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Want to see some hairy dogs? | 0:00:02 | 0:00:05 | |
Some Elvis-impersonating dogs? | 0:00:05 | 0:00:07 | |
Or some very spoilt dogs? Yeah? | 0:00:07 | 0:00:09 | |
Then sit down and shut up, | 0:00:09 | 0:00:13 | |
because at the Dog House, champion dog trainer Zak George | 0:00:13 | 0:00:16 | |
teaches ordinary dogs incredible things. | 0:00:16 | 0:00:19 | |
Welcome to Who Let The Dogs Out? | 0:00:19 | 0:00:21 | |
Today on Who Let The Dogs Out?, | 0:00:42 | 0:00:43 | |
dogs are singing, | 0:00:43 | 0:00:45 | |
getting married, | 0:00:45 | 0:00:47 | |
doing cute tricks, | 0:00:47 | 0:00:48 | |
plus three dogs will learn to resist incredible temptations. | 0:00:48 | 0:00:52 | |
Could your dog walk past a plate of tasty sausages | 0:00:55 | 0:00:58 | |
without giving them a sniff? | 0:00:58 | 0:01:00 | |
Would your dog ignore their favourite toy? | 0:01:00 | 0:01:02 | |
Today's challenge is called Temptation Alley. | 0:01:02 | 0:01:04 | |
Let me tell you what it's all about. | 0:01:04 | 0:01:06 | |
I'm going to scatter objects that dogs love all over Temptation Alley. | 0:01:06 | 0:01:10 | |
The three dogs on today's show must, | 0:01:10 | 0:01:12 | |
when called by their trainer, | 0:01:12 | 0:01:14 | |
run the length of Temptation Alley without sniffing at anything. | 0:01:14 | 0:01:18 | |
The dog that gets to their trainer in the fastest time | 0:01:18 | 0:01:21 | |
will win the challenge. | 0:01:21 | 0:01:23 | |
Teaching your dog to come to you, | 0:01:23 | 0:01:25 | |
even when there's temptation around, is very important, | 0:01:25 | 0:01:28 | |
so I want to start with dogs that understand | 0:01:28 | 0:01:31 | |
the basic "Leave it" command, | 0:01:31 | 0:01:32 | |
and that's what I was looking for at the try-outs. | 0:01:32 | 0:01:36 | |
Over 400 kids, | 0:01:40 | 0:01:41 | |
from all round the UK, | 0:01:41 | 0:01:43 | |
-brought their dogs to the try-outs. -Oh, I've got to see that! | 0:01:43 | 0:01:46 | |
They all wanted to make it into the Dog House, | 0:01:46 | 0:01:49 | |
but first, they had to impress Zak. | 0:01:49 | 0:01:50 | |
That was pretty impressive, I've got to say! | 0:01:52 | 0:01:55 | |
He saw leaping dogs, | 0:01:55 | 0:01:57 | |
noisy dogs, happy dogs, | 0:01:57 | 0:01:58 | |
and hot dogs! | 0:01:58 | 0:02:00 | |
Some were a bit bonkers, | 0:02:00 | 0:02:02 | |
while others just couldn't be bothered. | 0:02:02 | 0:02:04 | |
But Zak only needed three teams to go to the Dog House, | 0:02:04 | 0:02:07 | |
not 400! | 0:02:07 | 0:02:10 | |
And in the end, he chose these ones. | 0:02:10 | 0:02:12 | |
My name is Eleanor, | 0:02:12 | 0:02:14 | |
and my dog's name is The Stig. | 0:02:14 | 0:02:16 | |
I come from the Wirral. | 0:02:16 | 0:02:18 | |
What an unusual-looking dog! He's very handsome. | 0:02:18 | 0:02:21 | |
Why don't you go ahead and show me some of the stuff that he can do? | 0:02:21 | 0:02:24 | |
Eleanor is ten, and her dog, The Stig, is only 18 months old. | 0:02:24 | 0:02:27 | |
-Roll over. -Woah! | 0:02:27 | 0:02:29 | |
Once, Eleanor and her sister | 0:02:29 | 0:02:33 | |
dressed The Stig up as a fairy! | 0:02:33 | 0:02:34 | |
And then we put him in a belly dancer's costume, | 0:02:34 | 0:02:36 | |
which was just really weird. | 0:02:36 | 0:02:39 | |
I'm so sorry that you were dressed up as a fairy! | 0:02:39 | 0:02:41 | |
Never mind that, Zak, he was a belly dancer! | 0:02:41 | 0:02:45 | |
Leave it. Leave it. | 0:02:45 | 0:02:46 | |
Go ahead and give it to him. | 0:02:48 | 0:02:50 | |
Go on, then! Good boy. | 0:02:50 | 0:02:52 | |
Because The Stig was so good at "Leave it", | 0:02:52 | 0:02:55 | |
Zak chose them for Temptation Alley. | 0:02:55 | 0:02:57 | |
-Excellent job! -Thank you. -Thank you. | 0:02:57 | 0:03:00 | |
This is Red. I'm Josh. | 0:03:00 | 0:03:02 | |
And she's a red border collie, | 0:03:02 | 0:03:04 | |
and we come from County Durham. | 0:03:04 | 0:03:06 | |
Why do you want to come to the Dog House? | 0:03:06 | 0:03:09 | |
Well, I think Red's got really good potential, and I think she'll | 0:03:09 | 0:03:12 | |
do all the tricks really well. | 0:03:12 | 0:03:13 | |
-I want you to just do your thing. -Wait. | 0:03:13 | 0:03:16 | |
Josh is 12, | 0:03:16 | 0:03:18 | |
-and his dog, Red, is five. -Go get it! Go fetch! | 0:03:18 | 0:03:20 | |
Check for you, just to make sure. | 0:03:20 | 0:03:22 | |
-Good girl! -Very nice. | 0:03:22 | 0:03:25 | |
Josh and Red are at level six in agility, | 0:03:25 | 0:03:27 | |
which is just one level below World Class! | 0:03:27 | 0:03:30 | |
