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age of 86. Now on BBC News, the story of Yulia | :00:00. | :00:00. | |
Stepanova, the Russian athlete who exposed the state-sponsored doping | :00:00. | :00:00. | |
scandal in Life On The Run. Yulia Stepanova, Russian champion, | :00:00. | :00:37. | |
world-class athlete turned whistle-blower. Her contribution to | :00:38. | :00:44. | |
sport and the fight against doping is beyond comparison. Nobody has | :00:45. | :00:50. | |
done more for the anti-doping movement. Branded a traitor in her | :00:51. | :01:04. | |
motherland. She and her husband exposed cheating in Russia on a | :01:05. | :01:09. | |
colossal scale. Now they live in secret, fearing for their lives. | :01:10. | :01:11. | |
Unlikely to ever return home. The young family seem completely at | :01:12. | :02:29. | |
home in this average American claim. No one gives them a second glance. | :02:30. | :02:34. | |
This is Yulia Stepanova and Vitaly Stepanov, Amberley athlete and an | :02:35. | :02:42. | |
anti-doping officer. -- and elite athlete. Their shocking revelations | :02:43. | :02:45. | |
exposed the dirty secrets of Russian athletics. Three damning reports | :02:46. | :02:53. | |
commissioned by the world anti-doping agency. Much of them | :02:54. | :03:00. | |
based on the testimony of this couple. It found that many athletes | :03:01. | :03:06. | |
have taken illegal drugs between 2011 and 2015. Four years sports | :03:07. | :03:14. | |
competitions have been hijacked by the Russians. Coaches and athletes | :03:15. | :03:20. | |
have been playing on an uneven field. Sports fans and spectators | :03:21. | :03:25. | |
have been deceived. It is time that stops. This yes, stops. For Russia | :03:26. | :03:36. | |
there was humiliation and a ban on hundreds of athletes from the view | :03:37. | :03:42. | |
Olympics. But President Vladimir Putin remains defiant. He believes | :03:43. | :03:47. | |
his sports men and women happen victims of double standards and | :03:48. | :03:48. | |
political interference. I travelled to the US to meet them, | :03:49. | :04:20. | |
I can see exactly where. They have spent the last two years staying | :04:21. | :04:26. | |
under the radar. -- I can see. Why did they take such extraordinary | :04:27. | :04:30. | |
risks that force them to lead a life on the run? Thousands of miles from | :04:31. | :04:37. | |
home, they may never return to Russia. | :04:38. | :05:24. | |
Yulia Stepanova was brought up on the edge of an industrial estate in | :05:25. | :05:32. | |
western Russia. To begin with, she did not have time for running. In | :05:33. | :05:38. | |
fact, she did not have much time for the childhood at all. | :05:39. | :06:09. | |
This couple worked in a tyre factory and when they were not on the | :06:10. | :06:15. | |
production line they were busy tending to their allotment to feed | :06:16. | :06:16. | |
the family. But when she was 13, Yulia Stepanova | :06:17. | :06:41. | |
defied her father in came here. Athletics became her escape. She | :06:42. | :07:18. | |
began to excel at the hundred metres, winning regions all over -- | :07:19. | :07:23. | |
winning races all over the region. But then she got a chest infection | :07:24. | :07:27. | |
and spent three months in hospital. Getting back on form was going to be | :07:28. | :07:32. | |
a problem. Her coach, however, had a solution. The Gloucester Road. The | :07:33. | :07:39. | |
banned drug helped her cut a remarkable three seconds of her | :07:40. | :07:40. | |
personal best -- to trust a run. In the Russian sports system there | :07:41. | :08:08. | |
is very little space for personality or individuality. It is like the | :08:09. | :08:13. | |
Army. Very soon Russian coaches start to use performance enhancing | :08:14. | :08:21. | |
drugs. If you want to survive in sport you need to be inside the | :08:22. | :08:27. | |
system. There are very few opportunities to go up in Russian | :08:28. | :08:31. | |
sports and not to be inside the system. In many ways, Russian | :08:32. | :08:40. | |
athletes are part of the system. Once she was on the national team, | :08:41. | :08:45. | |
she was sent to see a sports scientist who knew about doping. | :08:46. | :09:17. | |
Then a chance encounter changed everything. At him race meeting, she | :09:18. | :09:25. | |
