Episode 15 X-Ray

Episode 15

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You're watching X-Ray. On tonight's programme. He's working hard to


build up his business, but one huge bill from Orange could be the end


of Chris's company. The ten grand conservatory built by


Unique Windows. It's certainly got some unique water features.


And those charities asking for our money.


Are there just too many requests in Hello. Tonight, we're in


Llantrisant and later we'll be finding out what Christmas shoppers


around here make of charity mailings.


First though. Mobile phones aren't just about making calls any more.


They're useful for all sorts of things, from catching up with your


friends on Facebook to watching films. But Rachel's been to meet a


man whose smartphone bill is a Thank you. It's always been the


best way to see a film. Thanks. I love coming to the cinema with


friends or the kids. But in this day and age, there are other


options. With today's smartphones, you can watch a movie anywhere!


It's not as comfy, it's not as warm, and the screen's not as big. But at


least you don't have to buy a ticket. Here in the warm, there is


one huge advantage. You pay for your ticket and there are no hidden


charges. With a phone, it can be Painter and decorator Chris Wilson


from Milford Haven found out just how different when he got his


November bill from Orange. He's got an upmarket smartphone on an


Hello. He normally pays a pricey �85 a month, but it's essential for


his business. It's as important as my paint


brushes basically. I use it for emails and I take calls for new


jobs. It basically keeps the business running.


And in terms of downloading data, do you do much of that?


I do listen to audio books, but I always download them at home


because I am aware that if you try to do that over a network it will


cost you a lot of money. So what happened this particular


month? I rung up to pay my bill and the


lady said I just feel I should warn you that next month's bill is going


to be slightly higher than normal. Then she told me how much it was


going to be and�6,875 and I nearly had a heart attack.


You had no clue really. Not until she told me. It made me go weak at


the knees. I felt sick after she told me. The only thing I did


different to any other month was I downloaded a programme from Sky Go


which was 43 minutes long. Now, if that is going to cost �6,000, it


would be cheaper for me to fly out and watch the programme being


filmed. They're saying that you must have been watching loads of


films. Like I say, I've done exactly as I have done every month.


The only thing I did was watch that programme on Sky Go. A mistake's


been made somewhere, but Orange just won't admit it. Orange say the


charges are in line with Chris's contract and that he had used up


nine gigabytes of data doing things like watching films over the


internet. That's a lot of data. This is how they explain it. On 17


October. He's clocking up data use at half past seven in the morning.


He's using 52 million bytes every few minutes. Most of these entries


are costing him �40. He's clocking up charges of �20 a minute. No


movie is that good! In fact, it's hard to find anything that


Front row seats to see the Rolling Stones - just �7.20 per minute.


A night in Claridges' most expensive penthouse - �6.30 per


minute. Even Wales' football hero Gareth


Bale gets just �7.50 a minute from It's going to be pretty near


impossible to prove how this data was used. But even if Chris quit


decorating and became the world's biggest film buff, it's hard to see


how these charges could be In Haverfordwest, it's not only


Chris who's feeling the pain. Music teacher Clare Harrison also has a


small business contract. I use it mainly for calls and I do have one


or two friends who have my email address on that mobile so


occasionally there is an email. Then occasionally again, maybe the


weather forecast or maybe a news item or maybe look up a phone


number on the internet. That's the only time I use the internet on my


mobile. She usually pays up to �35 a month


for her phone but in June, the bill was much much higher. I came home


from a few days on a friend's narrow boat and I had this bill


from Orange for about �5,000. I got straight on the phone to Orange


just as soon as I could to say they had made a mistake of some


description and they told me no. They were adamant and sure I had


used this data. Orange say Clare had made a mistake


with her phone settings, but they still made her pay nearly �500 of


the bill. It does seem a staggering amount of money when you look at it


at the moment. In the run up to Christmas they advertise these


phones - brilliant for gamers and tweeters and you hear it all the


time and you just think my goodness. It just worries me that, you know,


so many people could be out there doing this and end up this with


monstrous bill and just from using the phone the way the manufacturers


are suggesting. Jumbo mobile bills like these are a


growing problem as more of us get internet friendly smartphones.


Whilst Clare's bill has been cut to under �500, Chris hasn't been so


lucky. They cut his bill by �2,500, but that will still leave him owing


more than �4,000. Enough to watch 673 films in this cinema!


Potentially, if they make me pay the full bill, first of all, I


can't afford to pay it in one go, so there is a chance they are going


to cut me off. My phone is essential to my business, so that


is going to have a knock-on effect and, paying a bill that much, it


could potentially put my business under.


