15/06/2013 Dateline London


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We will have a full bulletin of news at the top of the hour, now it is


London. The United States is to arm the Syrian rebels.


Evan Cordes to the polls at the G8 summit has addresses tax avoidance


Highlands agenda. -- Iran goes to the polls. My guests today are


Thomas Kielinger of Die Welt. Polly Toynbee of The Guardian. Mina al


Oraibi of Asharq al Awsat. And Brian O'Connell, who is an Irish


journalist. The United States formally concluded


this week what many have suspected. The Assad regime and Syria has used


chemical weapons against its own people. The UN says at least 93,000


people have died. The US is talking of arming the Syrian report is well


Russia is arming the Government. Army faced with a conflict with no


end in sight? In terms of this decision to say that we now think


chemical weapons were used by the regime, what do you make of that?


Will always be suspicions, firstly, after a rack about whether they have


got it right and why they decided to save this week. WMD has a terrible


ring to it, doesn't it? It is not perhaps entirely clear to people


whether your children are being hit by rockets whether it is worse by


gas rockets. Why that is a particular Red Line and they are


also saying it is a small episode, I am not sure. I think the West is in


a terrible state, as you say. After Iraq, there is such fear of


intervening. After Afghanistan, ten years and not a lot to show for it.


The appetite of the peoples in the West, whether in the US, Britain or


anywhere else, is diminished. On the other hand, we look there and horror


that the only people not being supported the of democracy. Weapons


are piling in. Sunni, Shia, Assad and not the secularist Democrats.


Are we going to leave them on arms? It is a difficult question. Nina,


how do you think of the timing of this announcement that they are


going to be arms for the rebels? think there are two clear reasons.


One is what is going on on the ground. Everyone is getting arms and


there was increasing pressure in Europe and on the US to feel they


have done something. Somehow, it seems to be that arming is one way


they can go. We see derision getting closer into a label and the


possibility of fighting them. Also the fact that Hezbollah is now


openly involved. The second is the G8. We have Cameron meeting Putin,


Bama seeing Putin, and the pressure on Russia is that chemical weapons


have been used. While I agree that people getting agreed by -- people


getting killed by rockets or bullets is no worse than being gassed,


however, the issue of chemical weapons instantly makes it an


international security issue. They can press the Russians on that and


get them to try to back the security council. I don't see it working but


it is leverage. Do you think that the timing of the G8 is one reason,


perhaps, but to say that they have chemical weapons, there are those


that think it is a very hard-headed reason. That the fact that Hezbollah


have won battles that the Obama administration which is very divided


over what to do suddenly thought it would go Assad's way. Absolutely. I


think there is a belief that military on the ground to that. Sad,


and those that are supporting him, whether Hezbollah, domestically or


others, still has the upper hand. They know that they have to treat


this, and people keep talking about the military balance. However, to be


honest, the sort of firms they are talking about still would not


necessarily change the military balance. -- the sort of arms. There


are too scared to put in a no-fly zone. It is not really a solution,


as such, but is pushing a bounty. It is also telling the people fighting


against Assad that we have the back. Most people are not convinced


of that. Ryan, you don't foresee a coalition of the willing getting


involved here and whatever, and getting around the UN by seeing that


frankly this chemical weapons then change that completely? I don't


think so. I don't think voters would want that. David Cameron has been


saying, he has been more of the persuasion that we need to do


something than Barack Obama but he has to get through a very difficult


vote in the House of Commons. That is not going to be easy in either


party, not just his own backbenchers. The chemical weapons,


I am sure the Americans knew from the get go that this was being used.


They know what is being going on in the ground. It was as convenient a


Red Line is everything. It bought Barack Obama is little sign. The


battle was the point where they realised Hezbollah was involved and


said they were heading for a Sunni stand-off which could spread around


the Middle East and they had to do something. By not seeing is a clue


what he's going to do ahead the G8, and they can sit down in front of


Britain and say that they have put their cards on the table, but now


they need to do something. What are they both now going to be about?


