Episode 11 The Graham Norton Show

Episode 11

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new Superman. It's a chat emergency. I'd better transform.


I know! Right, looks like I'm just in time. Where is my trusty side


kick? Ah, thank you. Let's start the show.


Good evening. Good evening everybody. Hello, hello. Welcome to


the show. Hello everybody. That's handy. New in town. Save that for


later. Right, what a show we've got tonight. From the new movie Man of


Steel, Superman himself Henry Cavill Steel, Superman himself Henry Cavill


is here! I know. There he is. The Oscar-nominated star of Doubt and


the Fighter, Amy Adams is on the the Fighter, Amy Adams is on the


show! And Oscar winning Hollywood great, Russell Crowe is here


great, Russell Crowe is here tonight! Yes, he is! Plus, we've got


Russell Crowe, star of so many great films. Got to mention Gladiator. I


know the famous quote in that, my name is Maximus Decimus Meridius,


father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. Please leave a


message after the tone. He started -- starred in Les Miserables. We can


woop that I tell you, a tale of poverty, child neglect and suicide


all set to catchy tunes. That's Russell as afterel. Can you hear the


people sing? Not any more, I've shot them.


Other brilliant characters, fon teen, yes, so desperate for money


she cut her own hair off and sold it. You think, bit far fetched. Who


would be stupid enough to buy someone else's hair? Huh? Is


everyone excited about the new Superman movie? It's so good. What a


franchise. So many films. You have Superman, Supergirl. Of course,


Superdog. Slightly low budget for that one.


Superman, amazing powers, for example, he can stop a bullet with


his hand. Almost as good as stopping LAUGHTER


Was that just this week? It seems so long ago. Britain's Got Talent the


final, Simon Cowell was hit by an egg. Here's the culprit. There she


is. I have to say, I spent a fortune voting foreher. I was -- for Her. I


was surprised she didn't win. The best talent in Britain is... A group


of Hungarians. Part of the prize is to appear at


the Royal Variety Show. I know the Queen's thrilled. Yeah. Simon Cowell


will be going along. Don't forget the eggs, ma'am. Let's get some


guests on. Later music from Katy B. But first, it is the great Russell




Wow. You're here. Hello mate.So nice to meet you. Come in. Sit down.


nice to meet you. Come in. Sit down. It's the lovely Amy Adams!


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Hello, lovely lady. Hi. Have a seat.


And is it a bird, is it aye plane? No it is the mighty, Henry Cavill!


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Hello Sir. How are you doing?Come


That's a wow, some weeks it's nothing. Whatever. Lovely to see you


all. Now, drink, drink, Russell, one of my favourite guests ever, what a


lovely thing this was, Russell immediately found out he was on the


show, he tweeted his drink order. LAUGHTER




I thought


I thought I


I thought I should


I thought I should have tweeted mine. I would have liked a gin and


tonic. Do you want a gin and tonic? Yeah. Gin and tonic for the lady!I


don't mean to sound ungrateful. know I'm paid to chat. But I think


it's fair if I put the cards down and we all just stare at Henry for a


while. Russell, even you must look at Henry and go, you know what, you


comfort I stare at Henry and think, you little bustard, and your tall


frame and body fat ratio. Amy, your daughter is three. Now, yes.You


brought her so the set. Yes, I did. Apparently like every other woman on


the planet had a bit of a thing for Henry. Still, it's kind of


remarkable. She loves Henry. She touched Henry's bum. He turned


around and he reached her little hand back. Yeah. Totally.She was


one-and-a-half at that point. Henry looks at me and said, " Like mother,


like daughter." I always had my hands on hills chest. Even during a


chest I was like... Ha, ha, ha, that's so funny. Shameless.


don't have kids but you have a nephew and he got in trouble.


he's famous in school for telling tall tales. He went with his


Superman outfit and the teacher asked why he was wearing it. " Well,


because my uncle is Superman." At which point she was like... Thomas,


tell the truth. And he said, no, no, my uncle is Superman. She said


you're going to get in trouble then. No, my uncle is Superman. My


sister-in-law goes to collect him. The teacher says, listen, I've had


enough. You have to have a word with your son. He's now lying to all his


school mates saying his uncle is Superman. At which point my


sister-in-law goes, " Ah, unfortunately he is." He put his


hands on his hips and said" Told you."


