when the debate in this country changed.


It is only when the children look like yours that you are prepared to


make changes. We have to have compassion, surely. On that note,


I'm going to stop that conversation for the moment. Thank you. I'm sure


you've struck a chord with many people at home.


Still to come on Sunday Morning Live:


Muyiwa and Riversongz are here with some African music


Unusually for the BBC we are going to take a quick commercial break.


In the Army you get paid to develop new skills that will set you up for


life... That's a flavour of one


of the army's latest recruiting ads. But there's been criticism this week


about 16 and 17-year-olds The public health charity Medact


says that teenage army recruits are more vulnerable to trauma,


alcohol abuse, self-harm, and death during an armed forces


career when compared to adults. So should the army


recruit 16-year-olds? Samanthi Flanagan has


been sampling views. I'm in Liverpool, a city where youth


unemployment levels are well above the national average. One employer


is still recruiting across the UK is the early, but some people question


the minimum recruitment age of 16. So, how young is too young to sign


up? Tell me, do you know what age you can join up to the Army at? .


It's usually 18. Is it 18? 18, is it? I thought it was 16. I think


it's 2016. It is 16. Do you think that's a suitable age or is that too


young? It is a bit too young. It is about maturity. You are not really


man and you are going and doing manly things. No harm in it. It is a


good thing. It teaches them how to behave. Having been an Army wife and


seen young kids getting killed, getting maimed, no, for a mother and


I think for any woman it is heartbreaking to see young kids


going as basically what I call cannon fodder. What age are you


guys? 15. 16. Do you think you are ready to make a decision like that?


I wouldn't say I'm old enough to join the Army, because I'm not that


responsibility. Taking on that big a responsibility it just wouldn't be


right. I do think that perhaps some kind of national service, because I


think young people need self discipline. Possibly some students


will waste time going to university, it costs them a lot of money and


they can't find work, so the Army is a good outlet for them and they get


careers out of it. If your child wanted to join, what do you think? I


wouldn't like them to. Possibly the safety. Will they come back? Do you


think the age should be raised? Yes, I believe it should. At least 18.


You're old enough at 18 to vote, so if you are old enough to help with


the economy, you should be old enough to give your life. But 16 is


too early. It does them good, it gets that aggravation out of them.


Even at 16 you wouldn't be concerned No, not at all. I think better there


than on the streets. Joining us for this discussion


is Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Lane, a former Commanding Officer


of the Army Foundation College, Rachel Taylor, who is


the programme manager at Child Soldiers International,


and down the line from our newsroom is Colonel Johnny Blair-Tidewell,


a spokesperson for the You've worked in training


recruits under 18. Do you agree with this report


that they are more likely to suffer I would say from my experiences that


that's not something I recognise. I think the reality is that the junior


soldiers who come to the Army get more training. Than just about any


other recruit that goes through the system. And that preparation is


fundamental. Do they get more training because they are considered


to be vulnerable? I think in part, yes. And also that the Army is


absolutely obligated to getting soldiers to their units as close to


18 as possible. Possible. Noting that none of them can deploy on


operations until they are over 18. Rachel, you campaign against the


recruitment of people under the age of 18. Your view on this report. We


work closely with men act on this report, on Medact from this report.


