24/05/2014 Dateline London


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There's a full bulletin of news at the top of the hour. Now BBC News


Dateline London. Hello and welcome to Dateline


London. Elections in Britain, across the European Union and in Ukraine.


Plus Prince Charles compares Russia's Vladimir Putin to Hitler.


Should he apologise? Putin, I mean? My guests today are Thomas Kielinger


of Die Welt, Stephanie Baker of Bloomberg Markets, Irena Teranyuk of


BBC Global News and Edward Lucas of The Economist One


One year to go before the British general election and in the British


local elections the UK Independence Party has done well, and when the


votes are counted in the European elections they may again enjoy


considerable success. But they promised an earthquake. Is that what


we are seeing? No, it is not an earthquake. And I


still feel when the general election comes, they will be happy to win


more than a couple of seats. They are taking working`class votes from


Labour, disillusioned Tories. It is to his `` too early to see what


effect it will have but as a pro`European, I think it is


deplorable that they have shifted the debate away from the important


things. Europe matters more than ever, that Italy after what is


happening in the `` articulately after what is happening in the


Ukraine. `` particularly. We'll go into it in more detail in a


moment but do you think David Cameron has a chance of reforming


Europe in the British Mitch? There are a lot of countries that


want to extend the open market and take a stronger line against what is


happening in Russia. We have a large chunk of the East Europeans and


North Europeans who are basically on our side and their is a better


prospect to make Europe work the way we want. Not necessarily through


treaties but making existing things work properly. We have seen the EU


busting a gas monopoly in Europe, which is a terrific achievement.


There is more to be done on energy security which will be more


resilient. What do you make of it? Especially


since we don't know the turnout in European elections but a lot of


people think it will be lower than in 2009, when it was 43%. We know


that the British elections, turnout was pretty miserable. It is


difficult to extrapolate. It is difficult to extrapolate it


towards the general election in Britain next year but as far as


European elections are concerned, we can safely claim that UKIP will do


probably better, according to all forecasts. It is a worrying sign


because of what Nigel Farage said about Putin, about immigrants, about


Romanians, rather than guardedly. Ukrainians will be watching the


results with alarm, I think. The European Parliament, if this trend


holds in European elections, of which we will learn on Monday, will


be more to the right. Mainstream European parties will lose ground


but let's hope that a European voice will be strong in Ukraine and Russia


because even though they will lose ground, there will still be a pretty


strong force to stop pressure from further expansion.


It may be a blessing in disguise that UKIP has done so well and


following what Edward says, it could increase the pressure on the


reformist mandate governments in Europe to come together with Britain


and work for a more flexible union. You could say that David Cameron


will, I hope, not put pressure on Brussels to come up with a better


outcome of the negotiations but he could band together with other


governments and say, look at the developments all over Europe. We


have to make the EU work better for the people and improve its image,


improve its Mecca and so forth. `` its regulations.


A lot of people are predicting he will have a significant block of


people who don't want to be part of the parliament that they have been


and did too, like UKIP. Then they may be the more modern


groupings in Russells. They may have to come together and make sure they


defeat this. `` in Brussels. You have to take the world by the horn


and really increase your effort to work for a more effective union.


Stephanie? I think people still receive the


European Parliament is a joke and you can throw away your vote when it


comes to the European elections. The European Parliament has become


incredibly powerful over the last five years since the Lisbon Treaty.


It does have a voice and a strong say in a whole range of legislation


from agriculture, financial regulation, Civil Liberties. No one


really drove home the point with Nigel Farage during this election


campaign that UKIP has the worst voter participation rate in any


European party at the European Parliament, with more than three


seats. He has the 10th worst attendance record.


But that could be a badge of honour. It could be.


He makes a very strong argument that they are all the same, all the other


parties are fundamentally the same and when you talk to Conservatives


and Labour party people, it is an argument they hate because they say


they are not all the same but he makes the argument strongly.


Absolutely. I think there is a disconnect in Europe between


politicians and voters and a feeling that politics is run by a political


cartel that has more in common with each other than the voters. That's


bad and I think the whole way we do representative democracy is based on


an idea from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s of mass voter turnout and that


symptom of the failing current model but I don't think he has the


answer. The alienation people feel about


Brussels is repeated in Britain, where Nigel Farage also says we have


found the mainstream parties no longer listen to the grassroots, to


how people feel. I'm sure there has been too much of an attempt at


political correctness in London to preach to the people what they


think. Paradoxically, I think parties bend


too much time doing focus groups. They are fine tuning their office to


the voters preferences rather than actually concentrating on


leadership. He also makes an argument about


people that go into politics, saying they have not done anything else.


That is factually correct in many cases and it is a big handicap if


you look back on the 50s and 60s at people who served in the military


during the war, perhaps had business interest or trade union interest.


Those people are not in politics anymore.


People have consistently underestimated him and the fact he


did have a previous life before he entered relatives, he has this


bookish, populist demeanour which appeals to a lot of people. ``


blokey, populist demeanour. The other leaders spent most of their


lives in politics. I think underestimate him again when it


comes to the general election because he would do better than most


people expect. On the other hand, I think that the


main issue in the general election will be economics and do we know


what Nigel Farage proposes to solve the housing crisis? How he wants to


increase the competitiveness of the British economy on local markets?