Short of all this stuff about small arms and heavy artillery and then a


no-fly zone then everything else, he has these diplomatic cards to place


on the table depending on what Putin says to him. Paul Lee's point was


well made. In terms of what has happened in Iraq and Afghanistan, if


you were sitting in the White House as commander-in-chief, you would


think that you would just tried to get us out of two difficult wars and


not wanting to go into a third. think it would ruin his second term,


absolutely. I do not think there is the appetite in amongst the American


voters or British voters or anybody else for it. While I tend to agree


with you, you have to remember that the strategic environment is


important. America is a leading part in the indispensable powers, as they


call themselves. You can just let people intervene without doing


anything yourself. They have for two years. There are 92,000 people but


died over two years. But do you remember that Obama's original


policy was no intervention? Big power cannot be disengaged anywhere.


You cannot allow Hezbollah and Iran and the rush of Dom -- Russians to


call the shots without having one of your calling card on the table. What


Obama is after, I suspect, is not much to win the war anything like


that. The supply of weapons is not going to do that. But think of


Geneva. He wants to stop a far from winning and creating an incentive


for him, perhaps, to join a diplomatic negotiation and appear at


the Geneva negotiating table. are very few people who think that


Geneva can get of the ground. supposed already happened. You don't


know. That might cause a sad, fun however, two double see it.


should Assad wants to negotiate? He is winning. That is the idea. You're


not supposed to help the insurgents win the war but to make it


impossible for Assad toured. But the insurgents want it at the table was


a sad anyway. There is such an impasse that, as you say, it is...


On top of that, then, the weapons that he gets, that is no certainty


where those weapons are going. The opposition is a whole disparate of


Jihadist and every thing else. separate groups. How can the


Americans be sure they know where these are going? As an American, you


cannot appear to be not doing anything and allowing other players


to hold sway. Is doing something, if it is the wrong thing, better than


doing nothing? The degree of intervention is so quite clearly


did, not be big and cause too many mistakes. I'm sure those who think


it will be a calibrated response, in other words they will be dipping the


towing. There will be some weapons, see how it goes and then there will


be more weapons. This brings us back to a point that we discussed over


intervention in Libya. This is one of those occasions where you feel


quite sorry for the politicians. There is no easy answer. I think


that's right. I think we should all be glad that we are not the ones


having to sit there and because the pollen call. It is dreadful to watch


good people with good motives being a buy-back will. -- said they are


and make this terrible call. Had it not been for Iraq and Afghanistan,


the Syrians, the secular insurgents in Syria are paying the price of the


errors that were made in the past. think it is also interesting that


everyone makes the reference to these countries. Very few make the


reference to Bosnia. One of the issues here is that if there was


going to be intervention, the sooner the better. Actually, this kind of


gradually putting on weapons are gradually helping only means that


the killing is prolonged. It also means that although we are


protesting, if weapons start going to the rebels it will take a few


weeks. What does that say to the Assad regime? Ramp up militarily.


Trying to give these lifelines makes it worse rather than bringing the


conflict to an end. If the difference not that Syria suddenly


looks epic, huge. It suddenly looks like it will be a conflagration


involving most of the Middle East. Terrifying. Bosnia seemed to be


quite specific and manageable. True, we went in earlier which was


important. I think Tim has a huge part in this. Let's move on. The


people of Iran have been going to the polls to elect a new leader.


While anything really changed as a result? This does look a very odd


process, doesn't it? Maybe some Iranians think it is the only way


their voices can be heard. But when you have six candidates, selected by


the people, and you have to choose from a very narrow ground, it is not


really an expression of public opinion. -- chosen by other people.


I think we can say that about many US primaries also. Money does count.


Money counts. I think you're absolutely right and the fact that


this is not the sort of democracy that everyone would aspire to.


Having said that, I believe it is better than nothing. Also, I don't


think there will be a change overnight with who wins as


president. However, there is some hope that there could be a change of


tone. Shades of reference. That could actually help what seems to be


a complete deadlock when it comes to nuclear weapons, Syria or anything


else. I think, rather than hope that this is a new path to democracy or


for the ringing people themselves -- or that the Iranian people


themselves could get better lives, we will think of this strategically.


