Episode 2 The National Lottery: In It to Win It

Episode 2

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Welcome to the National Lottery In It To Win It with a rollover of.


Review and Sky viewers can play along by pressing the red button.


Now your host, Dale Winton! Welcome to the National Lottery In


It To Win It. In the lottery draws, there is an absolute fortune to be


one. Are you going to be a winner? I hope so. In the studio, five


players knowing they could be taking home tonight up to �100,000.


Let's meet them. They are, Haley. Gareth. Debbie. Paddy. And Lee.


They are on that side of the studio, this is the money side. Whoever is


sitting in one of these chairs when the klaxon goes is guaranteed a


shot at one of those cheques for a lot of money. But who is going to


be the first person in winners row. You each have your own colour.


Let's find out who will be playing first. It is Hayley.


Come and sit down. That was a piercing shriek. Enough to make


your hair stand on end! Is that your own creation or did you have a


motorbike ride? I chose this hairstyle. It is lovely to see you.


Where are you from? I am from Swinton in Manchester. Who did you


bring with you. My friends, Charlene and Kim. How much would


you like to win? I would like to win �20,000. What would you do with


it? I have always wanted a Volkswagen camper van and I---


wanted to paint it and travel across America. Each question is


worth �5,000. This is the worst time for me. I am not comfortable


until it gets up to 40 or 50. For every wrong and so you give me, you


go to the red area. Two ways out of there, right back where you started


all back to winners row. Are you ready? I am ready. This is your


I speak Spanish. So I know the answer. Then talk me through it.


Lanka is white, so that it means a white coast. Salt is for the Sun,


and Brava means wild. Would you like me to take that? I would.


you are so sure then you have put �5,000 in straight away. It is the


right answer! How many languages do you speak?


speak Spanish and a little bit of OK... Somewhere where you keep


animals. Place where you keep books surely is a library. The only one I


could think that it could be his joules. I will have to go for that.


Would you like me to take that as your answer? Yes please. I accept


that, is it right? I always thought a menagerie is a small zoo,


different animals in a menagerie. Weight in the red zone. Haley had a


great start, but she has left a space in Winners' Row for one of


the other players. Who is it going to be? Let's find out.


It is Gareth. Come and make some money. How are you doing, Gareth?


Come and sit down. You were very pleased about that, I can see it


was a genuine, animated response. How are you doing? Excellent.


are you from? South Wales. I have not been there for such a long time,


where from? Port Talbot. What do you do in Port Talbot? I work in


Barry, I am an assistant manager of a tile shop. Would you have tiling


in every room in your house? certainly would. I had just got to


have carpets, in the sitting rooms. He did you bring with you for


support? My sister and my fiance. How much would you like to go home


with? 50,000. How much we do like to go on to a wedding? Am I jumping


the gun, Laura? She can spend as much as she likes on that. How long


have you been dating? We had been dating for nearly 10 years. We have


been engaged eight years. Who has kept her waiting? It's as myself,


and savings. You make him pay! Make him pay, every penny goes to a


fabulous wedding. You must be a fabulous guy? Is he worth waiting


for that much? He is all right. What else would you spend the money


on? We have been trying for a family for a few years,


unsuccessfully so we would look for IVF treatment. Me chatting won't


put money in the bank. I will be back with your question in a moment.


Haley, you need to go back to Winners' Row. This is not a


multiple-choice. Are you ready? I think I do know this. Or


Wimbledon. Would you like me to take Wimbledon as your answer?


You are very positive on your answers, I like that. I accept


Wimbledon, if it is right you go back to Wimbledon -- winners row.


I have no idea what any of them are. I am going for knock. I hope it is


right. I would have been none the wiser. Please make your way to the


red zone. Stand by, one of you will be joining me soon, after Haley has


put 5,000 in there and made it �10,000. Let's look at your


I don't know much about wars. It is like a real bad subject for me. I


am going to try and whittle it down. I don't think it would be


Switzerland, they seemed like a friendly country and don't get


involved in conflict, so I am going for the USA. Should I take that as


your answer? Yes please. If you are right the 10,000 will be in there.


APPLAUSE I don't in Switzerland would pick a war with anybody.


We have Gareth in the red zone, three in the waiting area, one of


whom is about to make the journey It's Debbie! Very good to see you,


were you getting a bit impatient? Very, I was getting more nervous.


Of course, the waiting is the worst bit, wondering if you're running


out of time. Where are you from? I'm from Wakefield, near Leeds.


