Episode 2 The Graham Norton Show

Episode 2

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On tonight's show, we have got Beatlemania!


Let's start the show! This is it, ladies and gentlemen!


This is it! Hello! Good evening! Oh, what a


line-up we have for you tonight. THE most famous pop sunger of all-time,


Paul McCartney is here! Can you believe that?


Yes, he's going to be here. Als Chris Hemsworth is here. The Oscar


winning Natalie Portman is on the show! There's more! Comedy Superstar


James Corden is here! And, and, if that wasn't enough,


global singing sensation, the beautiful Katy Perry is here! I


know! Well, that's all we've got time for,


I'll see you next week? ! Can you believe it? The music legend


that is Paul McCartney on the show, ladies and gentlemen.


The Beatles officially the biggest band of all-time and everywhere they


went, there was Beatlemania. Look at them there. The fans even


had to be kept behind barriers. Do you know, even nowadays they need


barriers toer mad groupies for lands like One Direction. Yeah.


Harry, Harry, remember me? ! Of The Beatles had the famous mop top


hair styles when they first came out. That hair style's still copied.


Here is Natalie Portman. Rihanna and Tiddles.


Not amused! But of course they produce some of


the most iconic album covers ever, like Abbey Road.


Took hours getting that shot just right. Mind you, this is the view


looking the other way. Bloody hippies!


Although they let the traffic go in the end, yeah!


Back of the album! The titles of Paul's songs have


predicted many other future singing stars which is spooky. Like for


instance, there's lady Madonna, yeah, the Froing Corus, Help! And of


course, I Am the Walrus. Cuckoo kerchoo!


I'll be talking to Natalie Portman and Chris Hemsworth later on. But


first, he's in a League of His own, it's Mr James Corden.


Hello. Nice to see you. Come in. Sit down,


sit down. Get ready to welcome Katy Perry!


Get ready to roar! So nice to see you, darling. Have a


seat. And it's going to be a night to


remember. It is Sir Paul McCartney! Hello. You are so welcome. Paul


McCartney! I'm loving this couch. You guys all


Noel each other, don't you? We hung out backstage, having a laugh,


whatever. Katy, you have sung Paul's songs,


haven't you? I sung hey Jude at a benefit. I sing all of his songs,


I've sang 'em all my life. I'm sitting next to him, oh, my God. I'm


sitting next to Katy! Guys, I'm right here!




But you returned the favour with Katy's songs? You were telling me


that? Yes, I have a ten-year-old daughter and we love "firework! "


It's a great song. It's a fantastic song. I love it. Here is the other


odd thing about the sofa tonight. Two pop stars, James Corden and yet


they've all had a number one single. Yes.


Katy, have you had eight or ten here? A handful, yes. James?... One?


Let's not get carried away. It was a terrible song for charity. Paul


McCartney, do you want to guess, have a guess how many, Katy and


James, how many number ones? Are we talking solo? Not albums, this is


number one singles. I think 55. I think 42. Disappointing now OK,


it's... Try again lower, yeah. I've only been going five years and I've


already had luke ten. CHEERING AND APPLAUSE


I've had one, I'm not even a singer. It's not difficult, Graham, that's


what we are trying to get across. Is it more than ten? Yes!


Yes! I think 21. That's a good guess. 20. 24. Yes!


It is 24. But this is the kicker though. 24 singles, but he has spent


98 weeks at number one. Wow. 98 weeks, two years. That is a long


time. You know, I love that song Ramon, it's one of my favourite


songs of yours that you've ever done. Thank you, it's a little song.


Sounds like a ukulele, so sweet. I listen to it with my boyfriend all


the time, we love it. Lovely. We do enjoy it when we


listen to it together! So much has happened backstage!


Stars of Thor will be joining us later but a lot of music to talk


about. Your new album is out, Katy. James's new film about the Singapore


Pots, but we'll begin with Paul's new album called New.


