Episode 13 X-Ray

Episode 13

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You are watching X-Ray. $YELLOW On tonight's programme...


A car hire company based in Wales has collapsed, leaving a trail of


unhappy customers. $YELLOW A Thomas Cook holiday in


Supposed to end. And more complaints about driveway


companies. This time, a community Hello. Tonight we are in


Monmouthshire. This village, called Jingle Street, should be the


perfect place to post your Christmas cards. But where has the


postbox gone? Join me later to find out.


But first, a Welsh car hire company has collapsed, leaving customers


out of pocket and a lot of unanswered questions. Rachel has


been investigating. Florida, land of sun, sea and its three ways.


Renting a car is a must for most holidaymakers. It is usually very


easy, especially for regular travellers, such as Ian Henderson


from Dinas Powys near Cardiff. of the weather out there in Florida.


Both my wife and myself played golf, so we like to go out there to play.


When he went out there or October, he used the car hire company he had


used before. I do not think there would be any problem. The company,


imaginatively titled The Car Hire Agency did not actually own any


cars, but was simply an agency for other companies. So will what


happened? We get a voucher to save it they had got our money and paid


it on to the car hire company. married and the small print was he


clause that it was not eight rental agreement which was binding.


Car Hire Agency had taken my money back had not paid it on to the


other company. So you're actually took a phone call, saying that if


you wanted the car, you would have to pay for it again. Yes, a it was


a bit of a shock. It meant that �450 of our money was suddenly


swallowed up. They did not even have the decency to inform me that


they had ceased trading. Ian Henderson was not the only person


to lose money. We have been speaking to victims of the


company's collapse from across Britain. Alan Brown from Newcastle


played �1,200 and lost it all. A customer from Kent lost more than


�250 and a family from Birmingham paid �225. Debbie sparks from


Cambridge waves goodbye to nearly �1,000 back in February. And the


royal family lost -- a family from Loch last money and they had made


their payment way back last September. The company was taking


money from customers and failing to pass it on to other car hire


companies. Together, these customers have lost �3,500 and that


is only the customers we have heard of. I had been investigating. I did


not have to travel far to find The Car Hire Agency. It is the trading


name for a company called Florida Direct Holidays Ltd. It was set up


by Arthur Rowe in 1998. He loves and this rented bungalow. -- heel


of this and this rented bungalow. It was a family business. Both his


son and daughter were heavily involved. So, whereas the money? It


is a question we have asked Arthur Rowe and his family, but they have


failed to answer. He did send us a letter: He said he was concerned


people had lost money, but he seems to feel a bit more sorry for


himself. Perhaps not surprisingly for a man with a very nice house in


Florida. A very nice swimming pool. But he claims that is not all at it


seems. He says they are bankrupt and his house has and his wife has


to drive the 20-year-old banger of But I am not any closer to finding


the money. The company account short that I have to go deeper into


the Vale of Glamorgan. The company headquarters is here, the horror of


Arthur Rowe's son Christopher. -- that warmer. It shows the family


took a lot of money out of the company. We have asked a couple of


experts to look through the figures. The age dividend has been paid of


over �25,000. If you look at their profit and loss account, it is a


negative figure. I do not think why they could be paying themselves


that as the dividend. We are taking that money out damage the company?


Yes, up when you are taking that sort of money out, the customer has


every right to be angry, given the time that they actually paid their


money. It does seem that something does not quite add up. Defy might


deny it wrong doing, but Ian Henderson still has questions.


a to be many of the customer, paid for the rental car in the States


and retained a fee for doing so. In this case, they kept all the money


and made no attempt to pass on anything to car hire companies in


the United States. A A frustrating situation there for


Ian and other customers of the company. The collapse is being


investigated by the official receiver. If there are any


developments, we will let you know. Now for some good news on a story


we brought you a couple of weeks ago. Remember the Morris family


from Cardiff. They had bought a campervan from mechanic Graham


Moore in Prestatyn, who had MOT'd it himself and given it a clean


bill of health. But six months after getting it home, they found


it was so rusty that it failed its next MOT - and the couple were told


it was beyond economic repair. Well, Mr Moore has got back in


touch. He denies he did anything wrong and says the vehicle was


roadworthy when he issued the MOT. But the good news is, he has agreed


to refund the couple the full �3,500 they paid for the van.


We got our money back, which is great, so we can pay the debt and


have something left over. We could not have hoped for a better result.


Fantastic news! So if you think you have had a raw deal, get in touch.


The phone number is 03703 334 334. Or if you would rather e-mail, you


can get us on xray@bbc.co.uk. Do not forget to include a daytime


phone number, so we can get back to you.


Or you can tweet - @bbcxray. Still to come, the holiday which could


have ended in disaster. And the cancellation of her late mother's


for my contract. Two weeks ago, we asked for your


help in tracking down a man called Tom Connors, who was trading under


the name Bellway Paving. He had quoted Terry and Anne Lewis from


Pontarddulais �700 to do up their drive, but two hours into the job,


he sent them down to the bank. He said they needed a plastic membrane,


costing �2,100. Very sad. I am afraid that is


heavy-duty dampproof gauge. It is worth about �50-�70 a roll.


