Episode 12 X-Ray

Episode 12

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The programme that fights for your rights.


If you have been scammed or Dell at a raw deal, we are on your side,


exposing the truth and tracking down the ropes. We will not take no for


an answer. But not all their


customers are impressed. Overall, it is just


a complete nightmare. The holiday booking sites


which don't always deliver You think you're going to be getting


a level of service which is actually going to support you,


rather than cause more issues. And why is a property company


charging the earth for land First tonight, Rachel's been


speaking to unhappy customers of one of Wales's best-known car


dealerships, based right You couldn't really


escape the advertising. It looked like a good


company to go for. They're based at this huge


complex at Neath Abbey, with a part exchange


outlet at Merthyr. And they certainly


have a reputation. There are lots of happy


customers on the website, Some of them are from


independent review sites. Take a look at these,


from sites like Trustpilot. 87% of customers gave


them four or five stars. Can this really be the company


we investigated three years ago? Back then, customers complained


to us about their expensive extended He turned around and said


that the warranty is the best thing It covers absolutely


everything on the car apart We went undercover to see


what they would tell us. The only thing it doesn't cover


is tyres and that kind of stuff. There will lots of exclusions


in the small print, seized calipers, internal or external oil seals,


cracked and blocked heads, window regulator cables,


water ingress, exhaust system, rubber hoses, failures caused


by the build-up of carbon deposits, The company said that


if we actually bought a car, we'd have been given the details


by compliance manager. And now, it would seem


the customers love them. But we've been hearing from a few


that aren't so keen. Darren Dorricott from Pontypool


bought his Peugeot hatchback from the company's


Merthyr branch last June. I could hear a knocking


from the passenger side of the front wheel which didn't sound right,


so it started ringing alarm bells The car had passed an MOT the day


before he bought it. But Darren was worried,


so he had it retested less An MOT report, it was an actual


failure of the MOT. As the car stands, it


would not pass an MOT. Trade Centre Wales say


that the fault occurred They fixed it and other faults


highlighted by the second MOT. But just weeks later,


warning lights started coming up on the dashboard and he had


problems starting the car. The company eventually agreed to pay


for an independent Peugeot garage They sent the report


to Trade Centre Wales. I phoned them up and they said


we have had the report back from the Peugeot garage


and it contains two items which we are going to


get repaired for you. In fact, the Peugeot garage had


found three more items needing urgent attention which Darren says


Trade Centre Wales didn't mention. So I said, OK, so what


about the heat shield? And they said, no, that wasn't


picked up as an issue. And I full well know it was,


because it was in black and white The car had failed an MOT just


weeks after he bought it. Now he says he was being misled


about the repairs it needed. Although they fixed the problems,


Darren wasn't impressed. Overall, a complete nightmare


of customer service and I would I wouldn't recommend my worst enemy


to go and buy a car from them. When Allan Smith from Crickhowell


needed a new runaround, He thought Trade Centre Wales


would have the car for him. I thought it sounded OK,


so I headed down there. But just weeks later,


he said an independent garage told him the car had


serious rust problems. He took the car back


to Trade Centre Wales, but they said there was only surface


corrosion, so Alan turned They arranged for somebody to come


and do an independent inspection. And that report found that the rust


on the fuel tank was so bad, there was an immediate


risk of fuel leak. They gave Alan his money


back and compensation Trade Centre Wales had picked


a fight with the wrong guy. I made a Facebook page and group


called Nightmare With Trade Centre I had quite a lot of traffic, quite


a few people with horror stories. But Trade Centre Wales


were not happy. Eventually I got a letter


from the company's legal department, which was a solicitor down


in Cardiff, that was threatening to take me to court


if I didn't issue an apology. Because they are a big company


and I am just a small, poor man. I felt they were trying to bully me


into taking down my Facebook page. Six months on, and Allan's page


is still up. And he hasn't forgotten how he feels


he was treated. It's the worst customer service


I've ever experienced. Well, some very unhappy


customers there. So, what are Trade


Centre Wales saying? Well, they paint a very


different picture. They tell us they have high


standards of after-care service and have thousands of happy


customers every year. In January alone, they say they sold


1,200 second-hand cars, so they are bound to


have a few problems. Which is understandable,


but some people seem very upset They do, the people we have spoken


to say they have to keep taking their cars back again


and again to get them and they also say they found the after-sales staff


very difficult to deal with. They say of the six cases we told


them about, they got the faults fixed quickly and treat those


customers with respect and sympathy. Well, if you remember,


he believes he wasn't put fully in the picture about faults


that were identified Now Trade Centre Wales, again,


deny this and say they think he failed to mention one


of the matters was actually Well, it's an interesting one this,


because Trade Centre Wales did fail to spot that severe corrosion


on the fuel tank. But otherwise, the Independent


report said the car So they are saying they are


satisfied with the level Allan, though, clearly is not,


which is why he set up Now the company say they were acting


perfectly properly in asking him to take down that which they


considered untrue and defamatory. And later in the programme,


Rhod will have the lowdown on what to look out for when you're


shopping a second-hand car. And remember, if there's anything


you'd like us to look into, The number to call is 03703 334334,


or you can e-mail x-ray@bbc.co.uk. Still to come tonight:


