The Witchdoctors' Children Our World

The Witchdoctors' Children

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investigate ritual child sacrifice. Some viewers may find the content


on this programme disturbing. Traditional African witch doctors,


also known as spiritual healers, are believed to have special powers.


From Giles could they learn to brute power for potions and Jimmy


Kate with the spirits of the natural world. -- brute power for


potions. They believe they can banish evil. Their practice is


known as juju. It involves the use of praise, herds and animal


sacrifice. As Uganda's new elite obtain wealth and power, an ancient


practice has re-emerged, leading to the deaths of hundreds of children.


We expose the witch doctors who are offered child sacrifice. -- who


offer child sacrifice. We uncover the traffickers who abduct children


to meet the demand from which doctors in Africa and abroad. In


the UK, which doctors are using human blood for what they say are


powerful rituals. What we have seen on the scan explains... He did


suffer brain damage. There is not much we can do. They call him the


miracle child, a machete was sliced 3 Alan's head and neck in an


attempt to be -- be heard him. The work of which doctors attempting


child sacrifice. His mutilated body was found near his village home. He


had also been castrated. It was mum -- one month before he woke from a


coma. Doctors are surprised he survived. He will need a lifetime


of emotional and physical therapy. It is quite shocking to think...


This is an innocent young child. Alan's story is unusual in Uganda,


but only because he survived. Human sacrifice, believed to bring wealth


and good health, was rare in Uganda until around three years ago, when


it re-emerged, coinciding with a boom in the economy. A government


report released last year claims that 9,000 children have gone


missing since 2007. Many are thought to have been trafficked for


juju rituals, including child sacrifice. It is widely believed


that some members of the new elite are paying which doctors vast sums


of money for an ancient practice. The wealthy do not sacrifice their


own children. We are heading to the villages and farming communities


that surround Kampala. They McKone a district has the highest rate of


child sacrifice cases in the country. It is a familiar story. As


news reached the village that three young children had been sacrificed,


parents ran to where the bodies had been found. Fearing it was there a


child. Both of her children had been murdered. The same day, the


local witch doctor also sacrificed his own child. Later, he was


convicted of all four murders. I am told that justice is rare and slow.


This is where you found the body? Elsewhere, Tepenensi found the body


of her six-year-old grandson, Stephen. He had been missing for 24


hours. The local witch doctor admitted to sacrificing Stephen.


Tepenensi said the police did not want to investigate. Tepenensi


tells me that she turned down the offer of what the police described


as compensation for Stephen's murder. Alan's father has sold his


home to pay for his son's medical treatment and moved to the slums of


Mukono. They are still waiting for justice. In 2009 the government


lost a child sacrifice Police Task Force. Families of victims current


-- claim of corruption, slay investigation and lethargic courts.


The men Allen claims kidnap team lived in this community. They


continue to take children to sacrifice them. Posing as


businessmen, we asked around for a local witch doctor that could bring


prosperity to our Uganda and construction company. We were


introduced to this man, Awali. During the first meeting, Awali


sacrificed a goat to bring luck to the business. A few days later, we


were invited back to his shrine, to discuss what he says is the most


powerful spell, the sacrifice of a child. There are two ways of doing


it. The whole head is cut off totally... He explains how he and


his brother find children to sacrifice. Awali claims he has


sacrificed children before. Is the same which Dr that tried to kill


Alan? Do you recognise this man? Is he one of the men who took you?


Yes? The police have told us that this case were not go to trial


because the only evidence is Alan's eyewitness account, which is not


enough to secure a conviction. Just how prevalent is child sacrifice in


Uganda? No-one from the government accepted our invitation to be


interviewed. However, the issue is played down. The police cite


statistics of 30 a definite cases since 2006. Most of these were from


Mukono. This figure is based only on conclusive investigations. Last


year, 900 reported cases of child sacrifice were awaiting


investigation by the Police Task Force. The Police Commissioner


vehemently denies allegations of corruption, planning a lack of


resources to investigate. If we get information that someone is


involved in criminal activities, like a human sacrifice. We shall go


and investigate. If we prove the case we shall take them to court.


Sometimes the cases, they are not proven. Alan and his father attend


Mass here every Sunday. This church community looks to each other for


understanding and support. Over the last year more children have been


abducted from this parish than the official number for the entire


country. We wake up with shocking news. The main thing is abducted


children. The biggest number is sacrifice. These children are


exchanged for money. It is brutality and human circumstances.


A report by a Jubilee Campaign claims many of the men offer a rich


man child sacrifice are actually criminal. -- criminals, posing as


witch doctors. This campaign is calling on the government to


regulate which doctors. The children have no voices. Their


voices have been silenced by the law. The police and not acting.


People read the newspapers and to nothing. We will do whatever it


takes to fight this evil. Will they listen? We pray that they will.


