Episode 3 The Graham Norton Show

Episode 3

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Tonight on the show we have one of the stars of Iron Man 3. Wouldn't


it be great to be Iron Man? Oh, this is brilliant. Just have a sip


of my wine. Useless. Let's start Oh, hello!


APPLAUSE Welcome one and all. Hello


everybody. Thank you very much. We have a very exciting show tonight.


Hollywood's come a-calling, Gwyneth Paltrow is on the show.


Ready, steady go, double Olympic Gold Medal winner Mo Farah is here.


The hilarious Lee Mack is on the show.


Plus we have music from Hurts, Gwyneth is here to tell us about


Iron Man 3. Iron Man is one of my favourite superheroes. Here he is


Begin Seth back as -- Gwyneth is back as Iron Man's love interest.


He is shorter than I remember! I must ask, how do you have sex


with a man made of iron? Really looking forward to meeting


Mo Farah. I think we can all remember where we were when Mo won


his second Gold Medal at the He got gold, I got bronze! What an


inspiration Mo is. Thanks to him, a whole generation of British people


have taken up running. 50 more yards, you're there.


Mo trains in Africa. I don't know why training in Africa would make


you such a fast runner. As well as running, Mo has set a


trend for people doing their own signature poses. There's the Mobot.


The lightning strike. And my own personal favourite, the'I'm With


Stupid'. Let's get the guests on!


Later we will have music from Hurts. First, it's Lee Mack!


It's Mo Farah! Hello, sir, welcome.


Welcome all. Can I say how pleased I was I won the race to the sofa


with Mo. You are not very good over short distances. It is so lovely to


see Mo here. Are you one of those people, because you are training


all the time, are you totally out of touch with popular culture, have


you seen the Iron Man films? I am looking forward to seeing it.


you seen the first two? No, I haven't! Just how looking forward


to it are you! Do you know who that lady is Mo? Yes, that gives me more


reason to watch. Have you seen this show? I have never seen this show


before. Do you know who I am? don't know who you are! I'm not


bothered, I thought I was going to be siingt next to Mia Faro.


last time you were here you were promoting a book, but now in a big


movie, Iron Man 3 is back. This time, you are properly in it?


actually in this movie I do get to... Kick ass. Yes. What happens


is, there is a really bad guy, a villain. Oh, no. It is very


uncharacteristic in a comic book movie. I hope Iron Man can do


something about it. So do I! I get to wear the Iron Man suit for a


while, it's very cool. Is it really you in the suit? Well, yes, it was


me in a lot of the suit and then they CGI other bits, but it was


mostly me wearing the suit when I wore the suit. That is you with a


bit of the suit. When you are in it, is it heavy, horrible? It's quite


cumbersome but it's not so bad. I thought it was going to be terrible


because in the first two Iron Man movies, Robert was like he would


put on the suit and start sweating and having nervous breakdown and


meditate and cry. He was in hell, he was like this is the worst. I


was like I better prepare for this suit. I put it on and I was like,


this guy is a wimp! It's not that bad. It was very cool when your son


Moses, who was on set that day. loves Iron Man and is a big man. I


don't think I will ever forget his face when he saw me walk out


wearing the Iron Man suit. That is amazing. It was a really good


moment. Is that the first thing he's seen his mum do? Yes, I think


so. It's definitely the first - he's now put together - the other


day we had a moment where I watched his seven-year-old brain put


together who I was. We were going to see the Justin Bieber concert


because he loves Justin Bieber. Lucky you! He said to me "You know


maybe Justin Bieber knows who you are from Iron Man movies", so it


dawned on him that I could be a connection to Justin Bieber.


passport to Justin. Or the monkey. I think his mother needs to step in


now. Say, no Justin, you can't have a monkey. Talking about spoilt


children... Wait a minute. I am talking about Justin, not Moses.


