Episode 1 The Graham Norton Show

Episode 1

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Tonight, one to have biggest names in Hollywood, Indiana Jones himself,


I've got the music and the kit. What else do I need?


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE. Hello, hello everyone!


Everyone survived the boulder. Yeah, well done. What a show we have to


start the new series, ladies and gentlemen. We have a line-up that's


hotter than a World Cup in Qatar! It's a football joke!


Maturing and changing! (No, I'm not) one of the biggest


stars in Hollywood, screen ledge end, Harrison Ford is here, ladies


and gentlemen. Yeah, how about that. Britain's hottest actor, Benedict


Cumberbatch is on the show! Top comedian Jack white haul is


here. -- Whitehall is here. Plus music and


chat from Mr James Blunt. Yes, we have!


So looking forward to meeting Harrison Ford, ladies and gentlemen,


I am. He's going to be there! Harrison Ford will be sat right


there. He's been in so many great films, Blade Runner, Witness,


Mosquito Coast and Star Wars. There he is, Han Solo with Chewbacca.


Can't remember the last time I saw something that hairy and


frightening. I'm talking about him.


In Star Wars, Han Solo ended up with the girl, Princess Leia. That was


because the man she really loved turned out to be her brother. There


are some far flung corners of the universe where that sort of thing is


OK. There will be letters, yeah.


Ill ledgible letters. Of course, Harrison's other seminal


role was Indiana Jones. Of course, Harrison's other seminal


And here is the moment we recreated earlier where Indy is chased by the


giant ball of rock. Is there any way that ball could be


more terrifying? Awkward!


In the film, Indy discovered he had a son. Middle aged and suddenly


finding out you're a father. I mean, does that sort of thing happen in


real life? Hm? ! Since Simon Cowell announced he's


going to be dad, he's been very proactive, insisting the baby be


breast-fed. Yes. Don't go hungy.


We'll have music from Mr James Blunt later.


Some fresh meat on my sofa first, it's Jack Whitehall, everybody.


Site down, Jack Whitehall, everybody!


Harrison Ford, everybody! Wow.


Harrison Benedict Cumberbatch is on his way,


he's on a motorbike or something, dashing from a film set, he'll be


here. You can snuggle up if you want to, a little close.


I'll leave some Benedict room here. How are you, Sir? I'm fine, thank


you. We are so, so thrilled you are here. We are delighted you are.


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE We are especially grateful you are


here. Maybe I'm wrong, but we think you obviously like acting. That's a


pleasure. I do. I enjoy it, yes. Is it FA irto say this sort of thing is


your least favourite aspect of making a film? No, not yet.


You know, it's the endless press thing about having to explain the


movie over and over again, talk about yourself, talk about blah blah


blah blah blah. We are not going to do that here, are we? No, I'll ask


you practically no questions at all for more or less 40 minutes.


I should warn you, you are sitting next to a bit of a Harrison Ford


fan. Have you embarrassed yourself backstage already? I love Harrison,


I'm such a massive fan and I don't want to be fan girlie on the show,


but the young chaps my age in the audience, there's a particular film


of yours that's kind of a swashbuckling young adventurous chap


really defined me as a young man. Your performance in Working Girl.




Shove up a bit because... Enough! I am allowed to be this close.


Benedict on the other hand, he'll have to keep a certain distance.


Harrison Ford, you are here, let us celebrate you. This is the bit where


I talk for a long time. Please. I'm not really enjoying this.


LAUGHTER It's early days. . Whir ouch of the


elite. Your films have grossed almost $6 billion worldwide.


Here comes a question - when was the... How much of it did I get? !


I'm interested in that, but I was wondering, when was the last time


you walked in somewhere and people just went "hello, how may I help


you? " Are there countries you can go to where they don't know who you


are? Yeah. Where? England. We know who you are. In England no-one says


"mow may I help you" because everyone's so rude.


Have you walked through Britain unmolested? No, I've taken a canal


boat through Britain and not been noticed and not run into anybody


looking. Was that by choice? Was that a holiday? Yes. Never done it,


have you? No. How Kewelled it be accidental, like you hail a cab and


go like, this is a canal boat, I've done it again!


Harrison Canals. Was it not a bit boring? Yes! That's what I like.


Hurly-burly. After people come up to me and say, are you Harrison Ford,


my usual answer is, I used to be. Takes a while for them to figure it


out. At that point you push them in the


canal. Was it very cool being a dad? You


canal. must have trounced every other


father at the school gate because you were Han Solo, Indiana Jones, I


mean how amazing that that's your dad? Frankly, my kids couldn'tlet


give a shit. And would not Dane to be friends


with anybody who did care. Realry? The first parts are absolutely true.