From statistics from the Ministry of Defence and health professionals and


veterans and families we've spoken to is that it is the youngest and


the most vulnerable recruits who suffer the worst consequences as a


result of enlisting at that age. Precisely because coming into the


Armed Forces young, coming into that very pressurised environment, a


dangerous, physically dangerous environment, it affects them more


because they don't have the same resources to fullback on. It is


often presented by the MOD as this golden opportunity for young people


to gain education and training they wouldn't get anywhere else. But the


fact is the armed forces are exempt from legislation on educational


standards. They are exempt from pretty much all of the child welfare


legislation in this country, so the education you will get if you enlist


at 16 is of a lower standard and a narrower bredth than in any other


context in this country. A 16-year-old hairdressing trainee


will get higher qualifications than they would get if they enlisted in


the Army as an infantry soldier. Stuart? My experience is, we train


two cohorts. One is over a year, and they're those predominantly going to


the combat arms, and those going to technical for the six months. That's


because the second round of training for those in technical field can be


anywhere up to two years long. Those in the combat do a shorter length of


training. So in the case of an infant eer, four months. Our date


that showed that 74% of those joining the combat arms had a


literacy and numeracy rate below that of an 11-year-old. -Old. 2% sat


in the five-year bracket. They can't articulate themselves on paper. They


draw sketches, so somewhere along the line they have been failed. Yet


in 10 weeks of actual study time we get 100% to a City and Guilds level


1 literacy and numeracy. That's a GCSE equivalent, sort of, of a G to


D grade. You are talking about the level of education people get. But


often when people ask about recruitment they are thinking about


combat and the environment that children, or 1818s, are in. I have


never forgotten ChildLine listening to a killed of 16 talking about his


experiences in the Army. He had rung the helpline 08001111, he felt very


lonely. And I think it is a bit absurd actually. I belong to a


generation where there was national service but that was at 18. I do


think that it would be sensible, would it not, to move the age of


recruitment up top the age whenner considered old enough to sign a


contract, because 18... You get phone calls on ChildLine from


children bullied in school or their community. The trouble is when you


are in the Army there is no escape. This was the concern the kid had,


that the bullying, as it does with cyber bullying, but the bullying was


all around him. But it's not really that I'm concerned about. We though


that the emotional age of someone of 16, the neuroscience shows us that


the wires aren't joined up in your head. So if you get an emotional


impact of a very unhappy experience, if you are asked to make decisions


which are beyond you, you are still a child. Let's find out what


happens. Colonel Johnny Blair-Tidewell is a spokesman for


the Ministry of Defence. You've been listening to this discussion. Your


views, once you are in you can't escape, understand at that age you


are not wired the same way you are perhaps a couple of years older and


as well prepared to cope with the pressures of military life? Thank


you, I would say three things. First of all recruiting from 16 to 18 A


troop is necessary for the armed forces. It is legal and it is


voluntary. If I turn to that specific question about people being


perhaps able to make the right decision at that age, that's why


parental consent is required throughout the recruiting process.


It is not just the individual 17 or 16-year-old but The Guardian or


parent. It is a joint decision they are making to start a career in the


Armed Forces. Once a 16-year-old or 17-year-old joins the Armed Forces


there are special provisions in place to enable them to determine


their service. What we mean is that they are able to leave after a short


period of notice if they find they just don't suit the environment they


find themselves in. That's an absolute right. That's part of the


protection, part of the reason why recruiting 16 to 18-year-olds is


legal. James, your reaction? We seem to be living in an age where we like


to pathologise childhood. We are always talking about think of the


children. I think children are often a lot more resilient than we give


them credit for. You have to think that there were 13-year-old


midshipmen on the Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar, drummer boys


kept the formations moving at the Battle of Waterloo. And I imagine


they were petrified. I'm not suggesting we good back to that.


Children were used as runners and stretcher bearers at the siege of


Mafikeng. I'm not saying it is for everybody. I did CCF at school and


found it boring but some children really enjoyed it. For a certain


kind of 16-year-old, not all, the Army can become your family. We've


heard that they are allowed to stop if they don't want to do it. I think


statistics show that 16-year-olds stay in the Army longer than people


who join when they are older. I don't think there is anything wrong


with that. It is typical we are getting left-wing charities with to


think of the children game and this excuse, think of the military, which


is what people do. Some children can benefit from the


structure, from the military, being focused on and not left behind.


Children who slip through the gaps of normal education. Yes, that is


the response we often get from spokespeople. It is very misleading.


Well, they can drop out. They can drop out within certain restrictions


and they have got to give a three-month notice period. Children


cannot withdraw consent after they have enlisted. It doesn't mean you


leave and go back to your normal life as if it was a job like any


other. The ones that analyst at 16, one in three drop out within a year.


-- the ones that join at 16. They are unemployed, no qualifications,


at high risk of becoming long-term unemployed. The youngest veterans


are most likely to be long-term unemployed. If you take two


16-year-old boys with the same academic and social background, at


school in Morpeth, and one of them are lists and the other doesn't, the


one who listed is twice as likely to become long-term unemployed as the


one that didn't, precisely because the education they are getting does


not beat the standards they would get everywhere else. In the past,


16-year-olds probably got an equivalent level of education and


training as young people elsewhere but that is not the case any more.


Since the education and skills act 2008, 16 to 20 rolls have got to be


in education and get high high level of education. In terms of leaving, a


soldier under training can leave at any point. Without giving three


months notice? Yes, you have got to give three months. When I was


commanding officer at Harrogate, any soldier could leave at any time.


Why? Because this is our profession. We know we are called upon to do


things that for many are distasteful. So we have got to deal


with the reality of conflict. The last thing any of us wants to do as


commanders is put people in a situation they can't handle.