APPLAUSE Seriously, Henry, this is an amazing


moment in your life. Tonight this very night, Superman, Man of Steel


unleashed across the country. I have to say you are amazing in


this film. Every scene you're with amazing actors like Amy and Russell.


You own it. You're so good. Thank the training that went into this, I


don't know how fit you were before, presumably did you all have to do


training for this? I did not. of us were on the same kind of


hellish contract. We have actually had to sign a deal with Warner


Brothers that we would only eat the food that they supplied for


three-and-a-half months. So that was a bit odd. Due really do that?Yeah.


Did you? Yeah, it was so hard. wish someone supplied my meals for


four-and-a-half months. I had a newborn, that would have been great.


This is you with your shirt off. Now, how long, I don't know how you


looked beforehand, but how long did it take to be that? To get to that


stage? It took five months of preproduction training and that was


about four months into shooting, so nine months. Wow. If you were just


nine months. Wow. If you were just to slip off your clothes now... Amy


going, yeah, yeah. It's TV. It will be great, it will go viral. What


would you look like? Do you still would you look like? Do you still


look like that? No.Boo! That's Superman shape. It's great for the


role of Superman, but not for much else really. Was it after that scene


you were given a food amnesty, you had a food pass. It was after a


scene which follows just after that in the movie and yeah, after that I


had a full apple pie, a tub of ice-cream and a large pizza,


followed by the best food coma of my life. The weird thing is Amy, you


didn't work out, but you could sympathise with these guys, but aim


yip's mum is a very -- Amy's mum is a keen body builder. Yeah she was.


She had seven kids and then decided she wanted to get into body


building. I did not know that. either. She entered competitions?


Yeah she was semipro. She started when she was 35 body building after


seven kids. She looked good. She was ripped. Is she like the colour of a


nut and really... Yeah, physically like nut colour. What was that?


that tan. You know it was a little while ago. All I heard was" Was she


like the colour of your nuts? you went, " Yes, she was." Yeah, the


colour of your nuts. Famously very tan. She was really intimidating to


my boyfriends. I tended to date skinny guys, I don't know why. But


she moved a TV in front of one of them once and he was terrified.


like up? We were watching a movie and the TV wasn't getting reception


so she picked it up and moved it to another part of the... Wow.She's


tough. She's a tough woman. That's impressive. Here's the thing, this


is so encouraging. You see Henry in that picture with the shirt off, but


what was your nickname at school? nickname at school was fat Cavill.


That was a very apt nickname considering my name was indeed


Cavill and I was indeed fat. lardy were you? I mean, my dad said


from the age of about 13 I stayed the same weight until I was 25, you


just got taller. So enormously fat at 13? I don't know about enormously


fat. You were morbidly obese. You could have died.


LAUGHTER Now, the odd thing about this movie


is that Russell, you met fat Cavill? Yes. He definitely wasn't fat Cavill


when I met him at 16. We were shooting here in London a movie


called Proof of Life in 2000. There was the opening sequence of the film


was shot at Stowe college. We went out there and there was a kid


playing my son. In a break of the shooting, which there was a Rugby


Union game going on. One kid on the field was very fluid and in control.


It caught my eye and I was watching that. Kid came over to have a chat.


But all his questions were about acting. There was just a smile in


his eyes. But there something dead serious behind that smile. Instead


of not answering the questions or whatever, because you get asked


these questions 100,000 times. I told him the truth. In the brief


moment I had with him. I put it in front of him that it's a challenge


that's up to him. Nobody's going to give it to you. A couple of days


later I was putting a package together for the kid who played my


son, because I figured the greatest thing if you're at boarding school


must be unexpected mail. I thought I'll put one together for the other


blokes. I remembered his name because he was clear when he said


it. He didn't say" I am fat Cavill." I should have done. That wouldn't


have had the same sound. Dear fat Cavill. Fat Cavill is Superman!