It's out now. . This is your 16th solo album, but the response to this


and the reviews have been phenomenal. You must be thrilled? It


really has. When you release an album luke this, you kind of hold


your breath and don't say anything too soon, but it's really starting


to get a lot of very good feedback. Do you think when you are writing


these songs, did you, because you are in a very happy place, you are


all loved up, it's all good in your life, do you think that's the reason


why it's a good album? I think it helps, yes. I mean, I had a thing


when I was writing this, Nancy would be in our early days, she'd be in


New York, five hours back. So I would drop my little girl, the


fireworks fan, off at school and I'd come home and I'd have a few hours


where I didn't have anything on, so I would write a song and then I'd


ring her "good morning, would you like to hear a song? " She said


"no". Hung up and that was it. No, so she'd say yeah, so I would play


her the song. It became a really great motivation. Have you ever had


writers block? Reading about you, it sounds like you have always found


the process of song-writing easy? I've been amazingly lucky and I was


looking the other day at all the songs John and I wrote together,


it's luke nearly 300. Wow. Yeah. I'm not showing off here, but I


remembered that I would go to his house or he'd come to mine and we'd


sit down for approximately three hours and try to write a song. I


realised we never came away without a song.


Wow. We got very close one day because I brought in a song called


Golden Rings and it was a "I can buy you golden rings" and stuff and we


couldn't get anywhere with this. We had a cup of tea, came back to it


and I said we should change it to something like drive my car or


something, so we changed it. The audience go "oo", like "we know


that one! " We nearly got unlucky with that one, but we had a-cum-of


tea and what was in the tea? A?! -- a cup of tea. It was the tea that


did it. No. No.


You must have drunk the whole pot. Pot!


So you did 300 with John. Do you ever write a song and go, have I


ever written that before? Yes, you have to check it out with people,


you know. You get an antennae, you know, have you heard this song


before? You wrote it, they'd say. James down the end there, the last


time you were here, you told us about your boy band beginnings.


LAUGHTER They didn't do covers. Come on. You


can't sit me... Shut up. You wrote a song. You cannot make a genuine leap


from Paul McCartney going "of course your boy band days". It's


ridiculous. Have you given up the song writing?


What are you talking about? ! It's a gift, James.


You shouldn't walk away fla! Shut up! It was so bad. We had songs like


girlie, ready and time can't stop us now. Sounds nice. And then a big


song actually about these golden rings. We couldn't find a way to put


it together. That process though, like ringing um


Nancy, that must be the nicest feeling in the world, having


someone, particularly Paul McCartney write you a song. Because you have


used lots of names. There's Eleanor, Jude, Lizzie, Sadie, lots and I


guess some names are better for songs than others. We have got three


creative minds on the sofa, all song-writers, I don't care what you


say! This is so ridiculous.


All song-writers. So does anyone in the audience think they have a name


that they can't think of a rhyme for? Obviously everyone in the


audience has a name. A lady is putting her hand up, does anyone


have a name and she's like "yes, me, I do! " Lady over there in the


Corner. Can we get the thing all the way over there. What is your name?


Shisamiso. Do you want to share a miso? ! You


should be so... Lucky! Yes. Shisamiso, you should be so lucky to


come with me and share a miso. See!


See. Let's try another one. Anyone else?


There's a lady there with her hand up by the wall. Summer.


Bit of a bummer. That tends to be the problem. And


dumber. Come on, James. Summer, we'd listen


to Joe Strummer, but I had to leave her cos she wouldn't let me bum her.


Top song writer! Do you want a pen? Do you want to


write some of these ideas down. This is gold. Paul McCartney and


Katy Perry, bummer - no! A lady with short... Let's do the glittery lady,


actually. Lorna Jean. No, let's not do that. Lady with the glasses. Ula.


What is it? Ula. Where are you from? Finland. Ula from Finland. Come on,


James. What are you saying, come on James, for? Don't trust in my


lyrics. Come on, guys? Kickedn't fool her. -- you couldn't fool her.


