Episode 8 The Bottom Line

Episode 8

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a day's pay. That's the latest BBC News headlines. Now it's time for


The Bottom Line. We can't escape the turmoil in the


eurozone bond markets this week. I'll be asking my guests what do


bonds mean for business? If you think using an airport is stressful,


you should try running one. Each week, influential business leaders


gather for the BBC Radio Four programme, The Bottom Line. Now you


We have a lot to talk about today. That's very quickly meet my three


guests. First up is the president UK executive of the UK and Northern


Ireland arm of General Electric. What do the UK specialise in?


and gas equipment, digital energy products, big finance arm. I'd like


to say to people we make everything other than heavy duet gas turbines


here. -- duty gas turbines here. You have a huge operation,


manufacturing and researching? have about 40 manufacturing service


sites in the UK with about 20,000 people now. So probably the largest


integrated manufacturing business. But we have a very big market for


products made globally we sell in the UK. We have a chairman of the


property company Land Securities. You have a number of other board


positions under your hat, what are they? I sit on the board of


Barclays Bank. And I sit on another board that makes trucks in Europe.


Most people know what Barclays does. And I sit on the board of a


hedgefund manager. Land Securities, it is shopping centres and big


property development? A bit more specific than that. It's shopping


centres around the regions, large shopping areas which are part of


mixed used buildings in London. Offices we own and obviously


collect rent from, as we do from tenants in our shopping centres.


And obviously at this stage, in the property cycle, we're doing quite a


lot of development and a few schemes including offices,


residential accommodations and retail. Shopping centres basically.


My third guest is chief executive of BAA, a Spanish-owned operator of


several major British airports. Update us, because a lot of people


will know you were told you had to sell some of your UK airports?


Gatwick is gone? It was sold two years ago. We have recently


announced we will sell Edinburgh and then we have four others.


in all? Exactly. The revenue you get, the revenue model is regulated


revenue for landing fees for airlines? That's true for Heathrow,


Stansted and Gatwick. That's not true for the other airports. In the


case of Heathrow, yes. Whether it comes from landing fees or retail,


it goes in to one pot. The more we make from retail, the less people


pay for landing. We're going to talk about airports in much more


detail in a minute, particularly Heathrow. With these brief


introductions out of the way, I want us to spend a few minutes


reflecting on turmoil in the bond market. Even as we hit here, a lot


is going on -- sit here, a lot is going on in Italy. It would be


silly for us to try and run a ball by ball commentary. But it is worth


us, I think, asking how bonds affect business. For those who


don't know much about bonds, they are quite sital, they're bits of


paper that have a promise to pay attached to them. You can buy and


sell them and the person who gets the money is the person who was


holding them when they are to be sold. How important, aside from all


the shenanigans going on, how important are they to business?


Absolutely fundamental. In 2012, we will invest more than a billion


pounds in Heathrow. A bigger chunk will be my bonds. And on an ongoing


basis, to invest in Heathrow, the markets need to be open. Over a


period of time, our business is based on having access to those


bond markets. Absolutely fundamental to jobs, to the airport,


to a billion pounds of investment in 2012. And that will be the same


in our business. The banking business is part of the bond market.


These markets are very deep markets. Even though we're talking about the


eurozone markets, the US markets, it's the deepest capital market in


the world. Corporations as well as government? Yes. The biggest issuer


of corporate bond in the well and although the scale of corporate


bonds as a percentage of money raised is less, it is still very


large. Back to your question about what's the impact of what's


happening today? And it really saps confidence. And it drives a


corporateest view that Europe is obviously a very uncertain place.


And we want to look to put our investments in regions and


countries where we're going to get a rate of return, and we have a


stable government that's not going to see violent changes in its own


spending habits or its spending ability which does affect for a


company like ours the amount of money spent on infrastructure and


new plant, hospitals. So it's having a very significant impact on


confidence. I can say something, looking at it, bond yields in the


UK - a bond yield is the price, a return again from say a 10-year --


ten-year bond in the UK. I don't know what it is today but this is


hovering around 2% or 3%. The yield you'll get on investing in property


is much greater than that. The gap is as big as it's ever been,


certainly in my living memory. People are regarding prime assets


in the UK as a haven. If you can't put your money in half the


countries of the eurozone and lend money to those governments,


actually I suspect it's quite attractive at the moment, GE bonds.


They won't go under in the next couple of years. I hope not. We've


changed our balance sheet to protect it with a significant


amount of cash. We were sitting on $90 billion of cash at the third


quarter which is a protection against the risk you can't raise


money in the bond markets. People are saying how can the economy get


energised when so many corperates are sitting on the cash because


there -- corporates are sitting on the cash. Bonds are significant for


all of the infrastructure spending in the UK, really, but why do you


prefer going to the bond market than going to the equity market?