the one one I wrote for Merlin, I put" You come from a long line of


generals." He went and joined the army. Three tours of Afghanistan


later and he does close personal security in London now. On Henry's I


put, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. If you


want it, you go and get it, you know. 12 years later and it's


probably three months into working together, you know, I finally said


to him, do I know you from somewhere? He got a smile in his


eyes and he went, " Do you remember going to Stowe school? Yeah. Do you


remember a kid that talked to you about acting? I went, yeah. He said,


that's me. Really? What did I say? He said, well, you said they pay you


pretty well but they treat you like sheet. Yes, that's exactly what I


said. In terms of things ments to be. Amy


Adams not taking no, how many times have you auditioned for Lois Lane?


Third time. Not this movie.Three different movies. You were


determined. I grew up watching superhero movies. Buff I'm a mere


mortal so the only chance was to play one. So Lois Lane it was.


Henry, is the James Bond thing true? Yes it got down to me and Daniel


Craig apparently, this is what I'm told. This may be my agent being


very nice to me. You would have been incredibly young. Yes, they wanted


to go either more traditional age like Daniel or a very young age.


Casino royal was the first book so they considered very young. But I


was too young. They asked me to audition for James Bond once.


they? When was that? It was like back in 2000. We had just done


gladiator. They said would ridly and I like to take on the franchise?


Wow. I said yes, as long as there's one line I have to say in the movie.


And that's when it all started to fall apart. I thought it would be


funny if you opened the movie with a Scottish accent right. So everybody


goes oh, you tosser, like a Sean conery impersonation, then in the


next scene he's talk in an Italian accident, then there's a shot in


Australia and he's on a beach and a woman comes up and said, " What's


your name? And he said" Bondi. ." It's a good gag. They wouldn't buy


APPLAUSE Talking of these movies like this,


you've been in interviews, you have said publicly that you would never


do a superhero movie. I've said that so many times. Now you're in one.


They didn't ask me to be the dude. It wasn't like be the such and such


man. It was like be such and such man's dad. That's different. The


question in front of this character in terms of what he has to sacrifice


as a father was interesting. Now, I have a six-year-old and a


nine-year-old, so I have to be honest and that came into play when


I was making the decision. So they could see the movie. So they could


see a movie I was in. In Gladiator people get their heads chopped off


in Les Miserables there's the prostitution things. They couldn't


see a film of mine. They seen it? I'm hardly in the movie, so they're


like, what's the big deal? Which one were you? This version of Superman


is very modern, because you talk of being a dad. Superman has two dads.


You are bio . We have a clip here. This is the pivotal scene where you


are making that sacrifice with the It's a seemingly intelligent


population. He'll be an outcast, a freak. They'll kill him. No. He'll


be a God to them. What if the ship doesn't make it? He'll die out


there. Alone.I can't do it. I thought I could, but... Laura,


Krypton is doomed. It's his only chance now. It's our people's only




You are a dad of two, but you had to deal, like a lot of baby experience


in this film. Yes. I managed to have two kids of my own and I'm a dab


hand with a nappy. But I've never been hit by friendly fire. On that


film set... How many babies did you have? Four, to make up the Superman


character. It was a hot set. As you know because you've seen it,


suddenly there's a lot of light in there. So it was a very hot set.


I've got the baby stretched out like that, he's naked, right. So when the


first one started to poise, it's very kiss, it's very unsafe this


thing here. Now he's slippery. So I'm like come here little guy. Oh,


my God. One costume ruined. And the next one, he didn't do anything, but


there was a lot of air involved. Every time you were about to say you


know something about a sacrifice of my sun... -- son. And the third


baby, he was just a full evacuation. Full and absolute evacuation down my


arm, just like, the thing is I love babies. So that was fun. But then


the fourth baby came out and that baby had three legs. I said to them,


baby had three legs. I said to them, " This one's Superman."