She's much cooler. Be Nice. You missed that. She's cooler


than a plastic ruler. Well done. Thank you, very good.


Very good. I look it. Not the only new album in town, no.


Yours is in shops now, but on the 21st October, is the release of


Prism! You have said in interviews that


this is a slight change of direction, is it slightly less pop


Princess, more personal? Yes. I think the last record was very


highly conaccept Schulz and cartoony and over the top and this one, I


guess I'll still be over the top in some ways, especially visually, but


this is more vulnerable and raw and a lot more present. I think I'm OK


with accepting the information that I'm finally a grown-up and I think


that that is represented on the record.


The first single Roar, I think it's the best thing you've ever done.


It's great. Thank you.


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE The only thing I don't like about it


is it's very hard to sing, you know when you are driving. I can't enjoy


it because I know I'm so sheet. To do the roar bit is hard.


We have got a clip of the video which I also love. Jane of the


jungle. Very. Have a look. # I got the eye of the tiger


# Fire # Dancing through the fire


# Cos I am a champion # And you are gonna hear me roar...




# And you're gonna hear me roar... # # You're gonna hear me roar... #




Very nice backing vocals. The Katy fans were in fine voice there, very


good! He's had fans like that all of his


life, they probably don't stop screaming. Could have sleep? I did a


show recently in New York which was at a school. We just wanted to do an


offbeat thing, we were there for the week and this was the Frank Sinatra


School which was started by Tony Benn forget, and the great thing


was, it was 13-18-year-olds, it was a high school. A lot of them were


girls. We came on, they showed their enthusiasm and it was just like The


Beatles, like "argh... .." I said "I know that sound". It was very cool.


That video, because you know that thing about working with animals.


That monkey liked you a lot? Oh, my gosh, he did this one thing called


self-anointing, so when you meet the monkey...


LAUGHTER Ist it's not just monkeys that do


that! No, no, but his name was... That


reminds me, I haven't self-anointed today.


His name was Ripley and basically you hold it and it burrows into your


skin. I loved to smell nice because I'm a girl. Good, I'm glad. I


smelled pretty good and the monkey's like that, so it basically caresses


my whole body and puts it all over, licks its hands and puts it all over


its skin and calls itself anointing. It's really trying to get it


everywhere, you know. You have said somewhere that you


think your image has to be more demure from now on? Well, I didn't


say that, I think maybe that the question was is if I was going to...


I don't know, I mean I just like clothes to stay on for right now


until... I already took my clothes off in Teenage Dream. My point was


that you are not wearing a lot in that.


Actually, what's funny is that, you don't wear much in the jungle if you


are the only human. Of course, it's like a document write. Yes.


No, but that costume, speaking of Halloween, is actually available, we


remade it and you can be in that Roar costume if you want to.


Talking about dressing up for Halloween, because you love it? I've


never been truck or treating. Do you do that here? Yes. Never been trick


or treating once in my life. I wasn't allowed to celebrate it


because we came from a very religious househol Me too, I came


from the same background. And we turned out all right, right? Yes. In


Halloween, we'd shut the door and blinds and bring the dog in so he


wouldn't be sacrificed. All crazy stuff goes down on Halloween. I


still yet have to find time to go to trick or treat. You sat in the dark?


We had a prayer meeting. To be fair, we didn't do that. To be fair, mine


are probably more interesting. Here is the thing, Katy Perry, I mean you


must be the hottest female artist in the world right now. Are you


enjoying the moment? Are you along for the ride or do you look at


someone like Paul and think, I would like that legacy, people to be


singing my songs in the next 40 years? Of course. I think that's the


correct answer. I'm in it for the long haul. I hope to have half the


career that you have. I would be so grateful. I think you have been


doing this for longer, you know, that I've even before alive and you


have been doing it so incredibly well. The fact that you are still


here today in 2013... LAUGHTER


No! Hold on, hold on, hold on. Bring it


back, Katy, bring it back. Hold on, the fact that you are still here


today and you are... You said that! The fact that you're not dead. I'm


not talking in that sense, I'm talking as a performer, he's about


to be on this stage, just released an incredible record. Not everybody


does that. There's a handful of people that still can do that well.


