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President Trump slams Germany in a tweet


He says the relationship is Very bad for the US.


The German Chancellor hits back - reiterating her claim that Europe


must now take its fate into its own hands.


In a morning Tweet storm, President Trump again


defends his son in law Jared Kushner against accusations he had


All of which may help explain why the White House Communications


Is the big staff shake up about to begin?


And Ariana Grande is heading back to Manchester this Sunday to honour


She'll be joined by some of the music worlds biggest stars.


It's not entirely clear why relations between Germany


and America have deteriorated so fast this week, but there's


Both Angela Merkel and Donald Trump today continued their war of words.


For the American President, that meant taking to Twitter.


"We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany,


plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO


The German foreign minister wistfully suggested it


isn't helpful for the two countries to be communicating with tweets -


but his Chancellor restated her view that Europe now has to look


TRANSLATION: Transatlantic ties are of paramount importance to us. The


only thing I did was to say that the current situation gives more reasons


for us in Europe to take our destiny in our own hands.


So what is Germany and the rest of Europe making


Joining me from Brussels is Elmar Brok - he is a German


politician and Member of the European Parliament.


Whose fault is this row? Thank you for calling me. Do you put the fault


with Angela Merkel or Donald Trump that relationships have got so bad


between them this week? We have to see that the American president has


made accusations with no serious grounds. This is not a way to deal


with partners. And it shows there is no reliability any more and I think


that is another reason that we have to work with America, that Donald


Trump is not all of America. That the United States and Nato are


important for the collective defence of Europe but we must also look to


our own interests and own safeguards. The Europeans do the job


better. We complete the internal market is to strengthen economic and


monetary union. If we strengthen friends again and have our own


defence policy. That also makes Nato better. -- strengthen France. You


know Angela Merkel very well and you are close friend of hers. She is not


a who usually is prone to being quite so outspoken as she has about


the relationship with America this week. What specifically did you


think pushed her to say the things that she has said. Was it the manner


of President Trump at the G-7 meeting and during his trip to


Europe or specific policies? It might be a mixture. I was not


sitting next to them in those meetings but also there are


questions to do with climate change in which Angela Merkel is very much


interested. If there is no joint policy on climate change we cannot


solve problems in Africa, and fighting terrorism and have a


solution to migration, if we have no understanding of international trade


relations. We have to see that BMW sells more cars outside the United


States spent to them. And these are crucial things that are not known.


So I think that is a problem if it is repeated and repeated. You said


Donald Trump has made false accusations about Germany. Are you


referring to his Tweet this morning about the trade deficit? With the


trade deficit he mentioned cars and that is true. But BMW and other


German car-makers make so many cards in the United States. BMW sells more


from the United States then in Germany and sent to the United


States. Such things are not known. But there are other questions, what


is the trade deficit between California and European countries.