met Vitaly Stepanov, one person in the system who was not prepared to | :09:26. | :09:32. | |
turn a blind eye. He was an idealistic young officer at Russia's | :09:33. | :09:40. | |
anti-doping agency, but he got the inside track on his very first date | :09:41. | :09:42. | |
with Yulia Stepanova. When I met Yulia Stepanova and had | :09:43. | :10:08. | |
an honest conversation with her I understood that I was an idiot. We | :10:09. | :10:12. | |
were not there to fix it we were there to follow the goal of Russian | :10:13. | :10:19. | |
sports, which is to win medals. The Russian anti-doping agency was part | :10:20. | :10:30. | |
of that. A dirty athlete and a crusader for a clean sport, it was | :10:31. | :10:36. | |
unlikely combination. But two months later they got married. Somehow they | :10:37. | :10:40. | |
stuck together despite frequent rows about Yulia Stepanova's doping. He | :10:41. | :10:47. | |
believes in clean sport and is totally committed to it. He sees | :10:48. | :10:52. | |
corruption and he is told that is how it is and you're not want to | :10:53. | :10:57. | |
change it. He realises that he is probably not, but he faces a choice, | :10:58. | :11:03. | |
do I confront this and try to expose it or do I just go with the tide. He | :11:04. | :11:09. | |
decided to confront it, to swim against the tide. So Vitaly Stepanov | :11:10. | :11:16. | |
wrote to the Russian anti-doping agency about the culture. You cannot | :11:17. | :11:23. | |
make a mistake in the 800 metres, it is fatal. It is the fastest tactical | :11:24. | :11:29. | |
race in the programme. Meanwhile his doping wife went from strength to | :11:30. | :11:36. | |
strength. At the World Championships in South Korea, Yulia Stepanova | :11:37. | :11:39. | |
competed alongside some of the finest runners in the sport. But her | :11:40. | :11:46. | |
performance arose suspicions. I thought she would not be a threat at | :11:47. | :11:55. | |
all. I led the hallway in the semifinal and just at the end I got | :11:56. | :12:00. | |
taken over by two girls, one of whom was Yulia Stepanova. It is the | :12:01. | :12:05. | |
Russian showing better form here... I was very shocked to see her in | :12:06. | :12:07. | |
front of me. She may have done enough. We will | :12:08. | :12:24. | |
see how the semifinals pan out... After the event she looked very | :12:25. | :12:29. | |
guilty. I said to my husband that I thought she was cheating, I think | :12:30. | :12:34. | |
she looks very sorry for me. From that moment on she almost could not | :12:35. | :12:38. | |
look me in the eyes. Eventually, the authorities called | :12:39. | :12:50. | |
top. The international athletics Federation gave her a two-year | :12:51. | :12:55. | |
suspension. After irregularities were detected in her blood samples. | :12:56. | :13:38. | |
She joined Vitaly Stepanov by writing to the world anti-doping | :13:39. | :13:44. | |
agency, but her ten page confession was ignored. She needed more proof. | :13:45. | :14:00. | |
She began secretly taping officials and fellow athletes on her mobile | :14:01. | :14:09. | |
phone. We cannot play the audio from this footage because of ongoing | :14:10. | :14:16. | |
legal appeals. Here the notorious Doctor boasts how his drugs have | :14:17. | :14:19. | |
turbo-charged her performance. After the recording was it on German | :14:20. | :14:54. | |
TV, there was finally action. The agency said it did not have the | :14:55. | :14:57. | |
legal powers to investigate the allegations before this point. Since | :14:58. | :15:02. | |
then they have commissioned the report sent to Russian doping. -- | :15:03. | :15:11. | |
the reports. For those security the couple left their homeland and now | :15:12. | :15:15. | |
live in the US, leading a hand to mouth existence. For safety reasons | :15:16. | :15:22. | |
we agreed that we would not film in their place, they are worried about | :15:23. | :15:29. | |
their security. I can tell you that it is in a local housing block in a | :15:30. | :15:35. | |
not very nice part of town, it is very basic. | :15:36. | :16:14. | |
Training alone is far from ideal for an athlete athlete 's -- and elite | :16:15. | :16:26. | |
athlete. She had hoped to compete under the mutual flag at the Rio | :16:27. | :16:32. | |
Olympics, but the IOC refused because of her doping past. World | :16:33. | :16:38. | |