Just give a primer for people who haven't followed the history of


finance. You always have both. You have debt and equity. And the


efficient way for us to raise debt is by going to the bond market. Not


just by the bon market in the UK, but Europe, the US, Canada and


Switzerland and any currency in order that we spread across all of


those sources. Our spending at Heathrow is huge and that leads to


lower cost of funding and. funding. The bon market is a beast.


It has its mood swings. When it turns against you, it's very easy


to get in to the vicious spiral at the rate in which the bond markets


are charging you to lend money to you goes up, and then you look less


solvent. So they charge you more because you're looking less solvent.


We're going in to a nightmare circle. We have an era now in the


eurozone and in the US where political events are driving these


markets and that's very difficult. If you want to follow the bond


markets, and analysts want to know what's going on, everybody knows if


you want to follow the UK equity market, you look at the FTSE 100.


In the US, it's the SMP or the Dow Jones industrial average. What's


the best way to look at it? We have to look at economic data. There's


no single thing that tells you the bond market is up or down.


equity market. There's no single thing. We all think there is and


report it. Right. There's real earnings that companies make.


There's a cyclical factor that goes with some company's traditional


business models. You have to look at the underlying fundamental data,


unemployment rates and all this stuff - Inflation matters. All of


those are statistics which are very available but I don't think they


are written about that frequently. In terms of the big scale of things,


how worried should we be about stresses in the world? Is it worse


than 2008? It's different. And I think we should be very worried


about it because of the risk that this puts Europe in to a no growth,


slow growth or even a recession. That will affect whether people


want to fly, whether they want to buy new cars, whether they can


afford to pay their electricity bill. It will affect everything.


should be worried about it. I think we are beginning on the journey. I


don't know how long that journey will be. I think it could be five


or ten years. I think it will drive economic growth down. Possibly zero


and below. And that's a very grim prospect for most people out there


who just want jobs and earn their living. We'll be watching


developments in the bond markets with great interest. I want to talk


about airports, the business you're in, Colin. Heathrow in particular


is an interesting business case study, isn't it? Three or four


years ago it hit a real low point. The regulator said its performance


was unsatisfactory. I'm wondering how far you think you've turned it


round? We're not perfect. But I do think that we're better than we


were. That's my ambition, is to make sure each month and each year


we can look back and say that we're a bit better than we were and


better in a year's time. Partly that's about spending new


facilities. And we're spending more than a billion pounds every year.


This is a question I've been wanting to ask for some time. You


explain to the passenger - I think Terminal 5 is a dream - when I'm


coming back in to Heathrow, I just don't understand why I have to


circle the City of London which I've seen many times from the air?


I can explain why it is that way. What can we do to make it better?


We can better integrate what air traffic control does with what


happens on the ground. Just as it's true in Heathrow, so we've got to


line up the slot in the air with a slot in the runway with a parking


stand. You cram in two many arrivals in talkoff slots. If one


thing goes slightly wrong, it creates chaos. I'm not sure that's


true. It doesn't mean we can't make it better. If we have the parking


stand lined up with the runway slot. But you don't. We can squeeze in


more. Air traffic control only control aeroplanes when they come


in to air space. If you take control using a satellite and


computer, you can line these things up way, way further away and you


can get them coming in in sequence. It's being done in China, Brazil,


Australia. We've done a trial project in Sweden and it works.


this is General Electric equipment? Yes. Say a plane goes off from Hong


Kong, and the pilot will know where he's going to land at Heathrow.


That's not planned in until he arrives at Copenhagen. We can be


much more bold. And you reckon that, and without cutting the number of


flights, the actual number of them, you could get rid of the queues of


planes? We could. But you wanted to build a runway and the advantage of


building a third runway was you could get rid of the queues in the


sky init seems the problem is capacity? As an excuse, I don't


think it is. Of course, we can do a better job want first of November


this year, we started working with NASA and it will take a long time


to get rid of those stacks. But we're on that journey. If you want


to learn more about the topics in the programme and about our partner,


the Open University, visit our website. Now, briefly, I want to


talk to you about one of your previous titles. We talked about


some of your jobs at the moment but the one we didn't mention, you were


chairman of a company called MF Global. It's just gone bust,


basically. Yes. Some client money is missing and being searched for.


Its chief executive has stepped down. When you were there, you were


there until last year? Resigned in 2010, yes. The middle of 2010. When


the business had lost its previous chief executive. I was an


independent chairman, a non- executive chairman. I didn't feel


like it some of the time, but anyway. He was appointed because he


was looking for a way back in to Wall Street, and we were able to


secure his services. A quite senior, very senior at Goldman Sachs, a


Democrat Governor of New Jersey. Was it on course to go bust when


you were there? No, no, no. It was a business that was listed on the


US market in 2007. It was a spinout from a hedgefund business here in


the UK. It brokered derivatives. The derivatives market is many


times as big as the bonds markets. Buying and selling on behalf of


clients. That's what I thought brokers did? That's what they do do.