We talk about Microsoft and all those businesses. I think it is more


complicated to look in one branch of business and make that an example


for everything. I think it is much more complicated. If you assemble a


parts come from for five different countries. What is the country where


you have to ask that has a trade surplus. It is so complicated and if


that is destroyed, it means there will be a loss of economic success


for all of us. We will all lose. And we need openness from the United


States and if we do not find a solution to these questions the


Chinese will be the winners. And that cannot be in the American


interests. Thank you very much. President Trump is not wrong


when he says there's a trade Germany exports 114 billion dollars


worth of goods to the United states. While the US export just 49 billion


dollars worth to Germany. That's a trade deficit for America


of 65 billion dollars. A lot of the trade comes


from pharmaceuticals and cars. And a lot of those German cars


are actually built in America. German car-makers employ 33


thousand people in the US. And 77,000 more US workers


are employed by German By the way BMW's largest


factory in the world Ron Christie is with me. And your


first car came from that factory. From South Carolina. Talking about


the trade deficit, Donald Trump is angry about this and there is a


trade deficit with Germany and many other countries have complained


about Germany and their trade policies. Is this some fault on both


sides? I think there is fault on both sides but this is not how you


do diplomacy, not through Twitter. If the president of the US has a row


with Angela Merkel I think they have a telephone and they should use


that. They had a great opportunity at the G-7 last week to iron out


some differences. The former president Obama had a great


relationship with Angela Merkel and we saw them together at the


Brandenburg gate. They have warm relations. So President Trump wants


to find a way to reduce some of the rows we have with foreign allies,


the way to do that is through personal diplomacy. Many questions


about how he is creating a row with Germany and perhaps Moscow could


benefit. And sitting in the Kremlin as Vladimir Putin today, I would be


enjoying every moment of that. Senator John McCain certainly seems


to think the Russia issue He's told ABC Australia that


Russian President Vladimir Putin is a bigger threat to world security


than the Islamic State group, I think he is the premier and most


important threat, more so than Islamic State. I think Isis can do


terrible things and I worry a lot about what is happening with the


Muslim faith. I worry about a lot of things about that. But it is the


Russians who are trying, who tried to destroy the very fundamental


democracy and that is to change the outcome of an American election.


And for more on the investigations into Russian interference


we are joined now by James Woolsey, who formerly served as the Director


Do you agree with Senator John McCain that the real concern and


real threat at the moment for the United States National security is


not so much Islamic State but Russia? I would say Iran and North


Korea and Russia. Iran and North Korea both have strong elements of


instability about them and ideology, who knows what the ideology is for


North Korea. Iran it is Islamist terrorism. And that is a very


serious problem. Russia, we're used to dealing with, we fought a Cold


War against them for several decades and more or less prevail. And


several times we almost came to nuclear war. But we got through it


and part of that was because Russia has a certain element of stability


about it in spite of its habit of wanting to capture its neighbours


and whenever it is bordered seems to want to grab a neighbour. And that


is not a good thing from our point of view. I think it lost a lot at


the end of the Cold War and might want to get them back again for the


President Putin reiterated his claim today that allegations that Assad


had used chemical weapons were just that, allegations and put out as it


distractions Western powers could put pressure on the Syrian


government. It is almost a good example in the midst of these


Russian investigations, of the kind of reality we're dealing with with


with President Putin. Russians have a propensity for disinformation


which is not just misinformation but a total and complete plan for


constructing lies about almost everything. And their approach to


our elections, and German elections, elections in Eastern Europe, has for


decades been to distract democracy. That is what Russia does. It is not


an exception but what is different is cyber war, you can do it in a lot


of ways you could not before. You did at one stage advised the Donald


Trump campaign, how concerned are you about all of these reports and


the investigations into links, possible links between the Donald


Trump campaign and must go and what that could mean for America? I think


a lot of that is overblown. We have had informal back door contacts with


foreign countries including some that were front and centre enemies


for decades. And other countries do that as well. Often historically


they've used intelligence chiefs to make private visits to another


country and conduct negotiations. Here are sometimes they have and


sometimes not. But I think a lot of this is really overblown. And people


ought to calm down for a while and get their facts sorted out. Then we


can see whether they should be upset or not. My question picks up on what


we said a moment ago, so much of what we have heard, misinformation,


about the Russians, has come through leaks. I wonder having run the CIA,


how much of an impact does this have on our ability to collect


intelligence and also, more importantly, these crimes being


committed, can the CIA and intelligence gathering operations


find these individuals looking this information? Unless it is coming


from someone in the CIA which seems unlikely, these links are the


business of the FBI and law enforcement. The CIA does not


investigate Americans to find out who is leaking what. But I think the


leaks themselves are extremely damaging to the country. They're


verging on treason. And I think we need to let the FBI and other parts


of law enforcement in the country do everything they can to find at least


a few of the people doing this and prosecute them and have them


punished severely. Because people now figured they go to lunch with a


journalist and why not talk about what I heard yesterday in the


office. Thank you very much. And clearly those leaks caused many


problems between America and Britain after the Manchester bombing.


