22/03/2016 Newsround


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First up - Have you got one of these yet?


It's a microbit, and one million of you across the country


have being given one for free by the BBC.


Martin's been finding out more about these


You can programme them to do what ever you want.


You can put your name in it, a smiley face, what ever you want.


These portable computers include built in compasses and technology


that connects you to the internet. You can connect it to other places


and even telephones, robots, tablets and more, to get them doing all


sorts of things. This is a microbits connected to a ping-pong bat and it


tells you how many keep ups you can do with the ping-pong ball. Every


time I take a step on that foot it adds another one onto it like I have


programmed it do. It is good. The microbit aims to be a fun and


practical way to inspire you to get active and develop your skills in


science, technology and engineering. Who knows? You could even lead the


way to a job in the future. Joining me now is Katie, who has


been doing something out of this world with a microbits. You have


actually sent it into space, which is amazing. What did you do? I


programmed this microbit to show an animation of a balloon, which this


is connected to, going up, popping, and then it shows the temperature,


is connected to, going up, popping, and it says the name of my school.


Amazing. This has been up to space and back down again and you have


recorded the temperature. That is fantastic. Let me show you the


camera, because this is what Katie designed, and it says what


temperature it is, so it is currently 17 degrees in here. What


is it here? In here are two raspberry pies which are selling


from two directions. One is filming out of here and it is from the


microbit and the other one is taking pictures. What did you see when you


got all the footage back? What did you see of space question right it


is amazing. You can see the sun in some of it. That sounds brilliant!


Has this got you intrigued in and science? Yes, it has got me more


into coding, so I am coding a lot more. That is brilliant. What did


you find out? Is it hot or cold up there? Much, much colder. That is


amazing! Thank you so much for joining us. We will be hearing more


from Katie later. Now, if you liked that


you will love our latest We've set one year 7 class


a challenge to find out if technology is taking


over their lives. Let's go! We are going to spit this


class into three different groups. -- split. The first group is going


to be able to use technology whenever you want. The second group


will only be allowed to use technology for two hours a day over


the next three days. The final group won't be able to use any technology


whatsoever for the next three days. It says here that using technology


before bedtime can also affect your sleep. Mum! I can't join in. I miss


it a lot! I don't know what to do with myself, I am just so bored. I


haven't missed it as much as I thought it would. Maybe we should


take a step back from it and go outside.


That Newsround Special - Is Tech Taking Over?


There's loads more of all things tech


We want to know if you think you're addicted to tech.


That's all for now, I'm back with more tech-extravaganza


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