When does it turn tine a thing that it can go bust by making the wrong


debt? That appears to have happened post 2010. John's background was


more a trader than a broker. So he was used to trading in bond markets.


That's how he came up through the ranks. So trading on its own


account, speculating on its own account. He made a bunch of bets


and I believe they were eurozone bonds, as it happens? They turned


out to be, you know, the holdings of those bonds, which I think


investors knew about for some time. But a combination of I think a very


poor quart's losses, combined with a downgrading of their debt,


combined with an elevation or a rearticulation of these positions.


A brokerage business holds customer accounts for use and when customer


accounts disappear, liquidity disappears, confidence disappears


and that appears to be what happened. An interesting case study


in terms of the way Wall Street and perhaps the city is addicted to


going. You have a perfectly respectable, and it is never quite


attempting to just stay in that, it is to go on? That would have


appeared to have been the case. you have arguments with John? You


were chairman. He was chief executive and he took your job,


basically? He did. He essentially took my job happily, but I signed a


three-year contract to help them through the transition on to their


listing. And I met him on two or three occasions. Very convinced of


his views as to wanting to turn the business in to something that had a


future. He articulated this vision? Yes, and it must be said that the


business model that MF had been pursuing over many years did need


some tinkering and reinvention because the market had changed and


interest rates were very low and we weren't earning a lot of money. On


the one hand, I would completely agree that we needed a chief


executive who was going to change things. What appears to have


happened is a very sharp change of direction in to an area which


appeared to be risky and that ened up resulting in the end for MF.


3,000 people out of work. 700 in London. And I'm sure many books


will be written on this. Indeed so. Right, now it's not hard to find


senior executives who have moved from one sector to a completely


different sector. Colin, you're an example of this. You moved from


Japanese car firms to water companies, to BAA running airports.


Take one of the most famous xachles in the UK, the man who ran the post


office, ITV, is it a good model? Are good bosses transferrable or


not? I think you've had the least transferrable career? I mean, I


haven't transferred from sector. I've transferred from profession


aid to professional. I spent 24 years as a lawyer. And as I say to


people, I got foun out and was asked to become chief executive.


But to answer your question, it depends who the person is, and it


depends where you've learnt your skills and your management style.


Personally, I think the grounding and the rigor around having toon


ablitical and solve problems that have complex backgrounds, it


teaches you how to understand, how to see through complexity, to try


and find an answer at the end. Equally, if you started in a


business like the company I'm currently with, where you grow up


in a structured and rigorous organisation which teaches you


different skills and you are in a function whether it's marketing or


sales or commercial or engineering, etc, you learn a set of skills


which aren't clearly transferrable. Colin learnt a lot of his skills at


GE. I forgot you worked there. describe GE as my school. They most


influenced how I think about the role of leadership and of


management. But if you have a key ten people running a business, you


want the majority to have great knowledge where you are, preferably


someone who has been 30 years and knows everything about the history.


Some people have 15, some have ten, so as long as you understand it's


only a sprinling of people with different industry experience, that


will explain why that's a benefit. Whether the Japanese industry was


teaching Europeans -- I was in the Japanese industry when they were


teaching the Europeans about the model. I don't know if you remember


the Honda Sifrbics that arrived in -- Civics that arrived in the UK in


the 1970s. Every single model of the Civic has improved. I think it


is entirely relevant to airports today. So there's an example that


there are skills that are transferrable but you'd want nine


out of ten people to have great, great knowledge in your own


business? I agree with that. I think it's horses for courses. Some


businesses have been in the doldrums and lacked leadership and


motivational skills. They're a good team of perfectly sensible,


adequate and knowledgeable people. But they could have anyone that


could have come in from any industry as long as they have the


key leadership skills. And to move in as the chief executive into a


business and change everybody immediately is a great mistake.


suspect there are people you would want to bring in to fix a


particular problem? A lot of CEOs of companies that move fairly


frequently are brought in by shareholders or the chairman to


deal with a specific issue and maybe they've got experience in


turnarounds or experience in fundraising or whatever else it is.


And I think you'd need to bring in those skills from time to time.


there any business that would be difficult, for example, say Colin,


any business that you couldn't put Colin in because he's done cars,


he's done General Electric, he's done water, you've done virtually


everything. Is there anything you couldn't put your mind to?


Businesses which are a similar state in their efrblution have


things in common -- evolution have things in common. So controlling


costs and raising standards has a lot in common. I don't know how I'd


go in a brand new, hydro place. You place ten bets that one will win


and you're fine. You don't do that in airports or launching a new car


model. Well, that's all we have time for, I'm afraid. Just time to


thank my guests. Mark of General Electric, Alison of Land Securities,


and Colin of BAA. I will be back with more guests next week. If you


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