Episode 8 X-Ray

Episode 8

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You're watching X-Ray, the programme that fights for your rights. If you


have been scammed or dealt a raw deal. We are on your side. Exposing


the truth and tracking down the rogues and we won't take no for an


answer. On tonight's programme -


justice at last for victims of this Basically they threw


the car together just to sell it. My wife, I bought her


a car that could potentially have These six families thought they'd


booked a New Year getaway. But their plans were ruined


by heartless hackers. I got


a phone call back to say she didn't She just immediately said


to me you've been scammed. And Christmas is the season


of peace and goodwill - unless you're fighting over


a bargain on Black Friday! First tonight,


he's one of the worst car dealers we've ever come across, but finally


a rogue trader from right here in Five names in as many years -


the signs over this garage in Barry change, but the man


behind it stays the same. Nasser Asfi - the most complained


about car dealer in town. For years he's been trying to give


his customers - and The business name was changing very


often, this was a way of trying to escape investigation or


obviously prevent us, trading standards, from looking at them and


tracing who was behind the company. But the law has finally caught


up with this slippery trader. He could now be facing jail -


after admitting selling dangerous It shouldn't be on the road,


it was absolutely a death trap. This isn't the first time


Nasser Asfi's been in trouble. Four years ago this court ordered him


to pay back ?11,000 But he didn't stop


and customers who'd been ripped off by his garages began asking us


to expose his dodgy dealings. Linda Savory told us how she paid


eighteen hundred pounds for a Renault Scenic from what was


then Trade Price Cars. But it still had an unpaid


loan against it - which meant If I'd have known then what I know


now, I would not have touched After we got involved,


Nasser paid her back. We then discovered his garage


was selling insurance write offs But when we visited,


we didn't get a warm welcome If I get out I promise you,


I'll smash down your The following year,


we heard more horror stories from Harriet Jenkins, Richard


Aboulachouaq and Garreth Gilbert. All of a sudden my power steering


died going around a roundabout. I was coming off the motorway,


off the slip-road and Driving round about between 50


and 60 miles an hour with We said the car's unsafe,


all of these should have been picked up when the car entered


your dealership, and he just kept saying to me 'I don't sell unsafe


cars, why would I sell unsafe cars. At the same time X-Ray was


investigating, Trading Standards were building a prosecution against


Nasser Asfi and his brother Asghar, Their key witness was Mike Smith,


from Briton Ferry - My wife heard a noise coming


from the back brakes. It was supposed to have just


passed its MOT, and the back of the Mike's car should never have been


on the road. The brakes and suspension were


worn and there was a mysterious And how's this for a quality


repair job - the exhaust had been It looks like it had been standing


in a scrap heap for two years and basically they threw


the car together just to sell it. My wife, obviously, I bought her


a car that could potentially have Mike's case gave Trading Standards


the evidence they needed, There were five vehicles found to be


an unroadworthy and dangerous condition,


these were serious defects which included corrosion, oil leaks,


and issues surrounding tyres. Clearly they were bringing cars in,


and just putting a sales ticket on there without carrying out any


checks whatsoever. But getting Nasser Asfi to admit


them was far more difficult. His story didn't add up at all,


So he denied all knowledge He talked about his brother being


the person in charge and how he gave advice in relation to running


the business with his brother. And when we visited


the garage last year, He's no longer here he's


got nothing to do with us. He has got something to


do with this company. Earlier this year,


Ashgar admitted 10 charges But his brother Nasser was


a harder nut to crack. He insisted the business was owned


by someone else called Jamal Asfi. But that's Nasser's middle name -


which became clear in court. Mr Asfi was granted bail,


and produced a passport which was in the name of Jamal Asfi, which again


pointed back to the director of the company, and eventually he pleaded


guilty to the charges he was facing. Two weeks ago,


Nasser Asfi finally admitted six The garage,


is still open for business and signs claim it's under new management -


but we're not convinced. Shortly after we started filming


here someone did drive on to the forecourt who we believe


was Nasser Asfi. Staff quickly locked the gate,


but we think we spotted Nasser He might have to get used to being


locked up though - he's due to be sentenced next month and could well


be spending Christmas behind bars. We'll let you know what happens


to Nasser Asfi in the New Year. And if you've come


across any cowboy car dealers - or if there's anything else you want us


to look into, then give us a call on The doors are about to open on


another Black Friday - the day when They were acting like animals,


David Attenborough should have been Now Christmas


and New Year are fast approaching! But Rachel's been to meet one group