If Hassan Rowhani was to win, his tone is much more consolatory. He


did say that when it comes to nuclear weapons, in an interview


with my newspaper, that we cannot seek nuclear weapons. That nuclear


weapons is a writer first. Definitely much more consolatory. In


terms of nuclear power, or weapons, actually, pretty much every Iranian


politician I have ever heard that agrees with that. Do you think it


makes a difference if it is Hassan Rowhani as opposed to one of the


others? I think it does for two reasons. Firstly, the renamed


people. Most are probably fed up with the way the economy is, the


rate of inflation, the devaluation of currency. This is because of the


effect of the sanctions. This is the first thing. Secondly, because they


know that they have had two terms of their president trying to bounce off


the west and getting nowhere. The Morsi opened his mouth, the worst of


God. There has to be a better level of engagement with the West for


anything to happen, before sanctions and the economy can improve. I think


it probably all comes back to the economy. Well, the economy, but also


if you were sitting into Iran and worried about the price of bread, as


many have been, and see a lack of economic development and Iranians


rostering around the world but not at all might also think that we are


getting involved in another foreign adventure in Syria, you may not be


too happy. Citizens in that country will wonder what rights are in the


citizens in our country will wonder what the price of intervention is.


It would mean this, not on a nuclear bases, but on the question of who


ran stalking the fire of foreign conflicts by going in there, that


needs to be solved. Then, the Lord of the citizens and their daily


lives comes into it straightaway. -- the way of the citizens. That way,


Iran could keep its nuclear policy and evolve a new measure to have a


relationship with the West. Whether it will happen a lot we do not know.


The supreme religious readership sits above the president. It is hard


to divine who calls the shots. In Western eyes, presidents are the


supreme figures. To have one step above them. This needs to be sold.


We need to have a direct indication of who calls the shots when it comes


to foreign intervention, when it comes to improving the lot of


everyday life and until that has been answered, the outcome of the


election will be a riddle inside an enigma.


Maybe this is a bit of an clenching going on. If you are an optimist,


you have to believe that peoples, under whatever form of restrictive


government and dictatorship, essentially want freedom. If he wins


in Iran, people are going for the option that expresses that desire.


One has to believe that the people of Iran want to be much more free.


And they won't be constantly stirred up into fear of foreigners as a way


of oppressing them. I think one has to be optimistic and hope for the


best. We have had some people from


Hezbollah going to a Sydney mosque in Syria and putting up a flag. We


have some Egyptian cleric is. The sectarian divisions which have been


held in check in most countries where people tend to get on,


including Lebanon, for many years, they are very strong beneath the


surface for some people. sectarianism is worrying, it has


become blatant. Things that people said behind closed doors -- closed


doors have become accepted. Let the man, when they had the civil war, it


has been building up. -- Lebanon, when they had the civil war. It is


hard to see how people step back when everyone is feeling very


vulnerable. Like you said, when you have things like mosques being


attacked or based solely on sectarian identity... But let's not


forget, Syria is not about sectarianism. Some people say it is


a minority, or might -- or a majority, but it is not about that.


Sadly it has been used by political opportunists to become sectarian so


they can find a doorway to people 's emotions. It is so emotional. The


sectarian identity seems to be one way that you can get arms and


support. Foreign forces use this to their


advantage, Hezbollah being on the Shia site, and Russia. There is a


proxy war going on as well as the sectarian divide using different


camps to promote their own names. That is the uncanny aspect, the


sectarian conflict which has suddenly been erupted and used by


outside forces to stoke the fires of the problems some more. Saying you


have to go in because everybody else is in, it could be a good reason for


standing back. The intervention of Hezbollah has


not suddenly made with a sunny-macro/sheer-macro issue. The


Gulf state have been involved for some time.


