24/11/2016 Asia Business Report


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the Labour MP Jo Cox. He shouted" written first" as he shot Jo Cox


just after the EU referendum in June.


Here is that Sharanjit Leyl with Asia Business Report.


From business to politics. Can Donald Trump crossover to the


presidency without conflicts of interest? And grains for good. Rice


growers in Cambodia take a unique approach.


Welcome to edge a business report. I am Sharanjit Leyl. Can Donald Trump


profit from the presidency? The President-elect is being urged to


separate himself from the Trump organisation to avoid any conflict


of interest that while there is no law enforcing him to do so, it has


been the past practice of other presidents for the last 40 years.


But, if that campaign has shown us anything, it is that the soon-to-be


leader of the United States is anything but conventional. We have


more from New York. These are the most visible parts of


the President elect's empire. Mr Trump says he can be both


businessmen in chief and commander-in-chief. There is nothing


in the Constitution that addresses this. There are implicit concerns in


the Constitution about the corruption possibility that there


nothing that at this level of specificity. This is a practice that


has emerged in the United States only in the 20th century. The


practice exists for a reason. This weekend meeting with Indian real


estate developers already raises questions about Mr Trump's ability


to celebrate -- separate his business from the presidency. Donald


Trump the businessman has seen conflicts. Casino bankruptcies,


fraud at Trump University and even tussle is over hiring practices at


one of his hotel. If you does nothing come January 20, these


entanglements will be with the President of the United States. The


challenge of course is Mr Trump is his business. And so is his family


which makes them -- claims that his children will now control the Trump


organisation. -- it makes the claim is ludicrous to many. There is no


need to dismantle his business empire but certainly to simply say,


" I'm going to let my children handle it" is not sufficient. If we


in the States would hear something like this, we would associate this


kind of intermingling of government and business is something a feature


of a banana republic. The Constitution does say that the


President cannot accept any foreign money or gifts without the consent


of Congress. It makes Mr Trump's International business dealings


questionable under law. We should expect there to be continual


concerns, maybe scandals, maybe hearings in Congress, about the


President's business interest, America's foreign policy and even


domestic policy. It's all going to be in one big night and it's going


to be difficult to straighten out. -- knot. Now, he seems intent on


mixing his business with his presidency but it's hard to see how


this approach will keep in compliance with US law and


convention. It also seems long way away from his campaign promise to


drain the swamp of corrupt US politics.


Staying with Trump, the President elect has attacked China during the


campaign saying it keeps currency artificially low in order to make it


exports cheaper overseas but his election has strengthened the US


dollar, forcing the UN to seven-year lows -- yen. Earlier, I spoke with


David Marsh of the official monetary and financial institutions for and I


asked him what is driving down these Asian currencies.


We have had eight or nine years of very low interest rates all over the


world and America is just starting very hesitantly last you to raise


rates. Now, we are seeing a real turning point because you see Donald


Trump coming in is wearing huge infrastructure programmes, huge tax


cuts, deficit spending, so that will force up inflation which in a way is


a good thing, maybe get the economy going but of course it means is a


strong dollar 70s leading to war this attrition, not just in this


part of the world but also the euro sterling as well, they have been


weak. I prophesy is that over the next year, the dollar will be strong


and a lot of things that Donald Trump wants to do will be made null


and void by the fact that the strong dollar will not be very good for


manufacturing workers. Indeed. And all the things that he has promised


may be ending up to where he needs second thoughts.


Airbnb is said to be in talks to buy China's second largest home


accommodating service. While Airbnb is the biggest online platform for


people to rent their homes to travellers globally it is having a


really hard time to break into the Chinese market. The San Francisco


-based company already has about 70,000 properties listed in the


world 's most populous nation. Asia is getting richer and overseas


development is playing a much smaller role in helping countries


develop further here. New figures from the foreign aid now accounts


for just 7% -- .7% of flows into the Asia-Pacific region and that is done


from 13.5% in 1994 stop does that mean that the private sector will


play a bigger role? We spoke with the director of Asian Pacific but


the UN development programme. We asked how aid could be made more


efficient. Business provided 90% of jobs. You


have to get government to get serious about sustainable


development. Work with them intensively. So that they take


sustainability as part of their business strategy. A civil society


organisation has a role to play but this depends on the country context


of whether the service position, whether it is a watchdog, who is


accountable. And individuals going for innovation, setting up a small


business and so forth. It is a coalition of assets. How it balance


shifting between the need to eight and the need for direct investment?


In Asia-Pacific, most of the countries art need income countries


which means their ability to finance their own development has increased.


The relative importance of aid hasn't dished -- has declined.


Governments own finance which is increasing very rapidly. Financing


flows from the private sector, from the financing market and also,


private individuals. How is the current economic climate affecting


countries or willingness to give aid and other foreign investment? We


have only one planned. We talk about plan a and plan B in our business


planning but there is no plan B. There is only our common future. We


see the convergence of all parties for a sustainable future.


Farmers in Cambodia are being offered a much-needed boost to their


bottom line by a company with an unusual motive and the price of rice


has been falling but for those willing to adopt some very high


environmental standards, there is an opportunity. The wildlife


conservation Society together with the firm called Ibis Rice are


working on a future to create an egg -- ethical taste of Asia.


You have the National bird of Cambodia thought to be extinct and


you discover it after years of thinking its lost next to rural


communities growing some of the best jasmine rice in the world. So what


Ibis Rice is all about is linking organic farmers with the consumer


that appreciates organic process -- products.


Ibis rice is much more than organic rice. There is a story behind the


product and it holds up. I mean, I see it is really great, the farmers


love it, the farmers are very enthusiastic.


Let's look at the markets before we go because the Nikkei continues to


make gains. It is near an 11 month high and that is after the Dow hit


an all-time high for the third straight day due to some extent what


people are calling that Trumper said. Other currencies in the region


are flat at the moment. That is all, thank you for watching.


The headlines et al. Hong Kong's hi Scott will begin hearing an appeal


shortly from


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