They have never cared so much about it because they are growing up, you


know, in the sausage factory. My wife is an actress, I'm an


actress... LAUGHTER


It's doesn't really matter to my kids.


So $6 billion. A lot of people would be resting on their laurels, but you


are working as hard as ever. Your latest film we'll talk about in a


second. That work ethic, does that come from the fact that... ... It


comes from the fact that I spent it all and I still have to go to work.


No, I like to work. I love working. I can't imagine what I would, you


know, what I'd do all day long if I didn't work occasionally.


Famously, obviously, you were a carpenter when you started out? I


became a carpenter because I didn't like the work I was getting as an


actor. Do you still do carpentry? Not so much.


I've lost it. Like so many poncy actors like you


see and they go after the film, I want to go home and have a bath and


read some poetry to unwind. Harrison probably opens a can of beer then


builds a fucking shed. CHEERING AND APPLAUSE


Yes, that's me. I don't know how I missed this aspect of Harrison Ford.


It's not just the shed building. End of October, it seems like that's


a very exciting time to be around the Ford-Flockhart household. It's


become a big thin for you? No. You push the boat out. Here is you and


Calista. You look scarily like a woman I had a one night stand with


in Wigan. It was me. It was!


I should have known! CHEERING AND APPLAUSE


We went back to your boat and it was a lovely night. We made some waves.


Did months of planning go into this? a lovely night. We made some waves.


Does it look like? ! Well, some planning went into this.


Look at you there. That is a pea pod Well, some planning went into this.


isn't it? I'm the one on the left. Let's see the picture again. The


full uncensored version. That's what I'm talking about. I'm the one on


the left and that's Calista artily disguised as a... She'll be annoyed


if you don't remember what her costume was. We just threw it


together at the last minute. We are living in Los Angeles. You


can find a pea pod costume pretty easily. It's all that's left. But


our 12-year-old son, you know, he likes to go trick or treating, we


just turn him out in the street alone. So you go door-to-door? We


maybe wait a respectful distance away from the door, we are not in it




Or the peas! And I hope to be, I mean the point


is, I hope to be unrecognised. I think you might be unrecognised in


is, I hope to be unrecognised. I this one. You probably are


unrecognisable. LAUGHTER


It was the wine that gave me away. Were you smoking then? I hadn't


gotten that far. Before Halloween, Ender's Game opens


on 25th October. It's your return to space. I think that's not what the


buzz is about. The buzz is about the fact that there are a lot of loyal


buzz is about. The buzz is about the fans of a book this is based on. The


author of that book predicted 28 years ago the Internet, touch screen


technology that we use all the time now, drawn warfare, so it was quite


a clever book. It's got excitement and also moral


issues in it? It does. It's got some very important themes which don't


spoil the movie. No, they don't. They are kind of knit in. You might


not even notice if you don't care about that sort of thing. I did. You


saw the movie? Yes. Yes I did. You did? Yes. Free? Yes.


(Shit) You, as part of this film, must have


been like the arrival of Jesus. Just because he's a carpenter.


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Did you have security surrounding


you at all times? Oh, yeah. Legions of storm troopers.


It's really... I'm very proud of the movie, there are wonderful actors in


it, Sir Ben Kingsley and I have owe loo Davies and this young fellow,


Acor Butterfield the title, Ender. I play the recruiter, the trainer of


this young man who's meant to be our commander of the international


fleet. Young people, because of their capacity to integrate complex


information quickly and evolve strategies, which mostly comes out


of their experienced gaming, video gaming. I like the way we both do


the same mime for that like we've never done it. I haven't. I can't


figure it out at all. Like the Xbox... It's based on a real


psychological reality that they got, you know, nimble minds. But this is


a warfare that's practised row remotely, but with drones. Let's say


no more. I don't want to spoil it. Let's look at a clip. This is you


with Enders, as your star pupil, and you are running the battle school


and I think that's all we need to know going into this.


Highest battle room ratings. You have a habit of upsetting your


commander. I find it hard to respect someone just because they outrank


me, Sir. Puts you in a difficult position, doesn't it? Yes, Sir.


Don't like taking orders? No, Sir. Perhaps you would prefer to give


them yourself? How'd you like to lead your own army? Sir, never heard


of a dragon Army? We discontinued the name four years ago. No dragon


Army ever won a battle. Then why not, Sir? We already have the


uniforms. Who'll been in the Army? Misfits like you who might be


brilliant with the right commander. CHEERING AND APPLAUSE


Oh, oh, oh! Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and


gentlemen, I smell motorcycle oil and cheap Cologne, I deduce that the


star Sherlock, Mr Benedict Cumberbatch is here! Yes, he is.