of friends who aren't feeling The best of friends - this bunch


of mates from Bridgend love to spend Our husbands all went to school


together, then the wives came into it and then


we've had children, so basically we What's it like


when you all get together? Can be chaos, but also a lot of fun,


we love spending time with each other and then as often as we can we


try to get weekends away! And seeing in the New Year together


has become a tradition for New Year's obviously our annual


thing which the children really These get-togethers are


a big deal then, and - as you can imagine - it's not easy


finding somewhere that can cope with This year, it was Gemma's turn


to arrange their festive fun. And in September she spotted


the perfect place in the Usk Valley It was close to home,


not far for us to go and it had enough rooms for us - everything we


were looking for really! Keen to seal the deal, Gemma sent


an e-mail through the booking site, Had a response to say the dates were


unavailable to start with and then within 45 minutes I had another


e-mail to say please ignore the last e-mail, I had the dates mixed up,


we are actually available. Just quickly glanced at it,


obviously was ecstatic that it was Yes, quick book it now - she offered


us a discounted rate if we were to The three night break would


cost ?1,500 and had to be One by one,


the six families sent their money. But when Gemma phoned the owner


of the holiday home to check some final details,


she was in for a horrible shock. I got a phone call back to say she


didn't know what I was talking about - she had sent me an e-mail to


say they were fully booked and she just immediately said to me you've


been scammed - you could imagine, Everybody contacted their banks


but it was too late really cos we Group Accommodation told us there


are no security problems with their website and the breach must


have happened through They quickly removed it


from their listings. But the hackers had already done


the damage. The first e-mail Gemma received


was from the real property owner. But the rest came


from a fraudster who'd hacked They were sent


from an e-mail account with a which suggests


the hacker is based in Spain. To make it look convincing,


the fraudster even copied Gemma's We also spoke to someone else who


was targeted by the same hackers Luckily they spotted


the dodgy e-mail address They will sit there and they


will look at the e-mails they They're looking


for the moment the vulnerability Take this example, 24 people wanted


to have a holiday, very difficult to get a house for 24 people,


and they jumped at it , because it And


when it came to the bank transfer, They used the real property


owner's name, but the account Something Tony has seen


many times before. Really the only thing


the bank are looking at is the sort We traced those details back to


a branch of Natwest in Nottingham. The bank told us


the account is under review, but said it's up to the person


making the payment to check it's Bank transfers are risky, but


if you have to send money this way, always ring the person or company


first - on a landline if they have That way you'll also know


if they're expecting the payment. The National Fraud Intelligence


Bureau estimates that more than two million pounds were lost through


scams like this last year - making online security more


important than ever. We haven't got one key for


everything we do in our life, we can't afford to have one password,


because if that one password is compromised it's compromised


on every single thing we do. Back in Bridgend, Gemma's friends


are angry at what's happened, We've never blamed Gemma,


it was no-one's fault. Be extra careful,


make sure you make that phone call - They're still hoping that the 24


of them can get away for New Year, but at the moment it's not looking


hopeful. This will be the first time in


about six years we haven't gone and we started going when I was about


four years old. holiday booking scams like this are


on the rise - so we've put information on our website


for you on how to spot the signs. And, hacking hit the headlines


on a massive scale last month, when criminals stole the details


of more than a hundred and fifty thousand Talk Talk


customers - including the bank Now, if you're a Talk Talk customer,


the company should have already told you by now whether or not YOUR


details have been compromised. If you haven't heard


from them then you need to call But if your details have been


stolen, what can you do? Well, Gwen Evans is


a solicitor representing a number Gwen, this must be a very worrying


time for people? the people who've contacted me are


understandably very distressed about the matter, they're worried about


matters, they're changing their internet passwords for example,


checking their bank accounts daily, sometimes more frequently than


that, looking for strange activity So very worrying then,


but Talk Talk are saying that if customers have been affected,


or not, they should have received Well as I understand it, there are


a range of categories of data that have been taken from names,


addresses and dates of birth on the one hand through to the top end, the


more serious end of the scale, where credit card and bank account


details have been stolen. Whatever may have been compromised


though, people are going to be Well, of course people can contact


Talk Talk directly and discuss the matter with them.


