The Bloody Rhino Horn Trade Our World

The Bloody Rhino Horn Trade

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Record numbers of riders are being poached and killed in South Africa


for their horns. Hundreds of them have been shot by Vietnamese


hunters. And the horns are sold illegally in


Vietnam's. The horn is made of keratin, the


same material as fingernails, yet many people in Vietnam's believe it


can cure life-threatening illnesses. It's illegal to trade in rhino horn


in Vietnam yet I find people keen to sell it to me. With the Vietnamese


getting richer, the trade is likely to boom. The African rhino could


face extinction. Early morning in Hanoi. Laughing


yoga session. People here have plenty to be happy about. After a


half-century war against their former colonisers, the French, and


then against capitalism in the shape of the Americans, Vietnam's is now


one of the fastest growing economies in Asia. -- Vietnam. The Vietnamese


have no inhibition about shopping the brand names of the erstwhile


enemy. The wealthy classes you spent $50 billion on luxury goods last


year. One of the most sought after at luxury goods in Vietnam today is


more expensive than gold. It is rhino horn. I've been official


permission to report on the rhino horn trade here, and with an


interpreter, I go looking for it on the traditional Chinese medicine


Street, the best place, I am told, to buy rhino horn. Vietnam has


signed up to the convention on international trade in endangered


species. A poster here warns that trading Lorraine Hollande now


illegal -- rhino horn is now. We don't have much luck. Do you have


any rhino horn? Does anyone sell rhino horn here? That evening, I


slip away from my mind" shopping with a hidden camera. I find the


illegal traders have no such inhibitions, like the one directed


to in the back of a terrorist shot. And how much are you charging? --


Keillor -- tailor's shop. I tell the trader I am looking for a cancer


cure for my husband. He tells me he has several of these


horns in stock. They are from the Asian rhino, he says, which has been


hunted out of existence in Vietnam's. I make my excuses and


leave, explaining that it's out of price range. For centuries, people


in Vietnam's other countries in Asia have believed in the power of the


rhino horn, although biologists tell us it is made of the same material


as the human fingernail. This is the horn? I was only in Vietnam's are


few days, but when the word got around that I wanted to buy rhino


horn, people contacted me, offering to sell. This time, the trader


says, it from Africa. How do you know? He turns out to be


particularly obliging, even coming up to my hotel room to show me how


to prepare it. The essential item, he explains, is


a ball with a corrugated surface on which to grind the horn. Then mix it


with water or alcohol to drink. I go to the village outside Hanoi at


renowned for ceramics, whether Balzer made. They are not on open


display. We go through the back streets to find them. The woman at


the wheel tells me that she makes on average 200 calls for grinding rhino


horn a day. -- bowls. That is 60,000 a year from one pottery alone. In


the nearby shop at the back, they are stacked high for future use.


It's hard to estimate how many are sold or harmony people use rhino


horn in Vietnam's, but it's enough to have a catastrophic in Africa. --


Vietnam. This man is the director of Hanoi


zoo. He says he had to go to South Africa to collect rhino to bring


Vietnam's, to remind people what they've lost. The only reno to be


found in Vietnam today is here and the Zune, and it the African white.


-- zoo. He blames the misguided belief in the mystical power of the


horns. But environmental organisations say


that the poaching of hundreds of rhinos for their horns in Africa


could also bring the white rhino to the point of extinction. Many people


blame the Vietnamese appetite for the rhino worn for it like this in


Africa. -- horn for scenes. So how did it happen that the


Vietnamese are being blamed for a threatening the very survival of


this majestic animal? Most of the rhinos in the wild live in South


Africa today. Threatened with extinction 30 years ago, there made


a recovery. Although the black rhino is still considered endangered and


the white rhino remains on the threatened category. Nonetheless,


rhino hunting is permitted under strict rules. Fewer than 100


experienced hunters can apply for a permit every year to shoot just one


Rino, and they are required to keep the horn in tact as a trophy. The


argument is that hunting encourages privately owned rhino parks and


therefore adds to rhino numbers. Permits costing tens of thousands of


dollars contribute to the local economy. With no more rhino left to


hunt in their own country, Vietnamese hunters started applying


for South African term its ten years ago -- permits. By 2010, there were


more Vietnamese applying to shoot a rhino in South Africa than any other


nationality. Mr Dong, a wealthy businessman,


joined a hunt in South Africa six years ago. Something he says he now


regrets. He and his friends didn't know how to shoot. Mortally wounded,


the rhino limped off. It took three days to find, ten kilometres away.


So he took a long time to die? What happened up until then was legal.


What followed was not. Although Mr Dong appeared quite happy to talk


about it. How much money did the rhino horn


make? And who was it sold to? Vietnamese hunters were killing the


rhino for the horn and selling it illegally. When the Vietnamese had


used their permits, non- Vietnamese, including Thai bargirls, were paid


to fly to South Africa to as hunters and South African marksmen did the


shooting, also against the laws. In a series of trials in South Africa,


it became clear that Asian criminal gangs were involved. In 2012, South


Africa refused to give any more permits to applicants from


Vietnam's. -- Vietnam. The gangs have now turned from paying pseudo-


hunters, to putting on a huge scale. In the two years since the ban on


Vietnamese hunters, record numbers of rhino have been pushed in South


Africa. Killed for their horn. Much of the data on rhino horn in Vietnam


has been collected by the respected wildlife monitoring network,


traffic, here in Hanoi. They fear the situation could get worse.


