07/06/2017 100 Days+


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We have two important stories for you - in the UK campaigning


in the snap election ends today and the country prepares to vote.


And in Washington, intelligence officials testify in the Senate


refusing to say for now if Donald Trump interfered


Theresa May says the question now is the same as it was at the beginning


Who do you trust to actually have the strong and stable


leadership that is going to deliver the best deal for Britain in Europe?


than 80 rallies - he says Britain faces a clear


Five more years of Tory cuts, longer waiting lists,


underfunded schools in many parts of the country and


Washington serves up the prelude to former FBI director


At a Senate committee hearing - the director of national


intelligence said he had never felt pressured by the president -


but was he asked to intervene in the FBI inquiry.


Hello, I am Katty Kay in Washington, Christian Fraser is in London.


12 hours from now pollings stations will open in the UK.


It's an election the ruling Conservative were expected to win


But during the six week campaign the polls have narrowed.


We're going to focus first on the front runners. Theresa May has her


final event in Birmingham whilst Jeremy Corbyn has two events in


London before the campaign closes at midnight.


Here's our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg.


She called it to win it, but it's not her choice.


A few hackles at 5:30am, following her trail like the missteps in the


last few weeks. Jolly photo ops aren't


quite her style, and there's not With security and tighter


terror laws on her mind. At eight o'clock in Glasgow,


Jeremy Corbyn enjoying With his long-held views


on security, cautious about the idea Our Human Rights Act


protects our rights. The way you deal with a threat


to democracy is not by reducing democracy, it's by dealing


with the threat. The day before the election, moving


his Shadow Home Secretary aside. Diane Abbott isn't well


and she's not campaigning. If that is unusual, much has been


about this campaign. Theresa May was knocked on social


care, a policy that might have caused alarm on many bowling greens,


before returning to script. It's about who people trust


to have the strong and stable leadership to get the best deal


for Britain in Europe. And who has the will and, crucially,


the plan to deliver an Brexit. Legions of Jeremy Corbyn fans


want something else. Opponents say his sums don't stack


up, but they love Labour's manifesto that promises more borrowing


and a much bigger state. The first time it's been


Jeremy Corbyn with full on socialism versus the Conservatives and it's


giving people a great opportunity. Theresa May doesn't care


about people like us. Vote Labour, for crying out loud,


to help this country get out of the mess we are in,


with this Tory government. The poor are suffering


in this blinking country. Our manifesto offers something


very, very different. They say well it's going


to cost a lot of money. But we are very clear about this,


we have fully costed it. 95% of the population


will pay no more in tax, no more in National Insurance,


no more in VAT. The two main campaigns


look so different It's not an election


where anyone can say politicians are all the same,


they have different visions Labour would tax more and spend more


on schools and hospitals. Under the Tories there


would still be cuts to keep trying They have very different takes


on the kind of country this is and what they want it to be,


and very different leaders who are trying to persuade


you to let them take us there. Campaigns are not a contest


of who covers more miles. Mrs and Mr May in


the Tory plane today. At the start of this journey she


seemed unassailable, not any more. We've set out in our manifesto


the challenges that we face as a country, and how


we as government would deliver How we would ensure


we were addressing those challenges. Isn't it the case, you didn't have


to call this election, and you're asking people to trust


you for five years after a campaign where the sense is you've said


as little as possible. What I have said to the British


people is to be open with them about the challenges


this country faces. But also about the opportunities


that we have in this country. I think that's absolutely


the right thing to do. The core, not the quality


of the campaign will see her home. My vote will be with Mrs May


because of her experience. I compare them, one is a lot more


qualified, in my opinion, for the job interview


on offer tomorrow. I think she's a ruthless


candidate who can get the country through Brexit,


which is what we voted for. Elections aren't straightforward


popularity contests. It's turnout tomorrow, not tonight,


that really matters. Elections are decisions on just one


day, a choice that changes Laura Kuenssberg,


BBC News, Birmingham. Now just to remind you there are 650


seats or constituencies The number required


for an absolute majority is 326. In 2015 the Conservatives


won 331 seats. Rob Watson has steered us


through the campaign these past weeks, he is in Westminster


for us tonight. Good evening. The final line in that


report was that this is a decision that will affect our lifetimes. And


this time around it is that profound because of Brexit and the direction


the parties want to take us in. That is one strange thing about this


rather strange election. That the stakes could not possibly be higher.


