US Presidential Debate BBC News Special

US Presidential Debate

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it. Thank you fortune. Welcome to Denver Colorado in this


special edition of World News. The first of three presidential debates.


In a few moments, Governor Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama


will take the stage to have their first debate, focusing on the


The thank you candidates have been preparing for this moment for weeks.


They are ready in the hall behind me to have the first of their three


presidentiaon domestic issues. They will be


watched by up to 100 million Americans one month before the US


presidentia When the candidates take to the


stage tonight, they convince people they speak their


language. Sometimes, that is more of a stretch. (SPEAKS SPANISH) They


will not be speaking Spanish tonight. But well in America's


fastest growing economic -- ethnic group will become ever more


important. Canvassing in Colorado - a swing state where the Latino vote


Barack Obama four years ago. Some are disappointed he has not done


more to help the millions of the border. This woman find -- says


many find the selection a hard choice. We know there is only one


candidate who supports any kind of emigration reform of


That is Barack Obama. Many Republicans see the Hispanic vote


as a huge prize. What has gone wrong? When Ronald Reagan said that


he knows when actually Republicans, he meant they were aspirational and


socially conservative. That Mitt of.


of. Some said he was racially profiling. He called for a hi-tech


fence along the Mexican border and struck a harsh note talking about


illegal immigrants. The answer is self deportation. People decide


they can't do -- they can do better if they return home because they


can't find work here. In the last few months, the run the campaign


has put on a burst of speed, targeting what he knows in swing


states like Colorado. No wonder the latest poll gives Barack Obama the


70% but the Hispanic vote. Mitt Romney has back-pedalled and bought


a softer focus on illegal immigrationtoric


and the language that turns people off and talk about it in a real


intense preip way. As night falls, the The candida


The candidates will soon face each up


up the race for the White House. There are commentators say in this


debate is not as important as some in the past because there are few


undecided voters. But there are several percentage points up for


grabs. It is interesting, over the course of the last two decades, the


number of Americans who are has shrunk during the era of Ronald


Reagan, for example. They were 20% of Americans who could go either


way. Now, most people will tell you there are really only four -6 % of


the elector though they will be up to 100


million people watching the debate tonight, you have to think that


many will go in the already rooting What about that you can lose an


election in a TV debate but not win one? So much is about not making


mistakes. That is very true. The onus tonight


is on Barack Obama, not to lose the debate. Challenges conventionally


do pretty well out of these debates. Mitt Romney's campaign, he stands


are behind the podium on that stage next to the President. He therefore


appears presidential and puts them on an equal playing field. So


usually the challenges get a bump see


see some of that in the next few days, unless Mitt Romney messes


this up. I have spoken to several Republicans over the last few days


and most say it will be awash, barring some major mess up by one


of the candidates. The chances are they will both do well. Mitt Romney


has had much practice and he i good debate are. Barack Obama can


be long-winded but he is extremely disciplined. -- debater. So unless


one of them makes a mistake, which I believe is unlikely, that is how


we expect it to go. Tell us a bit... Is this a hite


House has been very specific about how it wants it set-up. I spoke to


the debate chairman yesterday who said the White House said the


President wanted a podium. He wanted to stand in one of the


subsequent debate at the town hall meeting andnge


the whole set because the President wants people standing behind him.


He has been quite particular about the stage setting of this debate.


There is the veteran American news anchor who will be the one the


fielding the questions. He has some ability during the course of this


and President Obama on the specifics of their policies. And he


has come out of retirement to do it? He wanted to do it that much?


He said he would not to read again but the debate -- debate Commission


bit bit more pushy with the candidates,


give give him more latitude if he


thought thee question. That is apparently what


swayed him. And tell me a bit about the format. It will last 90 minutes,


615 minute segments? Yes. -- six 15 minute. The host can interrupt them.


They can also interrupt and talk to each other. The commission wants


them to do that. They are hoping there will be interaction between


the candidates. I have heard from expect him


expect him to be aggressive. They DDT is an opportunity for him to


get under Mitt Romney's scheme. -- they say it is. Here are the two


candidates for their first (APPLAUSE). Welcome. Let's start on


the economy. Segment one. Let's begin with jobs. What are the major


differences between the two of new creating new jobs? Each of you have


two minutes to start. The coin toss will determine. I want to thank


Governor Romney and the University of Denver. There are many points I


want to make. The most important is that 20 years ago, I became the


luckiest man on earth because Michelle Obama agreed to marry me.


I want to wish you happy anniversaryhat


one year from now, we will not be millio


million people. Four years ago, we went through the worst financial


crisis since the Great Depression. automobile


automobile industry was on the system


system had frozen up. Because of the resilience and the


determination of the American people, we began to fight our way


back. Over the last few months, we public


public sector created. The water industry has come back. And housing


has begun to rise. -- the automobile industry. But we have a


lot of work to do. The question tonight is not where we have been


but where we are going. Governor Romney has perspective that says if


we cut taxes, skewed towards the wealthy, and roll back regulations,


different view. I think we have to It is impor


It is important for us to develop new sources of energy. That which


range out tax to make sure we are helping small businesses and


That we take some of the money we are saving, as we wind down and try


to will -- rebuild America. And that we reduce debt has it that


allows us to make investments. Ultimately, it will be up to voters.


Are we going to double down on the top economic policies to get us --


that got us into this mess? Or do we embrace a new economic


patriotism that says America does best when the middle class does


best. I am looking forward to having that debate. It is an


honoured to be here. I am pleased to be at the University of Denver


and I appreciate their welcome. And the presidential commission.


Congratulations, Mr President, on your anniversary. I am sure this is


the most romantic place you can imagine, here with me.


Congratulations. This is obviously a tender topic. I have had occasion


over the last few years at meeting people around the country. I was in


Ohio and a woman grabbed my arm and says, I have been out of work


May. Can you help me? Yesterday there was a rally in Denver. A


woman came y in her arms. She said her husband had


four part-time jobs in three years and lost his most recent jobs and


we have just lost our home. Can you help us? The answer is yes. We can


help. But it will take a different part. Not the one we have been on,


not the one the President describes as a top-down, cut taxes for the


rich, Mike Rann has five basic parts. One, get us in a jeep and


dependent. That creates about 4 million jobs. Secondly, open up


more trade, especially in Latin people


people have the skills they need to succeed and the best schools in the


world, we are far away from that now. Get us to a balanced budget.


Champion small business. Small- business create the jobs in America.


In the last four years, small business people decided America may


not be the place to open a new business because new businesses are


down to a 30 below. I know what it takes to get them going again, to


hire people. I am concerned the part we have been on has been


unsuccessful. The President's view is similar to that which she had


four years ago. That a bigger government, Thaksin Moore, spending


more, regulating all. That that would work. -- Thaksin war. I will


restore the vitality that gets please respond directly to what the


Governor said about trickling down. Let me talk specifically about what


we think we need to do. First, we have got to improve our education


system. We have made enormous progress drawing on ideas both from


Democrats and Republicans, that are already showing gains in some of


the toughest to deal with schools. We have a programme called Brace to


the top which has prompted reforms in 46 states around the country.


race to the top. I want to hire more teachers and create more spot


in our community colleges so people can get trained for jobs that are


there. And I want to make sure we keep tuition low for our young


people. When it comes to our taxes, Governor Romney and I believe the


corporate tax rate is too high. I want to know it, particularly for


manufacturing. Take it down to 25%. And I want to close those loopholes


that are giving incentives for companies that are shipping jobs


overseas. I want to provide tax breaks for companies in the US. On


energy, Governor rummy and I agree that we have to boost American


energy production. -- Governor Romney. Add oil and natural gas


production are higher than they have been in years. But I also


believe we have to get the energy sources of the future, like wind,


solar and so on, and make those investments. That is possible but


we need to close the deficit. One of the things I am sure we will


discuss his how to deal with taxes and make sure that we are reducing


spending in a responsible way and revenue


revenue to make those investments. This is where there is a difference.