Alleged US ties to Russia have barely been out of the headlines


since Donald Trump took over as president almost four months ago.


That's also how long his top communications


That's Mike Dubke - who you may well never have heard,


but don't worry you don't need to get to know him because


Mr Dubke - who had the official title of White House


communications director - offered his resignation earlier this


month but said he'd stay on during President Trump's


Is this the beginning of the great White House staff shake-up? It could


be. When I worked there are chief of staff used as they use over the


pleasure of the President for the time being. And both the privilege


and the time being could end more quickly than you want. That is what


we're seeing here. Interesting that it is the communications director


suggesting that the White House or the president thinks he has a


communications problem and not an issue problem. Absolutely, White


House staff are to be seen and not heard. We hear all the time about


this allegation, and it is not good for the agenda of the President. We


need to focus on what his policies are. That might not be the fault of


the communications or of Mike Dubke. That could be the fault of numerous


people within the White House again looking to reporters and talking to


them and a general sense of dissatisfaction of staff. The


linking is coming from the staff and this White House, or they do is link


something to the press. Ultimately the communications director must


manage the internal process and say stop this, we are not disciplined,


we're not talking about staff but policies. Sean Spicer is at the


podium right now and we will go to him shortly. There he is, still in


his job for the moment. German police have detained


a 17-year-old Syrian suspected of planning a suicide


attack in Berlin. Brandenburg police say


the suspect was arrested Special forces raided a home


for unaccompanied refugee children after the boy sent a message


to his family telling them he had become a jihadist


and saying goodbye. Officers are still searching


the home where he's thought to have At least 26 people have been killed


in two separate car bomb attacks The first was just after midnight


on Monday at an ice cream shop in the Karrada district as people


had broken their Ramadan fasts. Hours later the second blast went


off a few miles away. The so-called Islamic state says


it was behind both attacks which targeted "gatherings" of Shia


Muslims. Police say Tiger Woods


was "asleep at the wheel" of a stationary car, and didn't know


where he was when officers woke him The golfer apologised


after being charged with "driving under the influence" -


he says he reacted to prescription Ariana Grande announced today


that she will return to Manchester on Sunday for a benefit concert -


it'll be less than two weeks after a suicide attack at her show


in the city killed 22 people. She'll be joined by Justin Bieber,


Coldplay, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus to raise money


for the families of those who died and were injured at her concert


in Manchester Arena. Our correspondent Roger


Johnson is in Manchester. Ariana Grande had made it clear she


wanted to return to the city after the attack at Manchester Arena last


week. In a statement she said she would not let hate win. So on Sunday


she will be joined by a number of international stars including Justin


Bieber, and Coldplay. The proceeds of this concert will go to the One


Love Manchester emergency fund set up by Manchester City Council and


the British Red Cross. The total currently stand for that kind of


around ?6 million. The British Red Cross today praised the singer and


her gesture of solidarity stop the proceeds as I say will go to this


fund and tickets for the concert will be on sale on Thursday. For


anyone who attended the concert at the Manchester Arena there will be


no charge. This show will also be broadcast live on BBC Television and


BBC Radio as well as Capital Radio and streamed online on the intranet.


Earlier today Greater Manchester Police had said they had been


working with the management of the singer to ensure the benefit gig


could take place. There's nine days to go now


until the UK's general election. The supporters of the two main


parties have both claimed victories after their leaders appeared


on a live televised programme. And it was business as usual today


with both candidates back out on the campaign trail trying


to build on last night's momentum. You do not negotiate the right


Brexit deal for Britain from a position of weakness but the


position of strength. With the Prime Minister 100% committed to the cause


and a strong majority government with a clear plan to see it through.


And you cannot negotiate the right Brexit deal for Britain if you do


not have confidence in our strengths and in all that we have to offer


either. You can only deliver for Britain if you believe in Britain.