Josh has eight other border collies in the family, | 0:03:30 | 0:03:33 | |
but Red is his favourite. | 0:03:33 | 0:03:36 | |
Zak loved Josh and Red's relationship, | 0:03:36 | 0:03:38 | |
and he felt that they could do really well at this challenge. | 0:03:38 | 0:03:42 | |
And the grin on your face is priceless right now! | 0:03:42 | 0:03:44 | |
-Terrific job! -Thanks. -Very good. | 0:03:44 | 0:03:47 | |
My name's Amy. | 0:03:47 | 0:03:48 | |
My dog's name's Woody, and I've come from Dartford, Kent. | 0:03:48 | 0:03:52 | |
Woody's very confident, | 0:03:52 | 0:03:54 | |
-and he always does as he's told. -Show me. | 0:03:54 | 0:03:57 | |
Amy is nine years old, and her dog, Woody, is three-and-a-half. | 0:03:57 | 0:04:01 | |
-Woody lives with Amy's nan. -Everything proper. Look at you! | 0:04:01 | 0:04:05 | |
So every time Amy goes round to see her nan, | 0:04:05 | 0:04:08 | |
Woody goes crazy! | 0:04:08 | 0:04:09 | |
They're best friends. | 0:04:09 | 0:04:12 | |
OK, will he stay when you walk away? | 0:04:12 | 0:04:14 | |
Yes. That's my answer! | 0:04:14 | 0:04:15 | |
Together, they do training classes and agility. | 0:04:15 | 0:04:18 | |
And Woody's even competed at a special obstacle course at Crufts. | 0:04:18 | 0:04:22 | |
Woody, Woody, Woody, Woody! | 0:04:22 | 0:04:24 | |
-Stay. -Woody, come here! | 0:04:24 | 0:04:26 | |
That look, right there, | 0:04:26 | 0:04:27 | |
that is what I look for in a highly-trained dog. | 0:04:27 | 0:04:29 | |
Zak was very impressed with Amy and Woody, | 0:04:29 | 0:04:32 | |
and thought they did very well at this rather difficult challenge. | 0:04:32 | 0:04:36 | |
Really, really good job. | 0:04:36 | 0:04:38 | |
So Eleanor and The Stig, | 0:04:38 | 0:04:39 | |
Josh and Red, | 0:04:39 | 0:04:41 | |
and Amy and Woody, | 0:04:41 | 0:04:42 | |
have all made it to the Dog House. | 0:04:42 | 0:04:44 | |
Here, they'll undertake two days of intensive expert dog training, | 0:04:44 | 0:04:48 | |
before going head-to-head in Temptation Alley. | 0:04:48 | 0:04:51 | |
And the winner will take home this shiny thing, | 0:04:51 | 0:04:54 | |
the Who Let The Dogs Out? Top Dog trophy. | 0:04:54 | 0:04:57 | |
Come on, guys! | 0:05:07 | 0:05:09 | |
So, I have brought you all to the Dog House today | 0:05:09 | 0:05:12 | |
to put your dogs to the test | 0:05:12 | 0:05:14 | |
in Temptation Alley. | 0:05:14 | 0:05:16 | |
Now, you'll see, we have some moderate distractions here. | 0:05:16 | 0:05:20 | |
Food, toys, those are things your dogs like. | 0:05:20 | 0:05:23 | |
Now, just because they're on the ground, | 0:05:23 | 0:05:25 | |
doesn't mean it's OK for them to pick up whatever we want. | 0:05:25 | 0:05:28 | |
One by one, we're going to walk up and down this mini Temptation Alley. | 0:05:28 | 0:05:32 | |
I'm going to start with Eleanor and The Stig over here. | 0:05:32 | 0:05:35 | |
So, let's go! | 0:05:35 | 0:05:36 | |
-Come on, Stig. -And The Stig is off! | 0:05:36 | 0:05:40 | |
-Leave. -Now, the toys look fun, | 0:05:40 | 0:05:42 | |
and those curly bacon things look very tempting as well! | 0:05:42 | 0:05:45 | |
And remember, they're not going to be allowed to sniff those items | 0:05:45 | 0:05:48 | |
or anything. Oh, boy! | 0:05:48 | 0:05:50 | |
The Stig couldn't resist it. | 0:05:50 | 0:05:51 | |
There he goes! Look at him, picking up the treats! | 0:05:51 | 0:05:54 | |
How are you feeling? | 0:05:56 | 0:05:57 | |
-Stressed! -A bit stressed, huh? | 0:05:57 | 0:06:00 | |
-Josh and Red, you're up. Let's see what we've got here. -Leave. Leave. | 0:06:00 | 0:06:03 | |
Uh-oh! Has Red's nose got a sniff of that bacon? | 0:06:03 | 0:06:06 | |
-Leave it, Red. -Oh dear! Irresistible! | 0:06:07 | 0:06:09 | |
So you got a treat. You little sneak! | 0:06:09 | 0:06:12 | |
Amy and Woody, how are you feeling about this before you try it? | 0:06:12 | 0:06:16 | |
-Umm... quite confident. -Quite confident? Well, let's see. | 0:06:16 | 0:06:19 | |
Amy's confident, but those curly bacon treats are very tempting! | 0:06:19 | 0:06:23 | |
And that's interesting. | 0:06:23 | 0:06:24 | |
She's using the treat to say, | 0:06:24 | 0:06:27 | |
"I've got something better." | 0:06:27 | 0:06:29 | |
-But it's not working. -Woody, come. -Oh, boy! | 0:06:29 | 0:06:32 | |
Initially very good. | 0:06:32 | 0:06:34 | |
Warm-up's over. | 0:06:34 | 0:06:36 | |
It's time for Red, Woody and The Stig to learn some discipline. | 0:06:36 | 0:06:39 | |
So he's going for this treat. | 0:06:39 | 0:06:40 | |
Now, within 30 seconds, | 0:06:40 | 0:06:43 | |