Governor Romney's central plan calls for a five trillion dollars


tax cut. On top of the extension to the other taxes. And two trillion


dollars in military spending, that the military has not asked for.


That is eight trillion dollars. We can only paper that by reducing


debt of it and making payments, without dumping those costs on


middle class Americans. That is a big central question. Both of you


have spoken about many different things and we will try to get


through them in as specific a way as possible. First, Governor Romney,


do you have a question you would like to ask President Obama about


what he said? First of all, I do not have a five trillion dollars


off off the scale you spoke about. I


believe we should provide tax High income people are doing fine


in this economy. They will do fine weather you a present or I am. The


people having a hard time our middle income Americans. They have


been very... They have been crushed under your policy. They have seen


their income come down by $4,300. This is a tax in and others - tax


in itself. It has been crashing. And gasoline prices have doubled.


are are up. Healthcare costs have gone


up by $2,500 a family. The question is, how do you get them going


again? Energy, trade, the right training programmes, balancing our


budget. Those are the cornerstones of my plan. But the President


Richard a c First, education. That is key. --


mentioned. Our training programmes now, 47 of them, report to eight


different agencies. Overhead is dollars


dollars back to the States and go to the workers so they can create


their own part ways to get the training they need. The second area,


taxation. We have to bring them down. Both for corporations and


individuals. But so that we do not lose revenue, I also know what


deductions in credits and exemptions so that we keep taking


in the same money when you account for growth.nergy


is critical. The President pointed out that production of oil and gas


in the US is up. But not due to his policies. In spite of his policies.


Mr President, all of the increase in natural gas and oil has happened


on private land, not government. On government line, your


administration has cut the number of permits and licences in half. If


I am President, I will double them and get the oil from offshore and a


Lasker and bring that pipeline in from Canada. And I like coal. --


Alaska's. People in the oil industry feel it is getting crushed.


-- coal industry. America should be energy independent. Finally, in


regards to the tax cut, I am not looking to cut massive taxes and


reduce revenue going to government. My number one principle is there


will be no tax cut that adds together as it. No tax cut that


adds to the deficit. But I want to reduce the burden paid by middle


income Americans. And to do that, that means I can't reduce the


burden paid by a high income Americans. Any language to the


contrary is something not accurate. Let's talk about taxes. It is


obstructed. Four years ago when I stood on this stage, I said that I


would cut taxes for middle class families. That is exactly what I


did. We cut taxes for middle class families by about $3,600. The


reason is, because I believe that we do best when the middle class is


doing well. By giving them those tax cuts, they had more money in


their pockets. Maybe they can buy a new car. They are certainly a


better position to weather the through. They can buy a computer


for the child going to college. That means they are spending more


money, business has more customers and hire more workers. Governor


Romney's proposal, that he has been promoting for 18 months, calls for


top of two trillion dollars additional


military. He says that he is going to pay for it by closing loopholes


has has been asked over 100 times how


you would close those deductions and loopholes. He has not been able


to identify them for a start I will make an important point. When you


add up the loopholes and deductions that upper income individuals can...


Are currently taking advantage of, you take those all the way, you do


not come close to paying for five additional


additional military spending. That is why independent studies are


looking at this. They say the only way to meet Governor Romney's


pledge of not producing deficit, or burgeoning


burgeoning middle class families. They would pay about $2,000 more.


That is not my analysis, that is the analysis of the economists who


down down Economics where those at the


top are doing well, so the average person is getting a $250,000 tax


break, while middle class families are burdened further, that is not


what I believe is a recipe for 5th leads stay on taxes. What is


the differesaid about my tax plan is inaccurate. I


am not looking for a five trillion place a tax cut that would add to


the deficit. No economist can say it my tax plan adds five trillion


if I say I would not add to the deficit with my tax plan. I would


not reduce the share paid by high income individuals. I know it is a


popular thing to say. I have five boys. I am used to people saying


something that is not always true and hoping I will believe it. That


is not the case. I would not reduce the taxes paid by high income


circumstances, raise taxes for what


what taxes. He cites a study. There are six other studies that it did a


study and say it is completely wrong. I saw a study that said he


would raise taxes. There are many bottom


bottom line. I want to bring down rates. I want to know what


deductions, exemptions and credits and so forth so we keep getting the


revenue when he. Then why not the rates? The reason is because small


business pays their individual rate. 54% of American workers work in


businesses that are not taxed at individual


individual tax rate. It's we know hire


hire more people. This is about jobs. This is about jobs for the


American people. Do you challenge his


on this tax Five weeks before the election, he


is saying his big bold idea is never mind. The fact is, if you are


lowering the rates the way you describe, it is not possible to


come up with it enough deductions and loopholes that only affect high


income individuals to avoid either raising the death has said all


burden in the middle class. -- deficit. It is naff. We do share a


deep interest in encouraging interest - Maxwell business growth.


My tax plan has lowered taxes for taxes for s


taxes fo18 times. What unwanted do is continue the


tax cuts we have put in place for small businesses and families. I


have said for incomes over $250,000 a year, we should go back to the


rate we had when Bill Clinton was President and we created over 20


million new jobs. When fund deficit to surplus and created more


millionaires. By doing that, we can reduce the deficit, we can


encourage job growth through small businesses, but we are also able to


make the investments that are We


We do have a difference when it comes to definitions of Small


Business. Under my plan, 97% of small businesses would not cede the


income taxes go up. Governor Romney say the top 3%, they are the job


creators. Btion, they are or a bunch of millionaires


and billionaires who are small businesses. Donald Trump is a small


business. I know he does not like to think of himself as more


believe, will not grow our economy because the only way to pay for it


without burss or blowing up a deficit is to make


drastic cuts in things like education, making sure we are


continuing in basic science and making


making American growth. That would be a mistake. So everybody


understand. We are way over our first 15 minutes. No problem. I


don't have a problem because we are still on the economy. We will come


the deficit. Mr President, you are absolutely right. 97% of the


businesses are not taxed at the Betty 5% tax rate. Those businesses


that are in the last 3% of the businesses employ half of all the


people who work in small business. Those are the businesses that


employ one quarter of all of the workers in a matter. Your plan is


to take their tax rate from Betty 5% to 40%. Idle to a guy who has a


very small business. He has for employees. He says he any summer


Cabinet how much they pay in taxes. Federal income tax, stayed in


contacts, the state property tax, plan is to take the tax rate


unsuccessful small businesses from 35% to 40%. But will cost 700,000


jobs. I don't want to cost jobs. My priority is jobs. I will bring down


the tax rates, no deductions and exemptions, the same idea to get


the rates down, lower deductions to create more jobs because there is


nothing better for getting us to a balanced budget than to have more


people working, earning more money, paying more taxes. That is the most


effective and efficient way to get this budget balanced. You may want


to move onto another topic but I want to say this to the American


people. If you believe we can cut taxes by five trillion dollars and


add to trillion dollars in additional spending that the


military is not asking for. Seven trillion dollars, just to give you


a sense, over ten years, that is more than our entire defence budget.