Fighting for a fair price. The residents who feel


they are being ripped off. I only paid 14,000 for the house


when I bought it! Now, if you're booking a special


holiday, you may well arrange it But what if you don't get


the dream trip you expecting? Last year, one in four


of us booked holidays You can just enter where you want


to go and when you hit search, there are loads of options


to choose from. Whether you go for a week


in the sun, fun on the ski slopes or a stylish city break,


you'd hope your trip would go But if things go wrong and you don't


get the holiday you set your heart One of the biggest travel


sites is booking.com. Planet Earth's number


one accommodation site. Seasoned travellers Pat


and Sue O'Reilly from Llandysul in Ceredigion decided


to give it a whirl. So, how important is it that


you love of the outdoors We go on holiday so that we can go


outside and see different things. We learn what we can photograph,


what we can film and share One of their favourite spots


is Yellowstone National Famous for its lakes, mountains,


grizzly bears and geysers. It's where the centre of the earth


bursts through the surface. They planned to visit again


last summer and Sue booked hotels The couple received booking


confirmations for all their hotels, so they were confident


everything would run smoothly. Then when we got there,


they had no record of the booking. We had nowhere else to go and as far


as we knew, we did Thankfully, the hotel


did have a spare room. The next day, Sue and Pat continued


their journey to Yellowstone. Another 500 mile drive to get


there and we had a whole week's booking in this hotel


for which they had no record. It was worrying, because,


you know, you think, But this time, the hotel was full


and it was a peak holiday season. After many calls, Pat and Sue


found a place to stay, but it was further away, had no


restaurant and cost more money. It makes you wonder what the purpose


of a confirmation is. The experience cast a shadow over


Pat and Sue's special holiday. They've complained


twice to booking.com, Let us see what consumer law expert


Professor Margaret Griffiths makes So, who is responsible here,


Margaret? Well, it does look as if it is


the booking process that has gone wrong, rather than a problem


at the hotel, and because it is in the booking process, then


booking.com are responsible for it. They've had to go to a more


expensive hotel than the one they thought they'd booked,


and that is a financial cost them, so it will be perfectly reasonable


to expect booking.com to refund the price difference,


plus any obvious consequential loss they suffered for having to go


off-site for their meals. Another couple who had bother


with the booking site are newlyweds Paul and Damien


Bridgeman from Barry. I promised Damien I'd take him


to New York when we first met. After planning a hectic wedding,


the honeymoon was going to be some time to relax, chill out and have


some magical time for ourselves. Paul chose to arrange the trip


through booking site Expedia. He made it clear that


because Damien has cerebral palsy, Their booking documents confirmed


this and the couple jetted off to New York confident that


everything was in hand. But when the couple arrived


in New York, the couple feared that it might not just be


the city that never sleeps, The room was not accessible


in any way, shape or form. There was a walk-in shower


but there was no bath chair and Damien's chair tends


to spark in water. The bed was just unsuitable and,


when I was putting Damien to bed, the hoist tipped so he could


have easily been hurt. Expedia hadn't told the hotel


about Damien's needs. You think you're going to be getting


a level of service which is actually going to support you rather


than cause more issues. Paul and Damien hoped


their honeymoon would improve But, yet again, they didn't get


the accessible room they had booked. I expect to get what I ask


for and if the company can't provide Paul and Damien did everything


they should have done. They have checked the booking


confirmation, they made their requirements clear upfront


and you really are left wondering whether in practice you wouldn't


just be better off booking the hotel direct so you have the peace of mind


that the people actually providing the service definitely


know what you need. And, incredibly, when they


complained, Expedia gave Paul So using a booking site may not


guarantee you a great holiday. And it's definitely worth checking