Since then, we have had lots of calls from you about driveway


companies. Rhod has been to meet people on one street who decided to


Welcome to the friendly street, where everyone looks out for each


other. We have been living here a long time. The neighbours to look


after each other, very much soul. If that we have lived here for


nearly 40 years. Keith as up Alzheimer's, so the neighbours


lookout for them. I am back and forth, trying to help my sister-in-


law. The pair wanted some work done on their driveway, so what was good


timing when a company called Classic Driveways turned up.


was thinking that someone was here to help us. That is how it started.


Joyce agreed to the Court of �520 from Classic Driveways to replace


some paving and drainage. It was a lot of money. She was concerned


untroubled that she had made the right decision. There were cars


turned up and started work, taking up part of the driveway. But the


sooner had some bad news for choice. Yes, she also needed a protective


membrane to go with the new driveway. She had a feeling. She


was not happy. I at this point, the alarm bells started ringing. The


company said they were a way to get the Materials and she took the


opportunity to tell a neighbour. She to old as that they had asked


her that she would need the Hall of the driveway taken up and the


membrane put down. It seemed an awful lot of money for what they


were doing. So, she got on the phone and gave Classic Driveways a


piece of her mind. The then said, we are a reputable company. It did


not feel right. So I said, 0, told off on the work. But they were in


for a shock. The neighbours turned out in force to greet them. Because


they saw us all here, the scurried off. If we had not been there, that


might not have been the case. we thought that Classic Driveways


might have something any comment with our all friends Bellway Paving.


Look at the contracts given by the two companies. The look pretty


similar, don't they? And another has been attracting attention in


the area. It also has the same fake registration number and are both


run by eight Tom Connors. There are a lot of different groups are


It is very more important to help picture there and to stop this from


happening. It could have been anyone. We and now extremely weary.


These people are causing so much worry for so many people. We know


that investigators from Trading Standards are trying to track them


down. But we did manage to get though to Classic Driveways boss


James Quigley on the phone. He said he had offered a fair price for the


work at Keith and Joyce's house and never suggested pulling up the


whole driveway. He says the job's left him �150 out of pocket and he


wants HIS money back. And he says he's never heard of those other


companies even though they use almost identical paperwork. So


Classic Driveways say they have done nothing wrong but there have


been many instances of major problems with doorstep selling of


this type of product. Iwan Rhys Roberts is from Age Cymru. Is this


kind of story familiar to you? hear of this kind of thing


happening all the time. This is something called elder abuse. There


are some 39,000 people suffering elder abuse across Wales and it is


something that does need urgent action. Is enough being done? What


do you want to see happen? We want to see new rules introduced that


would force authorities to investigate any allegations of


abuse they hear about and to work more closely together and to share


information they have to ensure that if there is abuse happening


then prosecutions can happen. what would be your advice?


three quotes don't do anything off pat. Plan any building work you are


going to have done. Get the names of reputable builders and get three


quotes. And we saw a wonderful example of people coming together


to protect an elderly member of their community, didn't we? It is


very important that we all show community spirit and watch out for


each other. Excellent advice. Next, Putting everything in order after


the death of a loved one is a stressing -- distressing job. A


problem with the Orange mobile make things worse. I thought I had


cancelled the phone contract. When it turns out they were still taking


money for monthly repayments. on the case. Samanta's mother died


after a short battle with cancer in April this year. Samantha knew her


mother had a phone contract which needed cancelling. She went to the


Orange shop to stop it, also see -- she thought. How are you? I here


you are having a tough time. This is you on your wedding day. You


look lovely as does your mother. Were you very close? Definitely for


us that she was my best friend. You had to know her to believe how


badly she was. She enjoyed life. When was she diagnosed? December.


She just went downhill straight away. On April 17th, she passed


away. Six days after her mother died, Samanta took her death


certificate into the phone shop and cancelled the contract. She thought


it would be the end of it. I went in on 23rd April with her death


certificate and phone bill just to cancel it. They took them and


photocopied them and said they would not hear anything else.


did you discover they were still taking money out? It was a couple


of months later that I noticed money coming out. I contacted the


company straight away and they said they were sorry but it would be


refunded into the bank. It never happened. Desperate to sort out the


problem, Sam made call after call to Orange. She sent another death


certificate to the company to prove her mother had passed away. They


were quite apologetic but it was different every time. There would


be no records of the death certificate, phone calls. I was


just banging my head against a brick wall. As the months passed by,


she realised Orange had taken more than �70 from the account. She


decided to return to the store in Cardiff to sorted out once and for


all. I thought I would come away with a weight lifted from my


shoulders but it did not happen like that. There was no empathy at


all for what we have been through. He was just very rude. It has been


months and it still has not been sorted. Let me see what I can do.


