06/06/2017 100 Days+


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Hello and welcome to One Hundred Days Plus.


In two days, Brits will vote in an election that was never


With just over one day of campaigning left,


this is a real contest with unpredictable results.


With the race tight, both Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn


are in their final push with their final appeals to voters.


Every vote for me and the Conservatives is a vote to


strengthen my hand in those Brexit negotiations. People are determined


to show that this election can be won by Labour.


a third attacker is named and there are more questions about


Also it's another day of Donald Trump taking to Twitter.


The President weighs in on the escalating Qatar crisis -


saying that isolating the country could be the beginning of the end


A US Government contractor leaks a top-secret document from the NSA


and it promptly arrested - we'll look at the content


Hello, I am Katty Kay in Washington, Christian Fraser is in London.


Brits go to the polls in just over 24 hours and an election


that was all about Brexit has suddenly veered into security


and policing in the wake of Manchester and London.


Today third attacker was named as Rachid Redouane. Reports in the


Italian press suggest he tried to travel to Syria last year, but was


stopped by Italian police. UK officials say Youssef Zaghba was not


on their watch list. Authorities in the UK are reviewing their


intelligence. One man who thinks authorities


are going about it in the wrong Up until 10 days ago


he was the Chief Executive of the Association of Police


and Crime Commissioners. He was stopped from speaking


after the Manchester attack and so he resigned


so he could have his say. Do you think Muslim communities in


your view are taking enough ownership of this problem? Obviously


they're doing as much as they can, but there is more they could do.


That is what I have been trying to say. It is also an issue about the


state, by that I mean local authorities and local government,


are not doing. When it comes to the engagement, as you probably know


there is a deradicalisation programme, where people are referred


when they become aware of issues about a person and that is being


undermined and often deliberately by people. As a result people are being


deterred from reporting or signposting people for support and


assistance. There is an issue around community leadership, this is where


the problem lies with the state, the state tends to talk to the same


people and expect a different result and the communities, particularly


the Muslim community is very young, the majority is under 25, female and


from low income backgrounds, all the leaders the Government want to talk


to are male, middle class and over 40 or 50. So they have no real


understanding of what is going on in Muslim youth or teenagers or young


people and yet they are the ones who are allegedly coming up with


solutions to help the Government. The problems are complicated and


police and authorities have to triage, because so many people are


suspects, but talk about the solutions, you have ideas about who


authorities should be talking to in communities, they always say they're


talking to community leader, who could they talk to? The best work


that is happening in the United Kingdom is Muslim women's groups and


Muslim women generally. The groups operate with very little funding and


they have access to families and are engaged in communities and not only


working on this, but other issues. When they come across a young man or


woman who might be being radicalised or questioning their identity, they


sit down and work with that person for nothing and ensure the person


has support. To my mind, as a doctor I know who works as a GP and in the


evening he will spend time working with young girls, maybing them


understand what they can -- making them understand what they can


achieve in this country. That work is happening under the radar and


being done for nothing. But we are expending millions on so-called


community leaders who are very good at talking the talk and I have spent


many afternoons wasted sit around tables with them and at the end we


feel very much better, but the point is the solutions are not there. If


you tell your children that it is Haram to wear skirts or wrong to go


to concerts or to stand with women in mosques, should we be surprised


that young people adopt some of these more mill tants attitudes. --


militant attitudes. Most of this information is not coming from


parents, but from peers or online. But yes the whole of this, it is not


just one issue, I remember one parent after three children


disappeared to Syria, said he had done his duty and made sure his


daughter didn't go out clubbing, didn't go partying, studied and she


was up stairs. He had no sense of the fact she was in more danger


online than if she had been doing the other things. There is a


conversation that has to be happening. That isn't happening. It


is not as challenging as it could be around the rights of the female. I'm


in favour of a rights-based society, rather than a multicultural society.