Selection, training, the support they get after they return from


operations is fundamental. If a soldier is dissatisfied within the


unit under training, it doesn't make sense to retain him or her. It


doesn't. It has an effect on everyone else and it is not right


for us. That is the whole point of training. Secondly when it comes to


education, what the army offers is not just a qualification. It also


offers life skills and we are building character. We are building


adults that this country can be proud of. Let's see what the country


and our viewers think about this. We have got some texts and tweets. On


that last point: A variety of views. Lieutenant


Colonel Johnny Blair-Tidewell, some of those comments saying they are


not physically mature enough at the age of 16 and one person said child


abuse. What is your reaction? If I can just go back to something that


Rachel mentioned, which is the standard of education. Although the


armed forces are exempt from the 2008 education act, they do comply


with it. 16 to 18-year-olds do receive the required number of hours


as they go through their training and that is a statement of fact. The


second thing is it takes a long time for people to mature and I don't


think 18 is necessarily a cut. It can in some cases take people


longer. What the armed forces offer is a really intensive education,


training opportunities and environment, which is actually there


to care for them. We are not talking about a population as vulnerable as


some of the speakers this morning have suggested. Thank you very much.


We could have continued this for much longer, I am sure. And Rachel,


we do acknowledge your reaction disagreeing with the Lieutenant


Colonel. Thank you for your comments and keep them coming in. Donny


Donny Osmond has been a performer for more than 50 years.


He was singing on network television in America at the age of five.


Since then he's sold 100 million records.


He joined other members of his family to form The Osmonds,


a group which became a phenomenal worldwide success.


Nikki Bedi went to meet Donny to discover


that there were bad times as well as moments of superstardom.


When you toured the UK in the 1970s, you practically brought the country


to a standstill, no exaggeration. What do you think it was about you


that caused that hysteria? Can you pinpoint it? I would like to think


there was some talent involved! I guess I was at the right place at


the right time with the right look and the Wright brothers. With Puppy


Love, Sweet And Innocent, I really hate that prepubescent teen and got


that message. We worked hard at what we did. -- we really hit the


pre-praise prepubescent teen. They just got the message at the right


time. # Love me for a reason... You were


in a rock and roll world. Where your beliefs and your faith ever tested?


I was about 16 when I thought I was a hypocrite. I told everybody I was


a Mormon and I didn't know what I believed, so I started studying. I


really started figuring it out. That is when I got my testimony that this


is exactly what I want to do in my life. It is going to ground me and


give me a relief and respect for deity and a purpose in life. It has


really helped me in my life. This excess of The Book Of Mormon,, if


you don't take it too seriously it is quite funny. -- this success. I


do agree that you shouldn't take yourself too seriously but I do take


God seriously. # We would like to share with you


this book of Jesus Christ. Do you know what the groups of Mormons did


here? They were outside the theatre. There were huge adverts throughout


the underground, saying with a moment and we are for you. Isn't it


great that the Mormon church didn't shy away from that. They said you


have seen the play, someone's interpretation, now read the book


and get your own testimony of whether it is true or not.


# And they called it puppy love. # I guess they will never know.


Let's talk about Popular Of. You had an image and the world adored you.


What about when it went away? That was when it got hard. I didn't do


anything but everybody rejected me after loving me for so many years.


It is just a natural thing that takes place. What you liked when you


were 13 years old, when you become 17, 18, 19, that is for little kids.


All teen idols go through this, excruciatingly painful emotionally.


I would go into the studio and I would record demos. I would ask


producers if they had anything for me to sing because I believed in my


talent. Just give me something to sing. Eventually that is when Peter


Gabriel came into my life and said, you have got a great voice. I have


never bought your records! Even Peter said that. But you have got a


good voice. What are you doing with your career? I told him I sob story.


He said, know what? Let's go and experiment. He gave me the hit,


Soldier Of Love. It took off and I never looked back.


# It is the state of the heart when you are soldier of love. Your


upcoming tour for the UK, January and February dates, you will be


performing from the album Sound Check To My Life. This is my 60th


album and not many people can say they have done 60. This is just for


me. Really personal. I want to cover some songs that influenced my life


had made me who I am today. # The long and winding road.