Yeah. It's true. You brought it back, you brought it back.


Here is the thing though. Talking of legacy, famously, Paul, you don't


own a big chunk of your own legacy in that you don't have the rights to


a lot of your songs? No. The early Beatles stuff, it was a carve-up, we


didn't know anything about any of that, so we got ripped off, but hey,


what the heck. What we all remember reading in the papers about Michael


Jackson buying The Beatles catalogue, but that was kind of your


fault? It was a strange one, yes. I was working with Michael at that


time. Why, because he just rang me up. It was over Christmas and I just


heard this little voice say "hi". I thought "oh, my God, don't recognise


this voice, who's got my private number" at home. So I said "yeah,


hello" and it was like "hi, it's Michael" and he goes "wanna make


some hits" and I goes "yeah" so we got together and Michael said, "have


you got any advice" and I said yes, "you are really hot, it's just


starting" he'd just had Off the Wall and I said "you have to make great


videos" so he went off and made Thriller. I told him he needed a


good manager, I said it will all be coming in and it could all go out. I


said, you ought to think about getting into song publishing. He


said "I'm gonna buy yours". And I was laughing. Until he did!


So when you do a concert or a show, sometimes you have to pay people to


play your own songs? I have to pay. That must be a knife in your


stomach? You know what, it used to be very annoying, but after a while,


you just think, you know, what are you gonna do? You are fine. You are


doing all right: . I'm all right. In your new movie, James, the Paul


Potts thing, we think we know the story, but actually, my God, that


man had like such terrible luck his whole life. I felt exactly the same


as I think everybody else does when they hear it's a film which is where


you go, really, sounds lake a terrible idea. And then I read it


and I met the director called David Frankel who made the Devil Wears


Prada and Hope Springs and he asked me to read it because he said I


think you will see that we are not making a film about Britain's Got


Talent, we are making a film about a boy from an industrial steel town


who dreams of being an opera singer in a world where no-one even listens


to opera and through endless setbacks and adversity, you know,


never gives up. He achieves his dream. Once I read it, I was like oh


yeah, because that film sort of stops at the very moment he audition


ed for Britain's Got Talent. There's no actor like Sa Simon Cowell


saying, I'll make you a star, you know. It's a very sweet, uplifting


story. We have a clip. Again, it's him coming out of one setback. I


think we told you the clip story? OK, so he had a terrible operation.


He had appendicitis and couldn't perform in an opera and then says,


no, I'm a local amateur opera and it's the day before and he says, no,


I absolutely want to and he does it and the stitches burst on stage.


When he gets into the hospital, they find an abscess on his adrenaline


gland which means he probably won't be able to sing again and this is


sort of around that moment I think. Yes, six months down the line.


LAUGHTER I don't really know what the clip


is, Graham, to be honest! It's qha he said. It's what he said.


Yes. So he's been told he'll never sing again. Yes, he's been told he's


never going to sing again. Six months down the line. So he's gone


back to his job in the Carphone Warehouse. Did you do this film? I'm


in it! Goes back to Carphone Warehouse and then this happens.


It's out on the 25th October. Roll the clip there.


Our little shop's had the highest sales in all of Wales. The highest


sales in all of Wales. Amazing. In the six months since I got back from


my surgery in which times I've kept the shop open 10-6 and I put the ad


in the paper and online. I'm trying to tell you you are getting a raise


as well. Am I? A couple of quid an hour. The highest sales in all of


Wales. Oh, my God. Oh, my God I can sing. I


can sing. You can sing. The highest hills in all of Wales.


The highest sales in all of Wales. I can sing. Mrs Evans, I can sing.