Well, just hours after we filmed that interview with Chris, things


got worse. Orange texted him to say that if he didn't pay up


immediately, he'd be cut off, leaving him and his business


without a phone. We asked Orange to come and explain their actions. But


they refused. They say the charges on Chris's bill are in line with


his contract but won't explain why they charge so much for this data.


They point out they already refunded a month's worth of charges


back in April when Chris also ran up a bill of several hundred pounds.


And as for Clare's case? They say her bill was so high because her


settings were wrong, which is a bit worrying. Worth checking out the


settings, and the costs if you're planning on a phone upgrade anytime


soon. Remember, if there's anything you'd


like us to investigate, please do get in touch. The lines are open


now - the number as always is 03703 334 334. Or send us an e-mail -


xray @bbc.co.uk. And remember to leave us a daytime phone number so


we can contact you straight away. Still to come on tonight's


programme. He never built it, he says he's never owned it. So why


should Alan pay for this wall to be repaired?


And the missing Christmas present. Can we track down 18-month-old


Now Christmas is traditionally a time for giving, but are charities


putting too much pressure on us at the moment? We've been to visit one


viewer who says it's gone too far. We're a generous bunch in Wales,


giving millions to charity every year. But this figure is falling as


the effects of the recession bite. In 2009, we gave an average of �12


a month each to charity. In 2010, this dropped to �11 and last year


it fell to �10. Charities are working hard to get us back, but in


their eagerness are they in danger of driving us away? David Edwards'


mother-in-law, Ruth, who lives in Cardiff, has given to charity all


her life. She has always given money to charity whether that be by


direct debit or a one off payment. As far as I'm aware, Ruth has done


that for years and years and years, long before I met her, very


generous lady. But in the run-up to Christmas,


Ruth has had a staggering 25 begging letters from charities


pushed through her front door, and all addressed to her personally.


I have never seen anything like this before. As far as I'm aware,


it hasn't happened with Ruth before. We're quite concerned how these


charities got her name and address and we were obviously quite upset


because of the pressure Ruth explained that she felt she was


under. To encourage her to donate, many


had included free gifts such as Christmas cards and calendars.


have more or less pressured her into, "Well, you've received the


gift, now you need to give us the money," and it upset us. Do elderly


people get a lot of this sort of mail and feel pressured to pay out,


sometimes large sums of money to various charities who they may


never have heard about? The Fundraising Standards Board


says charities need to ask otherwise donations can drop. But


last year it received just under 15,000 complaints about direct mail.


And the number of people complaining about the free gifts is


on the rise. For people like Ruth, who do donate continually, are


keeping charities going. I think we have to be careful not to frighten


these people away by putting so much pressure on them, especially


just before Christmas. Well, have you got an opinion on


this? Let us know. And we'll be asking shoppers around here what


they think later on. First though, we're off to Llandrindod Wells to


find out about a very expensive For centuries, chroniclers have


recorded the history of walls - the Great Wall of China, the Wailing


all of Jerusalem, The Berlin Wall and now one modern-day scribe has


notched up his own volume on an Calligrapher Alan Quincey and his


wife Rhona, are both in their 80s. They moved to their bungalow in


Howie just outside Llandrindod Wells 11 years ago. The first


chapter of their story makes happy reading. The whole area is pleasing,


the landscape is pleasing, the people are nice. Yeah, everything


about it is good. But what the couple didn't realise is that a


black cloud was looming on the horizon. Two years ago, the Welsh


winter was harsh. When the snow melted, a problem with the wall


outside the bungalow became apparent when Alan decided to get


some evergreens cut down. We were cutting them down. You can


see there are stumps here. The chap who was contracting noticed a


difference in the wall and when we looked closely at the wall, it was


cracked through frost damage. I promptly rang Powys County Council


who sent out an engineer. He said, "No, that's not going to fall


With a pile of rubble in place of a wall, it was obvious the whole


thing would need rebuilding. But what wasn't quite so obvious is who


owns the wall, and more importantly who would need to foot the bill.


There seem to be three potential owners - Alan, who says the wall is


not on his land. Wales and West Housing Association who own the


housing estate next to Alan's house - who say it's not theirs. And


Powys Council who own the road next to the wall. But they say they


don't own it either. Despite the uncertainty over the


wall's ownership, the council are pretty sure about how much it will


cost to rebuild - �30,000! At first they offered to split the


cost three ways - between themselves, the housing authority


and Alan. Horrified, I think, was probably the reaction I had. It's


not my wall and I don't see why I should make the contribution to


something I don't own. The dispute isn't just over who


owns the wall, but what type of wall it is. Alan thinks it's a


decorative measure. But the council says it's a retaining wall that's


holding back the bank of earth below Alan's house.