out those terms and conditions. You need to know exactly


what your rights and remedies And never forget, if it's


worth more than ?100, pay with your credit card


because then if you can't get satisfaction from the company


concerned you can go back to the credit card company and ask


them to intervene on your behalf. So what have the


companies had to say? Well, Booking.com have apologised


to Pat and Sue for the standard They blame a glitch


in their computer system for the hotel rooms not


being booked, so the couple will be Expedia have also apologised


and admit they made errors in Paul They're reviewing their processes


to prevent this happening again and they've now offered them a full


refund for the hotel rooms - ?1,800, and given them


compensation of ?200, so that's a total of ?2,000,


which is a great result. Now, earlier we were hearing


about problems with second hand cars and it's the issue Trading Standards


gets most complaints about. Rhod's been finding out how


to boost your chances of getting Many of us fall head over heels


when we find the car of our dreams. But if you let your heart


rule your head, what you thought was your dream motor could turn


out to be a nightmare. And that's why I've gone


all Frank Butcher on you today. Welcome to the forecourt


of Rhod's runabouts - the used car-dealer


with a difference. I'm not after your money,


I'm dishing out advice on how Lesley Nicholls from Bridgend hasn't


had much luck with cars. She needed one to take granddaughter


Megan to school and splashed out But a few months after buying


it, problems set in. Every time I stopped at a junction,


it was as though the clutch had no I'd get to a red light


and try to pull away I'd have to end up putting


the hazard lights on with people Her garage agreed to swap it


for a Vauxhall Astra and Lesley didn't think to make


any further checks. I could hear this terrible noise


coming from the car as if something Lesley's gears collapsed,


wrecking her gearbox, But things could have


been different. A quick check of the new government


MOT website shows the history And whilst it had an MOT,


it also had lots of advisory notes. A good indicator that trouble's


just around the corner. We've got a brake fault


on the rear brakes. They're both imbalanced


and fluctuating. We have corrosion on the subframe


and we've got a gearbox fault I think what's confusing


is when she got the car it came with a 12 month MOT and she thought


with that she was safe. Yeah, and that's the general


misconception of the public. That because it's got a new MOT,


all's good with the vehicle, When you're buying a car,


it's always wise to take The AA and the RAC offer car


inspections for as little as ?99. But there are plenty of things


you can check yourself too. First up, ask to see


the log book or V5. Here we have the vehicle


identification number. On this particular vehicle,


we have it here on the windscreen and we also have it there


on the underside of the bonnet. Now, if that doesn't


match up to the V5 form, you're in trouble, simply because it


could be a clone vehicle, a stolen vehicle, it could be


a completely different vehicle So if that don't match up,


don't go any further. Another good way to see how well


the car's been cared You see it's a little bit low on oil


and you can also see the oil's So that hasn't been


changed in a long while. If you then go to the oil filler


cap, you can see there's a lot Alarmingly, the coolant seems very


low and that may be indicative of a leak somewhere or, worse,


it could be a head gasket fault. It hasn't been serviced


so that means money, So always check for


a good service history. And another warning sign Gareth


says to look out for? Accident-damaged cars returning


to the market which have First thing you'll notice


is that the paint doesn't match up Someone has re-sprayed this


whole area in gold paint, possibly to cover blue


panels and the rest of it. But you can see all


of the overspray. They haven't done


a very tidy job of it. It's a botch job and obviously


you can see the misalignment And my pencil goes right


in there and that's going That's going to cause


all sorts of problems. It's worth paying for an HPI check,


which can reveal any serious prangs And never part with any


cash until you've done If you do all that, then hopefully


you'll steer clear of car catastrophes and you and your motor


can enjoy many happy miles together. Next, I've been to a housing estate