APPLAUSE Now children everywhere rejoice


because with new Superman film comes new merchandise. This hasn't been


seen in this country, this is an exclusive here, this is you. That's


beautiful, nicely detailed. Whose beard is that, though? That's not


how my beard looks. It's like Captain Birds Eye. I thought it was


Kenny Roger's beard. There's a whiff of Kenny about it. It looks a little


bit like you. It's beautiful in the detail. That's a bit like found


material. Luckily for me you can't get those undies off. No, you really


can't. I've tried. I've been here all afternoon. It's lovely. It's


very nice. Henry has an action figure as well. Yes, he does. It's


APPLAUSE I brought you a present. This is my


rugby league team in Australia. They've been around since 1908.


Where's the old fashioned red light? It's hidden but number three.


red light on the blink on that one, get it fixed. This is the new


generation with the gold lame rabbit. I know. Thank you very much.


I'll pop it on like that. Is that what you do? And that.


APPLAUSE Right, now, Russell, talking about


Oscars and nominated many times but you won for Gladiator. It sounds


like you contributed a lot to Gladiator The Script as stuff that a


lot of it was you, is that true? started shooting that film with


about 21 pages that we had agreed on. After ten days we had nothing


left to shoot. So, and I would never, ever recommend you make a


movie that way. It's just the way Ridley likes to make a movie. He


likes to feel it as he's doing it. He'll get to a point with a


character and go, oil e-- I'll need a moment with this character to give


me that. He hunts down what that's going to to be. You chuck in your


old school motto and things? that's where strength and honour


came from. The motto was truth and virtue. I said to him I want the


character to say something like that when he greets soldiers from his


regiment. He should stay that or when he's leaving them, that's his


thing. I said, I want them to say, " (He speaks Latin) and Ridley goes...


What does that mean? I said it means strength and honour. He went, " Say


that." Is that Sydney Boys High? Yes. Now you weren't quite as good


as fat Cavill at school. You, no, you were good. And you grew. It's


happy now. You smoked as a schoolboy. I did. My dad ran pubs.


So I was in aan environment of smoke-filled rooms from a very young


age. This terrible habit has stuck with me. I was committed to it even


as a young guy in high school. I couldn't afford packets of


cigarettes at the time. So I used to take two cigarettes to school, three


matches and a piece of flint off the matchbox. So I'd put the cigarettes


in my sock and I'd have the flint and the matches in the pocket of my


trousers. At that stage we had to wear suits at school. Their linings


are always made of nylon. I was sitting in music class...


LAUGHTER. I was in music class and we were


doing something with the rhythms. I ended up banging my leg and I


went... Oh! I melted the inside of my nylon lining all around my bits


and pieces. That is a very uncomfortable thing. Do you still


have pieces down there? They didn't burn off all together. Just the


first foot. APPLAUSE


No, I meant pieces of nylon. Never mind. We can move off that. I wasn't


wearing nylons, that came later in rocky horror show. You like the


Twitter and on Twitter there was a thing about your costume in Les


Miserables. There is this picture. Do you know the thing I'm talking


about? A guy sent it to me, I thought it was so funny I retweeted


it. Was it a German fan?I think so. He saw a similarity between this


and... I retweeted that and then Britney Spears tweets me and says, "


Yeah, let's get together and do a song." It was a joke, love. Did she


think you'd dressed up as a tribute act? You're touring Australia.


think so. A toxic song mash up. I didn't know what it meant. Bless


her. I'd love to see you do that choreography from Baby one More


Time. Let's talk after. I think I have my costume somewhere.


Adams, four times nominated for Oscars, all very good with Junebug,


Doubt, the Fighter, the Master, but nothing for Enchanted. That was such


an amazing performance. APPLAUSE


Thank you. And a bit like Henry, so Henry is now Superman but to a lot


of children, you are the Princess. Absolutely. I think there are a lot


of people, I mean, it's fantastic and I loved it and it's never been a


burden and it's been great. It is weird because in life I tend to walk


around without a stitch of make up and looking a bit homeless. So it's


sometimes disappointing because kids won't necessarily recognise me but


their parents will and they tell these poor children that I'm


giselle. They're very disenchanted. I have to get down in a very Giselle


voice and say" I'm in disguise." They buy it. Therapy later.Exactly.


