Rebecca Gomperts - Director, Women on Waves HARDtalk

Rebecca Gomperts - Director, Women on Waves

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detained around 90 people. Time now for HARDtalk with Zeinab


Badawi. Welcome to HARDtalk. Its access to


abortion a human right for women everywhere in the world? Women on


Waves has provided abortions and contraception to women who live in


countries where terminating pregnancy is illegal or restricted.


The organisation was set up by Dutch doctor Rebecca Gomperts who hires a


ship, registered under Dutch law, and sails into it that ``


international water. How do she justify helping women ignore the own


climate in their countries? Doctor Rebecca Gomperts, welcome to


HARDtalk. Thank you very much. Abortion is a controversial issue,


why did you take it up as a cause? As a woman and a doctor I met Winnie


`` many women suffering from abortion. It is one of the main


problems for women worldwide. I believe it is a right, the right to


autonomy is violated if the women are not capable of deciding about


our lives. You are struck by the figures, WHO says 21.7 million


people that women have illegal abortions every year. Was that the


figures you found? When I started the figures were even higher. When a


medical abortion, abortion by pills, was introduced more widely


the death rate has dropped significantly. It is not just the


women who are dying. 8 million women have to be hospitalised and suffer


from long`term consequences. But also girls have to quit school when


they are pregnant and cannot have a safe abortion and are forced to


carry a pregnancy to term. It is a social injustice, for me. You are


responding as a women's campaigner but as a doctor you know a lot of


your fellow doctors find abortion rather unpalatable. Some he


represents this body and says there we are in a hospital trying to save


the life of a premature baby born at 21 weeks and down the corridor in


the hospital there are women coming in to abort babies at up to 24


weeks, that is here in the UK. How can anyone say that make sense? They


are two very different situations a woman is. When a child is wanted it


is awful when there is a premature birth. When it is an unwanted


pregnancy a woman should not need to die she was to have a safe abortion.