After all whoever wins the election gets to decide the path in the world


of the UK after being a member of the EU for more than 40 years. That


affects the place in the world, security arrangements, diplomacy,


economics, everything. But yet despite the stakes being so high it


is difficult to imagine a campaign that feels less like it is they


become to life. In part because of the tragedies of course of those two


attacks but on those key issues, what is Britain going to look like


after Brexit, what is going to happen to the economy, we have heard


precious little. It is always about the economy, stupid. Why have they


not been talking about that? I guess critics of Theresa May would say


that has been a mistake within a party that she should have been more


forceful in defending the Conservative government record. And


its record previously with the coalition. She has not done that and


I think if somehow she does not pull off the victory she expects, she can


expect more grumbling. Jeremy Corbyn has focused impact on and offered an


unashamedly socialist alternative. He has been on the far left fringes


of UK politics for a long time and has come out with a 90 austerity


message. Below many of his people think the media is hard on them


there has not been much examination of this manifesto partly because the


media concentrate on who they think is going to win which is Theresa


May. Just to pick up on something about how this fundamentally will


affect the path of the world for the UK, my understanding is that the


path was decided in the Brexit referendum last June and whoever is


elected Prime Minister it is still going to happen. So it is already


determined, and how does this election make a fundamental


difference to that? Absolutely, the big election was two years ago, or


the big vote. Now it is a question of how do the politicians in this


country make it work. And it is that bad but is uncertain, and the stakes


could not possibly be higher. Clearly Brexit, yes the UK is going


to be leaving the EU, but there are many different ways to do that. You


could have that hard Brexit where the UK would seek to be the single


market and Customs union or something which looks more like the


UK staying inside the EU. So a big vote two years ago but in a the


stuff that is now really important, other details. What will the UK do


about immigration policy, about trade with the rest of the world.