CHEERING AND APPLAUSE They are pleased to see you. Nice to


see them too. Sorry, the traffic was terrible. Were you working? Yes, the


helicopter wasn't working. I was working. I'm doing a film in


Bletchley Park. I ran and was taking my costume off getting on a


motorcycle. Where was that, many Madrid? A motorbike from Bletchley?


I wasn't driving it. If I was, it might have happened faster. Who was


driving it, Mr Magoo? Seriously, I don't feel so bad that I


mispronounced your name. I was like please welcome meememme


Cumberbatch". You didn't dress like that on the motorcycle? I got


dressed as I was on the motorcycle. Jack loves you, Benedict also a huge


Harrison Ford fan. Have you met before? Embarrassingly, I met you at


our agent's party at UTA in Los Angeles. Our agent? Our agent. We


don't have the aim agent, but we have the same... Was he dressed as a


pea? I've got to catch up. Did you talk to each other? I made a tit of


myself. I came up and went "I'm a real big fan, I used to fantasise


about you". I meant I used to fantasise about being Han Solo. I


took it wrong. You took it really well and went "it takes all sorts".


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE You were very nice.


The other strange thing that may bond people on the couch is of


course Gee carts are fluttering. There is going to be a new Star Wars




Now, you're nit, you are definitely in it, aren't you? Are you not in


it? Huh? Benedict knows because he's mates with Julian Assange now and


he's seen the script. You are in it. Hasn't it been announced? No...


Er... Yeah... . Let's not lose the tempo here.


Before you arrived, he was really fluent.


Are you playing Chewbacca this time? I didn't get a chance to tell you


what a big fan I am of yours. Oh, thank you very much. Wow. That's a


bit of a moment, thank you very much.


Sherlock Holmes is amazing. CHEERING AND APPLAUSE


Very good. I can retire now, I'm going.


Are you in the new Star Wars film? Instead of me? ! You were being so


hesitant... Yeah... I'll give you a revelation, I'm in it. That is an


exclusive fact. And I push Sherlock off the roof.


It hurt: . Are you and Princess Leia an old married couple now running a


bed-and-breakfast in Llandudno? That's why I've not quite made the


choice. The love affair in the oral national Star Wars film who we all


remember it was so beautiful. The famous scene in the Empire Strikes


Back, where you are not turned into stone, but something else? Something


else. Yes, I don't remember what it was. Sorry. We have the lovely


moment where it's about to happen. Here it is.


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Chewy seems more upset than present


Cesc lay ya. Yeah. Was that your line? That wasn't in the script, was


it? Well, it was, you know, it became my line. There was a process


of negotiation. Well, maybe there wasn't.


No, the line that was typed left unsaid was "I love you too" which


seemed a little out of character. There is an awful lot of people in


the audience who love you. Love you, Harrison. Calm down. Going to give


some of them an opportunity to say "I love you". There is a blue hand


right up there. You already did it, didn't you? What's your name? Anna.


Stand up. Where are you from? Surrey. I love Harrison. That's the


point. We got that. There he is. He's not


getting any nearer. OK. Look him in this eyes and tell him. Wait for the


music. Wait for the music. Look him in the


eyes and tell him. I love you. I know.


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Harrison, can someone else have a


go? Do you mind? Yeah, sure. Stand up, what's your name? Yoker.


Yoker? Yoko. Yoko? Leave her alone. Do you live here now? I don't. You


are here on holiday from Belgium? I came from Belgium for this. To see




So music, there he is, there he is, there he is. I love you.


Thank you. Very good! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.


It gives people such a joy. What if one of them was a stalker and he


said "I know". He wouldn't have been lying. You have made that very


clear. Over the years.


Cumberbatch, you are so hot right now!