The bid by closing loopholes and deductions for the will to do,


somehow you were not end up picking up the tab, then governor Romney's


plan may work for you. Mathew, common sensws us


that is not a recipe for job growth. -- math. We have tried both


approaches. Mitt Romney's plans had us ended up moving from surplus to


deficit. It culminated in the West fun and a crisis since the Great


Depression. Bill Clinton had the approach I am talking about.


created created 23 million new jobs. We


went from deficit to surplus and businesses did very well. In some


ways, we have some data on which approach is more likely to create


for America for Americans. I believe the


economy works best when middle class families get tax breaks so


didn't have some money in their pockets. And those who have done


well because of this magnificent afford to do a little bit more to


make sure we are not blowing up the deficit. The President began the


word. word. Many make this comment. Let


me repeat what I said. I am not in favour of a five trillion dollars


tax cut. My plan is not to put in place anyththe


tax -- deficit. That is not my plan. Let's look at history. My plan is


not like anything that has been tried before. My plan is to bring


down rates and the set -- deductions, exemptions and credits


at the same time. We bring down rates to get more people working.


My priority is putting people back to work in America. They are


the the evidence of the last four years.


It is extraordinary. We've got for stopped


stopped looking for work in this country. -- 23 million. 40 million


are on food stamps today. Economic growth is slower than last year.


Going forward with the status quo is not going to cut for the


American people who are struggling today. We are still on the economy.


This is theoretically a second segment on the economy.


Specifically on what to do about the federal deficit. And the


question, you each have two minutes on this, Governor Mitt Romney you


go first because the President went first on Sepp Blatter one. What are


the on how you will go about tackling the deficit problem in


this country? I am glad you raised that. It is a critical issue. Not


just an economic issue. It is a moral issue. It is not moral for my


generation to keep spending more than we taking. Knowing those


burdens will be passed onto the next generation. There will be


paying the interest and the principal or their allies. And the


amount of debt we're adding, one trillion a year, is not moral. How


do we deal with it? There are three ways you can cut a deficit. One is


to raise taxes. Number two is to cut spending. Number three is to


grow the economy. More people work, fare paying taxes and the job gets


done that way. The President would prefer it raising taxes. The


problem with raising taxes is that it slows down the rate of growth.


You can never quite get the job done. I want to know were spending


and encourage economic growth at the same time. What will I cut? I


would elimi by this test if they do not pass it.


Is the programme so critical it is pay for it? If not, and get rid of


it. Obamacare is on my list. I will get rid of that. I. Subsidy to PBS.


I like PBS. I like you to. But I am not going to keep spending money on


to pay for that are cu


that are currently good programmes but I think there will be run more


efficiently on the state level and send them to stay. I'll make the


government more efficient. I will cut down employees, combined


agencies. This is the approach we have to take to get America to a


balanced budget. The President said he will cut the deficit in half.


Unfortunately, he doubled it. Trillion dollar deficits for the


last four years. He has put as much debt held by the public as all


prior Presi is the President, two minutes. When I


walked into the Oval Office, I had gratingly. You know where that came


from. Two was paid for by a credit card. Two touts cuts that were not


paid for. And a lot of programmes that were not cut -- paid for. And


a massive e that, what we have so, yes, we have


had to take initial emergency measures to make sure we do not


sleep -- slip into a depression. Let's make sure we are cutting out


those things that are not helping us grow. 77 a government programmes,


anything from aircrafts that the air force had ordered but were not


working very well, 18 government programmes for Education that were


well-intentioned but when I helping kids learn. We went after a medical


- in Medicare and Medicaid. His work with Democrats and Republicans


to cut $1 trillion out of Ralph domestic budget. That is the


largest car of in the Budget since Dwight Eisenhower. We know we have


to do more. I put forward a specific four trillion dollars


deficit reduction plan. It is on the website, you can look at all


the numbers, would cut the make and what revenue we raised. The way we


duet is $2.50 for every Cup, we asked for a dollar of additional


revenue. Paid for by asking those of us to have done very well to go


should be a little bit more to reduce the deficit. That is how the


it. This is a major difference between us. Many just finished his


point. You are looking for contrast. When Ronnie stood on the stage with


nomination, he was asked, would you take $10 of spending cuts for just


$1 of revenue? And he said no. If he takes such an unbalanced


getting out investments in schools and education, it means governor


Romney talked about Medicaid and how we could send it back to the


30% cut in the primary programme right


Will you support Simpson dolls? Bowles. I have my own plans. The


President should have granted, fight for it. That is what


done. done. We are putting it before


Congress now. You have present -- been President four years. If you


are re-elected, we will get to a one trillion dollars debt. You said


before you would cut it in half. I love what you said about four


trillion dollars worth of cuts. We still show trillion dollar deficit


every year. That does not get the job done. Why is it that I don't


want to raise taxes? Actually, you said that in 2010, I will extend


the tax policies that we have. When when we are


when we are in recession, you should not raise taxes on anybody.


-- slow. It is still going slow. Slower than when you made that


statement. If you believe the same thing, you just don't want to raise


taxes on people. The reality is, it is not just Donald Trump you are


Thaksin. It is all of the businesses that up very small. --


taxing. That is why your plan will kill 700,000 jobs. I don't want to


to the taxes. We have had this that


that in order to reduce the deficit, they have to the rope -- revenue in


addition to cut. Governor Romney has ruled out revenue. Absolutely.


Com pete the? The revenue I get is by more people working, are getting


higher pay, paying higher taxes. -- completely. The idea of taxing


people more, putting people out of balance the


balance the budget by raising taxes. Spain spends 42% of its economy on


government. We are now spending 42% of our economy on government. I


don't want to go down that path, of growth that puts Americans to work


with more money coming in because you


you say in order to get the job done, it has to be balanced? If we


are serious, we have to take a balanced ap just


individual taxes. Let's talk about corporate taxes. I have identified


areas where we can ride away make a change that I believe would


corporate corporate welfare. They get


deductions that small businesses do not get. Does anybody think that


the companies need extra money when they make money every time you go


to the pump? Why would we want to eliminate that? Why don't we


eliminate tax breaks for corporate jets? If you have a corporate jet,


you can probably afford it. When it comes to talk -- corporate taxes,


Governor Romney says he wants to be a revenue neutral way, close


loophole deductions. He has not identified which ones they are. But


rate. I wan rate. I want to do the same thing


that I have identified. Part of the way to do it is not give tax breaks


to companies that are shipping jobs overseas. You can take a deduction


right now for moving a plan overseas. I think most Americans


would say, that doesn't make sense. If we take a balanced approach,


what that then allows us to do is also to help young people, the way


we already have, make sure that they can afford to go to college.


It the is the teacher I met in Las Vegas, a wonderful young lady, who


describes to me that she has 42 kids in her class. The first two


weeks, she has some of them sitting on the floor until finally they get


reassigned. They are using text books that are ten years old. That


is not a recipe for growth. That is not how America was built. And so


Budget reflect choices. We will have to make decisions. If we are


asking for no revenue, that means we have to bunch


of stuff. The magnitude of the tax cuts you are talking about,


Governor Romney, would result in Severe hardship for people. More


importantly, it would not help us grow. Renewed talk about shifting


businesses, we are talking about potentially a 30% cut in Medicare.