What do you do? I am a receptionist on a golf course. These golf


courses, they are very snobbish, some of them, some are laid back,


and full of riff-raff, quite frankly, others are too or posh for


royalty, even, so snooty. We get the posh, and we get nice, down-to-


earth people. Mine is municipal. I call that common. How much is a


round? It is only nine holes, so it is �9. It sounds like half a day at


under Towers. So, is it a very good cause? For what you pay, it is a


very good course. I will take that as a no, then. What you're saying


is, it is a very small but select organisation, run by the council.


You will get me into trouble. not mean to, darling. How long have


you worked there? Well, you're ready for a change now. Five years.


How much do you want to go home with tonight? �40,000. What will it


go towards? I just got married in November. Is he here? That's him,


and that's my mother. Is everything all right, with the mother-in-law?


It is going very well, thank you. Part of the money will be to pay


quite a bit of Det off, which we needed to get married. The second


bit will be to pay for Honeyman, in the Maldives, I want the villa on


stilts. There is only �10,000 in there at the moment, not enough.


But don't worry, I will be back. Gareth, OK, you know how the red


area works, one question, you can do it. I would like to show you the


And actually quite a big fan of the TV show, so I should know the


answer. I believe it to be Glee. you're right, your back in Winners'


Row. Is it right? Yes! OK, here we Do you like rap? No, it is not my


thing, I like music. Oh, I love it, but not British. I have never


listened to anything, but Adam loves professor green. I'm just


going to go for Professor green. Would you like me to take that as


your answer? Yes.. Is it right? It is 15, it could be 20 - hero is


Well, I think I know this one. I think it is autumn. Would you like


me to take that as your answer? please. If it is right, we will


Gareth, here's your question, for Well, the answer I thought it was


did not come upon the screen. I thought it was a snake, from


watching Harry Potter. That was in the Chamber of Secrets. But in


lightness to that, I'm going to go for a lizard. Would you like me to


take that as your answer? Yes, please. I hope it is right, if it


is, we will have that 25 grand. Well, I know the question... I know


the answer! I am excited, because I know it! Blankety Blank. If that's


right, you have given me a very quick answer, and a right one, too.


Yes! Here's your question, worth another five grand. Before I reveal


the possibilities, any of them familiar to you? No. But I Juno


that BoystoMen had a song called that. OK, here's your choices.


There you go. We have three choices. Somehow, Susan Boyle is coming to


me, so I will say that. Would you like me to take that as your


answer? Yes. I accept your answer. If it is right, you have dodged a


bullet. I hope it is the right answer. No. It was actually


Catherine Jenkins. That means you will be going to red, but you will


be back in a flash. You two know that one of you will be joining me


very soon, and at the moment, there's only two of you in Winners'


I know obviously cockney rhyming slang, a little bit of it, not a


lot. I hear a lot of people mentioning their Barnett referring


to the your head, I do not know if it is her. But I will say that.


it right? Yes! You did well, stay where you are. That means two very


happy bunnies over there, one is going to be ecstatic, because one


of you is about to join me here in Winners' Row. Let's find out who it


is going to be. It's Paddy! Good to see you, come and sit down. Well,


it is getting late in the game, how are you doing? Very well, thank you.


And trying to detect an accent. great friends of mine are with me


tonight. You have had a varied career, haven't you? Lorry driver,


personal trainer, the army. lorry-driver, I was a personal


trainer. I thought you were a forklift trainer -- a forklift


driver? Was that you, Gareth? Who owe a minute, was it you?! So where


I was reading, it was you?! Was it for a municipal authority? No.


apologise for this, I do not normally do this. For goodness sake,


is any of this true? I'm glad we sorted that one out, thank you very


much. I do apologise. Listen, how much do you want to go home with


tonight? If I won �50,000, I would like to record a CD for help for


heroes. Using, that's right. Yes, I do weddings. What would be your


signature tune? If it was during the meal, I would do swing numbers,


like Frank Sinatra. After dinner, a I tend to rampage up a little bit.


Popular stuff.. It is lovely to see you, I wish you well, let's hope


you go home with some money. You're only here because Hayley got the


answer right. We have been here before, Hayley. If you're ready to


I think I know it, yes. Noughts and crosses. Would you like me to take


that as your answer? Yes, please. If it is right, you're going back


to Winners' Row. Yes! Well done, good. OK, there's �35,000 in the


prize fund, at the moment, with four of you here, if you each gave


me a correct answer, you would be getting �8,750 each. That's the


minimum you're playing for. Here's The last stanza that came up is the


one which made my ears prick up. I'm going to go for a barrister.