That is going to mess with their That is going to mess with their


heads. But she said! It's better than me getting down going, " It's


not real, honey." That would be horrible. The other thing we must


talk about is the Fighter. It's such a great film. You're so good in it.


APPLAUSE You imagine it would be fighting


with Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg. But the women in the movie


are just stunning. They're like for real. Yeah they were like for real.


Due meet the real sisters? No, but that's the thing. It's like Amy, you


already said that. I did meet them and they were like for real. Like


that. No, they were awesome. They were


really like that. It was really interesting to meet this whole


family and to meet Charlene. She was like, I don't know why you had me


getting in a fight, I never got in a fight. Except once in a bar, when I


cracked that bottle over a girl's head. That would be a fight.No, I


swore a lot in that movie, which was like, I swear in real life, but I'm


polite so I don't tend to swear in public if I can help it. It was


really funny because David was like more swear words out the window and


I could not figure it out. I was like, I ran out of swear words and


he was throwing ideas out to me like" Trike cock-sucker. Trying


F-ing costcutter. I refused the C word. On television here, it's still


quite bad. I have two dogs that need to eat, OK. That one's not coming


out of my mouth. Yeah, I ran out of swear words, it was funny. What was


the other odd thing, where really specific kissing. Yes.What was that


about? David O'-Russell has a thing with tongue. He likes to see it,


like a 1980s music video or something. That's what he wants.


Yeah. I tried that with Henry, it didn't work. They were like, ooo,


what's that. Too much.I'm coming across like such a creeper. Poor


Henry. Awful.I talk to other people, oh, hen rip's beautiful.


Then you say it in front of it and you feel really creepy. He's so good


looking. APPLAUSE


Yeah, exactly. In the Tudors you had a lot of sex


scenes. Yes.And no-one's complaining! It's terrible those


girls' heads are cut out of the photograph. Come -- Come on England,


catch up with the rest of the world. It's page three material. Is it true


you didn't like it? Well, I mean, when you think of, you know, having


sex with someone, you're normally sex with someone, you're normally


alone. I normally am! LAUGHTER


least 12 very heavily set men watching you. It's not comfortable.


You know, things aren't happening as naturally as they should, so things


are, you know, there's a lot of this. That's not comfortable either.


What is that? Stop it both of you. Well, supposed to be the Man of


Steel. Yes, we are. They tend to be very uncomfortable. It's one of


those things. It's not nearly as sexy as one may imagine. Kissed


many, many famous actresses over the years, but in interviews you always


cite one screen kiss as your favourite, is that true? Do I?Yes.


No? The movie called the Sum of Us. That had to be a set up. No, you


That had to be a set up. No, you have said! Currently the mantle is


held by Kate Blanchett until further experiences. However, yes, this


movive here, the Sum of Us, I play a gay rugby-playing plumber in this


clip. That is John Paulson, after I finished that film I was about to


work with Sharon Stone. In that movive I had kissing scenes with


her. In this film I'm playing the gay man and I have a kissing scene


with John. John came up to me and he's, well he's not gay and he came


up to me and said, look, I've never kissed a bloke you know. Can we


practise? LAUGHTER


I said, a couple of weeks from now, I'll be in America and working with


Sharon Stone. How do you think it will go down, if I say kissing scene


coming up, shall we practise? How about you close your eyes, you close


your eyes and I bet we remember how to do it. That's what happened.


Beautiful! What a sofa, please thank my guests tonight.


APPLAUSE Before we hear this week's stories


in the red chair, it's time for music. Performing the upcoming


single What Love is Made Of. Please single What Love is Made Of. Please


# Something about your smile # That keeps me close


# Keeps me warm # Something about your eyes that


bright blue shine # I see your soul


# Give it to me # The recipe


# So I can see # And I can stay like this for days


# Looking at your beautiful face # Let me know what love is made of


# Something about your style # The clothes you wear


# You get it right # Something about your mind


# The way you think # How you're so wise


# Let me see # Give it to me


# The recipe # So I can see


# And I could stay like this for days


# Looking at your beautiful face # Can -- let me know


# What love is made of # Say I'm the special one


# The one you think of most # What you got that could give


# Come and give me my dose # Let me see


# Give it to me # The recipe


# So I can see # And I could stay like this for


days # Looking at your beautiful face


# Say you'll never go # Say you'll never go


# Let me know what love is made of # What love is made of


# What love is made of # APPLAUSE


Thank you! Beautiful, Katy B everyone. Come on over.