-- when you talk about. That may not seem like a big deal when it is


just numbers on paper. But if we talk about a family that hastic


autistic child and his depended on that Medicaid, it's a big problem.


And governors are creative but not creative enough to make up 30%


revenue on something like Medicaid. breaks. First of all, the


Department of Energy says the tax breaks for oil companies is $2.8


billion the year. It's a treatment that has been in place for 100


years. It is time to end it. In one year, you provided $90 billion in


breaks to the green energy world. I like green energy as well but that


is about 50 years' worth of what oil and gas receives. This too $0.8


billion goes largely to small companies. But if we get that tax


rate from 35% down to 25%, that money is on the table. -- $2.8


billion. But don't forget, you put of breaks, into solar and wind. A


friend said he did not just pick the winners and losers, you pick


the losers. This is not the kind of policy we want to get America


energy Secure. A second topic. I have been in business for 25 years.


I have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe I need a new


accountant. The idea that you get a break for shipping jobs overseas is


not the case. What we have his money coming from overseas back to


this country. Finally, Medicaid, I would like to take the Medicaid


get what you got last year plus inflation, plus 1%. And then you


will manage the care for your poor in the way you think best. I


remember as a governor when this idea was floated, the governors,


Republicans and Democrats, said police let us do that. We can care


for our own poor. -- please let us. They have the federal government


tell us how to care for our poor. What a magnificent thing, the idea


that states are the laboratories of democracy. Do not let the federal


government tell everybody what kind of training programmes they have to


have and what kind of Medicare they have to have. And if the state get


in trouble, we can step in and see if we can find a way to help them.


But the right approach is one that relies on the brilliance of our


people and state. We are still on the economy but another part of it.


This is Segment three. Entitlements. The first answer goes to you, two


minutes, Mr President. Do you see a major difference between the two of


you on social security? I suspect that on social security we have got


a somewhat similar position. Social security is structurally sound. It


will have to the Tweed, the way it was with Ronald Reagan. -- tweaked.


But I want to speak about the values behind social security and


Medicare. My grandmother helped to raise me. She died three days


before I was elected President. She was fiercely independent. Only add


a high-school education, was a secretary and ended up being the


vice-president of a local bank. She lived alone by choice. The reason


she could be independent was because of social security and


Medicare. She worked all her life, put in this money and understood


that there was a basic guarantee. That is the perspective I bring


when I think about what is called entitlements. The name itself


implies some sense of dependency on the part of these folks. Folks that


have worked hard, like my grandmother. And there are many


others like that. My approach is to say, how do we strengthen the


system over the long-term? In Medicare, what we did was we said,


we are going to have to bring down the cost if we are going to deal


with the long-term deficit. But to do that, let's look at where the


money is going. $716 billion we were able to save from the Vedic


get programmed by no longer over paying insurance companies by


making sure that we were not overpaying providers and by using


that money, we can lower prescription drugs for seniors by


$600. And we were also able to make a significant dent in providing


them the kind of preventive care that will alter that we save money


throughout the system. So, the way for us to deal with Medicare in


particular is to lower healthcare costs. -- alternately. But in


regards to social security, you do not need any major structure


changed. To follow up on this, Governor Romney you have two


minutes on social security and entitlements.


Our seniors depend on these programmes. Offered me to talk


about entitlements. -- often. Either the President nor I are


proposing any changes for any current retirees or near retirees,


either to social security or Medicare. If you are 64 older, you


do not have to listen further. But for younger people, we have to talk


about changes. I was wrong when I said the President was not


proposing any changes. He is on Medicare. -- if you are 60 or older.


Four current retirees, he is cutting money for the programme. He


says by not overpaying providers. Just going to them and saying we


will reduce your great and everybody will get a lower rate.


That is not just going after pay -- places where there is abuse. Some


percentage of hospitals and nursing homes say they will not take any


more Medicare payments. 50% of doctors say they will not take any


more Medicare patients. We have 4 million people on Medicare


advantage that will lose it because of the $760 million worth of cuts.


How can you cut Medicare $716 billion for current recipients and


Medicare? You point out we are giving some back. That is one -- $1


for every 15 you have cut. They are smart enough to know that is not a


good trade. I want to take the money you have cut and put it back


into Medicare. We can include a prescription programme. But the


idea of cutting $716 billion from Medicare to be able to balance the


additional cost of a bummer care is a mistake. With regards to young


people, I have proposals to make sure Medicare and social security


are there without any question. -- cost of other care. The essence of


the plan is that you will turn Medicare into a programme called


Premium support. It's understood... You don't to support that? No.


If you are 54 off 55 you may want to listen. This may affect you.


original idea is that we would give a voucher to seniors and make them


go out into the private market place and by their own health


insurance. The problem is because the Thatcher would not necessarily


keep up with healthcare inflation, it would cost the average senior


about $6,000 a year. There is still a problem. Those in shares


companies are pretty clever at figure gap who are the younger and


healthier seniors. They recruit them, leaving the Olda, sicker


seniors in Medicare. Every healthcare economist who looks at


it says over time, the traditional Medicare system will collapse. Then


we have folks like my grandmother at the mercy of the private health


insurance system at the time when they are most in need of decent


healthcare. I do not think vouchers are the right way to go. This is


not only my opinion. The savings we obtained from Medicare bolster the


system, length and the trust fund by eight years, benefits were not


affected by all. Ironically, if you repeal Obamacare, and I had been


fond of this term, if the repeal it, what happens is those seen years


will be paying $600 more in prescription care. They have to pay


for basic check-ups that can keep them heavier. The primary


beneficiary of that repeal our insurance companies. It is


estimated they will gain billions of dollars back when they are not


making senior as any healthier. I do not think that is the right


approach mac comes to making sure Medicare is stronger over the long-


term. We will talk specifically about healthcare in a manner. Do


you support the voucher system, governor? I support no change for


current retirees. The President's supporters taking over $700 billion


and of that programme. That is number one. Number two is for


people becoming a long cool young. We make sure we did it Medicare in


place for them. We allow them to choose the kind Medicare programme


or a private plan. Their choice. Do we have at least two plans that


will be entirely of no cost to them. -- Day War have at least. If the


government can be as efficient as the private sector and offer


premiums as low as the private sector, people will be happy to get


tradition Medicare or get a private plan. I would rather have a private


plan. I don't want the government is to me what healthcare I can get.


But people make their own choice. The other thing we do to save


Medicare is to have to have higher benefits for lower income. But for


high income people, we have to lower some of the benefits. We have


to make sure the programme is there for the long-term. The idea came,


not even Paul Ryan, it came from Bill Clinton's chief of staff. This


is an idea there has been around for a long time. If we get


competition in the Medicare world, people can get the choice of


different plans at lower-caste and better quality. I believe in


competition. If I can just respond very quickly. Every study has shown


that many care has low administrative cost them private


companies. Private insurers have to make a profit. Nothing wrong with


that. That is what they do. You have high administrative costs,


plus the prospect on top of that. - - profit. If you are going to save


any money, what has to happen is that the money has to come from


somewhere. And when the mood to a voucher system, you are putting


seniors at the mercy of those insurance companies. And over time,


if traditional Medicare has decayed or fallen apart, then they are


stark. This is the reason why it has been said that your plan will


weaken Medicare substantially. And that is why they were supportive of


the approach that we took. One last point I want to make, we do have to


know what the cost of healthcare. Not just in Medicare. But overall.