Jolly good. Tell your mam I'll see her at bingo. Will do. All of Wales.


Jules, I can sing. What? I can sing. CHEERING AND APPLAUSE


Very quickly, Britain's Got Talent, big show on TV, huge all over the


world, but talent shows, The Beatles used to enter them? Yes. Did you


ever win one? No. Serious Loye? We didn't. There was


one in Liverpool. The first one we ever entered, there was this woman


who could play the spoons. It was an old lady. She always beat us.


LAUGHTER She was bloody good though, you


know. She's still around. Guess what els is exciting. That.


It's my Thorhamer, yes. -- ThorHammer. Stop now. It went off


in my hand. What? !


Please welcome, Chris Hemsworth. We are about to meet the stars of Thor,


The Dark World, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Natalie


Portman and Chris Hemsworth. Hello. Hi.


Hello. Come in, sit down. CHEERING AND APPLAUSE


Sit yourselves down. CHEERING AND APPLAUSE


It's good tonight, right, it's good. This is good, this is good.


You, Natalie, you've been in videos, I was going to say in Paul, but that


would be wrong. You've been in Paul's videos? We


worked together, yes, she was very lovely.


He was my director too in one of them.


Chris, that's Paul McCartney, that's cool, right? Pretty awesome, right.


I just keep touching you. There you go.


Are you friends? No, but we were just saying, they are so pretty.


Mutual, mutual. Don't lie.


We were just talking backstage and my daughter recently has started


dancing and I swear to God in the last two weeks, the TV would be on


and all of a sudden she'd break out into a little dance and we are like,


what is she listening to and your song, Roar, is on the TV and you've


kicked off a whole dance career for her. Get 'em while they are young.


Now now she wants a monkey. You are here to tell us about Thor,


The Dark World. Yes. It opens on 30th October and it's the follow-up,


so this is the bit where I go, and then you tell us things about it And


act out a scene. You can do that if you want to. It's a continuation


from all the films that have blended into one another. As far as our


relationship picks up, Thor has some work to do and some patching up of


the relationship where it was left which was basically he exit and


didn't call her, didn't write, didn't Tweet and text, Facebook,


nothing. Men! I know. I like that the Avengers movie happened. Your


character knows what went on in New York. She saw him on TV and that was


further evidence that he was around and didn't think to call.


"Up to my eyes with hammer work, I can't! " It's weird for me because


where we are shooting our film now at Shepperton Studios because there


is a lot of famous people in our film, my room might not be the best


and - it's nice, but, you know - and from Shepperton, did you shoot your


film there because there's a huge bill board of you with a hammer but


from my window I'm very close to it and it's just your crutch. From my


one doe. Every day I sort of open the blind and it's like right there


and I'm like, is that the hammer or... Oh, no.


It's delicious. Now, we are going to see a clip.


This is the two of you, harking back to what you were talking about, her


not being happy. . She's kissed. Where were you? I was right here


where you left me, waiting and then I was crying and then I went out


looking for you. You said you were coming back. I know. There was


chaos, wars with were raging. I had to put an end to the slaughter. As


excuses go, it's not terrible. I saw you on TV, you were in New York.


Jane, I fought to protect you from the dangers of my world, but I was


wrong, I was a fool. I believe that fate brought us together.


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE That bit at the end where you are


doing that lovely thing looking into each other's eyes, were you on a box


or something? Thanks! Or were you in a hole? I was mainly


cast because I can make anyone look huge. Extraordinarily short. They


usually had some sort of ramp that I could like walk up and somewhere


near his face. Shall we stand up and show it. I had


very high heels on and I do right now.


That's quite a high ramp! Yes.


A steep incline. Yes. Listen, of course, with great


action heroes come great action figures, ladies and gentlemen.


We have got some here. Have you seen this yet? Not that particular one.


But it's the likeness which is incredible.


It's uncanny isn't it, ladies and gentlemen? !