There is an amazing bit of merchandising from the Iron Man


movie. This mask. This is really good. It is amazing. What it does,


incredible they sell it to children because it fires stuff. Health and


safety want you to put those on. Are you serious. Where was it made,


That could have a kid's eye out! thought it was going to come in


this direction. I try not to hurt the guests. Iron Man three, it


opens on next Thursday, 25th April. You and Tony Stark, you are


properly a couple. It is a slight mystery why you are together. He


seems quite a difficult boyfriend I would say. I think, if you start


2349 first movie she is his assistant and there is this kind of


sexual chemistry they have and then with all the movies the


relationship progresses and now they are living together and I


think he is quite difficult but she is a very paishl of patient --


patient woman and sweet and can deal with his megalomania and suit


building. Here is a taste of you and Robert Downey downior and you


demonstrating your patience. Why don't you link up that face


mask and give me a kiss. Yes, no can do. You want to just kiss it on


the facial slit. Why don't I run down to the gar average and find a


This is a new level of lame. You ate without me on date Night.


were just hosting you. While I That makes it look like a


relationship film. There is a lot of fighting and flying around and


explosions as well. Yes. In terms of creating synthetic men. Lee, you


have built, it wasn't Iron Man but you built a man? I did build a man.


Wait a minute, what? I made Graham from plasticine. I loved moulding


him into that shape. But his fingers smell. My girlfriend, then


girlfriend, now boyfriend, long story, no, the plasticine came in


candy. My My wife, about 15 years ago there was a spate of car


jackings and women driving on their own were particularly vulnerable,


so I got it into my head, I had only started going out with her, to


help protect her, I would build a man and so when she is driving on


her own, he would sit in the passenger sweet. That's nice.


protect my girlfriend. I made this man and we called him Arthur, he


was only from the waist up. Doing the legs would be unnecessarily -


you don't need that much back story. Just the waist and head, football


head, tights over his football head, flat cap. What she would do is get


out of the car and then the neighbours would look through and


think for a minute, that's a guy in the car but then she would pick him


up and bring him in and at this point they were thinking he has no


legs. The worst bit is when we left him in the car overnight. The


neighbours look, he's still there. The man with no feet is still


sitting in the car. She never got car jacked, so it worked.


someone saw a guy with tights over his head and a hat on. With no


features, it's going to scare anyone. You would think someone's


got her already! Mo Farah, it is a huge weekend for


you. You are running the London Marathon, half the London Marathon.


What's going to change it all, it is all happening in the shadow of


what went on in Boston. How are they marking it, are they


referencing what happened in Boston? They are going to take the


security seriously. I spoke to the race organiser, there is ar going


to be more security out there. People are wearing black ribbons


and they are having silence before the start of the race. As a a


respect, there is going to be a minute's silence for the people. It


is sad what happened. After that, the race will be as normal. Are you


nervous, or does it spur you on and think, this is as usual? You don't


want to see anything happening, but at the same time, it is what you do


every day, the guys and everybody else, they do a great job, they


will take care of that. You have to take it as a normal race and enjoy


it and do what you normally do. are running half of it, the first


or second half? The first half. couldn't run the second half, you


would be waiting for age. If at the 13 mile mark you are feeling fresh,


will you keep going? My aim is not to keep going. This is just a


practise for next year. I want to come out and get a practise. You


have to wake up early in the morning. I know, yes. Have you done


a marathon? Don't take the piss out of me, Graham. You trained for one,


didn't you? Last time we chatted, you pointed out the waistcoat was


fooling no-one. This is how unfit I am. The reason I am wearing one


again tonight, I realised that I have accidentally come away with my


son's tie! How ridiculous is that! Ten minutes


before I came on I thought I can't go on like that. You look very


smart. I did train for the marathon about three years ago, the Paris


marathon. I got to about 13 miles in the training and then went to


see the doctor because I had a pain in my knee. He said that one leg


was shorter than the other, so I had to stop running the marathon, I


was delighted. He was pointing out to me, if you - would you mind


Gwyneth feeling my knees, feel the height difference of my knees.


my God. I like your reaction, oh my God. This is truth, my testicles


hang at different... APPLAUSE


Can I check, did that happen? it did. I haven't been so aroused


since I saw your head in that box in Seven. In terms of training, you


train all the time. I do, yes. this movie you are in a bra and


trousers. Yes. You are ripped. thanks. Didn't a lady bid �350,000


to do an aerobics lesson with you? Is that true. It was you and


Madonna and they paid �350,000. Madonna never turned up! Japanese


lady outside with her cheque. That does sound like quite the workout.