Alternatively they can contact the Information Commissioner's


office which is an independent body And if people are distressed or


concerned about the matter and their details have been stolen, the


data protection act provides for compensation in these circumstances


so it's important that they seek independent legal advice


from a specialist solicitor. Really useful advice there,


Gwen, thank you very much. And Talk Talk have told us that


if anyone has lost money as a result of the data breach, they


should contact them immediately. They're also offering all customers


free upgrades from next week - and So head to their website


for more information. Next, I've been to Carmarthenshire,


to try and solve the mystery The best slate


in the world comes from North Wales Welsh slate is a huge part


of our history. And it's been used in some of our


nation's most important buildings. More than 1,300 tonnes of slate,


from quarries across North Wales, were used to build the iconic


Wales Millennium Centre. Many of us have slate on our roofs,


but it's In fact,


there's a whole industry built on it, from cheeseboards to placemats,


clocks, even photos on slate! John Tustin from Llangynog


in Carmarthenshire is a big fan of the stuff and knew exactly how he


wanted to use it in his new home. The previous owners had a


South African connection. So they had called


the house Randburg. Now we were coming back to Wales


having travelled the world for over 35 years so we felt it would be more


appropriate to rename the house Nant-Y-Ffin, which actually means


bordered by the stream, and if you look outside the window behind me


there is a little stream that In rural areas


like this there aren't any house numbers or street signs


so a name plaque is very important. Most of the houses have slate signs


so we thought let's follow suit, let's


be part of the village, so we ordered a Welsh slate sign,


which was on a Welsh house, in a John looked online and found a sign


he liked on a website called Bespoke You could design your own slate


sign, the size of the sign, the colour of the font and they promised


they could deliver the slate to you Bespoke Slate boasts that clients


will receive their goods on time, But weeks after ordering it, there


was still no sign of John's sign. We kept ringing and ringing


and getting a message on an answer phone, I left my message


asking them to call me back. Eventually, John had an email


which said there had been Bespoke Slate reassured John that


his sign had been made Just one snag -


he'd have to pay all over again! I thought, are you taking me


for a fool. What do you think I am? Stupid!