That is what is happening. You see any conflict, as a doctor, rather


than in prolonging life you are terminating it. I am there to


support the life of the women. I do not see a conflict. When women have


an unwanted pregnancy they will end it no matter what. Women that have


money can go to a doctor that will help them for a lot of money. It is


a social justice issue. For women who do not have access to


information who are forced to do it unsafely with knitting needles or


poisons. Abortion can be so safe, for example when it is done by


medicines. It is the safest medical procedure that exists. You back


abortion in any case, a lifestyle choice, not performing and abortion


to save the life of the mother because the fetus is in some it not


viable. I wonder whether you come in your late 20s, you are on the record


as saying it had an abortion because it did not seek to live at the time


to have a child. I am wondering whether your own experience


influences what you do. I wish all women who had abortions would


support abortion rights and stand for it. The reality in the world is


that every woman has an abortion once in her lifetime. That is not


true, is it, not every woman. Not every woman has an abortion, but


statistically, the number of abortions, there are statistically


every woman would have an abortion once in her lifetime. In the


Netherlands, one in five women has an abortion. Some women have more


than one and some have none at all. As a doctor as an abortion fighter I


have had many times were a woman has come to me and said I am against


abortion but my situation is different. It is that the


fundamentals this issue. Nobody really knows what it is to have an


unwanted pregnancy unless you are in that situation. That is why movie


can decide this for anybody else. This is a decision that a woman can


only make herself because she knows what it means to her and her


life... Women to undertake the decision, navy does... Nervy knows


what they would decide when they have situation. What people think is


that most women who have abortions, most of them have children. You are


now the mother of two young children. Did that change of use? It


did not change might use in any way. `` view. I could even understand


better. It is very demanding to have children. It is beautiful. But her


mother wants to give their children everything she can when she feels


she cannot give everything that she was to give to a child, that is the


moment that she decides... You believe access to abortion is


essentially a right for all women wherever they live. It is a human


right. You know there are those like Dan Scanlon from a Pro Life UK


charity that says they cannot be a human right to abortion because of


the unborn child. There are two rights were talking up the rights of


the unborn child versus the rights of the mother. The way that


countries have solved that is to say that where the fetus has the


possibility to survive outside the womb, which is 20` 24 weeks, that is


where the right of the fetus and of the mother or a less equal Sir if


the mother 's life is in danger she can still have an abortion. The rest


of the time it is the woman's life that prevails. You see it as a


clear`cut issue. Again quoting this British doctor, no one was to see


backstreet abortions, but there is not a clear`cut answer. I wonder if


you see something that is quite grey free lot of people as a fairly


clear`cut issue. `` for a lot of people. I understand if people are


feeling strongly, and most of these are religious views, I think science


has shown that there is no consciousness of the fetus and


things like that. I can understand they feel passionate about it. My


reality is the reality of the women. No woman will be stopped by a


law or anybody else when she needs to have an abortion. You can flip


the science either way. Professor Stuart Campbell perform scans every


day of the week says that what eight fetus can do or feel also warned we


find it is earlier and earlier. I do not want to go down that medical


issue. You see it as a clear`cut issue. Do you have any sympathy or


understanding of the point of view? Do you see any merit in the argument


of those opposed to abortion? Abortion is not a choice or write it


is murder, the denial of the right life. You have any truck with that


kind of view? I do not. I see that women is desperate and women are


desperate to end their pregnancy and they need help. And women if they do


not get proper medical care they will do it themselves and they will


die as a result. Again, it is the women that are poor who do not have


access to information or money, women who have money can travel to


other countries... In 1999 new setup women on ways which gets a ship


registered under Dutch law, because abortion is legal in Dutch law, you


go to international waters and then women can come onto that ship and


you can provide not a surgical abortions, but with abortion pills


up to 6.5 weeks of pregnancy. You have helped quite a few women like


that. A Dutch anti`abortion group says that what you do is more about


promoting an ideology than helping people. What you say to that? I


think that if we are talking about promoting knowledge `` ideology that


is what he does. He is a very fundamentalist Christian. People


want to impose their views on others. The difference with women on


ways is that we give an option for women. We are not forcing anybody to


have an abortion. The people who do not want to have an abortion do not


have to have one. It is the women who need one who can access it. I


think it is the difference between the anti`abortion rights groups and


the abortion rights groups is that we are providing the option for


decision. The people who are against abortion want to impose their views


on what they believe is right and wrong on women. Women, whether they


are Catholic, Muslim, whatever religion they have abortions. You


say you provide choice. You have been to various countries, but in


2005 you set up a women on wet. This was information provided on the


Internet where you can prescribe the anti`abortion pill to women which


you post to them. They have to answer 25 questions. And then you


give them one of these two drugs. Isn't that dangerous allowing women


to get access to this kind of medication? Went `` medical abortion


is a very safe procedure. The pills are on the essential list of


medicines, so they are recognised as a life`saving medicines. It is a


safer than using penicillin. The accommodation of these drugs is very


safe. You think there is no danger at all. If you look at the National


abortion Federation website it talks about possible side effects of one


of the drugs, pain, cramps, convocations, I read that it also


may include infections and incomplete abortions that may


subsequently require surgical procedures, suction, in other


words... It is similar to a miscarriage and has the same health


risks. Most women handle a miscarriage by themselves. 20% of


pregnancies end in spontaneous miscarriage. What about the other


80%? You can actually plan and be near a place where there is medical


care. The incompleteness of the abortion pill that I am talking


about, whereby this Federation says you may require suction and that is


surgical, is a woman going to present herself in a country where


abortion is illegal to say I did not finish my DIY abortion myself. We


are advising women if they have complaints, and it is very rare if


they have complaints, it is rare if is an incomplete abortion and need


for a surgical abortion, we advise women to say they have a spontaneous


abortion. The doctor will not see the difference. With the abortion


with pills that is almost never a real medical emergency which needs


to be addressed immediately. But do you know that? Another person, from


the Irish Family Planning Association, these drugs are safe


but women taking them on there own sometimes do not know what they are


actually taking. You do not know what the consequences might be of


some of those tens of thousands of women who have applied for these


drugs through your website. Yes, we do know. We follow up. We know how


it goes. You can only provide this for women who are up to nine weeks


pregnant. Do you know if the women are more advanced? You do not know


because it is very the Internet. This is a service based on trust.