It's an argument that has rumbled on for more than 20 months. Has is


taken over your life? It's quite distressing, in fact. Sleepless


nights, I wake up writing letters in my head and to a certain extent


there's always a little bit of apprehension when the postman comes


too, I wonder what on earth's going to be in the post this time.


With such a colossal amount hanging in the balance, we've asked


chartered surveyor Tim Davies to examine the wall to find out how


much it would cost to rebuild. Well, Tim, you've had a chance to


take a look now. Is this outer wall a retaining wall? The outer wall,


Lucy, is the decorative part of the wall. It's not a retaining


structure itself. The council have said the cost of rebuilding this


wall would be �30,000. What do you make of that? For that sort of


money you can do an awful lot of work. There are definitely ways of


doing this wall a lot cheaper. you give us a ball park figure? How


much do you think it would cost? I'd have thought maybe around


�5,000 or �6,000 if they used a much simpler form of construction,


like gabian baskets or a crib lock system.


We've put Tim's findings to Powys Council but they're refusing to


budge. They still think it is a retaining wall. And remember their


offer to share the cost of rebuilding? Well, there's been a U-


turn on that, the council now wants Alan to pay the whole cost of the


rebuild - �30,000! It's an enormous amount of money and it's more than


we have and, of course at our age, there's no way we can raise a loan


and anticipate paying it back over a period of time. So it really is a


non-starter from our point of view. And Alan's worried the council are


determined to recover the cost of any new wall from him, no matter


how long they have to wait. We feel bullied, threatened.


Instead of coming to us and talking in a sensible and relaxed,


civilised way, I feel that it has been very aggressive and heavy-


handed. No one at Powys council would talk


to us, so Alan has written one final plea to the chief executive


of Powys council, asking him to reconsider. And I've decided to


deliver it in person. Well, I've handed in the letter to Powys


Council. Let's hope they take on board what Alan has to say.


So, has Powys County Council had any second thoughts? Well,


unfortunately not. They say they've always tried to deal with the


couple fairly and don't want to cause them undue stress and anxiety.


But they still maintain that Alan and his wife are liable for the


cost of the wall. Now let's get back to those charity


mail shots - earlier in the programme we heard from David


Llewelyn-Edwards whose elderly mother-in-law has been overwhelmed


by requests for her cash. So are we getting too many appeals? We've


come to Talbot Green to find out what people here think.


Charity mail shots. Do you have lots of these through your


letterbox? Yes, we do. How do you feel about it? Load of rubbish.


Why? Well it's a pain, isn't it, when you think about it. Because it


only goes in recycling. If there's Ty Hafan or something for Cancer,


then I am interested in receiving that.


It's quite difficult to decide what to do because there's so many good


causes and you can't make up your mind what to do - the best thing to


support really. I don't take much notice of them because I know it's


junk mail and I just rip them up and chuck them in the bin. Do you


think it's a good thing or a bad thing these are coming through your


mailbox? It's nice to have the opportunity to choose, but


sometimes there's quite a lot of it. And the charitible things where you


have to return clothes, I don't tend to trust them. It's a bit yes


and no, it varies how far they go. At the end of the day if you want


to give to a charity I think you would not be sending letters and


all that. Some interesting views. And if you


are fed up with a glut of charity mailings coming through your door,


there are ways to complain. You can sign up to the Mail Preference


Service, or you can complain to the Fundraising Standards Board. We've


put the details on our website. Or you can give us a call to get the


addresses. Next - time for Lucy to get On The


Case. Like many young boys, 18-month-old


Jacob loves cars. So his mum Stacy thought she'd found the ideal


Christmas present for her budding Jenson Button. Hi, Lucy. I ordered


a racing car bed for my little boy ages ago and it still hasn't come,


please can you help me? $$NEWLINe I'm on the case. Stacey Davies


thought she'd been really organised, ordering her sons Christmas present


back in August. His new racing car bed should have been delivered well


in time for the big day. But her plans have come screeching to a


halt. Hi, Lucy. Hello, Stacy. Come on in. Well, I can see that Jacob


likes his cars, doesn't he? Oh, he loves them, anything to do with


cars. So he'd play with them all the time? Yeah, yeah. So you


must've been so excited when you found this racing car bed online,


what was it like? The new bed Stacy found for Jacob


was a white road racer bed and mattress from online company


mykidsbed who are based in Northern Ireland. She paid �430 back in


August and the full amount was taken from her bank account. She


was told the bed would arrive within 4-8 weeks.


After about 9 weeks I started to get a bit worried so I tried


starting to contact them and that's when the problems started. I


couldn't get hold of them emails, faxes, calls. No response at all?


I've had no response at all. then you saw something pop up


online? One day I thought, "I'll go on the website and have a little


check," and I noticed there was a customer notice on there just


saying they weren't taking any further orders until January next


year and there was a helpline number for existing customers.