I said, no, I'm not paying again. So I emailed them back


and said Thank you very much but as you've got the sign and


as it's ready then send it to me. In the end,


John gave up and luckily, his credit So financially,


his slate was wiped clean. John now has a new sign


from the local market. But he's not


the only one who's had problems with Bespoke Slate. Online there are


dozens of very similar complaints! Rhondda Cynon Taf Trading Standards


have told us that in the last six months they have received 64


complaints about Bespoke Slate. Then in September the website


mysteriously disappeared. It seemed Bespoke Slate


had stopped trading. When we did some digging,


we found this from 2010. An identical looking website called


Prestige Slate - it even has And you might recognise


the man behind it, Alex Mills, a former Apprentice candidate with


amazing eyebrows, but not such 140 customers complained


about Prestige Slate to Trading Standards. I don't think


Lord Sugar would have been impressed Alex Mills sold Prestige


Slate two years ago. But a former employee later bought


the website and rebranded it. His name is Gareth Jones


and he is also the man behind three Premier Slate -


which was also closed recently. And Trading Standards have


had plenty of other We spoke to one customer of


Quality Slate who did actually receive her sign, although it was


anything but quality! We decided to pay Gareth Jones


a visit, at the address listed on the websites of Quality


and Luxury Slate. And according to the neighbours,


there hasn't been for two months! Well, we finally got hold of


Gareth Jones and he denies changing his company


names to avoid paying back customers Gareth Jones admits he has made


mistakes, but blames his payment As a gesture of goodwill,


he's offering to make him Trading Standards told us they're


keeping a close eye on Mr Jones's Now there are just 31


days until Christmas and the shops So what's your strategy for getting


a good deal on your presents? Let's see what people here in Barry


are doing this year. How are you doing on your Christmas


shopping? First day. Any tips


for getting good deals? Um,


online is a very good idea I save I get loads through petrol


and stuff like that, so we tend to shop with them and it's really good,


the kids get to choose, I give them the vouchers. I bought the wrapping


paper 2 days ago and it's all done, What about all the presents though,


when do you buy them? I start in the January sales and I


finished yesterday, I've been looking at car boots


and charity shops, really, Is she a pretty savvy shopper,


is she? That's a secret, innit,


between me and Santa. Well,


this week sees the busiest shopping But is it the best day to bag


a bargain? A man of courage who'll stop


at nothing to get what he wants. Right, let's go Christmas


shopping! Black Friday is an American concept.


On the day after Thanksgiving, shops offer dramatic discounts to


boost profits and get them The idea has now caught on here,


but it's led to frenzied scenes Last year we spent more than ?800


million on Black Friday. Experts are already predicting that


this Friday's bargain bonanza will be the UK's first ever ?1 billion


shopping day. John Swan was swept up


in last year's Black Friday fever. He fancied a new games console


at his local Tesco superstore in I was really overwhelmed with


the amount of people who turned up there and how stupid it all got -


all to save a couple of pounds. There was old people stood in front


of me and when the clock hit 12 they There was nowhere near enough for


the amount of people who turned up. They were acting like animals


and David Attenborough should have In the end, the police had to be


called in to control the crowds. Definitely not one


for me this this year, I won't be going, I'll probably be better off


just waiting for the January sales. Asda,


which led the charge in bringing Black Friday to the UK - has said it


won't be doing it this year. Plenty


of shops will still be slashing prices on everything from fashion to


fridges - but not necessarily Sometimes you'll find that


the retailers are looking at the end of line stock,


or there are new versions come out. So they may have just


a limited set of televisions, for example, of 30 for example and


300 people are queuing for them. Now, the excitement is:


will you get that deal? But if you plan, and the stores


hopefully this year are being more security conscious and organised,


then it can be a great experience If you decide to brave Black Friday,


it's worth having a wish list, and a budget to avoid those impulse


buys. Aw, Lucy is going to love


this jellyfish mood lamp. But if you miss out on those


Black Friday deals, don't panic. Because three days later,


on November 30th, another bargain It's called Cyber Monday, and no,


it doesn't mean we're going to be It's another retail ritual imported


from the States that's led to It's the day


when internet shopping reaches its pre-Christmas peak, with a wave


of online only deals and discounts. So will people here


in Cardiff be grabbing a festive Yeah,


but what about things you want to I just like being able to walk


into a shop. Hold something.


If you want to try something on. You get a better understanding


of what you're buying I come in and I'll have


a look round and then probably go I just went to look at aftershave


and I can get it ?8 cheaper online. Yeah, that's a lot of money. So


everyone's having aftershave As consumers we have more choice


than ever of how and when we shop. But on Cyber Monday don't click that


mouse Remember, if you haven't


purchased in the store before, you That's your name, your address


and register to join their site. Now, if you're sitting there


at midnight and thinking, I'm going to purchase this and you've still


got to fill out all the details you So what can we do


as shoppers to make sure that we get Looking at the add on delivery cost,


just check that by the time you've got the ticket discount item,


that the delivery costs, for you, are not going to bring that item


back up to full price. You could do a way


of actually ordering online and then click and collect,


so that you can collect in store. The benefit is that you can inspect


the goods straight away and you can return in store straight


away if it's the wrong item. So there you have it,


a few festive tips on how to spend Talking of which, I've still got


to buy all of Lucy's presents. But where


on earth am I going to find That's all we've got time


for tonight! Remember, if there's anything you'd


like us to investigate, do get in touch - the number is 03703 334 334,


drop us an email xray@bbc.co.uk, Steve and Elena wanted to be


in their dream family home But instead,


their new house looks like this. The quality of workmanship


that's been carried out on this It's no more than


a DIY job gone wrong!


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