Congratulations, darling. Thank you. It's all marvellous. There she goes.


Now, that is a new single Brand new, my first single off my new album.


It's out on July 8. Yes.You won't be able to explain this to me, but


you can preorder it now. Yeah, yes. You can preorder it. So, yeah pay


for it now and on July 7th, you don't have to think about clicking


the button and it just goes straight to iTunes. It's not like preordering


a book, they're not going to run out. You've never tried to download


something and gone, no, it's all gone.


Sorry it's empty. People do it. I've preordered a few albums. Do you get


the money earlier that way? Is it good for next month's rent. Yeah!


Gets you ahead. Now the other thing, I've decided I might ask every music


act I have, would you ever consider doing Eurovision. Do you want to


know something, my dad did the Eurovision Song Contest. Really?Yes


but for Germany though. Really random, he's not even German. You


can find it on YouTube. Boo!I know. He had a whole other life that I


don't really know about. I should ask him one day. You really should.


Christmas maybe. Yeah. That whole life you had in Germany, tell me


about it. What was the song called? Was it in German. The thing is every


time I ask him about it, he's really shady about it. He says it's really


bad. I'll find out about it and tweet about it. He dance a whole


dance routine and he's wearing flares. It's amazing. He has a


ginger moustache. It's great. ginger moustache. It's great.


like a winner! APPLAUSE


They didn't win. We go. We have time for a story or two in the red chair.


You are keen on the red chair Russell? It's one of my favourite


parts of the show. If you come down here and Henry, give Katy B a go.


Right. Give her a turn. Does this move.


He's on it. Righty ho, then. Sandwiches changed.


I'm a -- in a ginger sandwich now. You look like you mean business. I


imagine we're going to run out of people. All right who's up? What


poor person is up first. Hello? I'm not doing this, it's Russell


Crowe. You need to impress with your story. What's your name? Laura.You


look so nervous. Don't be. Russell is looking benign. Don't be nervous.


is looking benign. Don't be nervous. unreasonable. It's going to be a


series of joinering wrecks. -- jibbering wrecks. Who's next?


You look calm, Sir. Very.What's your name? Raj.Where do you live?


St Albans. . Fancy? It's got an old part and a rough part.


Do you live in the old part or the rough part? On the border. Oh, no!


That was a good answer. He was playing the game. He was being soft.


Next person comes on, what are we looking for? Somebody who really


looks like they want to tell a story. OK. Guys out there, you're to


look like you want to tell a story. Next up. This is excellent.Hello.


Hi. Does he looks like he wants to tell a story? Oh, he does. What's


your name? Scott.Start your story. This is for Russell. Last year I


went it a music festival. He's a New Zealander? Yeah, yeah.


What's wrong with you. That would have been a lovely story. We'll try


another one. Let's get another one. Did you come up with this concept?


It's fantastic. Selling them at Christmas. Hello, Sir. What's your


name? -- Ivan.He's keen. I won't delay you because we're not sure how


long you'll last. Off you go. fried fish always. Father and I used


to repair cars. One day we took the petrol out of the front of the car.


We needed to put it back the next day. Unfortunately, mum decided to


fry the fish the next morning. She starts to fry the fish. Not quite


enough oil in the pan. She reaches for the first can of oil that she


thought she could find. Petrol. She actually burned the whole house


down. Wow scla. -- wow! That's a pretty


good story. It's dark, though. Can he walk? You can walk. Walk! Walk!


he walk? You can walk. Walk! Walk! Walk!


APPLAUSE Well done everyone. If you want to


join us on the show and have a go in the red chair, you can. Contact us


via our website. Thank you to all my guests tonight, Katy B, Amy Adams,


guests tonight, Katy B, Amy Adams, Henry Cavill, Russell Crowe! Join me


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