Why weren't you allowed to speak out. Do you think there is


self-sensor ship going on or political correctness. If you ask


the police commissioner, the board who stopped me speaking, I live in


Manchester, the atrocity was very close to hand, I drop my son there


all the time. It is a very personal thing to me. A lot of people were


saying to me, I prosecuted terrorism cases and I have ex-- experience of


terrorism. People said, we don't want you to say anything, they were


justify that on the basis we are in an election campaign and what I


would say might be miscontrued party politically. But nothing I'm saying


is party political. But it is about the bigger picture of protecting our


society and communities and for whatever reasons they were ru' --


reluctant to let me speak and I walked out of day. The conversations


we are now having reflect what needs to be had. Thank you very joining


us. Having walked out the door, you walked into your studio. We are glad


you did. French police have shot


and injured a man outside the cathedral of Notre Dame,


after he attacked The French prosecutor's office


says it is being treated The area around the cathedral


has been cleared of French media reports


say the attacker was TRANSLATION: A person came up behind


a policeman armed with a hammer Another policeman


immediately reacted and The policeman is recovering


in hospital and the The incident is being looked


into by a prosecutor, as while the aggressor was attacking


the policeman, he said, "This is Interesting, I was watching the US


network respond to this and there is focus on Europe at the moment with


the terror attacks in the UK and the point I was making on Twitter, I was


surprised how much attention that incident in Paris and I'm not


belittling it, but it happens where the police are targeted by these


people, I was surprised how much attention was on that and how little


on the shooting of five people at a factory in Florida. Yes, that was a


disgruntled worker and there was almost no coverage and almost no


coverage of the fact that 150 people were Kimmed in a bomb -- killed in a


bombing in Kabul. It does seem to be, we don't know if it is terror


related, but these incidents, it is worth asking in the media how much


attention we should give these stories. That story has been wrapped


up and it is being investigated. I think we can draw a line under that


one. More stories have been


emerging of people in London Bridge on the


night of the attacks. Many people tried to


fight off the attackers, as they worked their way


through Borough market. Our Special Correspondent,


Lucy Manning has been hearing Well scratches to


the arms and hands. Stabbed in the side


of me stomach and chest. Roy Larner, football


fan, a man who took on the the terrorists


with I don't know why I did it,


but I went BLEEP back. And I was stopping them getting


into the restaurant to stop them attacking the children


and families in there. As I got him out the Black and Blue


the police were firing The police stopping


him getting, hurting any more people and from


being shot around me. I feel quite bad myself


doing what I did. Spaniard, Ignacio Echeverria,


also fought the three Shocking, you didn't


know what to do. Spaniard, Ignacio Echeverria,


also fought the three Shocking, you didn't


know what to do. He didn't want to be


fully identified. He didn't even think


of anything, he just jumped there with the skateboard


and started to fight with them. He was hitting


the terrorist with the Then the next thing I remember


I was trying to approach the group, but I realised they were having


massive knives and one of them


stabbed my friend. I saw the policeman


running to tackle them. But as soon as he got,


as soon as he got to the If the policeman in


that moment had a gun, Ignacio's family say


they're in pain. They're appealing to British


and Spanish authorities for I'm with Geoff Ho and this


guy's a real hero. Geoff Ho with friends sitting up


in his hospital bed. The stab wound on his


throat still visible. The journalist who used his martial


arts skills to tackle the terrorists I'm confident he is going


to do a lot better than he did no in No 1, but RJ Ward has


the skills and he is going In a statement, Mr Ho described how


he took on the the attackers. Terrible injuries for many,


the scars from fighting back. We remember the victims and the


people who behaved so bravely. Brits go to the polls in just over


24 hours and an election that was all about Brexit has


suddenly veered into security and policing in the wake


of Manchester and London. But on Thursday the decision


that is made by the British voters will have a huge impact on Britain's


future relationship with Europe. Will Theresa May get


the mandate she wants? Or will Labour take enough seats


to deny her the thumping Today there has been a frenetic


pace to the campaigning. Jeremy Corbyn has been in London


and Shropshire and tonight he's in Ladywood in Birmingham,


a safe Labour seat. The Prime Minister has been


in Lancashire, North Wales and in the past few minutes she has


arrived, closer to home, in Slough. Our political correspondent


Ben Wright has been following the Prime Minister


on the campaign trail today Slough has a Labour majority. Not a


seat you would expect Theresa May to be targeting? True. But this is a


campaign that is quietly very confident. There has been a closing


in the polls in the last couple of weeks, it feels and probably is a


tighter race than it was six weeks ago when Theresa May surprised the


UK and called the snap general election. But I feel within the Tory


camp they're sure this is going to be all right for them and they're


going to be returned with a bigger majority. How big is the question.


But last night I was up in a city called Bradford, a constituency


Bradford South, that the Conservative Party last won in 1918.


But a century later, Theresa May thinks she could take it and a big


reason is that even though there is a Labour majority of 6,500 there was


a very large vote for Brexit, for leaving the EU. And a partly called


Ukip did well in 2015 and the Conservative are confident in other


seats they can scoop up a lot of the Ukip votes, because Brexit is going


to happen. I know I have asked you that a and you won't tell me how


many seats you needs or the it to be a real victory. She is playing


offence and Labour seem to be playing defence, Jeremy Corbyn in


safe Labour seats today, what are they looking, is it internal numbers


they have or different polls from what we are seeing, something is


giving them that confidence. All parties do their own private


polling, I think private polling in Labour when I last checked with them


looked dire Tatlower end of their -- at the lower end of their


predictions and the Conservatives remain confident, although the


national swing may not look fantastic that, individual seats


will deliver the majority they're looking for and that made this


gamble worthwhile. Your question remains a pertinent one and it is


being asked. There is a big difference between her winning by 20


and winning by 90. There is a big difference for her personally and


what it gives her going into the Brexit negotiations in a few days.


She has just appeared behind me. Between 20 and 90, you have given


yourself a lot of latitude. That is quite a sweep stake. What is going


on, in these last couple of days, why is the Tory party in offence and


Labour on defence. Offence and defence, you have been in Washington


too long, they're on attack mode. I'm playing American football.