Recently, they conducted a survey in which 60% of the people asked said


they wanted to acquire rhino horn. What we found was an alarming number


of people who are not currently consuming rhino horn, but if they


had the economic ability, the money, the disposable income, they would


and they would want to. And they have already decided that, even


though they know perhaps that it's illegal or they are aware of the


situation. They have already made a conscious decision. There is a


market for it and for those who have the money, it's readily available.


Some of the rhino horn being sold is fake and so, on my next unofficial


shopping expedition, I ask for proof. This time, I say I'm looking


for a hangover cure. Mr Winters me he is a traditional medicine


Doctor. He offers me a big slice of rhino horn. The price is the same as


before. How much does it cost? $6,000? He offers a list of


complaints that rhino horn can apparently cure other than cancer.


How come you can sell it openly? Is it legal to sell rhino horn in


Vietnam? The hunting permit he shows me


appears to be in order. White rhino horn from South Africa here. You


said you could take two? It turns out it was a family affair. His wife


went on the hunt with him and there is a picture of his eight-year-old


son standing beside a dead rhino. And he shows me the permit to import


the rhino horn, approved. There is a Convention on International trade in


in dangerous PCs... Except that the rules clearly state that the hunting


trophy, the rhino horn, must be kept intact, in the possession of the


Hunter and not under any circumstances sold.


A recent investigation by citing his into 14 permit holding Vietnamese


Hunters revealed that only seven of them still had their trophy rhino


horn intact. Back at Traffic, they despair at the lack of official


disapproval. Why is so little Lynden Dunn? In Vietnam at the moment, this


is high profit, low risk. You might get a slap on the wrist if you are


caught. They have no more rhinos. They don't see the demand here as


driving the problem? Can custom is not seize the rhino horn? They know


they can do more. I have seen changes in the last 12 months. I


think that the coroners, the smugglers, the networks that run


this trade are always one step ahead of Customs. -- the couriers. They


come up with new ways and new techniques to get the rhino horn


into the country. There is a culture here based on centuries held beliefs


that many outsiders find hard to comprehend. Consuming animal parts


can produce startling results. At a restaurant, I'm offered a local


delicacy. Freshly killed snake. Fellow diners are not so squeamish.


The snake bile mixed with alcohol is dead from -- is good for the


digester in and the blood, drunk while still warm, is good for


improving the virility of men over 40. I did not stop for lunch. And


then there are the non- so-called bear farms. -- Vietnam's so-called


bear farms. Every six months, their bile is removed from the gallbladder


with a tube. The bears OK, living in the cages?


It would be wrong to suggest that everyone in Vietnam is comfortable


with this sort of treatment of animals. The local campaigning group


Education for Nature, have sent letters to hundreds of wealthy


businessmen, who, they fear, look on rhino horn as a symbol of prestige.


They have pleaded with them not to use it.


They have transmitted shocking and graphic adverts on over half of the


country past 50 television channels. We have blurred this


picture of a rhinoceros is still alive after its horn and much of its


face was cut off. The message is dramatic and uncompromising. We


were, however, surprised by one complaint they received.


Is there they will at the top to stamp out the trade? While I'm in


Vietnam, I hear rumours that some of the country's most prominent


politicians are using rhino horn. I have no way of following up on the


rumour because no senior politician would talk to me. Five weeks


earlier, from London, I had asked to speak with relevant members of the


government is job I was told was to stamp out the illegal trade in rhino


horn, but I'm informed none are available to see me. The only


government official I'm allowed to talk to is the man responsible for


getting the government to abide by the conventions on the international


trade in indentured species. -- endangered. I put it to him that


cite his had asked Vietnam to introduce new laws to stop hunters


selling their rhino horn two years ago.


People saving rhino horn trade in Vietnam is high profit and risk. The


fines are not appropriate. Vietnam has been importing rhino


horn for almost ten years, now. Can you put your hand on your heart and


say that Vietnam is trying to stop the illegal trade in rhino horn?


Clearly, it's not enough. In South Africa, they have published the


figure for rhinos post last year -- poached last year. It is a 40%


increase on last year and the highest figure ever recorded. This


is an incredibly high increase in poaching and if it is maintained


even at this rate without increasing, we will reach the


tipping point for these animals. By the end of 2014, we will be in the


negative in terms of deaths approaching outstripping births and


the population will start to decline very quickly for rhinos. And some of


them have already gone. The rhino in Vietnam is gone. Apart from those


that are bought from Africa and put in zoos. I refuse to accept we could


live in a world where my nephews and my niece will only see rhinos in a


zoo. We have to stop thinking the way we have been thinking for so


long as conservationists. It's not about conserving the animal, it is


about changing people 's behaviour and their sense of responsibility,


their sense of ownership of these animals. We live in a global world.


And we are all responsible for the animals that inhabit that world with


us, as far as I'm concerned. Enough rhino horn has been traded and


consumed in Vietnam to sound the alarm bells of extinction for the


African white rhino. Procrastination is no longer an option for the


expert. Vietnam must take urgent action to put a stop to this bloody


trade. Our latest winter storm is


continuing to cause problems


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