Slightly sedated version. You press here and you talks. Lightning shall


strike you down. He's angry. There's you and we'll get Natalie's action


figure. They are almost... LAUGHTER


Children will have hours of fun playing with those.


They are going to have a great time. What are you doing with those doll


That's not a hammer. You look a bit distraught.


You are not the only two people to be dolls. No. It's not an action


figure but it is... LAUGHTER


Oh, my God. All the work we did to the face, not so much into the


outfit. . It's him on an off day. Like care in


the community really. We have dressed him. Paull just


pottering around Homebase. And packaging not great. It's in a


zip lock. There's a nice sensible shoe. If you are driving a long


distance, you know. It's soft. Is it a for sale doll? You think we bought


it, didn't we? It's a lady who makes them? It's a sideline of my Auntie


Valerie. We are thrilled you are here with us


and very excited because you are going to perform live for us. So,


Paul, if you would like to go and join your band.


I would. There he goes. ?


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE So, in a moment, we'll have some


more stories from the famous red chair, but first, performing New,


it's Paul McCartney! # Don't look at me


# It's way too soon to see # What's gonna be


# Don't look at me # All my life


# I never knew # What I could be


# What I could do # Then we were new


# You came along # And made my life a song


# One lucky day # You came along


# Just in time # Well I was searching for a rock


# You came along # Then we were new


# We can do what we want # We can live as we choose


# You can see there's no guarantee # We got nothing to lose


# Don't # Don't look at me


# I can't deny the truth # It's plain to see


# Don't look at me # All my life


# I never ew # What I could be


# What I could do # Then we were new


# # We can do qha we want


# We can live as we choose # You see there's no guarantee


# We got nothing to lose # Don't look at me


# It's way too soon # To see


# Don't look at me # All my life


# I never knew what I could be # What I could do


# Then we were new Ooh-ooh


# Then we were new # We were new


# Ooh-ooh...




Thank you. Paul McCartney, everybody!


Come back and join us. How cool is that? Paul McCartney,


live. You can downin with the red chair


bit at the end there. There you go. You sit in there.


That did sound different. We have had lots of live bands in, but that


was like a wall of sound. Sounded brilliant. Just fantastic. Oh, good,


thank you. It's good.


Hey, tonight, just time for a story in the red chair. Who there?


Hello, Sir? Hello, I'm Robert: . I'm tempted to do it immediately. Be of-


Of all the clothing choices to wear, when you are going to be flipped


backwards. This has got to be the worst!


This story better be good. Robert, are you Scottish?


I'm from Glasgow. Do you live down here? I've lived here for 42 years.


Still haven't got new clothes. OK. What do you do down here, Robert?


I'm a musician. Like traditional? No, no. What sort of music? '70s,


60s, bits of The Beatles. Are we more more offing into a


story? It begins in Germany -- morphing into a story. I'm coming


home from the pub, slightly enekeryiated, I decided I needed a


wee. I stopped, started to have a wee, then found out that they've got


electric fencing in Germany. And it threw me back two metres.


To land on my bottom. I weed down my leg so it was a very uncomfortable


walk home and it made me completely sober.sober.


- We have to flip him though. We have to flip you. We have to flip




I've done that, it's really sore. Have you ever done that? No, but if


I ever get drunk enough and I want to sober up, I'm going to. Have you


done it? No. Is it just me and Robert? I think it's pretty much


just you two. At school it used to be a thing. What school did you go


to where they had electric fences? It's quite a rough area, James.


APPLAUSE If you would like to join us on the


show or have a go on the red chair, you can, contact us on the website.


Thank you to all my guests tonight, what a line-up. Please thank James


Corden. Katy Perry.


Natalie Portman. Chris Hemsworth.


And, Sir Paul McCartney. Wow.


Downme next week with Hollywood actors Michelle Pfeiffer, Jennifer


Saunders, Robert de Niro and the one and only Cher. Good night.


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