That is a big topic. Is that a separate topic? The President said


the government can provide the service at a lower caste. It will


always be the best product that people can purchase. My experience


is the private sector will provide a better product at a lower cost.


Ken you agree that the voters have a clear choice between the two of


the in Medicare? Absolutely. What is your view about the level of


federal regulation of the economy right now. Too much? In your case,


Mr President, should there be more? This is not a new to read -- two


minutes Segment. Then we will go to healthcare. We deletion is the


central. You cannot have a free market work if the dinner have


regulation. -- regulations are the central. You have to have


regulations so you can have an economy work. At the same time,


regulations can be excessive. now? In some places years. It can


become out of date. You have seen regulation become excessive and it


has hurt the economy. Let me give you an example. There are some


unintended consequences that are harmful to the economy. 122


Committee and small banks have closed. Here is another. D1 to


repeal it? I want to repeal it and replace it. You have to have


regulation. You need transparency. Unita had been a budget limits. --


you need to have. Let him have a response. This is a great example.


There has been such an enormous economic crisis... It was prompted


by reckless behaviour across the board. It was not just on Wall


Street. You have learned officers who were giving loans and mortgages


that really should not have been given because they did not qualify.


But people were borrowing money to buy houses they could not afford.


Credit agencies were stamping bees as great investments when they were


not. You also have banks are making money, churning out products that


the bankers themselves do not understand. In order to make big


profits but knowing it made the entire system vulnerable. What did


we do? We step in and had the toughest reforms on Wall Street


since 1930s. We said you have to rage a capital requirements. He


cannot engage in some of the risky behaviour. We will make sure bet


you have a living will so we can know how you're going to wind


things down if you make a bad debts are we do not have other bail-out.


We also made sure that all the help we provided those banks were paid


back with interest. Governor Romney says he wants to repeal it. I


appreciate it. It appears we have some agreement that a market place


needs to have some regulation. But in the past, he says he just wants


to repeal it and roll it back. The question is does anybody out there


think that the big problem we had is that there was too much


oversight and regulation of Wall Street? If you do, then governor


Romney is you cannot day. That is not what I believe. -- your


candidate. We have to have regulation in Wall Street but I


would not designate five banks too big to fail and give them a blank


cheque. That is one of the unintended consequences of this. It


was not thought through properly. It is chilling regional and small


banks. -- is killing. The regulation says we have to have


qualified mortgages and if he did not qualify and mortgages, there


are big penalties. But they never define what a qualified mortgage is.


It has been two years and we still do not know. Banks are reliable did


to make loans and mortgages. Try and get a mortgage today. It is


hurting the housing market. It was not anticipated what regulations


you needed to have. Sometimes they do not come up with a clear


regulation. I will make sure we do not hurt the functioning of our


market place and our businesses, because I want to bring back


housing and get good jobs. We have another clear difference between


the two of you. Let's move to healthcare. I know there is a clear


difference. That has to do with the affordable care acts. That means


two minutes each. You go first, governor Romney. You want to repeal


it. I'm sure did. It comes from my experience. A woman came to me and


said I cannot afford insures for myself and my son. I met a couple


who said, we're thinking about dropping Alan shares because we


cannot afford it. And the number of small businesses I have gone to who


said they are dropping their shares because they cannot afford it. We


have to deal with cost. -- insurance. The Congressional Budget


Office says will cost 200 and -- 200 $1,000 a year more traditional


insurers. It is adding to the cost. By this year, he would have brought


down the cost of insurance for each family. It has gone up by that


amount. It is expensive. Expensive things hurt families. That is why


add to not wanted. It cuts $716 billion from Medicare to pay for.


It puts in place an unelected board which was tell people what kind of


trick mistaken have. I do like that idea. -- do not. I do not know how


the President could come into office, facing 22 million people


out of work, rising unemployment, and economic crisis at the kitchen


table, and spent his energy and passion fighting for Obamacare and


son are fighting for jobs for the American people. It has killed jobs.


We must crack a plan on the state level that fits the knee of the


state. Then let's focus on getting the cost down for people. Rather


than raising it. Mr President? years ago when I was running for


office, I was travelling around and hand -- around and having the same


conversations. It was not just that small businesses work seen class


scarab good and they could not get affordable coverage even if they


wanted to provide it to their employees. It was families. They


were worried about going bankrupt if they got sick. Millions of


families, all across the country. They had a break existing condition.


-- pre-existing. They do not have enough money to pay the bills


because the insurance companies say they have hit the limit. We did


work on this, alongside with working on jobs. This is part of


the plan to make sure middle class families are secure in this country.


Let me tell you what Obamacare did. If you have got held in shares, it


does not mean a government takeover. You keep your own insurance. But it


does say insurance companies can jerk you around. -- cannot. Bacon


nine per as arbitrary lifetime limits. They have to let you keep


your kid a new insurance plan until you 26. It also says you going to


have to get rebates if insures companies are said -- spending


Morar on administrative costs and profits than they are on actual


care. If you do not have health insurance, we are setting up a


group plan. This is a BBC News special. You alive in Denver


Colorado with a special coverage of the first televised debate of the


2012 presidential debate campaign. Back to the debate now. Be an irony


is, we have seen this model of work really well. In Massachusetts.


Governor of one needed a good thing, working with Democrats in the state


to set out what is essentially the identical model. As a consequence,


people are covered there. It has not destroy jobs. As a consequence,


we have a system in which we have the opportunity to start bringing


down class. Your five seconds when I did with my first statement but I


will go on. First, I like the way we did it is Massachusetts. I like


the fact in may state we had Republicans and Democrats work


together. Instead you pushed through a plan without a single


Republican vote. When Massachusetts reelectricityed a Republican


Senator to stop Obama Care you pushed it through anyway. We in the


legislation 87% Democrat worked together. 200 only voted against


the plan by the time we finished. We did not raise tax. You have


raised them by $1 trillion under Obama Care. We did not cut Medicare


by $1 716 million. We did not tell people what kind of treatments they


would receive or do something a number of people across this


country recognise - put people in a position where they will whose the


insurance they had and wanted. Right now the CBO says up to 20


million people will lose insurance as Obama Care goes into effect next


year. Likewise a study by McKenzie and company of American businesses


said 30% anticipate dropping people from coverage so for those reasons,


for the tax, for Medicare, this barred and people losing their


insurance, this is why the American people do not want care kairb. It


is why Republicans - Obama Care - said do not do this. Republicans


put a plan out, a bipartisan plan that was swept aside. I think


something this big, this important has to be done on a bipartisan


basis and we have to satisfy President who can reach across and


fashion important legislation with the input from both parties


Governor Romney says this has to happen on a bipartisan basis, this


is a Republican idea. Governor Romney at the beginning of this


date wrote and said at we did in Massachusetts could be a model for


the nation. I agree the Democratic legislatures in Massachusetts might


have given advice the Republicans in Congress about how to cooperate.