The G8 summit in Northern Ireland will discuss coordinated efforts to


close tax loopholes. Some businesses legally find ways of paying no


corporation tax in areas where they make enormous profits. So will the


tax lawyers always find one way of playing one side against another,


especially as naming and shaming always seems to be an issue. But


some companies have been named without being shamed. They looked


quite sheepish when they were being done in by a wonderful Margaret


Hodge in the Public accounts committee, and she said, you do


evil. The people from Amazon had no answers to her questions. And


Starbucks had seen their profits in this country drop since some of us


were campaigning in their shops saying, pay your taxes. I think the


public mood will get to them. You can't avoid Google, pretty difficult


to avoid Amazon, but Amazon is under attack I people like John Lewis and


other retailers, saying that we cannot compete with people who don't


pay their taxes, it is not fair. The politicians on the whole, David


Cameron and the Labour Party have been a bit behind the curve in


catching up. I think the G8 is only the first step, but Britain has two


put its house in order. These dependencies of hours, they are


dependent on us. The Channel Islands, the Turks and Caicos,


Bermuda, the whole lot. When Monaco was stepping too far on tax


avoidance, the president put his troops that the border and turned


off their water supply. Why don't we do the same thing? We could turn off


the banking supply, say our banks cannot deal with tax havens until


they abide by our rules? I thought Amazon and the others said


they had an answer to the problem. They said, change the rules. You are


the lawmakers, we are just using the law. Fair point. I wonder why they


keep hammering these companies rather than looking at themselves


and wondering whether they should change the statute and make it


impossible for them to say they are obeying the law. The ball is in the


Court of the politicians, no doubt. That is where Northern Ireland might


be helpful. The rules that govern the British


Virgin Islands and the Turks and cake are some things were set up


years ago when Britain was more of a trading nation, they needed that


type of thing. They don't now. But David Cameron is in no position to


start trying to force these people. One of the biggest beneficiaries of


the British Virgin Islands are Chinese companies, for example.


There is a lot of stuff that is visible to the British government


which if it were driven elsewhere and written... British Crown


dependencies controlled between ten and 20% of the tax havens in the


world, there is an awful lot of other places that people can go to.


And Ireland itself, this is a slightly different issue. Ireland


compete by having a lower level than elsewhere in the European Union, and


pretty much every other country, while respecting the difficulties


Ireland has with the economy, hates it. Yes, they do. It is particularly


difficult for Northern Ireland right across the border from somewhere


where there is a corporation tax half the level that you will have to


charge. As Eric Schmidt said, the boss of Google, we don't make the


rules, we just abide by them. You can't blame companies for trying to


optimise their tax benefits. I have to declare an interest, I do some


work for Concern Worldwide, they are campaigning with around 200 NGOs to


try to get more tax transparency, particularly with companies


operating in sub-Saharan Africa, quite simply because of those


companies paid governments in Africa what those governments are during


court on tax, whatever the rate, 10% or 20%, it would make it much easier


for them to develop their economies and make it much easier for the


British taxpayer not to have to pay. Tax avoidance members in other


countries... This is on the agenda for the G8, nobody is expecting a


miracle by Tuesday lunchtime or whenever they finish in Fermanagh,


but it is on the agenda. That itself is a start. The Crown dependencies


are Downing Street today talking about it.


Because it is at the G8, it highlights the fact that Britain on


its own, Europe on its own, can't deal with it. It becomes weak. If


written, for example, was to impose all these measures, which it must do


as a first step, on their own, it looks like the UK is missing out and


dependencies are missing out when others could take advantage. I think


this is why David Cameron has put it on the G8 agenda. He wants the G8 to


be about trade, transparency on tax. I am not sure trade will get much


mention with Syria and other issues. It is crucial that it is about


transparency, -- transparency. Two but don't let it be an excuse, until


it is international. Britain itself is a tax haven. We talk about you as


a tax haven, you wicked Irish, but we are a tax haven. Our non-domicile


rules are great. For a piddling sum of money, people can put many here,


pay no tax, by a path of Belgravia, leave it empty, sent property prices


soaring, because we have become a tax haven for oligarchs and


plutocrats of all sorts. But whose fault is that? Is it the fault of


the law makers? Yes, they have been completely inseminated --


intimidated by lobbyists et cetera. Labour made a pact with the devil,


you keep putting money in here and we will leave you alone. It has come


about because of public protest. I'm sorry, we will have to leave


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