almost anybody, with any dog, | 0:06:43 | 0:06:45 | |
can have their dog leaving a treat alone, | 0:06:45 | 0:06:48 | |
no matter how much they want that. | 0:06:48 | 0:06:50 | |
And I'm about to show you how that's done. | 0:06:50 | 0:06:53 | |
-Will you be using a clicker today? -Yeah. -OK, good. The second he looks | 0:06:53 | 0:06:57 | |
away, I want you to click. Tell me what that click means. | 0:06:57 | 0:06:59 | |
He's a good dog, and he's done something I like. | 0:06:59 | 0:07:02 | |
-And you follow it up with...? -A treat. -Absolutely. | 0:07:02 | 0:07:05 | |
The second he looks away, I want you to click. | 0:07:05 | 0:07:07 | |
-Be ready. -OK. -I'm dropping it right here. | 0:07:07 | 0:07:09 | |
Covering it up. Click. Yes! | 0:07:09 | 0:07:12 | |
OK, once again. Watch. | 0:07:12 | 0:07:14 | |
Now say, "Leave it alone" as he leaves it this time. | 0:07:14 | 0:07:16 | |
Yeah. | 0:07:16 | 0:07:18 | |
-CLICK -Leave. | 0:07:19 | 0:07:21 | |
Oh, very nice! Very nice! | 0:07:21 | 0:07:22 | |
Exactly! Now watch this. | 0:07:22 | 0:07:24 | |
Leave it alone. | 0:07:26 | 0:07:28 | |
Uh-uh. | 0:07:28 | 0:07:29 | |
Leave it. | 0:07:29 | 0:07:31 | |
Click. CLICK | 0:07:31 | 0:07:32 | |
-Yes! -Goodness, that was quick! | 0:07:32 | 0:07:34 | |
The Stig's leaving the bacon already. | 0:07:34 | 0:07:37 | |
By the end of the training session today, | 0:07:37 | 0:07:39 | |
we ought to be able to drop all of these and our dogs should leave it | 0:07:39 | 0:07:43 | |
alone, no matter what. And that's today, so we have a lot to do. | 0:07:43 | 0:07:46 | |
-Are you ready? -Yeah. -I want you guys to start practising. | 0:07:46 | 0:07:49 | |
Leave it. Leave it. | 0:07:49 | 0:07:51 | |
-Leave it. -Woody looks like he wants that bacon! | 0:07:52 | 0:07:54 | |
We come over here to you, Josh. Very good. | 0:07:56 | 0:07:58 | |
Don't let them get that treat. | 0:07:58 | 0:08:00 | |
If she goes for that treat, you've got to let her know, | 0:08:00 | 0:08:03 | |
"No, that's not cool." And the way you do it is by covering it up. | 0:08:03 | 0:08:06 | |
So show me that again. Let her know it's there. | 0:08:06 | 0:08:09 | |
Make it tempting. You're not doing any favours by making it easy. | 0:08:09 | 0:08:12 | |
-There you go. -Leave. -In that look up to you, I love that look. | 0:08:12 | 0:08:15 | |
-And followed up with a reward. -Well done, Red! | 0:08:15 | 0:08:18 | |
-Nice work. -But will Woody do it for Zak? | 0:08:18 | 0:08:21 | |
OK, let's see what we've got. | 0:08:21 | 0:08:22 | |
-Show me. -Leave it. Leave it. | 0:08:22 | 0:08:25 | |
That wasn't "Leave it". | 0:08:25 | 0:08:27 | |
You've got to be prepared to go in and cover. There's no chance that | 0:08:27 | 0:08:30 | |
Woody would try and bite you if you did that? This is your dog. You trust | 0:08:30 | 0:08:34 | |
them. You know Woody is going to behave appropriately. | 0:08:34 | 0:08:36 | |
You would not do that with a dog that you didn't know or weren't | 0:08:36 | 0:08:39 | |
very comfortable with. I want to see "Leave it" | 0:08:39 | 0:08:42 | |
with treats all over Woody's paws. | 0:08:42 | 0:08:44 | |
-Leave it. Leave it. -Closer. | 0:08:44 | 0:08:47 | |
-Leave it. -Closer. | 0:08:47 | 0:08:49 | |
-Leave it. -Closer. | 0:08:49 | 0:08:51 | |
Leave it. Leave. | 0:08:52 | 0:08:53 | |
Reward big. | 0:08:54 | 0:08:56 | |
Show me some emotion. Show me some appreciation. | 0:08:56 | 0:08:58 | |
That was the easy bit. That was just one treat. | 0:08:58 | 0:09:01 | |
Next, there'll be lots of treats. | 0:09:01 | 0:09:03 | |
What I want to achieve now is teaching our dogs to come to us | 0:09:03 | 0:09:07 | |
at a short distance with temptation. | 0:09:07 | 0:09:09 | |
These treats may be tempting, but they are nothing | 0:09:09 | 0:09:12 | |
compared to what's in store for them at Show Time. | 0:09:12 | 0:09:15 | |
They had better train hard! | 0:09:15 | 0:09:17 | |
Come, Stig. | 0:09:17 | 0:09:19 | |
Come here, Red. Come here, Red. | 0:09:19 | 0:09:21 | |
Amy, Josh and Eleanor are doing very well. | 0:09:21 | 0:09:24 | |
But remember what Zak said. | 0:09:24 | 0:09:27 | |
Don't try this at home if you think your dog might bite you. | 0:09:27 | 0:09:30 | |
Being able to communicate with a dog is really important, | 0:09:34 | 0:09:37 | |
and dogs love to be understood, too. | 0:09:37 | 0:09:39 | |
In fact, some dogs will go to tremendous lengths | 0:09:39 | 0:09:42 | |
to make sure they're heard. Check this out. | 0:09:42 | 0:09:46 | |
If you want to get a dog singing, get a mouth organ. | 0:09:51 | 0:09:54 | |