near Pontypridd where a property company has left residents


feeling pretty peeved. The Crown Hill Estate


in Llantwit Fardre sprung to life in the 1960s and has always been


a popular choice for families. Angela Thomas and her late husband


Tony raised their children here. We got married in '69 so,


yes, it is very special. Angela's now retired


and her mortgage is paid off. But there's one thing


still troubling her. Like many others on the estate,


she lives in a house that's If you're a leaseholder,


you don't own the land What you have bought is the right


to live there for the number The landowner has recently


changed to a company called Did you think about buying


the freehold one day? Yes, I did think about it,


but with the mortgage to pay I didn't think about applying for it


because it was only ?20 a year. Why would owning the freehold now


be important to you? Well, after my days, Lucy,


I'd like my children to inherit the house, obviously,


and if I don't own the freehold, It can be tricky to secure


a mortgage on a house that's got less than 80 years


left on its lease. Angela's only had 50 years so,


when LPM offered to sell her the freehold, she was


eager to snap it up. The first letter that I had


was to say it was ?2,195. But before she could take up


the offer, LPM wrote again with a new price which


was eight times higher. When I first opened the letter,


I thought it was ?1,500, but when I looked


again it was ?15,996. I can't really believe how


they get to that price. I went for a drive around the estate


with a chartered surveyor who told me how the value


of a freehold is worked out. The value of the house


is one major part of it. Also, of course, is the ground rent


you pay and also the length of the lease because,


as the lease gets towards its end, it becomes more valuable


to the landlord and becomes more expensive for tenants


to acquire their freehold. What do you believe the value


of the freehold of these kinds Really, it's around about ?5,000


would seem to be a more general And that tallies with the figure


given to Ann Hughes by the surveyor she hired to value


her freehold. She wanted to buy it and made LPM


an offer but couldn't They came up with the astonishing


price of ?27,000, so it had gone up Where are they getting


these figures from? How does that make you feel,


having all these wildly varying It makes you feel like you might


be getting ripped off. All over this estate,


furious residents are telling us they just want to buy


their freeholds for a fair price. It's certainly a hot


topic in the local pub. They are playing with


people's lives on this. It's virtually impossible


to get hold of them. I only paid ?14,000


for the house when I bought it. Feelings are running high and people


here don't know where to turn, so I'm off to meet someone I hope


can offer them some advice. It must be quite confusing to get


such a variety in prices It would be worthwhile and helpful


if they could set out for the lessees how they have


reached those figures. But with so many families


in the same position, does Anthony think they'd be better


off working together? I think it goes a long way for one


or two lessees to get together on behalf of their neighbours


to have a discussion with the freeholders about how


they have arrived at the prices If that doesn't succeed,


then you're looking at things that That could mean taking their cases


to the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal. People here hope it


won't come to that. Whatever happens though,


they're sticking together. We can all get together


and try to right this wrong. We are in a better position


with strength in numbers taking our case back


to the organisation. So, yes, we are going


to go for it now. LPM say they're sorry


for the confusion over the prices, which they blame on computer


problems that still haven't been As for the massive difference


between their figures and the ones given by the surveyors we spoke to,


LPM say there could be a negotiated settlement, but they're not yet


in a position to offer The residents say they're now


seeking legal advice as a group Well, that's all we've


got time for this week, but if you have a story you'd


like us to look into, Next week: He ran away last time


we confronted him and Rob the Builder's been up


to his old tricks again. He said, don't look up,


it's not as bad you think. I looked up, it was


a state of carnage.


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