# That leads to your door. What I would love for you to tell us is why


you have put The Long And Winding Road on the album. I was in France


in the 60s in a hotel and I opened the door and Paul McCartney was


standing there with his daughter Mary, asking for an autograph. That


is a terrible accent! Forgive me. I said yes and he hands a picture of


me. He says put to Mary. There you go. Thank you very much. The door


closes and fast forward 15 years and I am in London and Paul is in the


adjacent studio. I thought I have got to verify this story. I walk in


and I say, hi, how are you doing? I say, Paul, did it happen or did I


dream about it? He said, not only did it happen, but you autograph is


one of the very few autographs I have asked for in my entire life. As


a child I believe you wanted to be the first person to sing on the


moon. You know this story! When they landed on the moon in 68, 69, I


remember watching on television. You know how little kids dream. I wanted


to be one of the first thing is on the moon. I think Buzz Aldrin told


me this story. They said one of the Apollo missions, they took a tape of


Andy Williams singing Aquarius. # Are you Lonesome tonight?


A television reporter became the news herself this week


when she said that an open season for criticism of Muslims


and minorities had effectively been declared by a decision


Fatima Manji, along with 1,700 other people,


complained to IPSO about an article by Sun columnist Kelvin MacKenzie


after the terror attack in Nice in July which killed 86 people.


He criticised Channel 4 News for using a presenter wearing


Theresa May has promised Britain will redouble its efforts to defeat


brutal terrorist murders, warning that a similar attack in the UK is


highly likely. The press regulator said that although his views were


offensive to some, he is entitled to express his views under free speech.


Is the press entitled to be offensive?


We're joined now by Joseph Harker, the deputy opinion editor


at The Guardian, and rejoining us is Neil Wallis,


the former deputy editor of the News of the World.


Have IPSO, the press regulator, proved themselves to be weak


by taking no action against Kelvin MacKenzie?


I think the way you have phrased that is interesting. The way that


IPSO have defended themselves is interesting. They are being thrown


against the clarion calls of the Guardian and the BBC, taking away


free speech but everyone else but keeping it for themselves. The truth


is it is an important ruling because one of the freedoms of the press is


the freedom to be offensive. I may say something, you may say something


that I deem to be deeply offensive. But if you are not breaking the law,


then you are allowed to say it. It was attributed to Voltaire and I


don't think it was him, but the great phrase about I detest what you


say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it, that holds


true. It holds true particularly at this time, in the circumstances of


this country. Kelvin MacKenzie could have said completely the opposite


and he would have had complaints. People are allowed to have opinions.


And a great part of the problem that we have in this country at the


moment is the fact that you are not allowed to have an opinion unless it


goes with that supposedly mainstream.


Let's get the view from the Guardian, one of the institutions


you mentioned were screeching. I'm not here on behalf of the Guardian.


I'm free so say what I want. Good. You always here about free speech,


but let's be real here. Free speech always have restrictions.


Restrictions. There are laws on libel and on contempt of court which


restrict what you can say. Free speech is not an absolute. Not only


that but after the Leveson Inquiry the press set up the IPSO, IPSO, to


oversee the press and it has an editorial code. And that editorial


code imposes further restrictions on what the press can and can't say. So


to claim it is all about free speech is ridiculous. The press have


willingly signed up to regulation which is restrict what they can say.


One of those regulations quite clearly prohibits comment which is


prejudicial to people by virtue of their religion. Clearly what Kelvin


MacKenzie said was prejudicial to Fatima Manji on behalf of her


religion, because he said, if it appropriate that a Muslim woman


should be covering the story of Nice? She was doing her job. He was


asking the question and IPSO cleared him of any wrongdoing. Do you


disagree with the ruling? I disagree with Kelvin MacKenzie. What is even


worse is IPSO's ruling. It goes, it flies in the face of the editors o


own code of practice and it there are institutionalises what Kelvin


MacKenzie said and makes it OK. It basically enforces and says to the


national press that bigotry is fine in the national press. This is rich


coming from a newspaper... Let him finish. Can I point out that IPSO,


if you go to its website it has 25 members of staff on the board, the


complaints committee and senior staff. Only one of them is from


anneth thing minority background. On the complaints committee not a


single one is ethnic minority. I'm not saying white people are not


entitle to judge on this but it shows you how out of touch this


organisation it is and how insensitive it is on minority


issues. Let's make this a discussion shall we? Esther, one of the points


is IPSO is upholding bigotry. Well, if I was looking for an epitome of


taste, sensitivity and empathy I wouldn't go to Kelvin MacKenzie and


even if he hadn't called me appalling names in the past. Do you


think he has a right to express a view? Yes, I do. Do I think he was


being offensive? Yes, I do. Do I think that this has sparked off a


very interesting debate? Yes, I do, because not all Muslims are


terrorists. It is very important, I think, that a Muslim woman should


sit there reporting objectively about an appalling terrorist event.