It almost seems like people don't care. The people who vote for him


don't really care. Like the Lib Dems.


Lots of people voted Lib Dem without caring about the policy.


Because they were none of the above. The interesting question, to


me, is whether you denigrate the UKIP gain and forget about


immigration and other things or do you pay up to it? Do you talk about


the EU and immigration more? I think you have got to make a


positive case about Britain because it is a very accessible country.


Immigration has been good for Britain and where you have problems


it is because of system is not working properly. We have very


talented people wanting to come here and work so that is a good thing. If


the doctor 's surgery is badly run, it doesn't matter that the school


doesn't have enough places. That is not an argument against migration.


It is interesting about this UKIP anti`immigration is not cultural. It


is not people saying, I don't like these people speaking Polish. It is


the fact they can't get their kids into school. That is more of the ``


it is not the problem we had with immigration and skin colour before.


Is it that these parties are asking questions or is the question itself


apparent? I think you could have been asking good questions and we


don't have answers. With the BMP, the far right, the question is


abhorrent and we shouldn't try to answer it. `` BMP.


The people of Ukraine go to the polls in effect to offer democratic


legitimacy to the overthrow of the previous regime. Will these


elections result in a government which can control Ukrainian


territory, and deal effectively with Russia?


This is a huge democratic mandate for whoever the next government is,


presumably. The result will be what on the ground?


That is a big question. We pretty much know who the next president of


Ukraine will be because it will be the leader of opinion polls. The


question remains how much of a landslide victory will bring and


whether he will win in the first round of voting tomorrow or three


weeks later. What remains a big issue is how he will reinstate the


government control over the rebellious East. The good point is


the fact that Putin, Russia's president, kindly agreed to


recognise the legitimacy of whoever gets chosen. The task at hand will


be hard. Considering how much bloodshed has been over the last


week in the run`up to the elections and how many attempts were made to


disrupt the whole voting process. Some voting officials were kidnapped


and their fate still unknown. The efforts to disrupt the voting by


Fergus, pro`Russian separatists are tremendous. `` thuggish, pro`Russian


separatists are tremendous. Even without those couple of million


Eastern Ukrainians in the Donetsk region, we are talking about certain


places that won't be allowed to vote, the rest of the regions will


vote. It is a very patchy picture and one town will vote, another town


won't vote because of the thugs terrorising the local population and


threatening to blow up polling stations. Mind you, the turnout in


the Ukrainian elections will be higher than it was here in the


European elections. That is not saying much but the key


point you are making would be the argument that he would say this is


an illegitimate regime that came to power...


It will no longer hold. It is a legitimate government now because it


has been appointed by the legitimate parliament. The acting president had


a bastion of legitimacy. `` a question of legitimacy. Once we have


democratically elected president, there isn't a real opponent against


the leader, Russia will have to accept the result and separatist


will have no backers. The Economist made the point in last


week 's edition that there is a division within the EU those


northern countries tend to be more robust than other countries, who are


not that bothered about what happens in Ukraine? Is that fair enough? The


EU is not speaking in one firm voice about what should happen?


It isn't and I think it is failing, like it did after the Georgian war.


What Putin has basically done is set fire to a neighbouring house and it


is still burning. We might have been able to put out some of it but we


have to have very modest expectations. The Ukrainians are


heroic in the way they go to the polls, even at the risk of death or


kidnapping and so on. Ukraine faces a colossal constitutional crisis of


reconstructing its institutions after an appalling regime. It faces


an economic crisis and part of its territory is occupied by hostile


power. With all respect, we have to have very modest expectations about


what they can do in these circumstances. We allowed this to


happen and the Western response, I think, has been extremely weak and


dangerously so because it has given Putin the impression that we don't


really care about European security. We expect too much from the Western


countries. It is for the Ukrainian people today five `` decide for


themselves what kind of institutional makeup they want. Is


that what the Swiss want or the Russians? Do they want


semi`autonomy? We can lend a hand. There are round table discussions


going on. Is that not the way to go? It is back to front on this. In


conditions of order, countries can decide their Constitution. This is


like saying to Czechoslovakia in 1998, have you considered becoming a


adoration? It is entirely the wrong time. `` a confederation. They want


good government which they have not had for 30 years. Russia wants to be


a good partner. That is complete nonsense! German delusion. Putin has


said it is a territory, not a country. You will continue to lose


out if you continue along those lines. We will link recent sanctions


and take business away. Economically it is going to hurt Russia. Good.