Do you even know how many films you have got coming out? You have got so


many? Yes, I have. Remind me. I don't know. I have the Fifth Estate


coming out this Friday. We are talking about that. You are on


message, very good. I haven't seen the first four, but that looks


awesome. Go straight to that up with. You are working back-to-back


at the moment, aren't you, nonstop? Kind of, yes. I have vague weekends


and days between, but yes, it's been a wonderful wave, is a wonderful


wave, so I'm enjoying it. Julian Assange story, so everyone knows who


he is. He was big in America. Who? Julian Assange. Yes, I know. Well I


didn't want to be rude and start talking about someone and you start


going, who are you talking about. You don't look much like him. Thank


you. I mean... You could have no credit rating for ever if you looked


like him. He has bigger frish to fry. Did you contact him? I e-mailed


him before we started filming which was quite sort of scary. He e-mailed


back saying, don't do the film on the day that we were starting pretty


much, so that was... Really? That was interesting. I completely


respect why and he was articulate and considerate and polite about it


and I wrote an equally hopefully considerate and articulate reply as


to why we were doing the story. Now that you have done the film, you


have immersed yourself in the world of Julian Assange and what he's


done, where do you stand? Do you see him as a revolutionary of new


journalism, or a bit of a nob with a laptop? He is a revolution. It comes


after the fact that he shook up things and made us question the rule


of law and power structures that were either corrupt and needed


investigating and he served democracy a great turn. This is a


clip of you as Julian Assange having a row with the man he worked with so


closely towards the middle to end. OK.


14 pages in the Guard-on, 12 in the New York Times, more coverage than


all the leaks we have had combined. We are winning an information war


which goes beyond any short-term alliance we have with the


mainstream. Up to throw it all away because you feel a US Government


informer might come to harm. He's a human being. His lives are at stake.


What about the lives to have civilians, soldiers involved in


this. Unreported civilian casualties, countless incidents of


friendly fire. This is the information the world needs to know.


The next time you find yourself lickturing me about this


organisation, please try to remember why I created it -- lecturing me.


And also why I hired you to help me. CHEERING AND APPLAUSE


It's uncanny. Wow.


Stating the obviouser but Benedict is pretty good at acting.


I know! At the screening, the guy, the real


guys from The Guardian were at it being asked questions. They knew


Julian Assange well and they were saying how uncannily accurate your


performance is. Are you a good study? The last time you did me and


you were very good. You did my laugh very well.


You do lots of people. Are you one of those actors? No. Yes. A few,


yes, but I think a lot of us hear the music or it's voices or


whatever. I used to muck around with dictaphones at school. It's like


part of having an ear. Even if we want to have empathy. You were doing


Chewbacca in time with the clip. That's one of my favourite Chewbacca


moments. Just that arrrrrr... CHEERING AND APPLAUSE


Did I take you back? Very quickly Benedict, are people


still comparing you to an otter? I don't know, are they? They are.


There are some new ones. Have you seen them? No. This is an Internet


thing. So here is Benedict. You think that's a boy, doesn't look


like an otter? Yes, he does. Look at it. He strikes a pose, a thoughtful


pose. Otters don't think that much. Yet, they do. They do.


I'm the one not doing the pose properly. That is the correct


steeple of fingers underneath the chin. Mine is in front of my face so


I'll take notes from my men. Is one person posting these. Surely to post


these you would have to see a lot of otters. You know where otters hang




You, as Julian Assange. Otter Julian Assange.


Then the final one, here you are waving goodbye and you think otters


don't have arms, how do they do that? Yes, they do.


Genius. Well done with otters. Must crack on. Everyone, Jack white


Liverpool is on tour, yes, he is. It's called Jack Whitehall Get


Around. You start on 5th March next year, then you go around the country


and finish on 16th March. year, then you go around the country


You don't go around a lot? It's a very compact tour, but I'm going to


lots of places. It is the biggest tour I've ever done. It is!


And I'm doing The Round, which is new. I start in Aberdeen and then I


end in Wembley and it's sold quite well... In some places. Not in


Aberdeen. So that's the kind of main thrust is, if anyone is watching


from Aberdeen, I just need to sell one more ticket and there'll be more


people in the audience than there are on stage.


Please, I love Aberdeen as well. Can I just take this opportunity to say


I'm a big fan of the city, I love it, Fish Trawler Port, the big nest


Europe. Oh, you're good. It's that local stuff. I love the fact that in


Aberdeen more medieval coin haulages have been found than anywhere else


in the UK. 4,000 feet... The River Dee rises at


approximately 4,000... This one's good.


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE What else is great about Aberdeen


and why Ypres really looking forward to going there is, where else would


you find a city where... Sold out!


What a perfect place to start my tour. Jack wrote this book with his


father. I wrote all of it. He wrote his bits but he doesn't use a


computer so I had to type it all out because he's very old-fashioned,


he's geriatric. I took my dad to McDonald's for the first time two


years ago. He asked for his Big Mac to be cooked medium rare.


That's the generation I'm talking about. He asks to see a wine list in


KFC. No, Harrison, I wouldn't even go there, but he could be in


Expendables 4. Are you doing The Expendables 3? I have done. Yeah!