I do about an hour of dancing, aerobics every day and I got to


keep, try and keep this thing together still. Oh, please, I'm 40,


I have two kids and they are making me take my shirt off in Iron Man


and it's like, guys, come on. You get away with it, I feel. Mo,


obviously trains a little more than the rest of us. You live in


Portland Oregon all the time. have lived there for the last


couple of years. This is Alberto Salazar. How many hours a day do


you spend training? It's hard to say. I normally do about 120 miles


a week. If you double that to 240, you could do a full marathon.


is running outside. But you do, this guy, he's got all these weird


contraptions to train. We do another 15 to 20 miles underwater


tread mill, basically like a tread mill but in the pool.


underwater is this thing? It's up to your waist. Then you have a tube


at the front and water coming out, it is pushing you back. To resist.


Then you go at the same pace. couple of things that fascinate me.


You didn't want to be a runner, you wanted to be a footballer. I still


want to be a footballer. If I see a football, I want to go after it.


Were you good at football? thought I was good. But I wasn't


that good. You are better at running. For sure. Here is the


other thing, you are a twin? Yes. have a picture of you and your twin


brother has an. I was hoping he was going to be massive and fat! The


lazy one. What does that do to - because the three of us can look


the you and think, well, Mo is genetically different, he's pre-


disposed to be able to run like that, but Hassan is genetically


exactly the same as you. Is he lazy? He smokes 40 fashion a --


fags a day. Presumably he is thrilled for you. He is happy for


me, but we live two different lives. You know what you could do, you


know the 13 mile mark, Hassan could slip in. That's going to be a good


look. Super Saturday was the 4th August and now, you weren't


watching, were you Gwyneth? I was not watching. What were you doing?


I was in New York and I just was just shit and forgot to watch. I


missed it. 4th August is my birthday. I actually booked a


Michelin starred restaurant and at 5.00 cancelled it to watch the race


at home. I was on my feet, go on son and he still came fifth, the


Bulgarian bloke, �20 on him! you Mo, it is such an enormous


event in anybody's life. Are you still on a high from that? At that


point, it's just something you train so hard for so many years and


to get it right was amazing for me. To have the crowd behind you is


amazing. I know, no commuting, it's easy to get to. Zone 3, it's handy.


I see what you mean, Mo. In those famous images of you winning the


race. You look so surprised, you look like no-one ever mentioned you


were quite good at running before. Really, everyone? It's incredible.


I am sure you have all seen these, it's become familiar, Mo running


away from a bear, running away from the bulls. And finally this is my


Lee Mack, you are back on our televisions, a new series of Not


Going Out. Series six. A sit come on BBC One. This series is


different, Tim Vine is gone. It was the two of you, your show. Yes.


it difficult to write him out? decided we were going to do a big


thing where we wrote him out of four episodes and I thought I can't


be asked, the Olympics is on, so we cut him out in the first five


minutes of the first episode. He's old news now. You haven't seen it,


sow don't know. It's very good. There is a will they won't they


with Lee and this character Lucy. But this series, we finally find


out. We couldn't make our minds up so filmed two different endings. We


can't decide which way - we have decided now. But right to the wire


of handing in the tapes. How does it work, did they do that thing of


audience testing it or did you just decide yourselves? We watched them


back and decided which way to go, whether I want to move it on to a


family sit com, married kids or whether we want to keep it as it is


for a while. You are wondering which way we have gone, aren't you


Gwyneth. I am. You will have to tune in. You don't want to change


the format. Shall we vote. You have to watch it first. We are about to


watch a bit of it. This is an exclusive clip from next week's


episode. Hello, Wendy. Hello, have you got


five minutes. Won't once be enough? That was a joke about being bad at


sex. Not you, I mean, me. I am sure you are very good at it. You are


like the shopkeeper from Mr Ben. If you are looking for Lucy she is at


the conference. I know. Greta Garbo's nipples were made of spam.