I think it makes the point that I would like to see made more often


and more loudly that terrorists are offending against Islam as much as


they are offending against the rest of the world. So, I actually, on


this occasion, the jury is out on this particular regulator. I'm not


convinced that they are strong enough or objective enough, but on


this particular ruling, I think that it has produced a fruitful debate.


Myriam, the job of a columnist surely is to provoke ideas. This is


what Kelvin MacKenzie that done and sparked discussion? Discussion?.


Yes, but there's a context to everything we say in the public


sphere and Kelvin MacKenzie is speaking in a context in which


there's a huge spike in hate crimes against Muslims in this country.


According to one of the regulators a 300% increase, over that figure, in


London. The Met Police cuts a doubling of the number of hate


crimes against Muslims. The incidents are manifold but, point


that's important to draw out here is Fatima Manji is a journalist who


happens to be a Muslim. To suggest that by virtue of being a Muslim she


would have any sympathy with terrorists the is extremely


problematic and also draws a line between any Muslim, anyone visibly


identified as Muslim, as potentially sympathising with terrorists. If you


suggest that somebody isn't appropriate to report on a terrorist


attack because they are Muslim, what are you saying, that they


potentially sympathise with the terrorists? I don't know what other


implication we are supposed to draw out from this. And that's within a


broader climate in which they are assumption of Muslims holding views


on this. A third of the victims were Muslims. The first victim as was a


Muslim in a headscarf, called Fatima. We are asking if the press


has a right to be offensive. As a former deputy editor of News of the


World give us an insight into what columnists are told to do. The idea


is to get people thinking. I think we do need to come back to your


point. This is a debate about press freedom. We've had two speeches here


about the reporting of Muslim issues. This is an issue about free


speech. Kelvin MacKenzie could just have easily be writing about the


American elections. He could just as easily, trust me, be offensive on


that or a number of issues. This is about whether or not freedom of


speech, freedom of the press, includes the right to be fence itch,


for instance, so, for instance, I found it incredibly offensive every


time I have watched Channel 4 News interview Anjem Choudary and allowed


him to spout his hate and his bile. I've been appalled, my friend over


here is the deputy comment editor. I think you've allowed him your


columns in your columns to spout his hate and bile. I don't think he's


ever written for us. Well, in that case I apologise, but he's written


for a variety of people. Do you know what? I hated the idea that your


readers at home had his revolting views exposed to them. But you know


what? That's freedom of speech. While you keep within the law. So


what about Charlie Hebdo? That was offensive. Deeply, deeply offensive


that I that cartoon newspaper to millions upon millions of Muslims.


Not just about Muslims. They were offensive about everything. Did that


justify them being massacred? There are a myriad examples of where


people in Holland... I'm going to stop you listing examples because I


want to get the views of our viewers. Freedom of speech. Freedom


to offend. I want to come back to the editors' code.


Tommy, tell us what our viewers are saying.


Joseph, tell me was restrictions you are given at the Guardian when it


comes to expressing an opinion. It was something that was clearly


racist or extremist, we wouldn't run the piece. Or we would edit it so


those extremists forms are taken out. We wouldn't publish Kelvin


MacKenzie's article. Can I remind Neil of what the code says, the


press must avoid pejorative reference to an individual's race or


religion. You have read the piece? I have. I will quote it. He talked


about the ordinary viewer, he looked at the hijab as slavery of women,


with all the major terrorist outrages in the world currently


being carried out by Muslims I think the rest of us are reasonably


entitled to have concerns about what is beating in their religious


hearts. In other words, he is saying that 1.5 billion Muslims around the


world are under suspicion because of the outrages... This is an


example... You are not hearing me. Joseph, no. We have a time issue


here. Enough. I apologise for shutting down this discussion. But I


have to. That's just about all


from us for today. It's frustrating, I know, but time


is against us. It's Black History Month,


a celebration of black history, Here to mark it for us we have


Muyiwa and Riversongz, singing in the Igbo


language of Nigeria. Their song is titled Imela,


which means "thank you". # I will sing of the Lord's


great love forever more. # With my mouth I will shout


for joy forever more. # I will sing of the Lord's


great love forever more. # With my mouth I will shout


for joy forever more. # I will sing of the Lord's


great love forever more. # With my mouth I will shout


for joy forever more. # Imela, Imela, Imela,


you feel that stm Imela. # I will sing of the Lord's great


love forever more. # With my mouth I will shout


for joy forever more. # I will sing of the Lord's great


love forever more. # With my mouth I will shout


for joy forever more.


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