TELEPHONE RINGS | 0:09:56 | 0:09:58 | |
Isn't "dog and bone" Cockney rhyming slang for "phone"? | 0:09:58 | 0:10:01 | |
It's for you! | 0:10:01 | 0:10:02 | |
Good boy! | 0:10:02 | 0:10:04 | |
Can someone please get the dog? | 0:10:07 | 0:10:10 | |
DOG WHINES | 0:10:11 | 0:10:12 | |
Oh, it's Mozart's Concerto, but tiny saxophones and dogs. | 0:10:12 | 0:10:17 | |
Although I prefer Beethoven's Mad Dogs And Windscreens. | 0:10:17 | 0:10:21 | |
DOG BARKS | 0:10:21 | 0:10:22 | |
DOG YELPS ALONG TO SINGING | 0:10:24 | 0:10:25 | |
# How much is that doggy in the window? # | 0:10:25 | 0:10:30 | |
Nice singing, | 0:10:30 | 0:10:31 | |
but looks-wise I'm afraid you're just not boyband material. | 0:10:31 | 0:10:35 | |
DOG WHINES | 0:10:35 | 0:10:37 | |
What did you say, Sookie? I just didn't quite catch it. | 0:10:38 | 0:10:42 | |
DOG GROWLS | 0:10:42 | 0:10:43 | |
I think Sookie said, "Grrr!" | 0:10:43 | 0:10:45 | |
DOG GROWLS | 0:10:45 | 0:10:47 | |
Yeah, that's what she said. | 0:10:47 | 0:10:49 | |
It's not as if a dog can say hello or anything. | 0:10:49 | 0:10:51 | |
Hello. DOG BARKS "HELLO" | 0:10:51 | 0:10:53 | |
What was that?! | 0:10:53 | 0:10:54 | |
DOG BARKS "HELLO" | 0:10:56 | 0:10:57 | |
Wow! Could it get any weirder? | 0:10:57 | 0:11:00 | |
GUITAR PLAYS | 0:11:00 | 0:11:03 | |
Well, obviously it could. There's now a dog Elvis. | 0:11:04 | 0:11:07 | |
He must be playing his hit, Hound Dog. | 0:11:07 | 0:11:10 | |
Still to come, dog food like never before. | 0:11:15 | 0:11:19 | |
Zak's quick trick. | 0:11:19 | 0:11:22 | |
And we're going to find out who wins | 0:11:22 | 0:11:25 | |
the Who Let The Dogs Out top dog trophy. | 0:11:25 | 0:11:27 | |
Very good, guys. Keep working for ten minutes. | 0:11:32 | 0:11:36 | |
Don't let anything distract you, keep working with them. | 0:11:36 | 0:11:39 | |
We're understood? All right. | 0:11:39 | 0:11:41 | |
So, Zak's told them not to let anything distract them, | 0:11:41 | 0:11:45 | |
no matter how tempting. | 0:11:45 | 0:11:46 | |
If the dogs can do it, so should the trainers. | 0:11:46 | 0:11:51 | |
But hang on, what's this? | 0:11:51 | 0:11:52 | |
Zak's testing them. He's sent a member of the TV crew in | 0:11:52 | 0:11:55 | |
to tempt the trainers away from their training with ice lollies. | 0:11:55 | 0:11:59 | |
Stay, Stig. Stay. | 0:12:02 | 0:12:05 | |
-And it's working. -Thank you. | 0:12:05 | 0:12:08 | |
All right, so... | 0:12:10 | 0:12:12 | |
-What's going on, guys? -Stay, stay. | 0:12:14 | 0:12:16 | |
Hold on, hold on one second. | 0:12:16 | 0:12:19 | |
I asked you to work with your dogs solidly for ten minutes | 0:12:19 | 0:12:25 | |
and not be distracted by anything. | 0:12:25 | 0:12:29 | |
I come back and all three of you have ice lollies! | 0:12:29 | 0:12:33 | |
Your dogs are better at this than you are. Do you understand this? | 0:12:33 | 0:12:37 | |
Our dogs don't know what they're supposed to have or not | 0:12:37 | 0:12:40 | |
that's why we teach them. | 0:12:40 | 0:12:42 | |
But I've got to admit, they do look pretty good! | 0:12:42 | 0:12:46 | |
So now you all know how hard it is for your dog. | 0:12:46 | 0:12:48 | |
I want you to keep working on this. I will see you tomorrow, OK? | 0:12:48 | 0:12:51 | |
-Bye. -Bye. | 0:12:51 | 0:12:54 | |
Woody, The Stig and Red are all very different dogs. | 0:12:55 | 0:12:59 | |
Let's have a look at their mutt measurements. | 0:12:59 | 0:13:02 | |
The Stig is a cross between a greyhound and a whippet. | 0:13:04 | 0:13:07 | |
They are two of the fastest dogs around. | 0:13:07 | 0:13:10 | |
But when The Stig is indoors, he's a total couch-potato, | 0:13:10 | 0:13:13 | |
curling up in front of the telly and having a sleep. | 0:13:13 | 0:13:16 | |
The Stig is the fastest of all the dogs here today, | 0:13:16 | 0:13:19 | |
so blink and you could well miss him on Temptation Alley. | 0:13:19 | 0:13:24 | |
Woody is part spitz and part something else. | 0:13:24 | 0:13:27 | |
Amy's not quite sure what he's crossed with. | 0:13:27 | 0:13:30 | |
Woody's favourite thing in the world is sausages, | 0:13:30 | 0:13:33 | |
so Woody has a disadvantage in this challenge. | 0:13:33 | 0:13:36 | |
Being so near to the ground, | 0:13:36 | 0:13:38 | |
Woody's going to be closest to the temptations on Temptation Alley, | 0:13:38 | 0:13:42 | |
and there's going to be sausages there for sure. | 0:13:42 | 0:13:45 | |
This is Red, she's a red Border collie. | 0:13:45 | 0:13:48 | |
They're more unusual than the traditional black and white ones. | 0:13:48 | 0:13:51 | |