Would you like me to take that as your arm so? Yes, please. If you


are right, that will be 40 grand, 10 grand a piece, that would be


nice. Well done! OK, this would make it �45,000. Are you ready?


I have no idea. There is no point messing around, I'm just going to


go for it - Australia. Would you like me to take that as your


answer? Yes, please. I have accepted your answer. Afghanistan.


Listen, you will be back, no question. Please make your way to


red. You know what that means, you're guaranteed a spot here in


Winners' Row. Are you ready, Gareth? Let's have a look at your


Well, Warrington is in Cheshire, I know that much. I know the river


Mersey runs through Liverpool, which is obviously close to the


Cheshire area. So, I am going to go for the River Mersey. Would you


like me to take that as your answer? Yes, please. If it is right,


there will be another five in there. Haley, let's make it a round 50.


OK, in Italian it is speak. That is in Italian? French is derived from


Latin, so is Italian. I am thinking, to speak. We delight me to take


that as your answer? Yes please. What will happen now, I am going to


court over LEA and you will be the perfect gentleman and move to the


next chair. Come over here! I bet you thought it wasn't going


to happen? Paddy has been keeping your seat warm. How are you? I am


fine. The look of the Irish. much do you want to go home with?


In all honesty, 25-30. What part of Ireland? Bally galley, just on the


Antrim coast. What were you do with it? My mother has two brothers who


are 16 and 17 years older than her. One lives in Australia and one


lives in New Zealand and I have never met them. I would like to


take all of the family. Have you brought them with you. Yes, my


sister and my husband. You can relax, you are only here because


Debbie. I am going to come and sit next to you. It would break my


heart, I love you, you have made me laugh all night. I don't want you


to get this bit wrong. This is not multiple choice. Are you ready?


Is that any good to you? Not at all, in Debbie's world, I don't know how


far to 0.5 metres is. I am in feet and inches, still. Are I am


thinking long jump. But is that far enough? I should have gone to


school. Just take your time. I am going for high jump or the long


jump. I am going to have to say long jump. Were do like me to take


that as your answer? Yes please. it is right, at this late stage in


the game you on going back. If it is wrong you will be going back way


you started. Please let it be long jump.


High jumper! You-know-what, I have no clue myself. I am so sorry.


gutted. Make your way back to where you started.


It had to be one of the other. 50 grand in the prize fund. And that


is the worst possible news for Debbie. When I look at the �50,000,


it is frozen. It is not going anywhere. You each have a chance of


sticking your claim and a share and me writing you a cheque for �12,500


minimum. That is what you're looking at per-person if you give


me the right answer. I will be back with the question, but Debbie you


know I adore you. If anybody deserves to be here, it is you. But


I have to say good night. I did not want her to go. But we


have to move on. One questions separates you from that cash. I


will be back with your question very soon. They sit there and they


will wait. It will feel like for ever. It will only be a matter of


minutes. But plenty of money to be one tonight, and I hope you are a


winner. Time to cross over to Lottery HQ for the first of


tonight's drawers. Welcome to Lottery HQ and we all


live there with Jenni Falconer. Hard luck Debbie. The rollover draw


in a while, but we are ready for Let's get the machines up and


Excalibur and set of false three. Last night, over 95,000 tickets got


a match. Half a million pounds, just imagine? Imagine! Wishing you


It is time of for the all important Thunderball. This is the one, it


could make a huge difference to what you win. Here are the


Thunderball numbers in ascending It is back to Dale Winton now, but


a we will be back in a few moments with the exciting role over Lotto


draw. Well come back it is good to see


you. A few minutes ago, these people helped put �50,000 in the


prize fund. Each and every one are looking at a share of at least


�12,500. They are only one question away from the cash. How are you


feeling? I feel bad because I have not put any money in. I was being


generous saying you all had put 50,000 in. But you played the game


right and that is how it is on In It To Win It. Where in the world


eager the chance to answer a question for �12,500 a minimum?


am ready. Here is your first and Do you know it? I do, and he is


just fantastic and I love the programme. And the answer is Luther.


Would you like me to take that as your answer? Yes I would. Accepted,


so for �12,500, is he Luther? Yes!


You are still playing for a minimum of 12,500. I am ready. That this is


Are you aware of the gentlemen? am, but I don't know where he was


born. OK. I don't think it was France. I am going to have to say...


Italy. Would you like me to take Italy as your answer? Italy, France,


Portugal. His name sounds French. Actually I am going to change my


mind and say France. Would you like me to take France as your answer?