When it's somehow pivot away from the European Union and do more trade


with China for example or India. Thank you very much. All week we've


been looking ahead to the of former FBI director James Connolly. His


full opening statement has been published a day ahead of that. He


said during a phone call on the 30th of March President Trump asked him


what could be done to lift the cloud of the Russia pro. He has also said


Donald Trump told again during a dinner, I need loyalty. Laura Bicker


joins me now. Let's go to Michael Flynn and that


meeting in the Oval Office which has been much written about and whether


or not James Comey wrote a memo straight afterwards saying there was


pressure put on him by Donald Trump to drop the investigation into


Michael Flynn. Who of course was a former national security adviser and


had to be fired after his meetings with Russian ambassadors was


disclosed. Let's read some of the text from a meeting. When he leaned


over, he said that when it came to the study 14th meeting, he wanted to


talk about Flynn. This is Donald Trump talking about Flynn. He said


the president began by saying Clinton had not done anything wrong


in speaking with the Russians but he had to let go because he misled the


vice president. He said after a while, the president returned to the


topic of Mike Flynn think is a good guy and has been through a lot. He


repeated Michael Flynn had not done anything wrong but had misled the


president. Then he said I hope you can see your way clear to letting


this go. Letting the thing go. He is a good guy, I hope you can let this


go. The issue seems to be weathered Donald Trump somehow obstructed


justice and put pressure on James Comey to drop investigations and


from reading the statement, is James Comey going to say yes there was


obstruction of justice? I think he is going to fudge it a bit. In his


memo he writes I understood the president to be requesting bubble


drop in investigation of Michael Flynn in connection with false


statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in


December. I did not understand him to be talking about the broader


investigation into Russia. Then he goes on to say he kept it close


within his FBI team, he did not inform the Attorney General. This is


a fine line for the former director James Comey to plough because if it


is seen that he didn't know there was an obstruction of justice, and


then he failed to disclose that, then he failed in his duty as FBI


director. Some some ways what he's saying is it since President Trump


was implying he should let Michael Flynn, this investigation into him


go, not the broader investigation. Thank you very much. And we are


going to hear that test testimony from James Comey tomorrow and it


will be all but the question of whether President Trump obstructed


justice by asking officials not to investigate links with his campaign


to Russia. Today Senate officials refused to testify. Democrats were


pressed the Director of National intelligence Dan Coates on a simple


question, had the president asked him to intervene. As I responded to


similar questions during my confirmation in a second hearing


before the committee, I do not feel it is appropriate for me in the


public session in which confidential conversations between the present


myself, I do not believe it is appropriate for me to address that


in a public session. The director of National intelligence Dan Coats.


For more I spoke earlier with Republican Senator John Barrasso.


The defence chiefs in their testimony this morning I saying two


senators they do not want to play effectively whether President Trump


suggested that they should get the FBI investigation into links with


Russia dropped. Should they not be telling the American public that?


The American public want to know, we're going to have the former FBI


director James Comey testifying tomorrow. It is a bipartisan panel


asking the questions, Republicans and Democrats alike want the answer


is that the American people want as well. We want to make sure the


country is safe and secure and strong and if we cannot get answers


were not going to feel as safe and secure as we would like. Are you


concerned by the press report that the president tried to influence


some of his intelligence chiefs including director James Comey and


put pressure on them to get investigations dropped? We're going


to hear from James Comey tomorrow and what is important is the content


of what he tells us as well as the context and the town. For more


details are and what he tells us the president told him. That is what the


people want to know and I think were not going to rest, certainly this


bipartisan select committee is not going to rest until we get all the


answers specifically related to Russia. Yup Republicans and


Democrats alike who have no trust of Vladimir Putin, we know he is trying


to undermine our democracy and not just in the US, we see it in


elections in Germany, France and England are so you'd not be trusted


and we need answers. You have been a staunch supporter of the present but


when you look at what is coming out of the White House in the course of


the last week, are you concerned about the way this president is


managing the White House, managing relations with some of the closest


American allies? There is a lot of work to be done in Congress and I


think the tweeting detracts from what we're trying to do. In terms of


jobs in the economy, overall national security, the types of


things we're trying to do with infrastructure and health care. It


is almost impossible for Congress to get any of those things done, no


bills have been cast on tax or infrastructure jobs and partly


because of the chaos coming out of the White House. You have in the


past defended the president, would you urge the president now to change


the way he is running the country and his relations with Congress and


his allies? Well the president is most successful when focused on the


things the American people are focused on, and that is jobs and the


economy, the national security. Those are the things that are


winning combinations that things that people but -- that people are


caring about. As long as the focus is on that it is much better for


everyone. You're heading onto Wyoming, how concerned are people in


that state about the Russian investigation? People are focused on


getting their own lives under control in terms of jobs, getting


booed on the table, getting the kids off to school and having good jobs.


Certainly the concerned with Russia is real, it is all around the


country. We want to make sure our country is safe and strong, we worry


about terrorism, we need to focus on those goals moving forward and want


to make sure that we can get beyond the distraction is currently on the


table. Thank you very much. A bizarre state of affairs spelt out


by Senator McCain who said, I have the Washington report in front of


me, how the president is supposed to have approached Dan Coates and asked


him to help the FBI back. Yet there is Dan Coates in front of the


highest committee in the Senate and he cannot say anything. Or does not


want to. There was a lot of frustration in that committee


hearing that these poor intelligence directors had not come to the Senate


prepared with what they could answer and what they could not and what


they were going to answer. One of them was after you have a legal


reason for not answering the question of what the president asked


you or did not and he said I do not think I do but I do not feel it is


the right thing to do. Clearly they are frustrated and want answers. And


you would hear that. Someone like our guest was a staunch supporter of


Donald Trump saying this has to stop. He was asked if he felt


pressure and he replied no. But he was not asked the question about


whether he had been asked and that is a second thing. A separate thing,


yes. A month


ago President Trump fired the Director of the FBI -


today he announced a replacement. The process took longer


than the White House expected as a stream of candidates


were interviewed and then either rejected or pulled


themselves out of contention. Now Mr Trump has picked


a career prosecutor, someone known in fact


to James Comey. Wray, a man of impeccable


credentials, to be the new Interesting timing. Perhaps he


released this information ahead of the James Comey investigation. Many


of you will not have heard about him.


