The British National Party: 24/04/2012 Party Election Broadcasts

The British National Party: 24/04/2012

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Hello, welcome to The One Show with Matt Baker... And Alex Jones. After


winning Let's Dance in 2009 with his amazing version of Flashdance,


our guest tonight said, if I get run over by a bus and get on to the


Ten O'Clock News, we know which a video clip they will show off.


are not sure, there are plenty to It is the persistently fruity


All my finest work! The banana dance was like the prototype of


Flashdance. That was getting into gear. When you write a sketch show,


how does, I know, let's dress up and dance as a banana,, been


conversation? The rest of the sketch is me going up to David and


saying, look, can I jump up and down as a banana? He goes, that


would be awful. I ran it past the series producer. Then you get to do


the sketch. You are encased in this not very ironic ending, that it was


a conversation. Good training? that how Flashdance happened as


well? It was a little bit easier. I was less encumbered by the banana.


A little yellow bottom, sticking out from the back. Coming up we


have a world champion, here in the studio, who has a connection to


your new project. The stick might be a bit of a clue. We are going to


find out what he is the world champion of later when he comes out


from behind his mum and dad. Don't worry, Aiden. Screening for breast


cancer has been credited with saving countless lives. One of the


men behind its introduction now thinks it might be doing more harm


than good. Gloria Hannaford has been to see how that can possibly


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