They're targeting Labour seats in the north-west and the north in


places like Leeds and Manchester and perhaps in the north east which has


been traditional Labour heartland. In the last election, they were not


expected to get a majority. They got a majority of 12. That was a big


surprise. Now at the start of the election they were a long way ahead


in the polls and you could understand why the Prime Minister


called the election. But she was probably thinking at about probably


up around 80 to a hundred majority. That is the concern, will she have


that majority to limit the role of some of the more hardline


backbenchers in her party. For Labour, they're focussing on safe


seats and some of the feeling in Westminster is they're trying to


increase the share of the vote and Jeremy Corbyn in particular, because


he does want to be forced to resign, rather than going after a hundred


seats from the Conservative to try and win. That is the feeling. We


will get an idea on Friday whether or not he has been successful. It


will be interesting. We will have to sthee. Some of the Labour Labour


critics looking at how much of a margin he gets with some scepticism.


I will get you a sweep stake on how many seats she will get in private.


The White House has been really unhappy about leaks ever


Now they've cracked down with their first arrest


A 25-year-old woman who worked as a contractor


The information Reality Winner has admitted leaking is that it


suggests Russia WAS trying to interfere with the actual


voting procedure - the machines and the software,


You might remember President Obama had expressed concerns that the poll


We are joined by New York Times reporter Adam Goldman.


We want to talk about the content of what was leaked and the White


House's reaction. The content, how critical is the information that


Reality Winner put out? You know, I don't think it necessarily is a


game-changer in terms of information. It provided important


contacts and we know the Russians continue to hack and interfere with


the election after President Obama had warned Russia to stop. But it


was useful. There is no surprise is there that this White House would


have as soon as it had the opportunity to find somebody leaking


information to the press arrest them and after all President Obama


prosecuted leakers as well? Sure, President Obama prosecuted twice the


number who had ever been prosecuted in its totality before him. So you


know, it is not a surprise that the justice department under the


leadership of Jeff Sessions and Ross Rosenstein will go after leakers and


the president has made it clear it is a priority. The question is how


far and how many do they do? There is no indication that they tilted


the election towards Trump, but there is evidence they tried if you


believe this leak. But would the administration have told us the NSA


had proof of these Russian attempts to hack had she not leaked the


information? Well, I mean, let's not for get the former director of


intelligence, who was in charge of the department of homeland security


put out a statement suggesting Russian interference and there was a


report in January that blamed the Russians for interfering in the


election. So you know, what she put out doesn't on a 20,000 foot level


change our understanding of what the Russians did. Thank you very much.


We get some good guests in London and that is great. Sometimes I feel


a bit left out. I'm not part of Washington club and I don't have the


access to the high fliers. So you what I have done? I have invited Ron


Christie here to London. You have lured him away. Ron, you traitor!


I'm part of Washington fraternity. He has been to Rome and to now he is


in London and is right here in the studio. Good the see you. He'll come


back to me. Don't worry. You're out of it. What do you think about this


leak? Is there any moral ambiguity to this? No, having top security


clearance there is no excuse for releasing materials, particularly


when you're a contractor, you take a special oath not to disclose


information and the fact she did and sent it to the mails, she is in


trouble. Ron, I insist on being part of conversation. You have noticed


the president has been tweeting and today put himself in the the row


between Arab nations and Qatar. Why is the president wading into


something that is incredibly diplomatically sensitive and you


have 11,000 US military personnel posted to Qatar, is this sensible?


No, it is baffling to me. Given the fact that he likes to conduct


business via Twitter as we always talk about, but to do something of


this magnitude and don't forget, the United States has its largest


military presence in Qatar. And we have the fifth fleet which has the


American navy in Bahrain, one country over. And for him to take


these sort of steps via Twitter to isolate the United States is


foolish. It is not smart. Not wise and now I don't understand how this


White House will pull itself out of this. The thing is, we had a load of


people yesterday who were close to the president saying you have got to


ignore what the president is saying on social media. It is not policy.


Have a look at what the Wall Street journal put its editorial today.


Which is the point we have made countless times on this programme.


No yes about it. If is were working in the White House and I'm not going


anywhere, I'm staying here, but if you were an aide, you to worry every


time the boss picks up his hand-held device that could up end the


policies. This is supposed to be about infrastructure. Yes but we are


talking about Twitter. Do you detect a difference this week, it seems the


tone of the tweets since the weekend and the London bombings, the


frequency of them, has stepped up. It smacks of a real sense of


grievance in the White House in the office of the president. No


question, having been here on Saturday and Sunday when the events


took place and see my president sending out those tweets, I thought


it was tone deaf at best and my friends in the administration threw


their arms up and there was an article saying the president has a


difficult time getting legal counsel and people to represent him not


knowing what the president may say or tweet. It comes down to the idea


of... In a way his paranoia about the popular vote. He is trying to


justify why he is there. He keeping sending out these tweet, he started


again on the fake media. It comes to his own insecurities. What else can


you say? If my wife was the only one there for my inauguration, I would


be happy, I wouldn't look at any other numbers. We know who is in


charge and it is not me. Christian and I would turn up. You know where


the love is by the way. I'm... Just come back to me. I'm coming back on


Thursday. Ron good to have you. You're watching 100 Days on BBC




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