sporting agencies have been lukewarm in their responses. Some people | :16:39. | :16:44. | |
would prefer that we do not exist and that we did not share what we | :16:45. | :16:48. | |
know. There are corrupt people in those organisations and their goals | :16:49. | :16:54. | |
are not to promote Olympic values, they are all is to steal money. The | :16:55. | :17:02. | |
classic sports structure and system does not want whistle-blowers coming | :17:03. | :17:06. | |
for word because it brings bad news about sport, and that is contrary to | :17:07. | :17:13. | |
what they want and it ultimately hurts the brand. In Russia, the | :17:14. | :17:21. | |
whistle-blower got a cold reception. The Kremlin called her a Judas and | :17:22. | :17:27. | |
the press attacked as a money grabbing traitor. Online, some even | :17:28. | :17:36. | |
called for her execution. Russian history is full of stories of | :17:37. | :17:40. | |
betrayal. There is a famous one about a schoolboy who informed on | :17:41. | :17:46. | |
his own barber to Josef Stalin's police. Some are calling Yulia | :17:47. | :17:52. | |
Stepanova a modern-day example, selling out her fellow athletes and | :17:53. | :17:53. | |
her country. Reactions have been a mess of anger, | :17:54. | :18:09. | |
disbelief and denial. The couple said they doping | :18:10. | :18:44. | |
programme was approved at the very top. This is backed up by lab tests, | :18:45. | :18:52. | |
forensic reports, and interviews with other insiders. | :18:53. | :19:27. | |
Despite denials of state involvement, this official | :19:28. | :19:33. | |
laboratory covered up and destroyed hundreds of samples. It lost its | :19:34. | :19:40. | |
accreditation and has been out of action for more than one year. This | :19:41. | :19:46. | |
Moscow lawyer represents several athletes accused of doping. His | :19:47. | :19:51. | |
clients dismiss the evidence and call Yulia Stepanova cheating | :19:52. | :19:59. | |
hypocrite. She is not a hero because there is nothing brave in it. The | :20:00. | :20:06. | |
main motive for her is the a must for any other athlete who is | :20:07. | :20:09. | |
involved in doping, it is a financial motive. But a journalist | :20:10. | :20:15. | |
who has been investigating doping for decades, and exposed Lance | :20:16. | :20:20. | |
Armstrong, police people have misunderstood and undervalued | :20:21. | :20:22. | |
hurdles in Russia and in the wider world. Yulia Stepanova that this in | :20:23. | :20:29. | |
return for nothing except agree. -- did this. Some people have said that | :20:30. | :20:37. | |
she is a dope, but those people are showing a lack of empathy for where | :20:38. | :20:43. | |
she has come from and what she has done. If they bothered to look | :20:44. | :20:47. | |
closely at her story they would have nothing but unqualified admiration | :20:48. | :20:52. | |
for her. Nobody has done more for the anti-doping movement, no one | :20:53. | :20:56. | |
comes within 1 million miles. It is an acknowledgement to get your | :20:57. | :21:13. | |
teeth. President Putin says his revamped anti-doping programme will | :21:14. | :21:18. | |
be in place early in 2017. The parliament has passed a new law they | :21:19. | :21:23. | |
could send drug pushing coaches to jail. Many officers have been sacked | :21:24. | :21:33. | |
and other reforms promised. And yet the peer who forced the nation to | :21:34. | :21:38. | |
confront this deep-rooted corruption are still seen as enemies of the | :21:39. | :21:46. | |
state. They betrayed the Russian doping system and I am completely | :21:47. | :21:53. | |
fine with that. -- we betrayed. Yulia Stepanova hopes to compete in | :21:54. | :21:55. | |
the World Championships in London next summer. I have never been in | :21:56. | :22:04. | |
New York and I have never... In a country she does not know, with a | :22:05. | :22:09. | |
language she does not speak, her life has been turned upside down. | :22:10. | :22:15. | |
But she has few regrets about the turbulence she has brought to world | :22:16. | :22:20. | |
athletics. She has exposed an ugly truth that has gone on spoken for | :22:21. | :22:21. | |
years. No matter what her detractors say, | :22:22. | :22:47. | |
Yulia Stepanova will surely be known as one of the greatest | :22:48. | :22:49. | |
whistle-blowers in the history of sport. | :22:50. | :22:53. |