We use the same advisors and they say it is the same plan. When


Governor Romney talk about this board, for example, unelected board


we have created. What this is, is a group of health care experts,


doctors, to figure out how can we reduce the cost of care in the


system overall? Because there are two ways to deal with our health


care crisis - one is to simply leave a whole bunch of people


uninsured and let them fend for themselves, to let businesses


figure out how long they can continue to pay premiums until they


give up and workers are no longer insured which has been the trend


line or alternatively we can figure out how to make thes cost of care


more effective and there are ways of doing it. So at Cleveland Clinic


one of the best health care systems in the world, they actually provide


great care, cheaper than average. The reason they do is because they


do some smart things. They say if a patient situation in, let's get all


the doctors together at once, do one test instead of having the


patient run around with 10 tests, let's make sure we provide care so


ecatch the onset of something like diabetes. Let's pay providers on


the basis of performance as opposed to on the basis of how many


procedures they have engaged in. So this board identifies best practice


an says let's use the purchasing power of Medicare and Mehdi -Cade


to help institution lies all the things we do when Obama Care is


fully implemented we will be in a position the show that costs are


going down and over the last two years health care premiums have


gone up, it is true, but they have gone up slower than any time in the


has 590 years. So we are beginning see progress. In the meantime folks


out there with insurance you are already getting a row bait.


Governor Romney says we will replace it but has not said who to


but other than leave to it the States. The fact of the matter is


that so prescriptions he has offered like letting you buy


insurance across 'Stateline's, there is no indication that that


somehow will help someone with a pre-existing condition be able the


finally buy insurance. In fact it is estimated by repealing Obama


Care you are looking at 50 million people losing health insurance at a


time when it is slightly important. Governor what would you do if Obama


Care is repeal? How would you replace it? It a lengthsy


prescription but prey existing conditions are covered, young


people can stay on their family plan which is offered in the


private marketplace. You do not need a government the pan date that


for that to occur. But let's come back the something to the President


and I agree on - the key fast being in health care is to get the cost


down so it is more affordable for families. He has a model for doing


that a board of people, an unelected appointed board of


government who will decide what kind of treatment you should V in


my opinion the Government is not effective in bringing down the cost


of almost anything. As a matter of fact, free people and free


enterprise trying to find people to do things better will be more


effective in bringing down the cost than the Government will ever be.


Your example of the level land Clippic is a case in point along


with others I could describe. These are enterprises competing with each


other learning how to do better and better jobs. I used to consult to


businesses, hospitals, health care providers. I was amazed at the


creativity and innovation that exists in the American people. To


bring the cost of health care down we do not need a board of 15 people


telling us what kinds of treatments we should V we instead need to put


insurance plans, providers, hospitals, doctors on target such


that they have an incentive as you say, performance pay for doing a


excellent job keeping costs down and that is happening. Mao clinic


does it well. Cleveland Clinic, others. But the right answer is not


to have the Federal Government take over health care and start


mandating the providers across America telling it a patient and a


doctor what kind of treatment they can have. Is the wrong way to go.


The private market and individual responsibility always work best.


Let me just point out first of all this board we are talking about


cannot make decision boss what treatments are given. Is explicitly


prohibited in the law - decisions about. Let's go back to what


Governor Romney indicated that under his plan he would be able to


cover people with pre-existing. ACTUALLY, GOVERNOR, THAT IS NOT


























DO NOT KNOW WHICH ONES. I think American people have to ask


themselves the reason Governor Romney is keeping plans to replace


secret because they are too good is? It because somehow middle-class


families will benefit too much from them? No, the reason is because


when we reform Wall Street, when we tackle the problem of pre-existing


conditions, then these are tough problems and we have to make


choices and the choices we have made have been ones that ultimately


benefit middle-class families across the country. I have to


respond to that, which is my experience as a Governor that is if


I come in and lay down a piece of legislation and say it is my way or


the eye way, I do not get a lot done. What I do is the same way


that O'Neil and Regan worked together some years ago. When Regan


ran for office he laid out the principles he was going to foster -


lower tax rates, he said he would blooden the base. You service said


the same thing, you will - broaden the base. You said you would


simplify the tax place, broaden the base. I want to bring down the tax


burden for middle income families. I want to work with Congress saying


what are the ways we can bring down redoes. One way toys have a single


number, make up a number, 25,000, 50,000, anybody can have deductions


up to that amount then that number disappears for hi-income people.


Would could follow Simpson for a model, take deductions by


deductions and make difference as the way. There are alternatives to


accomplish the objective I have, which is to bring down rates,


broaden the base, simplify the code and create incentives for growth.


With regard to health care you have remarkable details with regards the


my pre-existing condition plan. You obviously studied up on my plan. I


do have a plan which deals with people with pre-existing conditions


which is part of my health care plan. What we did in has chew sets


is a mod yol for the station state by state. I -- model. I said that


at the time. The Federal Government taking over health care for the


nation whisking aside the 10th amendment is not course for America


to have a stronger more vibrant economy That is a terrific section


way to our next segment which is the role of government. The role of


government - you are first on this Mr President. The question is this


- do you believe both of you, but you had the first two minute on


this, Mr President - do you believe there is a fundamental difference


between the to of you as to how you view the mission of the Federal


Government? Well, I definitely think there are differences. Um,


the first role of the Federal Government is to keep the American


people safe. That is its most basic function. As Commander in Chief,


that is something that I have worked on and thought about every


single day I have been in the Oval Office. But I also believe that


government has the capacity - the Federal Government has the capacity


to help open up opportunity and create ladders of opportunity and


to create frameworks where the American people can succeed. Look,


the genius of America is the free enterprise system. Freedom and the


fact that people can go out there and start a business and work on an


idea, make their own decisions but as Abe Lincoln understand there are


also some things we do better together. So in the middle of the


civil war Abe Lincoln said let's help to finance the


transcontinental railroad. Let's start the national academy sciences,


let's start land grant colleges, because we want to give these


gateways of opportunity for all Americans because if all Americans


are getting opportunity, we are all going to be better off. Does not


restrict people's freedom, that enhances it. So what I have tried


to do as President is to apply those same principles. When it


comes to education, what I have said is we have the reform schools


that are not working. We use something called Race to the Top,


was not a top-down approach, Governor. We said the States, we


will give you more money if you initiate reforms and as a


consequence you had 46 states around the country who have made a


real difference. But what I have said is let's hire another 10,000


maths and science teachers to make sure we maintain our technological


lead so people are skilled and able to succeed and hard-pressed states


cannot all do that. We have seen lay offs of hundreds of thousands


of teachers and Governor Romney thinks we do not need more teachers


but I do. Is the kind of investment the Federal Government can do, kit


not do it all but it can make a different concerns and as a


consequence we will have a better Tened work force which will create


jobs because companies want to I love great schools. Massachusetts,


our schools are ranked number 1. Great teachers. I reject the idea I


do not believe in great teachers. Every state should make that


decision on their own. The role of government, look behind us. The


constitution and the declaration of independence. The role of


government is to promote and protect the principles of those


documents. Life and liberty. A responsibility to protect the lives


and liberties of our people. That means the military. I do not


believe in cutting the strength of the military. We are endowed by our


Creator with their rights. We must maintain our commitment to


religious tolerance and freedom in this country. We are endowed with


are created by the right to pursue happiness as we choose. We need to


make sure that those who are less fortunate are cared for by one


another. We believe that we are role children of the same college.


We care for those who have difficulties. -- the same God. We


need to provide the pursuit of happiness for our citizens. We also


want to maintain the right of individuals to pursue their dreams.


The Government should not replace that. We are seeing a trickle-down


government approach. The Government thinks it can do a better job than


three people pursuing their dreams. It is not working. One in six


people are in poverty. We have $32 million gone from 32 million people


on foot stems to 47 million people on food stamps. It is time for a


new path. Let us go for some specifics. Education. Does the


federal government have a responsibility to improve the


quality of public education? primary responsibility is at the


state and local level. The federal government can play an important


role. I agree with some of the ideas. The federal government can


get local and state schools to do a better job. I have added that. I


once the children getting federal money, these are disabled or low-


income kids, I want them to be able to go to the school of their choice.