Stacy called the helpline, but it was a number for a completely


different company who happened to be based in the same building. They


told Stacy they were inundated with calls from unhappy customers


waiting for deliveries from mykidsbed. So how are you feeling


because this was Jacobs big Xmas present, wasn't it? This is going


to be his main first proper Xmas as he's a bit older and he understands


a lot more. I just wanted it to be special for him and I didn't want


to disappoint him. So, Stacy, what would you like me to do? If you


could just get me his bed for Xmas. Stacy - I'm on the case. Well, we


managed to track down mykidsbed and ask them about Stacy's order. They


told us that the Director responsible for the management and


day-to-day running of the company is no longer working there. But


they are continuing to deal with the backlog and are striving to


ensure that all customers receive their order. And they say Stacy's


bed has now been dispatched and should be delivered shortly.


Hi, Lucy, we've had our bed. Thank you very much, you really have made


our Xmas really special this year now. Jacob really is going to have


the perfect Christmas now, so thank you. And that's another case closed.


Good result. Now, we do hear about quite a few leaking conservatories


on this programme, but not everyone captures their leaking conservatory


on film. An estate agent might describe this


as a unique water feature - it's certainly that, as well as being


the biggest leak in a conservatory built only two years ago by a


company called Unique Windows. grand down the drain, literally,


with all the water we're having. Meurin Williams and his partner


Mary Hancock live in Capel Hendre near Ammanford - they wanted this


conservatory to be the focus of their home - warm, dry, somewhere


they could sit in comfort. These two former weightlifters were


both British champions in their day, Mary represented Wales at the


Commonwealth Games just a decade ago. Now they want to put their


feet up and take things easy. Particularly after a busy summer


where Mary was a referee during the weighlifting at the London Olympics.


What were you hoping for from this conservatory? Comfort. Room and


plenty of lighting. It was to get out of an enclosed area, small area,


small rooms. You can see everything that's going on, a bit of wildlife


behind us. Two years ago they chose local firm,


Unique Windows, to build their conservatory. It cost them �10,000.


He's just across the road from where we live, and I assumed that


if and when a problem arose he would be down here immediately to


sort it out. But within weeks of work being finished their new


conservatory sprung its first leak - and since then they've began


keeping a video diary of their problems. And it's quite a disaster


movie... We had the conservatory put up in


November. The diary begins in January last


year.... After last night's rain, continue. Emptying out the water


that collects at the top of the conservatory has become a regular


chore. Is that a cloth I can see up in


there? Yeah, put the cloth there to absorb the water. Can you hold that


for a second? Yeah, I can. This isn't going to be some trick now,


is it? I feel like I'm going to get soaked. Gosh, careful you're


getting soaked. Good lord! Their video evidence has kept


growing and the couple say they keep complaining to Unique Windows.


And the company has been out several times over the past two


years to try to fix the problems. At one stage they tried a very


unusual method to trace the leak. The crown of the conservatory -


they bubblewrapped it, and taped it up with brown tape. It looked a


hell of a sight. But they said then that that would cure, or they could


isolate the leak. It doesn't sound very scientific? No! It didn't cure


the leak, either. So who exactly are Unique Windows?


Well, here's the man behind the company - Steve Fleetham. He's also


a director of another West Wales firm, Hendre Homes, and he and his


wife Jackie are quite a big noise in the world of horse racing.


Together they own around a dozen race horses. But, according to Mary


and Meurin, the company haven't been racing to put right the


problems in the conservatory. And when Mary's visited their offices,


Mr Fleetham didn't exactly offer a warm welcome.


He just started shouting above me, and he told me that he didn't have


to speak to me because I didn't own the house, and if I didn't get out


of his office now he was going to throw me out.


It was daunting, but the couple were determined not to give up.


September, it was Meurin's turn to pay the company a visit.


Again he asked Mr Fleetham to sort out the leaks, and says he was


assured they would be out to do the job on the next dry day.


The couple have kept count since then - despite the wet autumn, they


say they've had 18 dry days when the repairs could have been done.


He knows what he's doing all the time. He just palms us off with


different dates, different excuses. Well, we've got good news for Mary


and Meirin. Unique Windows have told us they accept the couple


haven't had the service they deserved in the past. They say


they've tried to fix a date to do the work several times, but they've


now arranged to visit them within the next couple of days to put


those leaks right. We'll be checking.


Well, that's it for this week. Next week we're investigating the latest


trend for a night out. Smoking a Shisha pipe - used to be something


you might try out on a holiday abroad. But now shisha bars are


springing up in Welsh cities. We go undercover to find out who's


smoking what, and whether they're breaking the law.


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