You didn't see that one coming, did you. That's true, I looked it up on


Wikipedia. Who could go out when you could stay home and make all


the delicious recipes in Gwyneth's new book. I believe you really cook


these things? I do. You are not just the celebrity face of this


why would I bother? Money. There's no money in that. The first book,


which I have and I have cooked things from it, that potato cake


delicious, but I feel some of the delicious potato, that wouldn't be


in this book now. The idea of this book was to make food as as


delicious as the first book but that bit healthier. No butter.


butter, no gluten. That is the elimination diet. It was inspired


by the elimination diet. I had some health things crop up and my doctor


had me go on the elimination diet. I didn't really, couldn't really


think of what to cook. So I started creating these recipes and I


thought why is it the people who want to lose a bit of weight or be


healthier have really tasteless food, it shouldn't be that way.


Some of the elimination things I get, no coffee, no alcohol, no


dairy, I resist, I have fallen at the first two hurdles, but no deep


water fish. Keep water fish have a lot of mercury in them so they are


not good to eat a lot. Am I the only person who doesn't know how


deep each individual fish swim. idiot. It is going to be hard at


the fish and chip shot. "How deep does that cod swim?" If you are at


the fish and chip shop, you are not doing the elimination diet. That's




Lots of delicious recipes, some of them, Gwyneth, I don't understand


them. For instance, there is one here, for left over quinoa, who


doesn't finish their qinoa, how do you end up with leftover qinoa.


There's nothing left over, surely. That is a mystery. I will be


waiting sometime before I get to cook that. Plates licked clean


There are lots of delicious things. Don't leave it at that, what is it,


what is qinoa. It's like a cross between cous cous and cat litter.


I'm not wrong. You haven't had my qinoa. Is it a wheat or something?


It's not wheat, it is its own grain, it is high in protein. As you eat


it, you believe that. It is one of those things, this is really good


for me. My version is really good. You served it with a fried egg on


top so I am thrilled. The photographs in the book are lovely.


But then some of the pictures, to illustrate avocado toast, I am note


sure that was the way -- I am not sure that is the way to go. It's


breakfast. Are you dreaming of avocado toast there?! Are you


allowed my personal favourite, the potted intole sandwich. Chicken and


mushroom, cheap white bread, plonk it in, squeeze it. Is that in your


book? I just threw up in my mouth. Is that when you remembered you


touched my testicles. On Sunday for the marathon, do you have special


food you will eat? The night before the race I will eat a lot of carbs


and I will each five or six hours before and won't eat anything we


have yirx are porridge, some toast, coffee, make sure I stay hydrated,


that is more important, but before the race, I will avoid affried


stuff, mill milk. Not even a fried egg? With qi, oa? No, no fried egg.


I wonder what you would look like if somebody offered you a fried


egg! At home, because I imagine yourself and Chris, you are very


cosmopolitan couple. We have a vision of your life. But it seems


like you do the cooking, does Chris ever cook? He cooked twice. And


both times the fire brigade came. Are you serious? That is a true


story. What was he trying to cook? I don't know because the house was


full of smoke and the fire brigade turned up. The second time the fire


brigade must have been really unamused. The second time Chris


opened the door and the guy said "You have been cooking again, Chris


". You have two young children, so when you have a children's party or


something, do you do Rice Crispies and chocolate, please God say yes.


Of course, I do all the yummy cakes and food. I have heard you talking


about British children's parties and you have been dising them?


You dising our parties saying they were damp old church halls with


crappy sand wips. Am I right? If there is one area where you can


discern the difference between American and British culture it's


kids parties. Americans are over the top and too much food.


Americans eat too much food. and me live here, Lee, OK. I am


putting on a lot of weight, look at that, that was down there. When you


are here... I live here. Do you have to try and purposely make your


children's parties crap? No. I think it is hilarious, you can go


to the richest man in London's kids' party and it is in a church


basement with some sort of weird creepy kids performer, entertainer


type person. Aren't you planning a kids party at the moment. Yes. It


was Moses birthday but we are having his party soon. The plan


something extensive. I am going to be the ugliest American of all time.


Are you having a petting zoo? might have a petting zoo Does it


come on the back of a van? It does. What do you get? You get like


bunnies and all kinds of things. you get a sheep? That is your kid's


party. Did you say Graham kid's party. You really don't know who he


is, do you. How old is your stepdaughter? She is seven. Have


you been to sports days now at school? Yes. Have you been in the


fathers' race. The fathers must must be like oh God here he comes.