Red is one of nine Border collies in her family | 0:13:51 | 0:13:53 | |
so she's very sociable and active. | 0:13:53 | 0:13:55 | |
Red's most enjoyable pastime is chewing on her toys. | 0:13:55 | 0:13:59 | |
Collies are very energetic, but will Red have the energy | 0:13:59 | 0:14:04 | |
to run past all the great toys in Temptation Alley? | 0:14:04 | 0:14:08 | |
-Hey, guys. Right, so how we doing? -Great. -Awesome. | 0:14:14 | 0:14:17 | |
Tell me how training went yesterday. Let's start with you, Amy. | 0:14:17 | 0:14:20 | |
Went really well. | 0:14:20 | 0:14:22 | |
I put three piles and tried to make him go through it | 0:14:22 | 0:14:25 | |
-and he went straight through it. -Josh and Red? | 0:14:25 | 0:14:27 | |
I was hoping she'd go straight through, | 0:14:27 | 0:14:29 | |
but because there was an open space, | 0:14:29 | 0:14:32 | |
she'd always just go around the outside. | 0:14:32 | 0:14:34 | |
For Temptation Alley tomorrow, they must go in a straight line. Eleanor? | 0:14:34 | 0:14:38 | |
Well, I think he did not that well at the start | 0:14:38 | 0:14:41 | |
where he went for all of the food, | 0:14:41 | 0:14:44 | |
but ever since we've done the training, he's really improved. | 0:14:44 | 0:14:47 | |
Well done. Very good. | 0:14:47 | 0:14:49 | |
All right, what we're going to work on today is having our dogs | 0:14:49 | 0:14:52 | |
navigate this course in a straight line. | 0:14:52 | 0:14:55 | |
That's a pretty fair distance to ask your dog to come to you. | 0:14:55 | 0:14:58 | |
I want you two to work with your dogs on the stuff we worked on yesterday. | 0:14:58 | 0:15:02 | |
Amy, Woody and I will start right here. | 0:15:02 | 0:15:04 | |
The pressure's on for little Woody. | 0:15:04 | 0:15:06 | |
-Put Woody into a sit state here, please. -Woody, sit. | 0:15:06 | 0:15:09 | |
Toys all over the ground, | 0:15:09 | 0:15:11 | |
and Zak's going to be distracting Woody with a toy from above. | 0:15:11 | 0:15:14 | |
OK, come, come, come! | 0:15:14 | 0:15:16 | |
TOY SQUEAKS | 0:15:16 | 0:15:17 | |
-Good on the toys, but can he resist all this food? -Wait. | 0:15:17 | 0:15:21 | |
-Whenever you're ready. -OK, Woody, Woody, Woody! | 0:15:21 | 0:15:23 | |
That's what I'm talking about. | 0:15:23 | 0:15:26 | |
Woody was like, "I think it's OK for me to get that," | 0:15:26 | 0:15:29 | |
and then you called Woody and Woody said, | 0:15:29 | 0:15:31 | |
-"No, I'm not going for those, I'm going to my trainer." -Yum! | 0:15:31 | 0:15:34 | |
Oh, never mind the dogs, | 0:15:34 | 0:15:36 | |
Zak and the trainers must be tempted by a whole roast chicken. | 0:15:36 | 0:15:39 | |
-Poor Woody. -You know what to do. -Wait, wait. -Go on. | 0:15:39 | 0:15:44 | |
-OK, Woody, Woody, Woody! -And now Zak's distracting him. | 0:15:44 | 0:15:47 | |
Go on, Woody, go to Amy. | 0:15:47 | 0:15:49 | |
-Woody! -That's it. -Yes! -Beautiful job. | 0:15:49 | 0:15:54 | |
-Now, let's try it all the way up the other end in one shot. -Wait. -Go on. | 0:15:54 | 0:15:58 | |
OK, Woody, Woody, Woody! | 0:15:58 | 0:16:01 | |
-Very nice. -Wow, there's a dog who knows how to earn his sausage. | 0:16:01 | 0:16:04 | |
Excellent job, Amy. We're going to bring Josh and Red over. | 0:16:04 | 0:16:08 | |
-Now, Red is a play-motivated dog. She loves toys, am I right? -Yeah. | 0:16:08 | 0:16:14 | |
This is a tough distraction for her. | 0:16:14 | 0:16:16 | |
Border collies do love their toys. Will Red be able to resist? | 0:16:16 | 0:16:20 | |
-Wait. -Go on. -Wait. Come on then, Reddy! Reddy, come on! -Yes! | 0:16:20 | 0:16:24 | |
But don't get too smug - the food is next. | 0:16:24 | 0:16:27 | |
-Wait, Reddy. -Go on. | 0:16:27 | 0:16:29 | |
-Come on, Reddy! Reddy, come on! Good girl! -Wow! Red's resisted that, too. | 0:16:29 | 0:16:36 | |
What are you thinking over there, Eleanor? | 0:16:36 | 0:16:39 | |
I'm not surprised Eleanor's worried, Red seems immune to temptation. | 0:16:39 | 0:16:44 | |
Let's see if she can do the whole lot. | 0:16:44 | 0:16:45 | |
-Come on, Reddy, Reddy, Reddy, Reddy! -Go on. -Reddy, come on! Good girl! | 0:16:45 | 0:16:49 | |
-Wow! -Well done! -Talk about progress! | 0:16:49 | 0:16:52 | |
In 24 hours, we've gone from OK to amazing. | 0:16:52 | 0:16:57 | |
And it needs to go about three times further than this | 0:16:57 | 0:16:59 | |
to be amazing tomorrow. | 0:16:59 | 0:17:01 | |
-Eleanor and The Stig, come on over. -Can The Stig follow that? | 0:17:01 | 0:17:05 | |
-Sit. -Don't push that butt down, no need to do that. | 0:17:07 | 0:17:09 | |
-Stig, sit. -Watch this. Sit. | 0:17:09 | 0:17:11 | |