She could be 16, 18, 20 weeks pregnant. If I ask you if you are


allergic to penicillin and you say no but you know you are... Every


relationship between a doctor and a patient is based on trust. Women are


usually very scared and concerned about that health. They do not know


what he implication is if they're pregnant any longer. Some may not


know. Especially if you have an adverse `` adolescent. We advise


women to do an ultrasound before so they know how far along. But they


may not want to present themselves to an ultrasound. I do not say they


will not be these cases. The women who reach out to us either direct,


have access to Internet. `` the correct. Most women are able to


determine their pregnancy quite accurately. If you have an abortion


as a woman, you face a prison sentence of five to ten years. A


doctor, 15 years. How do you feel about helping women raped the laws


of their own country? `` great the laws. For some women, this is the


only option they have. They're extremely grateful. You are putting


them at risk of being arrested. We do not know. If that is a problem,


we men can present themselves to a hospital and say they have had a


miscarriage. It is exactly the same. Virtue except you are helping them


break the law because you think the law is a bad one. I do. If you look


at it in the broader perspective of human rights, the way to healthcare


is a human right. These women are denied. This happens in democratic,


legitimate governments. Ireland, abortion is severely restricted.


These governments have come into power, reflect things be different


positions on abortion the country shares. It does not mean it is


within the international human rights standards. I do not think the


fact that the country is democratic... The majority cannot


make this decision. You like to be part of the political campaign when


it comes to discussing abortion in the country. You put abortion very


high on the political agenda for the election, the following year. With


the women in waves work, it is. Abortion was legalised in Portugal


two years later. But a country like Morocco, 2012, you are blocked from


entering the country. US heavily criticised by one particular NGO


that supports abortion. But they said they want to stop clandestinely


abortion because it is dangerous. They say your tactics are


provocative, they create a scandal and they did not help his


organisation and finds the cause for legal abortion. This has been a


criticism. We worked with a group, a civil rights organisation in


Morocco, who invited us to come. We only go to countries by the


invitation of local women organisations. Before we came, he


said he supported the campaign. Only when the ship came in, he withdrew


the support. It came from internal political issues. He demonstrates


the point that you have an indigenous organisation that does


not believe luxury apportions the tech place because they endanger the


lives of women. `` backstreet abortions take place. There are


something like 78 deaths a year from unsafe abortions. He prefers a


different method. He has a meeting lined up with parliamentarians in


Morocco. Did you except that you are eye`catching, provocative tactics,


as he says, are perhaps counter`productive and maybe there


is an alternative way? There are women in Morocco who needs of


abortions. The situation is interesting in Morocco. In the


pharmacies, you can buy medicines that you can use to do and abortion


yourself. Women did not know about this, the doctor did not know about


this. One of the aims is to launch a hotline for women to cause to get


information on how many of these drugs they need and how to take


them. The hotline is getting a lot of calls. You are a Dutch doctor.


Liberal views, quite different. People may think you are a Trojan


horse, that you want to bring in liberal ideas on sexuality. Are you


the right champion of this cause? We are working together with


organisations that are fighting for the same causes. It is not like it


does not exist at all in the society. There are groups fighting


to legalise abortion in Morocco. We work with them. There are different


Dix won the news. The doctor's tactics have not led to the


legalisation of abortion for the past ten years. This was a different


way with a different goal. We have had a lot of support from


organisations and people in Morocco. A different way to achieve the goal,


use a. You were an active member of Greenpeace. They have their campaign


of civil disobedience. Generally speaking, using any kind of civil


disobedience, our campaigns are acceptable if the objective is


desirable? When it is about achieving human rights or a social


justice, acting civil disobedience is a Dick that is acceptable. The


problem at the moment is a lot of intolerance from governments to


civil disobedience, like in Russia. Also Julian Assange. Do you think


any tactics are acceptable? What about the topless campaigns in


Russia. They use their sexuality this way. If that is their choice,


and it does not harm anybody, I do not see why it is not acceptable.


What is different about our work is that it is helping women. It is


giving women the access to medical abortion is that they need. It is


not just civil disobedience or a media campaign. It is really


providing services. Where everyone stands on the abortion debate, you


have shown extreme commitment to your callers. You have learned very


little money personally. You find it difficult to raise funds because if


women cannot afford to pay, they get the service for free. It is a


nonprofit organisation. You struggle to make money. Do you ever feel like


giving up? No. Every e`mail that we get from a woman in need of support,


help, is the reason to continue. We receive more than 130 e`mails ``


130,000 e`mails per year. A lot of women know how to find us. All over


the world. They're the reason we are existing. Thank you very much.


The damaging storm which we had during the early hours of Monday


continues to spread East into


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