I once the parent and the child to decide where to send them. How do


see the federal government's responsibility to improve the


quality of public education? It has a significant role to play. Through


our programmes we have worked with democratic and Republican


governments. They have an impact. Do you have different views with


the governor Mitt Romney? This is where budgets matter. Burgess


reflect choices. When Governor Romney indicates that he wants to


cut taxes and benefit folks like me and him, to pay for it we are


having to initiate significant cuts and federal support for education.


That makes a difference. The budget reflects many of the principles


that Governor Romney has been talking about. It is not very


detailed. What it did do, you look at cutting the education budget by


up to 20%. When it comes to community colleges. We are seeing


great work done all over the country. We can train people for


jobs that exist right now. One thing that we probably agree on is


that getting businesses to work with community colleges to set up


training programmes. Let me finish my point. They are partnering so


that they can design training programmes and people know there is


a job waiting for them. But that requires some federal support. One


final example. When it comes to making college affordable, one of


the things I did as president was send $60 billion to banks and


lenders as middlemen for the student loan programme. There was


no risk for the banks and lenders. But they were taking billions out


of the system. As a consequence, we have been able to provide students'


assistance and lower interest rates. This is an example where priorities


make a difference. Governor Mitt Romney believes in assistance. But


when he tells a student you should borrow money from your parents to


go to college, that indicates the degree to which there may not be a


focus on the fact that certain people just do not have that option.


They need to have that opportunity and walk through that door. That is


vitally important. We are running out of time. Respond to that.


President, you own your own house and plane, but not to own facts. I


am not going to cut education funding. I can not going to make


changes there. The place to put your money is an indication of wear


your heart is. You put $90 billion in green energy. That would have


hired 2 million teachers. Many of these businesses have gone out of


business. Many are working to be to steer campaigns. -- were


contributing to your campaigns. We do not want to pick winners and


losers. Telling people what kind of health treatment they can receive.


Taking over the healthcare system that has existed in this country.


The right answer is to consider how to make the private sector more


efficient and effective. I propose we grade our schools. So parents


know which schools are succeeding and failing. I do not want to cut


our commitment to education. I want to make it more effective and


efficient. I have that experience. - to such schools are ranked number


one in the nation. -- Massachusetts. It is because I care about


education. We only have three minutes left. I do not want to say


I have done a poor job. You have done a great job. We have lost a


pot. We only have three minutes left. Then we go to closing


statements. I want to ask, in three minutes total time, many of the


legislative functions of the federal government right now higher


in a state of paralysis as a result of Paterson divide. If elected or


re-elected, what would you do about that, Governor? I was elected in a


state where my legislature was 87% democrat. Attica doubt that I had


to get along and work across the aisle. Our schools are number one


in the nation. We cut taxes 19 times. As President I'll sit down


on day one with Democratic and Republican leaders and talk about


the issues and challenges. We have to work on a collaborative basis.


Not because we want to compromise our principles, but because there


is common ground. The reason I am in this race is that because people


are hurting today in this country. We face a deficit that will cross -


- crash future generations. There are developments of concern. We


need to have leadership in Washington that will keep people


together. They do not need to care less if it is a Democrat and


Republican. The Easter President? Governor Romney will have a busy


first day. He will also repeal the healthcare reforms. My philosophy


has been, I will take ideas from anybody. As long as they are


advancing the cause of making middle class family stronger. That


is how we cut taxes for middle class families and small businesses.


That is how we cut one trillion dollars of spending. That is how we


signed three trade deals into law. That is how we repealed do not ask,


do not tell. That is how we ended the war in Iraq. That is how we are


going to end the war in Afghanistan. We have seen progress even under


Republican control of the House of Representatives. But part of being


principled is being able to work out what it is you intend to do.


Not just saying, I'll sit down. You have to have a plan. You have


occasionally got to say no to folks in you're own party and the other


party. We have had some fights between me and the Republicans.


That was a fight that needed to be had. And we were fighting on making


sure that Americans had more security with the health insurance.


That was a fight we needed to have. Part of leadership and Government


is saying what it is you're four Put also been willing to say no to


some things. Governor Romney, when it comes to his own party, has not


displayed the willingness to say no to some extreme parts. That brings


us to closing statements. A coin toss, Governor Romney elected to go


last. I want to thank you and government rummy -- Governor Romney.


I want to thank the University of Denver. Four years ago, we were


going through a major crisis. But my faith and confidence in the


American future is undiminished. The reason is because of its people.


The woman I met in North Carolina who decided at 55 to go back to


school to inspire her daughter and get a new job, because a company in


Minnesota or was willing to give up salaries and perks for their


executives to make sure they did not lay off workers, the workers I


met in Toledo or Detroit. It gives in that sense of pride. They are


helping to build America. The question is how we build on their


strengths. Everything I have tried to do and everything I am proposing


on improving education and closing loopholes foreign companies


shipping jobs overseas for ending the deficit in a way that allows us


to invest in the future. All of those things are designed to make


sure the American people, their genius, their determination is


channelled and they have an opportunity to succeed. Everybody


is getting and doing a fair share. Four years ago, I said I am not a


perfect man and would not be a perfect President. Governor Romney


probably thinks I have kept that promise. But I also said I would


fight every single day on the behalf of the American people. I


have kept that promise. If you vote for me, I will continue that.


Governor Romney. Thank you for tuning in this evening. This is an


important collection. I am concerned about America. I am


concerned about the direction it has been taking over the last four


years. This is a bigger collection than the two of us as individual.


It is an election about the course of America. There are two very


different parts that we have been speaking about this evening. We


will talk about those in future debates. They lead in different


directions. It is, just looking to words. You can look at the record.


You will continue to see a middle class squeeze. In comes going down,


prices going up. You will see chronic unemployment. If I am


president, I will help create 12 million new jobs. The President is


re-elected, the healthcare system will be fully installed. Fatah will


mean a whole different way of life for people on the insurance plan


they had in the past. If I am elected, we will put in place the


kind of principles I've put in place in my own state. We will


focus on getting the cost of healthcare down. If the President


is re-elected to receive a $716 million cut to Medicare. I will


restorer that $716 billion to Medicare. And finally, military.


You will see dramatic cuts. The Secretary of Defence said these


would be devastating. I will not The next debate will be the advice


presidential event on Thursday October 11 at Centre cap college in


Kentucky. For now from the University of deny very, thank you


and goodnight. (APPLAUSE) This is a BBC special. We are there in


Colorado. What do you think? Well, it was certainly serious, Mike. It


Watts 90 minute of solid economic policy, the kind of debate American


voters have been telling me they want to hear. They want to know


about Medicare and taxes. They want to know about social security and


whether people could actually follow it though is a totally


different question. I was incredibly complicated, very


numbers-laden and detated. You have to tread this fine line between


explaining in detail what your policies are going to be while not


losing the audience l I wonder how much this debate managed to do that.


I'm looking at the social media as I'm sure you have been. A lot of


people say Governor Romney in many ways made the running. He was Sian


upbeat and unusual for him homely. The President seemed less energised,


more strained, more tired and there was so much detail if him? Yeah, I


think I would agree with all of that. I think Governor Romney gave


a solid performance. He was crisp. He came across as, you know, as


human as you could come across when you discuss dense economic policy.