Don't need to touch our dog. | 0:17:11 | 0:17:13 | |
It's important to teach our dogs to do something voluntarily. | 0:17:13 | 0:17:16 | |
Anyone can make a dog sit, but we want them to think, | 0:17:16 | 0:17:19 | |
-they're fully capable. -Stig, come! -Beautiful job. -One out of one. | 0:17:19 | 0:17:24 | |
-Be ready to block these treats if he goes for them, OK? -Come, Stig! Come! | 0:17:24 | 0:17:30 | |
-That's good, you're doing exactly the right thing. -Come, Stig. | 0:17:30 | 0:17:33 | |
-Ahh, one-and-a-half out of two. -Stig, come! | 0:17:33 | 0:17:38 | |
-Beautiful, absolutely perfect. -Two out of two. | 0:17:38 | 0:17:42 | |
-And now, what are you thinking here? Talk to me. -I don't know. | 0:17:42 | 0:17:46 | |
-Is this intimidating? You feeling good? -I'm feeling nervous. | 0:17:46 | 0:17:50 | |
Go with, "Stay." Communicate, don't dominate. | 0:17:50 | 0:17:53 | |
-Stay, stay. -Very good, nice work. -Stig, come! | 0:17:53 | 0:17:57 | |
Look away from the chicken. Look away from the chicken! | 0:17:57 | 0:18:02 | |
-Come! -It's good, he's trying! Very good. | 0:18:02 | 0:18:06 | |
-No. -Nice body block right there! It's like American football. -Come on. | 0:18:08 | 0:18:13 | |
-Nice work. -Well done, Eleanor. -Stig! Come on. | 0:18:13 | 0:18:18 | |
Once more, without the body block, and time for the whole caboodle. | 0:18:18 | 0:18:22 | |
-Excellent. -Stay. -And just stay right there. Whenever you're ready. | 0:18:22 | 0:18:27 | |
Stig! What's this? Come! Come, Stig! What's this? Come on! | 0:18:27 | 0:18:31 | |
-That's how it's done! -Excellent, very nice. Oh! | 0:18:31 | 0:18:34 | |
-There you go. There you go. -No. | 0:18:34 | 0:18:37 | |
Oh, boy, he got one. It's tough. | 0:18:38 | 0:18:42 | |
This is the exercise in communication. | 0:18:42 | 0:18:44 | |
You're doing everything correct here, really nice. | 0:18:44 | 0:18:47 | |
Most people don't do this because it's hard. | 0:18:47 | 0:18:50 | |
It's extremely difficult to tell a dog, | 0:18:50 | 0:18:52 | |
"Hey, don't eat this whole chicken sitting on the ground right now." | 0:18:52 | 0:18:56 | |
But dogs are capable of understanding it, | 0:18:56 | 0:18:58 | |
and it's up to us as humans to give them that credit. | 0:18:58 | 0:19:01 | |
You're doing a good job. | 0:19:01 | 0:19:02 | |
This trial is a walk in the park, | 0:19:02 | 0:19:05 | |
compared to the enticing Temptation Alley. | 0:19:05 | 0:19:08 | |
Here are Zak's six steps to avoiding temptation. | 0:19:10 | 0:19:14 | |
Get your dog used to walking on a loose lead near treats. | 0:19:14 | 0:19:17 | |
Teach them the "leave it" command while covering small treats. | 0:19:17 | 0:19:21 | |
Get them to cross treats at a short distance. | 0:19:21 | 0:19:25 | |
Work up to even bigger treats. | 0:19:25 | 0:19:28 | |
Work up to a bigger distance. | 0:19:28 | 0:19:30 | |
Keep covering treat, if necessary. | 0:19:30 | 0:19:33 | |
Today we've got a really sweet trick for you. | 0:19:39 | 0:19:42 | |
Nellie and I are going to show you how to teach your dog to hide. | 0:19:42 | 0:19:45 | |
Come on, Nellie. I've got one of your favourite foods, it's real meat. | 0:19:45 | 0:19:50 | |
Teaching your dog to hide has got to be one of the cutest things | 0:19:50 | 0:19:53 | |
you could ever teach them. | 0:19:53 | 0:19:54 | |
Let me show you what I mean. This way, here we go. | 0:19:54 | 0:19:57 | |
Firstly, I like to encourage Nellie to come up here. | 0:19:57 | 0:20:00 | |
Nellie, come here. Hop up. Yes. | 0:20:00 | 0:20:02 | |
Nellie loves to jump but she knows the difference | 0:20:02 | 0:20:05 | |
between jumping up on this and jumping up on you. | 0:20:05 | 0:20:08 | |
While she's here, I want her to stay. Stay. Very good. Yes. | 0:20:08 | 0:20:12 | |
Now she's up here she's staying | 0:20:12 | 0:20:14 | |
and I want to encourage her to put her head down in order to hide. | 0:20:14 | 0:20:19 | |
I'm going to say, "hide", as she does the action. Hide. That's so good. | 0:20:19 | 0:20:25 | |
Very good. Ready. Hide. | 0:20:25 | 0:20:27 | |
That was really good. One more time, hide. | 0:20:27 | 0:20:30 | |
Stay... | 0:20:30 | 0:20:32 | |
Yes, that's a jackpot reward. Wonderful job. | 0:20:32 | 0:20:36 | |
Remember, if you do this with the intention of building | 0:20:36 | 0:20:39 | |
your relationship, you are enriching their life. Good trick, Nellie. | 0:20:39 | 0:20:43 | |
I've always said, "let dogs be dogs" but those you're about to see | 0:20:47 | 0:20:50 | |
don't seem to be complaining. | 0:20:50 | 0:20:52 | |
Here are some unusual ways to make your dog feel more... | 0:20:52 | 0:20:55 | |
