The Bangladesh Blogger Murders Our World

The Bangladesh Blogger Murders

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I remember talking to Avijit, walking out the book fair,


We were getting out of the car, walking.


What I remember next is that I am soaked in blood.


In February this year, on this spot, a group of men attacked Avijit Roy


She survived, but he was cut and slashed so much


Avijit Roy was a vocal atheist, and his name was on a list


of 84 bloggers who Islamists here accused of blasphemy.


Four bloggers have been murdered so far this year.


This is the story of what is happening to a small


but highly visible clique of atheist and secular bloggers, who


are opposing religious doctrine in this predominantly Muslim country.


These are the faces of Bangladeshi bloggers, all murdered this year.


Some had used the internet to criticise or even


Others had argued that God has no place in politics.


Of the four hacked to death this year, the best-known was Avijit Roy.


This photograph of Avijit and his wife Bonya Ahmed was taken just


It is one of the last pictures of them.


I have four head wounds. in some kind of vehicle.


They are like six, seven, eight-inch machete wounds, and one


Like, my hands were cut so badly I had to


go through four hours of surgery, to repair the nerves and arteries.


The couple, who were born in Bangladesh, were visiting from


their home in the United States to take part in the book fair, despite


warnings that Avijit's atheist writings had made him a marked man.


An Islamist extremist had written this message on his Facebook page.


When Avijit Roy was killed, Rahman was arrested.


He remains in custody, although many believe he is more


Thousands marched in protest against Avijit Roy's murder.


The killing of such a high-profile writer


Attention turned to the writings which had provoked


Articles and books critical of religion, with titles like


But Roy is not the only Bangladeshi blogger to have been murdered


for online posts which some Muslims found offensive.


So far this year, a total of four have been killed, all attacked


After Roy's murder, another atheist blogger, Washiqur


Rahman, posted the hashtag I am Avijit Roy, to protest the killing.


A month later he was attacked in a busy street in Dhaka.


This pattern of horror was repeated, with two more murders


of atheist bloggers, Ananta Bijoy and Niloy Neel.


Bangladesh is a secular country with a long


Its 160 million people are predominantly Muslim,


But that has always sat beside a long tradition of separation


To understand how that balance has been upset,


Tensions between conservative Islam and secular Bangladeshi society came


Thousands poured onto the streets of Dhaka to demonstrate


against what they saw as the rising influence of Islamist parties.


Secular bloggers played a high-profile role in the protests.


I met one of the secular bloggers at the site of the protests.


Filling up the streets, all the roads were crowded.


It was very different, it was a magical time.


The ideas circulating during it, the demand to keep religion out


of politics, and even the liberal spirit of the protests, were


The challenge to you is that, in a way, what you did here was


You stood up against Islamic parties.


You behaved in a very liberal way, which shocked people, and sort


And what happened next was the first murder of a Bangladeshi


atheist blogger, two years before Avijit Roy was killed.


Rajib Haider, also known as Thaba Baba, used to


He was killed by machete, and five students confessed to his murder.


Suddenly, atheist and secular bloggers were


One protester invited me to his home, where he said he could


But when I knew that Thaba Baba was dead, I remember that


The problem was, many of those texts were not a huge problem.


But when those texts went into every corner of this country,


you know, and every village, then actually the whole thing changed.


What happened is the bloggers were heroes first, then


The streets of Dhaka filled up again.


But this time, it wasn't secular protesters.


It was Islamists, demanding that atheist bloggers be arrested


The authorities cracked down, and the demonstrations ended with


a violent stand-off between police and protesters.


The movement against atheist bloggers has been


led by Hefazat-e-Islam, the protectors of the Islamic faith.


It is an organisation which isn't an Islamic party,


very much based in the madrasas, or Islamic schools, that it runs.


Hefazat-e-Islam is big and grassroots.


They have thousands of madrasas across Bangladesh, educating boys,


For years, the seminarians never intervened in politics.


But the rise of atheist blogging spurred them into demanding that


Mohammed Zafarullah Khan led the charge out of the madrasas.


What did you think when you read what


I understand that what they said offended Islamic belief.


But in a democracy, shouldn't they be able to say whatever they like?


Hefazat-e-Islam condemns the killings


and says it had no part in them, insisting it is the government's


But the organisation did help make a list of bloggers accused


of insulting Islam, which it presented to the government.


Leaked to the media, that list has essentially become a hit list.


All of the murdered bloggers appear on it.


What is it like to be on that list and still be alive?


Some have left Bangladesh but others remain, living in fear.


They keep a low profile and stay mostly in their homes.


He writes under the pen-name Sobak, which means Active Voice.


He has been identified on the now infamous list six times under


different aliases and his face even appeared on a banner at a march


And it is not just fear for his own life.


He is the father of two young children.


The strain on his family is taking a toll.


I don't think anyone would blame you if you had a panic attack or


Who exactly is it that he should fear?


No-one knows for certain but clandestine Islamist groups


have claimed responsibility for some of the murders.


The Bangladeshi authorities suspect a local group which they believe


Police have recently arrested members of Ansarullah Bangla Team.


Fighting terrorism in Bangladesh is primarily the job


VOICE-OVER: They are the pride of the nation...


I visited their headquarters to speak to


At this stage, you believe these groups, one of


them has been named as Ansarullah Bangla Team, you believe they are


We don't think that we should be confining our security concerns


This is international Islamist terror?


We are not living in a world where there are only national boundaries.


The scale of the challenge, do you look at what is happening


in Iraq and Syria with Islamic State and worry that some of that


We should always take precautions for that.


We should take proper measures so that it does not affect my country.


We cannot keep our fingers crossed until it comes to our country.


No, we have to be proactive and watchful


Police have told the media that Ansarullah Bangla


Team, the group they have cracked down on, now plan more murders


The most recent blogger to be killed was Niloy Neel, who was


His online comments on religion were biting and often mocking.


He shared a photo of a bombing in Afghanistan with a comment.


VOICE-OVER READING: No-one has claimed responsibility yet.


However, you can bet your bottom dollar it was a devout


That evening, attackers got into his home


and hacked him to death while his family was locked in another room.


Avijit Roy's father is still trying to come to terms with the


death of his son, the first atheist blogger to be murdered this year.


For Avijit Roy, atheism was a family tradition.


His father founded a rationalist magazine.


It was Avijit Roy's ability to turn it into a successful online blog


that won him fame internationally as a writer


but he missed his family and decided to visit Bangladesh


Do you have any regret about Avijit and what happened?


How do you feel now about his killers?


What makes Bangladesh perhaps unique among Muslim countries is that here,


for all the intimidation and killing,


atheism has found some very vocal champions.


Drawing on a tradition of Bengali secular culture,


These killers have gotten a free pass.


They think they can do whatever they want to.


But there is also a very strong force in Bangladesh


The weather is going to turn a bit calmer for the last day of 2015. We


are not going to get those raging gales and lashings of rain. In fact,


for many of us first thing in the morning on New


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