He was clear and punchy. I think u I think he looked presidential and


fulfilled that role. Voters who perhaps were wavering about his


credibility as a President certainly in terms of the visuals


of this, will have felt that he managed to fulfil that role. Now,


the big question is going to be whether this debate changes any


minds between now and November 6. To some extent that will depend on


how it was played but I think people were wavering about Governor


Romney and might well feel tonight he gave a very solid performance.


We will run some clips from the debate in a moment. But the


moderator taking quite a kicking on the social media. A lot of people


suggesting he let Governor Romney take over the debate It is


interesting you refer to the social Mead yafplts I have been watching


it too tweeting -- media - I have been tweeting and watching Twitter


during the course of the debate. In previous elections it was cable


television that was the decider of who won and lost these things and


it replayed all the clips. This might be the first presidential


debate where it is Twitter and social media who are the early


arbitors of who wins the depit and you are right suggesting tonight


Governor Romney was the winner and there were questions had the


moderator was punchy enough entrusting them an keeping them on


track incur tailing Governor Romney who certainly over road the


moderator when he told him his time was up. On tax both candidatess


attempted to appeal to the squeezed middle-class. Mitt Romney saying


the pressure they faced is crushing. We should provide tax relief to


people in the middle-class but I'm not going to reduce the high income


people. They will to fine whether you are President or I am. The


people having the hard time are middle income Americans. Under the


President's policies they have been buried. They have been crushed.


Middle income American haves seen their income come down by 4300


dollars. This is a tax of itself, I call it the economy tax. It has


been crushing Added to that Governor Romney crucially for him


denied he would make tax cuts for the rich an repeated there would be


no tax cut that adds to the deficit.There Was 25 minute on


taxation in the course of a 90- minute debate tonight. I think that


underlines how critical a difference this is between the two


candidates. I think it is the most fundamental difference between Mitt


Romney's view of America and the American economy and Barack Obama's


view of how to run the economy. Mitt Romney fundamentally believes


if you give tax cuts to everybody you will get a trickle-down effect


in term of job creations. You should not over-tax the wealthy


because they are the people that create jobs in the country and that


it will stimulate economic growth if you keep tax cuts in place for


everyone. Barack Obama does not believe that and as he said during


the course of this debate, "We have tried that method and it did not


work, it did not stimulate growth and led Tuesday the time of trouble


we got into before the 208 crash". It is not surprising to me they


spent a lot of time on this issue. It is surprising they spent almost


half an hour on it but it was the meet between the difference between


the to candidates. The President was questioned about his tax


policies. He defended the proposals he implemented as President. Four


years ago I said I would cut taxes for middle-class families. We cut


taxes for middle-class families by about 3600 dollars. The reason is


because I believe that we do best when the middle-class is doing well.


By giving them those tax cuts they have a little more money in their


pocket so maybe they can buy a new car. They are certainly in a better


position to weather the extraordinary recession that we


went through. They can buy a computer for their kid who is going


off to college which means they are spending more money, business haves


more customers, businesses make more profits then hire more workers.


Is this fair in addition to laying out in detail his plans and his


defence of his plans I have the sense that Barack Obama was


constantly attacking Governor Romney on a plan that Governor


Romney had said he absolutely was not going to implement. I was not


his plan and there was a slight sense that Mitt Romney was more


sure-footed and swift-footed. He was on the move. President Obama


was not. I wondered half way through the debate whether the


Obama campaign had made the decision they were not going to


attack during the course of this debate. I wonder if that is because


President Obama has done so well in the polls on this issue of


likability, he has been consistently ahead on this issue of


likability. Was that it they decide it was just not worth jeopardising


that? They did not want risk him coming across as unlikeable because


he was attacking Governor Romney. It was almost like President Obama


had decided "I'm not going to rise to the occasion, I'm not going to


keep attacking. I'm not really going to go for this". I'm not sure


if that is what the kolkue laigs was but you are right, Governor


Romney was more sure footed going after the President's record and


attacking that record than the other way around. The debate turned


to deficit reduction. The President outlined the reason behind the $1


trillion deficit he won a when he faced the presidency In the oval


office I had more than $1 trillion deficit greeting me and we know


where it came. From two wars paid for on a credit card. Two tax cuts


that were not paid for and a bunch of programmes that were not paid


for then a massive economic crisis. Despite that what we have said


situation, yes, we had to take some initial emergency measures to make


sure we did not slip into a great depression but what we have also


said is let's make sure we are cutting out the things that are not


helping us grow. Mitt Romney of course has the face down this


constant accusation he is a big money man not in touch with the


American people. He insisted dealing with the deficit was a


moral issue not just an economic one. I think it is not just an


economic issue. I think it it is a moral issue. I think it is frankly


not moral for my generation to keep spending massively more than we


take in knowing purchase denys will be passed onto the next generation


-- those burdens. The amounts of debts we are adding at $1 trillion


a year is simply not moral. So how do we do it? Mathematically there


are three ways you can cut a deficit. One is to raise taxes.


Number two is to cut spending and number three toys grow the economy


because if Moir -- is to grow the economy because if more people work


you can get the job done that way. The President would prefer raising


taxes. I understand. The problem with raising taxes is that it slows


down the rate of growth. You could never quite get the job done. I


want a low - to lower spending and encourage economic growth at the


same time On the back of that Mitt Romney made this point which may


follow with the voters. He said to Barack Obama "You have been


President four years. We still have a $1 trillion deficit. You


President for another four years, we will have more trillion dollar


deficits". How is it going to play, do you think? I thought that was


one of the strongestt point of the debate for Governor Romney when he


and said, "Look what have you done in the last four years in terms of


deficit reduction? You have not done anything" and for conservative


voters worried about the deficit that will have been a strong moment


in the campaign. It was directly questioning the President's record


over the last four years as a quint essential part of the Romney


strategy because what the are trying to say is you have not


achieved in the last four years what you said you were going to.


Your plan is not working, it is now time to give Republicans and to


give my plan a chance. Is the kind of broad backdrop of what


government for Romney was saying. One other thing I would say from


this clip which is so interesting about it being a moral issue which


is so different from America and countries, that is this really is


for very many Americans the deficit is a moral issue and government


spend sing is a moral issue. How to deal with health care can become a


moral issue in the way that it is not in European countries like


economic policy but here it is a issue of value and I think Mitt


Romney will have fund a lot of conservatives ears. Stay with us.


You have been watching a BBC special on the first televised


electial election with Governth Govern


and President Barack Obama. Thank you very The


candidates were asked to define their differences on Obama Care.


Mitt Romney, let's to go clip - he commanded the appeal universal


health care and on the President on jobs. Do not know how the President


could have come into office facing crisis at the kitchen table and


spend his energy over two years fighting for Obama Care instead of


fighting for jobs for the American people. It has killed jobs. The


boast course for health care is to do what we did in my state, craft a


plan at the state level that fits the needs of the state and then


let's focus on getting cost down for people for people an raising


witness the $2500 additional Thank you very much. This was


President Obama's defence of his medical policy. When Obama Care is


fully implemented, we are going to be in a position to show that costs


are going down and over the last two years health care premiums have


gone up, it is true, but they have gone up slower than any time in the


In the meantime, folks with insurance are getting a rebate.


Obama there of course. That concludes our summary of the first


televised presidential debate. There is a sense of some things


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