Well, human. | 0:20:55 | 0:20:57 | |
SONG: "Love and Marriage" | 0:20:58 | 0:21:01 | |
It's a blushing bride, with quite a bit of facial hair. | 0:21:05 | 0:21:09 | |
Ordinarily, that might be a problem | 0:21:09 | 0:21:11 | |
but not for these canine brides and grooms. | 0:21:11 | 0:21:14 | |
Walking down the aisle is what some doggy couples do | 0:21:14 | 0:21:17 | |
on the eve of every Valentine's Day in Hong Kong. | 0:21:17 | 0:21:21 | |
Nervous grooms await their brides, until paw prints confirm | 0:21:21 | 0:21:24 | |
they are now dog and wife. | 0:21:24 | 0:21:26 | |
At the UK's first ever dog wedding, | 0:21:28 | 0:21:31 | |
Timmy patiently waits for his bride, Muffin. | 0:21:31 | 0:21:35 | |
He looks a bit nervous. Second thoughts perhaps? | 0:21:35 | 0:21:38 | |
Timmy and Muffin exchange specially written vows, | 0:21:38 | 0:21:42 | |
but I'm not sure Timmy's heart is in it. | 0:21:42 | 0:21:45 | |
I'll give it six months. But the puppy-razzi are loving it. | 0:21:45 | 0:21:49 | |
I still think she should have shaved. | 0:21:49 | 0:21:52 | |
Here's a dog that looks happy, and why shouldn't he? | 0:21:54 | 0:21:57 | |
He's attending special pet food cookery classes in Korea. | 0:21:57 | 0:22:00 | |
The dogs don't actually do the cooking | 0:22:00 | 0:22:03 | |
but they certainly do the eating. | 0:22:03 | 0:22:04 | |
Healthy, balanced meals are prepared especially for them | 0:22:04 | 0:22:07 | |
by these budding Jamie Olivers. | 0:22:07 | 0:22:10 | |
On the menu today, a salad followed by some delicious cakes | 0:22:10 | 0:22:13 | |
and should they fancy something else a bit special, | 0:22:13 | 0:22:16 | |
they can always pop along to this bakery for dogs in Singapore. | 0:22:16 | 0:22:20 | |
It offers shepherds pies, quiches and gourmet dog biscuits, | 0:22:20 | 0:22:24 | |
in all shapes and sizes, | 0:22:24 | 0:22:25 | |
with quality ingredients, providing the icing on the cake! | 0:22:25 | 0:22:29 | |
Fancy a 99? | 0:22:29 | 0:22:33 | |
Is that with or without a bone? | 0:22:33 | 0:22:34 | |
Yes, that is an ice cream van that is only for customers | 0:22:34 | 0:22:38 | |
with four legs and a tail. | 0:22:38 | 0:22:40 | |
There are two flavours on offer, canine cookie crunch, | 0:22:40 | 0:22:43 | |
a mix of dog biscuits and ice cream and dog eat hog world, | 0:22:43 | 0:22:47 | |
which is a gammon and chicken sorbet. | 0:22:47 | 0:22:50 | |
They are made from soya milk, | 0:22:50 | 0:22:52 | |
following advice from animal nutritionists. | 0:22:52 | 0:22:55 | |
Hey, you're meant to lick it! | 0:22:55 | 0:22:58 | |
Today is the big day. It's show time. | 0:23:03 | 0:23:06 | |
How tempting can Temptation Alley be? | 0:23:06 | 0:23:10 | |
What doggy delights will it hold? | 0:23:10 | 0:23:13 | |
Will any of our dogs be able to resist them? | 0:23:13 | 0:23:16 | |
Only two days ago, not Woody, | 0:23:16 | 0:23:18 | |
not Red, | 0:23:18 | 0:23:19 | |
nor the Stig could walk past the tiniest of treats. | 0:23:19 | 0:23:24 | |
Now each must face an alley full of temptations beyond | 0:23:24 | 0:23:27 | |
their wildest doggy dreams. | 0:23:27 | 0:23:29 | |
What do our trainers fear most for their dogs? | 0:23:29 | 0:23:32 | |
The most challenging thing would probably be | 0:23:32 | 0:23:36 | |
some kind of squeaky toy, like a constantly moving one. | 0:23:36 | 0:23:39 | |
He doesn't really care about toys that much, | 0:23:39 | 0:23:41 | |
but he really likes sausages. | 0:23:41 | 0:23:43 | |
I'm just really nervous if there are big sausages | 0:23:44 | 0:23:47 | |
because it's going to be 100 times harder than the first one. | 0:23:47 | 0:23:51 | |
Now, let's go walkies along Temptation Alley. | 0:23:51 | 0:23:55 | |
Our dogs must run right through the middle of all these doggy delights. | 0:23:55 | 0:23:59 | |
They'll have to ignore the doggie bowls, | 0:23:59 | 0:24:02 | |
traverse the sausage grid, pass over the toy trail, | 0:24:02 | 0:24:05 | |
go around the gravy train fountain, | 0:24:05 | 0:24:08 | |
leave the squirrel tails and flying balls unchased, | 0:24:08 | 0:24:11 | |
the tunnel unexplored, | 0:24:11 | 0:24:14 | |
the roast dinners unnibbled | 0:24:14 | 0:24:16 | |
and the lamp post unsniffed. | 0:24:16 | 0:24:19 | |
The fastest takes the trophy. | 0:24:19 | 0:24:22 | |
What we are going to do is have the trainers take their dog | 0:24:22 | 0:24:25 | |
to one end of Temptation Alley and the trainers will go to the other. | 0:24:25 | 0:24:29 | |
When the trainer calls their dog, we'll start the timer. | 0:24:29 | 0:24:33 | |