We have been in touch with the company who have apologised to


Samantha for the upset and inconvenience caused. They say they


fully appreciate she has not been given the service sheet should


expect. They say they can confirm the account has now been closed and


they will pay back the money they talk by mistake. Orange also say


they are carrying out a thorough investigation into the actions of


the staff involved. Thank you. All the hard work paid off. There was a


cheque and lovely flowers in the post this morning. That is another


case closed. Good work. Remember, however big or small your problem,


Lucy's here to help. 03703 444 334. Now, Christmas is coming and it's


nearly time to start writing those Christmas cards. But here in the


festively named hamlet of Jingle Street they've got a problem. The


post box disappeared two years ago and it's not the only one. More


than a hundred have gone from towns and villages across Wales over the


last ten years. Well, Peter Yeomans has been fighting to get it back.


Peter it used to be here didn't it? What happened to it? The postman


told me he came to collect letters one-day but he found that the post


box was a bit loose. He threw it in the van and drove away with it.


Everybody says they miss the post box. Not only was the day land mark,


but it has one of the last services we have in the parish. But to


confuse matters, Sheila Thomas has an antique post box for her own


mail. It's been a bit of a nightmare for you hasn't it? I keep


getting other people's post in my box. What at the Post Office


telling you? They did not say they want or would not replace it. They


could not see a problem because they thought we could use a postbox


which is one mile away. Post Office told us they will put the post box


back there. Good news. Now, if you book a holiday with one of


Britain's leading travel firms, you'd expect your accommodation to


be safe. But Lucy's been to meet a family who say their holiday almost


It is every family's worst nightmare. Jodie priest as more


reason than most to be afraid of fire. We lost a friend in a house


fire. I do feel much safer with smoke alarms at home. When it came


to booking a holiday abroad, she went to to make sure her family


were in the best possible hands. She chose a well-known brand she


thought she could rely on. They are Britain's second biggest travel


company. We had been with them a few times on holidays with just


myself and by has done. We have also been with the children as well.


We felt very comfortable booking with them. The family paid almost


�2,300 for a couple of weeks in the third. The apartments looked great


and they could not wait to go. Six days into the holiday, after a day


on the beach, she put the children to bed as usual. The room was very


warm up. I put the fan on. I spent about half-an-hour ago -- also


tidying up around the apartment. I could smell the burning tight smile.


I searched around the apartment and the last room I checked was the


bedroom with the children were sleeping. She was horrified when


she opened the door. I put the light on and the room was filled


with white smoke. I panicked. I got the children out of the room. I


grab them both and brought them out. My son was coughing. I put them on


the balcony so that they could get fresh air. The smoke was coming


from the van which had overheated. I told the fan out of the wall


socket. I have lost a lot of sleep considering what could have


happened. When she complained to the rep, she says he told her that


all the properties have smoke detectors. But this was not true.


There was a fire alarm that had to be acted mannerly. Smoke alarms can


play an important role in fire safety but they are not required by


law in Spain. What does the company tell potential customers? We went


on to the website and asked their advisers a simple question. Are


there smoke detectors in the properties you advertise? Their


reply was clear. All hotels and apartments have smoke alarms in


every room. But this was not true in the Granada apartments. Jodie


spoke to a manager. What was the rep's reaction when it was


confirmed there were no smoke alarms in the apartment. He was


amazed and apologetic. He said it was no longer safe for as to say --


stay there. He told us to pack up and be in touch for alternative


accommodation. He made it clear they would not allow you to stay


there. At I felt reassured that he was on our side and that he knew


customer-service was paramount. And customer safety was paramount.


There was still a week of the holiday left. They put their faith


in Thomas Cook to make the rest of their holiday memorable for the


right reasons. Things look brighter when they found another hotel. But


the family's excitement did not last long. The rep phoned me back


and said the last room had been taken. We had a phone call from the


company saying they would have flights back on the following day


because there was no more accommodation. That was the end of


the holiday. I was devastated. I did not want to read it -- or


return home. The children were upset as well. How did you feel


about having to come home early? Crying. I like it there. Instead of


a relaxing fortnight in the sun, the family had a six-day holiday


from hell. Surely the company would want to make it up to them? She


says the rep assured her they would get her money back. But the office


back home said they would not pay her a penny. When we contacted the


company they denied the rep off that her a refund. They say it was


her decision to cut short their holiday, something she denies.


cannot believe how dismissive they are over something which I see as


very serious. It was our children's lives. What a nightmare. Now, we've


been in touch with Thomas Cook and they now say that their properties


don't have to have smoke alarms! They say the hotel's fire alarm


system meets industry guidelines, so they're still sending guests


there. They deny that their rep ever told the Preece family that it


wasn't safe to stay there. But there is some good news, After we


after we got in touch, Thomas Cook has agreed to give the family �590


compensation. And that's all we've got time for this week. But if


you've got anything you want us to investigate, give us a call. 03703


334 334. Or you can email us: xray@bbc.co.uk. Don't forget to


leave us contact numbers so we can Next week, Hair straighteners like


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