There's a bit Boro Jean-Claude Van Dam kicks a knife in to a guy's


chest. You walk out the cinema and you are so pumped that you want to


burn something or... Argh. There is a scene in Expendables 1 where


Sylvester Stallone and mickey Rourke have a five-minute conversation, I


challenge the best linguistics expert to tell me what they say. BBC


Two very late at night, the guy doing the sign language just gave


up. Is it true that you would do another


Indiana Jones if there was another one? In a New York minute, yes.


Brilliant. I don't think it's about Indiana


Jones being an old fart. It's OK. We have seen him at all stages of his


life. When I'm old enough, we need Connery you know.


I'll be old enough to play my own father!


Writing out a will, joining Bewl that, you know. See your


grandchildren. Shopping for a walk-in bath.


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Before we have our music, Mr Ford,


you have to leave the land? I do. You have to be in other places. Has


this been hell or all right? It's been great. I'm delighted with the


company. Come and see us again. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Harrison


Ford. Thank you so much.




There he goes! What a nice man. Budge up now.


What a lovely man. Very good. I like Harrison Ford.


He's so cool. He's so cool. Let's talk about Harrison Ford for a


while. . Chat show in Belgium now. We are going to make someone feel


very stupid. The singer song writer sold 17


very stupid. million of his first three albums


and is back with a fabulous fourth, singing his new single, Bonfire


Heart, please welcome, Mr James Blunt.


# Your mouth is a revolver firing bullets in the sky # Your love is


like a soldier, loyal till you die # And I've been looking at the stars


for a long, long time. # Days like these


# Lead to nights like this # Lead to love like ours


# You light the spark in the bonfire heart


# People like us # We don't need them much


# Just some sparks that start the spark in the bonfire hearts


# This world is getting colder # Strangers passing by


# No-one offers you a shoulder # No-one looks you in the eye


# I've been looking at you # For a long, long time


# Just trying to break through # Trying to make you mine


# Everybody wants a flame # They don't wanna get burnt


# Well today is our turn # Days like these


# Lead to nights like this # Lead to love like ours


# You light the spark in the bonfire heart


# People like us # We don't need them much


# Just someone that starts, starts a spark in our bonfire hearts


# Our bonfire hearts # Our bonfire hearts


# You light the spark # People like us


# We don't need that much # Just someone that starts


# We don't need that much # Starts a spark in our bonfire


hearts # Days like these


# Lead to nights like this # Leads to love like ours


# You light a spark # Days like these


# Lead to nights like this # Lead to love like ours


# You light the spark in the bonfire heart


# People like us # We don't


# Need them much # Just some one that starts, starts


the spark in the bonfire heart # People like us


# We don't need them much # Just someone that sparks, starts


the spark in the bonfire heart... # CHEERING AND APPLAUSE


Thank you. I thought you were great.


Mr James Blunt, everybody! Fantastic.


James blunt. Thank you so much. Have a seat. Have


a seat. I feel bad now you have missed


Harrison Ford. I flown in all the way from Australia just to meet him.


I wanted to tell him that I loved him to music.


There you go. We love that song. Such a catchy


song. Fantastic. It's off the album Moon Landing, out on 21st October.


Very glad you got it. Well, I do. I didn't pay for that either!


I went to a gig you did. Thank you so much for coming. Which? Was


lovely. It was really intimate, but you still managed to do a stage


dive? Yes, on a bunch of middle aged women.


You warned them you were coming. You stood on top of the piano and kind


of went all right and they gathered round and braced themselves.


Yes. I have learnt that I have to warn people you are doing that,


because the first time I jumped into the audience, I ran in and the crowd


parted and lots of my friends were watching and I just smacked the


ground and really hurt myself and looked like a prick in front of my


friends. It's gone wrong several times. In Chicago, I jumped off the


stage and ran towards the audience and a large security guard didn't


recognise me. He tackled me to the ground I was shouting "I'm the


fucking singer". Imagine a cart went by and a bicycle's knocked over your


best friend and you don't see the landing and a bicycle could have


knocked over your best friend. Please tell me what happened? !


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE I'm very sorry to say we have run


out of time. We have run out of time. No time for Red Chair, it will


be back next week. All right, it's just some people in a chair. These


people and Harrison Ford, come on. A lady from Weybridge.


Why don't you just get the sofa to tip back. That's all we have got


time for, beef! -- boof! Please say thank you to my


fantastic guests tonight. Mr James Blunt. Jack Whitehall, Benedict


Cumberbatch and of course, the great Harrison Ford. Join me next week for


the Oscar-winning actress, Natalie Portman, James Corden, Katy Perry


and Sir Paul McCartney. See you next week, bye-bye!


Natalie's costar is also on the show.


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