First up, Eleanor and the Stig. You can go first up here. | 0:24:33 | 0:24:37 | |
This is a big day for Eleanor and the Stig. | 0:24:37 | 0:24:40 | |
Yesterday, Eleanor couldn't persuade the Stig to pass | 0:24:40 | 0:24:42 | |
a roast chicken untouched. Will she be able to do it today? | 0:24:42 | 0:24:46 | |
Stig! Come, Stig. | 0:24:48 | 0:24:49 | |
Oh, no, what's he doing? | 0:24:49 | 0:24:53 | |
He's gone off course. | 0:24:53 | 0:24:54 | |
Eleanor leaps the squirrel tails as she comes to the rescue. | 0:24:54 | 0:24:58 | |
Come on, come on. Come on, then. | 0:24:58 | 0:25:00 | |
Nice work, look at that. | 0:25:00 | 0:25:02 | |
-Eleanor saves the day. Well done! -Good boy. | 0:25:02 | 0:25:06 | |
Let's see that again. | 0:25:06 | 0:25:07 | |
There's Eleanor leading the Stig out of trouble, | 0:25:07 | 0:25:11 | |
through the roast chickens and across the line. | 0:25:11 | 0:25:14 | |
Then she's straight in with the reward. | 0:25:14 | 0:25:16 | |
Well done, Eleanor. We're now going to move onto Josh. | 0:25:16 | 0:25:20 | |
Josh says he's worried about the toys | 0:25:20 | 0:25:22 | |
and there are tennis balls literally flying overhead. | 0:25:22 | 0:25:26 | |
Wait, wait. Wait there, Red. | 0:25:26 | 0:25:28 | |
Will Red cope, or will she go chasing after them? | 0:25:28 | 0:25:31 | |
To beat the Stig, Red needs to go through | 0:25:31 | 0:25:34 | |
Temptation Alley in under 12 seconds. Can she do it? | 0:25:34 | 0:25:38 | |
Go, Red, go. | 0:25:38 | 0:25:39 | |
She's off. She leaps the sausage grid, eyes locked on Josh. | 0:25:39 | 0:25:43 | |
She flies straight as a dart down Temptation Alley. | 0:25:43 | 0:25:45 | |
She's done it, in two seconds! | 0:25:45 | 0:25:47 | |
Amazing! Let's see it again. | 0:25:47 | 0:25:49 | |
Right from the off, Red's focus is on Josh. | 0:25:49 | 0:25:52 | |
She looks down only to see how much sausage she must jump. | 0:25:52 | 0:25:56 | |
She runs straight over the squirrel tails | 0:25:56 | 0:25:58 | |
that two days ago might have snared her. | 0:25:58 | 0:26:01 | |
Through the roast dinners, past one last dish | 0:26:01 | 0:26:04 | |
and all in an amazing two seconds. | 0:26:04 | 0:26:06 | |
Surely Woody can't beat that? | 0:26:07 | 0:26:10 | |
Well done, Josh. We're moving onto Amy, now. | 0:26:12 | 0:26:15 | |
Wait. | 0:26:15 | 0:26:17 | |
This is extremely tough for Amy and Woody. | 0:26:17 | 0:26:20 | |
Even if he does resist all the treats, including the sausages, | 0:26:20 | 0:26:23 | |
he will have to complete the course quicker than Red, | 0:26:23 | 0:26:26 | |
which is surely impossible. | 0:26:26 | 0:26:28 | |
He's off, galloping like a horse, | 0:26:31 | 0:26:33 | |
soaring like a bird, through the squirrels, | 0:26:33 | 0:26:36 | |
avoiding the final dish to Amy. | 0:26:36 | 0:26:38 | |
That was really quick. Amazing! | 0:26:38 | 0:26:41 | |
Let's see it again. | 0:26:41 | 0:26:42 | |
The Alley is crawling with distractions | 0:26:44 | 0:26:46 | |
as Woody literally flies over the sausages, his favourite treat. | 0:26:46 | 0:26:50 | |
And, not even a glance at the squirrels. | 0:26:50 | 0:26:52 | |
He takes to the air once again, | 0:26:52 | 0:26:53 | |
at eye level with the roast chickens, but his little heart | 0:26:53 | 0:26:57 | |
is set on a treat from Amy and home he comes to claim his reward. | 0:26:57 | 0:27:01 | |
Both Red and Woody have the same time of two seconds. | 0:27:02 | 0:27:06 | |
Zak will have to go to fractions of a second to decide the winner. | 0:27:06 | 0:27:11 | |
Congratulations to each and every one of you, but who was the fastest? | 0:27:15 | 0:27:22 | |
With an unimaginable time of 2.5 seconds, | 0:27:22 | 0:27:28 | |
Josh and Red, you are today's top dog | 0:27:28 | 0:27:32 | |
and here is your Who Let The Dogs Out top dog trophy. Congratulations. | 0:27:32 | 0:27:37 | |
That's all for today from the Dog House. | 0:27:37 | 0:27:39 | |
We'll see you next time on Who Let The Dogs Out? | 0:27:39 | 0:27:42 | |
Let's give these dogs some love. | 0:27:42 | 0:27:44 | |
I'm very proud of Stig. | 0:27:48 | 0:27:49 | |
He didn't go for any treats in Temptation Alley, | 0:27:49 | 0:27:52 | |
he only went off the side. | 0:27:52 | 0:27:54 | |
I'm happy he didn't go for the sausages | 0:27:54 | 0:27:56 | |
because I really did think he was going to. | 0:27:56 | 0:28:00 | |
It feels great. She's tried her very best. | 0:28:00 | 0:28:02 | |
Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd | 0:28:05 | 0:28:06 | |
E-mail [email protected] | 0:28:06 | 0:28:08 |