He probably stops half way. Is it true that you and your brother


can't cross your legs? I cannot cross my legs. When I was at school


in assembly, I used to sit like this, I can't cross my legs. But I


Those a �1 billion knees. I can't cross my legs, because you know


that big testicle hanging down, it's like that, let me show you


again! It is time for music. This


Manchester duo have sold two million records, one of my


favourites bands. I am thrilled to have them back. Performing their


new single Blind, please welcome # Since the day I left you, I hear


your voice in every sound # Since the day I left you I see


your face in every crowd # It won't go away!


# But every time I feel you're near I close my eyes and turn to stone


stone # Cause now the only thing I fear


is seeing you better off alone # Yeah


# Cut out my eyes and leave me blind


# Cut out my eyes # And leave me blind


# With the weight of the world upon me I can't hold my head up high


# Oh way oh way oh # So if you see me on the streets


turn away and walk on by # Cause after the beauty we've


destroyed # I am cascading through the void


# I know time my heart will mend # I don't care if I never see again


# Cut out my eyes # And leave me blind


# Cut out my eyes # And leave me blind


# Girl, I told you, after all we've been through


# I don't one that be by myself # Girl, I told you that it would


tear me in two # If I see you with someone else


# Cut out my eyes # And leave me blind


# Cut out my eyes APPLAUSE


Hurts! Come and join me.


Beautiful. How are you? Nice to see I noticed you kept the gloves on


for the shake. I have very, very dirty hands. Now you tell me.


last time I saw you, you had an eye mask on. Yes, I had an injury, that


is it there, that is the scar. Last time I had to wear sunglasses to


hide the grotesque eye, which I did, I fell over. You were doing the


video for Blind. We were making a video for Blind, it is just a good


job it wasn't called bollocks. could have helped you out there.


That is the new single. It is out now. This album is Exile, it is in


my car. After you finished the the song, you were talking about what


you listen to when you train. You have an iPod in when you are


running. I listen to a lot. Sometimes when you are struggling


you want something with a beat, I listen to Dizzie Rascal. Do you


stop the music halfway? Just saying. People, you read things about


people and you think is that true. But I read you guys are so


concerned now about your look, and the style you have gone for, you


have thrown all your regular clothes away. So concerned, no, it


was to make things easy. You have cleared out your wardrobe. It means


you can get changed quickly and in the dark, which makes it easier.


You can't jog in a suit. You can. like to flirt with the gym, I walk


past it in these clothes. What is missing lads is a tie. I have the


one for you here, looing at that baby. Is that taped on? I don't


want another child stealing it, that is how I got it. Seriously,


you don't own any other clothes now? No. We didn't for a long time.


I have not had a pair of trainers for six years. I have trainers and


a pair of shorts. You need at least one. If we do get a summer...


It was lovely today Gwyneth. it? Grey and freezing cold is your


definition of summer. It was all right. You are on crack, it was not,


it was freezing and grey. Was it freezing and grey today? I was


inside all day. You were hunting for qinoa. Before we go, time for a


What is your name? Owen. You are from Ireland. Yes. County Kerry.


Which bit? North Kerry. Think it's grey here!


Do you live there? I live in Greenwich in London. What do you


do? I am a civil engineer. Clever. Off you go.


I was in Thailand with a mate and we decided we would head off on


scooters one of the days and headed into the countryside. We were


getting hungry and we stopped off somewhere to get something to eat.


We saw a beer garden and there was a beer garden and restaurant. We


pulled over and went through the beer garden, they had those


canopies outside and went inside, small restaurant, a guy in the


corner drinking a beer and having his rice and beef and I asked the


waitress could I get a menu and she didn't speak English, so she gave


us the same food the guy had. She gave us the food and I was there,


can I have two beers please and she got frustrated with us and language


barrier was a problem. She headed outside and got her son or somebody


like that to come in and he had a bit of English. I explained to him,


I said can I get the menus and have two beers. The your man goes, this


is not a restaurant, this is somebody's house. Good story, you


can walk. Well done everybody.


Thank you to all my guests tonight, Hurts ladies and gentlemen. Lee


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