Local witch doctors are not responsible for every child that


goes missing in communities like this one. Victims are found as far


away as the UK. According to a recent US government report on


global trafficking, Uganda has emerged as one of the main source


countries for traffickers. Seeking children to take to Europe for use


in witchcraft rituals and other forms of exploitation. The Ugandan


government has made a minimum effort to tackle the problem. How


easy is it to buy a child in Uganda? Posing as traffickers


wanting children to smuggle into the UK, we had our first meeting


lined up within days. Hello. This is Chris. I have heard a very good


things about you. We tracked down a man, a notorious in Uganda's


underworld as he -- prolific charge trafficker. 100 children? I have so


many. I have a new work in Uganda. That is the man who claims to head


a network across Uganda who kidnaps children to provide them for using


witchcraft and other forms of exploitation. He insisted we meet


at an isolated hotel 250 miles from the capital. He claims to have been


selling children for use by witchdoctors in Uganda and abroad


for over 20 years. He boasts how it is done. He explains that means to


work DUP to child, his preferred method. A second meeting and he is


keen to be in work. One question. When he abducts them. Are we sure


they will not be any police involvement? I don't want any


police. Snows, OK. He demanded a fee of $15,000 per child. After


this meeting we withdrew from negotiations. Britain has emerged


as one of the main detonation countries for children trafficked


from Africa. Little is known about her there are traffic in but a


sinister picture is emerging of why. Evidence of child sacrifice in the


UK first emerged ten years ago when the torso of a young Nigerian boy


was discovered on the banks of the River Thames. There have been other


cases but the murder of children for sacrificial rituals remains we


in this country. We have discovered that over the last four years


nearly 400 children trafficked to Britain have been rescued by police


agencies. Many them have been abused by witchdoctors. Some agreed


to share their experiences with us. Still appearing there are abuses,


actors have impersonated there was us. The witchdoctors take your here


and cut your arms, legs, he and genitals and click the blood. They


say that even you speak up, I can kill you. He was evil and make that


things happen. I believed it. Now this is my punishment. I was very


scared of the witchcraft and what would happen to me. I asked God to


protect me. I knew his power was stronger than this. The witch


doctor told me he could use my head. Sometimes there would wake up and


he would be standing at any. Every night I was terrified that a would


not wake up like the next day. Testimony from rescued victims


provides an insight into the criminal industry that supplies an


increasing number of children for use in GQ rituals in Britain.


experience shows that the traffickers can be anyone.


Witchdoctors, or traditional spiritual healers, a growing in


popularity in Britain particularly within African Guinea Nitties. But


many advertisements for witchdoctors in the mainstream


press are in that people from all backgrounds. For around �350


witchdoctors offer what they say are live changing rituals involving


career and herds. But as we discovered there are some we engage


in more sinister practices. Posing as a married couple with financial


problems we had consultations with 10 witchdoctors. All of them up at


the Oval potions and animal sacrifice to bring as well. But two


of them also offered as a ritual involving the use of human but,


which is illegal. I have it. I have played. He had a bottle of blood or


ready-prepared. He instructed us to release the smell of the blood into


out the home. Not take its nil. Very bad. Just a little. He claims


he was born with his healing powers, helping clients because Europe and


Africa. -- across Europe and Africa. Forensic tests revealed the bottle


did contain human blood as well as excrement and chemicals. There is


name evidence is that it was extracted from anyone against their


will. We have been investigating one particular case. That of a 13-


year-old Ugandan girl traffic to Britain. She was abused in Juju


rituals. She was also sexually exploited. She is now say, living


under the protection of social services. Police efforts to track


down her traffickers and abuses have not resulted in any arrests.


We have obtained UK Border Agency files which showed that in December


2006 the 13-year-old Ugandan girl and to the UK on a Ugandan passport


with a ballad British visa. The passport she travelled on belonged


to a 21-year-old woman his father is Haruuna Ssalabaya, at that time


a senior minister in the Ugandan government. British visas were


issued to him and his. It to attend a conference at the houses of


Parliament in London. The files on them that the fingerprints of the


person who travelled on his. A's passport out the same as those of


the trafficked girl. -- on his daughter's passport. When


interviewed by British police, he tell them that he and his daughter


were victims of forgery. They had never applied for British visas.


Now backing Uganda we went in search of Haruuna Ssalabaya for our


and inquiries. He lost his seat in elections last February. In several


telephone conversations he has refused to meet us. He says he has


never been to the UK. So we tracked him down in his name and his former


constituency and brought the evidence to show him. Hello, I am


from the BBC. We have been given some evidence that suggests you may


have traffic develop into the UK in 2006. We brought this evidence to


show you. But we would like to get your response to the evidence.


have never gone to Britain. It that you? I show in copies of the visa


application forms. That is a forgery. Why do you think someone


would want to forge your visa? make money. In an attempt to prove


the paperwork is a forgery and that he has never been to the UK, he


shows me his passport. But inside I find a British visa. It is the one


that was issued as a result of what he claims was a forged application.


It expired when I did not go there. As one for us what Ireland. I did


not go there. This was for America. I did not go there. He seemed to


have applied for a lot of these is an knock on. The passport that was


used for this these application is the one you have just handed me. It


has the same passport number, the same dates, it is everything. That


is a photocopy of these passport for this these application. It is


not forge. It is a better copy of the past would you have just shown


me. And then another astonishing regulation. You know the father of


the girl who was traffic? Year is. When I asked him how he knew which


particular Del Borello in traffic on his daughter's passport he


refused to elaborate. He is now banned from the UK. While there is


no evidence that he has traffic children from Uganda into Britain,


police sources say that what is certain is that his daughter's


passport with a valid British visa has been used for trafficking


purposes. With huge financial rewards at stake traffickers are


employing ever more sophisticated methods to outmanoeuvre those who


try to stop them. The people of Mukono and communities across


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