So what can we tell you about Christopher Wray?


Well the Yale lawyer was President George W


Bush's assistant attorney general from 2003 to 2005 -


while there he worked under James Comey at the


He ran the criminal division of the Justice Department,


dealing with fraud scandals that plagued the corporate world.


After his service he worked for a big private law firm,


specialising in white collar investigations.


Wray was also a lawyer for Chris Christie,


the New Jersey Governor - and Trump ally -


We will get to know him better. One thing that will bring up a lot on


the programme is the popularity of President Trump. And it means that


he can govern. But are his approval ratings on the wane? If we take an


average from the polling, his popularity rating at the moment is


39%. Not great numbers but here's some


context that might surprise you - On Day 138 of his presidency -


his figures are in fact better than the approval ratings


Bill Clinton had at this same stage. 138 days into Clinton's


adminstration just 37.8 percent of Americans approved of the job


he was doing. That surprised me because Bill


Clinton was a popular president. At stages through his presidency. What


went wrong at the beginning? Bill Clinton left office with a 66%


approval rating, the envy of most presidents. But at the beginning, it


was actually pretty chaotic with personnel upheavals and the kind of


things we're hearing bit about at the moment from the Donald Trump


White House. That dragged his ratings down. Here's what he did


about it, he brought in a grown-up, Leon Panetta, to be his chief of


staff. He shook up the White House and instilled a lot of discipline


and approval ratings began to go back up again.


I just want to bring this back to where things stand here with some


The poll of polls puts the Conservatives


While Labour is five points behind on 37.2%.


Tim Farron's Liberal Democrats are polling at 8.1%.


The polls have been completely up and down these last few weeks. One


poll put the Conservatives at one point above Labour and another as


high as 12 points. Looking back at the polling on the popular vote in


2015, the Conservatives with seven points ahead, so do you take other


side of that, if they were six points ahead do they lose some of


the majority, if conversely there over at April 12 points, do they


start to pick up seats tomorrow. I do not think you would bet the house


on it, it is up in the air. It is going to be fascinating what kind of


results we get. No one I do not think really knows. And what matters


most is how many seats the Conservative Party gets and how much


chicks that are majority. These polling members may not entirely


reflect that. Because vulture is of course divergent in various seats.


-- vote share. There are of course other parties


involved in the election. This is a parliament, 650 individual elections


Ruby and nine parties all looking for a stake in Westminster. Here's


what they had to say in the final push of campaigning. There are


challenges ahead, the Brexit negotiations, we need to get them


right. Brexit is the basis of everything. We need to secure our


economy for the future, make sure we have more and better paid jobs. You


have a choice, five more years of Tory cuts, longer waiting lists,


underfunded schools in many parts of the country, and hope under the


Labour Party. If you want to send a message to Theresa May that you are


not to be taken for granted, the dementia tax is not to be given the


all clear and cuts are not OK, the Liberal Democrats are the party to


get behind. She has come across as weak and evasive so it is possible


but Scotland could stop her getting a bigger majority. People are coming


onto the idea that Theresa May will not give us the Brexit want. What we


need to do is to have... There's no place for sexist remarks in


political leadership. We have a job to do to lead the way and set the


tone. We need a strong team of Plaid Cymru MPs to make sure that Wales is


taken seriously and not the Lord in the way it has been since the


referendum took place last June. We are at a fork in the road and if you


do not want to waste money on Trident and look at ideas to make


the country fit for the 21st century like a shorter working week, more


investment in the NHS, then vote for the Green Party. Plenty more to


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