And I do. And that is why I have been clear about my plan for Brexit


at every stage. But things didn't go quite so well


for the opposition leader. Jeremy Corbyn announced a new policy


on extending free childcare But when quizzed by the BBC


about how much that would cost the taxpayer he was unable


to give an answer. How much will it cost? I will give


you the figure in a moment. You do not know? You're logging your iPad.


You have announced a major policy and do not know how much it will


cost? Can I give you the figure in a moment? This is the issue with


people and the Labour Party that we cannot trust you with our money. Not


at all. You do not know the figure. All our manifesto is fully costed


and examined. You're holding your manifesto, you have iPad and have


had a phone call, you do not know how much it is to cost. Can we come


back to that in a moment? Our political correspondent


Rob Watson joins us live now Everyone seems to think Jeremy


Corbyn had a good night at the debate but was it a problem that he


could not enter basic facts are that interview? My favourite verdict on


the debate came from a colleague who said everyone was a winner apart


from the poor people watching. I think that was a reference to the


idea that Theresa May had been having a bit of a wobble over the


last week or so in terms of the Conservative manifesto. Nothing


truly terrible happened to her in the debate, she is a bit wooden but


she held her own. And expectations were quite low for Jeremy Corbyn,


but again he managed to keep his humour and so in that sense everyone


felt, the leaders, no one thinks they're great performers but they


did OK. So therefore I think it was a bit disappointing for the Labour


leader and his team to see that he was stumped on how much a key


proposal would cost. It reminded me a little of that moment where George


Bush, the first, did not know how much a pint of milk costs. This


slide in the polls, how serious is it for Theresa May? I think it is


immensely serious. At the start of this election she made the campaign


about herself and leadership. The campaign which has been less than


stellar, her ratings have gone down by half and perhaps more. I'm sorry


I must interrupt to give way to Sean Spicer. He is at the White House.


Jared Kushner has volunteered to share with Congress what he knows


about these meetings. I'm not going to get into what the president did


or not discuss. Your question assumes a lot of facts that are not


substantiated by anything but anonymous sources being leaked out.


You're asking if he approves of action but that is not a confirmed


action. I think Secretary Kelly and general McMaster have both discussed


in general terms back channels that are an appropriate part of


diplomacy. Your question presupposes fact that have not been confirmed.


Did the President, he tweeted an article this morning about that back


channel based on a source that said there was an effort to set up a back


channel and that it was the Russians who suggested that. And it was to


talk about Syria. What I just said speaks for itself. But you said the


article was based on anonymous sources. But the president tweeted


something also based on anonymous sources. So why would that be more


credible? I do not think, one issue is that the statement provided by


the attorney of Jared Kushner and second, the dossier was largely


discredited in the first place. Most publications refused to publish


that. So there is an ongoing investigation and I'm not going to


get into confirming stuff. First the president for the second time in one


month tweeted his desire for the Senate to reduce votes to pass


anything which would effectively stop the filibuster for legislation


as for nominations. Is this something he discussed with the


majority leader or any of the Senate leadership? I think the consent he


had with the pace of the Senate are long-standing. The use of the


filibuster and rules of the Senate are apt to Senator McConnell but he


has had some frustration with the pace of legislation and obstructive


tactics employed by the Democrats. That has been well documented. Sean


Spicer at the White House. He gave a summary of how the trip had gone and


said it had gone well for the president and then he was asked


about these Russian allegations. He seemed to say he did not have much


to say. The little we heard, what I found striking was all this was


about Twitter. The presence tweeted this, this is the peril of using


social media to get out the message. It shows what a mess he has made of


his press relations. You think we're going to hear more of the president


on twitter? Yes. Thank you very much.


And you will hear more from the president tomorrow morning when he


The weather is looking sunnier and warmer for tomorrow.


The skies are already clearing across some


northern parts of the UK, and tomorrow promises


This is what it looks like, then, through this evening.


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