I'd think Putin doesn't want a raging civil war on his doorstep


just as much as he doesn't want NATO troops stationed there, so it is


naive to think he wants to fan the flames of a civil war. He has


realised what is at stake and is sounding more conciliatory with the


threat of a wider sanctions and it is destabilising to other regions in


Russia. The sad thing about Ukraine is that they are constantly having


to choose between independence and economic survival. Ukraine is going


to be moved towards the West and Russia is going to squeeze Ukraine


and gas prices, which is going to kill the industry in the East. Aim


March the company has already `` there is a deadline coming up in a


week or two and that will really squeeze industry, chemical plants in


the East, which... Putin has unleashed forces that he cannot


control. No`one can control those forces. He ultimately secured his


geopolitical goal by stalling Ukraine's close integration to the


European Union. Ukraine is a country under the occupation, because


Crimea, he annexed by Russia in March, will prevent it from having


any deeper cooperation with NATO, and that is his ultimate goal.


Ukraine among `` Ukraine no longer matters, it is unable to decide its


future. We will stick with this area, because I want to come onto


the diplomatic row between Britain and Moscow over remarks by Prince


Charles, apparently comparing Vladimir Putin to Hitler. Russia


suffered greatly in the war against the Nazis, but Russians talk much


less about the Nazi Soviet pact which dismembered Poland and divided


Eastern Europe between two indicators. What ever we think about


Putin, should be British heir to the throne keep his mouth shut? You


wrote a book about the Queen. You should be aware. I'd disagree but we


have to have another programme to discuss that. We have to be careful


to come up with `` not to come up with easy comparisons. This is not a


Kebler situation. This is a situation where Russia helps herself


to the opening of a territory. `` a Kebler situation. She is not


preparing a new war as Hitler did, that it is a battle between


influences, which is not quite the same as the Hitler design on Europe


at the time. Why do you think he is wrong? The whole basis of European


security for decades has been getting away from this idea about


rules `based order. Putin and Hitler are clearly different, and as Mark


trait `` as Mark Twain said, history does not repeat itself. Let's be


clear, this is a race aced politic that Putin is adopting now. Russian


speakers? It is similar to the way Putin talked about the racial idea,


it does not matter which country you live in, whether you like it or not,


it is very similar. The question I was raising is, whether the heir to


the throne should say such things. I'd personally think he should have


kept quiet, knowing that there were journalists around. Whether you


think he is right to make that comparison or not, it is fanning the


claims of Cold War rhetoric that is not helping the situation and is


only encouraging Russian nationalism within Russia. I'd agree that


historical comparisons are very slippery. I have seen other people


say he is more about Melissa pitch than he is like Hitler, which I've


think is probably more true, but I'd do not think you can make these


easy, cliched comparisons of Hitler. Putin is much more bumbling


and reactive and does not have a scary world vision. I think he saw


what was happening in Ukraine, sought a corrupt regime `` saw a


current regime toppled quickly and thought, oh, this could happen in


Russia. He has a dangerous world vision, which is reading Eurasia as


opposed to Europe. `` creating. He is promoting a so`called Russian


orthodox world will stop he knows what he is doing `` world. He knows


that he is doing when he is annexing Crimea or destabilising Ukraine to


prevent it from moving closer to Europe. The question about whether


or not he should be compared to Hitler, in a private conversation,


let's not forget, it was a private comment, and Prince Charles was


speaking to a woman who lost her whole family in the Holocaust and


she only survived because she emigrated to the in 1939, so it was


Smalltalk, but it is never Smalltalk with the Royal Family, because there


could be journalists lurking, but Clarence House keeps quiet, he will


keep quiet. It is the media storm, a storm in a teacup or a glass of


water, blood out of proportion, but it raises the issue of whether or


not we are allowed to speak our mind. Nobody else is saying it.


There are similarities, he is right. There are not parallels, but


similarities to the attitude of destabilising neighbours. Our


politicians are too scared to say that. You are accusing the Prime


Minister of appeasement. I wouldn't go so far. There is it points to be


made that it might be a good thing sometimes not to say what you think


in order to achieve some ultimate goal. What happened when cartoons of


Mohammed were not printed in British media. You would have said that with


cowardice. It was understandable that they did not want to inflame


the situation even more than it already was at the time. There might


be a point to be made that, while the comparison might hold some


truth, it does not behoove the heir to the throne... We are now in the


era where we have Sudeten Russians, I have heard said. The thing that is


why Prince Charles's remarks had such legs and made such an impact,


because he was saying something that lots of people were thinking but


politicians are too scared to say. The grandmother of Nick Clegg lived


under Nazi occupation in Hollins, and like the Royal Family, has at


his history, and said we should not make parallels. Why not? We should


be alerting the public that this is the most dangerous European security


situation we have had for decades. We are being namby`pamby. That


argument can be made without having to resuscitate the spirit of Hitler.


There isn't the famous thing about arguments, that at some point,


Hitler will come up and that will spoil the debate. I think it is a


cliche. We can take on the seriousness of what Putin has done


in the security implications. It just serves to divide and inflame


tensions and emotions rather than focus people's mines on the serious


security concerns at hand. That is eight for this week. We will be back


next week at the same time. You can comment on this the's programme on


Twitter. Goodbye. The chapter you can comment on this programme and ``


you can comment on this programme on Twitter. Goodbye.


Just because I have this particular sphere behind me does not mean to


say that the whole holiday weekend is by any means a complete


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