Yes please. Then I shall. I have accepted France. You were worried


between Italy and France, is that right? So when it came to it, you


made a decision. It you have given me the right answer you will have


�12,500. If it is wrong, you have pushed everybody's potential share


up. And that already means Leigh is already ahead of the game. Is the


answer France? Portugal! I am so sorry. Never mind.


You had won �12,500. You have now won a minimum of �16,666. What


happens depends on Gareth and Haley. Gareth, you have been once in the


red area and had given me three correct answers. Looking at the


50,000, you know about of that, 15,000 is down to use. You have


gone very quiet. So, for a minimum of �16,666, please show me the


The answer I thought as soon as I saw the question on the screen, was


Vivaldi. I'm going for Vivaldi. Would you like me to take that as


your answer? Yes please. I would love you to be right. Is that the


correct answer? Yes! Well done! Congratulations!


Haley, you have put 20,000 in. Give me a right answer and you are going


home with just the same as the others, 16,666. If you give me the


wrong answer, they will be leaving with 25,000. Please show me the


Have you heard of the expression? No, I haven't. I have never heard


it to do with chef, food or anything like that. And a Taylor, I


didn't think there was another word. It is going to be a guess. I am


leaning towards gamekeeper. It sounds more like it is to do with


animals rather than food or clothing. But now something is


saying Taylor in my mind, and I don't know why. I'm going for


Taylor. Would you like me to accept that as your answer? Yes please.


then I shall. I accept that as your answer. If it is indeed a Taylor,


in historical terms, then you are going home with �16,666. If the


answer is one of the others, then Gareth and Lee are leaving with


It is gamekeeper. Don't cry, come on. I'm sorry. We will have to say


good night, safe journey home. Ladies and gentlemen, Hayley! Your


share just went up. You came in at �12,500. You're leaving with


�25,000 apiece. Once again, In It To Win It is a roller-coaster ride.


But here's where we find out if you're going to have a fabulous


night. It's time to cross over to Lottery HQ for tonight's draw.


Thank you, well done to Gareth and Leigh. In a moment, the big Lotto


draw. We have all fought about spending big money, haven't we? I


went to Oxford to find out about some of the ways you might spend


We are in Oxford, home of the world famous university, in fact, the


oldest English-speaking university in the world. So, there's bound to


be a few smart answers to my question, which is, what would you


do if you won the Lottery? Tell me what you would do. My mum has got a


horse, so I would love to buy a stable. And a house with a paddock.


What would you do if you won all that many? I would make the world's


biggest cake. One Sly's would be as big as the whole street. I would by


Lincoln College and give myself the first. Brilliant idea. I wonder if


anybody has ever tried that. think we should be the first people


to try it. I would invite the town criers from all over the world to


come to the City of Oxford for a massive town crier championship.


What would you do if you were to win the jackpot? We would buy a


house for the dogs, so they can destroy their own stuff, rather


than ours. I would make it free parking for everyone. I think we


all hope you win. I hope so, too. Imagine that, Alan, a world with


free parking. Anyway, it is nearly turn for the all-important draw,


but first, congratulations to this couple from Hull, who hit the


jackpot on Lotto a couple of weeks ago. What do you think they did to


celebrate? Well, he carried on like nothing happened, went out in the


torrential rain to watch some rugby. You're joking, he must have been in


total shock. That's rugby fans, for you. Anyway, they are both keen


gardeners, and they intend to spend more quality time with each other


on the allotment. And who says money does not grow on trees?


Anyway, it is time to harvest our next batch of winners. It is time


OK, Alan, can you please tell us what the jackpot is tonight. It has


been estimated at... Let's get started. OK, let's release those


balls. Tonight we are using Merlin, We had more than a quarter of a


million winners on Wednesday. million winners on Wednesday.


million winners on Wednesday. Congratulations to them. Here we go,


good luck. There's the first one. That came out last weekend as well.


Next, 40. The National Lottery has given away more than �40 billion in


prizes. And here's the fourth one tonight, number three. Here's


another one for you, this time it is number 20, also drawn the


Saturday before last. 106 times it has been the main ball, that one.


And the sixth one, number 16. And the bonus... So, the Lotto winning


That is our business done. Thank you for joining us. Back now to


Dale. And if you have played Lotto Plus 5, we will have the results in


All that remains for me to do now is to give out these two cheques.


�25,000 apiece. How fabulous is that? Let's hear it for our windows.


�25,000 for Leigh. And Gareth, there's your cheque for �25,000.


Congratulations, well done. OK, well, they have both had their


cheques. It has been another fantastic night on In It To Win It.


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